Red October

In France, the end of the political class, set to the tune of Imagine.

(Editor’s Note: Secession Week will resume tomorrow. I’ve come across a few interesting news items that I would like to share and discuss today.)

Red America

I’ve spent the last several months building a narrative around the polarization that I see going on between Reds and Blues in America. If you have been following my commentary, you should know my position on the issue. It is in the best interests of White Nationalists to widen the gap and drive a wedge between the two camps.

The mutual loathing between Red America and Blue America could conceivably be stoked to the point where the Reds (like the Confederates before them) decide to throw in the towel on “Restoring America” and secede from the Union. With the legitimacy of the federal government crashing to record lows and ideas like nullification and state sovereignty entering the mainstream, this is no longer a far fetched scenario.

We’re not in JFK’s America anymore.

White America has lost faith in Washington. As bad as the situation is today, it will only get worse as non-Whites grow in numbers and become more assertive about crazy redistributive schemes like Obamacare, especially in the context of precipitous economic decline. A rebellion in Red America, even if its starts as a non-racial tax revolt, would inevitably become racial in tone because of the polarization between its supporters and opponents.

With that in mind, I want to take a look at a few news items, which can be interpreted as pieces of a larger historical puzzle:

1.) Lawmakers in 14 states are collaborating to create and pass legislation that would deny birthright citizenship to illegal aliens. Arizona and Pennsylvania are taking a leadership role. These states are joined by Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, and Utah.

Whites in the Heartland are clearly reacting to the threat posed by Hispanic immigration. Undoubtedly, if we were to look at the supporters of ending birthright citizenship, we would find that virtually all of them are Reds who are represented by Republicans, who ultimately desire to limit the number of Blues (Hispanics) who support the Democrats.

2.) As we saw in Jacksonian America, the Democratic Party continues to bleed in the South, where the Clinton Coalition is falling apart. Democrats are losing the Bubba vote. The last holdouts among White rural conservatives are joining the Republican Party. It took half a century to accomplish, but Jacksonians will soon be reunited under a common political umbrella, which has implications for the GOP establishment.

3.) In North Carolina, the preliminary results of early voting shows that White Republican men are storming the polls, as expected. White conservatives are showing the highest level of enthusiasm in this election cycle. More people have voted this year in the midterm primary than had turned out at this point in the 2004 presidential election.

4.) Meanwhile, the political class ensconced in the Beltway continues to live in a Bubble World, not unlike the court of Louis XVI at Versailles. Washington is radically alienated from Middle America.

5.) Barack Obama’s coalition is falling apart. 1/4 of the voters who supported Obama in 2008 are defecting or entertaining the thought of voting for the Republicans.

60% of Obama voters were White. With Obama’s approval rating among blacks hovering at a cool 91%, it doesn’t take a political genius to figure out that it is the White flank that is collapsing, particularly in the Upper South and Midwest where Hopium was used to sucker Whites into voting for a clean cut, articulate Al Sharpton.

6.) Jesse Jackson is using explicit racial appeals to blacks to rally them around the idea of “guarding the change.” Obama himself has discarded his “post-racial” message. He too has been targeting the black community with racial appeals, insidiously comparing Republican candidates to Antebellum slaveowners trying to oppress runaway slaves.

In spite of its aracial, economic message, the Tea Party has been an incredible source of racial polarization simply on account of its proven ability to turn Whites against Obama and provoke Blues into hysterical overreactions. The lesson to be learned here is how moderate, aracial rhetoric can be skillfully used to polarize Whites and create a political landscape more favorable to the pro-White cause.

HAC on Red America

Before closing, I would like to note that I am not the only one to notice these trends, and reflect upon their implications. In the latest episode of Radio Free Northwest, Harold Covington had some surprisingly positive things to say about getting involved in mainstream politics.

HAC also recognizes that there is a lot at stake here. If the Republicans retake Congress, all versions of amnesty, whether “comprehensive immigration reform” or piecemeal poison pills like the DREAM Act will be off the table for at least two years. A Republican Congress could launch racially polarizing investigations into the Holder Justice Department or the endemic corruption within the Congressional Black Caucus.

This could clear the stage for an Obama defeat in 2012. White America’s repudiation of the “first black president” would set off a racial firestorm the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the MLK assassination. A gridlocked Congress would also further erode the legitimacy of the federal government. It will be the third election cycle in a row where “throwing the bums out” proves an insufficient solution to America’s long term problems.

The ideal solution, secession and the creation of an autonomous White Republic, can only come about in a racially charged political environment where Whites have been provoked by outrageous, intolerable behavior on the part of the federal government.

This is the theme we will return to tomorrow.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HAC makes at least one cogent comment when he says with conservatives it is all about the money, our lowest common denominator. And for the most part the Reds want the old stability, but this is the era as I call it of “naked, brazen theft”, it is the collapse of the empire, and even old stodgy political hacks are stealing out in the open, fearing there won’t be any loot by tomorrow.

    It’s hilarious reading that jewish writer Kuntsler as he seems to understand this anarchy while at the same time he is still flogging the old taboos for whites to follow. Personally I don’t think even the “respectable conservatives” can save the old taboos that the Left threw in front of us. Its everyone for themselves this empire is going down.

  2. @Hunter

    I seriously doubt that White rural types like me, will embrace corporate Republicanism. We might vote Republican now—but—don’t count on any long term affinity for Mister Lincon’s corporate party.

    Nixon, Raygun, both Bushes didn’t do squat for White Americans.

  3. As Hunter notes about the Revolutionary War it was led or initiated by the masses, looking for an elite. Here we whites are looking for an elite and one day one will jump our way by breaking the taboo of saying “anti-white” or diputing the notion that we whites are to accept our genocide.

    No obviously we are not on the national stage yet, but day by day our anti-white allies rally whites, while whites come to doubt the obvious lies of Political Correctness.

    Hunter speaking of PC any observations of the coming Stewart/Colbert rally?

  4. Earl,

    Hell no. We shouldn’t embrace corporate Republicanism. The Chamber of Commerce was the biggest supporter of amnesty. They are Enemy No. 1 on the Right.

    The corporate wing has been able to dominate the GOP mainly because the Red conservative vote, and more broadly the White vote, has been split between the two parties. For example, in states like Virginia, Mark Warner was able to peel off enough Bubbas in rural Virginia to become Governor. This was the Clinton strategy in the Scot-Irish backcountry.

    If Whites were to coalesce in one party and start voting as a bloc like blacks and Hispanics, they would become so numerous and coherent that they would upset the balance of power within the Republican Party. The defection of Whites from the Democrats would also have the effect of pushing the Democratic Party to the Left – forcing it to rely more heavily on non-White voters – which in turn would drive more Whites out, in particular, the moderate Whites who are motivated by fiscal issues.

  5. Too bad Lee Atwater isn’t around, he was a lot better strategist than the likes of Rove, Steele, and Frum.

    I was at the Colleges Cafeteria the other day eating something that tasted like soylent green when I caught some NGO type clown on CNN proposing a “global poverty abatement program” to start a bank account of $100 for “every child born worldwide.” The media elites at CNN were hyping this up as a wonderful idea, yet I wonder just who they expect to pay for this boondoggle? Obviously white people are expected to fund every little brown slum dweller squeezed out around the planet according to this scheme. No doubt Obama, showing his shrewd political judgment, will rub that salt in the wound of an already distressed white middle class by adding that crap into his platform.

  6. “A Republican Congress could launch racially polarizing investigations into the Holder Justice Department or the endemic corruption within the Congressional Black Caucus.”
    – Yes, but do you really believe that they would do so? Some of us believe that the Democratic Party and Republican Party are just two sides of the same coin. And witness how the Repulicans bend over backwards, nay,more than that they contort themselves into pretzels trying to prove that they are “not racist” and have an abject fear of being accused of racism.

  7. “If the Republicans retake Congress, all versions of amnesty, whether “comprehensive immigration reform” or piecemeal poison pills like the DREAM Act will be off the table for at least two years.”

    Sure, the problem is that while the Republicans won’t entertain amnesty and the like, they most assuredly won’t take any decisive action to seal the border or deport illegals. Rather, we’ll be treated to half measures (or no measures) and defeatist rhetoric about the complications of trying to deport 12-20 million illegals. Even that arch-conservative, Joseph Sobran, opined several years ago that it was logistically impossible to deport that many people, so we need to somehow reconcile ourselves with the brown pestilence within our borders.

    It’s likely that white people, and white men in particular will sweep the Republicans back into power just as they did in 1994. Then the Republicans will revert back to form and bill themselves as the party of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Hindus, Buddhists, pedophiles, handicapped lesbians and the like. The interests of white people will be an afterthought although we might get tax cuts on billionaires, prayer in the schools and endless war with Israel’s enemies.

    America in 2010 is arguably more corrupt than Weimar Germany and our problems are so acute and so many that they can’t be remedied by the political process.

  8. “America in 2010 is arguably more corrupt than Weimar Germany and our problems are so acute and so many that they can’t be remedied by the political process”
    -Exactly so, Mr. Dithers! Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures; but are there any whites left who have the gonads for acting “outside the political process”? (aside from HAC, of course).

  9. “…we’ll be treated to half measures (or no measures) and defeatist rhetoric about the complications of trying to deport 12-20 million illegals.”

    A columnist writing for National Review Online in the May, 2006 issue (can’t recall his name) gave a figure of fifty million–or more. That was four and a half years ago!

    If true, we are a minority now.

  10. Sure, the problem is that while the Republicans won’t entertain amnesty and the like, they most assuredly won’t take any decisive action to seal the border or deport illegals. Rather, we’ll be treated to half measures (or no measures) and defeatist rhetoric about the complications of trying to deport 12-20 million illegals.

    I don’t think so.

    1.) First, it is clear that amnesty will be off the table in a Republican Congress, as many of its former supporters have either gone down to defeat or been forced to repudiate their former positions.

    2.) Second, there have always been Republicans who are good on immigration like Jeff Sessions and Jim DeMint in the Senate, or Tom Tancredo and Lamar Smith in the House. There will be far more of those in the next Congress and they will be in new positions of power.

    Tancredo is within striking distance of becoming Governor of Colorado. Nathan Deal could become the next Governor of Georgia. With Smith and Sessions in charge of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, we will have a Congress much more favorable (and willing) to advance our interests.

    3.) It is simple not true that the Republicans are unwilling to take strong measures to deport illegals. Since 2007, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have been driven out of Arizona. Governor Brewer is taking SB 1070 all the way to the Supreme Court.

    If SB 1070 survives legal challenges, as is likely with a 5-4 majority on the Roberts court, we could easily have over a dozen other states passing Arizona-style immigration reform next year. It is conceivable that we could be driving illegals out of EVERY Southern state within the next two years.

    I know for a certain that we have a majority on immigration in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. I have followed the polls closely.

    Even that arch-conservative, Joseph Sobran, opined several years ago that it was logistically impossible to deport that many people, so we need to somehow reconcile ourselves with the brown pestilence within our borders.

    We have laws on the book right now in Arizona that are succeeding in driving out illegals and a Governor willing to defend those laws. We have a Republican majority in Arizona that stood up to the Obama administration, the mainstream media, and the so-called “civil rights” group that attacked Arizona with an economic boycott.

    It’s likely that white people, and white men in particular will sweep the Republicans back into power just as they did in 1994. Then the Republicans will revert back to form and bill themselves as the party of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Hindus, Buddhists, pedophiles, handicapped lesbians and the like.

    I don’t think so.

    The conservative base got fed up with politics as usual and killed the GOP majority in 2006 and 2008. They have spent 2010 knocking off the worst traitors within the GOP and plan to do the same in 2012.

    It is more likely that the Republicans will learn from this experience. Instead of appealing to non-White voters, which has failed miserably, they will start targeting Whites in the Midwest and elsewhere in the North. We can already see this in West Virginia in the Manchin vs. Raese Senate race.

    . The interests of white people will be an afterthought although we might get tax cuts on billionaires, prayer in the schools and endless war with Israel’s enemies.

    Who is supposed to stand up for the interests of White people? White Nationalists? What are they doing? I mean aside from venting on the internet.

    America in 2010 is arguably more corrupt than Weimar Germany and our problems are so acute and so many that they can’t be remedied by the political process.


    With that said, the vast majority of Whites are within the mainstream, and we must go where they are if we hope to be successful. Sitting idly in the stands on the fringe, as we have been doing for the last sixteen years, is not an effective strategy.

    The mainstream political process can be used to advance pro-White ends. The secessionists who created the Confederacy worked within the system to destroy it. So should we.

  11. -Exactly so, Mr. Dithers! Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures; but are there any whites left who have the gonads for acting “outside the political process”? (aside from HAC, of course).

    Admittedly, turning our backs on the system sounds good … for about five minutes. That is, until you realize the effective result of that is marginalization, irrelevancy, and powerlessness on our side (1994-2010), coupled by an invigorated anti-White majority, facing no resistance, stacking the Supreme Court with more Sonia Sotomayors and Elena Kagans and putting more Barack Obamas in the White House.

  12. Back in 2008, I remember how the radicals within White Nationalist ranks cheered on Obama in the name of the “worse is better” theory. Sure enough, Obama was elected.

    What happened? With a mulatto communist in the White House, there was a slight uptick in traffic on White Nationalist websites, but otherwise our circumstances are unchanged. That should be disturbing: even a nigger in the White House openly trying to pass an amnesty isn’t enough to drive Whites into White Nationalism.

    Instead of joining the White Nationalist movement, ordinary White people created the Tea Party. The rest is history. Oh yeah, the economy collapsed too, only to make our enemies even more powerful.

    Translation: White Nationalists got nothing from Obama’s election but more anonymous rhetorical radicals sucking up bandwidth on the internet and venting their feelings in obscure cyber ghettos. OTOH, the Left got Obamacare and Sotomayor and Kagan on the Supreme Court.

  13. Another on-target tactical essay by HW. Work within the system “until the center cannot hold”, cracking it wide open via polarization. The point of absolute polarization will be empirically measurable: when the first white politician says to his Heeb interrogator: “that’s right I’m racist. For my people. Just like the blacks are for theirs, the browns are for theirs, and you are for yours”. Then and only then attack the system head-on. When the ZOG and its Ponzi economy are reduced to a smoking ruin, secession will be a piece of cake, if that’s what you want to do. My inclination, however, would be to take over and purge away all the crud. Teutonic Fury. Vengeance. Take it all back.

  14. I would add to that: attack at the margins, drive wedges into existing cracks, and relentlessly pry them open. Use polarization to destroy the legitimacy of groups like the NAACP and ADL.

  15. “Translation: White Nationalists got nothing from Obama’s election but more anonymous rhetorical radicals sucking up bandwidth on the internet and venting their feelings in obscure cyber ghettos. OTOH, the Left got Obamacare and Sotomayor and Kagan on the Supreme Court.”

    Why is that? It’s because the implicitly white Senate Republicans capitulated. They had the 41 votes to filibuster everything but didn’t and were petrified of being called racist and anti-semitic by the Jewish dominated, lamestream media in the case of the Sotomayor and Kagan nominations.

    No, the election of Obama hasn’t instantly transformed masses of whites in to WN’s but it has pushed many white centrists of both stripes to the right if pre-election forecasts are any indicator. Thanks largely to the blatant bigotry and failings of Obama, anti-white liberalism is at a very low ebb in America like never before and most whites will never fall for the wiles of a smooth talking negro politician ever again.

    I’ll address other responses to my first post this evening.

  16. Adolph Hitler thought the Weimar Republic was a joke, but still participated in it’s elections. The Nazis were elected to the Reichstag as back-benchers, and Hitler was elected Chancellor, even as they pledged to bring the mother down on their own heads. After they seized power, they handed it all to Hitler. The rest, as they say, is history.

    Power, like money, accumulates. You earn it a little bit at a time. Every time someone less hostile to your interests gains power over someone more hostile to your interests, you gain power. Every time a white liberal becomes an immigration skeptic, we win. Every time someone says, “I’m not racist, but ….”, we win. Every time a white candidate runs on a pro-white platform, and gets even a few votes, we win. Every time Rachel Maddow has to burn up 30 minutes of air time hysterically denouncing our positions, we gain a little ground.

    The momentum is on our side, and the strategy that has turned the tide is one of expanding the mainstream, *not* revolutionary vanguardism.


  17. I think the general public didn’t quite realize what the democratic party had become in 2006 and 2008. They were furious with Bush’s callous disregard as workplace after workplace closed to move overseas for cheap coolie labor. They still thought there might be something left of the “white working-class” party of FDR only to be shocked back into reality that the democrats are crazy anti-white leftists. The better strategy is to take the fight to the GOP primaries to try to mold it into something more effective, but in the general election when that doesn’t quite work to hold your nose and vote for the republican and wait till the next primary cycle to try to fix the issue instead of voting for an Obama.

  18. There can be no white unity while the Republicans and their equivalents around the world are the corporate party because that prevents working class support. That’s the critical thing about the Tea Party. It is challenging the corporate hegemony of the Republican elite in a more Poujadist way

    Working class whites can live with that more small business orientated version of the GOP but obviously view the corporate version as as big an enemy as the anti-white marxist left because in effect, if not intention, the corporate right is just as anti-white as the marxist left.

    That doesn’t mean the Tea Party is the answer, obviously, and it will almost certainly be bought off at some point. However for the moment it is a useful step in the right direction.

    From a WN point of view the most useful thing we can do with the Tea party is not to try and make them more explicitly pro-white or racial. The best thing we can do is try and make them *ignore* accusations of racism coming from the media. There is a perfect opportunity here to undermine people’s faith in the multicult priesthood because of the blatant double standards compared with organisations like La Raza.

    For example a flyer with a picture of a 100% white tea party rally captioned “racist” above a picture of a 100% hispanic La Raza rally captioned “non racist” and a line under both – “Ignore the media they just hate white people.”

    “Back in 2008, I remember how the radicals within White Nationalist ranks cheered on Obama in the name of the “worse is better” theory. Sure enough, Obama was elected.”

    The sensible ones were right. Obama was worse and the reaction to Obama is better.

  19. I dropped in to see how the discourse is advancing, and what do I see?

    “Bubbas in rural Virginia” and
    “nigger in the White House”

    Well, even-handedness is a good thing I guess, insulting both white Americans and black Americans with name-calling. But it doesn’t represent much of an advance.

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