Letter From Tim Wise

Tim Wise declares war on Whites.

To: White America
From: The Eternal Jew

Behind the mask of civilized Europeans …

Over at the “Daily Kos,” Tim Wise has chimed in with his thoughts on the 2010 midterm elections. Get ready for an epic thread on the Jewish Question. Save this post to your hard drive, email it to your wavering conservative friends, and share it far and wide on Facebook and Twitter. I doubt it will remain online for long. When the alcohol wears off and he comes to his senses, Wise will furiously backpeddle from this one.

After pretending for years to speak for White America, the racially polarizing midterm election has Tim Wise and the Far Left dropping the mask of moderation and OPENLY DECLARING A RACE WAR on Whites.

Chalk this up as a huge vindication of Alinsky tactics. Thank you Tim Wise for PROVING ONCE AND FOR ALL that “anti-racist” is synonymous with “anti-White.”

It is not about “equality,” “social justice,” “civil rights,” “human rights” or “white privilege” after all … much less “racism” … just pure, unmitigated Jewish hatred of Gentiles:

For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.

And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor.

Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this…

You need to drink up.

And quickly.

And heavily.

Because your time is limited.

Real damned limited.

So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.

The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.

Not much more now.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.


Tock. . . .

The lesson here is clear: Whites must hang together or hang separately. The fate of the White majority is our fate. White Nationalists must overcome our own alienation, suck it up, and steer our people away from unhinged, genocidal Jewish maniacs like Tim Wise and friends before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Whites NEED to know that Germans were, and are, the VICTIMS. Not the perpetrators. Germany was, and is, victimized by Judaic evil.”

    No. They were under internal attack in the same way America has been since the end of WWII and they justifiably reacted to that internal attack but the reaction went too far.

    Stepping over the line into believing you’re the master race is a step too far.

    Believing they’re the master race is what’s wrong with the jews.

  2. Discard – the Jews and their allies/factotums FD Rosenfeldt and the despicalbe scumbag Churchill made war on Germany. The Nazis FOUGHT. That’s what happens in wars. People kill each other.

    Sux – don’t it?

    Blame Jews for those crimes against civilian populations,

    I do.

    Now – please dicuss the Armenian Genocide, The wholly Kosher engineered starvations of the Ukraine, the 110% Talmudic murder of the White Christian Royals The Romanovs (I consider this to be on of the MOST evil crimes ever perperated by the Spawn of Satan, for metaphysical as well as earthly reason. And I hope their cousin goerge V is burning in Hell right now, for his complicity and aquienscence to the slaughter of his young relatives, the Prince and Princesses)

    Do you imagine Hitler was oblivious to all of the above?

    Germans Good.
    Nazis BETTER.

    Jews? What Satan shat out.

    For real. Red their loathesome histories. Usualy to be found in their own words.

    I mean – why are Jews so consistently, doggedly, horrificallymalicious and EVIL towards all others?

    Any thoughts, Discard?

  3. Jack , you are correct about the Sudetenland booting out of Germans.

    That said – please compare and contrast all the historical expulsions, and reasons for same, of Germans – vs. the expulsion of Die Jude.

    Got my point?

  4. Wandrin, the belief among humans that THIER group/tribe ,etc is the “Master Race” or “Real People” is par for the course.

    Never ever ever forget that Hitler stated that National Socialism was not for export. It was a German thing, for Germans. Fro them most part = Germans/Tuetons have just wanted to be left alone.

    Now – consdiering their natural habitat, and their pretty pretty prett genetic gifts – I think a “We are the Best People attitude” is kinda justfied….

    And I’m a Celt.

  5. Uh oh, Another thread turned to essoteric comment on Hitler. What’s next? The “I love Iran” fetish that guarantees the tuning out of white Americans? I took a look at Stormfront the other day to see if it’s tone was the same and sure enough, there were posters telling how they were going to vote for Barak Hussein Obama in 2012 because otherwise “neocons” were going to start a war with Iran. So in other words Amahdinejad is more important to them than amnesty for illegal aliens, more affirmative action and tax dollars stolen for black parasites, and more Elana Kagans and Sodomyers on the Supreme Court? Other than the fact that it’s jew wise, there is absolutely nothing redeming about the Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran. Even then, why be so publically provacative about the regimes anti-semitism? What would George Washinton have to say about the Iranian Regime? Why is it in the interest of the Iranian people to risk the destruction over their country for the Palestinians? This is exactly the kind of entanglement in foreign affairs Washington warned us about in his goodbye speech. When we waste billions and international goodwill by getting in bed with the Israeli’s WN are all over Washington’s advise. Yet when Hitler or Amadinejad drags their people into foreign adventures that are not in the national interest WN forget all about George’s non-entanglement policies.

  6. “Please discuss the Armenian genocide” – Denise.
    OK. Committed by Turks, with some assistance from the Kurds. No Jews. It happens that I took a required class in multi-cult horseshit several years ago, and I chose Armenians as my designated minority, so I know more about the 1915 genocide, from Armenian sources, than most Odars do. No book nor interviewee said anything at all about Jews.
    My thoughts? You are apparently as maniacal as Tim Wise in your hatred. Maniacal enough to blame them for things they simply had no hand in. Maniacal enough to justify the massacre of innocent European White civilians in the pursuit of Jews, like a cop who would rescue a hostage with hand grenades. You hate the Jews more than you love the White race.

  7. Um – Nightowl – you are now dragging the thread off course.

    I brought up Hitler because Discard started trashing Germans, and Nazis.

    I have undertaken a personal mission to never allow this sort of slander to go unchallenged. I state the truth about Germany, the Nazis, and Jews every single day – cause Hitler is cited every single day. Hitler and the Nazis are THE mind-prison Whites have been held in, for nigh on 60 years. So any talk about Hitelr is the polar opposite of “esoteric”. I maintain that a person cannot get through ONE single day without a citation. So although I am one single person – I challenge the Holohoax lie EVERY single time. This is the only thing I can do, right now. I’ve heard various ?White Nationalist faction decry the futility of defending Germany, and Hitler – but that’s merely despair, or sheer laziness. Jews NEVER miss one single chance to slur Hitler, Germans, or any White. Or any-one they want to trash or destroy. But we refuse to relentlessly tell the truth – cause “ordinary people are too brainwashed, and won’t understand.

    Balls. Horseshit. Slacker!!!!

    Jewish power is based on Jewish lies (As well as their fiat funnymunny, and the Crime of All Crimes Race Betrayal of “elite” Whites, who have sold their own out for Sheeny Gold).

    All of the things you complain about ALL come down to Jewish malevolence. Every last issue. Nothing related to the Tribe is “esoterica”.

  8. Discardsky,

    I usually don’t cite sources – I don’t liek ot play that game – but here’s one:


    Err….I don’t suppose that your mutli culti Prof Hymie Goldstien, in the books about the Armenian Genocide, written by Marx, Rosenblatt, and Cohen, mentioned the ethnic origins of the “Young Turks” what engineered the 20th Century’sfirst mass extermination of White Christians, by Jews. Did he?

    You are callling me a “hater” because I cite real world horrors, created by the worst haters of all.

    Uh-huh. That term is a Star of Satan Red Flagsky….

    How was synagogue last night?

  9. I hope you talk this tough in real life, Denise, so that any sane people around you know what a liability you are.

    Discard and Nightowl are absolutely correct. Praising the same sort of behavior from whites that you’d excoriate on Chimpout or from Jews is not a solution. Perhaps I’m old fashioned for actually believing in Western Civilization. As Discard said, you’re only making Tim Wise’s job easier by giving him the opportunity to dismiss his opponents as Nazis.

  10. Please, fellow whites, let’s not bicker over these matters. We were having a good conversation, before it got derailed into a discussion about WWII history.

  11. Denise: Given the sources you cite, I can see why you “…don’t liek ot play that game.” My sources were all Armenian, Armenian books and personal interviews with Armenian people. No mention of Jews, just Turks and Kurds.
    I am not a Jew.
    I don’t go to synagogue.
    I don’t trash the German people.
    I distinguish between Germans and Nazis.
    I know that the Bolsheviks were as Jewish as the Federal Reserve.
    Are you one of Tim Wise’s helpers, trying to discredit White racial awareness?

  12. “Hitler and the Nazis are THE mind-prison Whites have been held in, for nigh on 60 years. So any talk about Hitelr is the polar opposite of “esoteric”.”

    True. And there are intelligent (and moral) ways of undermining it and there are stupid (and immoral) ways of trying to undermine it that haven’t worked for 60 years.

    “I have undertaken a personal mission to never allow this sort of slander to go unchallenged.”

    I do the same except the lines i push in those situations are:

    1. The denial of the Bolshevik holocaust – especially the deliberate starvation of six million Ukrainians in 1932 as revenge for the cossacks.
    2a. The Nazis as a reaction to an internal attack from marxists.
    2b. The Nazis as a reaction to an internal attack from jewish tribalism camouflaged as marxism (depending on the audience).
    3. The holocaust as motive for the post-war attempted global genocide of everyone of whte european descent.

    My way works better than your way.

  13. The Kapner site uses Jewish sources. You can verify and cross-research everything. The link I listed is concise, simply put.

    Any of you can verify any information on that page – if you choose to do so.

    If you choose to do so.

    The Armenian Genocide was a practice session, for the relentless, remorseless attacks on White Civiliations, and the practice of White genocide, by Jewry, from the 19th century onwards. But we musn’t get uspet, or be too vociferous, or anything. We musn’t get to strident in our approach, must we? You fellas don’t want to get your polished fingernails dirty, do ya?

    Are any of your fully aware of how Jews control language, and discourse, itself? I tailor my verbiage to my audience. But I do not allow Jew slurs, and lies, to go unchallenged EVER. Why do you?

    Discord uses the same tactics on me, and on this subject, that Jews typically use, on opponents. I also not the time and energy used in insulting Nazis, wile dismissing the VILE, GHATSLY MONSTROUS blood-drenched decades of Jew tyranny in Russia, with one single glib sentence. He’s not calling the JewsBolsheviksJews “SOBs” is he?

    Do any of you see this?

    Wandrin – good for you. You take the exact same tack, and raise the same issues, as I do. Again – I tailor my verbiage to my subject. I find that lots of Whites look away, and/or flinch, when I specifically cite Jews as the source of any malicious act or policy. Academia, the Corrupted Church, and TalmudVision has relentlessly brainwashed Whites to defer to Jews, and not dare even think a thought against the Self Chosen. (Although Blacks and Hispancics MUCH hipper to the Jew Problem it’s NOT a Question, than are poor snookered, blindly obedient Whites are). What do you do when they flinch, or look away?

    I ask them why they are so afraid of hearing factual information. I mean, who is one going to “Take our country back” if one doesn’t know precisely whom one if taking our country back from.

    What do you do, Wandrin?

    This all does speak to a fundamental flaw of Moderns Whites. So very, very concerned about not making a scene. Not raising our voices.

    Whites are so very proud of blind obediance to authority. Millions of young Whites marched off to attack their Racial Kin, for the benefit of their worst enemies, in the 20th Century.

    Was this a good idea, fellas? Why are Whites so easy to manipulate? Why are Whites so very pre-occupied with not offneding one’s mortal enemies, but so ready to attack and kill our own, ’cause some movie or TV show sez we should. Most never quesiton any of it. Why is that?

    I am not “making it easier for Tim Wise et al”, by stating the FACTS about Nazis, and WWII, and Jewry, if Whites were ready to defned thier own racial stock, and interests, and seek out root causes for issues in the FIRST place.

    Alleged White Nationalists, who TRASH Nazis, make it easier FOR Tim Wise et ll, to continue to use their biggest scam EVER – Hitler and the Boys – by running and hiding from the Nazis. YOU fellas are giving the Jews the club against us. And the continuing opportunity to bsh out heads in.

    Not me.

    Think any Jew howling and screaming about the KNAAAAAZZZZEEEES woud ever work on me?

    Why do YOU allow THEM to use thier lies against us?

    Errrr….are we or are we not in a war for our very survival?

    Warfare itself is all about “making a scene”

    Did Charles Martel worry about keeping his voice down? Did the 300 seem to be pre-oocupied with using nuanced teminology? Did my beleioved Vlad Tpses worry about not making a scen, when he impaled THOUSANDS of Muslims along roadways used by a vaslty superior force of INVADING warriors – thus convincing them, via the gore-dripping bodies of their cultural kin, that further advancement would be really bad idea?

    Gotte get your fingernails dirty, once in awhile, during a war. Or you won’t survive for very long. Light-loafers don’t…..

  14. The Kapner site uses Jewish sources. You can verify and cross-research everything. The link I listed is *concise*, simply put.

    Any of you can verify any information on that page – if you choose to do so.

    *If* you choose to do so.

    The Armenian Genocide was a practice session, for the relentless, remorseless attacks on White Civiliations, and the practice of White genocide, by Jewry, from the 19th century onwards. But we musn’t get uspet, or be too vociferous, or anything. We musn’t get to strident in our approach, must we? You fellas don’t want to get your polished fingernails dirty, do ya?

    Are any of your fully aware of how Jews control language, and discourse, itself? I tailor my verbiage to my audience. But I do not allow Jew slurs, and lies, to go unchallenged EVER. Why do you?

    Discord uses the same tactics on me, and on this subject, that Jews typically use, on opponents. I also not the time and energy used in insulting Nazis, while dismissing the ghastly, blood-drenched decades of Judaic tyranny in Russia, with one single glib sentence. He’s not calling the JewsBolsheviksJews “SOBs” is he?

    Do any of you *see* this?

    Wandrin – good for you. You take the exact same tack, and raise the same issues, as I do. Again – I tailor my verbiage to my subject. I find that lots of Whites look away, and/or flinch, when I specifically cite Jews as the source of any malicious act or policy. Academia, the Corrupted Church, and TalmudVision has relentlessly brainwashed Whites to defer to Jews, and not dare even think a thought against the Self Chosen. (Although Blacks and Hispancics MUCH hipper to the Jew Problem it’s NOT a Question, than are poor snookered, blindly obedient Whites are). What do you do when they flinch, or look away?

    I ask them why they are so afraid of hearing factual information. I mean, who is one going to “Take our country back” if one doesn’t know precisely whom one if taking our country back from.

    What do you do, Wandrin?

  15. This all does speak to a fundamental flaw of Moderns Whites. So very, very concerned about not making a scene. Not raising our voices.

    Whites are so very proud of blind obediance to authority. Millions of young Whites marched off to attack their Racial Kin, for the benefit of their worst enemies, in the 20th Century.

    Was this a good idea, fellas? Why are Whites so easy to manipulate? Why are Whites so very pre-occupied with not offneding one’s mortal enemies, but so ready to attack and kill our own, ’cause some movie or TV show sez we should. Most never quesiton any of it. Why is that?

    I am not “making it easier for Tim Wise et al”, by stating the FACTS about Nazis, and WWII, and Jewry, if Whites were ready to defned thier own racial stock, and interests, and seek out root causes for issues in the FIRST place.

    Alleged White Nationalists, who TRASH Nazis, make it easier FOR Tim Wise et ll, to continue to use their biggest scam EVER – Hitler and the Boys – by running and hiding from the Nazis. YOU fellas are giving the Jews the club against us. And the continuing opportunity to bsh out heads in.

    Not me.

    Think any Jew howling and screaming about the KNAAAAAZZZZEEEES woud ever work on me?

    Why do YOU allow THEM to use thier lies against us?

    Errrr….are we or are we not in a war for our very survival?

    Warfare itself is all about “making a scene”

    Did Charles Martel worry about keeping his voice down? Did the 300 seem to be pre-oocupied with using nuanced teminology? Did my beleioved Vlad Tpses worry about not making a scen, when he impaled THOUSANDS of Muslims along roadways used by a vaslty superior force of INVADING warriors – thus convincing them, via the gore-dripping bodies of their cultural kin, that further advancement would be really bad idea?

    Gotte get your fingernails dirty, once in awhile, during a war. Or you won’t survive for very long. Light-loafers don’t…..

    So how many of you would dare to contradict and challenge Wise, or any Jew, to his or her face? Will you run away, whimpering, if the Jew in Question begins screaming at you?

    Note to Self – I must remember, at all times, that many of you are Amren posters, that are very comfortble with making reuful comments about Blacks and Hispanics, on the amRen site – but have been well-schooled to oh-so-politely ignore, or wittily diminish the presence of the Great Big Hook-Nosed Talmudic Elephant, dovening in room.

  16. Denise,
    Our people have had implanted in their minds by the Jewish-run media,
    a “crimethink stopper” which is activated by the words “Nazi” and “Jew.”
    Jews like Tim Wise know that merely accusing an opponent of being a Nazi will activate the buzzing in our people’s heads and render them incapable of further thought. So, they “win” the debate. Dirty rotten cheaters they are, but that’s the reality.
    Yes, our people need to know the truth about the Germans’ side of WWII, which will disable the crimethink-stopper. But we must be judicious while educating them that we don’t inadvertently trigger the buzzing, lest our people hear not one more word. Calm demeanors are careful word choices, while slow and laborious and frustrating to us “awakeneds”, is the only method of circumventing the implanted triggers long enough for our people to learn the truth — at which time they’ll be as ticked off at the Jewish swindling as we are.

  17. Barb – please allow me to repeat what I wrote – I tailor my words to my audience.

    I had separate situations last week, when two different people, in two very separate places, referenced Hitler and the Holohoax.

    The first person was a very old man, who is deeply Christian and was a soldieri n WWII. He regrets killing German soldier.s He’s of German descent. He feels like he’s a murderer, for his actions in WWII. (I agree). But he still beleives what he was told, by the Rosenfeldt admin. He was talking about some killer (Mao, I think) figure, and said, “This guy made Hitler look like a piker (slacker)” I looked at him, gazed right into his old blue eyes, and said, “Hitler never killed any-one”. “What?” “Hitler never killed any-one. ”
    Momentary silence.
    A “knowing” smile….then,
    “He was responsible for others, who did the killing…”
    I interrupted.
    “No he was NOT” – he was defending his own people. Germans. Do you know about Russia, and the Treaty of Versailles, and why Hitelr rose to power in the first place?” and was off and running….”

    I did not scream. I did not yell. I did hold his gaze fully, and spoke with 100% confidence, passion, and conviction. I asked him if he ever read any of the Talmud. “Do you know about the Talmud?” He told me “No”. (He lied. His ego would not permit him to reveal that therewas some major religious worl that he has never read. Or even heard of. I did not call him on his lie….I didn’t know he lied at that point – but I still would have let it ride – as the important element is that he’s heard of the Talmud now) . I told him to go check it out….we’ve spoken since. He’s much freer about speaking of the corruption of the Christian Church, and his digust with same. I told him about the deliberate path of destruction fomented by the Jews Yes the Jews Every Last One was a Jew of the Franfkurt School. How theyset out ot destroy Christan civiliation – “make it so rotten it stinks” That Hitler booted them out of Germany – yet did not kill Jews! What? – and how they came to America, and were very successful in achieving their goals. He seemed quite interested…I just said about 3 sentences on this topic. He’s an avid reader.

    Why did I do this? Why did I bother saying all this stuff to a very old man?

    1) It’s the truth. That’sthe ONLY reason I need, FYI.

    2) He’s still very sharp, very, very active, and very very very very beloved, and admired, in the almost all-White community, in which he’s lived his ENTIRE life. He likes to teach. He likes to feel smart. He likes to be admired, and needed. He doesn’t want to be some useless old man waiting to die. His pals and aquaintences will listen to what he has to say. His words will carry far more weight, in his community, than mine.

    3) White people do care about the truth, and the quest for knowledge, even if they are scared to death, at first…think about what couldhappen if this beloved old man would start to talk about these issues, in his community….

    The second encounter was at the local candidate’s victory party, on Tuedsay night, with a young mom. She told me she got involved cause she’s never been interested in politics, but she “had to to something…”

    I lauded her actions. Told her that her kids are beautiful – they are – it’s the truth – and that she’s doing what our Founders wanted Americans to do. We chatted on. She mentioned that she had taken her kids to the Holocaust Museum, in DC, and, “It was so horrible! As I went through, I thought to myself, what if something like this could happen again….” She said this with hushed voice…she was fully awed, etc. Reverent.

    I thought for a moment, “OK. This is BS. I just met her. Should I just let this fraud ride, this time?”.

    Couldn’t do it. My credo, ‘n all.

    I did not go full-bore “Honey You’ve Been Punked”. (Which I have done with others. )

    I was silent for a moment – silent pauses can be very effective.

    I got a pained look on my face. I did this deliberately. I said, after a pregnant pause, “Weeeeellll…look…ya gotta be careful about those..ahhh….museums. There’s a lot of false info. We hear all about the Holocaust (I did not use my usual term Holohoax) – but have you heard about the slaughter of upwards of 60 MILLION Russian Christians, by Bolsheviks, under Communism? No – you haven’t. We NEVER hear about that. I wonder why? You should research some of those “Nazi” uniforms pics, the Holocaust Museums. The uniforms, in many of those pics, aren’t German. They’re Russian”.

    And then stopped.

    She looked completely confused. Very surprised that she didn’t get the same reverent pro-forrma response, when she invoked the Holy Hoax. I changed the topic, and moved on, and we said goodnight, after bit. The flush of contributing to victory returned to her shining face. See – I was “normal” and said all the right things, before and after this little conversational detour. I didn’t bring the Hoax up. She did. She stepped on the path. I went with her. The path didn’t go where she had been taught the path was supposed to take us. Oh well.

    Why did I do it? Cause it’s the truth. I planted a teeny little seed of truth, in her ear. I don’t know if it wil take root. I pray it will. The unawakened must be awakened. They have to BEGIN hearing the truth.

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