Ron Paul’s Latest Gaffes

Does Ron Paul want to lose?

District of Corruption

In 2008, I voted for Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primary. There has been some buzz on the internet that Paul might run again in 2012.

If he continues to pick unnecessary fights with conservatives on the basis of libertarian purity, he will only further isolate himself and end up as another discredited perennial candidate.

(1) The Ground Zero Mosque – A few months ago, Ron Paul came out in defense of the Ground Zero Mosque. Paul threw his support behind Barack Obama and loaded any future presidential campaign with a huge albatross that will limit his appeal to Christian voters.

(2) Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – Earlier this year, Ron Paul voted to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. If he runs again for president, Paul is now saddled with that albatross as well, and can look forward to spending much of his time explaining his support for gays in the military.

(3) Charles Rangel – Most of our readers are aware of the Charles Rangel corruption scandal. Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to censure Rangel. Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP had appealed to the House to “show fairness” in a Politico article.

Ron Paul voted against censure.

(4) Wikileaks – Ron Paul is now making a stand for Julian Assange of the Wikileaks scandal. It seems Paul wants to reinforce the impression that he is soft on national security.

That was the most damaging accusation leveled against him in the Republican primary last time around. It allowed fools like Mike Huckabee and Rudy Guiliani to run ahead of him in an anti-war election.

It is a shame.

If Paul runs in 2012, he could theoretically gain traction with issues like illegal immigration, foreign wars, the national debt, government spending, the size of government and monetary policy. There are a lot of other winning issues that Paul could campaign on like affirmative action. He could have positioned himself at the forefront of the Tea Party as Sarah Palin has done.

Instead, Ron Paul will now get to spend the campaign talking about his support for Julian Assange, Charles Rangel, Bradley Manning, and the Ground Zero Mosque. Lew Rockwell’s fellatio of progressives has been taken to a ridiculous extreme. This strategy of outreach to the Left hasn’t produced any reciprocity from their ranks. Just look at the vicious attacks Rand Paul endured in Kentucky.

If Ron Paul is serious about running for president in 2012, he needs to fire his advisors. He can’t afford to be weighed down by any further albatrosses of this sort.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ron Paul’s problem is not with his advisors. Ron Paul’s problem is his own implicit/explicit Libertarian ethos: absolutist individualism, Free Trade, Open Borders, anything-goes moral liberalism. About the only thing he’s good on is the Federal Reserve catastrophe and that won’t get him a single electoral vote. If there’s an election in 2012, and if he runs, RP might just throw a few states to Obama. We need hardright Nationalist candidates, not philosphers.

  2. The media loves to poke fun at Sarah Palin and mock her intelligence. Palin has demonstrated that she is far more politically saavy though than her opponents.

    Ron Paul should be riding the Tea Party wave into the White House in 2012. Instead, Paul surrounded himself with idiots like Lew Rockwell, who has spent years ranting against “Red State Fascists” and sucking up to progressives.

    It was the “Red State Fascists” who elected Rand Paul in Kentucky. The progressives spent months attacking Rand Paul as a kook and a curb stomping enemy of civil rights.

  3. While I agree that Lew Rockwell is an idiot, the fact remains that Ron Paul’s defense of Julian Assange is entirely logical and sound.

    One of Ron Paul’s fellow Republicans made the asinine statement that he should be “tried and executed for treason”, in spite of the fact that Assange isn’t even an American citizen.

    This crazy idea that someone who isn’t an American citizen can commit treason against America is so offensive and moronic that I don’t blame Ron Paul for speaking out against it.

    Also there’s the issue that Ron Paul probably opposes excessive Government power.

    If the US Government did what the Republican loonies want it to do, in terms of either killing Assange or charging him with crimes that it would’ve been impossible for him to have committed, that would be an example of excessive Government power.

  4. Assange could be executed for espionage. Manning for treason.

    Some perspective is needed here: the Rosenbergs were executed for passing along classified information about the atomic bomb to the Soviets. No one here would object to that.

    There is nothing “excessive” about executing spies or traitors. If this were a White government and the Manning/Assange tag team had pulled off this stunt, their heads would roll.

  5. But Hunter, it ISN’T a white government.

    Therefor Assange is doing the Lord’s work.

    Turn off the radio, buddy.

  6. Ron Paul is not a viable candidate, I’ve been saying that since 08 when so many on these WN websites were immersed in groupthink that they fell so out of touch with the mood of the country imagining all this popular groundswell for Paul being “stolen” in a mass conspiracy to rig the voting machines. Ron Paul has an appeal to a small 5% of the intellectual type and that’s it, if even. Anyone who thinks Paul is a “shoe in” is utterly out of touch with reality. Back when every other comment at the website was about this fantasy of the masses of Red State America all being behind Paul only to have DiBold steal his massive victories in the primaries I asked around the company I worked to see what the mood of the average people was. Out of hundreds of people, including white male managers who were republican, not a one had the slightest idea who Paul was. Yes that’s true, outside of the Internet world Ron Paul is a complete unknown for the most part with average Americans. On the other hand they all know who Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rudi Guiliani, etc are. So no, I don’t think Paul has a snowball in hells chance of being elected president and sending money to a repeat of his last campaign is a massive waste of time and effort.

  7. Nietzsche,

    When ordinary people look at Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, they see treason and espionage. There is nothing in the least wrong with the sentiment that spies and traitors should be executed. They are a plague on civilization. Assange and Manning should be dealt with like the Rosenbergs.

    There is a strong case to be made against the Obama administration. We shouldn’t be pitching our message though on the idea that treason and espionage are excusable. This could backfire on us latter down the road.

    The U.S. government is infested with spies and traitors working for AIPAC. They should be ferreted out, put on trial, and similarly executed.

  8. I can’t believe this neo-con idiocy. Upset about Wikileaks? Really? Because it might interfere with the patriotic pro-white foreign policy of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama? HA HA.

    Maybe the government will now have trouble getting the next coalition together to invade a country so they can write quotas for women into some third world people’s constitution. International affirmative action! USA! USA!

    And God forbid the military let homosexuals serve. Because dying for Israel and PC is something only straight men do.

    Thanks for the laughs.

  9. When you do what Assange did you end up with a price on your head. I wonder who Assange is working for, because usually when you do something like that you have to have some big boy backing you up so you can hide out of reach of the jurisdiction you crossed. A Chinese or Iranian dissident who does what Assange did comes here, if the Rosenburgs had sensed the heat was on them they could have run off to Russia and been set up in a Dacha. Assange seems to have pissed everybody off, he ain’t welcome in the mid-east, Russia, the US, Italy, where is he going to run unless perhaps he’s working for Soros. A Dubai style hit could take him out, but for now I bet the Magic Negro deep down is sympathetic to Assange and likes what he’s doing.

  10. Steve,

    There is a faction of White Nationalists who proudly announce they are on the side of Iran and North Korea. Sometimes it is Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. They are so alienated from their peers that hardly a day goes by when they cannot be found denouncing their country.

    Some recent examples:

    This is symptomatic of their political myopia and tendency to deliberately isolate themselves. It is why they never go anywhere.

    I would rather fish in other waters.

  11. Vanguardists take their alienation and their hatred of Jews to such an extreme that they often go around the bend and emerge on the other side:

    Frank said he’s had enough of it. White people deserve to die, he said, because they’re too stupid to save themselves. Really, he said, let the white man die. He simply won’t fight back. Frank also mentioned that the feds had tried to shut Jew Watch down. It survived by Frank transferring ownership to someone else, and it cost him a bundle in legal fees.

    “White people,” he repeated, “don’t deserve to live. They really screwed it up and are incapable of resisting, so let them die.”

    I also want to disengage from Israel. There are constructive ways to go about that though. Similarly, there are constructive ways to diminish Jewish power that are far more successful than venting in cyberspace.

  12. “I would rather fish in other waters.”

    And come up with what? Support for America’s foreign policy, which seeks to spread gay rights and affirmative action to the entire world? Which seeks Turkey’s accession into the EU and the final nail in Europe’s coffin? Which lectures Russia for not accepting suicidal liberalism? Why on earth should any white nationalist or paleoconservative want to support this or be in favor of executing someone who throws a wrench into these plans?

  13. @ Hunter Wallace

    Just a reminder, Julian Assange is AUSTRALIAN, which means that me can’t be a traitor.

    But otherwise, I agree with your points.

  14. (1) As I see things, I can choose between alienated people who run their mouth in cyberspace but do nothing about said problems or normal serious people with practical solutions who are willing to act on these issues.

    (2) That’s a nice rant.

    It sounded good. Seriously though, what are you doing to change U.S. foreign policy? That’s what I thought.

    (3) If you people want to hitch your wagon to treason and espionage, that’s your choice.

    (4) I think a more constructive solution is to condemn treason and espionage … and then suggest holding hearings to ferret out more traitors and spies.

  15. “It is not so much savvy as the mere fact that Palin is one with the red state horde.”

    I think she has great natural political instincts. In the healthcare debate she took down Obama and the entire MSM with a facebook page.

    The problems with her from a WN point of view are numerous but as a naturally gifted political operator she’s up there with Reagan and Clinton imo.

    “When ordinary people look at Bradley Manning and Julian Assange, they see treason and espionage.”

    One way to fit in with mainstream people while using this story to make a point is to go along with the traitor line but when it comes to *who* is behind it push the idea that this is a neocon stunt to promote an attack on Iran and Pakistan.

    “Ron Paul is not a viable candidate”

    Probably so but he’s a great vehicle for conversations like “i don’t agree with him about most things but he’s right on the federal reserve.”

  16. “It sounded good. Seriously though, what are you doing to change U.S. foreign policy? That’s what I thought.”

    Um…about as much as you’re doing to drum up support for it? My God, even Auster realizes that the documents show the American government’s foreign policy to be liberal interventionism.

    “(4) I think a more constructive solution is to condemn treason and espionage … and then suggest holding hearings to ferret out more traitors and spies.”

    And then tomorrow we can go after businessmen who try to avoid the EEOC’s diversity quotas for disobeying the government. Maybe it will lead to hearings on other anti-government activity and we can start flushing leftists out of universities. Or something like that.

  17. Steve,

    (1) I went back through the Control Panel and read some of your old comments. In particular, I noticed one in which you argued that gays should be allowed into the military on the grounds that it would weaken America versus its enemies.

    (2) I beg to differ.

    This blog is a good place for generating talking points that can spread outside of racialist circles. I now spend most of my time interacting with non-racialists.

    My take on the Wikileaks scandal has been that the federal government is infested with spies. I have been arguing elsewhere in favor of holding hearings to ferret out the other spies that have burrowed within the government.

    I have found that this idea has been very well received. In contrast, if I simply went on a destructive rant I would have been written off as just another kook.

    (3) It’s not like the documents are going to be put back in the bottle. The politically smart thing to do is push this meme that “spies are everywhere” to gin up paranoia into something like the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s.

    Then somehow steer that into a discussion about AIPAC’s manipulation of U.S. foreign policy. Just a few years ago, AIPAC was in hot water over espionage. That way something constructive might come out of this instead of just clogging the internet with empty, ineffective rants that accomplish nothing but wasting good bandwidth.

    (4) The lesson of the 2010 midterm elections and the whole fiasco over Arizona is that pushing modestly is sufficient to provoke leftists like Tim Wise into a hysterical overreaction.

    Now suppose something like the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s emerged out of the Wikileaks scandal. Leftists would go nuts crying persecution. There are infinitely more spies and traitors in the government now than there were back then.

    This could work to our benefit … if we responded in a constructive way.

  18. Of course the traitors and spies should be executed … but the Obama administration is full of anti-American communist traitors like Van Jones. The ADL and AIPAC also have a track record of engaging in espionage against America.

    The SPLC are the biggest fifth column of all … just look at their attack on Christianity and the family. That hate group should be investigated by Congress.

    I’m on a rip in the conservative world now spinning current events in our favor. Having a blast.

  19. I am a hardcore, unapologetic Libertarian. While I generally like Ron Paul, and would vote for him for lack of a better candidate, I agree with what Mr. Wallace has said here. I would, however, like to defend Libertarianism as compatible and complementary to WN. There appears to be a tendency in the WN community to believe that all libertarians support open borders, miscegenation, unlimited freedom of religion, etc but that is not the case. If a Libertarian society exists in proximity to non-Libertarian societies it absolutely MUST have strict closed borders in order to preserve itself. And personally I do not believe Negroes and the lower races are genetically or culturally capable of maintaining civilization and Libertarian ideals together, and so their exclusion from such a society should be given. What I mean is that the level of freedom a society allows is a separate issue from who is included in that society. This is also a rational basis for excluding religions and philosophies (i.e. Islam) that are not compatible with non-aggression, self-determination, and laissez-faire economics.

    When it comes to homosexuality I support allowing homosexuals to exist and practice their lifestyle, but I firmly oppose allowing them to adopt children, get married, or serve in the military. This is on the basis that marriage is a reflection of the natural advantages of monogamy and child-rearing. It is rational to favor and prefer the people creating the next generation, and is not incompatible with liberty from the perspective that allowing gays to ‘marry’ is equivalent to denying others the freedom NOT to sanction or acknowledge behaviors they oppose. Marriage as an institution naturally ‘belongs’ to heterosexuals. Meaning gays don’t have any right to corrupt that institution by forcing themselves into it against the will of the people that establish and maintain it.

    I also come from a military background and have significant overseas experience. I’m deployed to Iraq now and I am convinced that homosexuality (and women on the frontlines) is completely incompatible with American military service. Its presence undermines the fraternity of military life and degrades or destroys morale and unit cohesion in a way it’s difficult to understand without deployed experience.

    As for Assange and Manning I support expeditious public executions of both. And I wouldn’t oppose throwing Rangel in, either.

    And I’ve lived in Turkey. Despite their efforts they are NOT getting into the European Union any time soon. Probably not at all.

  20. It’s naive to think that the neocons can be railroaded the way they want to railroad Assange.

    If you got the public to support assassination of dissidents we would be the regime’s priority target, not AIPAC.

  21. “It’s naive to think that the neocons can be railroaded the way they want to railroad Assange.”

    Sure. The point is to try and drive a wedge between decent people and neocons.

    “I’m on a rip in the conservative world now spinning current events in our favor. Having a blast.”

    Guerrilla meme warfare is good fun.

  22. Hunter, there will never be McCarthy type hearings on the SPLC or AIPAC. For god’s sake, Rosen and Weissman walked away scot free and Franklin did 10 months ‘house arrest’. These jews are firmly ensconced in all levels of Government and the Media and therefore truth nor justice will ever see the light of day.

    I agree with you that wearing early 20th century uniforms of a defeated ideology, saying North Korea is a model for WNs or yelling “DEAD JEW ON A STICK!” is not helpful to our cause, but trying to reform this government is like trying to impregnate your favorite girlfriend after a vasectomy; It’s just shooting blanks. More and more Americans are realizing this and getting them to become more alienated from the illegitimate government should be a goal. Passing bills like the Dream Act will help White America see who the real traitors are. We should not interfere.

    Remember HW, worse is better. Where would we be now if I hadn’t voted for Obama? 🙂

  23. Orion,

    I think all this alienation is counterproductive. Instead of running out in front of the crowd, we need to be leading it, and to do that we must adapt our rhetoric in such a way as to enable us to gain influence over a mass constituency.

    I’m also not convinced that passing the DREAM Act will lead to a mass awakening. It is much more likely they will just get their amnesty and that will be the end of the matter. The black farmer reparations bill just passed Congress and it hasn’t led to any huge outcry.

  24. At some undefined point, we quit enforcing the comment guidelines because there was so many complaints about deleted posts. This has created a troll paradise in the comment threads. That keeps turning every comment thread into WWE Smackdown.

  25. Another Ron Paul bashing post? You wouldn’t be wasting your time denigrating him if there wasn’t a good chance of him winning the nomination. Not many people are taking the Palin bait. I smell the fear.
    Some of the things I’ve read in the Wikileaks are definitely anti-White like the Ambassador to France saying the failure of muslim immigrants to assimilate in the country was due to the failure of “White Christian France”. Why should these people be executed for blowing the cover of our treacherous government? Is Bradley Manning a traitor or a patriot?

  26. Ron Paul seems to be getting more senile with each passing month. Although I still have some respect for him he’s a prime example of libertarian purists who passionately defend the rights of every race, ethnicity, creed and religion EXCEPT for white nationalists or any person espousing a pro-white agenda. In that respect it isn’t much different from contemporary liberalism.

    Wikileaks is looking more and more like an Israeli false flag operation. While the information is a searing indictment of the American ruling elites, it also seems to corroborate U.S./Israeli propaganda about the wickedness of Iran and the danger it poses to the middle east. Curiously, Israel remains unscathed by it all. No mention of the hate state’s criminality, duplicity, manipulation of U.S. politicians to achieve Israeli foreign policy aims, or its many atrocities.

    Assange is not acting on behalf of any government. He isn’t even a U.S. citizen nor does he reside or work in the U.S. One or more U.S. government employees passed classified information to him which he published on the internet. Assange probably doesn’t realize he’s been skillfully manipulated by Israeli intelligence whose motto is “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

    But it seems OD is taking a page from the neo-con playbook and calling for Assange’s execution when he’s merely a pawn.

  27. Manning is a traitor. Hands down, without any doubt. The effect of what he did is not positive for America or our global image and he clearly intended that outcome. And he didn’t even intend it for ‘noble’ reasons that might please the WNs who believe the worsening of our situation is helpful. I can sympathize with that view on the surface, but I’m not persuaded by it. No this kid is a violent, undisciplined, homosexual who lacks the core values that military service requires. He was butthurt because he was being discharged for his low quality and was PMSing over strife with his boyfriend. I’ve seen his kind (entitled, unwilling to assimilate to the military lifestyle) come and go, and they are not welcome in uniform. Success in the military requires service before self, integrity, honor, and excellence. Certainly not every Soldier, Sailor, and Airmen epitomizes these attributes, but the selective pressures in the rank structure ensure the best will generally rise to claim the authority that allows them to keep those that struggle in check. And Manning clearly did not make the cut. My impression is that rather than channeling the emotions his failures brought into improvement, that he externalized blame and lashed out at the organization that paid, trained, and trusted him. Let him rot, let him burn.

    Yes our government has betrayed us and yes they govern without consent, but there are many in the military loyal to the core of America – more (as a percentage) than you will find in the general population. Until the government is beyond redemption or reconstruction my personal loyalty is still to AMERICA. The government is as divided as the nation, and this dirtbag’s actions clearly show his allegiance to anti-American liberals in my book.

  28. Mr. Dithers: sometimes you have to kill the pawns to get to the King. And hey, if it’s not one of those instances, what harm is it going to do?

  29. Why should these people be executed for blowing the cover of our treacherous government? Is Bradley Manning a traitor or a patriot?

    Because anything that could cause the Imperial Army to stumble and lose credibility and respect in the general public’s eyes is a serious threat. You’re not supposed to see what the War on Terror is really about. You’re not supposed to see that “They hate our freedoms” is really code for ‘Those bastards dared to defy NWO protocol.’

    One man’s treason is another man’s patriot. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. If that line of reasoning can’t be the common sense alternative to jingoist rhetoric, because the current anti-White US government says so, then there are no race realists, only racist hatemongers…there are no pro-White people, only neo-Nazi lunatics…there are no organizations fighting for the welfare and rights of White people, only hate groups…there is no truth about Jewish hegemony, only anti-Semites abound.

  30. Mr. Dithers: sometimes you have to kill the pawns to get to the King. And hey, if it’s not one of those instances, what harm is it going to do?

    …and sometimes it just makes more sense to get their own pawns to help you go after the king.

  31. Mr Dithers: Wikileaks is looking more and more like an Israeli false flag operation. While the information is a searing indictment of the American ruling elites, it also seems to corroborate U.S./Israeli propaganda about the wickedness of Iran and the danger it poses to the middle east. Curiously, Israel remains unscathed by it all. No mention of the hate state’s criminality, duplicity, manipulation of U.S. politicians to achieve Israeli foreign policy aims, or its many atrocities.

    Exactly. It doesn’t bother me that Wikileaks is undermining the neocon regime, but the way this material is redounding to Israel’s seems just too coincidental. Also, because we are dependent on the press and media in order to know what is in these wikileaks documents, I can’t help but wonder if negative comments were made about Israel whether they would be reported at all.

  32. Rodger says:
    December 4, 2010 at 1:55 pm
    “Another Ron Paul bashing post? You wouldn’t be wasting your time denigrating him if there wasn’t a good chance of him winning the nomination.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Roger, please join the rest of us in the…

    Real world.

    Ron Paul has as much chance of winning the 2012 Republican nomination for President as he does of winning the NBA slam dunk competition or racing the best 3 year old thoroughbred horses and winning the Kentucky Derby. He will soon be 80 years old, so he shouldn’t be doing embarrassing things like competing in the Miss Teen America beauty contest or running – again for President of the United States and winning less than 1% of the GOP delegates (Ron Paul won all of 22 delegates last time).

    Last time Ron Paul ran for President he at least started his campaign combining his 100 % Libertarian true believer cult economic and trade views with commonsense Conservative views about crime, race relations. But that was before homosexual Lib/Min Jew Republic editor Marty” Peretz started a smear campaign against Ron Paul for being yes

    “A RACIST!”

    Ron Paul’s thought crime were some comments in old Ron Paul newsletters that were negative against Martin Luther King JR, the Black mobs that rioted and murdered during the LA Rodney King riots and some negative comments about AIPAC – the dual loyalists of the American Israel lobby.

    Instead of standing up for these positions that have to be supported by at least 80% of White Americans, Ron Paul went on national television with ex AIPAC lobbyist CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and denied that he wrote or even read his own newsletter and said he has never wrote, said or even thought a RACIST thought in his life!

    Check out this video of Ron Paul denying our race and pandering to the likes of CNN’s “Wolf Blitzer”:

    Since this incident of being called “a Racist” – Ron Paul has bent over backwards to show he isn’t in any way pro White, or “racist” including endorsing the in-our-face 10th anniversary celebration of the 9/11/01 Muslim terrorist attack Mosque at Ground Zero.

    We should have some more posts exploring how a once sane, principled White man – Ron Paul sold his soul to be on TV and push race denying, racial suicide Lib/Libertarian policies.

  33. we are dependent on the press and media in order to know what is in these wikileaks documents

    Only if you’re lazy.

  34. The United States government is the most powerful enemy of the White race.

    Whatever inflicts net harm on the federal government is good for Whites.

  35. No one if going to read through thousands of documents. It is not laziness; no one has time for that.

    If thousands of documents potentially harmful to Whites were leaked it’s guaranteed that left wing Jews would read every one, find the most damaging quotes and post them within a week.

  36. Hunter, like most “WN” V.I.P.s (Valuable Intellectual Properties), prefer that pro-white politicians like Ron Paul not be completely honest. Instead, according to Hunter, they should lie about their honest positions on the important issues in order to avoid criticisms by the jewsmedia.

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