The Midwest
The Democrats are bracing themselves to get slaughtered in the Midwest come November. From Western Pennsylvania to the Great Plains, White Independents disillusioned with Obama are preparing to take out their anger and frustrations on Democratic governors, senators, and congressmen.
Democratic fortunes in the Midwest are now so bad that the South, where the last Jacksonians are abandoning the party, looks rosier by comparison. In the Midwest, 35% of voters plan to vote for generic Democrats, as opposed to 39% of voters in the South.
If the election were held today, Democrats would lose the governorships of Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. They would lose Senators in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. According to Democratic pollster Tom Jensen, there are too many Democratic House seats in the region to count that could be lost.
“When Obama was elected, it was almost like he was the second coming of a political Jehovah, who was somehow going to deliver us into the promised land,” said Bill Ballenger of Inside Michigan Politics. “And more and more things have happened that have disillusioned people.”
What to make of this?
1.) The upheaval in the Midwest can be attributed entirely to White voters. It is the Midwestern equivalent of the Jacksonian revolt in the South.
2.) Of all the regions of America, the Midwest is the most unstable. In the Midwest, there are more Reds who vote Democrat than anywhere else, mostly for economic reasons.
3.) As the Democratic Party comes more firmly under Blue control, due to the flight of other White constituencies in the South and West, the Reds in the Midwest will begin to gravitate toward the Red majority in the Republican Party.
4.) There is a consolidation going on within the two parties. Previously, there were lots of Blues in the Republican Party and even more Reds in the Democratic Party.
Now, the Reds are purging the Blues in the Republican Party, and the Independents and Reds in the Democratic Party are crossing over and joining them.
In July, Angelo Codevilla in America’s Ruling Class described how two-thirds of American voters, some Democrats, most Republicans, and all Independents lacked a vehicle in American politics.
This movement in White America can be seen as an effort by disenfranchised White voters to capture, purge, and transform the Republican Party into an electoral vehicle that represents their interests.
5.) The influx of so many White Independents and Democrats into the GOP has massively augmented the power of the conservative base. This explains the success of the ongoing Tea Party revolt, the unpopularity of the GOP, and the dramatic revival in Republican electoral prospects.
6.) If the economy continues to deteriorate under a Republican Congress, it remains a possibility that this shift could temporarily reverse, and the Midwest could tilt back toward the Democrats.
In the long term, it is unlikely a Blue controlled Democratic Party will be able to retain the millions of Red voters in the American Heartland. The White vote will continue to solidify. The perception that Whites are outsiders and a beleagured minority under attack from the Blue elite will grow to new heights.
By 2012, we should know whether the decline of the Democratic Party in the Midwest is a mere hiccup over economic malaise in the region, or a Red earthquake that will realign the White electorate.
People don’t mention the role of viral email in all this. I’m a serial emailer, my list has only a dozen people on it. I’m on a few other peoples lists. Sometimes I forward stuff that is sent to me by others. Usually I find articles from Drudge, OD, Free Republic and AmRen (and also a matching set of finance sites) and mail them around.
Via this mechanism Obama and the Democrats have been deconstructed. Obama’s claim to be post-racial and a race healer, especially, have been deconstructed by a series of actions taken by his administration that show that he’s just a more sophisticated race-hustler when you get right down to it.
The mainstream media has refused to even cover many of these stories, but the viral emailers have kept them alive: New Black Panther Party voter itimidation, morphing into Dept. of Justice race-based prosecutions story, the Dept. of Agriculture “black famer” shakedown, the “beer summit”, Van Jones as communist, the endless fabulous black parties (Jay Z and Beyonce entertaining), Michelle’s Spain vacation (with her 20 best black girlfriends), the white firefigher case, the promotion of the “wise latina” and the lesbian Jewess to the Supreme Court.
An of course, mixed in with and endless supply of black-on-white crime, black gang shootings, and the new flash-mob enabled black wildings throughout the summer months.
Add it all together and even whites who have previously considered themselves moderates and liberals have started to wake up and smell the coffee.
We did not get the racial healing we were promised. Instead we got a viciously pro-black government that is incompetent, and a President who is more interested in perfecting his fade-away jumper than commanding the troops in harms way.
The damage Obama has done to the Democratic Party will not be easily reversed. The blinds are off the eyes of the average white American, and we are starting to understand in our bones that they (Dems, elites, New Yorkers, Media, tribe members, gays, bankers) are not part of us, are not interested in our well being, and mean to replace us as quickly as they can.
Bring on November.
Jackson says:
September 27, 2010 at 5:28 pm
People don’t mention the role of viral email in all this. I’m a serial emailer, my list has only a dozen people on it. I’m on a few other peoples lists. Sometimes I forward stuff that is sent to me by others. Usually I find articles from Drudge, OD, Free Republic and AmRen (and also a matching set of finance sites) and mail them around.
Via this mechanism Obama and the Democrats have been deconstructed.”
Jack Ryan replies:
Good job on this. Try to build on your success, grow the list some, a lot, but try to make sure that they are quality people and they actually read your forwarded e-mails.
Also try to get some feedback on how people view the e-mails, what do they like and not like.
You might want to be careful that you don’t get put in the category of an extremist, crank, kook, conspiracy mongering etc. Forward some mainstream music, something positive every once in a while.
Good job, our activism is having positive results.
“6.) If the economy continues to deteriorate under a Republican Congress, it remains a possibility that this shift could temporarily reverse, and the Midwest could tilt back toward the Democrats.”
This is a really good point that points up one of the weaknesses of the GOP during this cycle. Even though the tide is with them, their economic platform is at worst hostile to the white middle class, or at best, incoherent.
Those who would like to reform the GOP while keeping it essentially a conservative party need to differentiate between a strain of libertarianism which ends up being pro-Wall Street (and anti-white middle class) versus that strain which supports small business in general, white-owned small business in particular. Everything else follows from there in my opinion.
I hate to see Ted Strickland get beat by corporate Republicoon John Kas-ich (pronounced Kass-itch).
Too bad for Ted, that he has gone along with O’bama our half Irish President.
In Ted’s former Congressional district( the 6th) in southern Ohio, O’bama has a 28% approval rating. The 6th District of Ohio is White & Protestant. The early settlers to the area where mostly from Virginia, and North Carolina.
Beautiful area, nice climate.
Jack, you literally take the words out of my mouth everyday.
I tried the “lunatic white-nationalist thing” for about a month, and realized I was doing more harm than good…much more harm than good.
Gotta appear mainstream. Base your statements around what you/their grandparents might say.
And put up positive things that remind people of the “good ol’ days”.
Go to Fall Festivals! Do a local trick-or-treat in a good neighborhood with your kids. Explain how the Scottish and Irish invented the holiday. Go to the local high-school football game! Talk about the origins of football in English Rugby. Get a group to go to an Octoberfest if you live near some ethnic German communities. And, by all means, keep reminding people of how awesome things were just a half-century ago.
Compliment how well-behaved and handsome people’s white children are.
We have to base this ethno-nationalism around supporting all the good, wholesome, fun things we miss from the pre-civil-rights era in our middle-america of the past.
Its what the people in the Tea Party know is nearly lost. Thats why theyre so damned mad.
Hearts and minds, slowly but surely!
Has National Review and Free Republic started outsourcing their articles to other websites because no one bothers to visit them anymore?
And this isn’t an occidental website either. What’s your point? When are you going to start letting your hair down and posting stories about General Petraeus and the surge or Karl Rove’s new strategy for the Republican Party?
VikingManx says:
September 27, 2010 at 11:47 pm
I tried the “lunatic white-nationalist thing” for about a month, and realized I was doing more harm than good…much more harm than good.
And put up positive things that remind people of the “good ol’ days”.
Go to Fall Festivals! Do a local trick-or-treat in a good neighborhood with your kids. Explain how the Scottish and Irish invented the holiday. Go to the local high-school football game! Talk about the origins of football in English Rugby. Get a group to go to an Octoberfest if you live near some ethnic German communities. And, by all means, keep reminding people of how awesome things were just a half-century ago.
Compliment how well-behaved and handsome people’s white children are.”
Jack Ryan replies:
Very well said. You are showing honest love of our people in your local community.
This is what our movement is about:
Love not hate. Kindness for our own kind.
Keep up the great work VikingManx. I know that you are on the right path and will become a respected, trusted local leader of our people.
14 Words.
Alex says:
September 28, 2010 at 12:33 am
“And this isn’t an occidental website either. What’s your point? When are you going to start letting your hair down and posting stories about General Petraeus and the surge or Karl Rove’s new strategy for the Republican Party?”
Jack Ryan replies:
Alex (VNN guy?) comes over to shout “You’re all Neo Cons”! What utter nonsense. O.D. hasn’t published a single Pro Neo Conservative article since I have been here. O.D. is strongly against all Neo Conservative/Zionist wars against Iraq, Muslims in Muslim countries and O.D. is 100% against the worst program of the Neo Conservatives:
Flooding the USA and the West with millions of NW Third World immigrants.
These hard core types who come here and shout names have fallen in to a drop out cult: anyone who can function in American society 2010 must be some “sell out”, anyone who can converse with mainstream White Americans must be a “Traitor” because every single thing in America is supposedly controlled by…
Hey Alex, O.D. has gone mainstream, we’re connecting with regular, SANE White Americans we’ve decided not to go the route of dropping out of society, to fall in to a cult of societal misfits, kooks, nut cases who the truth be told, could not successfully function in any society, including a safe, wholesome all White society.
14 Words
“. . .Jack, you literally take the words out of my mouth. . .”
He has an oxygen-scavenging chemical on this website. It will quite literally remove all the breath from your lungs, which, in turn, takes the words right out of my mouth.
I think some SCBA gear is in order. Too much truth around here.
Good essay, but I wouldn’t get too excited about November. Jew-Democrat MSM is playing the Expectations Game here. Then, when Republicrats “only” pick up 40 or so House seats, 6-7 in the Senate, kosher media will be proclaiming it a “normal off-year contest” and a victory for Zero. The election that’ll matter – if it takes place at all – will be 2012. By then, one or both of the current establishment parties should be split wide open. Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing Sharron Angle in DC; she’s a hardright head-hunter. And still needs campaign $$$: you can contribute directly to her at senateconservatives.com.
Not to get off subject, but does anyone have time here to work on Lynn’s wiki page. It’s pretty awful. There have to be some internet warriors here.
Out of all the MSP’s out front now,i say Palin would be our best choice
for 2012,the optics of a nigger beating up on a white woman would bring
out that ole’ standing up for the Virture of White Christian Womanhood from
the grave,chain of events,God,Race and Nation,we’ll get there.
Machen Krieg gegen die Feinde der Vater Gott, wie sie gegen seinen Kindern machen, gewinnen wir auch wenn wir verlieren, wie wir mit Ehrfürchtig Glory bei Judgment!
What’s up with this obsession with VNN? I’ve only been on VNN maybe once that I can remember. Is it the only way you can fend off your critics? The cursing and anger I picked up from reading the site was a turn off but maybe it’s better than listening to people trying to pitch that neocon Sarah Palin as the next President.
What is the point in erasing my comments off this board and then paraphrase my comments with a response? It’s still there for people look at.
The Midwest is made up of moderate, “effective” government types of Germanic and Scandanavian descent. They do not share the traditional American small government views. That said, they’re good, law-abiding and orderly people. The South’s numbers are a little misleading; nearly 80-90% of whites down there will go Republican. The Midwest is nearly all white, so those numbers are not as good as they may at first seem. There’s still many blacks in the South, and whites act more tribally when they’re in the minority or face an ethnic competitor. This is something the multicultis have not planned for.
If I understand your position correctly, it is not “occidental” for a pro-White website to write articles about, oh, I don’t know, the vast majority of White Americans and the changes in their political inclinations. Instead of building bridges to this constituency, we should build new barriers.
If Sarah Palin runs for president, I plan to vote for her. Unlike George W. Bush, who was a GOP establishment candidate, I think Palin is persuadable on immigration.
She has demonstrated on countless occasions that she is responsive to the conservative grassroots. That is at the core of her national popularity. If we made enough noise on immigration, I think we could get much of what we want.
I also think Jim DeMint as Senate Majority Leader and Jeff Sessions in charge of the Senate Judiciary Committee would be a victory for us.
“If Sarah Palin runs for president, I plan to vote for her.”
Are you aware that Sarah Palins husband, Todd Palin, is an Eskimo?
Is supporting Racial Miscegenation the White thing to do!?!??!!
….and they said you were highly unstable and lacked fortitude…..the nerve!
Just like every other sucker when it comes to politics and voting season, they’ve convinced you to focus on one single issue by ignoring it for so long that, when they finally make it an “issue,” you instantly become servile and myopic to everything but that issue. Ten million people screaming about border security and illegal immigration only makes an atmosphere of pro-White views possible IF those same people aren’t talking about being against Racsim.
Hey, Hunter, if Palin was so “persuadable” to anything that could be considered pro-White, then do you really think she would have survived the vetting process when they were looking for a tag-a-long for McCain? I guess now you’ll try and get everyone to believe that McCain wasn’t actually a GOP establishment candidate? Hell, Glenn Beck is an implicit pro-White who is laying the groundwork for the big White revolution, McCain can do the same. I guess anything is possible when facts become fiction, fiction becomes fact, and standards are assigned on a case by case basis.
Celestial Time makes a lot of good points and is probably right about most things regarding Sarah Palin.
But hey CT. At last SP was and still is a good looking White chick. And she made some White guy happy in her life, which is more than I can say for the likes of Hillary or Elena Kagan.
S.P seems to be a good White wife a good White mother, she’s not doing stupid stuff like Hanoi Jane Fonda or Amy Biehl.
We live in a fallen time and could use a little hope that something will be better in the future. And Sarah Palin looks good in a lot of ways.
Other good news was that MSM – Mainstream Media hated Sarah Palin. Maybe she and some of S.P’s supporters can return the favor.
“Keep hope alive”
Jack there’s nothing wrong with admitting that this site is pushing the GOP. Any idiot can see it. I guess the biggest problem I have is that there are two camps within the GOP, one is neoconservative and the other is paleoconservative/liberatarian. I’ve already seen a few articles on here attacking Ron Paul and his son and libertarians. If you aren’t supporting the Buchananites and Paulers that only leaves the neocons unless I’m missing something.
Sarah Palin is a media creation like Obama. Fox News got in trouble a few months back showing thousands of people showing up to her book signing and it turned out to be footage of the election campaign back in 2008. The woman has no pro-White views and in fact she’s married to a mixed race Inuit, she has mixed race children and she has Jewish ancestry. I guess that doesn’t matter to the people on this board who adopt the symbolism of the 14 words but not the substance. Poor Sarah tries so hard to gain traction with the public but at least half of conservatives reject her. She came in a distant second or third in a CPAC poll some months ago with Ron Paul coming out on top as the one preferred for a run for the Presidency. She tried to make herself the Queen Bee of the Tea Party Movement but again she was rejected by the public. She spends her time trying to be seen with as many political candidates as she can to give endorsements for them, as if many us cared who she endorsed. She endorsed Rand Paul for Senator but it’s not as if he wouldn’t have won the primary without it. I think she did it just to make people think she was something she isn’t. She’s globbed onto him to appear at a fundraiser here in Louisville this month, probably to raise her status among the alternative right. What has this woman said or done that would make anyone vote for her?
Alex says:
September 28, 2010 at 9:17 pm
“Jack there’s nothing wrong with admitting that this site is pushing the GOP… I’ve already seen a few articles on here attacking Ron Paul and his son and libertarians. If you aren’t supporting the Buchananites and Paulers that only leaves the neocons unless I’m missing something.”
Yeah Alex…. you’re missing something.
Sometimes the best choice isn’t option A or B.
Sometimes the best choice is not offered – it’s option C “None of the above”
Sometimes it’s best not to say or do anything in a fixed fight, a fixed horse race – and that’s what the Presidential election is these days – a fixed horse race. It’s not a fair debating society where the man who has the most knowledge of Constitutional Law or free market economics is given the prize and gets the job, saves the country, SAVES THE WORLD!
This gets in to what is called the “Straw Man Fallacy”.
One is presented with only two choices by a fast talking guy (or in this case the controlled MSM) who says:
“you must choose between these two options and only these two options”.
“So who do you support for President of the United States Option A) John McCain – a respected old military hero who’s for endless wars for Israel and supports amnesty for ~ 20 million hostile non White illegal aliens – or Option B) Barack Obama – who’s supposedly for CHANGE but looks more and more like the typical hated Liberal/Minority PC destroyer, who it turns out has been in a hate Whitey Black Liberation Theology cult”?
“So which of these two options are we supposed to choose – answer the question”!
The best answer is:
None of the above and don’t enter a fixed horse race. Don’t try to write in 3rd party candidate, or run on the Reform Party Ticket some nice old guy and pick a Black women VP to try to fool the MSM in to covering your campaign.
Don’t enter fixed horse races.
And to answer your question. I think Pat Buchanan was and is great. The only thing I have against him was his ill fated Reform Party run for President and choosing a Black women VP to try to get the MSM to cover his campaign and prove to the MSM and his pushy sister Bay that Pat Buchanan wasn’t RACIST.
Otherwise Pat Buchanan is great.
I wish he had run and won a race to be Governor of New Hampshire and built a solid White political organization there, same as Governor George Wallace did in Alabama.
Nuff said.
Nuff said
Not quite. How would you categorize the majority of the Tea Party candidates running for office in November? Neoconservative? Paleoconservative? Libertarian? Zionists?
What does option “c” believe in?
I don’t think a lot of these Amren etc, type articles make good viral emails for one because they are much too long. Viral emails are usually a few paragraphs, not 6 page post grad reading level dissertations by Jared Taylor. Also you need to copy and paste WN type articles to a text editor and HEAVILY censor language and content that will usually frighten off a lot of average republicans. I’ve sent out a few of the tamer short funny articles from the whitecivilrights site (not the best journalism, but the writers there are rather humorous.) However, I very heavily reworded a lot of things, eliminated any talk of 911 conspiricy, anti Israeli fetishism, etc. Change “white” to more bland terms like “ordinary americans” etc. and cut out any “blond blue-eyed” fetishism.
Oh, and all this “Sarah Palin is a race mixer” crap comes from nutcases. Isn’t it obvious to anyone that millions of whites who have been subconsciously shamed through propaganda pull out 10th generation removed imaginary “Indian” ancestry from their rear end for some kind of redemption. Sort of the way in Paul Craig Roberts “New Feudalism” they are claiming not to be completely members of the despised peasantry, but in fact have some “noble” blood. One look at her white husband is all it took for me to figure out what was going on in that situation.
I agree, I have no problem with Mr. Palin. While we would not want him to be the norm in Europe or even the whole White North American genepool, I am not angry with Sarah Palin for marrying him. He actually has an English or at least White phenotype, and lives in Alaska-not in the core of the Northeast or Europe.
Her “White” husband is one quarter Yupik Eskimo, there’s nothing imaginary about it. If being White is fluid and race a social construct then there isn’t much point in having this website, is there?
Would you have a problem with him if he were an octaroon? Why or why not? Or would it be ok if he happened to live in Louisiana?
Alex says:
September 28, 2010 at 10:25 pm
What does option “c” believe in?
Option “C” is to take the White side.
No wars against White nations.
Pro White immigration policies.
Live and let live with the best of the NWs – but, yes – we are White.
14 Words
The major issue in the Palin department, for me, would be that Mrs. Palin is completely unqualified to be president. Her lack of knowledge – and reported lack of ability to aquire new knowledge in a reasonable amount of time – would, in my opinion, preclude her from being an effective president. Perhaps good advisers and a good V.P. would help, the proverbial buck does stop with the president.
When it comes to the racial issue regarding Mr. Palin, I feel that it is important to differentiate between reaching out and accepting , just as with my disagreement with Mr. Ryan regarding being inclusive to all Indo-Europans.
Mr. Palin may not be someone I would want to marry my daugther (not that she would), but I see no reason to condemn or attack.
“…BUT the proverbial buck…”
Live and let live with the best of the NWs – but, yes – we are White.
What does that mean?
Define “White”.
Clarify option “C” in relation to foreign policy and aid in the Middle East.
Define option “C” with regards to monetary policy and the Federal Reserve.
What are the economic principles of option “C”?
Erik Nordman:
That is my view. I would not want, say, my only daughter to marry him. But, I do not see the problem in absorbing his indigeneous genes in Alaska-for crying out loud! Especially when we have about a 100 million Blacks and Browns in the Continental U.S.
Obama was completely unqualified to be President but look how that turned out. My gut tells me they’re going to try to run this idiot as the Republican nominee in 2012 which will split the conservative vote and we’ll end up with a second Obama term. That might not be a bad thing though if it has to take another four years to radicalize the White population into action.
Those genes are being absorbed into the White population not the Eskimo one. Palin’s daughter is married to what looks to be a Nordic man, passing her pollution on to their children.
OT: Joe Sobran is dead.
For Fear of the Jews by Joseph Sobran
Any of y’all that have any problems with me can come see me. I’ll whip your candy asses.
A guy that doesn’t even wear the pants in the family playing second fiddle to his wife is going to kick our behinds? Shouldn’t you be planning your daughter’s barmitzvah?
Shut up Todd, your going to overturn the apple cart for all of us.
One of my favourite maxims from Comrade Joe (Stalin): “In a democracy it doesn’t matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes.”
In JewSA, voting is by machine. And the voting machine company is an Israeli company. Now what would that tell all the goyishe kopfs out there in tvland?