Red America

Tonight the Tea Party will deliver its message to President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. As the polls open this morning across Red America, the latest Gallup poll shows an unprecedented 15 point gap in favor of Republican candidates:
“This means that seat projections have moved into uncharted territory, in which past relationships between the national two-party vote and the number of seats won may not be maintained.”
In the Midwest, Barack Obama’s alienation of White working class voters will topple Democratic Governors from Pennsylvania to Iowa. The Midwestern Meltdown is set to materialize:
“There will also be a lot more Republican governors in office come January. It looks like six heartland states stretching from Pennsylvania to Iowa will trade a Democratic governor for a Republican one. A common theme in all the races is that white, working-class Democrats who tended to vote for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in 2008 are prepared to vote for Republicans.”
In the South, the Southern White Democrat is on the road to extinction. The Blue Dogs are set to get massacred. State legislatures in the South that have been controlled by the Democrats since Reconstruction could finally realign to the Republican Party. Senior White Democrats from the South could go down to defeat:
“The Southern white Democrat, long on the endangered list, is at risk of being pushed one step closer to extinction.
From Virginia to Florida and South Carolina to Texas, nearly two dozen Democratic seats are susceptible to a potential Republican surge in Congressional races on Election Day, leaving the party facing a situation where its only safe presence in the South is in urban and predominantly black districts.”
Out West, Harry Reid is expected to be defeated by Sharron Angle. Close races in California, Alaska, and Washington will determine who controls the Senate. Jan Brewer will cruise to an easy victory in Arizona. Tom Tancredo is within striking distance of becoming Governor of Colorado. Raul Grijalva could fall in Arizona’s Seventh Congressional District.
“If Harry Reid loses this election, it will be a crushing end to a storied political career. The majority leader of the United States Senate will have been defeated after four terms by an opponent he doesn’t respect or even take seriously. He will be the victim, in his view, of an electorate gone mad, taken down in his prime after rising higher than anyone from his state ever has.”
In the Northeast, Barney Frank and Gov. Deval Patrick could fall in Massachusetts. If turnout is high enough, Christine O’Donnell and Linda McMahon have outside shot at upset victories in Delaware and Connecticut.
“The race for Representative William Delahunt’s open seat is considered more of a tossup, but another Massachusetts contest may get more national attention on Tuesday. Representative Barney Frank, who barely had to raise a finger in past re-election efforts, is fending off a surprisingly strong challenge from a political newcomer who has benefited from a surge of out-of-state donations in the campaign’s final weeks.
I will live blog this thread as the results come in.
Live Blogging
12:05: Rachel Maddow closed her show tonight with a reference to a political ad (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) that she claims is designed to “scare White people.” Maddow will be interviewed after the midterms about race and the election. Get ready for the new Democratic meme: White racism threw out our majority!
12:40: Via Reddit. Go Brewer, Go! Sorry, but cheerleading is warranted here. Brewer has been good for Arizona and deserves to win. Just a few years ago Arizona had the god awful Janet Napolitano.
12:46: Polls show Rand Paul IS UP in Kentucky after the MoveOn curbstomping!
1:02: The key to this election: White Independents, Catholics, women, and working class voters are abandoning the Democrats.
1:34: Via Robert Lindsay. The anti-White liberal group “Color of Change” (it doesn’t get anymore subtle than that) has produced a hilarious video called “Look Who Is Voting.”
Hell yeah!
2:23: Check out the NumbersUSA colorcoded graphic on immigration.
11:24: The Wash Post’s house negro Eugene Robinson is already crying racism before the polls even close.
11:47: Imagine2050 wants White Nationalists to stay home today. Check out this hilarious story: Vote or Your Neighbor May Disappear
If we don’t vote, some of us may disappear. . . .
If we don’t vote, if we don’t find out the views of the people running for local and national office, we’ll continue to have elected leaders with anti-immigrant views.
If we don’t vote, then we won’t have a chance at immigration reform.
If we don’t vote, then the millions of tax-paying people who are undocumented will not have a chance at citizenship.
If we don’t vote, then our country could turn into a giant Arizona as extremists across the country propose anti-immigrant laws.
However, I still plan to vote against politicians with anti-immigrant views.
I still plan to vote against candidates that forget the millions of people who live here, make America their home, pay taxes, and want to be citizens.
So, from California to Maine, from Nevada to Delaware, for the extreme Tea Party candidates to the do-nothing politicians . . . let our voices be heard!
VOTE to make them disappear!!!
11:52: Anyone else notice that CNN is using the John Adams intro music in its election coverage? Wonder why.
1:24: I voted for Robert Bentley (Alabama Governor), Martha Roby (Alabama 2), Richard Shelby (Alabama Senate), and Kim West (Alabama State Senate 28). All strong on immigration.
1:43: 9th Circus might reinstate Arizona’s SB 1070!
1:44: Incredible. Last Gallup poll shows the so-called “enthusiasm gap” ballooning to an incredible 19 points. The record for Democrats and Republicans was a 9 point spread in 2006 and 1994 respectively.
The bottom is falling out!
1:59: Obama desperately trying to turn out black vote by going on “urban” radio shows.
2:04: Ed Rendell pushing the White racism meme.
4:42: Jesse Jackson calls for “Marshall Plan” bailout of Africa and justifies it as reparations for “colonial rape.”
4:43: Angle shuts out mainstream media.
4:44: Panic in Delaware as turnout scares Coons camp.
4:49: Exit polls show illegal immigration third most important issue to voters.
5:36: Exit polls show that 40% of voters are Tea Party supporters. Previous polls have shown that the Tea Party was around 18% of Americans.
5:38: Perriello supporter chimps out in Charlottesville, VA: “You f**king House nigger white-black bitch!”
Bwhaahahahah … you fucking nigger.
6:00: RAND WINS IN KENTUCKY! Dan Coats wins Senate seat in Indiana. Jim DeMint wins in South Carolina.
6:30: Portman wins Senate seat in Ohio.
– Rubio (R) wins in Florida.
– Ayotte (R) wins in New Hampshire.
– Coons (D) wins in Delaware.
– Mikulski (D) wins in Maryland.
– Shelby (R) wins in Alabama.
– Coburn (R) wins in Oklahoma.
– Blumenthal (D) wins in Connecticut.
– Isakson (R) wins in Georgia.
7:20: Burr (R) wins in North Carolina.
Snyder (R) wins Michigan Governor race.
7:30: Boozman (R) wins in Arkansas.
7:35: Manchin (D) wins in West Virginia. Perriello (D) loses in Virginia.
The coasts vote Democrat because the real estate is so expensive. Steve Sailer has the long answer for why this is so, but the short answer is that that expensive real estate makes the coasts home to self-genociding (childless) whites and the servants of white trust fund babies. The nonwhite servants unlike whites don’t mind having and raising their children in cramped apartments and government-subsidized housing. Democrats win the votes of both the minorities and the self-genociding whites and the whites rich enough to afford coastal houses because they also can afford and hire the foreign servants. You can’t reach them by preaching about the future of our white children because they either don’t have any such children or a nonwhite is raising their children (e.g. Meg Whitman’s “Nicky” — “we thought of her as one of the family.” My whole neighborhood is like that).
If you are young and White, do NOT NOT NOT move near the big coastal port cities even though is where the highest paying jobs, in nominal terms, are. You will far more than make up for that nice-sounding salary in terms of inability to afford a house, find a White spouse, afford a safe neighborhood for your children even should you be lucky enough to find a White spouse, or save money after having paid so dearly for the privilege of not having to live in a crime-infested neighborhood of the servants of and drug dealers to the white liberal trust-fund babies.
As for political independence from these pits of white oblivion, there is an unfortunate caveat: a viable country needs at least one port on the Atlantic or Pacific for utterly necessary strategic and economic reasons, along with a sufficiently large buffer area to protect access to that port. But, given the political nature of port cities I just outlined, it will probably have to be conquered rather than converted, and these areas should be considered subject colonies without political privileges: only made part of the WN for their strategic geography not for their people. The political exclusion must extend to the self-genocidal whites and the parasitical white trust fund babies as well as the foreigners they have brought to our shores.
The fundamental barrier to WN remains that whites who have lived near minorities are more racially conscious than those who haven’t. For example among many of those self-genociding whites we will find the most radical such consciousness and I’m afraid I have described more than a tiny fraction of the posters to this forum. Including me I’m afraid. So at this point a White-only ethnostate is oxymoronic because whites living only with other whites are the least racially conscious whites. The experience of living with minorities has to be communicated from the front lines to the heartland in a visceral way, and we are starting to get the tools and skills to do that, to slowly, and it will be slowly, turn implicit white culture into slightly less than implicit white culture. The White heartland will never be fully explicitly White, but it doesn’t have to be — it just has to learn how to secure its White legacy with effective implicity, by always _quietly_ centralizing the question, is it good for the Whites?
Evan Bayh already positioning himself as the new Clinton savior of the Democrats:
They’ll figure it out once the GOP mania for these imaginary White Nationalists voted into Congress starts to wane and they start voting on more offshoring and comprehensive immigration reform.
BTW, out here in Mexifornia the immigration issue destroyed Meg Whitman. She spent something like $150 million of her own money and all she got was the proverbial lousy t-shirt, a few million yard signs nobody put up (afraid of what their ever-judgmental liberal neighbors might say), and an unprecedented 24×7 barrage of ads we all grew tired of long before election day.
I don’t know any anti-illegal-immigration folks who believed her when she claimed she didn’t know her mestizo maid “Nicki” was illegal. Most of us already know that the rich whites like Meg who hire the mestizo servants wink and nod about their supposed citizenship and papers, and here Meg was winking and nodding even though the Social Security Administration had told her that “Nicki’s” SSN was phony. On the other hand, “Nicki’s” Jewed-up (Gloria All-red) sob story made Meg into an exploitative villain in the eyes of leftist whites and said mestizos.
Meg Whitman is actually the most remarkably accomplished White entrepreneur this side of Bill Gates. She turned eBay from start-up to a major Internet company serving hundreds of thousands of small businesses and millions of consumers. She was one of the few rich whites left in California who came to her riches honestly rather than as a trust-fund baby or privileged insider executive (Carly Fiorina) or by marrying and divorcing a guy who did. But being smart in business doesn’t make you smart in politics. The special mestizo “part of the family” she hired to raise her kids while she was busy with business (a remarkably good business, to be sure) turned into her undoing from both sides of the political spectrum.
That’s why Governor Moonbeam is back.
A very significant problem is that non-Whites and/or their sympathizers control just about every city/urban center in the country, especially in key swing states outside of the blue strongholds in the northeast and Pacific West. So the Left will always be able to put their guy over the top in close, polarized elections with vote fraud, and ’12 will be highly polarized probably. The urban precincts always report last as we are seeing in Washington. When I lived in Miami, I learned that the populous New New York Jew South counties always reported last too (Miami, Ft Lauderdale, and Palm Beach). Florida 2000 would not have been close without Jewish vote fraud. So even in the most highly polarized environment, it will be damn near impossible for someone to win the presidency who might get serious about revoking birth citizenship and closing the borders. And that’s assuming such a person could even get the GOP nomination given GOPs that plutocrat elites would go all out to destroy the person like they did Buchanan.
Also not enough Whites responded to Sharron Angle’s hardcore anti-immigration ad. Very disheartening. Concern about immigration did not override other concerns for Nevada Whites in a state with a huge immigration problem and a weak incumbent. Even if Sharron Angle wasn’t the most polished candidate, she would have won after running that ad if most Whites perceived immigration the way we do, as a very high problem. This is also true in Colorado.
So many typos in my post. I wish there was an editor.
LEW – don’t be so certai nthat there was MASSIVE voter fraud in NV. Alas – most Whites will have ot experience the real-world realities of Diverse Life, before they begin to think as a White person. It’s simply not bad enough yet, in most places. NV revolves around Las Vagas. A place founded by a Jew gangster, and created to satisfy every whime of the flesh. It’s not a serious place. It’s already gone…as is much of the West.
I’m thrilled about PA. A VERY “Red” State. I went to a victory Party last night . My Tea Party made a huge effort to get the GOP candidates in place. Now – they a re very mixed bag. Corbett and Toomey are worms. Lou Barletta ousted the repulsive Kanjorsky. The local State Rep we elected is a straight up family guy. Tradtional American. So were all the folks supporting him. There were tons of little blue-eyed blonde kids there. They want work. stability, and traditional family lives.
Oneo f the young mom’s there – lovely blue eyed kids – told me that she NEVER cared about poliotics in her entire life, but she “HAD to do something”. She knew that Obama’s a Communist. Shekinda sorta knws that Communism is bad. I had a helluva time, years ago, getting people to erven listen to the word “Communist”.
I see movement, in my State.
Most of the Tea Partiers are neophytes. I know that they think the new reps will work for them. They are very wary. It’s not blind trust. But they think this is the Final Straw. They are RIGHT. They have no idea exactly how right they are. They have no IDEA what’s next. It’s their first baby step.
They are VERY motivated people.
Their reaction to the coming betrayal is gonna be very interesting.
I fprsee the total break up of the USA. There wil be White Homeland. My job is to get these folks to understand that Race is Nation, and Nation is Race. The Westerns States are already Latin americna Banana Republics. My job is to make my local Volk “get it”.
“They are VERY motivated people.”
One of my grandads was – let’s just say on the other side – but a lot of what he used to say is relevant to this. One thing was that there’s a type of person, a natural leader with a very strong social network around them but not interested in politics at all who, if you get things stirred up enough, will suddenly flip one day and before you know it they’re leading a strike or whatever it was he was involved in at the time.
If things get stirred up enough those natural leader types suddenly spring out of the ground.
It’s happening in my little region. Folsk here are rural, kinda poor, and very familial. Every-one knows EVERY-one else. Tha’ts PA.
The Tea Pary and the GOP are one and the same, round here. There is no money. (I was doing phone banking in the GOP HQ, yesterday. There was mould in the back. After 3 hours – I had an allergy meltdown. C’est la Sudafed) anyway – my poor little rural hicks worked like dogs to get “their guys” in office.
The big White Tea Party, in the rich Unversity town, South of here? They apparently spend all their time organizing Ayn Rand discussion groups.
It’s a mixed bag, in PA – but the dedicated “300” are doing all the heavy lifting. It’s not about money. It’s about ideals – and absolute fury at what’s happeing to “their country’.
I of course, never miss an opp to bring up racial issues.
Yup, that grass roots type stuff never works until it suddenly does.
The AP is already reporting that if not for the tea parties, the GOP would have done better in the Senate, particularly in Nevada and Delaware.
Wow, talk about revisionist history; if not for the tea party, the GOP would never have staged a comeback. But that’s not the way it will be written. I knew this would happen. They’ll portray Marcio Rubio as the new face of the GOP and warn us about extremists like Sharon Angle.
selfgenocidingwhite says:
November 3, 2010 at 8:16 am
The coasts vote Democrat because the real estate is so expensive. Steve Sailer has the long answer for why this is so, but the short answer is that that expensive real estate makes the coasts home to self-genociding (childless) whites and the servants of white trust fund babies. The nonwhite servants unlike whites don’t mind having and raising their children in cramped apartments and government-subsidized housing. Democrats win the votes of both the minorities and the self-genociding whites and the whites rich enough to afford coastal houses because they also can afford and hire the foreign servants. You can’t reach them by preaching about the future of our white children because they either don’t have any such children or a nonwhite is raising their children (e.g. Meg Whitman’s “Nicky” — “we thought of her as one of the family.” My whole neighborhood is like that).
JR Replies:
Yes, good points. I would add that there are benefits to living “for awhile” in one of these coastal high housing expense areas, or just in an urban Blue state Lib/Min area – just so you can understand the culture, survive in it and explain it to Whites in other areas. It also helps to have lived in this culture so you can debate, take down rich White liberals/RINOs who always come out that they really like NW immigrants because they are such hard workers and you can’t find good servants/slaves amongst native (White) Americans.
One other component of these high priced real estate places with rich childless Whites and NW servants is that there is a need for skilled White labor for many tasks that NW immigrants can’t do like run, fix elevators, run fix heating systems. These will be Whites who work in the area, but live 1 and a half hours a way in some Red State type area. These skilled White workers needed by rich A Hole White Liberals/Libertarians can usually be counted on to take our side as they look down on rich, sissy White Libs/libertarians who can’t change a tire, change their oil or fix anything in their own homes.
“The coasts vote Democrat because the real estate is so expensive. Steve Sailer has the long answer for why this is so, but the short answer is that that expensive real estate makes the coasts home to self-genociding (childless) whites and the servants of white trust fund babies.”
Interesting theory but I would attribute it to ‘The Big Sort’ ( The Big Sort is good news as more ethno-centric Whites will choose to live amongst themselves and this shall be the root of the coming ethno-state! The next level of the ‘Red States’.
“They’ll figure it out once the GOP mania for these imaginary White Nationalists voted into Congress starts to wane and they start voting on more offshoring and comprehensive immigration reform.”
Dude Rand Paul went on Rachel Maddow and said Civil Rights suck. He still managed to get elected. That is a serious advance in this day and age. Things are trending towards the White Nationalist position.
Illinois modestly trended “conservative”, but the most corrupt state in the union is actually trending towards Californification with the coming tax hikes needed to keep Chicago’s pulse from flatlining.
The big problem is that the demographics nail us, in 10-15 years.
We need to be on the ground NOW – raving about this fact.
God I hate “scare demographics” like Denise posted, I get the feeling they send everyone to look for a hole to hide in or to start rehearsing their surrender speech.
Today we start the National Reformation (key word being Nation).
Today we begin our practical politics of destroying the political system of white guilt, white self debasement, and the social engineering/ white genocide.
In any dust up between Whites and Multi-cults, the left coast is toast. It extends no more than a hundred miles from the ocean, is broken into a number of separate beachheads, is racially disunited, has lots of dumb Mexicans and even dumber Blacks, and is ruled by homos, Jews, and SWPLs, the effete elite. They are dependent on a smart White working class to keep the lights on and the water flowing. They are just wienies on a stick, waiting for the fire. In particular, Los Angeles County, capital of the Third World, exists in defiance of nature. It’s a vast firetrap that loses dozens of houses to brushfires every year, except when it loses hundreds. And it imports almost all its water from at least 300 miles away. I would not worry about any prospective White ethnostate lacking Pacific ports.
Waking up.
Dem Apocalypse in the South and Midwest.
Did you vote for anyone who was against “comprehensive immigration reform”? I did and all three of my candidates won.
Just finished writing my take on the elections at MR.
Gee, Simmons – you may hate those scare demo tactics -but most Whites have NO idea that the demographic changes are even occuring. The Whites in CA and AZ know all aobut the demogrpahics. That’s why White Flight is in full gear.
I find this ot be a useful issue – and I don’t care if my sugject is “uncomfrotable” or not. I point out hat they will be a LOT less comfortable, every single day, is they do become a racial minority. I tell them they won’t like it when there is NO place left to go -and this is happenign already. I don’t care if they are resentful, or they squirm, or if they start the “I know a Good One” crap. Mainstream Whites are ruining MY world. So I throw ’em right on the barb-be-que pit.
The bitterly funny thing is that THEY ALL KNOW I’M RIGHT. They know I’m telling the bedrock truth. They just don’t know how to react. These topics violate their Nice White programming.
As if I give a flying one.
State Houses go White GOP
Other good news, and this really is one of the best – is that our side did really well in LOCAL state politics, taking many State Houses.
Here’s the quote from the AP Story:
“GOP seizes control of key state legislatures
“Associated Press – Wed Nov 3, 4:47 am ET
WASHINGTON – Republicans seized control of about a dozen state legislative chambers Tuesday night, delivering a major blow to Democrats and picking up key redistricting powers along the way.
The GOP scored decisive wins in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. In all three states, they knocked Democrats from the majority in the state House chambers — putting the split legislative bodies into full Republican control.”
Half the Blue Dogs gone:
Stunning results in Texas, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
“This was broad white flight. And it crossed a symbolic threshold. Among whites, for the first time in post-war congressional elections, Republicans hit the 60-point level of support and Democrats fell below the 40-point mark.
Obama will not easily win these voters back. Whites constitute a smaller share of the electorate than in decades past. And their influence is greater in midterms than White House contests. Yet Ohio captures the presidential problem. The GOP swept every contest in the mega swing state. Obama cannot win back Ohio without winning back whites.
Midterm landslides do not consistently telegraph presidential outcomes. It did not for Clinton’s Democrats in 1994. It did for Johnson’s Democrats in 1966.
Democrats’ white problems today can be partly traced back to the politics of 1966. One labor report following the 1966 midterm warned Democrats that, “The repudiation of the Democratic Party reached deeply into the political structure.” The analysis alerted liberal leaders to a “white backlash” against Democrats from Northern blue-collar and middle-income areas to the South. And with civil rights, Vietnam, fissures between white and blue collar Democrats, divisions over crime, defense, culture and the role of government, white FDR Democrats, like Reagan himself, reconsidered their political allegiance.
They came to be known as Richard Nixon’s “silent majority.” Later we knew them as Reagan Democrats. And they are now Obama’s problem, like so many Democrats before him.”
You can post here if you want. OD is a more American oriented site.
Hunter, there IS a way of dealing with White elites who like to hire illegal Mestizo labor and that is by painting them as White Supremacists.
In South Africa, White Supremacists chose to import underpaid Bantus rather than allowing White European peasants and artisans in to do their manual labor. They did this, because they suspected they would eventually have to share power with them. But the point is, they got to the point where the felt that manual labor was only fit for colored people and it never occurs to them to hire Whites in their place.
Even now, when entire White South African households are found robbed, raped, tortured and slaughtered except for their Negro servants (who probably collaborated with the Negro gangs during the home invasion), there are Whites starving in camps all over the country that they will not consider hiring … even for their own security purposes. Proving that there are Whites who would rather be murdered in their beds than make them.
Colored labor is the White man’s kryptonite and it is very insidious. I spent years in the South before I moved to Maine for a couple of years and I will be the first to admit how unsettling it was to see Whites doing the kind of work I was used to seeing Negros and Mestizos do. Even as I enjoyed the payoff of being able to walk the streets at night.
Underground WNists (those who have left no paper trail) need to put out the idea that Whites who hire Non-Whites for manual and menial labor are engaging in implicit racial supremacism. They don’t want equals; they want servants. And they need to throw out that idea as self-righteously as they can!
We need a lot of lurid comparisons between the rich White American elite on both sides of the aisle who use colored labor to the rich Whites of Apartheid Africa. We need to emphasize that White America is trying to recreate the caste systems in Latin America and India even if they have to miscegenate the White majority to accomplish this.
“Colored labor is the White man’s kryptonite and it is very insidious. I spent years in the South before I moved to Maine for a couple of years and I will be the first to admit how unsettling it was to see Whites doing the kind of work I was used to seeing Negros and Mestizos do.”
So true. During a short sojourn in California I witnessed this first hand. Mexicans with leaf blowers and Blacks driving garbage trucks.
Luckily am back in the Pacific Northwest. I mow my own lawn, I wash my own truck. We don’t need Mestizos here for these things! Frankly doing your own manual labor is a form of White Nationalist protest in a way!!!
While I sincerely appreciate the sentiment the bulk of my blogging activity wouldn’t be a good fit for OD (especially the philosophy stuff). For example, my next planned entry will be about the future of China (or lack thereof) and its consequences for the current liberal economic order. Of course, I am also interested in the American scene as well but not exclusively so.
Anyway, I appreciate the direction you’ve taken at OD and wish your project the very best. Hope you don’t mind if I stop by to comment as the mood arises.
Notus Wind: What’s your blog? I’d like to read what you have to say about China.
I am one of a collection of bloggers at MR. The website for which is: