The Puppet Master: Glenn Beck on ZOG

Update: Part 2 of The Puppet Master is on right now.

Glenn Beck has been hyping a show of his called “The Puppet Master.” It turned out to be some pretty good stuff. I just watched the replay.

Beck exposes his audience of kosher conservatives to some pretty valuable concepts like the existence of a “shadow government” that rules through control of the airwaves, manipulation of financial markets, and campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

As I expected, there are few disclaimers to fend off charges of “anti-Semitism.” The important point here though is that Beck exposed his audience of millions to what is essentially a Jewish conspiracy theory. He has made it easier for White Nationalists to talk about the Jewish Question.


“The Puppet Master” will continue tonight and tomorrow. I will be watching.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,
    I would be real careful about pushing too much of this Spotlight Magazine style conspiracy theory stuff as it tends to make regular White Americans lose it and go off in unproductive ways. It’s not healthy to walk around thinking that sinister all powerful elites…
    “control EVERYTHING”.
    The worst is when the racial angle of Jew animus to White Western people is removed and conspiracy theorists go off on wild tangents that some sinister elites are pushing for “socialism” – world government and then White Americans are some how in the same boat with Black Haitians in some squatter camp in Haiti, and then White American Constitutionalist patriots do stupid things like trying to elect Black Conservative talk show host Alan Keyes US Senator from Illinois.
    We want White Americans to be practical, sane and working for White interests the same as Mexicans do in electing a Mexican mayor of Los Angeles or Blacks do in electing Black mayors of New Orleans, Washington D.C. etc.
    Teaching White Americans about the Jews, Jewish power, Jewish control of the media, Jewish participation/leadership of the Bolshevik revolution, Neo Conservative take overs of National Review – these are certainly legitimate educational missions – but this non racial, paranoid, Spotlight Magazine style “INSIDERS” conspiracy mongering stuff – it’s just not healthy or effective. And started as a perfectly legitimate organization trying to get America to “MoveOn” from obsessions with Bill Clinton’s sex life. I sure wanted White Americans to “MoveOn” from obsessing with Bill Clinton’s sex life and to start to work to control our borders, end Muslim terrorist immigration in to the US, stop Black criminals from raping White women more than 30,000 times a year. If Beck would just come out and say that George Soros was an international Jewish money changer interfering in US politics, supporting destructive Marxist politics, that would be fine, but this other stuff…. nah, we don’t want to go the route of Spotlight Magazine.

  2. Gotta agree with Jack. BEK is a hugely slavish Shabbos Goy, who….just…somehow…neglects to mention that his Zionist Master’s name is Rupert Murdoch. Could any-one confirm that Murdoch and Soros attend the same synogogue? Any one? Any one?

    Bek reeks of Eau de Controlled Opposition. At least Horowitz has owned up to the Judaic elements at work in these “movements”…kinda sorta….

    Still – BEK does help to move the argument along. He does shows on Die Jude. Tea Partiers are avid BEK fans. I point out that there’s a very common element, at work, among the “Progressives” to my local group.

  3. Given that early in the broadcast Beck went well out of his way to imply that Soros wasn’t really Jewish at all, and was indeed involved in unapologetically “anti-semitic” actvities and came from an “anti-semitic” household etc., I’m not exactly sure Beck’s pathologically philosemitic audience will read between the lines here and become even an iota more “Jew-wise” as result of this Soros business.

    This seems like a case of very, very wishful thinking at best.

  4. I knew Horowitz years ago. A knee jerk reaction by some is unwarranted. He turned on his own family let alone his comrades after his friend was murdered by the Black Panthers — and no one seemed to give a damn.

    In “Radical Son” he explains how his parents were actual spies sent here by COMINTERN from Ukraine to subvert the US. Secret cell meetings, noms de guerre, infiltration, radios … all there. He, as a Red Diaper Baby thought he could improve on his parents by renouncing Stalinism and forging ahead with the New Left, which is Obama’s miliue. Essentially they acted as Trotskyites. No matter, Horowitz screwed the Party and he has been persona non grata ever since.

    I doubt he, Horowitz, would ever say a kind thing about WN but one might suspect he has a certain grudging respect for it, as his eyes were opened long ago, even being bred to carry out our destruction. Death has a certain affect on a man, murder must be even more so. Ideology is revealed for its emptiness.

  5. Hank,

    This is baby food. As it happens, that is exactly what is needed right now, not hard liquor. Millions of Americans have been exposed to the idea that a Jew named George Soros is engaged in a massive conspiracy to create a “shadow government” to destroy America.

  6. I have never, until this evening, seen or heard Glen Beck or Sean Hanity or any of these talk radio types, except for once watching Rush Limbaugh about twenty years ago to see what the buzz was all about, so I am probably more ignorant on this topic than any other commenter here. I don’t know where these characters actually stand on issues or who their really audience is. But if, as HW says, 3,000,000 people watch this, that’s a positive thing. It may be simplified, it may skirt the Jewish question, but getting the idea of a leftist shadow government out among honest American conservatives is good work.
    Some of them will connect the dots on their own, and tell their friends.
    Some of them will tell some of us, and we can LISTEN. Later, we can revisit the matter and bring more of our own perspectives to someone who has already absorbed much of our world view.

  7. This is all fine but let’s keep in perspective who pays Glen Beck’s salary, another semite. At best this is nothing more than two factions of Jews playing chess against each other with Whites being the pawns.

  8. Discard,

    Good point. Glenn Beck has made it more acceptable to talk about the Jewish Question. He has closed the distance from his end. People who have been exposed to the idea of George Soros controlling a “shadow government” will find it easier to digest the “ZOG” concept.

  9. @ Rodger who wrote
    “This is all fine but let’s keep in perspective who pays Glen Beck’s salary, another semite. At best this is nothing more than two factions of Jews playing chess against each other with Whites being the pawns.”

    Yep, them Jewboys sure can play chess.

  10. Even I cannot claim to fully understand the Jews.

    I just can’t fathom why they are so reflexively and innately against all other people.

    Shame, where is thy blush?

  11. It’s not healthy to walk around thinking that sinister all powerful elites… “control EVERYTHING”.

    Conversely, is it healthy to believe there is no conspiracy at all, that it’s WYSIWYG when it comes to govt?

  12. Glenn Beck remains interesting (I’ve watched his shows in the past, but I no longer watch TV any more).

    Part 1 – injected a lot information that you wouldn’t find anywhere else, he is a good visual communicator. He has pointed his finger in all the right directions. George Soros is a worthy target. The push for an “open society” has multiculturalism as one of its building blocks.

    It’s encouraging to see bits of information available in the mainstream media that actually open up people’s minds to what is really going on.

    In Part 1 – Glenn makes quick work of explaining how politicians echo not their own, but outsiders wishes in their public debates and political policy (at 10:10).

  13. Even if Murdoch were a crypto-Jew, that he’d have to pretend he’s not would set up an interesting power dynamic that would limit his ability to control the message. After reading the standard and revisionist accounts of his ancestry I find it more likely that he’s a zealous Christian Zionist, a common breed. His signing up with ADL etc. helps him to get financing and advertising revenue from Jews and access to assets like satellites and cables that are often owned by Jews. Getting in good with the Jews is basically a required business move if you’re in media. The outcome is that like any media organization Fox is going to be biased in favor of Jews, can’t have content that blatantly offends his Jewish business partners, and benefits greatly from a Zionist stance that makes it look judeophilic. But that doesn’t make Fox controlled “puppet master” style by Jews.

    As for Beck, he’s a Mormon, and Mormons are a huge and growing right-wing IW population. The success of right-wing talk radio convinced Murdoch, via Roger Ailes, that right-wing IW was a greatly underserved market and started Fox News to serve it. Another good business move.

    There’s no doubt that most mass media is dominated by a Jewish ethnic network, just as most hotels in the U.S. are owned by (East) Indians. But Indians don’t own all the hotels and Jews don’t own all the media. Nevertheless, if you sell hotel supplies your business will suffer if you offend the Hindus, and if you’re in the media your business will suffer if you offend the Jews. Henry Ford discovered that it can be tough to even advertise if you too blatantly attack the Jews. Obviously, a strong ethnic network in the media exerts far more influence over us (not to mention Jewish roles in finance and government) than merely dominating hotels. But the basic ethnic loyalties at work are the same. Don’t put up to conspiracy theory what can be explained by ethnic loyalty, smart business moves, and desire not to offend the people one does business with.

    That said, simplistic “puppet master” conspiracy theories like Beck’s can be good metaphor for communicating the consequences of these ethnic networks, but the WN “inner circle” should know better. BTW, I love Beck’s move of demotivating Jewish criticism by portraying Soros as a race-traitor to the Jews. Brilliant.

  14. @HW – I believe Rupert M’s father was Keith Murdoch, a well-known WW I/post-war Australian journalist; mother was a Jewess: heiress Helen Green, which is where the $$$ originally came from. In short, there’s a reason for his rabid Zionism: he is indeed a Jew. And Beck better watch his step; this was about as far as he could go in exposing (some) elements of the Zionist Occupation Gov’t and still keep his job. Very nice stuff and, as I also don’t watch TV, thanks for putting it up.

  15. Who is Helen Green? The standard (e.g. Wikipedia) genealogy is that Rupert Murdoch’s mother Elisabeth Greene is descended from her grandfather, William Henry Greene, who “was an Irish railway engineer who emigrated to Australia, and married Fanny, the fourth of the ten daughters of George Govett.” Railway engineer sounds like a rather unlikely profession for a Jew.

    The revisionist sources I’ve seen don’t cite any primary sources. If his mother was an open Orthodox Jew as these sources claim there should be temple records, bar mitzvah announcements, and the like. It seems to be all a rumor based on Murdoch’s well-known Zionism and affiliation with ADL etc. However as I describe above these affiliations are well explained by the fact that to succeed in a media full of Jewish advertisers, content owners, satellite and cable owners, etc. one has to get along well with the Jews. Many lines of business are dominated by particular ethnic networks, and in any such business your odds of success decrease greatly if you don’t get along well with the dominant ethnic group.

  16. “I just can’t fathom why they are so reflexively and innately against all other people.”

    Three possibilities imo

    1) They’re no different to the human tribes that existed 2000-3000 years ago. Judging by stone-age level tribes that still exist today it was normal to see themselves as “the humans” and everyone else as the subhumans. The problem being they’re *still* like that because they managed to maintain an unbroken tradition from that far back.

    2) It’s a product of their unusual history – instilled (or even evolved) paranoia as a survival-without-assimilating strategy. Bringing up your kids to hate everyone else wouldn’t work as hatred is too high-energy, too visible and it wouldn’t take with good-natured kids. Paranoia works because it’s quiet, passive-aggressive, low intensity and can work on even the most good-natured kid. I doubt more than about 5% are actively malign but the majority go along with instinctively supporting anything that weakens the host because they see it as pre-emptive self-defence.

    3) A bit of both.

  17. “Rupert Murdoch isn’t Jewish.”

    His daughter is married to a Jew. His genetic interests, assuming any grandchildren, are tied to the Jewish people. He is a Jewish extended-phenotype par excellence. If he isn’t genetically Jewish, he might as well be.

  18. >existence of a “shadow government” that rules through control of the airwaves, manipulation of financial markets, and campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

    Shadow Government? Oh dear! Why did he not just say, there are some very hard working people, who have doing their darnedest to influence politics in their spare time, over the last 100 years and they have been very effective?

    Why does everything have to be an exciting conspiracy theory in WN? All this does is attract the kooks and they uselessly isolate themselves in fantasy worlds anyway.

    “I just can’t fathom why they are so reflexively and innately against all other people.”

    They are indoctrinated from birth into a 1000s of years old cult, that teaches racial superiority and resentment of others.

    I have read about a minority of Jews that have had the intelligence to think their way out of it, but they live in fear of becoming social social pariahs, in their own families and communities and so remain silent.

    The only other explanation, is they have a genetic predisposition to be liberal/communist. Wasn’t there an article published recently, that claimed they found a liberal gene?

    >“Rupert Murdoch isn’t Jewish.”

    I think what matters most to us, is he is anti-White.

  19. In this case, I think it’s about form rather than content. The content can throw you off for a little while, but the form is this:

    “Secretive intertwined organizations funded by a (happens to be Jewish) billionaire that seeks to radically remake (tikkun olam) the USA.”

    One thing you learn in NLP is that form can matter more than content. Beck has the form right. The content can be hashed out. I’m surprised they let this on Fox!

  20. One of our biggest problems is that our people perceive Jews like Soros as White. They look at Soros and see a White liberal/progressive, not a Jew pushing Jewish interests. If Beck is finding ways to let a large audience know that Soros is Jewish either directly or indirectly, I’ll take it.

  21. Calm yourselves everyone. Beck’s little segment won’t help white people connect the dots and identify the architects of America’s political and economic demise as Jews. Even if it did the culprits would only be considered “bad” Jews and most Jews are harmless and inoffensive according to the Billy Bob Brubakers and Sally Suburbanites of the world.

    This is like the John Birchers railing against the “insiders” all these years. The insiders knew of 9/11 in advance, the insiders caused the housing crash, and on and on. One never knows if the insiders are martians, a race of hermaphrodites, cigar chomping evil white men, or a combination thereof.

    The Birchers are anti-racist and philo-semitic and so is Glenn Beck. Beck ran a segment on America’s black founding fathers and I’m waiting for his special on the Mestizo, Asian, and Sikh founding fathers any month now. Anyone who thinks Beck is secretly on our side and trying to inject WN memes into his shows to move the goal posts in our direction needs a long vacation or a trip to Shutter Island.

  22. This is like the John Birchers railing against the “insiders” all these years.

    The John Birchers never got on national TV. And there’s a big difference between overtly avoiding the JQ and being philosemitic.

  23. From Plato’s REPUBLIC; they had the corrupt Judeo-oligarchic strategy pinned down even back then…too bad not many pay much attention to Plato anymore:

    “Ought I not to begin by describing how the change from timocracy to oligarchy arises?


    Well, I said, no eyes are required in order to see how the one passes into the other.


    The accumulation of gold in the treasury of private individuals is ruin the of timocracy; they invent illegal modes of expenditure; for what do they or their wives care about the law?

    Yes, indeed.

    And then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money.

    Likely enough.

    And so they grow richer and richer, and the more they think of making a fortune the less they think of virtue; for when riches and virtue are placed together in the scales of the balance, the one always rises as the other falls.


    And in proportion as riches and rich men are honoured in the State, virtue and the virtuous are dishonoured.


    And what is honoured is cultivated, and that which has no honour is neglected.

    That is obvious.

    And so at last, instead of loving contention and glory, men become lovers of trade and money; they honour and look up to the rich man, and make a ruler of him, and dishonour the poor man.

    They do so.

    They next proceed to make a law which fixes a sum of money as the qualification of citizenship; the sum is higher in one place and lower in another, as the oligarchy is more or less exclusive; and they allow no one whose property falls below the amount fixed to have any share in the government. These changes in the constitution they effect by force of arms, if intimidation has not already done their work.

    Very true.

    And this, speaking generally, is the way in which oligarchy is established.

  24. jqhart says:
    November 12, 2010 at 2:44 am

    The John Birchers never got on national TV.

    Were you an adult in the 1960s?

  25. I thought Buckley purged the Birchers.

    Also, if they appeared I wouldn’t it have been as guests interviewed by someone who disagreed with them?

    Whereas Beck was the ringmaster of that Puppetmaster show he just did on Fox.

  26. I’m not sure I agree with Beck that Soros wants to collapse the dollar on purpose.

    He did it to other currencies, but doing it to America would have greater geopolitical implications.

    Certainly would do Israel more harm, though I’m not sure how much Soros cares about that.

  27. Jews wreak havoc just for the sheer fun of doing it. They are not as smart as they tell themselves they are.

    Soros is a complete meglomaniac. I’m certain he thinks nothing can touch him. The British Goverment should have assassinated him, or at least arrested him, after he wrecked their pound. They did not.

    Why should he think he’ll suffer at all, no matter what he does? He’s had a great run! Nothing’s ever touched him. The Goyische always do everything he wants….

  28. Denise is on to something.
    Has no one else here ever deliberately broken a window at school?
    Thrown eggs at someone’s house?
    Played with matches and gasoline?
    Bullied a weaker kid?
    We grow out of it, most of us, but some people don’t. We call those people criminals. Many of them are stupid, they rob liquor stores and steal cars, and shoot innocent people. Some of them are smart, and become lawyers and stockbrokers and cheat people out of their money without running afoul of the law. These “criminals” don’t care at all who they hurt, and every commenter here know about such people. Is it so hard to imagine a highly intelligent man that still gets the pleasure that I once did in breaking a window, but on a vast scale? A man with a brilliant mind for money, and the morality of Pol Pot? Hell yes, a man like Soros might just get a five star orgasm out of destroying the world.

  29. That Foxman/ADL link proves once again, any criticism of a Jew is automatically anti-semitism…so sayeth the Jew. How convenient for them. The degree to which these people protect their own, even the megamaniacal like Soros, is breathtaking.

    And even as Beck falls all over himself and twists himself in knots to deflect the claims, the usual suspects STILL condemn him as anti-Jew. Maybe this will wake a few viewers up after all – but not because of Beck…but IN SPITE of him and his critics alike!

  30. @Discard,

    Have you read Augustine’s *Confessions*? Your post about the pleasure of breaking windows being the same as the pleasure of breaking national currencies reminded me of Augustine’s discussion of the nature of evil. (As a kid Augustine didn’t break windows, but he did steal pears.)

  31. Hope you fellas are listening to Beck today. Jeff the Jew Blogger is the Good Jew. He’s talking aobut the BAD Jews – who are really mean and bad and use bad tongue when they say things that are not true – and devalue the weapon word “anti-semitism”!

    Beck is protecting the Kosher Franchise very well.

  32. I saw today that Official Jewry is calling Beck an anti-Semite for pointing out that Soros was some kind of errand boy for Nazis when he was 13. Fox is defending him.
    Conflict between Jews and TPs is good. Pay attention, conservatives.

  33. TP’ers will “learn” that some Jews are Very Very Bad! OoooOOOooo! (Of course, it’s verboten to discuss any Naughty Jew Tricks at all – cause Adolf may RISE FROM DA GRAVE VERE VAS G-D! Oye vey….so I guess there’s been some positive movement….)

    But we must still love all the really Good Jews. Never forget! They are just like us. Never forget! They are nic ‘n cute n’ funny! We will attack Iran for the Good Jews. Like Jeff the Good Jew Blogger. He’s our pal. Never forget!

    So is Benjie Netanyahu. He’ll pop up on Glenn’s show any minute now. Glenn just luuuuuuuvs him. (Watch Glenn’s eyes go all wet and dreamy when Bennie’s opining. Watch) He’s over here to to work to stem the “rising AntiSemitism in AMERICA!!!! Not HERE! Not AMEEERICA!”

    Glenn ‘n Ben will schmooze about how all these rich Nazis, that run the Media, and Control Hollywood, and the Money Supply, who are not really Jews, after all, and have been hiding out in Argentina for decades trying to clone HITLER are now here – IN AMERICA! OY! -and they want their pal Ahmadimajad [sic]of Iran The New Hitelr to be President of the Unites States of America in Twenty Twelve. Oy vey!

    And Iran will blow up Our Only Friend in the entiiiiiiiiire Middle East on Christmas Eve, even – if we don’t blow them up first.

    That’s why we now *must* attack Iran. We simply have to – or Christmas wil be ruined, and Santa and Jesus will cry.

    You just wait.

  34. Even I cannot claim to fully understand the Jews.

    I just can’t fathom why they are so reflexively and innately against all other people.

    Shame, where is thy blush?

    They’re the apotheosis of the idea that you have to be somewhat set against humanity to survive in the long term. If you aren’t, someone who is will eat your lunch. The fact that they’re practically alone in this category goes to show it’s better to overdo it than underdo it.

    “It’s not healthy to walk around thinking that sinister all powerful elites… “control EVERYTHING”.”

    Conversely, is it healthy to believe there is no conspiracy at all, that it’s WYSIWYG when it comes to govt?

    That’s what I was going to say. The more conservatives get over their reflexive aversion to “conspiracy theory,” the better. Their warm and fuzzy feelings about the world around them is a pillar of their dispossession.

    As for Beck, he’s a Mormon, and Mormons are a huge and growing right-wing IW population. The success of right-wing talk radio convinced Murdoch, via Roger Ailes, that right-wing IW was a greatly underserved market and started Fox News to serve it. Another good business move.


    “Rupert Murdoch isn’t Jewish.”

    His daughter is married to a Jew. His genetic interests, assuming any grandchildren, are tied to the Jewish people. He is a Jewish extended-phenotype par excellence. If he isn’t genetically Jewish, he might as well be.

    It’s also worth considering that (despite being a fairly obvious “phenotypic” Jew) Muroch (and Breitbart?) he’s the inverse of the crypto-Jew; that, like crypto-Jews, he resents those with whom he pretends to assimilate, and on some level works to undermine them (Murdoch and Beck, Breitbart and the attacks on Hollywood).

  35. “The Puppet Master” show reminded me of “The Gamblers” – Gogol’s play about professional card-sharps. Glenn Beck is part of the puppet show. He is quite happy with his puppet role in the show and plays it with great pleasure. The only challenge Beck boy is facing during the entire show is maintaining solemn air and resisting the overwhelming urge to burst out laughing. Not a bad job for a 32 million dollar pay.

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