Ron Paul’s Latest Gaffes

Does Ron Paul want to lose?

District of Corruption

In 2008, I voted for Ron Paul in the Republican presidential primary. There has been some buzz on the internet that Paul might run again in 2012.

If he continues to pick unnecessary fights with conservatives on the basis of libertarian purity, he will only further isolate himself and end up as another discredited perennial candidate.

(1) The Ground Zero Mosque – A few months ago, Ron Paul came out in defense of the Ground Zero Mosque. Paul threw his support behind Barack Obama and loaded any future presidential campaign with a huge albatross that will limit his appeal to Christian voters.

(2) Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – Earlier this year, Ron Paul voted to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. If he runs again for president, Paul is now saddled with that albatross as well, and can look forward to spending much of his time explaining his support for gays in the military.

(3) Charles Rangel – Most of our readers are aware of the Charles Rangel corruption scandal. Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to censure Rangel. Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP had appealed to the House to “show fairness” in a Politico article.

Ron Paul voted against censure.

(4) Wikileaks – Ron Paul is now making a stand for Julian Assange of the Wikileaks scandal. It seems Paul wants to reinforce the impression that he is soft on national security.

That was the most damaging accusation leveled against him in the Republican primary last time around. It allowed fools like Mike Huckabee and Rudy Guiliani to run ahead of him in an anti-war election.

It is a shame.

If Paul runs in 2012, he could theoretically gain traction with issues like illegal immigration, foreign wars, the national debt, government spending, the size of government and monetary policy. There are a lot of other winning issues that Paul could campaign on like affirmative action. He could have positioned himself at the forefront of the Tea Party as Sarah Palin has done.

Instead, Ron Paul will now get to spend the campaign talking about his support for Julian Assange, Charles Rangel, Bradley Manning, and the Ground Zero Mosque. Lew Rockwell’s fellatio of progressives has been taken to a ridiculous extreme. This strategy of outreach to the Left hasn’t produced any reciprocity from their ranks. Just look at the vicious attacks Rand Paul endured in Kentucky.

If Ron Paul is serious about running for president in 2012, he needs to fire his advisors. He can’t afford to be weighed down by any further albatrosses of this sort.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He’s just being a consistent libertard. He’s going to take positions like this sure as a snake will bite you. That’s why non-libertards should never have been excited about him in the first place.

  2. Ronnie is, and always was, a liberaltarian flake. This is news?

    The ’08 Paul fad was just that, it made certain right-wingers stupid the way the Obama Cargo Cult did to lefties. Only difference is Paul, of course, had no blubbering MSM to help him out.

    Glad to see reality return. Paul is an enemy, just a really strange and idiosyncratic one.

    When the country is being literally overrun by brown foreigners and the insane are administering the asylum, some who thinks the Constitution is the issue, and the solution, is beyond deluded, and is perhaps a greater threat to white survival than our avowed enemies.

  3. Regarding Jews benefiting from the wikileaks leaks, this article from David Frum tells us everything we need to know.

    The organizers of Wikileaks say they wanted to blow the whistle on government fictions and expose the ugly realities. In a way they probably never intended, they have done just that. They have revealed that Iran is even more dangerous, Turkey even more hostile, Pakistan even more precarious and the Palestinians even more irrelevant than generally understood.

    Translation: wikileaks has unintentionally told the world every enemy of Israel is the problem. What an amazing coincidence. By way of deception, that shall do war.

  4. Ron Paul seems unable to comprehend a very simple truth.

    Society based on Individualism and Libertarian principles can never be a viable solution for two major reasons:

    1. It invites a foreign takeover by a stronger society which is based on some vibrant version of the ideology of statism, like Germany under Hitler, or Soviet Union under Stalin.

    2. A society comprised of atomic individuals without any cohesive force to unite them is absolutely defenseless against domestic takeover by a small, hostile ethnic group – an ideal society for ZOG.

  5. Elijah said: “Manning is a traitor. Hands down, without any doubt.”

    Assange is not a U.S. citizen so he can’t be guilty of treason no more than David Duke can be considered guilty of treason against Israel. Now, if Australia becomes the 51st state sometime today then perhaps Assange could be arrested and tried for treason.

    You’re right. That the “leaks” dovetail nicely with Israel’s geopolitical goals is no accident or coincidence. Naturally, the leaks had to appear genuine to the general public so included things truly damaging to the U.S. government (but not to Israel) such as thrill killings of innocent Muslims and the unparalleled hubris of U.S. politicians (only exceeded by the Israelis, but of course never leaked to the public). The leaks never demonstrated Israeli control over U.S. foreign policy

    Much of the leaks served only as a smokescreen for the real objective – and that was to portray Iran as an imminent threat justifying U.S. intervention. And what better way to convince the war weary American population to go win one for the Israeli gipper? After all, the Israelis only excel at murdering unarmed women and children and need someone to do their dirty work.

  6. Very interesting. Just as the Homo Army prepares to march on Washington, a homo soldier has a homo fit and becomes a turncoat. And all these leaks, but nothing about Israel? Curiouser and curiouser.

  7. They know the conspicuous absence of damaging information about Israel won’t be noticed or reported by anyone with a national platform. Still, you would think they would have been smart enough not to be so obvious about it. They should have thrown in a few leaks about Israel to make it look good. The purpose of this round of reporting on the leaks does appear to be whipping up war hysteria against Israel’s enemies while embarrassing the US.

  8. Is there any real proof that this guy is a homo? I know what the news is saying but it seems like every time supposed neo-Nazis or anti-government conspirators are caught they manage to find child pornography at their residence or some other vice to discredit them. You guys can keep dreaming about your Bush in a skirt winning the nomination but I know which way the wind is blowing. Even Ron Paul’s son may run in 2012, who knows.

  9. I think 2011 is going to be the year of the Great Hyperinflation. I think after this crisis has eaten the savings and pensions of the public, 2012 will be the year of deflation and something like 16% official (and 30% real) unemployment. This is a serious situation. Granted, we might have a profoundly unserious population but these types of crisis (to say nothing of other potential wars with North Korea, Iran, and Syria which can only hurt the economy because the expense of modern technology, the public opposition to the draft, and tending to the horribly wounded for life has made war unprofitable).
    I can’t see Barry getting re-elected. He will be blamed for this. The question will be whether he will insist on running or bail out and Hillary will be the Democrat candidate. As for Paul or his son, I see them as the most publically exceptable right wing reformist candidate. The public will want some sort of societal medical attention for their economic and financial injuries and the real question is are the American people smart enough to select a true reformer or can they be fooled by Hiliary or Mitt or Huckabee or even the muppet Sarah Palin into thinking these establishment tools are true reformers. If the public is smart enough and desparate enough, in spite of any gaffes, Paul has a strong shot at being the Republican nominee and having a “Goldwater moment.”
    Also, we will have to see if it dawns on the public or not that the empire is not theirs but the property of the establishment class. The empire just costs White Americans blood and money. If so then we might see a simultaneous revival of isolationism which would help Paul. If all of this comes to pass, a far more interesting question will be how the oligarchy responds to their new inability to pacificy the public with prosperity and fool them with propaganda. Will they meet a reformist challenge with efforts to stuff the ballot boxes? Will they begin to talk in their think tanks about how democracy is no longer viable as a cover and now it is time to shift to naked state violence to make up for the loss of prosperity and propaganda? Will they devise some sinister way to keep their opponents out of office? I think we will see.

  10. The vanguardists aren’t about to miss an opportunity to position themselves on the side of treason and espionage. Last week it was North Korea. It is all part of their grand strategy for winning over White America which includes parading around Knoxville, Tennessee in Stormtrooper uniforms with the Satanist Cliff Herrington.

    When the collapse finally comes, this is why White Americans will recognize the vanguardists were right all along. Naturally, their neighbors will turn to these outcasts in the event of a national emergency. How could history unfold otherwise?

  11. Elijah,

    That’s another good comment. Pro-Whites often forget they have friends in the military. The military isn’t the biggest fan of “Hope and Change” as Barack Obama has articulated it.

    Alabama is a big military state. I have lots of friends who are in the military. The military is infected like every other institution in American society but nothing like to the degree of the universities or the churches.

    In my experience, soldiers and cops are far more inclined to sympathize with our views than liberal arts professors. The same is true of the “nativist rabble” who go to church every Sunday.

  12. The vanguardists aren’t about to miss an opportunity to position themselves on the side of treason and espionage. Last week it was North Korea.

    The irony of this is that if rumors are true about the “lifestyle choice” of a certain editor of a website lavishing praise on Iran and North Korea, why anyone of that persuasion would prefer to live in authoritarian Iran or North Korea as opposed to South Korea or Israel, which are fairly open societies where leading that “lifestyle” wouldn’t get him a ticket behind a barbed wire fence, is beyond me. Seriously, given the choice of living in South Korea or Israel as opposed to North Korea and Iran who the heck wouldn’t want to live in the former?

    The vanguardist type remind me of full grown men still playing a fancy version of Dungeons and Dragons. The whole thing is so fantasy filled, and I remember in High School the “Dungeons and Dragons” crowd was where you could find the kids who had fetishes with nazi history.

  13. Glenn,

    If Ron Paul had positioned himself at the forefront of the Tea Party, as Sarah Palin has done, how exactly would that have been a bad thing for his presidential candidacy? Wouldn’t that have made him more likely to win primaries and become president?

  14. Nightowl,

    I think you missed the best part of the flame war that happened last night. I’ve often ripped on the vanguardists for being alienated and living in a fantasy world.

    Last night, I found this excerpt from a Greg Johnson essay when he wrote for VNN under “The Cat Lady” pseudonym:

    I must confess that I have always sided with the Empire. Given the cynicism of Lucas’s portrayal of the corrupt democracy of the Galactic Republic in the last two films, I wonder about his sympathies as well. I was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force long before the first “Star Wars” movie, so Darth Vader has always been my favorite character. I like his tragic grandeur. I like his ruthlessness. I even like his clothes.

    Am I the only person who would like to sweep into a room wearing a black cape to the sinister strains of John Williams’s brilliant “Imperial March,” telekinetically strangle some bumbling henchman, then blow up an entire planet because it obstructs my view of the next planet over? I think not.

    Am I the only person who would eagerly trade our sordid democracy for a populist dictatorship of wise but ruthless men with sexy uniforms and a knack for political pageantry? I think not.

    Since “Attack of the Clones” deals with the rise of the Empire and the maturation of Darth Vader, it holds many charms for authoritarian personalities like me.

  15. Homosexuals were attracted to National Socialism like moths to a flame. There were so many of them infested the NSDAP that Hitler had to root them out. Sexy uniforms, a dictator pushing people around … it is the dream of every enfeebled bootlicker.

  16. TabuLaRaza, I suggest you to conduct the following experiment. Open any of Sutton’s books you’ve mentioned in your comment in pdf format and search for the word ‘jew’. Study each occurrence of that word and pay attention that jews are never portrayed in negative light. That’s all what an intelligent man needs to know about this buffoon and put him at the top of your ‘never read books by these authors’ list.

    If you do not have such a list, you should create one – that’ll save you a lot of time that you can put to more productive use.

  17. Ron Paul seems unable to comprehend a very simple truth.

    Society based on Individualism and Libertarian principles can never be a viable solution for two major reasons:

    1. It invites a foreign takeover by a stronger society which is based on some vibrant version of the ideology of statism, like Germany under Hitler, or Soviet Union under Stalin.

    2. A society comprised of atomic individuals without any cohesive force to unite them is absolutely defenseless against domestic takeover by a small, hostile ethnic group – an ideal society for ZOG. – Ivan

    So correct Ivan, soooooo correct.

    In fact, LiberTURDianism, and especially the (Soviet Jewess) Ayn Rand Kargo Kult – is WAY more responsible for the economic dispossession of White America (which was the necessary precursor to their racial dispossession), way more than any overblown worries about ‘Socialism’ ever was.

  18. Why don’t you guys just say it plainly: Hunter Wallace has been bought by the Jews, and is now a Judas Goat leading us to the GOP-ZOG.

  19. Peter Blood, accusing a blog owner of something, or insulting him is not … how should I put it? … is not very productive. HW provides a platform for discussing an important issues and he deserves full credit for that.

  20. One has to be a complete idiot to allow faggots and women anywhere near the military because of some Libertarian principles. That’s the worst case of egalitarianism. If anything, faggots should be eliminated from human society using some humane methods of eugenics. I do not advocate killing them, but they should not be allowed to have children. Neither should they have the right to adopt children.

  21. An example of the old
    The recent success of Jean-Marie Le Pen has provoked an outpouring of rage from all the usual left wing suspects, and astonishingly, from some Jews. Justin Raimondo seems to be the only one to see the irony in this. In a world where Muslims are attacking synagogues and beating Jews in the street, it is with a sense of wonder that I consider the Jewish resistance to Le Pen whose sin is to oppose having his country swamped by those same Muslims.

    To understand Le Pen, it might help for folks to read Jean Larteguy’s classics, The Centurions and The Praetorians, which chronicle the French Paratroops and their fight against the communists in Indochina and Algeria. One may criticize le Paras (and their comrades in the Foreign Legion) but to mock their military prowess is a sin. Le Pen was a soldier in the elite 10th Paratroop Division which should tell anyone all they need to know about him. Algerie Francais was the rallying cry in those days but those days are gone and now it’s the Algerians who are conquering France! Can a freedom-loving Johnny Reb like me be a fan of Jean Marie le Pen? After all, despite his fearsome reputation with the limp-wrested aficionados of political correctness, he is far to the left of me. Yet a man who wishes to preserve his own country’s culture and history cannot be all bad – I share those beliefs and wish him the best. My real question is when will an American politician stand up for us? Is our Republic and our history not worth defending? We certainly can’t count on that ridiculous Senor Bush!

  22. The best strategy for the neocons, and that includes the Hunter Wallace crowd on here, is to ignore Ron Paul just like the MSM does or used to and create a media mirage around America’s latest reality TV star, Sarah Palin. Get Sarah and Todd signed up for “Dancing With the Stars”, “Survivor” and a guest appearance on “Iron Chef”. If that doesn’t enamor the idiot masses to her then maybe the left can launch some more attacks against her family to get people to line up behind her. Seriously, Ron Paul has the potential to grab the nomination. I can’t see anyone else taking it. Romney’s religion won’t win over many Christians and of course Palin is an inexperienced, clumsy candidate who’ll repel alot of conservative voters. Ron Paul has proven he can draw huge numbers of young voters to his rallies and he also has the potential of stealing many Independent and Democrat voters.

  23. icr says:
    December 5, 2010 at 1:02 am

    The recent success of Jean-Marie Le Pen has provoked an outpouring of rage from all the usual left wing suspects, and astonishingly, from some Jews. Justin Raimondo seems to be the only one to see the irony in this. In a world where Muslims are attacking synagogues and beating Jews in the street, it is with a sense of wonder that I consider the Jewish resistance to Le Pen whose sin is to oppose having his country swamped by those same Muslims.

    To understand Le Pen, it might help for folks to read Jean Larteguy’s classics, The Centurions and The Praetorians, which chronicle the French Paratroops and their fight against the communists in Indochina and Algeria. One may criticize le Paras (and their comrades in the Foreign Legion) but to mock their military prowess is a sin. Le Pen was a soldier in the elite 10th Paratroop Division which should tell anyone all they need to know about him.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Excellent post.

    Yes, I agree the French Algerian war in the 1950s is the clearest, most out and out “racist” war of “us” against “them” in the last 150 years.

    I highly recommend folks see the movie The Battle of Algiers – it’s the most realistic portrayal of urban race war ever – and very fair to both sides.
    Also read – Battle of the Casbah by the French General in charge of counter terrorism in Algiers – he all but brags of his use of torture to break the Arab Muslim terrorist resistance to White French rule/existence in North Africa.

  24. LEW, since you’ve copied that ‘good video’ from Roissy here, would you explain to me please what this Austrian puppet politician is bubbling about. Why doesn’t this ‘courageous’ bastard address his rage over the Muslim immigration to Europe to the mastermind and the enforcer of the policy of pushing multiculturalism down the collective throat of the European Union countries:

  25. Ivan, I have no idea why he isn’t addressing that factor, and I don’t want to take this conversation further off topic with idle speculation. Upon reflection, I should not have posted a completely off topic remark. This is not the right conversation for the Roissy video. I don’t want to compound the error with further discussion.

  26. Mr. Dithers said:

    [Elijah said: “Manning is a traitor. Hands down, without any doubt.”

    Assange is not a U.S. citizen so he can’t be guilty of treason no more than David Duke can be considered guilty of treason against Israel. Now, if Australia becomes the 51st state sometime today then perhaps Assange could be arrested and tried for treason.]

    I sympathize with Mr. Wallace’s point that Assange is a SPY, not a traitor. But my comment only says that Manning is a traitor. Which he is, by law. If memory serves he can legally be executed under the UCMJ. I think we need to examine his INTENT, as that is where treason hides. Do we believe that he leaked these documents because he was a leftist homosexual with Anti-American sentiment compounded by his failure to adapt to the military he volunteered to join, or do we believe he was opposing the ZOG – striking back at the corrupt regime that oppresses us? Regardless of which political factions his actions ultimately aided the most, I think it remains obvious that he is a traitor and that failing to swiftly execute him is only a further erosion of the rule of law.

  27. Some perspective is needed here: the Rosenbergs were executed for passing along classified information about the atomic bomb to the Soviets. No one here would object to that.

    That isn’t even close to being the same thing.

    Assange and Manning should be dealt with like the Rosenbergs.

    Name one specific American law Assange broke.

    This articles makes a very good case that he didn’t break any:

    Of course the traitors and spies should be executed … but the Obama administration is full of anti-American communist traitors like Van Jones.

    What was Nixon’s excuse for not executing Daniel Ellsberg?

    Seriously, what’s your explanation for why he wasn’t executed?

  28. All this tough talk on treason and espionage is based on the fantasy that this is “our” country, “our” military, “our” secrets. But they are not. They belong to the system that has slated whites for degradation and death.

    Conservatives are fools who can be counted on to support an increasingly punitive, invasive, and aggressive military and justice system–which will just be used against white dissidents down the road. Anything that decreases and undermines the power of their government and their military is a good thing.

    In this case, the libertarians and left-liberals who instinctively oppose state power, the police, the military, the death penalty, etc. are the objective allies of White Nationalists, not because they share our long term goals, but because what they want in the short run makes it more likely that we will get what we want in the long run.

    And although it hardly needs saying, Hunter Wallace and ilk are objective enemies of White Nationalism, because they wish to increase the power of the state to repress us, which means that in the long run, the system not the White Race is more likely to prevail.

  29. Greg Johnson says: “Conservatives are fools who can be counted on to support an increasingly punitive, invasive, and aggressive military and justice system–which will just be used against white dissidents down the road. Anything that decreases and undermines the power of their government and their military is a good thing.

    “In this case, the libertarians and left-liberals who instinctively oppose state power, the police, the military, the death penalty, etc. are the objective allies of White Nationalists, not because they share our long term goals, but because what they want in the short run makes it more likely that we will get what we want in the long run.”

    Fine point, Greg. Think of all those good “conservatives” behind “our” (read: we domestic terrorists) wonderful Patriot Act.

    Why would a Hard Right mainstreamer like “Hunter” be all angry over beloved, grandfatherly Dr. No’s recent oddball votes? Dr. Paul has just the mass following of disgruntled, if not dispossessed Whites that “Hunter” drools to influence. Paulestinians don’t want to hear “Hunter’s” criticisms; they want to hear, “Dr. Paul is a great man.” They don’t care that he voted no on some congressional resolution to strike a medal to honor that Marxist Negress, what’s her name? — the one who wouldn’t sit in the back of the bus — anymore than they objected to his no vote to do the same for conservative darling Ronald Reagan. They like his consistency, and that he votes his conscience, that he scrupulously follows their Constitution, and that special interest lobbyists know better than to knock on his office door. I liked pointing out to them over and over during the 2008 presidential primary campaign why the Jewish Lobby hates his guts. It was fun using Dr. Paul’s Neo-CONNED speech to explain to them how Jewish neo-CONservatism is, and how anti-White: .

    Paul’s biggest sin, to our Jewish masters: his decades-long cry to END THE FED! Now, just two years later, he has hundreds of co-sponsors to his END THE FED! Bill in the House, and, if I’m not mistaken, he’s in line to Chair the Financial Services sub-committee that oversees the Jew’s Central piggy bank. That should be interesting after all these years of the Republican Party leadership shunning him. What a great opportunity Paul’s campaign was for me and other race-thinking Whites to enter that fray and radicalize his supporters, our neighbors, on taboo issues of race and Jewish Supremacy, while Dr. Pierce schooled them on the enslaving nature of the Jewish fractional reserve money system.

    There were plenty of so-called mainstreamers, especially Paulestinians, who responded positively to my straightforward quotes in this AP attempt at a hit piece:

  30. Greg,

    That’s a very revealing comment. It is a good illustration of everything that I have been saying about vanguardists. Thanks for demonstrating why vanguardists will forever remain hopelessly isolated on the fringes of society.

    (1) You don’t see the world like ordinary Americans. This isn’t your government. This isn’t your political system. This isn’t even your country. You are living in enemy territory.

    How come?

    You are a radically alienated, rootless intellectual (not unlike an Ashkenazi Jew) who has no real investment in any existing community. The idea that you represent preserving some sort of “tradition” is laughable. There is nothing traditional about either your political views or your lifestyle.

    (2) This hopeless sense of alienation is why vanguardists are failures. Your “nation” is a non-existent fantasy world. Your “community” is a cult of similarly alienated radicals withdrawing from society. Your “people” are other cult members like those who drank the poisoned kool aid with Jim Jones in Guyana.

    You really need to kick the habit of pretending you represent White people. 99.9 percent of White Americans do not share your views. You aren’t interested in the welfare of this particular tribe of White people (this is telegraphed clearly in your comments) so much as you are in constructing some type of domineering central government to lord over them.

    (3) Having abandoned the idea that America is your nation, you don’t see anything wrong with floating the idea that “White Nationalists” need to promote activity that will weaken America, or even going so far as to advocate alliances with its avowed enemies like Iran and North Korea.

    (4) Tellingly, you claim that “libertarians and left-liberals” are the “objective allies” of White Nationalists because you see them as engaged in the same sort of rotting, termite-like behavior that Jews are engaged in.

    I’ve long made the observation that “vanguardists” are the just the other side of the coin of the radical Left. They subscribe to the same ends. They are motivated by the same sense of estrangement from and hatred of ordinary Americans.

    (5) Now when we return to reality outside of the radical cults populated by alienated vanguardists like Greg Johnson, we will see that the majority of White Americans are instinctively hostile to this kind of rhetoric.

    They want to live in a free society. America is their nation. They subscribe to the old fashioned view that spies and traitors should be punished. Their communities are not abstract fantasy worlds, but small towns in the Midwest, South, New England, etc.

    Most of these people believe that America has gone off the rails. They think their country is headed in the wrong direction. The vast majority of them are opposed to Third World immigration and would vote it down if they were only provided with the opportunity to do so.

    There is plenty of room for intelligent pro-Whites to make inroads into this vast constituency.

    (6) In order to do so, this will naturally entail cutting all ties to alienated Neo-Nazi vanguardists like Greg Johnson, whose existence provides nothing of value to any healthy pro-White movement trying to make progress in the real world.

    The vanguardists are a “dead branch.” They are an albatross for anyone with pro-White political views to carry on their backs. Instead of lugging that baggage around indefinitely, we should cut them loose and allow them to fester in their alienation and self imposed isolation, where they will come up with ever new excuses for their perfect track record of failure.

  31. Maybe “Hunter” should describe what defines one as a Vanguardist.

    Is Ron Paul a Vanguardist? Do Ron Paul’s views and positions constitute a Vanguardist approach? Do the supporters of Ron Paul make up a high percentage of Vanguardists and “radically alienated albatrosses” who have a “hatred of ordinary Americans?”

  32. Some questions for Hunter Wallace:

    1) Does the US government represent the REAL interests of White Americans, or has it been captured by aliens and traitors and perverted to serve the interests of Jews and a rootless global plutocracy at the expense of White Americans?

    2) If the latter is the case, then aren’t patriotic White Americans who reflexively identify with the system in fact mistaken that it is their system rather than a system controlled by hostile aliens? Aren’t they in fact rallying to the aid of the people who are working to destroy them?

    3) If White Americans are being destroyed by the American system, and if their patriotism is being manipulated by the parasites out to destroy them, then aren’t Conservative cheerleaders for patriotism working to strengthen the grip of the anti-White system on White Americans? And doesn’t that make patriotards objective enemies of White America and objective tools of the system that is out to destroy us?

    Hunter talks a lot about alienation. It is his word, not mine. I think that it is the key to his recent mainstreamer fantasies. He is totally alienated and desperately wants to feel like a part of something, so he is deluding himself about the Tea Party, the Republicans, etc.

    But there is nothing wrong with being alienated from a sick society. What is totally nuts, though, is “curing” one’s alienation simply by deluding oneself that the system isn’t hopelessly corrupt. A pig with lipstick on is still a pig. So is a pig waving a small American flag.

  33. Guys, that song makes me want to grab a six pack, jump in a F150 and go mudding, and by mudding I mean running the fuck over blackamoors.

    Saudos frerz meis!

  34. But there is nothing wrong with being alienated from a sick society.

    This reminds me of a book on ADD I glanced at in a psychiatrist’s office years ago. I think it was called: I’m not sick, SOCIETY is!

    FUCK YES, I thought: LICENSE TO ILL!

  35. Greg and Will Williams are making some painfully excellent points. Loyalty to the modern anti-White US Gov is like old fashion Jacobin patriotism and Soviet civic patriotism, it is nothing to be proud of. The victories of November and the state actions of this year were good news but I want to wait and see how far this can go and where it goes.

  36. No, it was Jim Giles who made Hunter squeal like a pig.

    I know who you are, “Crisco,” and I trust that you will not be showing your face at any Bay Area racialist events I am organizing.

  37. Yesterday, I spent the afternoon making dorky little Christmas crafts, because men who can do things with their hands besides work a keyboard are in short supply these days. Last Monday, I served dinner at a local homeless shelter, because a man I personally respect asked me to help out. I am as alienated from aMerIcAn ShiT soCieTy as a healthy person can be. In my view, any thinking person ought react to aMerIcaN cuLTuRe exactly as they would respond to being served a plate of fresh, steaming dog vomit. However, I am a contributing member of my community, and I don’t let my distaste for the silly fancies of so many of my fellow Whites prevent me from being involved with them. White racists who let themselves become alienated from their own people will have be in no position to persuade them.

  38. “You want him to squeal like a pig, right Johnson?”

    “No, it was Jim Giles who made Hunter squeal like a pig.”

    Jesus, that was funny.

    “However, I am a contributing member of my community, and I don’t let my distaste for the silly fancies of so many of my fellow Whites prevent me from being involved with them.”

    Hunter isn’t alienated. He has his computer and his Twinkies, all the company he will ever need.

  39. I know who you are, “Crisco,” and I trust that you will not be showing your face at any Bay Area racialist events I am organizing.

    Well I don’t own a pair of assless chaps.

    And leather and chrome ain’t cheap, Johnson.

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