District of Corruption
Blue America rallied in Washington this past weekend. Unlike Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in August, the “One Nation” rally on the National Mall was an explicitly political event, a “popular front” against the Tea Party organized by 400 leftwing organizations. It wasn’t the brainchild of a single dynamic television personality with a cult following.
By all accounts, Ed Schultz of MSNBC stole the show, with a blistering condemnation of conservatives (42% of Americans) as “forces of evil” who “don’t believe in freedom” and who are “holding down” minorities. Schultz laughably accused conservatives of “discrimination” and wanting to “suppress the vote.” Given the reaction of the audience, he obviously struck a chord with the deranged progressive crowd in attendance.
The Blue elite is claiming that upwards of 175,000 people attended the “One Nation” rally. Aerial photographs of the crowd show that progressives didn’t turn out a fraction of the number of people who attended “Restoring Honor.” The composition of the crowd was also revealing: it was composed almost exclusively of leftwing special interest groups: homosexuals, urban hipsters, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, a smattering of unionized workers, and SWPL gentry liberals.
Progressives have lost the American Heartland.
In spite of this, Sally Kohn is claiming that “One Nation” represents “the vast majority” of Americans. “Organizations like the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, Green for All, the Sierra Club, the Children’s Defense Fund and SEIU stand for the core, shared values of our nation.” Glenn Beck and the Tea Party only represent a “very vocal minority.”
Just the opposite is true.
The “very vocal minority” is actually the Blue elite, the hated political class, which wields disproportionate power in the universities and mass media, and their non-White vassals who comprise about a third of American citizens. The “silent majority” remains White America which is about two thirds of the population and a much larger share of the electorate.
The special interest groups that turned out in DC do not represent any “core, shared values of our nation.” These groups have no legitimacy in Red America anymore. The White majority has never heard of Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow much less Ed Schultz. They watched college football on ESPN this weekend, not Al Sharpton and Benjamin Jealous in Washington.
Lessons for White Nationalists
The White Nationalists reading this post are asking themselves: what does this partisan sniping and grandstanding have to do with us? How is it relevant to White Nationalism?
1.) Ed Schultz’s “One Nation” was a response to Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor.” In August, I predicted that “Restoring Honor” would lead to a polarizing overreaction from the Left, which would further drive a wedge between Red America and Blue America. Labeling conservatives “forces of evil” on live television has thrown gasoline on the fire.
2.) The importance of “Restoring Honor” and “One Nation” (and “Restoring Sanity” and the “March to Keep Fear Alive”) is the polarization that is being created. We want to destroy the sense that Americans are “all on the same team.”
We are not on the same team. The NAACP and NCLR are not “on our side.” The people who rule this country, the political class, are our sworn enemies, and the more White people who realize that, the easier our revolutionary task will be.
3.) The ongoing polarization is leading to a collapse of legitimacy in the political class. Red America is slowly coming to the conclusion that its rulers are an alien elite who must be expelled from power before they “fundamentally transform” America.
You don’t listen to people who are perceived as being your enemy. White America is tuning out The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and so forth. The advantage of the political class has always been their ability to pump subversive means into a largely passive population. That is rapidly changing.
4.) An elite that is losing its legitimacy, through cracks in the “cake of custom,” or the customary deference of ordinary people to their rulers, is slowly losing its grip on power. A weak elite which is losing its ability to enforce taboos works to our advantage.
5.) At the same time, the GOP establishment has simultaneously suffered a collapse in legitimacy, which has provided an opening for “outside agitators” to exploit. Remember, it was the Republican elite that castrated the conservative movement, and moderated the more radical edges of its agenda.
In so many words, the barriers that have kept our ideas out of the mainstream are weakening. There are vulnerabilities emerging that should be intelligently exploited.
6.) Look at this way: virtually all the Jews in America, not to mention the worst hanger-ons among Whites, are being isolated on Blue Team which is losing its credibility in the eyes of Red Team. Meanwhile, Red Team is in chaos and is being provoked to the point of rebellion.
7.) Progressives were able to organize their own rally through building Alinsky-style “People’s Organizations” out of smaller organizations.
Lessons for Conservatives
Since the “One Nation” rally was targeted at the Tea Party, the lessons for conservatives are quite clear:
1.) The political class despises you. In the words of Ed Schultz, you are “forces of evil” who are “holding down” minorities. These people have no credibility. They hate Middle America. Why should you listen to them?
2.) Progressives use universal rhetoric (i.e., “One Nation”) to disguise their sectarian agenda. They want to redistribute your wealth to a coalition of privileged special interest groups. If you are a White, Christian, taxpaying heterosexual male, the backbone of America, the so-called “One Nation” doesn’t include you. It only includes parasites.
3.) These race based interest groups like the NAACP and La Raza have the chutzpah to accuse you of racism. Glenn Beck went out of his way to appease these people at “Restoring Honor.” You are rewarded with still more wild, unsubstantiated accusations of racism. Accept there is nothing you can do to escape this charge.
Al Sharpton and Benjamin Jealous don’t have any credibility. Why should you care what they think? They say what they think. Why shouldn’t you? If 99% of blacks are going to vote against you, why should continue to stretch out a hand that is only going to slapped away?
4.) The smaller crowd at “One Nation” is proof that Red America is stronger than Blue America. You can overwhelm the Blue elite. They are fear your growing numbers, organization, and militancy.
5.) White Nationalists might be hopelessly disorganized and infested with sociopaths and kooks, an inevitable consequence of political marginalization, but they are right about a number of things, namely, the hostility of Jews and non-White interest groups toward White America. These people want to break White America demographically and feast like a pack of jackals upon its carcass.
6.) You have succeeded in spite of a relentless barrage of accusations of racism. The taboo against “racism” doesn’t have the same cachet it used to. The Left has played the race card to the point where it has been exposed as nothing more than a cynical political strategy: call someone a mere word, something like a witch, and they fold their tent.
7.) Know your enemy. The enemy is Al Sharpton, Benjamin Jealous, Ed Schultz and friends. The enemy is not a bunch of marginalized Neo-Nazis who are incapable of managing a lemonade stand.
8.) This election cycle has empowered conservatives. Why are conservatives empowered all of a sudden? It is because their has been a coalescing of the White vote. It is White America that has rejected Barack Obama and “One Nation.”
If you want to win, nurture this process and accelerate it. A united White America is unstoppable. A divided White America, as we saw in 2008, can be politically broken by its enemies.
Final Thoughts
White Nationalists: you need to get more realistic, organized, and practical in the real world. You also need to get over your alienation from your contemporaries, sympathize with them, identify with them, and establish a working relationship with them.
Conservatives: you need to abandon this fantasy of a multiracial utopia before it bankrupts and destroys your country while breaking your political power. The cheering throngs of non-Whites and SWPLs in DC have rejected you. You can, however, blow the floor out from under Blue America by uniting White America, minus the unreachable progressives.
White Nationalists: you need to get more realistic, organized, and practical in the real world. You also need to get over your alienation from your contemporaries, sympathize with them, identify with them, and establish a working relationship with them.
I dont disagree with any of your analysis. But I would like to opine a bit on this part. We should definitely be more realistic, organized and practical in the real world. And there is nothing more realistic, organized and practical than supporting relatively mainstream organizations that already exist such as NumbersUSA and FAIR. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when there are already organizations that can more effectively support our interests than we can.
As far as alienation from contemporaries is concerned, I feel that one of the reasons this occurs is that people have no secure place to call “home”. What I mean by this is that if we had a place to meet and be with our own people then we wouldn’t feel so alienated from others. Not everything has to be politicial. Why not just have a pro white fraternity sans the politics? What’s more, there is strength in numbers. If there was a pro white fraternity with even 1% of white americans many of the attacks and denigration against our people would stop without us even having to be political.
Excellent analysis. Similar to a comment I made on a previous comment this is really two closely related articles combined. The primary article is an analysis of the One Nation rally from an explicitly white perspective, or an ‘alternative right’ perspective to use the clever term of the cousin’s site. The article is strong, stands alone, and could get much wider distribution.
The secondary article is the one where Hunter continues his remedial tutoring of the slow students in the WN 2.0 classroom that is OD these days. Some of the points under “Lessons for White Nationalists” could fit in the general primary essay and add to it. Others are too myopic to belong there.
This point only brings the whole essay down: 5.) White Nationalists might be hopelessly disorganized and infested with sociopaths and kooks, an inevitable consequence of political marginalization, but they are right about a number of things, namely, the hostility of Jews and non-White interest groups toward White America. These people want to break White America demographically and feast like a pack of jackals upon its carcass.
The best thing to say about White Nationalist sociopaths and kooks (synonomous to even most Tea Party readers) is exactly NOTHING.
I realize you are not (quite yet) writing for a general audience, but you say you want to and you are almost there.
One suggestion might be to write the article as if it’s for the Tea Party, and them put your “inside baseball WN 2.0” tutorial and commentary in the first comment.
The “Final Thoughts” section is very strong, except again it’s bifurcated into a “WN” and a “Conservatives” view. That is counter productive. I would suggest you simply say something like “Lessons for American Patriots” — this almost completely excludes everyone you want to exclude.
Also, because you yourself are an “American Patriot” the conclusions should be written in the second person plural. “We need to ….” not the third person plural “You need to ….”
We are all in this together, after all. (It goes without saying that gays, mexican invaders, angry negros and tribalists do not consider themselves “American Patriots” and will quite correctly understand who you ARE talking to.)
Again, well done.
I agree with Jackson. No need to drive wedges between different groups of “American Patriots.”
The Tea Party is doing something that is rather interesting. While promoting unity of different races, they are actually wanting other races to recognize the superiority of the Tea Party views, which originate from White minds. Draped in American Patriotism, rather than White Nationalism, the Tea Party movement allows anybody to comfortably adopt white culture without the racial tension.
For my part, I am praying daily to God to overthrow our wicked ruling class and save our people. I figure top-down reform will work, if it starts at the very top.
“Why not just have a pro white fraternity sans the politics? What’s more, there is strength in numbers. If there was a pro white fraternity with even 1% of white americans many of the attacks and denigration against our people would stop without us even having to be political.
-And what would we call this organization? The name is important because it needs to signal : “We are here and ready to serve the interests of you OUR people”, and yet any name that hints at an organization devoted to white ethnic group cooperation will be attacked with a vengence. If it is open only to whites then it may suffer attacks on legal grounds as well (remember- the rules that apply to us do not apply to non-whites). So to answer your question Fred, we can’t have a pro-white fraternity sans the politics because its pro-white identity will immediately be a rallying call to non-whites and it will be sucked into political strife in any case. All of which makes Elijah’s idea concerning an intranet organization for WN’s all the more compelling. Contrary to all the lamentation about not being able to meet physically (yet), organize on-line. It has to start somewhere, and for all the reasons that everyone has brought up on other posts in responses to previous articles, it cannot yet start out in the physical world, but perhaps it can be birthed on the net in a closed-loop fashion via the formation of an “intranet”, and later, when numbers have grown, avenues to a physical presence could be explored. In any event, planning could take place this way. It could be “the shape of things to come”, if you will.
Mr. Wallace, how do you propose that we reach out to our fellow whites?
We want to espouse a white nationalist agenda, and at the same time we don’t want to frighten people away with gloom-and-doom predictions, conspiracy theories, or other unpleasant forms of rhetoric.
How can we convince people of the merits of white nationalism without bluntly putting our white nationalist foot forward and alienating people with our excessive rhetoric?
Fine, realist essay. Tea Party is already implicitly white. One more cycle of Republicrat co-optation and betrayal – and you already see this happening, via corporate-Zionist stooges like Palin and Beck – and most TP will move hardright and become explicitly (though not exclusively) white. Polarization proceeding nicely now, thanks largely to the Jew-controlled, group-entitled left, and the coming economic collapse will violently accelerate matters.
We’re nearing the point where conservative whites just won’t be a big enough part of the electorate to control the country through the ballot box. When the baby boomers start dying off things will get interesting.
I completely agree.
Previously, I would have included the small reservation that these groups are not explicitly racial, and that they are focused on illegal immigration. NumbersUSA is now calling for a halt to legal immigration.
We should clearly throw our weight behind these groups. Even if they take a moderate rhetorical stance, their activity is clearly advancing our goals. This is an excellent and obvious way to do something realistic and practical that is EFFECTIVE.
Alinsky stresses the importance of provoking the opposition and using its overreaction as an education tool to move the goal posts. Look at the Civil Rights Movement.
– Selma
– Bull Conner in Birmingham
– The Freedom Riders
– The MLK assassination
When the NAACP and La Raza joins Ed Schultz in denouncing conservatives as “forces of evil,” they lose all credibility and influence in conservative circles. No one on Free Republic calls the NAACP a “venerable” institution anymore.
Here’s what I would advise: listen before you speak. Get a grasp on where your target audience is today. Probe them and find out their position on various issues.
The first thing you want to do is establish a relationship with them. Gain their trust. Make yourself into a respected authority figure. Talk to them about uncontroversial issues.
When you have built trust and authority, identify the next immediate step in our direction, and use your influence to move them in that direction. Don’t tell the conclusion. Let them work out the conclusion for themselves.
Use the opposition to educate people.
I have repeatedly used a number of recent incidents to point out to implicit Whites that “racism” is cynical tool that the opposition uses to capture power. They don’t care about the “racism” of non-Whites. I have repeatedly argued that there is nothing that Whites can do to avoid the “racism” charge.
I wrote this article for OD. Most of the people here are White Nationalists. We have a few conservative readers. If I was writing something purely for Tea Party consumption, I wouldn’t have mentioned White Nationalism.
“And there is nothing more realistic, organized and practical than supporting relatively mainstream organizations that already exist such as NumbersUSA and FAIR. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when there are already organizations that can more effectively support our interests than we can.”
JR Replies,
NUmbersusa is outstanding, they are the best and mobilizing the immigration control movement.
I think FAIR is almost useless and might even be in the enemy camp.
I interviewed with the Jew head of FAIR – Dan Stein in around ~ 1991, told him my first hand experience with out of control immigration in New York City and told him in no uncertain terms that I was absolutely positive there would be Islamic terrorist attacks in New York City and that I was also absolutely positive that ~ 98% of regular Americans would strongly support common sense immigration controls to keep these terrorists out and I was just getting disconnect – like I am some evil NAZI for wanting to keep out Islamic terrorists. I wasn’t as hip to the Jew problem on immigration then as now, but I could just feel that having this Dan Stein being in charge of the immigration control group protecting Americans just wasn’t going to work
Read VDare articles on FAIR – they confirm my view that FAIR is worthless.
I’d like to know how Beck’s rally is conservative at all. I mean, they’re busy worshipping the patron saint of America – MLK and make sacrifices on the altar of diversity and multiculturalism. They’re progressives, just like most of America’s so called conservatives. The real battle is culturally, not economically and Beck’s minions surrendered all that.
1.) “Restoring Honor” was not about MLK. It was only a coincidence that the date fell on the MLK anniversary.
2.) It is a classic Alinsky tactic to clothe new ideas in older established ideas. The result of “Restoring Honor”: White America now looks to Glenn Beck, not the NAACP, as the arbiter of what the “Civil Rights Movement” was really about.
3.) Racial polarization has increased:
I am a member of a Tea Party group, and the blinkers are coming off of certain members, on the Beck fraud.
Sean Vannity’s show was SICKENING, on Wednesday. He spent the entire show raving over how GREAT it is that “so many” “Conservative” Blacks are running for office on the GOP ticket. I intend to relentlessly badger my real world associates on what, EXACTLY, is just so very very very great about this? After all – look what the relentless promotion of Blacks has done for the Dems, and the USA. Give me real world examples – not platitudes” etc.
I do not ever stop pushing.
I listen to the mainstream CON-servatives, in order to concoct counter-attacks to their subversion.
This is what I do. We all must do our own little part.
Beck is useful only insofar as he stirs up the apathetic and gets ordinary people engaged, enraged, alienated and organized. His usefulness tapers off from that point.
I’ve found Tea Party supporters very receptive to the idea of ending legal immigration in terrible economic conditions.
Let ’em yap. No one is keeping us from doing anything.
I’ve never seen any evidence to suggest Stein is anything but genuine. But it would be foolish not to wonder where his loyalties lay. Better to be safe than sorry.