Standing Firm

David Duke made inroads into Louisiana politics by staying within the experience of his audience.

San Francisco, CA

Greg Johnson has written a new article at “Counter Currents” about “Explicit White Nationalism.”  He divides “Explicit White Nationalists” into two groups: the “silents WNs,” who prefer to remain anonymous, and the “explicit WNs,” who are open about their beliefs.

Johnson’s aim is to reduce tension between the two groups on the internet by convincing them to adopt a “couple points of etiquette.” Under his proposal, the “explicit WNs” would refrain from ridiculing the “silent WNs” as cowards and outing their real world identities; the “silent WNs” would refrain from mocking the kooks and sociopaths who are “explicit WNs” and demoralizing the activists at meetings with all their reasons for choosing to stay anonymous.

According to Johnson, “a natural division of labor” suggests itself, which will allow “Explicit White Nationalists” to build a “winning team.” The “explicit WNs” should go public with their beliefs and stand firm for their principles. The “silent WNs” should “write checks” or “stuff cash into envelopes.”

This is based on the theory that for “a silent majority to become self conscious” some people “have to speak out.” This “courageous minority” has to “declare themselves” and “hold their ground long enough” for “the less courageous to gin up the courage to join them.”

By some mysterious process, the crowd will grow by adding “layer upon layer of ever more timid and tepid people” until it reaches a critical mass and becomes a mass movement. Then the opportunists will cast their lot with the resistance and the “new majority” will carry the day.

So write your checks today.

The Merits

Before criticizing this article, I should point out that it is not without merit. Some of this advice would be helpful if it were taken to heart:

1.) First, destructive criticism doesn’t serve any useful purpose. White Nationalists have more than enough reasons to be demoralized. If criticism should be entertained within the movement, it should always serve some constructive end.

2.) Second, browbeating the anonymous “silent WNs” is a waste of time, doesn’t work, and always backfires. They prioritize maintaining their middle class lifestyle over their ideological beliefs. Haranguing them about character will not compel them to endure social ostracism and employment discrimination.


Several problems with Greg Johnson’s rosy scenario are readily apparent:

1.) If Johnson’s advice were taken to heart, the effective result would be less acrimony on White Nationalist websites, which less than 1% of Americans actually read.

It is the equivalent of giving an idle automobile an oil change. The car would run smoother, but it still wouldn’t go anywhere, as it lacks a transmission. It would remain stuck in the driveway, sitting there, with less bickering going on among its passengers.

How so?

Apply Johnson’s advice to the National Socialist Movement. In this case, the bargain struck between “Explicit White Nationalists” would result in the “silent WNs” refraining from criticizing the outlandish characters in the NSM and sending them money to feel better about themselves.

What would that accomplish?

It doesn’t matter how long the NSM “holds their ground” or “speaks out” about the Jews. The “less courageous” will never “gin up the courage to join them.” In fact, it is a mistake to assume that a lack of courage is even the problem, as that is not what is holding the “silent majority” back from joining these fools.

The “silent majority” truly despises the NSM. They dislike Neo-Nazis and Americans who worship Adolf Hitler. They dislike what the NSM represents and associate them with genocide. No amount of patiently waiting will ever result in an NSM victory in the United States.

The NSM is too far outside of the experience of ordinary people.

I fully recognize that White Nationalists are not synonymous with the National Socialist Movement. I’m only using them as an example to illustrate the larger point: you can’t ignore the negative public perception of White Nationalism.

If you ignore the problem, you will fail to communicate with your audience. If you fail to communicate, there won’t be any steady sedimentation of Whites converting to White Nationalism. Instead, there will likely be an erosion, as apathy and disillusionment saps the ranks of the converted.

Indeed, this is what we see today: White Nationalist organizations are smaller, less organized, and more dysfunctional than was the case just a decade ago.

You can stand firm convinced of your own righteousness, but you will be standing for long time, probably forever. That’s a wish, not a strategy.

2.) Without the means to connect with a mass constituency (and none are proposed here), no one is going to respond to the call of White Nationalist revolutionaries, recognize their legitimacy, or even be aware of their very existence.

3.) A radical with a moderate following is a leader in his community. A radical with a radical following has a debating society of anonymous people in cyberspace.

The job of the radical is to lead and organize moderates locally, not organize other radicals a thousand miles away. In every society, radicals are always a small minority of the population.

4.) Without the means to reverse our racial decline, no one has any reason to support Explicit White Nationalists. The vast majority of people who favor changing America’s immigration laws work through effective organizations like FAIR and NumbersUSA.

5.) Power comes from organization. White Nationalists are unwilling to organize. Their lack of organization comes from social ostracism and employment discrimination.

The sedimentation of “layer upon layer of ever more timid and tepid people” presumes that there will in fact be enough Explicit White Nationalists to create viable organizations. Reality suggests otherwise.

Four decades of this “layering” hasn’t produced any White Nationalist organization of any substantial size. It has produced plenty of hopelessly dysfunctional ones.

6.) This whole scenario privileges ideas and rhetorical purity over organization and activism. The inevitable result is threefold: a failure to communicate with our target audience, a failure to set realistic short term goals, and a failure to establish legitimacy in our communities.

The ultimate result has long been on display: no power, no influence, no progress, using the internet as an escape valve, retreating into fantasy worlds, vicious infighting within the movement, apathy, and a crushing sense of defeatism.


Giving people money to stay in their comfort zone and continue to do what they are already doing is unlikely to work. You should only give to political causes when you get something of value in return, say, a book that you enjoy reading, or effective action that produces substantial change in the real world.

“Standing firm” is not a strategy.

It makes sense to “hold your ground” when you have things like legitimacy, a mass following, roots in a community, influence over the political process, and actual power. When the Republican minority in Congress “held their ground” on healthcare, they reaped a political windfall.

But White Nationalists have none of these.

In part, this can be laid at the doorstep of White Nationalist intellectuals, whose job it is to provide clarity and solutions to problems. Unfortunately, White Nationalist intellectuals haven’t done the best job at identifying the problems that are holding back the movement.

– An unwillingness to engage the mainstream.

– A failure to communicate.

– An absence of political realism.

– The idea of organizing radicals.

– Alienation from the target audience.

– A rhetorical radicalism untethered to effective action.

– A refusal to accept nothing less than instant, transformative change.

– Prioritizing rhetoric over organization and legitimacy.

– Creating unnecessary obstacles between activists and the target audience.

These are a few of the most important problems that come to mind.

Social autism results in a failure to communicate.


Right now, there are plenty of White Nationalists scratching their heads, wondering what can be done to reverse our racial decline, who are not satisfied with the existing methods and organizations, which don’t seem to be producing much in the way in change.

What should you do? Go solo.

My humble advice: first, you want to be taken seriously, and you want to get the attention of your target audience, which is your local community. Without legitimacy, no one is going to pay you any attention, or listen to what you have to say.

You won’t be the “advocate” of anyone. Much less a “White Advocate.”

So you should listen first. Research your district. Sketch out the consensus on social and economic issues that prevails in your community. Plant your flag at the furtherest rhetorical point to the right where you have a consensus and mainstream legitimacy.

Establish trust. Develop personal relationships with important leaders in your community. Get them to work together and support causes you care about. Determine the rhetorical goal post immediately to their right which you have a realistic chance of moving them to. Then select tactics appropriate to your resources and audience to nudge them in your direction.

Everyone has done this with a friend. Your friend trusts you. He looks to you for guidance. You know his political views and limits. If you want to influence your friend, he has to think you are on his side. You have a pretty good idea of how far you can get him to go.

So maybe you are having a few beers one night. You are watching the news in a bar. Barack Obama is on television defending some absurd policy. You take advantage of the opportunity to lead your friend into drawing the right conclusion from the experience.

In a collective setting, where dozens or hundreds of people are drawing the same conclusion, the effect is even more powerful. That is the job of the radical organizer. It is to gently lead people in a new direction by allowing them to draw their own conclusions from polarizing experiences.

First you must have your “passport” into the community. So work on acquiring that above all else. This means setting aside your rhetoric until you are on the inside.

It is just like chasing a woman.

You don’t go outside of her experience and “stand firm” in resolute defense of dorky, eccentric behavior. You catch her eye. You come across as sane and normal. After she develops an interest, you proceed from there. Maybe she will accept your quirks and values after becoming attached to you.

That’s not immoral. It is a sensible course of action. Only a fool plays cards by showing everyone his hand.


In many ways, White Nationalists are guilty of segmenting their world. They understand how to influence their own friends and family. They understand how to attract mates. These lessons from other spheres of life would be helpful when applied to their political beliefs.

While helpful, toning down the tension between “Explicit White Nationalists” on the internet is unlikely to accomplish much, even if that were possible. If White Nationalists want to win, they must do something beyond “standing firm” for principles which our society rejects.

They must create the means to move the masses in their direction, come up with a winning strategy, and select tactics appropriate to their audience and resources to accomplish their objective: changing our society.

How many more decades will it take for them to do that?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There is a spiritual component as well; WN today is a materialist doctrine, a biological critique of the status quo.

    While being true, it has the additional weakness of being unpalatable to folks compared to spiritualist conceptions of life. The spiritualists allege that all humans have a soul which makes the white and the black brothers under the skin, or that all things are imbued with the universal soul, which again makes the white and the black brothers under the skin. If you believe that, racism is per force evil.

    Either accept the spiritualist status quo (which allows the materialist Jews to eat our lunch) or fight it tooth and nail.

    Further, when people get hungry, all that pie-in-the-sky stuff goes out the window. Are whites hungry yet? Remember, the Germans endured a decade of starvation by the Jews before they actually fought back. We are surely not as manly as they. Will it be 2, 3 decades before we fight back?

  2. HW,

    A lot of what you have to say both here and in “Going Mainstream” is pretty good but I would like to focus on what I think is a glaring contradiction in your recent thought.

    “5.) Power comes from organization. White Nationalists are unwilling to organize. Their lack of organization comes from social ostracism and employment discrimination.”

    If all I had to go one was the last sentence then I would reasonably suspect that nationalists are unable to organize because of external forces beyond their control, yet you continue to insist that they are not unable but only unwilling to organize because they are either cowardly or defective. Well, which is it, are they are unable or unwilling?

    However you handle this question, the idea that nationalists are unwilling to organize strikes me as being manifestly false. Throughout the post-war era there has been a consistent thread of nationalists creating all kinds of organizations while laboring under a dominant egalitarian current, some of these organizations you’ve commented about on this blog. That they all failed and weren’t able to break out of the the ghettoized fringe is not the point, what is relevant is that they were willing to organize. Furthermore, there are quite a number of people who sympathetically follow nationalists websites, like OD, who comment about little else other then how we can make these ideas pragmatic, build organization, and get “boots” on the ground. The spirit is indeed willing.

    What strikes me as being far more likely true is that nationalists have been unable to create the kind of mainstream organization that you want. In addition to the external forces that you rightly note (social ostracism and employment discrimination among others) there is a much more significant problem in the fact that the White conservatives who form the bulk of the nationalist target audience simply have not been receptive to the idea of organizing around a White identity (there are many good reasons for this and I certainly don’t need to repeat them to you). Now, I believe that on current trends these people will be forced to rediscover their White identity at some point in the future, whether they like it or not, but that is still a work in progress and hasn’t happened yet.

  3. I could be missing some key points, but organization does not seem especially difficult to me. If you have people with the will – as Mr. Wallace seems to have effectively gathered here – and they all realistically understand the logistical and psychological difficulties of organizing from scratch, I would think the framework of organization would naturally begin to coalesce. What if a discussion group or brainstorming session were formed to tackle the issues involved, with the sole focus being constructive criticism and creating a detailed operations plan?

    I’ve mentioned it before, and I honestly believe, that geographical distribution can be used as a strength. Say the organization gathers money from the ‘silent WNs’ and then you take 10 major cities and purchase billboard advertisements saying:

    Genetic differences cause racial achievement gaps.


    Average White IQ: 100
    Average Black IQ: 85

    or any one of the statistics the WNs know that the public is screened from. How would the egalitarians react? Could they forcibly remove the signs if they’re true? If they gained popular attention could the media address them without debunking them (which they couldn’t do)? How many whites could be awakened this way? This type of action – with such public exposure – would force the egalitarians to address the position or risk letting the signs appear authoritative. If they do address it, how could them win? Remember, the facts are all on our side, friends.

  4. Notuswind,

    1.) I think White Nationalists are unable and unwilling to organize. They are unwilling to organize mainly because of social ostracism and employment discrimination. Perhaps equally important is the tendency of White Nationalists to skew toward radical individualism.

    They are unable to organize because their rhetoric is too far out of sync with the mainstream. You can’t organize people around controversial ideas that are outside their experience.

    2.) I’ve said repeatedly that some White Nationalists are willing to organize, namely, the fantasists and the hardcore minority, but these people are so few in number that they are unrepresentative of the movement as a whole.

    Suppose I were to start a real world organization. How many OD readers do you suppose would join it? Albert Jackson recently found this out with the Jacksonian Club.

    3.) I want radicals to organize moderates around uncontroversial issues where there is a broad consensus: multiculturalism, affirmative action, illegal immigration, violent crime, political correctness.

    We should establish our legitimacy first. Then we should create a power base. Without the attention of our audience or the ability to speak with authority on the issues, no one is going to listen to our rhetoric anyway.

    4.) We’ve seen repeatedly in the comments that White Nationalists are unwilling to do this. They don’t have the patience to start where people are at today. They are bored by the prospect of working with people who are more moderate than they are. Many are outright alienated from the audience they hope to convert.

  5. The purpose of the comment section is to serve as a brainstorming session. Many commentators here have good ideas and useful suggestions to make. This site works best when there is productive exchanges between authors and commentators that inspire constructive projects.

  6. HW,

    “They are unable to organize because their rhetoric is too far out of sync with the mainstream.”

    Here’s the real question to me: Is the nationalist target audience ready for a White identity? My answer is, “Not yet.”

    I’ve come to this conclusion by talking in person with all sorts of real life White conservatives in my circle of friends, family, and colleagues over the past few years, who already know and respect me personally, about the need for resurrecting our collective identity as White Americans all the while avoiding the barriers to communication that you listed in your Going Mainstream blog entry. And you know what, it didn’t take. It didn’t matter how well I my framed my points or how many facts I brought to bear on the discussion they just weren’t ready for the nationalist idea. In fact, what would usually happen is that they would reluctantly concede my points (I am good at this sort of thing) but they would abruptly terminate the conversation because they weren’t comfortable with the direction I was going in. In Bubba speak, “That dog won’t hunt.”

    “Suppose I were to start a real world organization. How many OD readers do you suppose would join it? Albert Jackson recently found this out with the Jacksonian Club.”

    Now, if I’m right about the point I made above then why should any rational person join such an organization? The costs are potentially steep and your target audience is probably going to reject what you have to say because they aren’t ready for it. In general, people are willing to sacrifice a lot if they think it will make a difference but they won’t be willing to sacrifice if they think it will likely be for nothing. Even a martyr who pays the ultimate price does so in the hope that his death will inspire others.

    The hardcore minority intuitively understands this, which is why they refuse to moderate their thinking and come to down earth. Why should they let mainstream values and standards spoil their fun when they will likely be rejected regardless of whether they moderate or not?

    “They don’t have the patience to start where people are at today.”

    I completely agree with you on this point. To the extent that we are politically serious (and not simply entertaining ourselves) we need to engage people at where they’re at right now and slowly nudge them in our direction.

    Here’s where I think they’re at. White conservatives are ready for a message of self-determination that would involve breaking away from the federal government so long as that message stays within the confines of the American myth and the [classic] liberal tradition (including the Constitution and all that). If that message could be made a reality then new possibilities would be open to us. More importantly, it is a message that I know can work because I have been able to make it work for me in trying to radicalize White conservatives in my personal space, but my intuition is that if I went any farther than this they won’t follow.

  7. Elijah,

    It’s a cute idea, but the powers that be wouldn’t let your billboards stand. That’s just how it is.

    Besides, people in general aren’t rational and can’t be swayed by facts, they can choose to reject the truth if they wish. If you try to force unpleasant facts down their throats, like I’ve done, they’ll just spit them back up and all you’ll have done is make them uncomfortable.

  8. Notus Wind,

    Perhaps it’s true, but what would they do, specifically? It could probably survive constitutional challenges. It’s just 1 suggestion, but my point is that if WNs can present an authoritative public face that is honest, reasonable, and constructive – exactly the opposite of how the left portrays us – then we may be successful in establishing a positive image in the consciousness of at least a segement of the crowd being disillusioned now. I know that before my own disillusionment a message of that kind would have set me to research. I believe a significant portion of the White populace is covertly racially-aware – even if only to themselves and on occasion – and can be reached with the truth. I believe they actually do not know that there are genetic, scientifically-testable and consistent differences in ability between races. If engaged by messages that are difficult to ignore (because the senders appear virtuous, because they highly visible, etc), they might be turned.

    And yes, many people aren’t persuaded by the facts, but delivery style and credibility of the sender often trump content when interpreting messages.

  9. Elijah,

    Hey look, it’s worth at try. I’m just being honest about what I think would happen. I’d love to be proven wrong about this billboard idea of yours.

    “And yes, many people aren’t persuaded by the facts, but delivery style and credibility of the sender often trump content when interpreting messages.”

    Yes, but only to an extent.

  10. Notus Wind,

    I understand. And for my part I don’t think it would be a magical elixer of effectiveness, I just think it’s worth considering.

    True, true.

  11. “Plant your flag at the furtherest rhetorical point to the right where you have a consensus and mainstream legitimacy.”

    Can you please expand so that I have a better comprehension of what you mean?

    I think your method is of great value but you still fail to fully understand that abandoning the JQ is necessary for this legitimacy you rightly

  12. Hunter et al,
    It seems we all agree that you need to organize. And that you can’t because:
    1. Explicit WNs are not working with the reality at hand (HW)
    2. Silent WNs don’t want to come out of the closet (HW)
    3. Potential WNs won’t even sign on with the white identity project (Notus)

    And this is related to that other problem:

    1. You need white nationalism to consolidate white identity (just like Zionism and Jewish identity) and yet you need a substantial white identity to generate enough interest in white nationalism (like 3000 years of Jewish identity as a prelude to Zionism)

    You are caught in a vicious circle. Let’s look at the dynamics:

    Potential white identitarians are not going to listen to a movement that is reactionary, perverted, demonic, and evil. And this is the current image of the white identity movement. Not only is this the current image of the white identity movement, it is the anti-image of the establishment. It is the establishment’s negative legitimacy, and, as such, the whole political establishment has an invested interest in maintaining this image. Without white identitarians, WNs have no potential WNs to outreach to. Without Potential WNs, the WN movement is a fringe of a fringe movement (being a fringe of the white identity movement). As such it has no legitimacy and no capacity to break the negative image it has, leaving WNs as pariah. Because WN has a pariah status, many WNs remain silent. Those that do not remain silent are often uncompromising and out of touch with the reality on the ground; explicit WN are often uncompromising and out of touch because they recognize that they already are pariahs, and so have no individual reason to act otherwise, and because they feel that they should not have to sacrifice their ideals, given how much they have already socially sacrificed in coming to where they are (– or, alternatively, because they do no seriously believe that WN has a future and so feel no inclination to restrain themselves). The behavior of some explicit white nationalists, in turn, pushes away potential white identitarians and provides fuel for the establishment to demonize the white identity movement.

    In general, I would suggest that potential and explicit WNs represent opposite ends of the same problem. One group is, and reasonably so, unwilling to sacrifice social respectability for what seems to be a crazy idea. The other group, having sacrificed social respectability in the process of realizing that the crazy idea isn‘t so crazy, is unwilling to sacrifice the purity of their ideal to get the respectables on board — again assuming those respectable would ever come on board.

    Hunter makes a good point. Starting from explicit WN will not work, since explicit WN has no legitimacy to start with and most of the members are committed to a fruitless agendas. It is not clear, however, that starting with Potential white identitarians (or, so called implicit Whites) will work either, given the image discussed above and the inevitable failure (or co-opting) of any counter liberal-leftist-multicultural-managerial state movement. Regardless, working with the later can improve the situation and, as such, there is much to be said for this.

    In general, I would suggest considering putting WN on the back burner. Before anything, White identity needs to be legitimized. And this needs to be legitimized by any means possible. If that means holding a European-Americans for Haiti fundraiser, that’s what it means. If it means making a European-Americans against racism facebook page, again, that’s what it means. Once an organization is possible, and then set up, sociopolitical necessity will dictate what needs to be done from there.

  13. FB,

    “I think your method is of great value but you still fail to fully understand that abandoning the JQ is necessary for this legitimacy you rightly crave.”

    Feel free to start a European-Americans Against Antisemitism website or Facebook page. When doing so, be sure connect “European-American” to “White” or “Western,” with phrases like “While in the past, White Christians have…” “European-American” passes the anti-white organization censor; “White” connects it back to reality.

  14. FB,

    The message should always be tailored to the experience of the audience. In other words, in every social situation, your message should be relative to the people you are talking to.

    OD is a pro-White website. Thus, I have no objection to discussing the Jewish Question here. Everyone who reads this website already knows about the matter.

    “Dropping the Jewish Question” wouldn’t work in this context. First, it would piss off most of the people who read this website. Second, there is only a cyber paper trail about 40,000 comments long. We couldn’t remold this website even if we wanted to.

    In some cases, I will grant that it makes no sense to raise the Jewish Question. As a rule, I only talk about the Jewish Question with people who are explicitly racial and deeply invested in the future of their race.

  15. Chuck,

    That’s a good analysis. It tells me you have thought deeply about these issues. As to Notuswind’s problem with converting mainstream conservatives, I think he might be pushing too far with open appeals to explicit White identity.

    Conservatives are wary about endorsing explicit racialism for the same reasons that the “silent WNs” are. Pro-Whites don’t have anything resembling power. There is no “air cover,” so to speak, for those who openly endorse this point of view.

    That’s why I think we should work on organizing people. A confident, powerful, highly organized mass movement will be much more amenable to crossing into forbidden territory that broken, isolated individuals.

  16. “I think he might be pushing too far with open appeals to explicit White identity.”

    No, I by no means push the matter too far, too fast. I always attempt to broach the topic with deftness and skill so as to maximize the potential for success. When people inevitably trot out the usual bromides that have been programmed into them I always respond with a cool recitation of the facts.

    Furthermore, I don’t engage in this kind of conversation to necessarily convert people to my way of thinking (that would be too much to hope for) but to test out the receptivity of these ideas on some of those flesh and blood humans that form our target audience.

    “A confident, powerful, highly organized mass movement will be much more amenable to crossing into forbidden territory that broken, isolated individuals.”

    Never forget that we’re talking about a special kind of forbidden territory here. Several generations worth of propaganda have been pumped into the public’s mind in order to discourage not just an explicit White identity proper but also the constellation of ideas that surround an explicit White identity. The individual must take the first step in freeing himself from this matrix before an activist can lead him to the nationalist light, we can’t make that first step for them no matter how highly organized we become.

  17. “That’s why I think we should work on organizing people. A confident, powerful, highly organized mass movement will be much more amenable to crossing into forbidden territory that broken, isolated individuals.”

    In general, we have these possibilities:
    1. Working with explicitly aracial political organizations such as various conservative movements
    Good: a) One can get in contact with the target audience
    b) One can work towards political ends which allow the for means for one’s own political end
    Bad: Still not getting you where you want; easily co-opt; sucks the potential energy away from implicit whiteness
    2. Working with explicitly proracial political groups such as the Alternative right, A3P, the Mencken Club
    Good: These are explicitly proracial and political (connects the energy to the goal)
    Bad: These alienate many people (for examples there are only 1500 facebook friends for each site)
    3. Working with explicitly proracial nonpolitical groups such as European-Americans United.
    Good: a) These build needed white social capital and the basis for a social identity. b) These do not alienate, as they are non-political Bad: It seems to be difficult to generate interest in white social organization, likely large capital would be needed to get these off the ground.

    The aracial organizations have, as you say, the organization and critical mass
    The racial political organizations are off putting, by make the connection
    The racial social organizations do not generate interest, but are not off-putting

  18. Notus Wind said:

    “White conservatives are ready for a message of self-determination that would involve breaking away from the federal government so long as that message stays within the confines of the American myth and the [classic] liberal tradition (including the Constitution and all that). If that message could be made a reality then new possibilities would be open to us.”

    I have stated before at this website that I believe that a States’ Right movement would be a good option. I stated that before the whole Arizona mess and after that whole debate started, I think the prospects are even better.

  19. Elijah and Notus Wind: Such billboards are absolutely legal. The problem would be serious vandalism, and the authorities not having any interest in tracking down the vandals.
    As for the message “Average White IQ 100, average Black IQ 85”, I think many people would accept this readily. Black dull-wittedness is a fact that most people recognize, but they also know that admitting it will cost them their job. Whites are a choir waiting to be preached to.

  20. Notus Wind:

    “but I would like to focus on what I think is a glaring contradiction in your recent thought.”

    You mean how seemingly Johnson and Wallace can’t live with each other, yet apparently can’t live without each other? Yeah, I noticed that too.

  21. No wonder the divorce rate is 50%! We must fix that. The healing starts here. We are going mainstream.

  22. You rip to shreds without mercy White Nationalist and White Nationalist for their ineffectiveness. But which White Nationalist are guilty of this terrible crime? White Nationalism is an ill defined amorphous term. So just what are you attacking?

    I submit that what you are attaking dosesn’t exist-precisely because it is ill-defined an amorphous. As a consequence, your critique is meaningless and silly.

    On specifics, you are accusing people who either openly identify themselves as White Nationionalist or people who are in the spirit of Nationalism-Pat Buchanan for example-of things for which they are not guilty. You probable have only met a very small fraction of a percent of the people who fit into these two categories….yet you make sweeping genralizations based upon a few defectives that you have met who openly identify themselves as White Nationalist.

    Let’s be even more specific. Jared Taylor is the most prominent spokesman for White Nationalism. If he has not been effective, tell us why Hunter? Jared is not beyond critique. I have my own critque of Jared and other White Nationalist HBD types. At the same time, I think it is beyond obvious that Jared has been very effective.

    To be even more specific. I come across-all the time-White Male Engineers who express out right hatred for the hindus and chinese in the Engineering profession. I would happily generalize this beyond my small sample. Generally speaking, White Americans who have prolonged exposure to the asians in America come away with an intense dislike of asians in America. None of these White Amerians would identify themselves as White Nationalist but clearly express proto if not full-blown White Nationalist sentiment.

    My problem with Jared Taylor-open White Nationalist-Peter Brimelow and Pat Buchanan-closet White Nationlaists-is that they are not taping into this growing-and very nasty-hostility to asians in America. They should drop the Hernstien and Murray garbage and focus unrelentingly on the race-replacement issue. Specifically they should start confronting our fellow White Americans with the following question:what are you willing to give up for racial minority status? This is how we pry open the brains of our fellow White Americans..this is the entry point for the transformation in conciousness. Of course, raising this crucial question leads us to the real reason why there hasn’t been a full-blown White racial revolt:things haven’t gotten bad enough . However, I submit that White Nationalist can speed up the process of revolt by taking the gloves and directly confront our fellow Americans about what they are willing to give up for racial minority status. And if this done, the MSM immigration enthusaist would have brain spasms and give White Nationalist lots of free publicity.

    I can not overemphasize the dishonesty that reeks from your attacks on White Nationalist. It is an evolving situation in America. It would be great if things were moving faster..but they are moving ahead.

    If is moving towards the White Nationalist position on legal immigration, it is only because they are being pulled rightward by criticisms leveled at them on the internent. shouldn’t be coddled. There should be unrelenting pressure put on

    Conceeding the racial transformation issue to high fertility post-1965 nonwhites is a death sentence for White Americans. For the time being, is conceding the race issue.

    So if you want to have a debate Hunter..let’s have it.

  23. HW, I was speaking about raising the JQ in public for pro-White pols not on OD. If the JQ must be addressed, great care should be devoted to how it is addressed: without emotionalism, lies, and exaggerations. In other words, unlike your typical, irrelevant WN approach that only serves to further marginalize our efforts.

  24. Jupiter:

    Of course, raising this crucial question leads us to the real reason why there hasn’t been a full-blown White racial revolt:things haven’t gotten bad enough . However, I submit that White Nationalist can speed up the process of revolt by taking the gloves and directly confront our fellow Americans about what they are willing to give up for racial minority status. And if this done, the MSM immigration enthusaist would have brain spasms and give White Nationalist lots of free publicity.

    The idea that a giant racial uprising hasn’t manifested because “things haven’t gotten bad enough” is simply ridiculous. People are naturally repelled from negatives; and just because they feel threatened by a set of policies and/or people does not automatically make them more willing to tolerate another set of policies and/or people that they feel are equally repugnant. Just because they happen to be White is only relevant to your rationale, because a person that doesn’t think in racial terms isn’t going to overlook your quirks and idiosyncrasies just because you happen to be White.

    Tens of millions of people throughout the last few decades have certainly “had it bad enough” is some way, shape or form. In fact, the White mother and father who lost their child to some kind of non-White crime is more likely to denounce racial overtones when the spotlight is on them than they are to become a racialist. How much worse can you get than having your child raped or murdered by a group of blacks?

    There is no comfort or feeling of safety when you jump from the proverbial frying pan and into the fire. White Nationalism offers nothing to ordinary people in practical terms.

    It does not offer jobs.
    It does not offer safety.
    It does not offer real world community built on The Positive.
    It does not offer individual growth, only canned growth that comes as a prerequisite to being a “real” White Nationalist.
    It does not offer bold leadership, unless you consider bold to be guys playing dress up or screaming about Jews 24/7.

    All in all, it does not offer an outside observer the impression that they are dealing with anything but a more bellicose and unstable version of what they’re trying to escape. So, in case some fail to see the logical options people are given, the average White man or woman is not being forced to choose between life or death. They are given an option to conform and blend in or stick out and be continually threatened and beaten down. It’s only a life or death option when one has a desire to have race the core value as a nation; and if pro-White/White Nationalism comes to symbolize jackasses in robes and swastikas, social misfits, people who hate everyone who isn’t White, religious fanatics, name the Jew freaks, and all other weirdos that come together to make up the sausage fest known as WN, well, who but another psychotic imbecile would feel comfortable standing up and proudly claiming to be in support of that?

    Fight or flight…when they’re no longer able to run away, it’s just assumed by the “it needs to get worse” crowd that fight is the only option. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that there is a third option — bend over, take it, and smile like you like it. You either build something that people aspire to on their own free will or you lose them. Building on negatives does not make a good foundation for the long-term. Hoping people become destitute and broken just so they’ll buy what you are trying to sell them is an extreme negative, and it is a bond that will not stand up to pressure.

  25. Celstial Time

    Whether I hope that my fellow White Americans become finacially destitute and other horrible things is irrelevant. It is just a fact and it is going to get worse. You and comrade Wallace should tell us what “White Nationalism” is. Untill you do that, your comments and Wallace’s comments are meaningless babble.

    At the core White Nationalism is a revolt agaoinst race-replacement. This is not incompatible with a having an economic program and social and cultural views. So Wallace’s attacks on White Nationalism at least as I have defined it are completetly irrelevant.

    But you along with Wallace miss the obvious:that racial conciousness amng Whites has risen in recent years..and it correlates exactly with race-replacement and economic distress. If anything this is consistetent with the White Nationalist prediction:when things get bad enough White Americans will either fight back or be a persecuted racial minority.

    It is not clear to me just how serious you and Wallace take the nonesense in his posts. There is a limit as to what White Americans will put up with. The MSM liberal immigration enthusiast understand this obvious point and they have gone on the attack to pre-empt any possibility of a White American race- revolt.

    Hunter Wallace’s comments are thoroughly dishonest. There is no White Nationalist political movement on even the smallest scale…but there is growing anxiety about the very real possibility of racial minority status. It is only a question of how much time will pass before it becomes full-blown White identity politics….this is the real organic grass roots White Nationalism.

    And yes, Jared Taylor needs to start confronting his fellow White Americans with the question:What are you willing to give up for racial minority status? He should ask the question rhetorically and then list about ten obvious things that White Americans will have to be willing to give up for racial minority status. success is directly linked to and emerges out of the years of hard work of the openly pro-White John Tanton. Tanton laid down the infrastructure foundations for Without John Tanton’s efforts-almost 40 years-there would be no

  26. Tabula Raza

    More free publicity for White Nationlaism. If Jared Tayor would just abandom the Hernstien-Murray gargbage and focus unrelentingly on the race-replacement issue…there would be lots more free publicity.

    And I just want to say it absolutely disgusts me when Jared Taylor publicly announces that asians are more intelligent than Whites…ask the big question in your public appearances Jared…time to rally the troops instead of arguing in public that the are intellectually inferior to the asians in America.

  27. We need to simply work together, abandon the whole Hernstein-Murray garbage (as pointed out by Jupiter), stop demonizing any white nationalist who achieves mainstream success, stop being so quick to regard anything mainstream as subversive, etc.

    I think Jupiter’s point about abandoning the whole Bell Curve nonsense is spot-on. I don’t think your average white person really gives a hoot about this whole “biology plays a role in racial intelligence” line of reasoning. They’re certainly not going to be galvanized into joining a white nationalist movement upon discovering that blacks have low IQ’s.

    We need to reach out to our fellow average whites, focusing first on NON-WN related issues. Once we build their trust, THEN we bring them into our flock. We need to let them know that if these demographic changes continue unabated, they will not be able to enjoy their lives as they currently know them.

    In friendlier terms, we should let them know that racial diversity and 1st world countries just don’t mix. As James Edwards says, “you cannot have a 1st world country with a 3rd world population.” Of course, we’ll put it in less mean terms, but you get the point. The point being that with more diversity, we’ll have less freedom of speech, free association, etc.

    We need to win people over to our agenda, but not be explicitly white nationalist in doing so. While some white nationalists might regard this approach as a bit of a compromise, well, tough. NOTHING gets done in politics without compromises.

    As pointed out by Occidental Dissent’s editors, I’m no longer interested in scoring cheap rhetorical points or being “right.” I want to win, dammit! And I think we should do WHATEVER it takes to win.

  28. Poltical Pesimist

    I give credit where credit is due. Jared Taylor has made a significant contribution in the battle against race-replacement. However, I cringe when I watch video clips of his public performances. The Murray-Hernstien stuff is front and center in Jared’s public performance. It is completetly irrelevant to the battle against race-replacement..and also very destructive for tactical reasons. Precious time is wasted..among othert things..with Jared trying to prove that he is not a racist by stting “hey look…I am not racist…I think asians are smarter that White Americans”..Jared, who the hell do you think you are fooling with ths patent nonesense….Why do want to sidetrack away for the race-replacement with a eyes-glaze-over-mind numbing discussion about psychometrics? Sheer lunacy Jared…when you go on RT….race-relpacement and its consequences from the moment you step on the show…rally the troops against their race-replacement.

    Take a look at the link that tabula raza has provided us with..a member of the black elite openly declaring a race war against the Native Born White American majority..what’s the proper response to this…Jared Taylor.”and further more Herstien-Murray hate demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that Asians are more intelligent than Whites”..this at a time when White Males are being replaced in the tech field with predatory Legal immigrant asians…it is sheer insanity…

    Go on the attack..lot’s of free publicity…and TV appeareances if you do.

    Hunter Wallace

    You need to make a post about the half-breed Matt Taibi’s essay on the Tea Party in the current issue of Rolling Stone. Most of it is spot on..but this little creepy polyneasin-caucasion ends with an open declaration of a race -war against the White Majority. If Jared Taylor went after this half-breed, he would get lots of free publicity from this mutant…about this I am absolutely certain.

  29. Political Pessimist, We will have a chance to win when public White Nationalists directly confront their fellow White Americans with the question:What are you willing to give up for racial minority status within the borders of America..and if they respond with “what will will we have to give up” if they wouldn’y have to give up anything….you start with a family vacation in Yellow Stone, the Adriondacks, Lake George NY, Yosemenite pick any great National State and National park…..ten twenty year waiting lists..way behind the young and growing Pakistani family of seven…this is what Jared Taylor should be saying in his apperances on RT….boy oh boy if he did this the race-replacement enthusasists would go ballistic and give Jared lots of free publicity and lots of TV apperances to mobilze the rising Native Born White Racial Conciousness.

    BY the way, a White Ethnostate means the end to the great state and national parks…this should be explained to our fellow White Americans also..for if it was I predict that they would choose the expulsion of the young and rapidly growing Paki “American” family of seven..what do you think of that Matt Taibi you creepy little half-breed.

    Jared Taylor

    Knock it iff with the Murray-Hernstien garbage…you do want to win don’t you?

  30. Why doesn’t James Edwards take on the Asians?If he did, he would really provoke immigration enthusiasts and got lots of free publicty for the White Nationalist case aganst race-replacement at the hands of high fertility predatory post-1965 nnwhites. If anything, James Edwards peddles it way too soft.

  31. They’re certainly not going to be galvanized into joining a white nationalist movement upon discovering that blacks have low IQ’s.

    The black-white gap is a necessary part of ethnopatriotic rhetoric.

    1. libs accuse whites of breaking blacky’s leg.
    2. whites point out blacky’s leg is a congenital defect.
    3. libs accuse whites of hate
    4. whites point out libs started the whole argument, and lib malfeasance in using “truth is no defense” tactics.

    Everyone who uses 2 must have the whole 1-4 series ready to deploy.

    Also, keeping higher mean Asian IQ at hand is good for dismissing accusations of “white supremacy.” IQ is not a prime argument in either case, but it’s there for the using. It shouldn’t be central to our arguments (i.e., it’s supporting evidence, not a raison d’etre), but it shouldn’t be swept under the rug, either.

  32. FB,

    Here in Alabama, I think it would be a bad idea to raise the Jewish Question … for pro-White politicians.

    1.) First, there is nothing on the state level that can be done about the issue.

    2.) Second, there are only a handful of Jews in this state. The Jewish Question is outside the experience of White Alabamians.

    3.) Third, you are not going to organize Whites in Alabama around such a controversial issue.

    4.) Fourth, it makes much more sense to organize Whites around issues where there is already a consensus like immigration and multiculturalism.

    OD is an educational website. I don’t think it is a bad idea to discuss the Jewish Question in this context.

  33. Jupiter,

    1.) I don’t think drawing attention to racial differences should be abandoned. That only gives the Left a license to say that discrimination is sufficient to explain racial inequality.

    2.) I’m fairly certain that Jared Taylor is a better communicator than you are.

  34. Jupiter,

    1.) White Nationalists mainly fall into two camps: mainstreamers and vanguardists. The vanguardists have no interest in communicating with a wider audience. The mainstreamers believe that watering down their message is sufficient to accomplish this goal. Both groups prioritize their rhetoric over organization and activism.

    2.) I’m criticizing the following: an unwillingness to start where people are at today, an unwillingness to communicate with people in terms of their own experience, an unwillingness to engage the mainstream, and the idea of organizing radicals instead of moderates.

    3.) White Nationalism can be precisely defined. It is the idea of creating a White ethnostate in North America. Most WNs would add “Jew-free” to the ethnostate they desire.

    4.) White Nationalists clearly are guilty of an unwillingness to start where people are at today. The comments on this website alone provide ubiquitous examples of this truth.

    5.) Well, let’s see: I have met everyone in the White Nationalist movement from Jared Taylor to Kevin MacDonald to Gordon Baum. I have met the Ku Klux Klan and Volksfront. I’ve also spent almost ten years talking to people like yourself on the internet.

    6.) As a mainstreamer, Jared is watering down the message. He has been relatively more successful than the vanguardists. Still, he lacks mainstream legitimacy. The major consequence of this is that he lacks the means to disseminate his message.

    If Jared was on FOX News in Glenn Beck’s time slot, he would undoubtedly be drawing millions of viewers. No doubt about that.

    7.) You are riding your pet hobby horse about Asians. This is tiresome. It annoys people to no end that you bludgeon away at the issue in every thread. You are failing to communicate with your audience.

    8.) I haven’t seen any evidence of an intense dislike of Asians.

    9.) I completely disagree with the idea that “things haven’t gotten bad enough” explains the lack of a White Nationalist mass movement.

    10.) NumbersUSA is not under any pressure from ineffective rhetorical radicals on the internet. There is no viable White Nationalist competitor to FAIR and NumbersUSA.

    11.) So your strategy is to attack the only people who are do anything effective to thwart the Left on immigration? That makes a lot of sense. Not really.

    12.) NumbersUSA is smart enough to work within the mainstream. They are moving the goal posts and winning victories. You are doing nothing but blowing off steam on the internet.

    13.) Sure. Let’s have a debate. Please tell how screaming “NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS are GETTIN SCREWED by CHINKS” into the comment section of various websites accomplishes anything other than making us look ridiculous.

  35. Svigor

    All you have to do is throw the racism charge back at the blacks and white liberals. No need for the Murray-Hernstien stuff. Now if the affirmative action isssue comes up, just state in very detailed and explicit terms why it is bad for Whites…no need for the Murrray-Hernstien stuff. There is a black jorunalist…first name Adolf,seriously he writes for In these times has made a powefull case against affrmative action without the Murray Hernstien has Corol Swain..even Alexnder Cockburn is opposed to affirmative action. It is so easy to argue against affirmative action without using rsorting to Murray and Hernstien. And if Blackcs persist in calling you a them a racist back. The Next step will be for blacks to resort to violence to get what that want…and White Americans will respond according accordingly in self-defense ..there are just irreconcilable differences between the two Whites and blacks.

    Any undergraduate who has recieved a B in a curse in the hilosophy of biology should be able to mop the floor up with Jared Taylor-and you you Sviggy-in a devabate about Hernstien-Murray and the large issue of strcit gene-based biological determinism. I don’t this to be mean..but eventually Jared will br destroted in a debge with half way decent philospher when this issue issue comes. Jareed should just state his racial preference openly and frame the terms the terms of the debate completetly in terms of Native Born White American racial interests..of course, this means that there is no debate…we are just gonna state are racial preferences and state that being made an ever dwindling racial minority within the borders of America at the hands of a hostile post-1965 nonwhite population is in no concievable way in the interests of Native Born White Americans. I other words, Jared Taylor should be reading the immigration enthusiasts the riot act.

    The burden should be placed on immigration enhusiasts to explain how racial minority status would be in the interest of the Native Born White American Majority. Always bring the “debate” back to this. And also state with one hundred percent certainty that White resistance to race-replacement will increse drastically in the very near future and that there is nothing the immigration enthusiasts can do about this.

    The other option is to being a yawn inducing policy wonk like the mad calibrator Steve Sailer..and put the White masseses into a psychometric babble induced coma. These are the only two options.


    You are trying to be too clever for your own good. It’s like a boxer who knocks himeself out in a fight.

    I don’t care what blacks think or want. I am opposed to affirmative action and screw them..let them make the next move.

    Take looke at the half-breed Mike Taibi’s essay in Rolling Stone..he exposes the obvious fact that Rand Paul is a whore for the Corporations…no one should be suprised by this…Rand Paul is a creepy looking spoiled brat son of a multillioniare doctor.

    However,”anticorporate” half-breed Matt Taibi receives a paycheck indirectly from the evil military industrial complex that advertises in the pages of Rolling Stone..what a cockroach..Matt Taibi who do you think you are fooling..we are on to you..hunter Wallace..let’s have some fun start thread about Matt Taibi’s essay in Rolling Stone.

    The black journalist name is Adolf Reed..witha name like that his moher is probably a kraut war-bride married to a black GI.

  36. Hunter Wallce

    Let’s take points two and seven. I have no idea what you mean by hoby horse with regard to legal asian immigrants. It is a mighty serious issue that has been discussed at other websites-Mangans, American Renassaince.Alternative Right. All I have to do is raise the issue on any of these web sites and it will ellicit strong anti-asian repsonse from the readers of these sites. There are strong anti-asian sentiments expressed by many readers of AR and this probably explains why there are regular articles posted about the asian threat on American Renassaince.

    Opposing asian legal immigation should be a fundamental policy of White Nationalist. This should obvious. Asians are not a minor threat.

    No, I don’t see a White Ethnostate surrounded by China,Paistan,India and Mexico as a long term viable option for White Americans and therefore don’t see this point as fundamental to White Nationalism..never has been. Look I have debated this point many times….here….majority rights,alternative right and american renassaince. The surrounder to China secessionists haven’t a leg to stand on. Anyone who doubts this should google up the debated I have had with the surrounder secessionist at these web sites.

    By the way, I have no problem with you promoting the White Ethno state idea. Because it goes to the heart of the answer to the question that prominent White Nationalists should put to their fellow White Americans:what are are you willng to give up for racial minority status within the borders of the former Unted States. Answer:being surrounded by China,India,Pakistanand Mexico..and later and the ecological collapse of the former US and the subsequent collapse of the encircled White population. Our fellow White Americans should be told what the options are.

    Numbersa and its supporters will be confronted with the nasty fact that over time, White Americans are going to be confronted in a very nasty way by nonwhites and their liberal supporters with very open demands for race-replacement. It will be vicious. Their will be n hiding from this..and it is going to look sillier and sillier for numbersusa to keep making the case of immigation reform exclusively in terms of black,asian,hispanic and muslim racial interests. At tis point in time,if numbers usa doesn’t start singing a different tune, the donations will dry up. This, is my prediction. At the present time deserves to be severely criticized for whiting out White Americans from its webite…don’t deny that this going on. Are you gonna keep honest Hunter?

    I am not the only one who has taken on Brimelow and Petrick Cleburne have gone after for the past two years. Either you have principles or you don’t.

    The hindus in American own 150 members of the US congress through an organization called the India policy group. Hobby horse? What the hell are you talking about? Have a look at Brenda Walker’s Victims Wall if you think Asian Legal immigration is trivial issue.Hindu ownership of 150 members of the “US” congress is a very significant event and thousands of Native Born White American families have had to deal with the very nasty consequences of this ownership. Let me tell you someting Hunter, if I were in an audience and Jared Taylor blathered on about the superior intelligence of asians over men like my late father..well he would have to deal with my wrath as an audience member..I would publicly challenge him to a debate…and this Land Grant institution grad will take great satisfication in evicerating Jared’s arguments. His Yale degree would provide him with no protection. He should focus exlcusively on the consequences of race-replacement..our fellow White Americans will easily get the concept of having to wait on a ten year waiting list-behind a Paki family of seven(and still growing)-to get into Yellwstone,Yosemenite,Adirandacks and other places. It will happen.

    I am categorically opposed to talking to our fellow White Americans in delicate-round-about-way. There are forcefull,yet clever ways- to get them to thik and confront the nasty consequences of race-replacement.

  37. If you haven’t seen any intense dislike of Asians than you not hanging around with non-White Nationalist White Americans who have had prolonged exposure to them. Let me tell you , the comments are quite nasty.

    Perhaps you have bee hanging around with too many asianphile White Nationalists?

    There is a very thin veneer of civility in America. On 9/11 and the weeks after it come off with a crash. The asians were very scared. If you didn’t notice this, you weren’t paying attention.

    You can write “blowing off steam” or use any other condescending term that comes to mind. But I will state categorically that your grasp about what you think is going in the collective mind of White America is not as steep as you think it is. I don’t write this as an insult but as an objective interpretation of your post..the other interpretaion is of course asianphilia-a disease that afflicts some “White Nationalist” and enthuiasm for asian legal immigration.

    And by the way, you write as if there there would be catastophic conequences if is criticized. Well, what if there were catastrophic consequences for All that this woud mean is that would be replaced at some point in time by something way more radically pro-white-not in the Beltway though . And this of course, would be a very good thing indeed.

  38. It’s not a good idea to talk about the JQ if you’re trying to appeal to the mainstream. But if the leadership of the implicitly White organizations don’t understand the problem, for example if they see Jews as White, the organizations will be taken over by Jews and redirect White resources away from anything that would help prevent race replacement.

  39. Jupiter, few White Americans have a lot of contact with Asians. It’s not a productive argument for a mass audience. Tailor your arguments to your audience, if you’re talking to engineers who lost their jobs to asian immigrants keep it up. If you’re talking to blue collar workers who lost their jobs to Mexican immigrants you might want to work that angle.

  40. M

    There is no reason why Jared Taylor couldn’t or shouldn’t -in his public appearances -talk about the fact that the hindus in America own 150 members of the US congress through an organization called the India policy group…precisely because many White Americans aren’t aware of it. You are assuming that they wouldn’t be outraged by this. I don’t think this assumption is at all obvious. And Jared state emphatically that it translate into race-replacement in the tech field and on university campuses..and he should also mention that America should produce its own doctors from the White majority like it did in the past. There are in fact enough White Americans out there who have been harmed by asian legal immigration who will understand what Jared is talking about. The asians in America are getting away with murder.

    The asianphilia among some “White Nationalist” is disgusting.

    Remeber when the case is made against legal immigration, the first thing the immigration enthusiasts throw out at you are the “great” contributions made by asians..the assumption being that without hindus,sihks,koreans and chinese the Native Born White Majority would never be ever to survive without them. This is the kind of vicious lies that Jared Taylor should be destroying in his public appearances..but instead, Jarerd Taylor blathers on about how science has demonstated beyond a resonable doubt asians in America are smarter than White Americans. This nothing but asianphilia being publicly expressed by an upper class WASP born with a silver spoon in his mouth has very little connection with what thousands of Native Born White American families have experienced first hand with the nastiness of asain legal immigration. This aspect of Jared Tylor really disgusts me.

    It is the thousands of White Americans who have had a nasty experience with asain legal immigrants that White Nationlaist should be reaching to for these tend to be the more intellectually sophisticated and politically motivated part of the White American population.

    I will state emphatically that Jared undermines the battle against race-replacement every time he lectures White Americans on how “science” demonstrates that asians in America are smarter than Native Born White Americans.

    If Jared Taylor stated on RT that White Americans are very smart and that there is no need to import even one asain legal immigrant…the asains would go apoplectic ,and as a consequence, give Jared Taylor and White Nationlaism free publicity.

  41. Jupiter,

    1.) You beat that dead horse in every single thread you post in like a spambot, not just on OD, but on Alt Right and Amren as well. Most people find it extremely annoying. If you are trying to get a message across about Asian immigration, you are not succeeding.

    2.) There isn’t a White Nationalist movement. White Nationalists have no influence over public policy. This is the inevitable consequence of starting at Point Z instead of Point A.

    3.) NumbersUSA is effective. They have influence in the Senate. If anyone should be criticized, it is the ineffective rhetorical radicals who do absolutely nothing to reverse our decline.

    4.) Yes, Jupiter: White Nationalists are losing because of Steve Sailer, Peter Brimelow, and Jared Taylor. Obviously, if you were in charge of communicating with a mass audience, we would be victorious!

    4.) That raises the inevitable question: why don’t White Nationalists own 150 members of Congress? How it that blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Hindus, and homosexuals have so much influence? And people like yourself don’t?

    5.) Jared Taylor seems capable of using correct spelling and grammar. I don’t see you winning in such a debate.

  42. Hunter Wallace

    You refuse to address very specific points that I hav made. You argue in a very general way..which means that you have no facts or arguments against my specific points or facts.

    I have no idea by what you mean by ineffective radicals. Just another one of your vague meaningless points. Ok, I’m not wasting my time here any more, no one reads this web site.

    About point 5, I have already debated the Hernstien-Murray enhusiasts on all the aforementioned websites. What really pisses them off is that I can flatten them in debate..I have done it many times on these web sites. So point five is just more of your intellectual dishonesty.

    My criticisms of Jared are of a constructive nature. You on the other hand, trash White Nationionalist and White Nationlaist leaders as being basically useless. Well, this would include Jared. So be a man about it and call Jared out.

    Well, you know the answer to 4):because nonwhites are openly racial in their poltics. So what is your point?

    As far as one goes, we now that you are an asianphile. You point about everyone being annoyed by my anti-asian legal immigrant comments is false. When I make them, lot of other people agree. It is only a handfull asianphiles in the HBD movement who are annoyed.

    If your larger point is that White Americans should be enhusaists for asian legal immigrants than you are not a White Nationalist and therefor not a serious advocate for White American racial interests.

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