Red Revolution

Red America

Six years of Bush produces a "thumping"; two years of Obama a "shellacking."

“Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too… We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.” – Barack Obama, Keynote Address to the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

It was a bittersweet night.

The high profile candidates of the 2010 election went down to defeat: Joe Miller, Tom Tancredo, Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell. I could feel the wind going out of my sails as soon as the Connecticut, West Virginia, and Delaware races were called.

Yet these races were at the margins. Most of these candidates had personality issues weighing them down. Manchin ran to the right of his opponent. The Colorado Governor race was always in chaos.

Make no mistake about it: last night was an overwhelming victory for White America. The chickens came home to roost for the Democratic Party. The bill came due for years of anti-White, so-called “progressive” posturing and pandering to non-White identity groups. The exits polls show “massive, unprecedented White flight” from Democrats.

Heartland America.

That is the story of this election cycle. As I predicted, the vast continental interior of North America burned in a sea of Red as White voters revolted against the Obama administration and massacred Democrats in the South, Midwest, and Interior West.

The South is an absolute disaster zone for the Democratic Party. Gene Taylor in Mississippi, Bobby Bright in Alabama, Chet Edwards in Texas, Rick Boucher in Virginia, John Spratt in South Carolina, Ike Skelton in Missouri are all gone. Most are longtime incumbents. Look at the state legislatures in Alabama, Texas, and Tennessee. In Dixie, this was a realignment election greater than 1994.

In the Midwest, the carnage in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Ohio, extending into Pennsylvania, is breathtaking to behold. The Midwestern Meltdown materialized in spectacular fashion. There was also a blowout in the Dakotas with both congressional districts flipping Democrat to Republican. Even James Oberstar in Minnesota was swallowed by the Red tide.

Democratic partisans are already saying that no one saw it coming.

I saw it coming clearly and blogged about it for months. It was obvious that White America was stirring from its slumber a year ago. It had become so obvious in the last three months before the election that I dropped everything I was doing to analyze and track the growing rebellion.

Highlight of the Evening

The exclamation point on the night was John Boehner’s “victory speech” or lack thereof. This election cycle was about White identity politics from beginning to end. If this wasn’t pure political theater (and what I have read suggests it wasn’t), it was masterful performance at capturing the mood of the White electorate:

Boehner’s stoic facade cracks. He gets emotional as he talks about how he worked himself up from poverty by working dead end jobs. He talked about how he tried to build a “small business” with tears in his eyes. He shows genuine grief about how America was slipping away.

Whether it was real or not is besides the point: Boehner succeeded in representing the sentiment of millions of beleagured, distressed White male voters in the Heartland. It was a stark contrast to Professor Obama who is jetting over to Asia this week to visit a mosque in Indonesia. It was also a stark contrast to the elation on display at Reid headquarters.

The Republicans are on probation with White voters. Everything that was won in the House last tonight can be easily lost again in 2012. Without a comfortable majority in the House or a majority in the Senate, the Republican Congress is unlikely to stir up a hornet’s nest on immigration, much less hand Barack Obama a desperately sought victory that would alienate their own supporters.

Over the next week, I will dig into the election returns and pore over White voting patterns. I haven’t even begun to look at this gold mine of information or the post-election quarterbacking. So without further ado, I will now get started.

P.S. Robert Lindsay, the communist cheerleader for White race replacement in California, has abandoned any pretense that he is a White Advocate. The latest example of polarization working its magic.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Blue collar whites.
    The Democrats can’t hold onto these voters without help from corporate Republicans pushing them away. Trying to prevent the corporate elite wing of the Reps from doing this is critical imo.

    “Obama’s pandering to minorities a huge failure:”

    It’s never enough at the best of times plus Obama’s election made them raise their sights even higher. In a nutshell they thought Obama in the white house was a symbol of black power when in reality it’s a symbol of jewish power.

    “Democrats will misread the election and try to “move to the center” like Clinton in 1994.”

    That’s the big question. I agree with others that i don’t think Obama is like Clinton and will find it much harder to change.

    I also think the Iran issue will be important. They want another war and it will be very difficult and maybe impossible for them to achieve but that won’t stop them trying and it’s the trying that might throw up opportunities.

  2. “White nationalists need to realize that what they get from now on is going to be a compromise. ”

    We’re in a war of genocide whether we like it or not and we won’t be getting any compromise from the other side. However although the strategy should be 100% radical the tactics should be whatever works.

    The prize is permanent. Compromise is temporary.

    Keep your eyes on the prize.

  3. I’m taking a long view: looking ahead, I see a more racially polarized electorate, a coalescing of the White vote in the Republican Party, a more liberal/progressive Democratic Party, the waning of the “racism” charge, economic hard times, etc.

    In such a political environment, there will be a lot of opportunities for us to move the goal posts on immigration and affirmative action, cutting away at the margins. I think it makes sense to get involved in practical politics.

    In Alabama, we now how a Governor, a state legislature, two Senators, and a congressional delegation against “comprehensive immigration reform” and/or any form of amnesty. The Alabama state legislature will probably now pass an Arizona-style immigration law.

    Most White people in Alabama are already racially conscious. Just look at the White vote in presidential elections. What sense then does it make to spend all our time here on navel gazing and fantasism when the mainstream is already so permeable to our influence?

    The White backlash in the 2010s and 2020s will eventually absorb the White Nationalist movement. It will sweep away all but the most committed rhetorical radicals once WNs can see they can win practical victories in mainstream politics.

  4. I agree with you, Hunter.

    One of the most glaring deficits in WN/WA’s is the lack of any practical political experience or serious knowlege of statecraft. Whatever the future holds, you need people who can actually win popular support in their local communities and run institutions.

    I believe that the “racism” smear is nearing, if not already past its expiration date. If the WN movement has more than hot air behind it, I think the time is right to show it.

  5. The “racism” charge was completely ineffective in this election cycle. It only succeeded in pissing off conservatives, polarizing them, making them even more mad and suspicious of organizations like the NAACP. The Zeskind report was a dismal failure.

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