Jim Giles: White Entertainment Channel

Jim Giles: Follow Me

Jim Giles remains our favorite personality on what we have started to call the White Entertainment Channel. Ever since the Edgar Steele meltdown with Pastor Lindstedt, Jim has been on a roll, which each episode more hilarious and over the top than the previous one. We tune into RFM every day around here.

No one does “crazy” like this guy. On this morning’s episode, Jim Giles had a few kind words to say about this website. Apparently, Giles followed a trackback here and found the Roid Rage: Jim Giles Chimps Out thread from a month ago.

After spending a few minutes attacking Søren Renner as a “goofy” and “puny” man (why I couldn’t tell you), Jim’s “bluetick nose” led him to other subjects, namely to making further crank calls, rambling on about Jesus, and crowing over his newfound moral superiority.

In his own words, Jim Giles is the “King Kong” of moral superiority now.

RFM has been highly entertaining lately. These broadcasts will be an invaluable source to historians and sociologists of the White Advocacy movement. The Frankfurt School would have had a field day with Jim Giles.

Talk about an “Authoritarian Personality.”

Favorite Moments

Alex Linder: Pushed Off The Bridge

1.) After denouncing the “White Money Movement” from December to February, Jim Giles is soliciting donations on Radio Free Mississippi and has successfully raised over $500 dollars. He didn’t “want your f***ing money” until his grandfather died and the pension check stopped coming in the mail.

2.) Last month, Jim Giles (who likes to fashion himself as “Sherlock Holmes”) determined that Edgar Steele was guilty of trying to murder his wife. Jim saw a photo of Steele and determined that he must be guilty on the definitive evidence that he “looked funny.”

3.) Jim’s latest hobby horse is attacking the “Spooky White Nationalist Movement.” The scary people in the White Nationalist movement are warding off ordinary people.

Spooky, huh?

A month ago, Jim Giles was screaming in his trailer at the top of his lungs that Edgar Steele “ain’t no stud horse” and threatened to “break his neck” on the air. As of this morning, he is a “radical” in his opposition to violence who “stands next to Jesus.”

In my radio interview, Jim was looking for soldiers and police officers who (like Wyatt Earp in the Wild West) are constitutionally obligated to exterminate the Jews and other “domestic enemies.” He was also posting death scene photos without permission on his website.

4.) A few days ago, Jim Giles determined that Alex Linder is the “Supreme Leader of the Spooky White Nationalist Movement” and was forced to “push Alex off the bridge” after Linder refused to answer his calls or give him any new interviews.

5.) After denouncing writing as inferior to radio for months, Giles bought a vBulletin and installed a blog and forum, which is now the centerpiece of his website.

6.) Jim rambled on for weeks about his “AJAN” (Anti-Jew, Anti-Nigger) campaign. “AJAN” was the only strategy for White Advocates to follow. Then the General “appeared to him in a dream” and convinced Jim to abandon “AJAN” in favor of “Operation Apple Pie.”

7.) Last weekend, the “King Kong” of moral superiority, a 51 year old man, was hitting on a 20 year old girl in the grocery store, who of course rejected him, much to his dismay.

8.) “Hadding” was “forum arrested” and sent to the “Mississippi Department of Corrections” for the crime of “enthusiasm” and “sycophancy.” Giles installed a vBulletin on his website for he could bully people in cyberspace.

9.) In one memorable episode, Jim announced he was looking for “neo-haters” and “neo-white supremacists,” and labeled himself a “neo-hater.”

10.) “Operation Apple Pie” consists of screaming about the “puny little fucking pussies” and “effeminate males” and “sissy men” and “fucking niggers.”

11.) Jim called into the Rush Limbaugh Show and got into a fight with Bo Snerdley (the black call screener).

12.) Jim barked on his show this morning.

13.) After ranting and raving about “intellectual pussies,” Jim announced on his forum that he was looking for “top drawer racial minds.”

14.) In preparation for his “Operation Apple Pie” door-to-door campaign for the Mississippi House of Representatives, Jim announced on the air that he looks down on his constituents whom he considers inferior.

A Likeable Guy

The purpose of this thread wasn’t to bash Jim Giles or criticize what he is doing at RFM. As I said above, I consider myself a fan of the show and tune in on a daily basis. If nothing else, Giles is a talented entertainer and deserves whatever financial success he accrues through his efforts at White Advocacy.

Unlike most White Advocates, Jim Giles has articulated a strategy: run for your state house on an AJAN/”Operation Apple Pie” platform. Giles also stands out from the field because he has run (unsuccessfully) for political office in Mississippi several times before. I will give him points for at least trying.

Among his virtues, Jim Giles is transparent, honest, and genuine. He lets it all hang out. It is refreshing to hear someone “tell it like it is” or say exactly what he thinks. Most people have the forethought to think before they speak, especially professional politicians, but not Jim Giles, whose every human emotion is telegraphed through the microphone before the synapses finish firing in his brain.

Character is another area where Jim Giles receives high marks. Unlike most White Advocates, Jim stands up for what he believes in the real world. I will give him credit for that too.


In many ways, Jim Giles is a microcosm of the White Nationalist movement. He happens to be right most of the time.

– The General, for example, offers sound advice: there is always something you could be doing that you are not doing to improve your situation. Similarly, there is always something you shouldn’t be doing.

– Jim is right to call attention to black-on-white crime.

– Jim is right to call attention to Jewish influence.

– Jim is right about Judeo-Christianity.

– Jim is right about character being the main issue.

– Jim is right that taking an anti-Christian position is the “kiss of death” to the White movement.

– Jim is right that Alex Linder is “spooky” and needs to be “pushed off the bridge” for the greater good.

– Jim is right that most intellectuals are useless.

– Jim is right about the mainstream media being a domestic enemy.

– Jim has many criticisms of the White Nationalist movement that are on target.

Rhetorical Radicals

Stephen Hawking: Paralyzed Genius

White Advocates often remind me of the physicist Stephen Hawking who suffers from muscular dystrophy. They are paralyzed geniuses.

Jim Giles is right on issue after issue. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the temperament to do anything effective about those issues. It is more emotionally satisfying to express his individuality before a small listening audience in the heat of the moment than to reach a larger audience with a more patient and tactful message.

Similarly, the “radicalism” of White Advocates consists almost exclusively of empty rhetorical posturing in virtual reality. Their strategy consists of bombarding the enemy position with electrons until they throw in the towel and surrender a sizable chunk of North America.

To which the enemy responds by ignoring and dismissing them as a threat.

Radical Realism

In stark contrast, Van Jones (Obama’s fallen Green Jobs Czar) became a “radical realist” after his flirtation with communism. He learned to work within the system and to push moderates in a more radical direction:

“Right after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat if the civil rights leaders had jumped out and said, ‘OK now we want reparations for slavery, we want redistribution of all the wealth, and we want to legalize mixed marriages.’ If we’d come out with a maximum program the very next day, they’d been laughed at. Instead they came out with a very minimum. ‘We just want to integrate these buses.’

“But, inside that minimum demand was a very radical kernel that eventually meant that from 1964 to 1968 complete revolution was on the table for this country. And, I think that this green movement has to pursue those same steps and stages.

Right now we say we want to move from suicidal gray capitalism to something eco-capitalism where at least we’re not fast-tracking the destruction of the whole planet. Will that be enough? No, it won’t be enough. We want to go beyond the systems of exploitation and oppression altogether.

But, that’s a process and I think that’s what’s great about the movement that is beginning to emerge is that the crisis is so severe in terms of joblessness, violence and now ecological threats that people are willing to be both pragmatic and visionary. So the green economy will start off as a small subset and we are going to push it and push it and push it until it becomes the engine for transforming the whole society.”

The difference between “rhetorical radicalism” and “radical realism” is that the latter is effective whereas the former is ineffective. White Advocates are light years away from such an understanding of politics. Their opponents mastered the art of pushing the envelope decades ago.

Final Thoughts

White Advocates don’t have the patience to push the envelope and work within the system, but their rhetorical radicalism can be highly entertaining. Who can forget Bill White, World Commander of National Socialism, Hal Turner with his Earthquake Machine, or Matt Hale, the Pontifex Maximus of Creativity?

Keep up the good work, Jimmy. You really do have the only show in town.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. When I first came across Jim Giles, he was running for some political office and saying that blacks would vote for him, because he could identify with them because he played football with blacks in high school.

    Matt Hale had a silly title but was definitely one of the smartest of the bunch, and managed to build up a decent sized organization and found ways to take advantage of legal rights granted to religions, never really said any crazy or screwy stuff.

    These other guys are hilarious though. It’s like watching professional wrestling, only most of them don’t know how ridiculous they actually are.

    Søren Renner has some funny videos on youtube but his radio show is boring. Maybe he should co-host a show with Jim Giles.

  2. I did listen to Gileshire months back and sort of enjoyed him from time to time. I was on the fence about what I thought he was. Was he controlled oppostion,an FBI shill? Soemthing just did not add up with that “Big Farm Boy” He had many different personalities on his show,some heavy weights, how did he get them to agree toon his show? If you listened to his interviews they are almost like an interigation, very profesional and government like. He would bash David Duke all day, and yyet when Pollack? I believe that was his name from Southern Poverty Law Center was on, he rolled out the red carpet and treated him wonderful.

    My last straw with him was a few months back, when he said Dr.William Pierce was a sissy because he liked cats and that George Lincoln Rockwell was no leader and looked like an idiot with a pipe. I couldn’t believe those two comments made by Gileshire. George Lincoln Rockwell was the embodyment of a leader and a great man and Dr. Pierce has been proven to be correct on 99% of his writtings and speeches. So I figured Giles had to be controled oppostion to steer people away from those two men. Niggers are not our major problem, sure we must deal with them sometime, our problem is and has always been the communist,marxist,jews. Giles did finally mention them alittle but by then I gave up on this lunatic. Is Giles controlled oppostion? Maybe, I can’t say for sure, but something smells funny around that boy and it isn’t the goats he keeps in his trailer.

  3. I think this was an unnecessary post and that it hurts us all that our bruised egos take precedence over our shared mission. You offered 10 reasons why Jim is right; perhaps he is right about “operation apple pie,” also?

    Grow up, hit the gym, and stop sowing dissent amongst whites.


  4. ROFLMAO! I just turned the guy off two days ago. I couldn’t listen to him anymore after he “got jesus”. It was hilarious listening to him try to sway a judeo-christian pastor into denouncing interracial relationships like an idiot.

    But between the moronic banterings, the 80’s “I flew through the danger zone” music and a fantasy politico doctrine based on “apple pie fire”, I finally can’t take it anymore! I turned it off, permanently…

  5. I think Jim Giles has done a lot of really good interviews – he is best when he is interviewing other people and he gets through to book good guests like BNP leader Nick Griffin, he had some mainstream people on – the editor of Harpers Magazine.
    My interview with Jim Giles went pretty well.

    I do think the whole American WN “movement” gets to be dysfunctional and this has brought Jim Giles down at times.

    That said, I wish him and his show success and hope people will not bash him here.

  6. Yes…unnecessary post here. Not long ago you were insulted by this man, in a radio interview. This is an attack – maybe justified, maybe not…but an attack nonetheless.
    This is what Harold Covington refers to when he talks of ‘goat-dancing’, in the white nationalist movement…the proclivity to focus on internal disagreements, rather than uniting against the common enemy.

    Boring. Sorry

  7. My advice is to just ignore Jim Giles. It lowers the otherwise excellent content of this site to even link to him or discuss him. If we all ignore him maybe he will go away.

  8. I enjoyed the first part of this article very much. I can’t say that I agree with your analysis. I still don’t know what to make of Jim Giles and RFM. But, I do know that he flip flops so much, if I miss a few shows, I don’t know where he is coming from. That, to me, is not a sign of character, especially in a man of his age.

    I am all for white, Christian nations but Jim Giles’ sudden transformation into the self appointed leader of this movement is… uh… CRAZY.

  9. Another flip – This morning Jim Giles said that he was taking “White Nationalist” off his “White Nationalist News” page.

  10. I’m not sure how anyone got the impression that this was an attack. Didn’t I say that I was a fan of the show? I also said that Jim was right most of the time and had admirable qualities.

  11. Mike,

    I said above Jim was right about lots of issues. Like most White Advocates, Jim is right about many things, but he doesn’t have the personality or temperament to do anything about it.

  12. Simply amazing that anyone can listen to this guy for more than 10 minutes and not realize it’s a complete act. There’s ZERO chance that this guy is serious and/or ZERO chance that this guy is not certifiably crazy. ZERO

    Why was the Mark Potok interview not mentioned? If there’s one example that should be used to judge this closet homo, it’s the Potok interview. Giles pretty much gave the first on-air handjob that I’ve ever heard in my life. How could you prop yourself up as being such a great defender of White interests, and then turn around and massage Potok’s credibility while on air? It’s an impossible combination that could only be presented by someone ‘on a payroll’ or someone who’s Grade A batshit crazy.

    The disease that affects the American pro-White “movement” the most is that there will be people claiming that this homo speaks some truth, therefore, he must be afforded some kind of credibility on those grounds.

  13. The best comment in this thread so far:
    My advice is to just ignore Jim Giles. It lowers the otherwise excellent content of this site to even link to him or discuss him

    Runners-up for best comment:
    it hurts us all that our egos take precedence over our shared mission.
    unnecessary post here…the proclivity to focus on internal disagreements [hurts us]

    Isn’t it “hobbyism” to discuss personalities at such long length like this? What does it accomplish? There’s some spots of great content in the post, but unfortunately the focus is on a personality [whether positive or negative] and is therefore a waste of time.

  14. It is highly significant that Jim Giles has the best radio show in the White Nationalist movement. Likewise, it is highly significant that the NSM is the largest, most active pro-White organization in America.

    If you read the thread, you will see that I used Jim Giles to frame the larger substantive issue, which is the contrast between “rhetorical radicals” and “radical realists.” The point is that extreme rhetoric is emotionally satisfying to the individual, but an inefficient mode of persuasion with a more moderate audience.

  15. How many people actually listen to this guy? I sure as hell don’t and I bet 99% of the people who post on Stormfront, Amren or even VNN don’t either.

  16. Giles: a White man being driven semi crazy by the insanely hot, tropical August heat and humidity in Mississippi. I bet he calms down a whole lot during the cooler months: check out his shows from fall, winter, and early spring – they are likely much calmer. Whites aren’t meant to live in tropical climes like Mississippi during blazing summer months, it drives them a little nuts.

    I bet he’s also at least partially FED sponsored, picked up where Turner left off. Anybody who drones that much about ‘the niggers’ isn’t a serious person: yeah, he’s in Mississippi, the state with the highest percentage of Blacks in America, but still. The main enemy of Whites is organized Jewry and mass Asian immigration, not 85IQ Blacks.

    Maybe he’s a Satanist too? Why else the goats?

  17. “Isn’t it “hobbyism” to discuss personalities at such long length like this? What does it accomplish? There’s some spots of great content in the post, but unfortunately the focus is on a personality [whether positive or negative] and is therefore a waste of time.”

    I think the underlying theme is that without the discussion of these freakish personalities(whether Jim Giles, the NSM, or whatever vocal weirdo-of-the-week is mouthing off) there wouldn’t be much to talk about or get behind in terms of being a physical presence in the real world.

    The pro-White movement in America is simply no more potent or a realistic option to normal, sane people than the next moron that comes along with a bullhorn(JT Ready, for example) and an ability to give the impression of a perfect media caricature.

    At some point the fringe has to be properly addressed, because that fringe will be tied directly to any seemingly logical approach you decide to take. The fact that social misfits can grab a bullhorn, spit and scream some rhetoric under the guise of a ‘pro-White’ agenda, and get a few followers to rally behind them is really a non issue. But, the fact that a more moderate and reasonable personality type can do things in a less caustic way under the same guise of being pro-White and get even FEWER followers is a HUGE issue. Either the premise of anything “pro-White” is faulty, or the moderate ones do a piss poor job of promoting themselves and being progressive enough to form a visible divide with the fringe.

    I already know pro-White attitudes exist in abundance. I’ve talked to enough people to realize that it’s NOT the notion of ‘White Pride’ that’s the obstacle. It’s the fact that they believe White Pride is synonymous with Nazi, KKK, hate, social misfit, etc. Guess what? They’re right, because that seems to be the only thing they can find when looking for this magical pro-White “movement” that doesn’t seem to exist, or at least doesn’t really move at all.

  18. “Why else the goats?”

    Well, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that he’s probably not much of a ladies man.

  19. Hunter – I agree that there is a lot that might be done from ‘within the system’. We didn’t get to our present racial state through some overnight revolution. As much as communist radicals liked to talk, and continue to talk, about a glorious revolution, it is not their efforts that have pushed us to this condition. We have been beaten by those that work within the system through creeping, incremental changes.

    That aside, what – if anything – do you think that explicitly white advocacy can do today? I do not mean NSM circuses or anything like that. People that are explicit in their message, but know that an in-your-face call for a ‘maximum program’ does not work for us. i.e. people like you, presumably your associates/friends, Jared Taylor, etc. If we take it as a given that 1) a ‘maximum program’ is not an effective explicit message and 2) most WNs, if they do anything for our cause, will only do so ‘implicitly’/’within the system’, then what is a worthwhile use for the time and labor of those few who are willing to take real world action for our explicitly racial cause?

  20. What Jim Giles does well is he is more masculine than your typical nerdish internet WN. He is also courageous in that he isn’t afraid of confrontation and gets some high profile guests.

    Unfortunately his negatives far outweigh his positives and he’s unstable and very angry. He also doesn’t appear smart enough to understand what he’s doing wrong or how to manage his plethora of personal issues. His pettiness and jealousy cloud his judgment such as his denouncement of Duke merely because Duke didn’t support him, which Duke was correct in doing from a political standpoint.

    His behavior and choice of who to associate with show that his moral compass is completely broken.

  21. What Celestial Time said basically sums it up:

    I already know pro-White attitudes exist in abundance. I’ve talked to enough people to realize that it’s NOT the notion of ‘White Pride’ that’s the obstacle. It’s the fact that they believe White Pride is synonymous with Nazi, KKK, hate, social misfit, etc. Guess what? They’re right, because that seems to be the only thing they can find when looking for this magical pro-White “movement” that doesn’t seem to exist, or at least doesn’t really move at all.

    Personally I began looking for pro-white sites on the net over ten years ago. All there really was at the time was Stormfront. While it was a relief to find people who were pro-white, the obvious problems with Stormfront, that we don’t have to list again, turned me off, and I’m sure that story has been repeated for many, many other people.

    I could have put my money where my mouth is and start my own site, and I actually did start a blog along time ago, and quickly realized after a few posts I’m not nearly a good enough writer to do it, to be honest.

    Anyway, we do need interesting personalities in the movement à la James Edwards, instead of over-the-top guy like Giles or at the other extreme, dreadfully boring intellectuals. (don’t worry Trainspotter, I know we need them too 😉

  22. A new TIME-Magazine poll is out. It shows that 24% of Americans believe B.H.Obama is really a Muslim despite his claims of Christianity. Only 47% respond that they believe he is Christian. A Pew-poll found even fewer believed we is Christian (34%).

    This is incredible, it feels mildly seditious even repeating the poll’s results, for God’s sake. This is wild stuff, confirming what Wallace has been saying for weeks now.

    But hey, maybe people will google “Jim Giles” and not the “Is Obama a crypto-Muslim” issue they’d heard about in the news, I guess it’s just the toss of a coin.

  23. typo:
    A Pew-poll found even fewer believed **he** is Christian (34%).

    –> Why isn’t there a Preview button? 🙁
    This comment-form is not the most user-friendly.

  24. @ Hunter

    “It is highly significant that Jim Giles has the best radio show in the White Nationalist movement.”

    You think Giles’ show is the best WN show? Really?

    By far, I think the Political Cesspool is the best radio show dealing with white nationalist topics. They call themselves “pale0-conservatives” (I can’t remember if they’ve ever called themselves white nationalists) but they also talk explicitly about advocating for whites.

    After the Political Cesspool, I think Derek Black’s show is worth a listen. And then there are some good shows on Voice of Reason too.

    None of them are perfect, but all of them are better than Giles’ show in terms of substance. In terms of getting some yucks from listening to a strange funny person ranting and raving, then yes, Giles wins.

    I’ve yet to hear a WN radio show that follows the simple conservative talk radio model successfully: one or two engaging personalities talking in an entertaining way about current events from an explicitly white nationalist point of view. The Political Cesspool comes closest.

  25. The Political Cesspool might be the brightest thing on the horizon that I’ve seen in my time observing this movement. Several CNN appearances for James Edwards, write-ups in the national media (ranging from hit-pieces in Time and The-Economist to neutral write-ups in World-Net-Daily), successfully racializing discourse re the Sheriff Babeu incident and others. No clownery, only results. They broke the story of the Hawaii elections clerk who confirmed there is no B.H.Obama birth certificate in the Hawaii vaults a few months ago. They engage the community successfully, actually drawing paid sponsors from legitimate local businesses.

    One thing the Political Cesspool guys don’t do is waste time talking about various personalities. They have a series of news issues and provide often-humorous commentary on them, mocking the absurdities of enforced-multiracialism. They have guests to do substantive interviews. I can’t remember them even once chewing the fat gossiping about some “movement” personality.

  26. Hunter Wallace wrote:
    If you read the thread, you will see that I used Jim Giles to frame the larger substantive issue, which is the contrast between “rhetorical radicals” and “radical realists.” The point is that extreme rhetoric is emotionally satisfying to the individual, but an inefficient mode of persuasion with a more moderate audience.

    I agree, and when you got around to it in the OP it was solid stuff. But the way the entry is structured, it’s basically a gossipy puff piece about a personality, primarily. The analysis is almost an afterthought. Sorry, but that’s just the way I read it.

  27. “Giles: a White man being driven semi crazy by the insanely hot, tropical August heat and humidity in Mississippi. I bet he calms down a whole lot during the cooler months: check out his shows from fall, winter, and early spring – they are likely much calmer. Whites aren’t meant to live in tropical climes like Mississippi during blazing summer months, it drives them a little nuts.”

    Mississippi certainly has very hot summers, but it is not Tropical! It is probably not much (if any) hotter than Greece, much of Italy, and Spain. To find a truly tropical climate in the Southeast, you need to drive south of Tampa, FL.

    I do agree, we Whites (especially non-Meds) are better adapted for the Northeast and Midwest. But, the Southeast covers a large amount of land, and is at a great strategic trade and geopolitical location. While the American Southwest Desert is certainly unbearable for Northern Whites-without very strong artifical technology and staying indoors almost all day-and relatively expendable, Whites would be fools to foreit the Southeastern Woodlands (strategically the second most important region of North America).

  28. The political cesspool is great, also Paul Fromm has an excellent show hosted on StormFront. The other SF shows are pretty bad though. Haven’t listened to Derek Black’s show, but it’s probably good, he’s a pretty sensible kid.

  29. Steve in the Swamps: Your name gives your origins away. I am a Socal native, but have lived in the South. Mississippi may be no hotter than Greece or Italy or Spain, but it’s a lot more humid. Those places are dry in the summer, like Socal. That’s why all are said to have a Mediterranean climate. Our bodies cannot maintain the 98.6 when sweat does not evaporate, and a White man living in the South needs to adapt to that fact. My hair is turning White, but I can still work in the summer sun when I go home to visit my brother. The desert is far more livable than the South, with or without air conditioning, even for a Teuto-Celt like myself. The Southwest is not expendable.

  30. What’s so bad about talking to a woman in a grocery store? By the way the girl was 27, not 20. What are you, the Taliban?

  31. “The purpose of this thread wasn’t to bash Jim Giles or criticize what he is doing at RFM. As I said above, I consider myself a fan of the show and tune in on a daily basis. If nothing else, Giles is a talented entertainer and deserves whatever financial success he accrues through his efforts at White Advocacy.”

    That would be a waste of money, whether the money came from donors or advertisers.

    For advertisers it would be worse than a waste of money.

  32. >In preparation for his “Operation Apple Pie” door-to-door campaign for the Mississippi House of Representatives, Jim announced on the air that he looks down on his constituents whom he considers inferior.

    That’s pretty funny.

    Another blogger wrote something recently saying that if the Tea Party was actually a threat to the status quo, the establishment would’ve responded with more than just vulgar jokes.

    But by that logic if White Nationalism was actually threat the establishment would use its rank buffoonery, and some other things, against it.

    But the reason why the calls for genocide, and some other things, are rarely used against White Nationalists is because they’re so pathetic that undermining them isn’t worth the risk of making less extreme statements, statements which could possibly resonate with the public, seem relatively normative to the public.

  33. For example, if Jim Giles was actually a threat to win an election of any kind, his statement about his constituents being inferior would be used against him.

    But because he’s just a joke, it won’t be.

    Somewhere down the line, though, things like the Giles-Wallace interview will be useful from the standpoint of the Left in terms of making their case that the current interpretation of the first amendment is too broad.

  34. I seem to be missing something. I regard myself as a White nationalist, because I want my White nation back. Regardless if I make comments online, know who Jim Giles is, or whether I would make some exceptions for well-behaved non-Whites, I just want to live in a country that is as White as Japan is Japanese. But it seems that there is a political taxonomy that eludes me. Race realist. Racialist. White separatist. White supremacist. And people here write of White nationalists as though they were somebody else. Anybody got a short lexicon for me?

  35. Discard
    “But it seems that there is a political taxonomy that eludes me.”

    That’s just because everything has been turned upside down by the multicult and what should be completely normal and moderate has been defined as extreme and radical.

    In the context of the current insanity i’d describe myself technically speaking as a “white nationalist” but at the same time i view the term as ridiculous. We should never have been in a situation where that term needed to be invented. It’s only because the world has become so inverted that a term for “completely normal” had to be coined. The whole thing is nuts.

  36. Discard:

    I did not say the Southwest is expendable. Only “relatively expendable.” It is strategically the least important geopolitical region out of the main four covering the Continental U.S. (& Alaska) and Canada. And, it is only the coastline of CA that is a Mediterranean climate. Once you get well into Eastern CA and Arizona, it becomes much like the interior of the Middle East and North Africa. There is a very big difference between CA beach areas and Southern Arizona, as there is a difference between Israel and the interior of southern Saudi Arabia.

    I do not know if this is what you are claiming, but Whites should not ditch the Southeast-at least outside of (Tropical) South Florida. It may be hot in the Southeast from June to September. But, it is also hot about everywhere else in the Continetal US and much (if not most) of Europe. And, the winters are not extremely hot in the Southeast, are they Discard? They may be south of the Mexican desert, but I suspect hardly so North of South Florida’s climate.

    We, Whites are a Woodlands Race, and are suprisingly generalized enough for Europe and Eastern North America (at least out of South Florida). The Oven Temperatures in the desert from West Texas to Eastern California are not more livable for us than say, the low to mid 90’s in the Carolina’s and Tennessee. Especially when you are dying from dehydration.

  37. 10 minutes ago I had never heard of this guy. Now I know more than I want to.

    But from the photo alone I infer he is an angry, unstable man who, quixotically loves soft, fuzzy animals. I bet he’s a good cuddler.

  38. “We, Whites are a Woodlands Race, and are suprisingly generalized enough for Europe and Eastern North America (at least out of South Florida). ”

    I think white people should always consider the environment as something to be changed to suit us – whether it’s a desert or a mountain or mars. If there’s a part of the US that isn’t naturally suited to white people then it hasn’t been changed enough yet.

  39. Steve in the Swamps: I’ve been in Arizona, Georgia, and Missouri in the summer, and I’ll take Arizona. And you can’t beat the desert in winter, it’s lovely. There’s a lot more water than the interior of North Africa or Saudi Arabia, because the aquifers and rivers are fed by the Rocky Mountain snows. No, you can’t grow as much as elsewhere, but it will still support a good sized population, as long as they don’t try to re-create Ohio or some other water-rich place. It’s a great place for Whites.
    No, I’m not arguing for giving up the South, not even southern Florida, not one acre of real American soil.

  40. What nobody realizes (even Jimbo) is that he’s potentially sitting on a hit country & western hit single. Consider:

    1) Lives at the end of a dirt road…in a double wide trailer…….with his two blue tick hounds
    2) Got rejected by a young lady at the local grocery
    3) Lost his bid for public office
    4) Often gets so mad he feels like whupping everyone’s ass

    There’s probably a few other tidbits we could work in to the song. Either way Jimmy could be headed for Nashville and millions. He could become a WN sugar daddy. The young, nubile ladies won’t be rejecting him anymore!

  41. Mississippi certainly has very hot summers, but it is not Tropical!

    The Deep South is subtropical.

    The worst thing is not the heat but the UV, as Northern Europeans must be careful to not get skin cancer.

    I’m very thankful for air conditioning. Living in the summer heat without AC or fans is miserable.

    It’s not hot all year however, and we have mild winters, so there are positives and negatives.

  42. I do think “Pro-Christian, Anti-Violence” is a big improvement over “Anti-Jew, Anti-Nigger”. I thought the other one was honest, but this means basically the same thing, and it sounds PC. Maybe Jim knows where he is going all, but he was changing too fast for me.

    I would like to dedicate this song to Jim Giles –

    “Good-bye, Ruby Tuesday
    Who could hang a name on you?
    When you change with every new day
    Still, I’m going to miss you!”

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