To: White America
From: The Eternal Jew
Behind the mask of civilized Europeans …
Over at the “Daily Kos,” Tim Wise has chimed in with his thoughts on the 2010 midterm elections. Get ready for an epic thread on the Jewish Question. Save this post to your hard drive, email it to your wavering conservative friends, and share it far and wide on Facebook and Twitter. I doubt it will remain online for long. When the alcohol wears off and he comes to his senses, Wise will furiously backpeddle from this one.
After pretending for years to speak for White America, the racially polarizing midterm election has Tim Wise and the Far Left dropping the mask of moderation and OPENLY DECLARING A RACE WAR on Whites.
Chalk this up as a huge vindication of Alinsky tactics. Thank you Tim Wise for PROVING ONCE AND FOR ALL that “anti-racist” is synonymous with “anti-White.”
It is not about “equality,” “social justice,” “civil rights,” “human rights” or “white privilege” after all … much less “racism” … just pure, unmitigated Jewish hatred of Gentiles:
For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor.
Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this…
You need to drink up.
And quickly.
And heavily.
Because your time is limited.
Real damned limited.
So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.
The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.
Not much more now.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
Tock. . . .
The lesson here is clear: Whites must hang together or hang separately. The fate of the White majority is our fate. White Nationalists must overcome our own alienation, suck it up, and steer our people away from unhinged, genocidal Jewish maniacs like Tim Wise and friends before it is too late.
You know what, you’re right. Let’s not wish a violent or disastrous fate for Timmy Wise.
All that would do is make this scum a martyr, and make people remember him.
But I do agree with Mr. Wallace that we ought to haunt him with this editorial whenever he speaks in front of white people and tries to put on his respectable act.
Hunter, the best thing to do now is to send a copy of Wise’s hateful diatribe to every single organization that has used him to promote peaceful co-existence and anti-racism in the past. Make it clear to them that unless they drop him as a vendor, they could face all manner of unpleasant repercussions from the White majority customers.
Also, it might be a good idea to show how much Wise likes to talk the talk, but how loath he is to walk the walk. I imagine the racial makeup of his zip code and the schools his children attend would be very interesting subjects to investigate.
It’s time to lock on Wise and target him for elimination. Hopefully Israel will allow this half-Jew to make aliyah and the country can be rid of him.
Compassionate Fascist says:
“Always a pleasure when the devil sheds his mask. In theory, though, Wise nails it: all else being equal, whites will, via the legal and illegal immigration rackets plus differential birthrates, eventually become a powerless minority and then go extinct…by one means or another. ”
CF, you are wrong. Yes, there are Whites who are not replacing themselves. Primarily urban, secular liberal Whites. Do we really need them? Religious (in particular) and conservative young Whites are having MORE children. I have seen several White couples with four children or more.
Now, I tend to trend more optimistic than most White Nationalists. Anyone see that commercial where in 2030 a Chinese professor is lecturing the Chinese about factors leading to the fall of the American empire? Well, those who should know have given that as the year they expect that America can be dispensed with. These parasites already have a new host lined up to jump on:
That’s how long the most optimistic think they can keep all their balls up in the air before it all comes tumbling down. Mind you, 2030 is about two decades before White Americans are supposed to become a minority (2045 to 2050 AD). However, I think things are already spiraling out of their control. I think the big crash is going to come before 2016. My guesstimate is more along the lines of 2013-14.
And I don’t think I’m alone in that thought. If Netanyahu isn’t expecting a mass influx of American Jews making aliyah and soon, why is he in such an all-fire hurry to build those settlements? Ordinarily it would have made far more sense to hold off on them until the USA was in a position to shift their armed forces from Iraq and Afghanistan to attack Iran. The Jews have killed the golden goose in America and the economy is spiraling out of their control. They can’t hold it together for much longer and they know it.
When the economy crashes, the rats will jump ship from the sinking USS America back to Latin America to live off of their savings. I know this, because one illegal told me he had his ranchero paid off and savings in the bank when his company was forced to lay him off.
That will put the racial composition pretty close to where it would be if we hadn’t opened the floodgates to Third World Immigration. Don’t think the Americans remaining will allow them to stay. There will be some civil unrest when government checks stop coming to Chocolate Cities, but they can be contained by a White Majority.
Tim Wise let the mask slip, because he failed and he knows it. Once all these events go down, he and his ilk will lose any and all power and influence in this country. It may take America a generation or two to recover from the economic chemo needed to rid itself of these cancers, but when she does, she will emerge as the most White Nationalist country on the planet. And Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Europe will follow.
Suck on that one, Timmy … you loser.
Looks like this video could use some updating with quotes from 2010:
“Cackling about about time running for my kids and White peoples’ kids was a gruesome and sadistic twist of the knife even by Jew standards. Off the top of my head, I don’t recall even the sickest and most deranged Jewish minds who routinely vomit forth their anti-White bile ever cackling about the demise of White kids, while mocking White people in the process”
I can. How about Zionist soldiers shooting Palestinian children and/or pregnant women and laughing about it? And how can we ever forget about the five Israeli Jews videotaping and “jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact” of the first plane on 9-11, “making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage and later celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still later “celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot”?
World Trade Center towers burning, thousands of people killed, others are being roasted alive in raging fires, others choose to jump to their death from these skyscrapers rather than be holocausted to death. It’s the same cruel, callous, very sick mentality shared by Tim Swine.
ditto. i had that moment a while ago and now when i look at things like this
i picture my kids or maybe future grand-kids in a place like that. that’s their future if the other side isn’t taken down before it’s too late.
Terrence Rhine
“Now, I tend to trend more optimistic than most White Nationalists.”
The way i see it, we may suck on average when it comes to tribal warfare but our combined toughest&smartest 10% could take on the whole world and win easily so it won’t be too late for quite a while. However the sooner we win the less damage there’ll be and the least people will get hurt.
Political Pessimist,
Personally i think anyone advocating or even hinting at violence on an open forum is either a fool or an agent provocateur.
“Is it because they figure now is the time? They have a chance to wipe us out now, along with a risk that they may fail if they wait another moment, while they watch Whites waking up to their centuried game?”
No i think it’s because it’s all going a bit wrong for them at the moment. They can’t get an attack on Iran off the ground plus to get into the full genocidal endgame they needed to keep our people lulled longer and they need prosperity to do it so it’s all unravelling too early.
@ Wandrin
I admit, I was letting my emotions get the best of me. I, along with everyone else here, was pretty damn pissed.
To be clear, I wasn’t saying, “hey, let’s go out and butcher Tim Wise and people like him.” I do think that, from a purely practical perspective, reckless violence and extremism is never the answer, and only provides fodder to our enemies.
But you’re right. I shouldn’t even hint at violence. A mistake on my part. My emotions did get the better of me, and I was acting a fool. A mistake that I’ll try to avoid from now on.
A mistake that other white nationalists would be wise to avoid. Remember Saul Alinsky and his rules for radicals.
As I’ve said before, this is why I like Occidental Dissent more than other WN blogs. They actually challenge their fellow WN’s and encourage them to change their rhetoric/adopt new tactics.
I learn something new here every day.
That’s interesting. After you mentioned Robert Lindsay’s blog earlier I went over there and read today’s blogs. And he’s been railing about whites not supporting socialism enough. He’s a socialist so that’s nothing new I don’t guess. But his tone in todays blogs has taken a decided turn towards inciting blacks against whites for the purpose of promoting political / class warfare. It’s like he’s willing to incite a race war to promote socialism. I’ve always thought a lot of leftists were dishonest wrt race. And I’ve always thought they were just using blacks to promote their personal grudges and agendas. But this is giving us a sneak peek into how the left and the democrats can be so hateful about it. I’m actually relieved that their finally showing it.
None of the Kos posters has called Wise out on his hate for white people.
They’re unhinged.
Who was the Cairo Gang?
“Is it because they figure now is the time? They have a chance to wipe us out now, along with a risk that they may fail if they wait another moment, while they watch Whites waking up to their centuried game?”
No i think it’s because it’s all going a bit wrong for them at the moment. They can’t get an attack on Iran off the ground plus to get into the full genocidal endgame they needed to keep our people lulled longer and they need prosperity to do it so it’s all unravelling too early.
Those savvy WNists who looked at the Repugnant candidate John McCain and urged Whites to vote for BHO, saying “worse is better,” were prescient. Mind you, the economy got a huge push over the precipe from the Bushite Neocons and the Liberal Whackjobs like Bawney Fwank with the Minority Mortgage Meltdown. But Whites were smart enough to allow the Affirmative Action President to fail.
Like I said, the economy is spiraling out of control faster than even the banksters anticipated and its got kosher fingerprints all over it. That’s why the building of those Israeli settlements are being expedited rather than being used as a bargaining chip to get the USA to attack Iran. Broder who baldly stated that BHO could only revitalize the economy by attacking Iran was clutching at straws and there wasn’t a single comment posted at the Washington Post who didn’t ream him out over it. Yes, the stupid goyim are waking up.
That leaves the Chinese. The Chinese who are militantly homogenous. The Chinese who have no history of Antisemitism. The Chinese who were never involved in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The Chinese who have no pangs of guilt to suffer over the Holocaust. The Chinese who are militantly atheist and do not believe in Yahweh. The Chinese who have combined the best/worst (depending on your POV) of communism and capitalism. The Chinese who have been forewarned by a Chinese-American about Jewish antics throughout history and are monitoring the American situation closely. The Chinese who other Asians call “the Jews of the Orient.” Yeah, THOSE Chinese.
The Chinese also have a very illuminating curse. It’s called, “May you live in interesting times.” Well, the times are about to get very interesting for the Wises of the world. Then there is that Biblical admonition about getting trapped in the snare you set up for others. The Jews had the sweetest setup in their entire history with America and they screwed it up … big time. No wonder Timmy is going into mental meltdown with his tantrum.
Also – the idiot Yid Not Wise At All seems to have “chosen” to be oblivious to the demonstrable fact that his beloved Pet Darkies tend to act out on the Tribe, like they do every-one else. No sad Tales of the HoloHoax works with Africans or Mestizos….
Obviously a genocidal screed by an anti-white. The irony being is if he published that anywhere else in the West he would have committed a crime.
No need for violence whatsoever, but a promise to prosecute him and his financial bankers till the end of days for his criminal call for genocide. There is a lot of money in that. Heck I even have seen a Siemans’ ad on Kos, big money. If Huffpo publishes this, big money, ADL publishes this genocidal crap, big money.
The lesson here if I may be so presumptious to say, is to skip the IQ and crime studies so beloved by our side and go straight Mantra on them, they are genocidal anti-whites, guilty.
And to think that Tim ‘Wise-Ass’ is only half-Jewish — the half that isn’t even recognized as being really Jewish (you know, ‘Jewishness passes-through-the-mother schtick’).
Since Timmy’s mom was a ‘shiksa’, he isn’t really considered a ‘true Jew’ by the State of Israel or the Orthodox Rabbinate (the true leadership of Jewry). Poor mamzer.
Obviously a genocidal screed by an anti-white. The irony being is if he published that anywhere else in the West he would have committed a crime.
No need for violence whatsoever, but a promise to prosecute him and his financial bankers till the end of days for his criminal call for genocide. … @Simmons
Here is theInternational Law on Genocide for genocidal psychopaths like Commissar Timmy Wise –
Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
The national reformation began yesterday. The crime of genocide being committed by anti-whites like Tim Wise will be prosecuted, because it must, because we must never ever forget. Irony indeed.
Another point: Hillary Clinton herself has lent credibility to DailyKos. Her campaign issued a memo in 08 defending DailyKos against an attack by Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly had been railing against DK has a hate site. I’m pretty sure Hillary and BHO both attended the annual DK convention that year as well. DK is mainstream web site. It’s interesting, however, that most Kos contributors choose to hide behind pseudonyms like Meteor Blades. You have to wonder why they do that if their ideas are so mainstream as they claim. This is speculative, but I bet most of those Kos contributors are professional journalists and academics and maybe even Congressional staffers who want to say what they really think, but without a link to their real names. You can tell by the sophistication of the writing that many of those contributors are professionals, not Reddit morons. A commenter on redstate.com claiming to be an ex-Republican staffer said DKs true audience isn’t the liberal mob but the Dems technocratic elite in DC.
Has Wise sobered up and removed this from public view? I tried to find the piece by going straight to Daily Kos, but I couldn’t find it. Nor could I email it to a friend from the link you have here.
Kevin MacDonald, et al have been warning about this for a few years now. We’re talking Bolshevik style bloodletting against the Whites.
I used to think that Dr M and folks like Patrick Cleburne on Vdare.com were using hyperbole, I should have known better.
Let’s Hope the Man Against Time comes to the rescue.
I have seen several White couples with four children or more.
I see them all the time … chugging their corn syrup and talking like savages. Can’t beat boolie kulchur wit book smots.
Time Wise is a fool. When American White Nationalists take power in parts of the USA, he thinks there will still be elections similar to the ones we have right now….what a laugh riot.
Also, he considers himself White (“us white folks”) when in fact he is a Jew.
This Wise moron is better ignored.
AHX says:
November 4, 2010 at 7:51 pm
“Kevin MacDonald, et al have been warning about this for a few years now. We’re talking Bolshevik style bloodletting against the Whites.”
They shoud be careful what they wish for, for these anti-White, social Marxist scumbags WILL be in for a very rude surprise.
Anyone who has read the uncensored history of German politics (from non ‘mainstream’ sources) in the 1920-1930’s when the National Socialists were rising to power, knows they were constantly battling with these very dirty-fighting Communists, and is not surprised one bit by their ruthless and underhanded tactics, viciousness and resorting to physical violence to intimidate and silence their opponents. And they have the shameless GALL to call US “haters” and say are the ones who commit acts of violence!
Why do they do this? Here’s why:
“in order to carry out its aims, Bolshevism uses propagandist methods which are perceptable only by those which have experience in such things and are entirely accepted in good faith by the average citizen make this Terror International (he’s talking about the international communist movement) extraordinarily dangerous for other states and peoples. This propaganda starts out from the principle that the end sanctifies the means, that lies and slander, the terrorising of the individual and of the mass, robbery and burnings and strikes and insurrection, espionage and sabotage of armies can and ought to be made use of, and therewith that the aim of revolutionizing the whole world must be specially and solely kept in view. This extraordinarily pernicious method of influencing the mass of the people does not stop before anything or anybody.”
“Murder of individuals, murder of hostages and mass murder are the favorite means applied by Bolshevism to get rid of all opposition to its propaganda.”
“The list of bloodshed becomes all the more fearful and horrible when we add to it the apparently incredible number of mass murders carried out by the Communists.”
“According to the returns given by the Soviets themselves and taking reliable sources into account, the number of persons executed within the first 5 years of Soviet rule must be placed at about 1,830,000, in round numbers. Of these, 6,000 were teachers and professors, 8,800 were doctors of medicine, 54,000 were army officers, 260,000 soldiers, 105,000 police officials, 49,000 gendarmes, 12,800 civil servants, 355,000 persons of upper classes, 192,000 workers, 815,000 peasants.”
“That is Bolshevik propaganda. That is the form in which it clothes itself and lives, using falsehood and slander and chicanery…thus spreading a general spirit of unrest; because the Bolsheviks know so well that they can never bring the Communist idea to triumph except in an age that is distracted and sceptical”–From a speech delivered by Dr. Joseph Goebbels on Sept. 13th 1935 entitled “Communism With The Mask Off.”
Just replace the word Bolshevism with social Marxist Left, or Obamatons if you like, and Communism with political correctness, multiculturalism and anti-racism, then the above words really make an impact.
I’m not a proponent of National Socialism or any other “ism,” however, all I can say is that these Germans really pinned down and exposed these monstrous disciples of Marx. Unfortunately, their failed ideology and methods live on and continue to haunt and threathen us to this very day.
Political Pessimist says:
November 4, 2010 at 5:51 am
You know what, you’re right. Let’s not wish a violent or disastrous fate for Timmy Wise.
Oh, we can wish… 🙂 However, it should go no further than that.
This professional anti-White propagandist and bona fide “hater” will get his comeuppance one of these days.
“I see them all the time … chugging their corn syrup and talking like savages. Can’t beat boolie kulchur wit book smots.”
Everywhere in the world is like that. What matters is the NCOs. White people have the best NCOs but not enough of them are WNs – yet.
“Let’s not wish a violent or disastrous fate for Timmy Wise.”
I wouldn’t say that. Nuremberg 2020. All nice and 100% legal.
I don’t want any WNist to cap Tim Wise’s behind. I want this bile of his to make him a pariah in his “anti-racist” or “social justice” field. I want him to have to watch his savings evaporate, because he is living off of them. Why? Because he can’t find a job in his field and he isn’t qualified for anything else. Then I want that $600,000 McMansion foreclosed on by the banksters for inability to keep up with his payments. Then I want him to move into a neighborhood where he will be forced to live with all that lovely diversity he’s been shoving down White throats all these years. I want him to find it such a nightmare that he tries to make aliyah to Israel only to be refused entry because he’s a Mamzer. That’s the only justice this punk ass bitch deserves.
To that end, I hope someone saved Tim Wise’s remarks. I think it is high time to present all his past, present, and future clients with a copy so they will understand they hired a vicious, hateful bigot to abuse their White employees and young White students with his poisonous bile. The sooner Tim Wise is drummed out of his field in disgrace, the better for the entire country.
Speaking of the Daily Kos, it’s the first I’ve heard of this cesspool.
“As of January 2010, Daily Kos had an average weekday traffic of over 600,000 visits, and received over 20 million visits per month.”
I had no idea it had such a large readership. A cursory glance of the blog before becoming very nauseous, reminded me of the bile that posts to the Huffington Post.
“In 2009, Time magazine listed the Daily Kos in its “Most Overrated Blogs” section. Despite the listing, Time magazine readers named the Daily Kos the second best blog.”
I’m curious, how did this Leftwing smog attract such a large following? Does anyone know who comprises the bulk of its audience? Is it college students freshly baptised in the sewage of semitical correctness?*
*Because of its Jewish roots.
Wandrin says:
November 4, 2010 at 11:12 pm
“Let’s not wish a violent or disastrous fate for Timmy Wise.”
I wouldn’t say that. Nuremberg 2020. All nice and 100% legal.”
And like the original Nuremberg trials, a gargantuan mockery of justice, tortured confessions and all; nothing more than a Communist show trial.
Don’t worry, they can’t read our minds (yet).
“I’m curious, how did this Leftwing smog attract such a large following?”
The people behind the multicult aren’t numerous but they are disproportionately politically active – plus all the stooges brainwashed by media and education.
It’s like political funding. There might be 60 white millionaires for every 40 jewish ones but if only 20% of the white ones donate to political parties while 80% of the jews do then the final proportions are 12 vs 32.
Or a country of 200 million people with 180 million in ethnic group A and 20 million in ethnic group B where only 10% of group A are politically active in some way compared to 80% of group B.
180 vs 20 becomes 18 vs 16 and if the 18 are initially split 50/50 over left and right while the 16 all pile in on one side then it’s 9 vs 27.
Proportions and percentages.
My Smackdown with Anti-White Crusader Tim Wise
Mark Green
March 7, 2010
TOO contributor, Alex Kurtagic, recently brought to my attention to one of those hard Left, Jewish fanatics who wrap themselves in activist virtue as they roam the countryside in search of monsters to destroy.
The crusader’s name is Tim Wise. Tim Wise hates racists; but from what I discovered, only one kind of racist. The White kind.
Hi Tim. Thank you for your comments. I’ve done some reading by you and about you. Your anti-racist positions are indeed selective. I discovered little in your writings that critically explore Israeli racism. Nothing about ‘Jewish supremacism’. As far as I can tell, you’ve even managed to ignore the sorry condition of black Jews in Israel. Are you an Israeli mole?
Anti-racist really is a code-word for Anti-White.
Behold the anti-racist Jew without his mascara! This is what happens when you consider Jews as just a misunderstood and slightly wayward branch of the white race. This is just one reason why they’ve been expelled from every gentile nation throughout history and why our goal should be total expulsion of them from white, Western lands.
Timmy’s revealing but not surprising sentiments towards whites are shared by Abe Foxman, Mark Potok, Morris Dees, Eric Cantor, Joe Lieberman although each use a different tact less likely to incur our collective wrath. However, their unstated objectives are the same; complete dispossession and genocide of whites in North America.
Timmy said:
There were those who wanted to take us back to a time when blacks “had no rights that the white man was bound to respect,”
Timmy wants to erect a society in which whites “have no rights that the black and brown man is bound to respect”. Now that’s progress and change you can believe in!
If it were up to me I would place Timmy in a lions pen armed with a butter knife and watch the show.
Timmy said:
“There were those who wanted to take us back to a time when blacks “had no rights that the white man was bound to respect,”
Yeah, plus no cRap music polluting the airwaves; no 30,000+ White women raped annually by Black sexual predators; better qualified Whites GETTING the job instead of being passed over for the lesser-qualified (or not qualified at all) Black, etc.
Yeah, take me back to those wonderful days….
“Fuck you very much,” Tim.
Wise had a line in his screed about rewriting the history of the 50s once Whites are dead. Jews do this often, the most recent example being the false prevailing narrative of World War 2. Virtually everyone in the world believes the ridiculous tale that the Germans targeted the Jews without cause, not because Jews were fighting to impose Bolshevism as they did in Russia. They’ve done this with pogroms as well. Pogroms were defensive responses to Jewish hostility, now portrayed as the irrational persecution of Jews. And then, of course, there is the ultimate big lie of Jewish persecution that has let them go essentially unchallenged from the end of WW 2 until today. No one has ever improved on Schopenhauer’s description of Jews like Tim Wise as the Great Master of Lies. Regarding NS writings by Goebbels and others, it’s amazing how accurate they are. Goebbels actually died a very tragic death. According to David Irving, he poisoned his kids then committed suicide as the Red Army was closing in.
“According to David Irving, he poisoned his kids then committed suicide as the Red Army was closing in.”
What was the alternative? Subjecting himself (and perhaps his family?) to sadistic torture like having your testicles crushed by Jewish interrogators in Allied uniforms? I cannot begin to imagine what a painful and difficult choice the man had to make. Then after ‘judgement’ in those sham trials at Nuremburg, sentenced to hanging which in reality turned into a lynching party in an effort to cause the most painful, prolonged, excruciating death?
What took place there was not justice…it was satanic Talmudic revenge.
Come on, no pity for the top Nazis. They started the war, killed a shit load of innocent civilians, and lost. So what if it wasn’t a trial according to American standards, they weren’t Americans and the trial wasn’t held in the U.S. Yeah, Stalin and all his henchmen ought to have been hanged as well, along with Bomber Harris of the Royal Air Force and probably Franklin D. Roosevelt too, but none of that excuses the destruction of Warsaw and Rotterdam and Coventry by the Luftwaffe, just in case you don’t believe in the Six Million. They Nazis got more of a trial than most of us would give Tim Wise or Abe Foxman or Mark Potok. Leave them in their graves, we have better things to do than soil our hands digging them up.
Drudge Report now:
Discard says:
November 5, 2010 at 5:36 am
“Come on, no pity for the top Nazis. They started the war, killed a shit load of innocent civilians, and lost.”
Your comments show your utter lack of (true) historical knowledge. Educate yourself (first) rather than make a fool of yourself in public.
Yes, lets spoil an entertaining own goal by the other side with divisive historical arguments.
@Jonathan/Discard, yeah I agree 100% with Wandrin; let’s leave the topic alone. Huge mistake on my part to mention WW2.
HW: if you have time, please delete my comment above where I mentioned Schopenhauer.
Wandrin: Recognizing that Hitler and his crew were evil SOBs should not be divisive on a civilized website. Am I correct, or did Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium gang up and invade Germany? When people come to OD to check out Wise’s uncensored hate-spewings, we shouldn’t want them to see Jewish fears validated by Nazi apologetics. You don’t have to be pro-Nazi to be anti-Jewish, and we need to separate the two. Naziism is the Jews’ greatest propaganda weapon.
I think there are some Jews (such as Tim Wise) who really do live up to the darkest fears of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.
Some might but I doubt this Tim Wise is one of them. He’s just royally pissed that his “progressive” agenda has been set back. No different to Robert Lindsay — the dude obviously “gets” race, but when it came to the crunch he went with his inner commie, so deliriously enticing are socialist goals to him. That goes for most of them, too: they’re not “anti-white genocidalists” per se (though that, in the long run, is the effect) they just critique whites because they see whites as standing in the way of their political objectives.
That said, looking at the humorous side, that “tick tock tick tock” was a nice touch. Reminds me of a post in that notorious MR thread that I ended with “tick tick tick…” Guaranteed to incite!
Lew, your kids are going to die, punk.
One day.
We all will. 🙂
Wandrin, that’s just the way it is, feller. Some total fucknut wraps his head around a couple of factoids regarding race and society, and boom, he feels himself qualified to comment authoritatively on everything. But why should the mere fact of something being true motivate action — any action, let alone the sort of massive action that you require? People are moved by perception of interests much more than they are perception of truth; and since it is perception that is key, in either case the lessons of history force one to conclude persuasion is all, there is no other truth.
Silver, White people will be forced to act by events. Non-whites have a habit of providing those events frequently enough to keep at least 60% of Whites implicitly racist despite their consumption of 20 hours of Jewish politically correct media a week. As the country becomes more non-white these events will multiply.
“Recognizing that Hitler and his crew were evil SOBs should not be divisive on a civilized website”
“should” and “is”
“Naziism is the Jews’ greatest propaganda weapon.”
Defining the worst form of evil to be:
1) Believing your ethnic group to be the master race.
2) Engaging in genocide.
Is also their biggest weakness.
Apart of course from patiently explaining to the planet what their motive is for our genocide in 100s of films.
It’s only been their greatest propaganda weapon because people haven’t used their heads.
Discard- the Nazis were the good guys. They were NOT evil SOB’s. The Children of Abraham whose Daddy was the Devil (and who they still worship, if ya believe Harold Rosenthal, and rewad the Talmud) have used Hitler and the boys as their biggest scam EVER – so this is why it;e imperative ot get the truth out about reality.
Jews attacked Germany. They started WWII. Modenr Day America is Hitler’s last laugh.
Jews are EVIL, impossibly, impenatrably EVIL. Mnstrosly, genetically, spiritually, cosmically EVIL. Spawn o’ Satan.
The Nazis were GOOD. Angels straight from Heaven.
I’m not “apologizing”. I’m stating FACTS.
FYI – lotd of other folks – non Whites – know how good thed Nazis were. Hitler is greatly, rightly admired, in many Nations.
They also know how vile Jews are. Jews have a LONG history of getting booted out of everywhere, due to their malicious actions against their hosts. A looooong history.
Germans have never gotten booted out of anywhere. They re welcome everywhere they go. They’ve spent more time kicking invaders out, then attacking others. Germans are GOOD. Genetically GOOD.
Jewish “poisecushun”? Oy vey. It’s them. They’ve created EVERY “persecution” they’ve ever suffered. Every last one. Satan Seed. Jews. Know ’em by their posioned, rotten fruit, ‘n all.
The Nazis were GOOD. Angels straight from Heaven.
Denise, my relatives in Poland would disagree. They certainly tried hard enough to boot the Germans out. I have nothing against modern Germans, but the terror and genocide their ancestors inflicted on my relatives is a fact.
You’re just as deluded as Wise. You’re not doing white people any favors with your nonsense.
Sorry, Rain – I’ve heard that “my relatives” stuff before. Boo freaking hoo. I’m stating the new terms of discourse.
Germans GOOD.
The Germans were HEINOUSLY abused by Jewry, via the noxious, merciless Versailles Treaty. Jewry had complete rights in Germany, prior ot this odious viciius deliberate attack. Germand had done nothing to Jews, prior to the Versailles Convention. So why didworld Jewry decide to crush the life out of innocent, blameless Germany, and impoverish and starve thousands of Germans?
Blame Jewry for your relatives’ sufferink.
By the by – did your relatives participater in the slaughter of ethnic Germans, during Bromberg Bloody Sunday week? Diod they collaborate with Polish Jewry? Maybe your family had it coming…
Whites NEED to know that Germans were, and are, the VICTIMS. Not the perpetrators. Germany was, and is, victimized by Judaic evil.
I don’t deny that Jews have done far more damage to humanity, through Communism, Liberalism, rapacious Capitalism, and their various intellectual corruptions, than Nazis ever did. The only reason that Jews practice slow genocide is that they don’t have the physical power to commit fast genocide. I commend the Nazis, and all anti-Semites, for recognizing the threat that Jews pose to civilization. So how does Jewish evil justify the destruction of Warsaw, Coventry, Rotterdam, and all the other crimes the Nazis committed against Whites? Just being the enemy of our enemy does not make you good.
The point being, it dilutes the strength of our message here if Tim Wise can point at us and more or less truthfully say, “My accusers are Nazis”. We are not, not all of us.
“Germans GOOD.”
OK, I can see that.
In the way?
Germans GOOD
Nazis BAD
Denise says:
November 6, 2010 at 2:41 pm
“Germans have never gotten booted out of anywhere. They re welcome everywhere they go. They’ve spent more time kicking invaders out, then attacking others. Germans are GOOD. Genetically GOOD.”
This isn’t true. Large German communities in Russia were “booted out” as you say in the 1930s – the Volga Germans and ethnic Germans in the Sudetenland were booted out, expelled after World War II ended. Hitler and NS Germany made the issue of protecting Germans in the Sudetenland a justification for the invasion of Czechoslovakia .