Birmingham, AL
There has been a lot of discussion on this website about “going mainstream.” Lately, Jack Ryan has been trying to articulate this idea. This has generated tremendous confusion in the comments. The sniping and negativity that has been on constant display has deterred even me from posting from here.
I had planned to write about the “One Nation” rally this morning. That can wait until tomorrow. It is clear now from reading the comments that a more detailed explanation is warranted. We haven’t been succeeding in communicating our message.
I’m the one who has changed.
In recent months, I have become more critical of White Nationalism. I have grown more realistic and pragmatic. This is a natural progression of the activist direction I had long been heading in.
Look at it this way: when you move to Virginia and invest considerable time and resources in advancing White Nationalism, you become much more committed and serious than you were before. Your perspective changes.
Critique of White Nationalism
The problems that are holding the White Nationalist movement back are easy to identify:
1.) White Nationalists are powerless. They are powerless mainly because they are hopelessly disorganized. This disorganization stems primarily from the social ostracism and employment discrimination, not to mention the government persecution, that has driven the movement underground.
2.) Lacking power and a real world outlet for their energies, White Nationalists retreat to the internet, where cyberspace becomes less of a tool for communication than an escape outlet for blowing off steam.
3.) This escapism takes on various forms. Intellectuals retreat into the comfort zone of their libraries. Some White Nationalists retreat into the past. Some visit these websites to entertain themselves and pass the time.
4.) The internet magnifies the natural tendency of intellectuals and radicals to become disconnected from reality. This leads to the creation of elaborate fantasy ideologies and erratic behavior which is objectively harmful to promoting White Nationalism to a mainstream audience.
5.) The White Nationalist media is a microcosm of the larger trend of market segmentation going on across the internet. When radicals only talk to other radicals in cyberspace ghettoes, their alienation from America is magnified, and they create a new social identity around markers designed to separate and wall themselves off from ordinary people.
6.) Like all fringe political movements, White Nationalism attracts a disproportionate number of kooks, sociopaths, and radical individualists. The movement lacks institutions with the necessary legitimacy to marginalize these destructive personality types.
7.) Taken together, all the factors listed above combine to create the most damaging and serious problem of all facing the White Nationalist movement, which is the tragic loss of political realism and an unwillingness to start where people are today and communicate with a more moderate audience in terms of their own experience.
This isn’t the critique of a hostile outsider. It comes from a friendly veteran who wants the White Nationalist movement to succeed, who has spent many hours thinking through these issues, and who is actively searching for ways to overcome these obstacles.
Going Mainstream
Looking at the White Nationalist movement, I only see two real paths to power: organization or subversion.
The Virginia experience convinced me that White Nationalists are unwilling to organize. The only people who will organize under a White Nationalist banner are the hardcore dedicated minority, whose numbers aren’t sufficient to threaten the status quo, and the fantasists who use the street as a stage to act out their own individual psychodramas.
That leaves subversion.
As saboteurs, White Nationalists can organize and influence the mainstream. With a real world outlet for their energies, White Nationalists will start communicating with ordinary people and restore their sense of political realism. Successful accomplishments in the mainstream will build confidence, shift the political spectrum in our direction, and curtail high turnover through disillusionment.
What’s more, a subversive agenda will only appeal to certain types of White Nationalists. The kooks, sociopaths, and fantasists don’t have the patience or ability to interact with their contemporaries. The bookworms are unable to take their heads out of the clouds. The time-wasters won’t find themselves entertained by interacting with ordinary people.
Reality imposes these conditions on us anyway.
The only way we can establish the legitimacy necessary to lead the White masses is to work within the mainstream. Only in the mainstream are Whites found in sufficient numbers to create a White ethnostate. If we have any hope to persuade our peers to become White Nationalists, we have to communicate with them in terms of their own experience, which is the cultural and political mainstream, not the radical fringe.
American communists have provided us with a workable model. Over the last fifty years, American communists have accomplished much of their radical agenda through diluting their message and subverting mainstream liberalism and conservatism. Communists once faced all the obstacles that White Nationalists face today, in particular, the social ostracism and employment discrimination that has driven the movement underground.
We would be wise to study their methods.
Mainstreaming Occidental Dissent
It was never my intention to “mainstream” this website. My own views had changed. It never occurred to me to demand that everyone here adopt my own point of view. And besides, Occidental Dissent is already known as a White Nationalist website, so any attempt to “mainstream” the discourse here would be doomed to failure anyway.
I have gone mainstream. If you want to go mainstream, that is your choice, but I won’t force anyone here to follow my advice, or accept my critique of the White Nationalist movement. You will only be exposed to my point of view.
Isn’t that fair?
Barriers to Communication
In light of all the above, I have been banging away at the theme for weeks now that White Nationalists are creating “unnecessary barriers” between themselves and their target audience. These barriers stem mostly from their own radical alienation from White America. This is why I have repeatedly said that White Nationalists are often their own worst enemy.
What are these barriers?
1.) American Patriotism – This is probably the biggest one. In their alienation from the United States, many White Nationalists (myself included) have entertained the notion of destroying America and replacing it with some new political entity.
This is a mistake.
It creates an “unnecessary barrier” between White Nationalists and a broader constituency of American nationalists. Underneath the rhetoric, we share the same fundamental goal: we want to preserve and restore at least a slice of the Old America; we don’t want America to be “transformed” in the way that progressives desire, least of all into a Third World Babylon.
Now, I look back at my old posts attacking the American flag and just shake my head. Is it really the Stars and Stripes fault, a piece of cloth, that America is in terminal racial decline? Is it the fault of the men who died in the Revolution or the War of 1812 that I have come to admire?
I’m on the side of the people who are trying to hold back the tide. I identify with the White majority. If that were not the case, I certainly wouldn’t be wasting my time here.
2.) Christianity – What sense does it make to attack Christianity when the vast majority of White Americans are Christians? As a tactic, it is a stupid mistake. As a strategy, it is ridiculous. Are White Nationalists going to create a White ethnostate out of the 1% of atheists who are racialists? That’s highly unlikely.
More to the point, Christianity isn’t responsible for the present racial catastrophe, at least not directly. The very word “racism” didn’t exist until the early twentieth century. This idea that Christianity has always been anti-racist is absurd. What did Augustine, Luther, or Aquinas have to say about racism?
A plausible argument can be made that radical egalitarianism “hatched” out of Christianity. You can argue, persuasively, that heretics like the Quakers, Unitarians, and Secular Humanists have twisted Christianity to advance their own ends. That said, Christianity wasn’t a driving force in the demise of the Jim Crow South. The Southern Baptist Convention didn’t condemn “racism” until the 1990s.
The churches have been hijacked by anti-racists. That might be more remarkable if every other institution in American society, namely, Congress and secular universities, had not been similarly hijacked by our racial and cultural enemies, and then at a much earlier date.
These facile attacks on Christianity need to stop. It is a clear case of misdirected rage. Instead, the Christians who are racialists should be encouraged to take back their churches.
3.) Conservatism – Every White Nationalist “rhetorical radical” earns his stripes with attacks on conservatives. This is another mistake on our part. Over 50% of White Americans are conservatives. Who is supposed to be converted to our point of view? The vast majority of Whites who are opposed to illegal immigration are “conservatives.”
What sense does it make to set up an “us vs. them” dynamic between ourselves and our target audience?
A plausible argument can be made that “conservatives” haven’t conserved much. You can argue, persuasively, that “conservatism” is controlled by an alien elite (i.e., the neocons) that has derailed the movement into a false opposition.
We’re not trying to persuade Jonah Goldberg or David Brooks of anything though. Our target audience are the millions of ordinary White conservatives in Red America whose only real flaw is ignorance.
Is it really their fault that they don’t know the score on race and Jews? Every conceivable barrier possible has been erected between them and this knowledge. Most White Nationalists weren’t born with this knowledge either.
Have some patience with and sympathy for people who are not as radical as you are.
4.) Subrace/Ethnicity – The ethnic and subracial infighting that plagues White Nationalist websites is a major turn off. What sense does it make to polarize Whites at this critical juncture in history?
Personally, I happen to think these issues are important, but my attitude is that now just isn’t the appropriate time to discuss them. With millions of Asians, Mestizos, and Africans flooding into America, I am not all that concerned about the 1/4th Italians. We can discuss that within the context of a victorious White ethnostate.
The subracial issue is a distraction from the immediate goal of stopping non-White immigration. Let me emphasize that I do not by any means want to transform Britain or France into Whitemanistan. I am concerned exclusively with my own country right now.
I am not at all hostile to reasonable Nordicism. By that I mean a positive attitude toward people of Northern European ancestry. I mean celebrating Northern European culture and accomplishments.
I think the Nordicists would be best served by pursuing and impregnating Nordic women and creating more Nordic babies, not by arguing with anonymous people on the internet. That’s the difference between effective and ineffective Nordicism.
These subracial antagonists might as well be speaking Klingon. Ordinary White people won’t grasp the subracial issue until they grasp and address the race issue.
Moving on.
5.) The Jews – This is a polarizing issue within the White Nationalist community. There are people who don’t want to talk about the Jews at all. There are others who want to talk about nothing else.
The Jewish Question is the hardest aspect of White Nationalism for ordinary people to grasp. The vast majority of White Americans do not live among Jews. They have little experience in interacting with them. This calls for a delicate approach, not a full frontal assault.
I think the reasonable course of action is to raise the matter only when appropriate. It was appropriate to raise the Jewish Question in the Rick Sanchez thread. The Jewish Question should never be the centerpiece of our message, but it should still be an important part of it.
6.) Nazism – In their alienation from America, White Nationalists often fall down the rat hole of Neo-Nazism, where they lose their ability to communicate with and influence their contemporaries. Even among radical vanguardists, the costume fantasists are recognized as a problem.
I’m not referring to them. I have in mind the radical intellectuals who openly advocate National Socialism in an American context. This is something that Adolf Hitler himself refused to do on practical grounds. That was before a World War and half a century of propaganda and brainwashing in the public schools and media.
If Adolf Hitler were alive today, even he would point out the insanity of trying to communicate with ordinary Americans with such a message. He would be the first to insist on the necessity of adapting our rhetoric to our target audience.
7.) The Enlightenment – Attacks on the Enlightenment round out the major “barriers to communication” that I have identified. There are plenty of White Nationalists who will openly say things like ” I hate freedom” and advocate jettisoning the republican tradition.
I shouldn’t have to point out how this is a tactical and strategic mistake. What sense does it make to throw up an ideological barrier in addition to all the other ones that now exist? This is why I insist that many White Nationalists are flat out unwilling to communicate with their audience.
The Enlightenment has been hijacked like Christianity. It only takes a moment of reflection to realize this: the Founding Fathers never imagined that the mulatto bastard son of a Kenyan communist would ever sit in the White House. They emphatically rejected “social equality” and went to considerable length to contrast it with “civil equality” and “political equality.”
Thomas Jefferson believed that blacks could enjoy equality in West Africa. They couldn’t enjoy it in America because he didn’t consider them the social equals of White Americans. The Founders racialized American citizenship in the First Congress.
We’re not against republicanism. It is universalism that White Nationalists should reject. Within a White ethnostate, Enlightenment ideals like freedom, equality, and tolerance wouldn’t be problematic. What is White Nationalism but the application of fraternity?
We are trying to liberate Whites. We are not treated equally in this society. Our views are not tolerated. Of course we resent the status quo.
That shouldn’t imply throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I’ve been trying to eliminate these “barriers to communication” in my own rhetoric. I would recommend that other pro-Whites do the same. Insofar as I plan to continue writing here, the discourse of this website will come to reflect that, which explains the recent “mainstream” tone, but that is reallly all there is to the idea of “going mainstream.”
I do not expect everyone to follow my example. I hope you now have a better understanding of where I am coming from. Now that we understand each other, I would like to think we can get back to working toward realizing our mutual goal, the creation of a White ethnostate in North America.
Now here’s a “mainstream” conservative Republican you can get behind. This is serious.
Be sure and read the complaint:
This is the best critique I’ve ever read of WN. You have seemingly indentified every angle that prevents White conciousness from going mainstream in America. Superb.
Well, the main thing that keeps White consciousness from going mainstream is that most White people live life buried under an avelanche of anti-White propaganda churned out by our enemies 24/7/365 for decades now. But, at the same time, there is no doubt that WN have done great job shooting themselves in the foot. This article does provide great insight into the unnecessary barriers to communication that WN erect themselves.
Good post Hunter, I’ll definitely be following you. I’ve found out the hard way that If you’re trying to convert whites to the message, the last thing you want to do is flirt with things like defending Hitler, fascism, anti-christianism, anti-freedom, etc. You’ll just sound like the right-wing version of a communist i.e. completely ridiculous.
I think everybody needs to close their eyes and think. Think about that last time you conversed with a full blown communist/Left-winger. Remember how ridiculous they sounded? Now asked yourself this. Have you ever sounded that ridiculous and fantastical? Just with a different message. If you have you’ve gone to far. They will no longer take you serious. It doesn’t matter how elaborate your theories are or how many facts you pull up, you’ve lost.
Also you definitely do not want to go out of your way and publically attack the people who generally line up on your side of the sand. I don’t care if they are only marginally on our side. We’re trying to discredit the enemy not our allies. When you directly attack a persons political position they usually wall themselves up in it to save face. This prevents them from drifting in our direction naturally. Remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you want to critique something fine. Do it indirectly.
Hunter, wouldn’t starting an American3p chapter in your area be the right thing to do? They are moderate in their platform and are seeking to become involved in the mainstream.
An excellent exposition of your reasoning behind “going mainstream” and how you define it. It is a shame that you did not publish this weeks ago, as you might have avoided the defection of a lot of former OD sympathizers.
“I now have sole authority to edit and delete comments on this website.”
Its about time, and not one second too soon. I think a lot of people will appreciate that you have finally taken the cart-blanche eraser away from your partner (or at least I hope that is what this means). I believe everyone can live with the posting guidelines that you listed, but few were enamored of the sudden unexplained change in attitude or the heavy-handed authoritarianism that seemed to accompany it in the recent past.
Certainly no one here is going to argue with your disdain for the “costume fantasists” as you so amusingly put it, or the EXCESSIVE reference to the “Jewish question”, both of which are detrimental to WN interests today.
The Enlightened sense of fraternity contributed to a softening of the membrane between ingroup and outgroup social standing. It also helped blur the distinctions between the civic, political, and social.
White egalitarianism paved the way to the existing America not only because brotherhood of man was a general moral assumption, but because political equality in particular afforded us domestic white adventurers and opportunists like the modern Democrat party to empower themselves with a outgroup constituency.
Still, this would seem to be a cartload of issues, like the so-called conspiracy ones, that need to be hitched behind the horse and unloaded after the destination is reached, not during the journey.
Excellent perception of reality and the difficult road ahead Hunter!
We must give credit to and learn from Blacks, Mexicans and Jews: The ability to create an effective organization for every specific type of Black, Mexican and Jew that is distinct but at the same time universal to their common cause. This is the greatest weakness in White Power: the lack of cooperation between various fragmented White Men.
Multiple Jewish organizations with fragmented purposes, yet united for the common good of Jews.
Multiple Black organizations with fragmented agendas, yet united for the common good of Blacks.
Multiple Asian organizations created for various reasons, but united for the good of Asians in America.
Many Mexican organizations, but united for the common good of the Mexican.
Many White dominated organizations, yet NOT united for a common cause.
How do we overcome this?
Sherwood Smith
“We must give credit to and learn from Blacks, Mexicans and Jews: The ability to create an effective organization for every specific type of Black, Mexican and Jew that is distinct but at the same time universal to their common cause. ”
Well: those were always able to cover their distinct cause with universalist rhetorics and universalistic claims. That is what actually worked, but only in the context of a fight for power against a white majority. It will we be difficult to awaken and mobilise this white majority with having a really universalistic appeal but merely the “sacro egoismo” of the benefit and survival of its own people. That is out of fashion since fascism was defeated in 1945, and maybe even before. In modern times anything non-universalistic is a loser. I don’t think American patriotism would do. American patriotism was successfull and appealing all over the world because of its universalistic and abstract claims and promises: liberty, democracy, individualism, freedom of speech, pursuit of happiness etc.
Second, Hunter: how will you be able to “go mainstream”, if you lay your cards open here? Your sincerity will be doubted, your “going mainstream” will be regarded as a merely strategic move to conceal your true aims.
I mean of course
“It will we be difficult to awaken and mobilise this white majority WITHOUT having a really universalistic appeal but merely the “sacro egoismo” of the benefit and survival of its own people.
Excellent post. I admit, I too have embodied the negative traits of white nationalists that you list (at one point or another). A lot of anger, rage, and unrealistic expectations, most of which involved scoring rhetorical points as opposed to actually succeeding.
From an individual perspective, this post challenges me to do better and actually devise a winning strategy.
“6.) Like all fringe political movements, White Nationalism attracts a disproportionate number of kooks”
If you explicitly take position against the current policy of race-replacement, it means that you aren’t a conformist. It’s in your temperament, and you may even be on the eccentric side. But the real kooks are the politicians and normal people who accept the race replacement policy.
“American communists have accomplished much of their radical agenda through diluting their message and subverting mainstream liberalism and conservatism.”
In the beginning, the communist subverters were supposed to create a worker’s paradise, not to replace the white working class with third-world immigrants. They lied, or were fooled, or changed their minds. I don’t think they are a good model to imitate. Besides, they were in the business of destroying, not building. And they had more money than White Nationalists have.
Is it possible for non-Jews to progressively infiltrate the Jewish media and subvert them without being noticed? It makes more sense to be straightforward and denounce the Jewish over-representation and the Jewish subversion. White people need to launch their own pro-white media. Community building is another good idea.
Mr. Wallace can speak for himself, but there’s no denying that we have some loons in our movement, who are more interested in being rhetorical warriors than actually thinking scientifically about these issues.
I won’t name names, but I think most of you are aware of a certain potty mouth and radical extremist.
While the predominantly Jewish media and Jewish Hollywood do play a role in demonizing pro-white activism, as has been pointed out, there is a large element of truth to the nostalgic, bitter, loony, and hateful white nationalist stereotype.
It’s our job to temper that element.
Good post Hunter. I too have re-evaluated some of my positions in recent months, though my core racialist and pro-White/pro-Western views haven’t changed. Mostly I am just tired of the endless and useless opining as well as the sniping, just as you are.
There must be enough opinion and vitriol out there on all the ‘White Nationalist’ sites to fill 100,000 volumes by now. What we need present right now are THE FACTS which allow right-thinking people to shift to our side on racialist matters.
“That leaves subversion. … American Patriotism – This is probably the biggest one. In their alienation from the United States, many White Nationalists (myself included) have entertained the notion of destroying America and replacing it with some new political entity.”
Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend sedition unless you want to go to prison for upwards of 20 years. – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seditious_conspiracy
Surprised this is you hunter. I’m going apolitical and looking for personal victories.
There’s no shame in tailoring the message to appeal to neophytes and mainstreamers just as long as core beliefs and principles aren’t betrayed in the process. The objective should be to push white people in the direction of a racial worldview – not push white nationalists toward the center of the political spectrum. Unless whites begin seeing political events through a racial prism as does every other non-white racial group (Jews included) there isn’t much hope for us.
I’m still bothered by the high opinion that some on this blog have of the American conservative establishment. Don’t forget the neo-con dominated Republican party was facing near death until the colossal bumbling of our mulatto muslim-in-chief gave both them and the conservatives a second wind. Moreover, conservatives are always taking a reactionary stance and always on the defensive and too often let the media and political left dictate the terms of debate. This certainly gives the appearance of weakness and cowardice and serves to dishearten it’s largely white base. Either way there isn’t much to emulate.
Criticizing conservatives won’t hurt our chances with mainstream whites. The Political Cesspool show chronicles the lunacy and idiocy of some within the conservative establishment and it hasn’t hurt their popularity or ratings at all. Bottom line is just tell the truth because if you aim to please everyone, in the end you’ll please no one.
“Looking at the White Nationalist movement, I only see two real paths to power: organization or subversion.”
Probably a combination of both with emphasis on the former. We simply don’t have the number of sympathizers in place to subvert existing institutions as the communists began doing in earnest after WWII. The subversion angle takes a lot of time and careful planning and in case anyone hasn’t noticed we are out of time. The rapidly changing demographics will make us a persecuted minority by 2025.
A breakaway republic somewhere in the US is our best hope if the immigration status quo remains.
From the above article: “It is true, as Brownstein says, that the graying boomers will hate to pay for the education, health, and welfare of the coming browns. They’ll be stingy about it. They’ll scream about it. But they’ll have no choice but to do it.”
When I was in Virginia, I had planned to do so. I had intended to start an A3P or CofCC chapter there. It quickly became evident that White Nationalists themselves wouldn’t join such an organization.
Just look at Trainspotter who spent so many hours in the comments arguing in favor of doing nothing in the real world. If White Nationalists won’t support their own organizations, it is unreasonable to expect conservatives and libertarians to do so.
Mr. Dithers,
1.) It is clear to me that White Nationalists are not going to organize. If I started a real world organization, would you be willing to join it? Let’s see a show of hands everyone.
2.) There are no barriers to infiltrating and influencing the Tea Party or the GOP. This can be easily done on the real world. All that is required is the will to do so.
3.) There are hundreds of thousands of White Nationalists sitting around doing nothing but reading internet websites. Why can’t we put all that energy to better use?
4.) Changing racial demographics only strengthens the case for acting now. We can’t sit afford to waste another decade on rhetorical radicalism and anonymous internet posting that accomplishes nothing.
If White Nationalists aren’t going to organize in the real world, they should at least do what they can to influence the mainstream at the margins. There is nothing stopping us from making our voice heard on issues like immigration.
Google “Barack Obama” and “Saul Alinsky.”
I don’t think it possible or desirable to infiltrate the Jewish media. I’ve taken great pains to point out that the Jewish media has suffered an almost complete collapse in legitimacy among White conservatives.
It is mindboggling that we are not taking advantage of this historic opportunity. Instead, we are erecting unnecessary barriers between White Nationalism and millions of angry, alienated White people, and then only for the emotional satisfaction of distinguishing ourselves from them.
I have become truly convinced that I was mistaken about a number of things. It is not only a strategic calculation on my part.
I think part of the problem was that I spent so much time interacting with other radicals on the internet. When I got more involved with ordinary people, I lost a number of my prejudices, and I started to see White Nationalism in a new light.
As for conservatives, the main problem with them is that they have been misled by influential opinion makers in the media. They are a bit naive, but that’s not so bad.
Of all the problems I have encountered as a White Nationalist, ignorance has proven the easiest to cure. Most people have never been exposed to the Jewish Question in a reasonable way.
I don’t know what to do with people who are psychologically broken though. There is no cure for sociopathy.
As I said above, it was not my intention to “mainstream” this website. That is impossible. There is a paper trail over 40,000 comments long. The only value of this website is that it provides a forum for identifying obstacles and solutions to them.
Sherwood Smith,
I recall reading Saul Alinsky criticize the Black Panthers. He pointed out that for many radicals “Black Power” was only a slogan and an empty threat. It was something they mindlessly shouted without giving much thought to the follow up of how to actually realize the ideal.
He asked the rhetorical radicals of the Left: do you want to create real “black power,” or talk endlessly about it, and be treated like a joke by the people who actually possess power.
Mr. Dithers,
1.) We seem to agree about the necessity of pushing rhetorical moderates in a more racial direction.
2.) I would argue that it is equally true that we need to push White Nationalists in a more realistic and practical direction. I’m not saying they should change their beliefs.
I am saying that they should change the way they communicate their ideas to their target audience. It doesn’t matter if you are right about race and Jews. If you are not communicating the message, you are not succeeding, and should probably try something else.
3.) I don’t have a high opinion of the conservative establishment.
4.) The conservative base is now emboldened. They are trying to hijack the GOP and remake it in their own image. We could certainly learn a lot from their tactics. They have been able to neutralize apathy within their own ranks.
5.) It certainly hurts our chances of success when we set up an “us vs. them” dynamic between ourselves and conservatives. If you treat people like the enemy, they will likely respond angrily.
How do you like to be approached? Do you like to be browbeaten? Do you like to be treated like the enemy? Do you like it when people are hostile toward you? Probably not.
6.) Telling the truth isn’t enough.
It is not enough to be right. Our enemies are wrong, but they have a much better grasp on how to communicate their message, a handicap which will ultimately kill us, if we do not address the imbalance.
The first step toward real activism – which any of us can take in the next week – is to meet in person any one WN individual who you have previously only known by a screen name.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step …
I read this entire piece looking for a hole to poke in it. I cannot, I like open discourse even if I dont agree. This feels wrong to me, in that I cannot find any one thing I dissagree with but I have to say something feel off. I will keep reading the works here, and hopefully I will learn something.
How did homosexuality go from being a suicide-inducing, closet-dwelling, life-ruining pathology (like white nationalism is today) to being on the cusp of legalizing homosexual marriage?
It started with winning the hearts and minds of the elites of the next generation. By the time folks are in their late 20s/30s, it takes a huge physical threat or shock to open their minds to change.
This is why Hunter and Jack cannot shake their mainstream inertia (especially when the GOP is so close to taking back “power”). But there are millions of whites waking up to racial self-interest, if only from increased contact with other races which have no such taboos as Hunter or Jack.
The revolutionaries who founded America spoke of Timid Whigs, Fierce Whigs, Staunch Whigs, Tories, and Moderate Men. Only the Staunch Whigs had the constancy to make America what it is today. Occidental Dissent moved through many of the phases and is now setting its compass to the star of Moderation.
Great. Job well done. It takes all of us in our several capacities, and there are more who will step up to the plate as Hunter and Jack step away.
Biology is destiny.
1.) How do you square your enthusiasm for the Overton Window and the moderate approach?
2.) Any mainstreaming must start with the total abandonment of the J.Q. The Sanchez fiasco illustrates the Jews are moving ton the Right in dramatic ways. Melanie Phillips could be a member of the BNP, if the BNP didn’t have its noxious baggage. It’s an obvious mistake for any movement to reject from the start the brightest, richest, and most influential group. This is why the American 3d P and the involvement of MacDonald in it are a loser. It hasn’t gone anywhere and it won’t go anywhere. MacDonald is toxic as a political leader.
Well – if one is to abandon the JD (Jew DISASTER. It’s not a “question”) – then why bother to save the White Race at all? Simply offer your organs up to your local rabbi, and stop wasting their time.
I’ve gone “full frontal”, with Mainstream tpyes, many times. I’ve freaked people out. As the social and financial condition detriorates, however…..they…come…back.
Even those I’ve shocked have learned that I can back up EVERY word I utter (AB-SO-LUTE-LY essential. Don’t even bother, if you don’t know your subject) Some-one has to be the “bad cop” – and be willing to get the message out. I can be very very blunt. I’ve found – for myself alone – that I get a degree of credibility and grudging respect, for sticking to my guns. I do not back down from unfashionable or taboo positions.
I am tailoring my approach to different audiences. Doing what works is what matters. Every-one must find what works best.
Hunter is doing his best to figure out methods to advance White issues. Some things may work, and other may not. And some methods may have a “delayed release” effect. He’s absolutely dead en pointe in his critique of the flaws of White Nationalism. Functioning adults learn, and grow, from healthy criticism.
Denise returns, with a vengeance. Point is, there are ways…and ways of dealing with the Jewish issue. You can name call or make vast generalizations, all without effect, or you can gradually insinuate certain (HW) “subversive” ideas into discourse; I’ll soon post an example at my site.
Re: Homosexuality
There was a slow, incremental transformation in attitudes toward homosexuality. According to Saul Alinsky, every successful revolution must be preceded by a prior reformation, which is a passive unwillingness to resist change.
Homosexuals have followed the “civil rights” model. They have clothed radical new ideas in the garb of older ideas. They have relentlessly chipped away at the margins. They have used direct action to shatter entrenched taboos. They have worked within the mainstream and allied with likeminded liberal groups.
1.) If you read Saul Alinsky, you will quickly grasp the differences between his model and moderate White Nationalism, which is the Jared Taylor/David Duke/CofCC wing of the movement.
Alinksy counsels radicals to establish their legitimacy, organize, and build power FIRST. His method is to create “People’s Organizations” out of existing groups and reach the masses in each community through networking with their “natural leaders.” Once trust and legitimacy has been established, the people are ready to be led in a new direction.
Moderate White Nationalists dilute their rhetoric to reach a larger audience. In the White Nationalist world, the difference between rhetorical moderates and rhetorical radicals is overshadowed by the fact that both groups put their rhetoric FIRST.
The difference is purely a PR argument over words and rhetoric. How strong should the rhetoric be? It never occurs to moderates to organize people around uncontroversial positions and establish their legitimacy FIRST.
The Overton Window works by progressively moving an “extreme” position into the mainstream. Ending birthright citizenship and a timeout on legal immigration is an “extreme” position that is now “mainstream” thanks to groups like FAIR and NumbersUSA.
It helps that these groups can always look over their shoulder and point to “the real crazies.” I suppose you could say that Hitler used this in a somewhat limited way with the communists and Strasserites. He positioned himself as the “moderate” alternative.
2.) Tactics should always be relative. You should always ask yourself: how ready and willing is this person to go there? As in football, I try to go for 5 yards here, 2 yards there, a first down, not the hail mary pass to the end zone.
3.) The A3P won’t go anywhere because White Nationalists themselves are unwilling to join it.
I’ll be honest – I am skeptical about this directional shift’s chances for success, but I wish you the best of luck. David Duke seems to have actually realized some genuine success in getting a “softened” pro-white and Jew-cautious message out in the past year or two – so, perhaps this “kinder/gentler” tactic is the “bold new way” WN’s have been searching for.
I can also see the wisdom in exploiting the current post Tea-Party re-connection to the implicitly white “days and ways gone by.”
Like I said, I am skeptical(I’ve been around awhile and heard and seen similar proclamations and mainstreaming attempts before)but wish you all the best with this. One thing we all know – things aren’t going to magically improve by WN’s continuing to do only what we have done for years – one has to admit when a strategy(insofar as WN ever had any) has failed to produce any meaningful results.
Who’s right , the West or our new Chinese overlords? :
So much for any implications that the Chinese have become part of a single Western-based, world-encompassing multiculti order. This would probably be a shock to the average mope on the street.
@ Hunter
“I have become truly convinced that I was mistaken about a number of things. It is not only a strategic calculation on my part.”
I understand that, and I am pleased to hear this, but the point is that nobody in the mainstream will believe you. Your political adversaries will use your past as a weapon against you. And they will try to prove the point of strategic calculation by the very same post above.
David Duke is moderate White Nationalism?
Should whites abandon the South?:
We have shown that the future of the South is one where more than 50 percent of the young people come from families dependent on the government for sustenance; where the major cities are in shambles economically and harboring a large percentage of criminals that disqualify them from as areas worthy of putting down roots and raising a family; and how one major disaster spells doom for those unlucky enough to be in a geographic area that contains 54 percent of the nations Black population. Plus, Black people are moving back to the South from areas they helped make inhospitable and unattractive to outside capital and investments.
The South is held captive by a morbid fascination with sports. College football is king in the South, and the majority of the stars and starters for these schools are Black. Thus, the South – though colleges and universities are majority white – is held captive by Black college football players.
Once, the Republicans took power by utilizing The Southern Strategy, an idea they have abandoned and even apologized for, since it meant pandering to a logical constituency.
Now it is time for a 21st Century version of The Southern Strategy: leave it behind.
Bruce Springsteen’s song Glory Days fits the bill for the South. Demographically speaking, its glory days are long gone and the South is unlikely to rise again anytime soon.
A new Southern Strategy: move away.
We have shown here that no peace will ever be made; no amount of groveling will ever be enough to make up for the original sin of the 21st century (being born white) and put an end to the question And then?; so it is time that those clinging to the glory days of the South leave it behind permanently.
Except abandon the South and go where? The southwest is out for obvious reasons. The problem with the West and Pacific northwest is that they are on the border with the southwest which is likely to transform into Aztlan in a just few more years. That leaves the Midwest and the northeast, and there are sizable numbers of Blacks in both of those areas as well. The one upside to the south is there is more White racial consciousness in the South than anywhere else despite the obsession with sports.
“White Nationalists are powerless. They are powerless mainly because they are hopelessly disorganized. This disorganization stems primarily from the social ostracism and employment discrimination, not to mention the government persecution, that has driven the movement underground.”
Although becoming more civil will make white nationalism more appealing, the attacks will continue. We are the enemy and that will not change no matter what mask we decide to wear on any given day. We need a flawless strategic plan and a spine to admirably deflect the negative publicity that will always follow us. We need to find a medium for positive publicity. And, propaganda can be a very successful tool. A totally honorable road may win us respect but it will never win the war. The majority of whites are nothing more than docile slaves looking for a good speaker to tell them what they want and need. The current (and most likely future) media persuasion will always condemn us no matter how mild-mannered we are or how big we become. In fact, the larger we become, the more savage their attacks will be. This is a war not a movement.
“Now that we understand each other, I would like to think we can get back to working toward realizing our mutual goal, the creation of a White ethnostate in North America.”
That is not my goal. There is no evidence a “white ethnostate” would not recreate the same conditions as contemporary America in a 50 year time frame.
WN is doomed, conservatism is dead and for those of us that do not care about going mainstream (and never will) the National-Anarchist Movement is ready for you.
I will once again reiterate that it was never my intention to “mainstream” this website. Clearly, that is impossible. I was speaking of my real world efforts.
I don’t favor abandoning any part of the country. I think racial consciousness will grow in White America as the country becomes more diverse and resources become more scarce. You can already see a White identity emerging in the mainstream.
Read the Zeskind book. David Duke played a major role in “mainstreaming” White Nationalism in the 1980s. By that I mean taking a “vanguardist” dominated movement and shifting the emphasis to mainstream politics.
I am not advocating softening our beliefs. I haven’t softened my own ideological views at all. I still think a White ethnostate is the ideal solution. I still believe in racial differences. I still think the Jews should relocate to Israel.
Saul Alinksy never changed his radical views. He only changed his methods. White Nationalists have a lot to learn from Alinsky. The most important lesson is starting where people are at today, organizing them around uncontroversial positions, and then leading them in the direction we want to go.