Permanently Blue

Permanently Blue?

Lost in a Fantasy World

In The Huffington Post, Dylan Loewe has a triumphalist article about his new book, Permanently Blue, which predicts the Democrats will rule America for at least a generation. The bold subtitle is “How the Democrats Can End the Republican Party and Rule the Next Generation.”

Heading into the 2010 elections, this prediction of Blue hegemony over Red America sounds awfully out of touch with reality, and slightly reminiscent of a similar claim made by James Carville in 2008. Not to worry. Young Dylan predicts this is only a temporary bump in the road.

His basic argument is essentially the “common wisdom” of popular clichés that prevails on the Left:

1.) White America is rapidly aging. By mid-century, Whites will become a minority, and the Minority-Majority of blacks, Asians, Jews, and Hispanics will rule America with White liberals.

2.) Millennials are “without question” the “most socially liberal generation” in American history. Younger voters will turn out for the Democrats and sustain a “permanently blue” majority.

3.) By caving to the Tea Party and anti-immigrant rhetoric, the Republican Party will alienate the Hispanic voters and Millennials it needs to remain a viable political force on the national level.

Says Dylan, “November might be an ass-kicking. But it’s poised to be our last one for quite a long while.”

At first glance, this seems to be a persuasive argument, but upon closer inspection it doesn’t wash. It is based on a number of key assumptions which are already being exposed as false.

1.) Holding Action – Dylan Loewe takes for granted that Democrats can hold on to the White voters who are already in their column. The majority of Whites who vote Democrat are moderates, not liberal progressives, especially in the Midwest.

Loewe assumes that caving to the Minority-Majority will not alienate White Democrats who are ambivalent about progressives. Yet in states like Arkansas and West Virginia we can see the Clinton Democrats were leaving the fold to vote for John McCain.

The Democratic Party is heading for disaster in 2010 because it has alienated Whites who do vote by pandering to non-Whites who often either don’t vote or can’t vote. Only 28% of Whites now approve of Barack Obama.

Progressives are clueless if they believe they can govern America by losing the Midwest like they once lost the South. As we move further into the twenty-first century, “Heartland America” will increasingly take shape as Whites in the American interior – the “Country Class” – find a greater unity.

2.) Economic Recovery – This rosy scenario assumes that the Democratic Party can provide solutions to America’s economic decline. The economy is the only card that Democrats have to play over Republicans. Two years into the Obama administration, “hope” and “change” fizzled into nothing but trillion dollar bailouts for the banks.

States like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania – where Whites vote Democrat for economic reasons – are now shading Red because there is no compelling economic reason to vote for Democrats anymore. Even California could soon emerge with a Republican Governor and Senator.

In times of plenty, Americans are more optimistic about the future and willing to share. The Civil Rights Movement triumphed in the boom years of the 1950s and 1960s.

In times of hardship, Americans become pessimistic and turn inward, which explains the sudden outrage about taxes and government spending. Now that we are officially in the “bust phase” of American civilization, the political environment will only grow radically more unfavorable to progressives.

3.) The Youth Vote – Progressives are suddenly pinning their hopes on the Millennials because the Greatest Generation and Boomers have turned on them. This is a startling oversight on their part.

The Greatest Generation was raised on FDR, Truman, and JFK. These are people like my grandmother who proudly voted for LBJ and Bill Clinton. Many of them have voted Democrat almost their entire lives out of habit. Their worldview was formed in the Depression.

The Baby Boomers, of course, were the hippies and beatniks of the 1960s. They were the ones who brought the counterculture into the American mainstream. Their worldview was formed in the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam years which were a time of unprecedented prosperity.

Now the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers constitute the overwhelming majority of the 72% of White Americans who reject Barack Obama. This means that Whites who voted for LBJ, McGovern, and Clinton are now involved with the Tea Party.

What makes progressives think the Millennials won’t turn on them as well? If anything is true, the White Millennials are even more likely to turn on them, and far more radically, as they and their children will be the ones who inherit the Minority-Majority, decades of racial conflict, and a bankrupt Third World America.

The Millennials are now graduating from high school and college. In a few years, they will be in the real world and outside the indoctrination centers, trying to establish independence from their parents. Let’s see how racial harmony fairs in the long run in Depression conditions and a zero sum game of racial conflict over scarce resources.

4.) Passivity – Dylan Loewe assumes that Red America will passively accept permanent Blue hegemony. This is a delusional fantasy. The political class has already suffered a total collapse of legitimacy in the eyes of White America.

Loewe assumes that the next forty years will be like the previous forty. This is a gross mistake. In the years ahead, White America will cease to feel like the insider, will start acting like a minority voting bloc, and will become conscious of its own identity.

The American South went through a transition in the 1840s and 1850s from Jacksonian nationalism to Calhounian sectionalism. Nullification and state sovereignty have already returned in spectacular fashion.

In the twenty-first century, “Heartland America” will experience a similar awakening, as the gap between “Real Americans” and others widens to the point where there is a rupture. Like the Union in the 1860s, the White minority will dissolve the country before it is passively led in the direction the Blue elite is heading.

5.) Minorities – Loewe assumes that the Democratic advantage with minority voters can be sustained. This is also an illusion because Whites will remain powerful enough to frustrate politicians like Barack Obama who try to deliver on promises like “comprehensive immigration reform.”

The most likely scenario is gridlock. The declining White majority will torpedo the progressive agenda in one Congress after another. The end result will be the mutual hostility, frustrated ambition, and polarization that will solidify Whites into a racial voting bloc.

That’s what destroyed the Union the last time around: a frustrated majority trying to rule, an implacable minority unwilling to surrender power. It is how we will get from here to the ethnostate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, I really like your most recent posts, especially this analysis. I think you’re on to the winning historical trends, a la Macdonald’s “resource competition” theory and you’re very close to the Boomer generation. Keep in mind the Boomers’ parents were the Huddled Masses of the Great Wave and WWII was their ticket to legitimize themselves as Americans. White Guilt sprang from their shared experience of unearned windfalls for the price of a steamer ticket from Palermo… thus the never ending need to “prove” they are as kind and generous to the next guy in line as the Americans were to them…

    However, they are learning. Perhaps a bit too late, but learning no less, that they’ve stupidly given away the store not to mention their (adoptive) inheritance. Authentic Americans, meaning those of us descended of colonial stock, need to resume our leadership role to the peasant classes of the 19th/20th C. This is a yawning, gaping need since the WASPs of the “greatest” generation forfeited their leadership in the face of Nazism.

    Oh and one more thing about the Boomers: keep in mind they were born into a lifetime of Soviet-inspired, anti-Nazi propaganda. They cannot help but think that way for in their deepest mind, WWII never ended and it remains the Battle of Stalingrad and the enemy is ever the hated German Nazi. In other words, these people are brainwashed. Trying to reach them intellectually is a lost cause; we need to consider them as candidates for deprogramming and use tactical implementations of Means-End-Chain Theory, Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance, and NLP if we ever hope to suade them to the right side before they are dead and we are a hated, hunted minority in the Land of the Pilgrim’s Pride.

    Joe of the Mountain

  2. It could well be that this is not intended to be any kind of serious analysis, but simply a piece of campaign propaganda, aimed at keeping the wallets of the faithful open. Mr Loewe perhaps aspires to leap to the top of the liberal commentator hierarchy. He’s a professional Democrat speechwriter and a mouthpiece for Israel, not any kind of independent. Just as many of us think that the plundering class will keep propping up and talking up the economy as long as they can in order to scrape a little more money from the bottom of the barrel, their underlings, the political class will keep on doing their part. A waste of trees, this “book” is.

  3. The problem here is that Red America has some meaning (i.e. White/old America), while Blue America is mostly a coalition of groups opposing them. Blue America has no meaning when Red America is dead and buried. Mexicans and blacks don’t hold blue (liberal) values – they are merely in a coalition with suicidal Whites to destroy White America and to eventually impose their own hegemony. It’s clear to me that the thread of history dictates that White (red) America WILL fall, as will White (blue) America. Liberal (blue) America is MORE doomed than the traditional reds because its intellectual, White/jewish force is dying at a quicker pace than its opposing blue White force and non-Whites are 90% ethnic activists with no understanding or interest in Marxist theology. If one could interrupt the anti-White coalition by forcing in-fighting between their disparate groups it would be a good tactic.

  4. Mr. Wallace, this is an excellent analysis. I’m convinced that much of this material is produced to provide comforting feedback for for the dying system’s Establishment.

    The people who will read this book and be persuaded by it are the bright but clueless folks who live in the Washington-East Coast-West Coast Bubble. They’ve lost track of the country and mostly now just talk to each other.

  5. Joe,

    It is highly encouraging that the Baby Boomers of all people are now suddenly changing their political views. I never saw that one coming. I thought for sure they were too set in their ways.

    Lots of people here write off the Tea Party because they are mostly over 45. They don’t stop to think where these people were two or three decades ago.

  6. Some may think the piece is optimistic, but being optimistic doesn’t make it wrong. I for one agree with it. History is not yet written and the current trends are now strongly against the diversity/multicultural socialist drivel. The primary driver of these trends is the economy. Multicultural socialism is hitting the wall in the U.S., and without cross subsidies to their little diversity darlings all hell breaks loose (it is even breaking down with them). Over the next few years, if not months, the federal credit card is likely to be declined (i.e., as our creditors are unable and/or unwilling to keep the charade going). Currently, effectively the U.S. is borrowing well over $2 trillion per year (actual borrowings and refinancing of what was already borrowed; forget the ‘official’ debt numbers as they don’t match actual borrowings), and if that amount had to actual be extracted from the productive part of the population (i.e., the mostly white part of it), well it would/will be truly ‘interesting’ times (i.e., in the Chinese curse sense). During such times even white fools will begin to wonder what the author of a book claiming that multicultural socialism will dominate political life in America was smoking. Without the resources to subsidize the diversity darlings, both the darlings go berserk and those they have tormented will react in ways that polarize and destroy the whole notion that ‘diversity is strength’. It only appears to be strength when you can subsidize it, without the subsidies and payoffs it looks like the horror show it is and always was; and that time is happening now.

    Am I being optimistic? The answer to that is yes and no. Yes, because it works to make clear that pre-1970s/-1980s America really was a great place to live and be a part of; and no, because you wouldn’t really want to wish to live through the great economic and social unraveling that is and will occur. In short, we want the social unraveling not the economic malaise. Unfortunately, we need the economic malaise to get its benefits. The beauty here is that a large cause of the unraveling economically is the diversity socialism, thus, when we need to search for the villain/cause it should be correctly placed at the foot of useful idiots like Dickweed/Dylan Low/Loewe and their darling diversity clients that will eagerly hunt them down when payments are not forthcoming.

  7. Unfortunately, this whole “American youth are eternal liberals” line of reasoning seems to have a long life. Not only have Carville and Loewe expounded upon it, but Meghan McCain has been making the rounds the last couple of years pushing the same idea. It’s eerily similar to all this BS over the last decade about “Conservative hispanic family values”.

    I’m sure if one had polled the flower children at an anti-war rally circa 1968, one would have found resounding support for things like open borders and gay marriage. Forty two years later, “Sunshine” and “Rainbow” now in their 60’s and surrounded by a dying society whose decline they helped accelerate are singing a noticeably different tune.

  8. “Is it really necessary to imply non-British Whites cannot be Americans? Would you like to kick out those not of pure UK blood?”

    As someone who is of pure White British stock, I would like to kick out those not of pure UK blood. (However, like Jefferson, I would make exceptions for the French.) But I don’t see where HW implies this.

  9. Speaking of “The Huffington Post,” Arianna Huffington has some new left-wing hack book entitled THIRD WORLD AMERICA –

    Haven’t read it and never will, but I am quite sure there is little discussion of the main reason why the USA is becoming 3rd worldized: because tens of millions of people from the Third World have immigrated here by the millions in the last few decades. No, according to left-wing hacks like Huffington Third World America has little to do with immigration, race, racial-cultural patterns, and so on, but rather just ‘economic injustice,’ ‘racism,’ ‘lack of opportunities for immigrants,’ etc.

  10. I did not realize it until the holocaust industry decided to put the screws to Switzerland, but whole books are churned out on very short notice to support the Regime’s interests.
    Any book about American decline, particularly one that has the phrase “Third World” in its title, that does not address immigration is a lie from start to finish.

  11. “Kick out the Germans, and Whites will be an absolute minority tomorrow.”

    No. Not if we kept only Pure White Brits. Then we PWB’s would have our country to ourselves–again. PWB’s would reign supreme over this continent which our ancestors wrested from the savages by dint of much blood, sweat and tears. And not much help from anyone else.

    I can dream , can’t I?

  12. Steve in the Swamp:

    Sure, non British Whites can become Americans – but in the sense of an adopted son. Etymologically, philosophically, legally, and culturally, America was British until the Great Wave. Is it insulting to you to admit this basic truth of history?

    What attracted the millions of European peasants to America? Was it merely the Almighty Buck or was it the English culture that developed here, under almost pure laboratory conditions, the essence of the English culture but without the baggage. In effect, early America was England 2.0.

    It seems to me — and my paternal heritage came here via Ellis Island so this applies to me as much as anyone — that the immigrant’s duty is to be more loyal to his adoptive family than even the native son.

    I think when you begin to see things this way, American history, culture — and our current mess — begin to make sense, too.

    Joe of the Mountain

  13. Bonus Gift, I am very interested in your analysis and the (not so) obvious point that our economic meltdown is based on minority wealth transfers.

    I have been toying with a related idea about the original Great Depression. I thnk Wanniski’s Smoot-Hawley explanation is flat-out wrong (although maybe it was an efficient cause of sorts) and I really respected Jude and was glad to correspond with him while he was still with us.

    Rather, I think it would be possible to draw a direct predictive correlation between absolute (maybe relative) numbers of immigrants and living standards. This too is not obviously obvious, but Malthus certainly understood it.

    Why wouldn’t it explain a catastrophic failure in the economy, especially the labor market, as excess labor accumulates at the bottom of the market, the precise position held by the mass of immigrants? After all, it is almost holy writ that those with a job during that period lived rather well. The unemployed stayed unemployed, thanks to the millions upon millions of their fellow immigrants flooding the market.

  14. Loewes analysis is incorrect because he leaves out Generation X. We are the most right-wing generation right now and even liberal-centerist sociologists and demographers admit this fact (Strauss and Howe). Most of Generation X immediately dismisses the Hippie-ism of our parents out of hand or through cynicism. We also grew up with Reagan as President and remember that the White America of the 1980s (before the Mexicans came) was far better then what contemporary America is.

    Gen X and some of the right-wing Millenials will hold down the fort from the Diversity types for a good 20 years, frustrating the Far Left for years.

    As Strauss and Howe (and others throughout History, particularly Roman writers) have noted there are four basic Generational Archtypes that exist. This corresponds to the four stages of the Indo-Aryan Puranic cycle of time! The last right-wing generation (an analog to Generation X) was the ‘lost generation’ of the 1920s, remember this is the generation that spawned the likes of Ezra Pound, Ferdinand Celine, Ernst Junger, Oswald Spengler, etc., All the intellectual giants who fueled Conservative Revolutionary Ideology and also National Socialist and Fascist Ideology. The same thing will be coming down the pike soon here in America!!!!

  15. Michael,
    I am not familiar with the study you cited on Gen X, but I have read a lot of anecdotal evidence through the years that indicated the exact same thing. I remember one article which noted that Generation X was more right-wing due to the selfishness of their baby boomer parents. They saw the dark side of the 60’s utopia and wanted absolutely no part of it. I was born in 1981 so I fall at the tail end of Generation X or beginning of Generation Y depending upon how you measure these things.

  16. There really is no seperating the generations. When the boomers get their comupence from Obama and the budget cuts come out of their hide it will effect their children.

  17. Hunter,

    That was very well written. Short, to the point, no nonsense, positive and inspiring….

    I think you are now simply “too good” for White Nationalist boards, groups. You should move up/out to national Conservative publications, think tanks etc. Have you make inquiries with say Pat Buchanan – Tom Tancredo, Peter Brimelow? You might have to do some Judeo Christian confessions of “I was a racist sinner” to get back in acceptance with more mainstream “Conservative” publications. I think there will be some more opportunities as New Conservative monopoly on Conservative magazines and think tanks is going to get challenged.

  18. I know a few center left people–including an ex girlfriend–who are appalled at Obama’s incompetence, the debt, and who are relatively liberal on social issues, but have no illusions about ghetto culture and behavior.

  19. Joe of the Mountain:

    I will admit our political and legal heritage came from England. I support the English language, English Common Law, and English legal rights, just to name a few. Through government transfer and the primary colonial leadership, we earned our Official Nation’s birth from the English. Our influence is primarily English.

    However, our heritage belongs with all of Europe.

    The conflicts we have to deal with are no longer ethnic intra-racial. White Americans will have to deal with organized Black and Brown threats. Perhaps even China. And, there is the threat of Islam, which-multiple times-sought to destroy all of Europe, not just England or the UK.

    All European ethnic groups are in this together, and I think it is practical for the U.S. to acknowlege all.

    Joe of the Mountain, I think we agree on acknowledging America’s English heritage and at least biologically accepting non-British blood. Those are the important parts; I suppose we might just be debating the degree of social heritage belonging to England, which can only really be fully decided by the individual.

  20. Jack,

    I figured I would try out this new theme of mine. I think the next ten years will be dominated by the slumbering White electorate showing signs of waking up:

    – Whites voting more likely a minority group.

    – Whites developing a sense of identity like a minority group.

    – Whites thinking of themselves as outsiders.

    – Whites getting engaged in politics.

    – Whites trying to “take their country back.”

    – Whites lashing out against the political class.

    I think there will be lots of racially polarizing media spectacles like the ones we have seen in the last few years. I won’t go out on a limb and predict it will be enough to activate implicit whiteness, but I think the decades of long, slow decline are behind us, and there won’t be a return to economic prosperity under smiling White presidents.

  21. Alix says: “No. Not if we kept only Pure White Brits. Then we PWB’s would have our country to ourselves–again. PWB’s would reign supreme over this continent which our ancestors wrested from the savages by dint of much blood, sweat and tears. And not much help from anyone else.”

    American history is not quite that simple. That might be a reasonable summary for the original 13 states, but not for many of the others. I doubt people of British ancestry were ever the majority in Michigan.

    And, like the Nordish threads, it’s so divisive that it’s easy for me to mistake you for a troll. The simple facts are that there is no plausible scenario that anything like this is remotely feasible.

    So as America is going down the drain your focus is on putting out fantastic scenarios designed to alienate 2/3 of the white people that Hunter is trying to wake from their slumber.

    Well done, I guess, especially if your usual home on the net is Daily Kos or something.

  22. Isn’t Generation X the ones who brought us South Park? I went to High School during the 80’s and find most in my generation to reject the socialist-leftist silliness, but also to be socially fairly degenerate and hedonistic.

    The comments about purging non British whites from America is pure silliness. I was just in my mom’s birth city of Milwaukee and can say that nothing about Wisconsin was ever very “British.” It wasn’t states like Wisconsin who brought us the likes of the misnamed “noble experiment” which was as worthy of being called “noble” as the cruel, anti-social Taliban theocracy. I’ll takes Rust Belt Poles, Germans, and Irish any day over Puritan Unitarian types.

  23. Joe of the Mountain:
    I have been working on a book on economic development where I tie it together with a forecast of per capita output based primarily on certain races/groups as a percentage of the U.S. population (or any population for that matter). Yes indeed there is a very, very strong relationship (i.e., by ‘social science’ standards it’s overwhelming), such that it is clear that we have been socked with this effect; and, yes, it is not obvious to the brainwashed masses, but to those who have woken from their slumber it is clearly sensible in a: Who the f__k would import such things to a perfectly well functioning society (i.e., only a fool or someone bent on our destruction would do such a thing)? The thing I do not know, or can even infer, is that the effects and/or costs hit all at once; nor is it clear that they should. I think that currently it is hitting with a vengeance because it has built up and, as I said, the “credit card” is about to be cut and even the useful idiots sense something is very wrong.

    Also, I completely agree with you on the Smoot-Hawley Tariff red herring. I don’t know of a source that actually shows in any sort of empirically strong way that it was a primary cause. In my own opinion I look at it as I would the crash in October 1929, more of a symptom of something that already occurred. In the case of the stock market crash the stock market just all at once switched from hope and optimism to: “Hey wait a minute, what if what we thought was prosperity was a debt based bubble (i.e., ala the Austrian School)?” In the case of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930), I sense that it was just politicians, after the fact, responding to other countries tightening up their markets (e.g., I believe Britain, Germany, and Japan had already tightened their mercantilism; remember, Weimar Germany had that problem with hyperinflation, then depression well before the U.S. crash and Smoot-Hawley). In short, Smoot-Hawley is a red herring thrown out as a kind of voodoo incantation these days to discourage any backsliding on the precious ‘globalization’ meme that is the economic equivalent of affirmative action.

    Regarding Malthus, his major point is correct; he just hasn’t been around to defend himself. You should look up some work done by physicists that have dabbled recently in economics (e.g., Didier Sornette & Anders Johansen’s “Finite-time singularity in the dynamics of the world population, economic and financial indices”). The general consensus is an extension of Malthus. Specifically, assuming humans tend to push their population to as high a level as they are capable (i.e., given whitey’s technology, and other gifts to our more challenged friends, etc.; although they would never phrase it that way) it is likely the world population will continue to grow as it has until it is forced to significantly reduce itself. In short, geophysicists that dabble in such Malthusian economic theories expect a culling out of humans in the billions sometime between now and the next say 40 or 50 years. For them, it is not a matter of if, but when. To quote Johansen and Sornette:
    “Contrary to common belief, both the Earth’s human population and its economic output have grown faster than exponential, i.e., in a super-Malthusian mode, for most of the known history. These growth rates are compatible with a spontaneous singularity occurring at the same critical time 2052±10 signaling an abrupt transition to a new regime. The degree of abruptness can be inferred from the fact that the maximum of the world population growth rate was reached in 1970, i.e., about 80 before the predicted singular time, corresponding to approximately 4% of the studied time interval over which the acceleration is documented.”
    In short, if they are right, and especially the overpopulated hellholes, we are f__ked. These types of Malthusian arguments are based on exponential growth. The short form is that humans cannot grow their numbers (i.e., population) faster than that which supports it (hence the Malthus part to the theory). Given that they are physicists by training, they put it into the mathematical form of an exponential. In short, our little colorful interlopers are breeding faster than whitey can economically and scientifically support them (again, they wouldn’t phrase it that way, but I will), hence world population growth (of course, not the European white part) looks like a “super exponential” but the economic support side of the equation looks like it doesn’t want to oblige. Anyway, I agree with them on one level (i.e., the economic doesn’t match the population growth part), but I am not so sure that the population will just shrink back to match (e.g., it might just decide to match the lowest common denominator or group that keeps right on breeding on the least amount of economic output; that is, a kind of perverse meek inheriting the earth; a kind of Idiocracy meets Camp of the Saints).

    I hope that got to your main thoughts.

  24. Steve in the Swaps, I’m glad you see it that way and I do too. I think the main problem I see with idealists is the notion of (dare I say this here???) universalism. Of coruse Whites are not homogeneous themselves… different strokes for different folks, as it were. I have been working on my own theory, “The Liberty Gene or ‘Joe of the Mountain’s Peasant Theory of Everything'” for a number of years. Essentially it describes liberty as a recessive genetic trait present throughout Europe (especially in the various free cities) but cultivated and nurtured in Britain and Ireland where geographic and historical circumstances permitted it, almost in a Galapagos Island scenario.

    The long and short of it is that the more northern and western your ancestral roots, the more independent and freedom loving you are; the more southern and eastern your roots, the more happy you are to “cut a deal” with the local poobahs and live your life quietly. I note this in particular for those peoples that were forced or had little choice to capitulate to the Roman Empire or die. They have been bred for peasantry ever since and have little experience with self-rule. Britain, by this standard, has significantly more and resolved the basic mistakes, fallacies and errors many many hundreds of years ago per the American Experiment.

    The corollary is that peasants require a land lord, a leader, a fuhrer if you will, which explains why the so-called WWII generation idolized FDR and turned him into our first Emperor… but I digress.

    So the American model only works for certain types, even within the White race. To fill it with too many peasants and rent seekers is to ruin the whole thing as the original notions, ex-New England and Fischer’s “Back Country” especially, simply require self-rule whatever those rules may be. The South is much more comfortable with aristocratic hierarchy, so long as they are the hierarchy, lol 😉 Most of Europe is incapable of American style liberty. Not saying it’s bad — it just is. They have the Imperial model of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church, the EU, etc. as their preferred manner of governance and we have ours, a loose federalism with strong Libertarianism mixed with Puritan moralizing.


  25. “American history is not quite that simple. That might be a reasonable summary for the original 13 states, but not for many of the others. I doubt people of British ancestry were ever the majority in Michigan.”

    Right. Wogs begin at Michigan.

    “And, like the Nordish threads, it’s so divisive that it’s easy for me to mistake you for a troll.”

    Nordish is a meaningless, made-up word. You’re either Nordic or you are not. I’m not.

    As to the “troll” comment, ad hominum is usually the province of simple-minded Leftists.

    “The simple facts are that there is no plausible scenario that anything like this is remotely feasible.”

    Thanks for that scoop. I had no idea. You mean I am really not going to have my pure-white British utopia here in the USA? Waiter, bring me a large Hemlock and hold the chaser.

    “So as America is going down the drain your focus is on putting out fantastic scenarios designed to alienate 2/3 of the white people that Hunter is trying to wake from their slumber.”

    Are you serious? “Fantastic scenarios” I leave to humourless windbags. Lighten up a few thousand degrees.

    Hunter is not the only one trying to awaken the slumberers. I applaud his efforts.

    “Well done, I guess, especially if your usual home on the net is Daily Kos or something.”

    I don’t have a “home on the net.” Only the severely disturbed buy or rent in cyberspace. And I had to google the Daily Kos. Never heard of it.

  26. Bonus Gift: There is a writer, Jonathan Sofaer I believe his name is, who is promoting the idea that we White people need to stop eating meat, because the world needs the grain that we give to cattle. He says that if we don’t change our ways and give these people their fair share of Earth’s resources, hundred’s of millions will die. He’s right, at least about the consequences of Whites refusing to impoverish ourselves in order to encourage even more reckless breeding among the primitives. The Third World has been facing mass starvation for decades, a fate which has only been postponed and made much worse by our generosity.
    Those who consume more than they produce need those who produce more than they consume. The 15 words of economics.

  27. Great post, Hunter! It’s refreshing to think the enemy won’t have everything their way. The hate from Kos-types is truly astounding, they are basically one step away from openly encouraging a genocide against whites.

    On the British stock of the US: As one who has descended primarily from Brits, this in-fighting is pointless and counter productive. Different tribes of whites have intermarried and “gotten along” for a long time in this country, further, whites here should be encouraged to think of themselves as Americans, without hyphens or qualifiers. It’s we who are the heart and soul of America. To the Hate filled Left and the Braindead Right, the country is nothing more than the collection of letters that happen to make up the name.

  28. Discard:
    Well that’s a good one, stop eating meat he says? Isn’t it rather funny that we as group should always respond with more generosity whenever we are faced with the others’ selfishness (funny ironic, not funny hah, hah)? Anyways we are coming to a time when even if our betters wanted us to do so, we no longer are likely to oblige (simply because when you are out of work or even a family member is not making end meet you level of inherent generosity tends to go down). You are correct that: “Those who consume more than they produce need those who produce more than they consume.” Unfortunately for those that “consume more than they produce” and look skyward like baby birds with their mouths open and crying for more, the parent bird has too many nests to tend to and is on the cusp of deciding to tend its own next (i.e., if the bird even has one anymore). Yes, to quote and paraphrase Margret Thatcher: they seem to have “run out of other peoples’ money.” In the end, it’s not “the economy stupid”, it’s the number and percentage of stupid people in the economy that matters. That Sarrazin guy has really hit a nerve.

  29. “That Sarrazin guy has really hit a nerve.”

    I don’t get why he resigned.

    If he thinks there was nothing wrong with what he said, it just doesn’t make any sense to resign like that.
    Why does he want to strengthen the taboo against sayings things that he thinks are true and reasonable?

    Because that’s what happens when a big shot loses his power over saying something, it strengthens the taboo against saying that thing.

  30. Reginald:
    I think you attribute a point to me that I wasn’t making. I am not making a point about his seeming forced resignation. Again, as I said, he hit a nerve by pointing out what should be obvious. I agree with what he said, as it is true; and I wish he didn’t resign.

  31. Hunter, I don’t like your defeatist tone concerning White Nationalism and the changing tone of your website and the articles seems to indicate a shift from White advocacy to GOP politics. I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing this. If this is going to be another co-opted dead end Free Republic or National Review website then I will say my farewells and head over to more fertile ground.

  32. Rodger says:
    September 12, 2010 at 7:54 pm
    Hunter, I don’t like your defeatist tone concerning White Nationalism and the changing tone of your website and the articles seems to indicate a shift from White advocacy to GOP politics. I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing this. If this is going to be another co-opted dead end Free Republic or National Review website then I will say my farewells and head over to more fertile ground.

    That’s just a ridiculous comment. O.D. is going mainstream, working to effectively reach the hearts and minds of regular White folks and get out of a 1% of 1% drop out, contrarian cult that simply can not communicate with regular White Americans in this year 2010.

    O.D. is not in any way going “Neo Con” or Free Fred Republic, or National Review/Goldberg Review.

    O.D. is opposing the entire Jewish Neo Conservative program of:

    1) Invading the world for Israel
    2) Inviting the entire NW Third World – open borders immigration
    3) In hoc to the world to pay for 1 & 2

    O.D. posts and activism are now moving in directions to work for success, wins – same as our populist, nationalist White kinsmen are doing.

    The year is 2010 – not 1933. O.D. is working for the 14 words in the here and now – year 2010, here in the USA.

  33. Rodger:

    Hunter, I don’t like your defeatist tone concerning White Nationalism and the changing tone of your website and the articles seems to indicate a shift from White advocacy to GOP politics. I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing this. If this is going to be another co-opted dead end Free Republic or National Review website then I will say my farewells and head over to more fertile ground.

    No matter the strength of my animosity toward the lunatic fringe of White Nationalism, at no point would that animosity and disgust turn me into a supporter of Glenn Beckish style politics and establishment whoring. The current vibe here is absolutely indistinguishable from the rhetoric and circle-jerking that you would probably hear at a Limbaugh or Hannity BBQ.

    You can’t really blame Hunter too much, because he might actually believe he’s seeing something new that is going to magically change the rapid demographic change that happens every day, every hour, and even every minute. He’ll try to cozy up to the “new Right,” only to be handed his ass the second he dares to interject the notion that Nationalism is a viable option for White people; an option that must include discrimination and force where choice is not given. No politician – most especially no White politician – currently has the balls to take this approach. Anything short of this direct approach is like trying to cure a man of cancer by pretending like he doesn’t have cancer until he’s at death’s door.

    None of these “new tactics” that Hunter believes will change our demographic decline have proved to be anything other than a changing of the guard — no changing of the actual power players, just those that serve under them.

  34. Rodger,

    1.) The Jacksonian Club had a conference call this afternoon. Of the 200 people who emailed Albert Jackson expressing interest in the Jacksonian Club, we managed to get 7 on the phone, a number which included the two of us.

    2.) If I sound “defeatist” about White Nationalism, it is because White Nationalists are perfectly content to do nothing but talk on the internet, with few exceptions. Why should I take White Nationalists seriously when they DO NOTHING AT ALL IN REALITY to bring about their desired ethnostate?

    3.) I’m sick of talking on the internet about how awful the Jews are and how bad things are in America racially speaking. I have known that for years. I am ready to do something about it. If White Nationalists won’t do something about immigration, I will support others who will.

    4.) What would you have me do? Entertain you some more? I spent ten years of my life, thousands of dollars, and countless hours of my time entertaining White Nationalists on the internet to no effect. Looking in the rear view mirror, I see over 30,000 anonymous comments posted in cyberspace.

    If I wanted to, I could write the next post about how worthless the conservatives are or how bad the Jews are fucking over Whites, and you would come on this website and clap your hands, then you would log off and go back to normal life, and then tune in the next day to blow off a little more steam in your spare time.

    I will have accomplished nothing.

    5.) If you want to be entertained, go find another website where someone will say all the radical things that you agree with, which have been done to death here a thousand times over. I am moving in a more practical, realistic, results-oriented direction.

    That is not going to change.

    6.) I define “fertile ground” as changing minds and effective action, not preaching to the choir or entertaining people who are content to do nothing.

  35. Celestial Time,

    Have you read anything in my recent posts that indicates to you that I am at where Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s followers are now? I have simply argued the following:

    1.) That leadership by definition involves starting where White people are now. The whole point of “leading” the White masses is moving them from Point A (Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin style implicit whiteness) to Point B (the White ethnostate).

    2.) That communication by definition involves speaking to people in terms of their own experience.

    Clearly, White Nationalists don’t have the patience for either. Their idea of communication is parading around in Knoxville with swastikas flying and screaming White power. Their idea of leadership is starting FROM WHERE THEY ARE NOW, NOT THEIR TARGET AUDIENCE, and posting radical messages on the internet berating ordinary White people for not being solid enough on the Jews for their tastes.

  36. I posted something similar in another section but it was ignored so I’ll repeat the gist of it here again.

    I can understand wanting to reach into the mainstream to try to connect with ordinary Whites but there are two camps in the GOP. One is the establishment neocons represented by the likes of John McCain, Sarah Palin and Lindsey Graham. The other is paleoconservative/libertarian and is represented by people like Ron Paul and his son Rand. The former is zionist controlled and the latter isn’t. Paleoconservatism/liberatarianism is closer to White Nationalism than neoconservatism. It espouses ideas of eurocentric identity, a sound non-interventionist foreign policy and ending the Federal Reserve. The attacks against the Pauls/libertarianism on this website and the favorable write ups of ziowhores like Sarah Palin and Glen Beck lead me to believe your in the neoconservative camp. Am I right?

  37. Hunter:

    Have you read anything in my recent posts that indicates to you that I am at where Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s followers are now?

    I don’t believe I’ve said or implied that. What I have said, what I have implied, is that any support of superficial or “implicit” pro-White politics that you believe Beck is providing to those Tea Party sheep is nothing but a support of a jingoistic sideshow created by FOX News & Co. It’s no more idiotic to believe that a group/movement led by the very anti-racist Beck is capable of creating a pro-White atmosphere than it is to believe that Nazis parading around will rally White people to support pro-White politics.

    Beck & Co. offered NOTHING to the already pro-White people that existed in the growing anti-establishment movement. He offered nothing except microphones, cameras, and a MSM outlet that was not hostile to his “pro-American” shtick. This pro-American, anti-establishment shtick suddenly morphed into something extremely familiar — a Christian Zionist, anti-racist American platform, which became more about denouncing pro-White politics than anything even remotely supporting them. Funny how the Tea Party pre-Beck was ridiculed continuously, ignored constantly, and considered a fringe element whose views were only supported by a tiny minority; but as soon as the TP became malleable enough to sport the anti-racist label, it became endorsed by FOX News. Seems that the only thing that takes one from being a nutcase to a Patriot is a denouncement of Racism. hmmmmm

    The moral, Hunter: Many of those that were in it before Beck & Co., were in it regardless of the label of racist or lunatic. Those in it because of Beck, are quite possibly in it now because it’s PC from “their side” of the political spectrum; and there is no doubt that both sides have declared themselves to be anti-racist. You rally people around the notion of anti-racism, you get anti-racists. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this stuff out.

    You’re in for a rude awakening if you are actually putting stock into Beck followers being anything other than Beck followers.

  38. I agree with Hunter on this. If we continue to scold those conservatives who are leaning our direction but aren’t radical enough yet, we will never be able to create a coalition on those things that matter most ie. White Advocacy. Other ethnic groups make great progress because they are coalitions of people who come together on those issues that are most vital for their interest group. For Jews it might be Israel, for Blacks it might be affirmative action. We need to do the same. Find unity on what matters most.


  39. The year is 2010 – not 1933. O.D. is working for the 14 words in the here and now – year 2010, here in the USA.

    It’s not 1955 either and America is now ruled by a hostile racially alien elite that control the levers of government, the media, both political parties and have targeted us for extermination. Playing footsie with mainstream Republicans and media celebrities while parroting GOP boilerplate doesn’t quite cut it.

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