“I Do Have My Reasons” (for Being a Racialist and an Anti-Semite)

by Val Koinen
October 18, 2010

I have been asked several times over the past few months why I am so negative toward Negroes, mestizos, and Jews. Why I seem to hate them so much; why I am such a vehement racist and strident anti-Semite.

The best short answer might be, “Well, I don’t know that ‘hate’ has all that much to do with it – it’s more a matter of having a great deal of respect for nature (including genetics and evolution); caring very deeply about the well-being and future of my own people; and reverence for the truth.”

Anyway, I thought it might be appropriate if I briefly outlined the main reasons for my thinking the way I do about these matters – these issues that to me at least are such crucially all-important, life-and-death factors affecting the survival of the White race and Western Civilization. There are many more, but these are the “biggies.”


(1) From the standpoint of genetics, stage of species evolutionary development, protection and preservation of White DNA, and the ultimate survival of our race; Negroes are a distinct and less developed (less evolved) subspecies of humankind. Genetically, they just are not “us.” I want my great grandchildren and their progeny to be genetically White; I don’t want them to be part Negro, to carry Negro DNA. Plus – by mixing with them (and with other non-White races), we Whites are destined to be slowly but surely exterminated. In that event we will eventually disappear from the face of the earth. I don’t think that’s a good thing, and I don’t think we should let that happen.

(2) Negroes are not only a different subspecies, they are (overall, on average, and individually more often than not) less intelligent (lower IQ); have less developed (less “civilized”) behavioral traits; and are less able to participate and function successfully in our White Euro-centric society. That being the case, we do our own race a huge disservice by allowing them to completely integrate in, and freely share, our society because they always have and always will have the effect, on balance, of dragging it down and to some significant extent ruining it for our people. Another way of putting it might be – just look at societies which are exclusively Negro (or even just predominantly Negro), such as much of Detroit, Camden New Jersey, Haiti, and the African countries; and it will be immediately obvious that they cannot create or even sustain our kind of society (government, legal system, beauty and order, quality of life, scientific and artistic achievement, etc.). I think it is clear that it does us White people no good to allow our society to be, or to become, even just a “little bit” more like theirs.

[Sure, there are a lot of good (and smart, talented, and civilly refined) black people. But there are far more mentally and behaviorally lesser-developed individuals. And overall – on average – they are decidedly inferior to Whites with regard to such things as IQ, behavioral traits, criminal tendencies, social morality, functional abilities in jobs that require average and especially above-average intelligence, etc.]

(3) In view of the above, it is unnatural, unfair, and just plain intolerable that the White race should be so heavily burdened with the black presence in our society (the “albatross factor”). We need to be free to be what we can be – to enjoy the fruits of the societies only we can create, and to continue unimpeded on our own natural evolutionary course, our developmental pathway to becoming even more and better than we are now.

(4) The huge monetary costs to America’s White citizens for such things as Negro welfare, food stamps, education, health care, criminal control (policing, courts, and incarceration) is just not right, fair, natural, necessary, or tolerable. This is money that could (and should) be used to improve the lot of our people; to advance and make better our White society.

(5) I have to admit that I am particularly resentful of all the undeserved and unwarranted favoritism showered upon the Negroes by our government via such things as “affirmative action” hiring and racial-preferences in school admissions etc.

(6) Our White children’s educations suffer greatly whenever and wherever there are substantial numbers of blacks in the public schools. Their instruction is impeded and “dumbed down” by the disruptions of the Negro students and due to so much time and so many resources being spent on what is really a futile effort to educate the comparatively uneducable Negro children. Their educations are also diminished by all the “politically correct” inaccuracies and outright lies that are taught in classrooms and printed in many textbooks. And worse, our White children are frequently assaulted physically and sexually in their schools by predatory blacks.

(7) We White citizens have long suffered from being terrorized and brutalized by black-on-White crime resulting from the Negroes’ criminal proclivities and lack of control – by the vastly disproportionate rates of assault, rape, murder etc. perpetrated on our people. All the physical pain, mental anguish, and death, plus the monetary costs of this outrageous situation; add up to the “secret, dirty war” being waged against Whites in America every day, year after year after year.

(8) The cultural distortion and destruction caused by the Negro presence in our society (as promoted and exaggerated and artificially glorified by the Jews – see below) has gotten completely out of hand. Watching TV (both the shows and the commercials), taking in a movie, and looking at advertisements in newspapers and magazines, naïve Whites are given the (false) impressions that we must always include blacks in our social activities and business associations; that Negroes are the smartest and most virtuous and least criminally inclined members of any group; and that Negroes are just naturally the leaders and supervisors of the less talented Whites. Particularly disturbing is the way this unnatural, “negrified” culture – including such things as their so-called “music,” manner of dress, street language and supposed “coolness” — is so constantly hammered into the heads of our impressionable White children; so relentlessly marketed to them.


(1) All the Negro issues above, to variously greater or lesser degree.

(2) Their immigration invasion, both quasi-legal and illegal; together with their high birth rate and their openly (and with open hostility) advocating the “reconquista” of large portions of our country; are overwhelming us. If unchecked, that horrible situation, coupled with increasing miscegenation with Negroes, will turn America into a brown nation in just a few decades. Think Mexico- and Brazil-North, or Portugal- or Egypt-West.

(3) Their taking over lower-tier jobs that once provided gainful entry-level employment for our young people and our less educated and less skilled adults as well has had a serious and negative impact on many communities. In the process, they lower wages and cause substantial White unemployment.

(4) The social welfare costs of pandering to the mestizo invaders – such things as general welfare hand-outs, food stamps, medical care, law enforcement and incarceration – are already bankrupting many communities, even entire states such as California.

(5) By pandering to the mestizos, even the illegals, we are allowing them to corrupt, pervert, contaminate, and even displace our English language over large parts of the country (in schools, government offices, and entire cities). (This is glaringly obvious in the case of the mestizos, but also applies to the Negroes, with their guttural, negrified English and so-called “ebonics.”)

(6) Due largely to the above language factor but also as a result of their south-of-the-border cultural heritage and their poor scholastic abilities (their comparative uneducability, like the Negroes but perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent); the mestizos also detract significantly from our White children’s educations and cost us White taxpayers a great deal of money.


[The Jews are such a terrible, malicious, and anti-White tribe of people that even though it will be difficult, I will have to try my best to limit the following listing to a reasonable number of major issues.]

(1) The Jews exert hugely excessive influence over our governance via their disproportionate representation in Congress and among the executive branch’s advisory and administrative appointments and on the Supreme Court. And due also to their many aggressive lobbying organizations, their huge level of campaign contributions, and their control of the press (which enables them to influence voters in favor of or against specific issues and candidates). And all these influences are bolstered by the generous use of their slanderous “anti-Semite” smear and blackmail ploy and their “what’s good for Jews” strategy of unified and coordinated action.

(2) They are able to shape public opinion with regard to essentially all things that matter via their hugely disproportionate ownership and other control of the press (newspapers, magazine and book publishing), television and radio networks, motion picture studios, other entertainment media, and the music industry (recording and distribution). By exercising all the directed-purpose power this gives them, the Jews are substantially in control of pop culture and social thinking in America. They have used all that power to distort, even to destroy, our White-European culture and values; for example by pushing negrified culture and the over-representation of Negroes on us Whites and by peddling countless other perversions of healthy social and family values.

(3) The Jews have worked incessantly through the 20th century (and now into the 21st), very successfully, to get America (and the other White, European nations) into wars that they otherwise might have avoided; including in particular World War II and most recently the wars for Israel in the Middle East (just look into the malevolent influence the Jewish “neoconservatives” had on our waging war on the Iraqis during the Bush administration).

(4) The Jews were the primary instigators and the proximate cause of the rise of communism early in the 20th Century, which event was devastating to all the hundreds of millions of people directly affected. It cost the U.S. decades of military concern and struggle and billions of dollars, and led directly and indirectly to the death of tens of millions of our people (primarily our White European cousins but arguably also many thousands of our very own soldiers in wars that would never have happened if it was not for Jew-inspired communism).

(5) For more than a hundred years the Jews in America have worked diligently, aggressively, and successfully to weaken (and ultimately destroy) White, Euro-centric America through such things as:

  • Promotion of slavery and working in the forefront of slave trading and shipping in colonial America.
  • Changing our immigration laws, especially in 1965, which has led to a massive influx of non-Whites.
  • Pushing for Negro “civil rights,” integration, race-mixing, and glorification of the fallacies of “diversity” and multi-culturalism (and all that in stark contrast to their ethnic cleansing, apartheid, policies in their own “Jewish state” Israel).
  • Pushing the radical feminist agenda that has done so much to damage the traditional, natural, and healthy relationship between White American men and women.
  • Promoting and purveying homosexuality, pornography, and the premature sexualization of our children in our society.
  • Working to instill massive “White guilt” in our people via such things as “holocaust” indoctrination and guilt for historical slavery.

(6) The Jews have shamelessly brainwashed our people, and especially our schoolchildren, with their “holocaust” myth – essentially a hoax and an extortion racket designed to:

  • Extort billions of dollars from Germany, Switzerland, and other countries.
  • Create sympathy to justify and enable the creation and continued existence of Israel.
  • Instill guilt among the German people, and by extension, all the world’s White people.
  • Deflect the world’s attention from their horrendous maltreatment of the Palestinians and other non-Jews in Israel and surrounding areas.
  • Maintain a high level of sympathy for their being uniquely persecuted through the years (as they see it) and for their self-declared status as the “chosen” people.

(7) Disproportionate Jewish control of banking and the financial and brokerage industries (“high finance”) in America, coupled with their heavy involvement if not dominance of international finance and banking, has been significantly responsible for such things as: the transgressions of the Federal Reserve, recessions and depressions and the resulting loss of wealth and property by White Americans (and huge gains by the Jewish financial class), devastating perpetrations of illicit financial schemes and fraud of all kinds, massive government debt, and crippling inflation.

(8) …and, a myriad of other things those people have done to the everlasting detriment of White Americans down through the years and ongoing to this day – such things as: relentlessly committing espionage at the highest levels and involving the most serious national security matters, attacks such as that on the U.S.S. Liberty back in 1967, blatantly promoting miscegenation (especially of White women with black males), striving through nepotism and networking to achieve over-representation if not outright domination in academia and the legal-justice system (as lawyers and judges), and even their probable involvement if not outright responsibility for the horrendous “9-11” attack.

[Oh, yes, there are some honorable people – some truth-tellers and resisters – amongst the Jews, and some very capable scientists and medical people. But in my opinion they are far outnumbered by the “complicit and culpable” Jews who have done and continue to do so much damage to Western Civilization and White people in Europe and America and other White countries as set out above.]

[I recognize that many of my complaints about the Jews stem from their successes, which result not only from their tribal dedication but also from their intelligence, academic achievement, and good work ethic. Those traits would be admirable in other circumstances. While you have to have some admiration and respect for an adversary who, through his abilities and efforts, is on the verge of triumphing over you, defeating you, and conquering you; that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t resent what he is doing to you and fight back to the best of your ability. After all, these aren’t just a bunch of African savages throwing spears at us. Sad as it may be, and to the huge detriment of and lethal danger to our people, the complicit and culpable Jews have time and again chosen to be our adversaries – our enemies – to use their mental capabilities, talents, and resources to disrupt and destroy the White societies they have penetrated.]

The point I have tried to make is that – taken all together – the above listings comprise a testament to the impending destruction of our White culture, our “Western Civilization,” and ultimately our continued existence as a people. And those dire circumstances are not just some distant “possibility.” With the Jew-devised and Jew-pushed social and political dispossession of Whites, the consequent ascendancy of non-Whites (historically especially the Negroes but in recent years most devastatingly the invasion of our nation by the mestizo hordes), and that explosive growth of the mestizo segment of the population; all coupled with our one-man-one-vote democracy and the prevalent envious, jealous animosity and even open hostility instilled in the coloreds against White people – we Whites will soon be absolutely dispossessed and then economically enslaved and increasingly maltreated by government and the colored hordes both legally and physically. Within three or four generations our great grandchildren and those who follow will likely find themselves working their entire lives to support a nation of non-Whites (if they are even allowed to do that – if they are not literally running and hiding for their lives). It’s not a very pretty picture, is it? It’s not really the way you would want things to turn out for your people, is it?

Val Koinen blogs at Koinen’s Corner


  1. This is an honest post and I understand the author’s feelings/position.

    Still, we have to do better than just restating the problems and moaning about the dire, unjust situation our people face in what was once – our country.

    My advice is to step back and see what other Whites or other groups are doing that actually work. It wasn’t too long ago that everyone believed that Whites can’t fight, can’t compete in boxing with stronger, quicker, tougher Black boxers – we heard “White boys can’t find”. And when you add in the corrupt nature of Black and Jewish domination of the American boxing business, it would indeed seem very unrealistic for Whites to challenge to win in boxing.
    But what happened? Whites now dominate boxing internationally, so naturally the American Jew dominated media doesn’t want to cover boxing these days.
    My advice is to go with what works, find White contenders who are the right age, size, weight, have the right image, the accents, the right class/ethnic backward to challenge to win in politics or really in anything.
    Let’s examine what actions Jews do that are so effective for them and so destructive to us – I will give Jews a lot of credit for generally being smart, sharp – not doing stupid, counter productive activities like so many White American Gentiles do over and over again. Things like splitting up over Christian church affiliations – as in the last Presidential election where White Religious Right Protestants became obsessed with stopping the nomination of a perfectly good, healthy White candidate Mitt Romney who was – horrors of horrors a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints!
    Let’s do some education here examining the things Jews do to win wealth and power and things Whites have not been doing, and now should start doing.

  2. As others have observed, I think one of the serious barriers for our people – in comparison to the Jews – is that many Jews hold their race/religion as the primary component of their identity, and therefore are willing to lay differences in less critical areas aside to collaborate on Jewish interests. Considering their history and relative scarcity it makes sense to me that Jews conceive of themselves this way, just as it makes sense to me that Whites – who have traditionally dominated Europe and the States – develop this sense slowly and often to the degree it is sanctioned by their environment and in relation to their exposure to NWs. I believe racial consciousness for Whites is inevitable, though on an unpredictable timeline. I agree with those that believe our primary focus needs to be igniting racial consciousness before the demographic point-of-no-return is reached here. I’ve successfully reached out to those in my circle receptive to the ideas, and am working to reach the others. As I’ve mentioned before, I also firmly believe that a well-coordinated, refined, real world WN propaganda campaign can be effective in presenting an authoritative voice to the people, and at least giving some of them the concept that it’s acceptable to indulge their natural ethnocentric instincts.

  3. In the past few weeks I have been asked by two long-time friends to explain why I don’t like “the Jews”. It surprised me to be asked about that when I have already talked about it so much over the last few years. Not really sure if they were showing interest (finally), or simply asking me to defend my beliefs again. I probably need to develop a quick sales pitch for those opportunities. Even discussing these matters around my closest friends is a tremendous battle, as most only have the background information given to them in public school and in the media. I can’t use most of our strongest arguments without spending hours providing background and references.

  4. “This essay goes over the top in blaming Jews for our problems. We did most of it to ourselves.”

    It is true that White cowardice is the number one reason for our current situation. It is also true that without Jews it is very likely that America would still be a healthy, White country.

    “Over the top” how, exactly?

  5. Lew;
    “This essay goes over the top in blaming Jews for our problems. We did most of it to ourselves.”
    -And how exactly did we “do most of it to ourselves”? I could not find one statement in Val’s essay concerning Jewish influence that was inaccurate, and it is interesting that you do not elaborate on your contention that his essay goes “over the top”. I note no complaints about his statements concerning Negros or Meztizos, your only gripe is with his assessment of the Jews. That is telling, for I note that my past observation of similar objectors to calling the Jews on the carpet always seems to stem from some affection for these people arising from an imaginary religious “brotherhood” (the “Judeo-Christian” connection), laughable in itself because Jews despise all forms of Christianity (to the point that Iraeli pilots have shot holes in the crosses marking Red Cross ambulances on the battlefield). Jews merely “use” fundamentalist Christians for the useful idiots that they are. If you truly believe that they (the Jews) are not to blame for the demise of Western Civilization, our many and unending wars, miscengenation, our economic woes (remember Bernie Madoff?), then you are miserably uninformed.
    Jack Ryan: your constant use of that “smilie” is at least as annoying as “lol” which has been banned here.

  6. “LEW says:
    October 19, 2010 at 5:57 pm
    This essay goes over the top in blaming Jews for our problems. We did most of it to ourselves.”

    It’s not over the top. They are a sneaky, covert, parasitic tribe. They’ve been alienated by various peoples for thousands of years. They take, they destroy. The one thing they excel at above all else is creating enemies for themselves. I’ve had it with them!!!

  7. Jews have had enthusiastic cooperation from our own people, especially our elites, every step of the way. Our own people, for example, made the Immigration Act of 1965 the law of the land. Yes, the Jews pushed it and propagandized for it, but at the end of the day, our own people enacted it. Our own people directly implemented or had a hand in virtually everything on that list.

  8. Lew;

    There are “Shabbats-Goyim”, bought and paid for among all nationalities and ethnies, not just whites. And further, what our government does to us does not constitute the “will of the people”. The immigration bill of 1965 was pushed through Congress and the Senate HARD by the Kennedy clan, and like all potentially unpopular legilsation, it was misrepresented to the people. Quote Ed Kennedy on the Senate floor at the time : “”First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same…. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset…. Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia…. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think…. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”
    Politicians obfuscating issues and lying regarding the nature of their legislation does not constitute “we doing it to ourselves”.

  9. The immigration bill of 1965 was pushed through Congress and the Senate HARD by the Kennedy clan, and like all potentially unpopular legilsation, it was misrepresented to the people.

    As well, much of the Kennedy klan, especially the raging alcoholic geezer ‘Teddy’, were venomous anti-Founding Stock, anti-Protestant bigots.

  10. Since I was targeted yesterday by a very nasty computer virus attack (Security Tool), I would like to share how to rescue your PC.
    First, learn how to start your version of Windows in the safe mode.
    Start system restore in the safe mode. Restore your computer to the day before. Voila!

  11. As good a short summary of the machinations of organized Jewry in America that I’ve ever read. If anything, an understatement: I have two Jew-families married into not-too-distant branches of my own. One clan of Red-lawyer types, one clan of highbrow culture-vulture Zionists. I have discussed many of these issues with them. And I can assure you, their ultimate purposes are lethal. They are convinced that the only way to avoid being holcausted “again” is to eliminate white, Euro-American civilization via race-replacement globalization.

  12. I’ve had a few Jewish friends in the past, and they’ve stated point-blank to me that Whites have no business organizing as such or complaining about “hate crimes” or “affirmative action”. It wasn’t something they had to think over; their responses were automatic.

  13. Jake Cousino: Instead of explaining yourself, ask your relatives to explain things to you. Have them look up how very disproportionately Jews are represented in Hollywood, in politics, in high finance, and ask them what does it mean when Jews are controlling these things. If they try to explain, they will have to think. It will be enough if they come to understand that Jews run the country, for the Jews benefit.

  14. More people should be made aware of the very, very peculiar nature of the US-Israeli relationship. For example, it’s an open secret that Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty in 1967. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence of Israel’s guilt, an outlandishly mendacious official cover-up continues to this day.

    The Pollard Affair-which involved Israel’s sale of the US war plans vs the Soviet Union (“the Crown Jewels”) and Polaris sub info to the USSR for increased Jewish emigration- is another incredible episode. Not even pretending at shame, Israel made Pollard an Israeli citizen after he was sent to prison.

    This kind of stuff is still going on:
    Israel has sold advanced weapons systems to China that are believed to incorporate technology developed by American companies, including the Python-3 air-to-air missile and the Delilah cruise missile. There is evidence that Israel has also stolen Patriot missile avionics to incorporate into its own Arrow system and that it used US technology obtained in its Lavi fighter development program, which was funded by the US taxpayer to the tune of $1.5 billion, to help the Chinese develop their own J-10 fighter.
    More recently, FBI counter intelligence officer John Cole has reported how many cases of Israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the Justice Department. He provides a “conservative estimate” of 125 worthwhile investigations into Israeli espionage involving both American citizens and Israelis that were stopped due to political pressure from above.

  15. More on Pollard:
    Pollard did more damage to the United States than any spy in history. And it was genuine damage, not just a mass of documents that had been routinely classified. Pollard’s Israeli handler, aided by someone in the White House who has up until now evaded arrest, was able to ask for specific classified documents by name and number. The Soviets obtained US war plans, passed to them by the Israelis in exchange for money and free emigration of Russian Jews without any regard for the damage it was doing to the United States. The KGB was able to use the mass of information to reconstruct US intelligence operations directed against it and a number of Americans and US agents paid with their lives. Pollard also revealed to the Israelis and Soviets the technical and human source capabilities that US intelligence did and did not have, which is the most critical information of all as it underlies all information collection efforts. Compounding the problem, the United States has never actually been able to accurately ascertain all of the damage done by Pollard because the Israeli government has refused to cooperate in the investigation and has not returned the documents that were stolen.
    He is reported to be a very popular person in Israel, an Israeli citizen by act of parliament, and there is a square in Jerusalem that has been renamed “Freedom for Jonathan Pollard Square.” There is also an active “Justice for Jonathan Pollard” movement in the United States supported by the heavyweight Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Never before has there been such a transformation, with a despicable lowlife spy who sold out his country for money turned into a hero.
    If ever a foreign country has stuck its thumb in the eye of Uncle Sam, it is Israel in its willingness to take the United States for a ride while always demanding still more. And when it demands more it is invariably given more, with US politicians and mainstream media ever willing to genuflect and do what is right for the kleptocracy in charge in Tel Aviv.

    The latest criminal outrage is a quartet of congressmen who are calling on the Obama Administration to free Pollard to “advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.”

  16. Very well stated, Val. Your ‘best short answer’, regarding the “hate” accusation, is very succinct and pithy.

  17. “LEW says:
    October 20, 2010 at 1:30 am
    Jews have had enthusiastic cooperation from our own people, especially our elites, every step of the way. Our own people, for example, made the Immigration Act of 1965 the law of the land. Yes, the Jews pushed it and propagandized for it, but at the end of the day, our own people enacted it. Our own people directly implemented or had a hand in virtually everything on that list.”


    I understand we have traitors within our own and I hope, at the end of the day, they pay for it in a very wicked way. That being said, your analogy is off. Although a victim can merit some blame, the perpetrator is the real evil. Like a home invasion, does the homeowner get blamed for not sitting at the front door with a shotgun ready to fire, or the invader who will eventually find a victim no matter how hard people barracade themselves in? That is why there is so much furor directed at the Jews. They’re relentless and they are the ones initiating the destruction. It will be interesting to see if they take advantage of Chinese loopholes. Of course, the Chinese are not so naive and we know what the Chinese would do to them anyway – and without apology or guilt. I’m rooting for the Chinese!

  18. Let’s not forget that Hart of the Hart Celler Act was a Roman Catholic, and acting in the interests of the Roman Catholics.

  19. Earl, you have to get off this Irish, Catholic, southern European bashing trip. There are quite a lot of big traitors are from your neck of the woods and your neck of the tribe:

    Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton to name a few…

  20. Earl, you have to get off this Irish, Catholic, southern European bashing trip. There are quite a lot of big traitors are from your neck of the woods and your neck of the tribe:

    A lot of times I suspect Joanne that characters such as these are enemy trolls deliberately trying to sow dissension among White Americans.

  21. We are white European people. Jews are not. I always point out how many ‘white-looking’ elites are really jewish. This could be the basis of an educational ‘game’. Take a picture of the President sitting with his cabinet and advisors. Lots of white people…. not really when you count the jews. Speaking of games check this out:

  22. [Joanne Dee wrote:]

    I understand we have traitors within our own and I hope, at the end of the day, they pay for it in a very wicked way. That being said, your analogy is off. Although a victim can merit some blame, the perpetrator is the real evil. Like a home invasion, does the homeowner get blamed for not sitting at the front door with a shotgun ready to fire, or the invader who will eventually find a victim no matter how hard people barricade themselves in?

    Yes, the homeowner is to blame for not being vigilant and assuring that the government is his own and thus will deal with the invader. Unfortunately, the Greater Judean goy is something of a numbskull who typically believes in Set-it-and-Forget-it government. He believes in forms or “models” of government, as is universally taught in academia and in popular media – and further believes that the options are as between these alternative forms or models – rather than as between a government (whatever its form) that is in the hands of aliens and is pursuing an alien agenda, as opposed to a government pursuing a nativist agenda.

    So, the homeowner must indeed “get blamed for not sitting at the front door with a shotgun ready to fire”- because the historic alternative is domination by those who are intent upon something beyond the self-absorbed and oblivious little life of a goyische peasant.

  23. “In the past few weeks I have been asked by two long-time friends to explain why I don’t like “the Jews”.”

    Although i agree with the OP when talking to trance-people you need to keep it very simple at first and start from where they are.

    If the Germans are turned into an ethnic minority in Germany then there can’t be another German Hitler.

    If the French are turned into an ethnic minority in France then there can never be a French Hitler.

    If Americans are turned into an ethnic minority in America then there can never be an American Hitler.

    (In reality all it means is that any future Hitler will be brown but they hate us too much to see that.)

    Take the multicult brain-washing – holocaust, jewish persecution etc – but turn it round and use it show *motive*. To jews, what they do is pre-emptive self-defence and from their point of view it is. They are acting to improve jewish security. But security is a zero sum game. If France is 95% French that is good for French security but (potentially) bad for jewish security. Reducing the French to 40% is good for the jews but bad for the French.

    Immigration is the big issue at the moment so just show them that jewish activism to turn white people into a minority makes perfect sense from the jewish point of view but their behaviour is bad for us.

    If they come back and say it isn’t in jewish interests i.e in reference to muslim immigration then say yes, it isn’t actually in jewish interests “now” but they thought it was when they were taking over the media and education and brain-washing white kids into thinking diversity was a good thing instead of a terrible cataclysm.

    Take the holocult propaganda, twist it round and use it against them.


  24. “Let’s not forget that Hart of the Hart Celler Act was a Roman Catholic, and acting in the interests of the Roman Catholics.”

    No he wasn’t.

    He was acting out of a hatred of Protestants that blinded him to the fact that he was acting very much against the *long-term* interests of white catholics.

    A lot of white traitors who have helped the jews in their war of genocide against us have been that way. Homosexuals have been very active in this war of genocide through the “rainbow coalition.” The long-term consequences of a non-white majority will be very bad for homosexuals but they didn’t think that through when they were part of the rainbow coalition from the 60s onwards.

  25. “This essay goes over the top in blaming Jews for our problems. We did most of it to ourselves.”

    No we didn’t. They did it to us. For instance through seizing control of teacher ed. and brain washing teachers into poisoning our children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDyDtYy2I0M

    “Yes, the homeowner is to blame for not being vigilant and assuring that the government is his own and thus will deal with the invader.”

    Partially. The bulk of the blame lies with the transgressor.


    Two things are critically important here.

    1. When talking to people who are still in a trance we need to tone it down and tell them the story in bite-sized chunks often using codewords like left-liberal or cultural marxist. Another line that can work is to say jewish racists i.e you’re not attacking jews as a group but only the ones with a racial or religious hatred for white people / christians.

    2. Among ourselves we need to be absolutely clear who and what has been the most important factor in our current predicament. The reason it is so critical is things are about to go very badly wrong for them in Europe.

    Mass muslim immigration was a huge mistake on their part and they are starting to realize it. When that happens swarms of them will move into anti-immigration groups *but* they will still want to destroy us. So what you’ll find is anti-immigration jews who will push the anti-muslim immigration line *but* they will also still push the anti-racist line so it will end up as anti muslim immigration but to prove it is cultural and not racist they will push for even more non-white (but non-muslim) immigration to prove it’s not about race.

    Also as the anti-immigration groundswell is starting to build a little there will be more of them appearing on the scene spreading divide and rule.

    3. The Blitzkrieg idea of Schwerepunkt or “heavy punch.” jews are the critical factor. I think this is self-evident. There are a lot of other factors as well but if we can get the ground burning under their feet then a lot of those other factors will fall away e.g their white stooges like Bush and McCain will head for the hills.

  26. Partially. The bulk of the blame lies with the transgressor.

    What supernatural agency grants title to, and punishes violation of, national/imperial territory, such that one can speak of a “transgressor” in moralistic terms?

    What peoples on this Earth now occupy land that did not once belong to another people, and so are not themselves transgressors to be displaced by the next in line, if they are not vigilant?

    And when did “international law” become other than a pretense serving the interest of those peoples presently satisfied with the sanctification, via amnesia and pro status quo, of their past transgressions?

  27. “Anti-Semitism” is nothing more than a healthy response of a person or nation to Jewish aggression. They try to destroy our nations and cultures by taking control of the mass media, education, Wall Street, and the government, using all these as weapons against us, and we don’t like them for it. What’s so hard to understand?

  28. I disagree with the home invasion metaphor. I see the Jew as a man who shows up in a small, close knit, well functioning community and tells the mayor and city council “I want to poison your community and need your help to do it.” “Your community won’t take the poison from me, but they will take it from you because you have power and influence over them and they trust you.” “Just tell them it will be good for them and shame any who disagree.” “What do you say?” This is the correct metaphor IMO. Without help from inside the community itself, the Jew doesn’t have the ability to distribute the poison. Help from non-Jews is what makes that possible.

  29. “What supernatural agency grants title to, and punishes violation of, national/imperial territory, such that one can speak of a “transgressor” in moralistic terms?”


    What would the jewish attitude be towards non-jews controlling Israel’s media and education system and using that control to try and turn jews into a minority in Israel?

    They are self-evidently the aggressor in this context.

    (And as most of them came seeking refuge their betrayal is even more verminous.)

    “And when did “international law” become other than a pretense serving the interest of those peoples presently satisfied with the sanctification, via amnesia and pro status quo, of their past transgressions?”

    Never. However moral certainty must take some institutional form. In the context of the current ongoing attempted global genocide of white people by the jews it makes sense for that institutional form to be the same one that tried, convicted and hanged people in the past for the crime of genocide.

  30. “I want to poison your community and need your help to do it.”

    For a start, even if that was how it happened, that isn’t *we* doing it to ourselves. That is rich, powerful traitors doing it us under the instigation of the jews.

    But that isn’t what happened. What happened was they stealthily worked their way into the banking, media and education sectors and then used their influence to undermine our societies from within. They changed the ground under politician’s feet.

    jews didn’t go after our political elites they went after our children.

    When those children grew up after having been “challenged” and guilt-tripped in schools and universities the old conservative politicians were toppled and new ones took their place who conformed to the new reality (heavily filtered by jewish political donations).

    This process has been repeated ever since with each new generation being slightly more poisoned than the last and each previous generation of conservative politician constantly retreating as the ground is constantly changed under them.

    *Now* the mainstream politicians are all traitors but it was the voters who were changed first and changing the voters back to the way they were is what we need to do.

  31. To continue the metaphor a bit, some might say the Jew didn’t approach the leaders openly but instead surreptiously gained control of the community’s opinion shaping institutions which he then used to convince the people to hate themselves so they would accept the poison voluntarily. But that just begs the question on why the community voluntarily turned over that kind of power to an outsider in the first place. Again, it seems like the fundamental problem is not the Jew but rather the community’s willingness to allow the Jew into such an influential position to begin with, and their willingness not only to let him stay there, but to let him use it to use to preach self hate.

  32. Wandrin, I posted before I saw your response. I’m not saying that Jews aren’t the enemy, just that they’re not solely to blame for our situation.

  33. “gained control of the community’s opinion shaping institutions which he then used to convince the people to hate themselves so they would accept the poison voluntarily”

    Yes, that’s my view and politicians had to constantly retreat before that mainly because the old elite (apart from a few like Ford and McCarthy) never really understood what was happening and why the ground kept shifting. In 1950 they were focused on 1950s political debate with 1950s adults while the enemy was in the schools working on changing the adults of 1960. Then when 1960 came round those old conservatives couldn’t figure out why their voters had changed.

    “But that just begs the question on why the community voluntarily turned over that kind of power to an outsider in the first place.”

    True. My view on that is that is just how we are. We don’t think in the much simpler extended-kin way that other groups do so we need to find an alternative. The founding fathers based their constitution on trying to prevent things that had happened in the past. If we have a future then that future constitution will include clauses about blood citizenship and maintaining genetic closeness – something jews in Israel do instinctively.

    “I’m not saying that Jews aren’t the enemy, just that they’re not solely to blame for our situation.”

    Sure. In reality there are hundreds of factors. However i do think that in 1946 the only group in America that consciously wanted to turn white people into an ethnic minority were the jews.

  34. “What supernatural agency grants title to, and punishes violation of, national/imperial territory, such that one can speak of a “transgressor” in moralistic terms?”


    One – “reciprocity” is not a supernatural agency such as is required for reference other than to one’s own lack of larger perspective.
    Two – “reciprocity” establishes an equivalence between actors and not the complementarity that would grant moral superiority and right to one party alone.

    “And when did “international law” become other than a pretense serving the interest of those peoples presently satisfied with the sanctification, via amnesia and pro status quo, of their past transgressions?”

    Never. However moral certainty must take some institutional form. In the context of the current ongoing attempted global genocide of white people by the jews it makes sense for that institutional form to be the same one that tried, convicted and hanged people in the past for the crime of genocide.

    Yes – let us adopt the hypocritical delusions (“moral certainty”) that allow us to rely upon powers other than our own (i.e., a Platonic Realm of Righteousness), such that we then continue to allow intellectual relaxation and self-deception to be our modus.
    Thus perpetuating our vulnerability to the weapons of the enemy (lies and illusions) and our ongoing decline, despite and because of ourselves.

  35. “But the Nigger Children that are the Peoples of the West require moral certainties – ideologies and theologies – before they can be moved to act.”

    “And they are the Cattle that the Jews know them to be – and so they must be frightened and stampeded by depictions of an Enemy of the Jew as an EVIL PREDATOR. (Enter the Hitler-du-jour, Stage Right.)”

    “So how do you propose to turn Sheep into Raptors – Eunuchs and Children into Men?”

  36. “One – “reciprocity” is not a supernatural agency such as is required for reference other than to one’s own lack of larger perspective.”

    I never said it was. Morality doesn’t require a supernatural agency. It requires moral certainty.

    “Two – “reciprocity” establishes an equivalence between actors and not the complementarity that would grant moral superiority and right to one party alone.”

    Reciprocity is a contract between two equals. If one side breaks it then they are no longer equal. That side are in the wrong and the other side has the moral superiority.

    “Yes – let us adopt the hypocritical delusions (“moral certainty”)”

    It’s not a delusion. You’re not a religious man so you don’t understand what moral certainty means. I consider them to be evil with all that that entails.

    “Thus perpetuating our vulnerability to the weapons of the enemy (lies and illusions) and our ongoing decline, despite and because of ourselves.”

    I have zero vulnerabilities to anything they do or say while i maintain the moral certainty that they are evil.

  37. “One – “reciprocity” is not a supernatural agency such as is required for reference other than to one’s own lack of larger perspective.”

    I never said it was. Morality doesn’t require a supernatural agency. It requires moral certainty.

    As an argument persuasive of those who are not “certain,” “Morality” requires something more than the mere a priori “certainty” of its champions – otherwise you merely preach to the choir, assemble none but the choir for your purposes, and repel those otherwise sympathetic but put off by your fanaticism. If the numbers or power of the “certain” were already sufficient to your task, you would not be engaged in your present enterprise confronting the dire dimensions of the present challenge.

    “Two – “reciprocity” establishes an equivalence between actors and not the complementarity that would grant moral superiority and right to one party alone.”

    Reciprocity is a contract between two equals. If one side breaks it then they are no longer equal. That side are in the wrong and the other side has the moral superiority.

    Direct us to the “contract” and the Contract Law, and its enforcement agency, as between Jew and Gentile, of which you write. Otherwise you write of that of which both sides are in possession, thus leading to the usual mis-appreciation of the relative balance of forces and the consequent relaxation and underestimation of the enemy, to which our side is characteristically, childishly, inclined. Depreciation of the enemy is a fatal mistake – and you are advocating its perpetuation.

    “Yes – let us adopt the hypocritical delusions (“moral certainty”)”

    It’s not a delusion. You’re not a religious man so you don’t understand what moral certainty means. I consider them to be evil with all that that entails.

    You are a religious man and thus are given to delusion (amongst which is the belief that “moral certainty” is not). And that which is entailed by your belief in “evil” is known as the self-destructive behavior involved in “Crusade” and “Inquisition” and “Witch Trial” and the “Faustian Pact”.

    “Thus perpetuating our vulnerability to the weapons of the enemy (lies and illusions) and our ongoing decline, despite and because of ourselves.”

    I have zero vulnerabilities to anything they do or say while i maintain the moral certainty that they are evil.

    Your self-deceptive belief in “evil,” such as it is, is their doing.

    If you believe that “Communism” collapsed in the USSR and has been displaced in Red China, you have likewise been victimized.

    If you believe in Good and Evil forms of government, you have been taken in.

    And your fanaticism tends to dissuade other, reasonable persons (the “we” of which I wrote) of the reasonableness of your attitude.

  38. “And your fanaticism tends to dissuade other, reasonable persons (the “we” of which I wrote) of the reasonableness of your attitude.”

    We’ll just go round and round in circles on the other stuff so i’ll end this by saying my fanaticism is almost entirely stealthed most of the time. What i think it is critical for WNs to understand:

    1. It isn’t ***THE JOOS***
    2. However it is very largely the jews and for very straightforward human scale reasons.
    3. Sixty years of media domination means white survivalists have to stealth this issue in public – talk about it explicitly all the time without ever mentioning it at all e.g through talking about cultural marxism or attacking fiat currency and the Fed or whatever.

  39. Wandrin, you can simplify your position even further. Jews attaining positions of influence is always effectively antiwhite, whether explicitly or by default. It doesn’t matter that a policy isn’t explicitly antiwhite; unless it’s explicitly pro-white the effect in the long-term is the same. The problem with Jews then is that the one thing they’re apparently incapable of being is pro-white.

    To get to the heart of that attitude of course you have to dig back through history. And here, well, sorry, I don’t think whites are all that correct. If you look at the nazis, they had it that jews were this alien presence in Europe that simply had to be extirpated. Yet at the same time these people were extolling the commanding Germanic presence in countries to the south and east (and even farther afield). Now if you’re fair you have to say wait a minute: Jews are absolutely intolerable because they’re aliens and usurers and they’ve come to have these whacky ideas about how to restructure society — extirpate ’em! — but Germanic hordes who physically overran parts of southern and eastern Europe and set themselves up as rulers, oh that wasn’t an alien incursion, oh no, that’s to be celebrated. Total bullshit, of course. I don’t suppose it matters for a white-makes-right fanatic like you, but obviously a substantial (critical) contingent of your own people did come to regard such attitudes as unfair and “just not right,” which has contributed tremendously to the predicament you’re now in.

    And then, putting history aside, what of the average racist who wants to convert you to his thinking in five seconds flat with talk about “all these wogs” and “all these niggers” blah blah blah. How many whites, perhaps with private misgivings of their own, were put off by and revolted against that?

    Look, I understand that sorting this mess out (if it is to be sorted, and boy does it ever need to be) is going to elicit some pretty intense emotion, and that being the case, the accuracy (or otherwise) of my little historical summary above isn’t going to mean diddly squat. But it sure makes my blood boil to have to read through all the self-righteous self-justification — always the wronged, never the wrongdoer — of the nationalist mind.

  40. “Wandrin, you can simplify your position even further. Jews attaining positions of influence is always effectively antiwhite, whether explicitly or by default.”

    Yes. Biology expressed through layers of rationalization.

    “I don’t suppose it matters for a white-makes-right fanatic like you”

    Erm. I used to be antifa so i know precisely what you mean.

    However i’ve come to realise that a hostile tribe are actively seeking the genocide of my people.

    Now i’m entirely in favor of being fair and reasonable until a war starts. And i’m entirely in favor of being fair and reasonable the second that war is over.

  41. Fascinating.

    Here in England, there aren’t many Jews and no one’s really heard much about anti-semitism. Until now I’d never really come across anyone affirming it so passionately or explicitly. Bit of a shock!

    I admire the author’s candour, eloquence, and boldness to speak out with an unpopular viewpoint because it’s something they believe is true. Thank you for writing that.

    Though, with the greatest of respect to the author, I would like to make ten opposing points. I’m not saying the Val is outright wrong. I’m just adding my humble thoughts, from a Christian perspective.

    1. First, the whole article seems very America-centric. Is it really fair to derive an opinion of ALL JEWS by examining only those in one country? Maybe those Jews were made bad by their particular circumstances in that country?

    2. The article criticises Jews for having power and sway and pushing their agendas onto America? I don’t get that. Why is it OK for white people to have power and to push their personal agendas onto America, but not for Jews? You may not like Jews’ agendas, but you can’t criticise them for being in a position of power and list that as a reason to oppose them.

    3. As for the political agendas that the Jews have allegedly pushed onto America. Surely these are purely political criticisms not racial ones? All over the world, different cultures have different views, values and beliefs. These are CULTURAL and/or POLITICAL differences. Atributing it to RACE doesn’t make any sense to me.

    4. Also, surely these “evil” Jewish political moves were made by particular Jews? How can all Jews be accountable for the actions of a few people? Is it sensible to label a whole race as “evil” based on the few who became powerful? Aren’t all powerful people (Jews and whites alike) more likely to be corrupt and power-hungry than the rest of their races?

    5. Hypothetically, if there is a race that is “more evil” than your own, it may be a nice idea politically to separate them, but on an individual basis, how can you tell a couple who are in love that they shouldn’t marry as their races are wrong—let alone how do you prevent it? Looking at human history, interracial breeding seems an inevitable part of our nature. What we accept as “the white race” is already a mixed-race amalgam of several very different-looking races. Trying to keep everyone separate is not only futile, but it denies the rights of the individual to choose.

    6. Presumably, the author defines a “Jew” based on bloodline? I’m a blonde-haired, blue eyed guy of Irish origin. I’ve never questioned the fact that I am white, but recently I discovered that my mother’s mother had Jewish parents, which therefore makes me a Jew. However, as a Christian, I firmly oppose Judasim as it denies the deity and glory of my Lord Jesus. Would the author request that I leave Europe, because of my bloodline? And exactly how far away from my home and friends do I need to move? However noble the author’s views may be, I find the implications impractical and ridculous.

    7. Shouldn’t people be judged individually? I mean let’s say Jewish people really WERE more likely to be wicked than white people—wouldn’t separating the two groups be unfair to those Jews who are not wicked? You’d be saying: “Sorry, you may be a lovely individual, but you were born a Jew and therefore must be sent off to live separately with all the bad people!”. That seems pretty disrespectful and unsympathetic! Jews may be “evil” but who is good? I define true goodness as the ability to forgive, and to love someone despite their faults, not to turn away in disgust but to show mercy in loving kindness and humility. By turning against an evil person, you are showing no mercy, so why should God show you any? To make it worse, God has a particular fondness for the Jews, so to mistreat them is to show further disrespect to God.

    8. If you have an image in your head of an all-white America being some kind of paradise society where everyone is good, you are kidding yourself! I mean look at all the turmoil and bombings in Northern Ireland, for example. They’re all white people! 94% of British people are white but our country is a complete and total mess and getting worse all the time. Has there ever been any kind of all-white problem-free “paradise” community? I doubt it. (I do actually know of a few small harmonious communities where there is no crime—but they are communities who love the Lord Jesus, and race there is irrelevant.)

    9. I do actually agree that all Jews are evil … that’s because I believe ALL humans are evil! We may be able to convince ourselves that we’re decent folk, having never been in trouble with the law, but ultimately all our hearts are tainted with evil thoughts: anger, pride, trouble-making, selfishness, lying, and so on—the least of which God finds utterly vile and offensive. If the Lord Jesus returned, he would not be condemning the black guy in jail (who, through his many mistakes may have turned to the Lord for mercy), rather he’d be condemning the pride of the “respectable” people who think they’re better than criminals. If we had an encounter with the pure and holy God and saw what “good” really was, we would be utterly ashamed and fall on our knees and humble ourselves, realising that we are lost and worthless.

    10. If you believe that “white people are basically good people”, then you reject the teachings of Jesus who told us we ALL have sinned and must ALL repent, and not to judge others but to concentrate on your own shortcomings and turn to God for mercy. So do you reject Jesus or follow him? If you reject him, surely America has a much bigger problem than Judaism: the church? If you’re worried about Jews having a bit of power, you should be very worried about disciples of Jesus, because we believe the power of God himself is actively working through us, and we are not afraid to stand up for what we believe and to do God’s will! And we believe that no matter how corrupt or wicked the Jews may be, they are of extreme worth and significance to God.

    Finally, for balance, I would like to add my own view: I personally think that, when it happens, racial separation is both genetically healthier, and brings about more attractive communities (since people are more attracted to their own race), leading to better relationships. However, having said that, I believe inter-racial relationships are the choice of the individual, and an inevitable human tendency, and no one has the right to stop someone who wishes to do so.

    All my comments are said with absolute love and respect to everyone reading. I love you all, regardless of what you think of me! May you each find peace and salvation in the Lord Jesus 🙂

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