Most people reading Occidental Dissent understand that we do not live a a “free country” where we are free to write, say and think what we know to be the truth. Oh yeah, in theory we have the 1st Amendment and can’t be prosecuted or persecuted for anything we say, write or think…. in theory that is.
In reality corrupt, anti-White “powers that be” are following us around with a sword over our head ready to cut off our heads for saying or even THINKING anything politically incorrect, any thing R-A-C-I-S-T like noting that the National Council of La Raza – “The RACE” – is a very racist, Latino advocacy group that insults and threatens our people.
Should any White college teacher let slip his opinion that the National Council of La Raza – The RACE – is a bit racist, then he will be fired. But in these dark days of anti-White restrictions on our free speech, we should take some comfort that some other non Whites are able to go places we can’t go and say things we can’t say… speak the truth about racial realities and defend our civilization when so many Whites can not, or will not do the same.
Today we present the British Indian writer V.S. Naipaul who has consistently defended White Western civilization and travelled to Africa, to Muslim areas of Iran, Pakistan and basically presented the truth that these NWs are brutal, backward civilization destroyers.
Here are some choice insights of V.S. Naipaul on the various strengths and appallingly bad weakness of the Black Africans, Iranian Muslims, Paki Muslims, NW untermenschen etc:
Naipaul’s travel through Africa:
“By Ghana, though, Naipaul is beginning to have a hard time of it. The poor Ghanaians suffer his ire, perhaps because he discovers they eat cats in the south of the country; Naipaul is a big cat lover. His Ghanaian guide, Richmond (a cynical and somewhat self-loathing African), tells him they are killed by being dropped alive into boiling water. Naipaul doesn’t care for the Gaa, who make him nervous. He bolts from a meeting with the high priest.”
“Things go further downhill in Ivory Coast, where they eat cats too. He doesn’t take to the Ivorians at all – cat eaters, elephant killers, forest wreckers – though he does find beauty in the oft-mocked basilica built by the country’s first president, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, a replica of St Peter’s in Rome, only bigger. “
V.S Naipaul on Islam:
Islam, he claimed, had both enslaved and attempted to wipe out other cultures.
“It has had a calamitous effect on converted peoples. To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. You have to stamp on it, you have to say ‘my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn’t matter’.”
“Paul Theroux claims new biography reveals the true monster in V S Naipaul”
“Africans need to be kicked – that’s the only thing they understand,” he said in Uganda. “Whip them” was also a frequent Naipaul rejoinder.
All in all, I highly recommend V.S. Naipaul’s fiction and non fiction books – well written, honest and presenting many racial truths that we White folks are just not permitted to say in respectable circles. But certain higher caste NW who take the white civilization side can say these truths and still get published, receive Nobel Prizes for literature.
Years ago I read the book that made him famous,, and for a foreign book it was okay, but on this recommendation I might take another look at him. Any suggestions from his current writings?
I only wish that a white person could get away with (ie. not be condemned and actually be praised) making the same statements.
If Westerners cannot publicly defend Western civilization, then is it really worth defending?
If we aren’t willing to stand up for ourselves and fight, why should we expect anyone else to?
“Any suggestions from his current writings?”
This is not current but it’s subject matter is timeless:
“The Return of Eva Peron with The Killings in Trinidad”
Essays on Argentina, Mobutu’s Zaire and Naipaul’s birthplace, Trinidad.
Each essay is a bitter indictment. No PC for Naipaul.
North of South has a similar theme, though written in the 70’s so probably a little more hopeful.
I find that Africans are the only truly worthless humans due to genetic stupidity. That is, the other races can at least tread water and sustain themselves (Indians, Mexicans, etc). Africans take far more than they output, and the things they produce no one needs. The world is feeding and growing a huge horde of termites.
Excerpts from: The Irascible Prophet: V. S. Naipaul at Home, By Rachel Donadio, New York Times
What is of account, in Naipaul’s view, is the larger global political situation — in particular, the clash between belief and unbelief in postcolonial societies. “I became very interested in the Islamic question, and thought I would try to understand it from the roots, ask very simple questions and somehow make a narrative of that discovery,” he said. To what extent, he wondered, had “people who lock themselves away in belief . . . shut themselves away from the active busy world”? “To what extent without knowing it” were they “parasitic on that world”? And why did they have “no thinkers to point out to them where their thoughts and their passion had led them”? Far from simple, the questions brought a laserlike focus to a central paradox of today’s situation: that some who have benefited from the blessings of the West now seek to destroy it.
The bigger issue, he said, is that Western Europe, while built on tolerance, today lacks ”a strong cultural life,” making it vulnerable to Islamicization. He even went so far as to say that Muslim women shouldn’t wear headscarves in the West. ”If you decide to move to another country and to live within its laws you don’t express your disregard for the essence of the culture,” he said. ”It’s a form of aggression.”
”People here talk about those people who were picked up by the Americans as ‘lads,’ ‘our lads,’ as though they were people playing cricket or marbles,” Naipaul said. ”It’s glib, nonsensical talk from people who don’t understand that holy war for Muslims is a religious war, and a religious war is something you never stop fighting.”
In his Nobel acceptance speech, he said: ”I have always moved by intuition alone. I have no system, literary or political. I have no guiding political idea.” This is both true and incomplete. Naipaul’s cold, unsparing look at the corruption and disarray of the postcolonial world, his disdain for Marxist liberation movements and his view that Islamic society leads to tyranny are implicitly political positions, and have made him the object of much political criticism.
“A Bend In The River”
A Bend in the River is a 1979 novel by Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul.
Set in an unnamed African country after independence, the book is narrated by Salim, an ethnically Indian Muslim and a shopkeeper in a small, growing city in the country’s remote interior. Though born and raised in another country in a more cosmopolitan city on the coast (possibly Mombasa but more likely Zanzibar since the pogrom described by Salim resembles the Zanzibar Revolution) during the colonial period, as neither European nor fully African, Salim observes the rapid changes in his homeland with an outsider’s distance. Although Salim never identifies the country where he lives, the events closely parallel the Belgian Congo’s transformation into Zaire under Mobutu Sésé Seko (the novel’s “Big Man”) – with the unnamed city in which the novel is set having some similarity with the Zairean river port of Kisangani….
Here’s an interesting Amazon review of V.S. Naipaul’s second non fiction commentary on non Arab Muslim societies (all Non White) – the book is titled “Beyond Belief”.
The reviewer notes that V.S. Naipaul personally travels in to these NW Muslim societies and basically tears them down as failed societies full of negative, defeated people. White writers have a really hard time doing anything like this as the PC thought police come down on them big time as RACIST, colonialist.
Here’s the review:
A convert has to reject his own history, February 24, 2010
By Luc REYNAERT (Beernem, Belgium) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Peoples (Paperback)
By revisiting the countries and the people he described in a previous book (`Among the Believers’), V.S. Naipaul sees the former believers going `beyond belief’. Islam makes imperial demands. The `cruelty’ of Islamic fundamentalism is that it allows only to one people, the Arabs, a past and sacred places. By making its own laws, it destroys native cultures and turns the converts into `ghosts’.
The ambition of the Islamic fundamentalists is not less than the take-over of this part of the world: `In politics you must not expect honesty and morality. The question of winning is the end result. If you put your ideas into the mind of your enemy, and he practices it, you are the winner.’ Therefore, the motto is `to control the school is to possess power.’
Besides the destruction of the native culture, Islam destroys families through polygamy. Multiple marriages and easy divorce lead to damaged families, to a semi-orphaned society, with all kinds of financial distress. It also destroys women, forcing on them dress codes, which are `strange habits in a tropical country’.
The `beyond believers’ formed a very small power circle of businessmen, politicians and religious leaders. `Connections’ and howling with the wolves are the only means to live a decent life: `only corrupt people could afford a house’. The regime creates a mass of hypocrites and cynics.
The villagers who immigrated into the cities were confronted with new oil wealth and felt cheated by the Shah’s land reforms. They voted for an Islamic Republic without knowing what it would be.
Some had believed that the fall of the Shah would bring a Western-style democratic government. On the other hand, the communist party (Tudeh) hoped to ride to power on the back of the religious movement. It was slaughtered by the soviet-style apparatus they handed over to the Islamic revolutionaries.
What the people got was an `occult’ government, `a mysteriously evolving leadership’, which controlled everything (even the way of sitting) and sending helicopters into the air to look for forbidden satellite dishes.
After the revolution, came the war with Iraq, leaving many `martyrs’ after a goodbye ceremony dead. Many young women had to survive as spinsters.
Khomeini had said that the revolution had to concentrate on children and the younger generation. But, the young are loosing their faith.
On the other hand, those in power become corrupted and `easy to read.’
At the moment of the partition `Pakistan/India’ the rich Hindu and Sikh population left Pakistan. Fortunes were made overnight with properties `taken’ by new owners. The very beginning of the religious State was touched by the old idea of plunder. The State became a criminal enterprise. On the other hand, the migrants from India, the mohajirs, had no territory and are still strangers without power in Pakistan.
The Islamic fundamentalists wanted to take Pakistan back to the time of the Prophet, to feudalism with religion and faith as the only ideology. Pakistan shrank, while India with its intelligentsia expanded in all directions.
The majority of the local people are hardly in their own land, `only as ciphers swept aside by the agents of faith’, the mullahs, who fix the mind of the converted people on hell and heaven. As someone in this book states: `there is no free will in Islam. The word `Islam’ means obedience, submission. Except people with names or money, everybody else is like a worm or an insect. Justice is rubbish. Law is there only for the poor.’
The book ends with a postscript on Malaysia and its formidable and challenging jump from feudality to a rich capitalist State.
Illustrating his viewpoints with extraordinary, tragic, cynical, hypocritical or highly emotional individual human itineraries, V.S. Naipaul wrote a fascinating book.
It is a must read for all those who want to understand the world we live in.
Anything by Naipaul is well worth reading, though visitors to this site will likely prefer his nonfiction to his fiction, at least at the outset.
People forget V.S. had a kid brother, Shiva, who was also a writer of both fiction and nonfiction. He was in my opinion every bit as talented as his brother, but he died very young of a heart attack and is largely overlooked. His nonfiction includes “Black and White” and “North of South.”
“Among the Believers” is his first book on Islam and is excellent. It gained him wide acclaim as a non-fiction author.
Paul Theroux’s book “Dark Star Safari” is a sort of closet WN classic. If anyone is interested I will post excerpts.
“Paul Theroux’s book “Dark Star Safari” is a sort of closet WN classic. If anyone is interested I will post excerpts.”
I’d be very interested. Read a few excerpts on Amazon. Some of reviewers accuse Theroux of insensitivity and racism.
Theroux wrote a scathing biography of Naipaul based on a decades-long friendship.
Theroux accuses Naipaul of insensitivity and racism.
Europe, the most powerful continent in the time of Augustus, entered into a 1,000 year slide until the Renaissance, literally “rebirth” of the knowledge from white Greece and Rome.
What Naipaul said:
“It has had a calamitous effect on converted peoples. To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. You have to stamp on it, you have to say ‘my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn’t matter’.”
“It” could also be Christianity vis-a-vis the white peoples of Europe.
HelenChicago: Shiva Naipaul also eviscerated the upscale liberals of the SF Bay area in his book about the Jim Jones suicide cult. I believe the title is “Journey to Nowhere”.