![Tim Wise](https://i0.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/deadgrandma.jpg?resize=360%2C240)
It looks like Tim Wise has a speaking engagement coming up at Georgia Tech in Atlanta:
“A keynote address by Tim Wise on Thursday, November 11 , 2010 at 7:30 PM at the College of Management LeCraw Auditorium. Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers, speakers and educators in the United States.”
The invitation has been extended by “The Office of Diversity Programs” as part of “Diversity Week 2010.” Maybe someone could show up and ask Wise on camera why he yearns for the death of elderly people. We could put the video on YouTube. We could also print off his screed and pass out fliers.
Check out these gems from Tim Wise’s Facebook wall:
Kimberly Kimmi – I love this Tim! Love, love, love. My sentiments exactly. A dying empire. Let’s not encourage them to buy an island, displace and oppress more natives though. Isn’t how this began here, Africa, Hawaii, Australia? That must stop. But, we (Progressives) must unite and take them out!!! Good work as usual.
Erica Lynn Stafford – When you get ready to recite it, don’t forget to post the link to the video. I will most definitely share.
Shannon LaLa – damn it, Tim! genius!! i’m spreading this shit right now!!!
BriTonya D. Banks – Tim, you are a genius!!!! We need to start planning and start teaching the truth and not some glorified version of it. I hope America is ready to start hearing the TRUTH!!
Deborjha Blackwell – Tim!!! You went IN!!!! I could FEEL you FEELING this!!!! As they do in poetry venues in Baltimore, I am throwing pens at your feet!!! Dayam!!
Selah Eric Spruiell – Love it. Just what I needed.
Frothing at the mouth at the thought of dead elderly White people and Jews and non-Whites lording it over White children. Brought to you by one of “the most prominent anti-racist writers, speakers and educators in the United States.”
Stop The Hate!
This is the flyer handed out when Wise spoke at University of Idaho. More than 200 were successfully passed out and Mr Wise seemed quite upset about it.
I’m unaware of Ms. Wise’s experience with actual revolution or civil war but it most certainly includes messy things like combat. Bring it on, sweetheart.
At the Occidental Observer website, Mark Green’s article quotes Tim Wise as saying “I was often marginalized as a Jew growing up, told by Chrisitan assholes that I was going to hell”.
Does everyone see this quote? Tim Wise identifies himself as a jew. Everyone be sure to print out this article by Mark Green.
Tim Wise writes a book titled “White Like Me” attacking Celtic and Germanic people while doing his best to hide the fact that he is a jew.
His original post, and these comments, make me sick to my stomach. I was raised among liberal socialists, and recognize with horror the perverse taint of self-righteous self-loathing this foul mongrel vomits into the mouths of his hungry, waiting sycophant untermenschen. May their flesh blister and burst as they receive this beast’s bile feast.
Gawd, the comments by the black females rejoicing in Tim Wise’s genocidal fantasies demonstrate their own crazy hatred of us. Tim Wise is fueling racial crime against Whites.
Tim Wise edited his post! He took out the following:
And wait for your hearts to stop beating.
And stop they will.
And for some of you, real damned soon truth be told.
See my post about it:
Tim Wise and his stupid sycophants hate us old White guys because we prefer the way things were fifty years ago. Then he says things never were the way we remember them. Then he hopes we’ll die soon, so nobody will remember them any more. Because he and his groupies, who weren’t born then, know better than us what it was really like.
They think they know everything, and we know nothing. But, if they can ever escape the limits of their educations, they will be amazed at how much we will learn as they get older.
Check out this exchange on the HuffPo:
The issue is Arizona banning affirmative action on election day.
An anti-affirmative action commenter makes this point:
A HuffPo SuperUser/Moderator then says this:
His avatar is an urban looking Black rapper or some kind of gang banger.
Exercise your second amendment rights folks if you haven’t already.
Don’t get sidetracked by all this old people stuff, just read down to the last “tock.”
For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor.
Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this…
You need to drink up.
And quickly.
And heavily.
Because your time is limited.
Real damned limited.
So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.
The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.
Not much more now.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
Notice two things
1) “All y’all” – does he talk like himself or is it a freudian slip?
2) The clock that reminds you how little time you ***and yours*** have left.
You and yours.
There is a reason he is going to GA Tech, college of minorities. Come to UGA in Athens, Tim. I dare you.
Tim Wise wants all the old Whites to die so that there will be no witnesses to contradict the lies he tells about the good old days. Right out of “1984”.
The common Sheople is learning there is no discussion. No bargaining. No negotiation. No compromise possible in their dispossession.
As daft as the “TEA [sic] Party” may be, these previously somnambulating Whites have learned everything they were taught and believed to be true is, in fact, a lie.
When the GOP fails to deliver the goods, most likely by “managing expectations” and paying lip service that no longer satisfies the masses, the most likely response from the implicit White will be genuine fury.
After all – until now, the common man believed America was his, for him and by him. He believed the propaganda. Disillusionment is a genuinely terrible thing and he has had woefully inadequate time to come to grips with it.
This will be the tipping point at which “all hell breaks loose”.
We need to be ready.
Does everyone see this quote? Tim Wise identifies himself as a jew.
See entry at Tim Wise (Metapedia)
Essay by Time Wise, 2002: “We [may] become increasingly seen as Israel Firsters, instead of people committed to principles of peace, justice, and fairness: those concepts that I learned in Hebrew School were paramount to my people. What’s more, tolerating anti-Semitism within the movement for justice in the Middle East is especially risky…”
I just checked Tim Wise’s bio on Wikipedia and it already mentions that article he wrote for Kos. And it even puts a little disclaimer in there: “AIMED AT THE WHITE RIGHT. NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE”.
But I’m wondering. Did he originally include that or did he add it after the fact? Not that a transparent disclaimer does anything to ameliorate his screed. The meaning is pretty obvious regardless. I’m just curious if it was in there to begin with or added as part of his backpedaling.
With Tim Wise’s essay, the mask has come off.
Notice how Wise blames the White man for the for the banking cartel’s massive transfer of wealth, the mortgage fiasco, and on and on.
The lies are about to come home with homelessness to those that built this Nation.
My hope is to see Wise in an orange jump suit, tried for inciting hatred and violence and frogmarched into a cell.
It is aimed at white people, only white countries are told to inudate themselves out of existence, that is genocide in black letter law.
Anyway the Stewart faction of the Democratic party is winning, Kieth Olbermann supreme anti-white at some crap cable station with lower ratings than OD was suspended for dontating to three anti-white candidates.
It was aimed at White people: every White demographic voted Republican on Tuesday.
Keith Olbermann suspended for donating to Democrats:
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has been suspended indefinitely without pay after POLITICO reported that he made three campaign contributions to Democratic candidates.
MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement Friday: “I became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.”
And the koskids are pointing at Stewart, and I think they are correct in that JS has put the crazies on notice. I do believe JS’s first words on 10/30 were basically to tell the crazier anti-whites to shut their pie holes. So maybe Wise’s screed should make it to comedy central and we can maybe witness some fireworks (he won’t attack wise a nobody, he will attack the morons at kos)
And the koskids are pointing at Stewart, and I think they are correct in that JS has put the crazies on notice.
can I get a link? that doesn’t sound like them. Normally they say that the Democrats should be MORE anti white.
Simmons: I’m guessing that John Stewart and his backers are worried about giving Whites too much to think about. They think it’s time for a minor retreat, to let Whites think they’ve won something and therefore drop their guard.
“Notice how Wise blames the White man for the for the banking cartel’s massive transfer of wealth, the mortgage fiasco, and on and on.”
He gets away with this because he poses as being white while in fact he is Jewish. The Jews are on record as stating that they are a separate and SUPERIOR race. Thus he deflects blame from his own people, through the use of the camoflage tactic of posing as white. He has thankfully, exposed himself and his real agenda of hatred for Western Civilization (white civilization) and the fact that his people are waging war on us and have been for centuries now. The modern tactics the Jewish people use were developed only 100 years ago by the Frankfurt School and are best expressed by Georg Lukacs statement: “in 1919, “Who will save us from Western Civilization?” He also theorized that the great obstacle to the creation of a Marxist paradise was the culture: Western civilization itself.” (http://angrywhitefemale.wordpress.com/)
As bad as they are, white liberals almost never make these kinds of blood thirty revenge rants. We only here this kind of stuff from Jews and non-whites.
Wise has deleted text from his article and added a disingenuous disclaimer. Does anybody have the original from the Google cache?
Among others i think http://age-of-treason.blogspot.com/ has the full original.
Sure, but the Google cache provides better evidence that it is actually the original, especially for those we are trying to reach who will be skeptical of WN sites.
Haven’t checked, but I doubt the original will make it into the google cache since it wasn’t up very long. I’ve got screen caps as PDFs in my files, both versions, the original and the edited. Probably others do too.
I don’t have time to make everything pretty and presentable, but here is a quick look at what Timmy deleted/added to his updated genocidal rant:
Honestly, the edited version isn’t any less obvious about his true views of White America. In the original article he mentions Right, Conservative, or any variation of that a whopping total of 2 times. By contrast, he uses “White” as an adjective a total of 11 times. The premise and intent of his little meltdown is perfectly clear to anyone with a pulse and an IQ over 80. Case closed.
This is a man who spews hatred toward the very people that liberated his kind from concentration camps. This is a man who spews hatred toward the very people that allowed his kind entry into a nation they built without his kind. It is no wonder his kind is the most hated people on the planet bar none.
I think what we need to do is remind blacks and browns that Jews use them for their own gain. Many know it but we need to increase that percentage and get the venom flowing again!
>>My hope is to see Wise in an orange jump suit, tried for inciting hatred and violence and frogmarched into a cell.>>
Myself, I’d rather see a blinkered Wise frogmarched off to a holding stockade in a “Domination of the Draka”-inspired bit of revenge.
Ya see, I’ve got nothing against multicultralists, frothing-at-the-mouth Shai’ria advocates, and Jewish anti-whites.
Everybody ought to own one.
Out of curiosity, anyone know the English equivalent of the Spanish line, or what Wise is telling his Spanish-speaking readers in this context?
Google Translator returns: Loy is very bad, motherfucker.
I take it Wise is telling his Mexican audience Angle, Brewer and Beck, and by extension their supporters, are bad motherfuckers???
I always thought Puta meant whore, and having checked a few authorities via Google it does seem that whore, prostitute and streetwalker are standard translations for puta.
Wise’s Spanish is wrong, (aside from the fact that it’s gutter Spanish).
“Loy” isn’t a word. It should be “Lo tiene muy mal.”
The phrase translates something like. “You have it very bad, you son of a whore.”
David F: The phrase translates something like. “You have it very bad, you son of a whore.”
Well, if that’s the case, given that Wise uses the second person “you” throughout his screed as a generic reference for all Whites, it seems as if Wise is using gutter Spanish in this case to imply all Whites are descended from whores.
I guess it’s not very surprising that Wise would throw in that nasty bit of rhetoric, given the essay’s main theme is degrading and dehumanizing White people. Wise draws repeated parallels between White people and animals, and White people and the world’s most famous on-screen monsters, both of which are both clear attempts at what? — dehumanization. Wise is definitely laying the groundwork here, no doubt about it, because dehumanizing the target group is always the first step to genocide.
IMO it’s his use of “you” as a generic term for all Whites combined dehumanizing rhetoric and sentences written primarily in the imperative that gives this essay its chilling and homicidal tone, and why it is so effective on a psychological level. Imperative structures are often used for commands and exhortation. A professional writer knows this. In this case, Wise is clearly exhorting his non-White audience to start sharpening the knives. That’s the true subtext here.
Wise knows millions of non-Whites hang on his every word.
Wise is clearly exhorting his non-White audience to start sharpening the knives.
And for this incitation to mass murder, the ungrateful toad must be introduced to Lemaricus Davidson, Levaltis Cobbins and the other Black Gangster Disciples of Chipman Street, Knoxville, TN fame.
Then, like Chris Newsom, beaten, sodomized (with a chair leg in addition to their own filthy selves), emasculated, shot and finally set on fire and dumped on some railroad tracks.
How do you like it, Tim?
Steve Sailer writes that Tim Wise has apparently canceled the Georgia Tech appearance of his nationwide tour. If that’s confirmed it’s almost certainly due to the Internet uproar over his racial incitement against Whites.
I thought of Channon and Chris too when I read Tim Wise’s “letter” and found out he spreads those thoughts and feelings about Whites nationwide, year-round.
“In the original article he mentions Right, Conservative, or any variation of that a whopping total of 2 times. By contrast, he uses “White” as an adjective a total of 11 times.”
Also don’t forget the “you and yours” in the first segment.
That includes the wives and children.
“My hope is to see Wise in an orange jump suit, tried for inciting hatred and violence and frogmarched into a cell.”
We don’t need any new laws.
“We don’t need any new laws.”
Those who have power say what the “law” is. Jews, and sometimes Krauts, understand this simple yet profound truth. The English? Their will to power, such as it is, must be cloaked in punctilious unto pretensious bourgeois legalisms. In other words, the Jews can rest easy when Britishers and their extended-phenotypes are on the front line of racial defense.
When people like Captain Tampon attack some subset of white people whether it be Catholics, Protestants, English, Irish, male or female the natural inclination is to attack back along a direct line. For example Catholics gets attacked so Catholics attack Protestants etc. All this does is help the enemy do their divide and rule for them.
So if a WN is in that situation, instead of instincitvely attacking back along a direct line make it a personal attack on the person involved instead i.e Captain Tampon having his regular PMS session.
It’s similar to the whole Nazi / Holocaust thing. Instead of butting heads with the enemy propaganda directly – which is equivelent to trying to win a head-butting contest with a train – use your brains to find an indirect way of fighting it instead.
As to the actual point. If Captain Tampon thought about it for a second he would see that calling for laws against hate speech is not in our interests precisely for the reason he states. Instead we need to use *belief* in the existing laws to change who gets to decide who the laws get applied to.
Of course we don’t need any new laws.
The convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, would do just fine, a law already in place.
Orange jump suit, sitting in the docket, tried, convicted with his own words, and then Frogmarched to a cell.
Relax Wandrone, I don’t begrudge you your apparent attempt to position yourself as a Tony Robbins-like concocter of noble lies reduced to placard-size and the connection I suspect this has with an overabundance on your part of the “cuddle hormone”, oxytocin, you for some reason feel the need to mention with frequency.
“Captain Tampon having his regular PMS session.”
ROTFLMFAO! Wouldn’t it be more charitable, Wandribbler, to describe said as “psychological intensity”? Something which MacDiddy himself says is in dispiritingly short supply amongst our race and therefore much needed.
“use your brains to find an indirect way of fighting it instead.”
Good cop/bad cop, my Engerlish friend.
“attack some subset of white people”
Why do you fail to capitalize “white”? Is it your position that some Europeans are less “White” than others? Are you a Nordicist? Of course I know that you really are, at some level, but out of deference for your oxytocin special pleading I’ll not ask you to state your true opinion.
“Why do you fail to capitalize “white”?”
My natural inclination is to think in terms of English, French, German, American etc. I’m only WN in the sense that all the white tribes curently have a common enemy (plus others the original enemy has imported) and need to call a truce long enough to defeat the common enemy and then reshape the world to make it less likely to happen again.
We can go back to killing each other afterwards.
““psychological intensity”? Something which MacDiddy himself says is in dispiritingly short supply amongst our race and therefore much needed.”
This is my point. I don’t believe there is a lack of psychological intensity. However that intensity is idea and ideal based instead of blood based. Hitler didn’t get the majority of Germans motivated over blood but over the *idea* and *ideal* of blood.
On the left and inside the multicult there is a huge amount of psychological intensity among young white people. The people who control what the ideals are the ones getting the benefit of that (self-harming) intensity. Hence trying to steal their ideal.
I don’t hate the English, Wand. I rather like them. Hell, I’m part English. It’s just that on occasion they get too big for their moralistic britches and need to be taken down a notch.
See ya at Nuremberg 2020. Like the Woodstock of the New Dawn, itz.
Empires make people big-headed.
Nuremberg 2020
“On the left and inside the multicult there is a huge amount of psychological intensity among young white people. “
Perhaps this was true during the run up to Obamas election, but right now millennial generation SWPLs are a dejected and sad lot. Their mulatto messiah has failed, they have almost zero job opportunities when they get out of school and they carrying the weight of a massive amount of White guilt propaganda on their shoulders
Just am not seeing what you are talking about.
“Just am not seeing what you are talking about.”
I didn’t mean right now. I meant since the 60s the psychological intensity has been on the side of the left and the multicult because of the conditioning from media and education.
Re-reading my original comment i see what you mean. I didn’t phrase it very well.