Race Realism and College Football

How should White Advocates regard their alma mater?


I’m still trying to recover from a nasty hangover.

I must have drank a six pack of bottled water over the past three hours. Undoubtedly, thousands of Alabamians, especially those in East Alabama, are waking up this afternoon with the same regrets about all the partying we did last night.

Yesterday, I made the trek from Birmingham over to Atlanta to watch the Auburn Tigers play the South Carolina Gamecocks for the SEC championship. It will suffice to say that Auburn had a lot riding on this game: the SEC title, the Heisman Trophy, a shot at the BCS national championship in Arizona.

Never before has Auburn run the table in college football.

This is a year that AU alumni will never forget. If you have ever lived in this state, you know how seriously its people take their traditional pastime, especially the rivalry (reputed to be the biggest in the country) between its two major public universities.

In Iraq, you are born a Sunni or a Shi’ite. In Alabama, you are born an Auburn fan or an Alabama fan. That’s just the way things are down here.

Cam Newton Comes To Town

I don’t know of anyone in Alabama without an opinion on Auburn’s star quarterback, Cam Newton.

If your tribal colors are crimson and white, your views are probably negative. If your tribal colors are orange and blue, they are likely to be positive. This debate has been rehashed a million times over in Alabama and across the South.

Newton is remarkable for two things: his incredible athletic talent on the field and the endless scandals that have plagued him off the field. Both share a common denominator.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Cam Newton story, it goes something like this: a few years ago, Newton was a backup quarterback at Florida, but choose to leave the school after being overshadowed by Tim Tebow who returned to play for the Gators in his senior year.

Newton was arrested for purchasing a stolen laptop at Florida. It has also come out that he attempted to pass off another student’s paper as his own. Eventually, Newton left Florida under a cloud of suspicion and relocated to Blinn College in Brenham, Texas.

As a quarterback at Blinn, Newton led the Buccaneers to a junior college championship. He was heavily recruited by other SEC schools and eventually wound up at Auburn under Gene Chizik.  Newton has since led Auburn through an undefeated season that has shattered all sorts of records in college football.

Throughout the second half of Auburn’s season, a scandal has plagued Newton that has been the talk of the college football world. The NCAA ruled earlier this week that Newton’s father, Cecil Newton, had conspired with a Mississippi State booster in a pay-for-play scheme.

No money seems to have exchanged hands, but it put a question mark over Newton’s eligibility to play for several games. The embattled Auburn team shrugged off the accusations and continued to chalk up new victories.

The Iron Bowl

That was the status quo heading into the Iron Bowl: the annual rivalry game between Auburn and Alabama.

Everyone in Alabama knew heading into the game that this Iron Bowl was going to be something special. Alabama was playing at home in Tuscaloosa as the defending national champions.

Cam Newton was leading an undefeated Auburn team into enemy territory with a shot at the Heisman Trophy, SEC title, and the BCS national championship. In order for Auburn to advance, Newton would have to take it all away from Alabama before the most hostile crowd anywhere in the country.

When Newton hit the field in Tuscaloosa, Alabama fans dumped a shower of monopoly money on him. The DJ broke a signed agreement between the two schools and played songs like “Take the Money and Run” and “Son of a Preacher Man.”

Alabama had won over 20 straight games at home. The Crimson Tide dominated Auburn in the 1st half and rolled over the Tigers to take a 24-0 lead. Bama QB Greg McElroy was playing the game of his life.

Alabama fans were ecstatic. Text messages were flying across the state.

Then Auburn mounted the greatest comeback in school history to outscore Alabama 3 to 28 and win the Iron Bowl 28-27. Alabama fans had left the game at halftime to celebrate only to learn after the fact that Auburn had won.

It was not a pleasant night in Tuscaloosa.

The SEC Championship

After defeating Alabama, Auburn had one major obstacle left in its way on the road to the national title: Steve Spurrier and the South Carolina Gamecocks in the SEC Championship.

South Carolina was playing in the biggest game in school history. The Gamecocks were also coming to Atlanta to avenge their season crippling loss to Auburn earlier this year.

Everyone in Auburn expected a close game. The Tigers had only narrowly squeaked out a 4th quarter victory over the Gamecocks in September. Almost every game Auburn has played year has been a nail bitter.

It wasn’t even close.

Auburn destroyed South Carolina, 56-17. The highlight of the game was a 51 yard hail mary pass from Newton with seconds left before halftime. The ball was tipped but was caught by an Auburn receiver in the endzone for a touchdown.

From that point forward, Cam Newton and the Auburn offense ran away with the game. Having seen Auburn play so many times before, I had a hard time believing they could win so decisively, but this season has been full of surprises.

Collision Course

The Auburn Tigers are going to the national championship. They have been on a collision course with the Oregon Ducks for weeks now.

Now it is official: Auburn and Oregon are going to Glendale, Arizona on January 10 to play for the national title.

Oregon has its own share of scandals and character issues. Their star player, RB LaMichael James, was arrested earlier this year for domestic violence after he attempted to strangle his girlfriend. Like Cam Newton, LaMichael James’s obvious character defects hasn’t impeded his running ability on the field.

James leads the nation in rushing yards. Newton is the best quarterback in college football. The stats are pretty clear on this point.

The White Right and College Football

Should racially conscious Whites follow integrated college football or other spectator sports like baseball and basketball? There are some strong opinions about the issue.

The most familiar and tenaciously clung to view is that integrated sports are degenerate spectacles of negro hero worship that are marketed to dimwitted Joe Six Packs. For that reason alone, pro-Whites should reject following sports like college football and spend their time cultivating, say, an interest in esoteric fascism or historical revisionism.

An alternative view is that White Americans are going to follow their favorite teams anyway and that self imposed isolation from the mainstream is counterproductive and leads to a failure to communicate. White Americans watch popular Hollywood movies every year. Writing movie reviews is one of the few ways that White Nationalists have been successful in reaching out to a wider audience.

Is there really a difference between writing a review of a movie like Avatar and writing a review of the BCS national championship game? I don’t think so.

In Alabama and Oregon, far more people are talking about college football right now than popular Hollywood movies. It is also easier to approach non-racialists about the Tigers and the Ducks and steer the conversation in a racial direction than it is with movie reviews.

Race Realism and College Football

White Advocates have failed to appreciate that college football is an excellent way to introduce their peers to race realism. Unlike Hollywood movies where Morgan Freeman plays the president, god, or a top scientist, college football is real and its players suffer from real flaws.

Here in Alabama, I often like to throw a football around with my friends and discuss the latest games. As recently as a year ago, I didn’t realize all the opportunities I had been missing or how my own alienation was hampering my ability to spread my racialist views.

Now I have learned how to exploit the team principle to my advantage. Instead of dismissing college football as an arena for boobs and morons, which is futile, I use my knowledge of the subject to make racial points in a way that connects with the experience of my audience.

The Team Principle and Effective Communication

As an Alabamian, a Southerner, and an Auburn alumni, I belong to various communities which consist of millions of White people. As a college football fan, I can talk to millions of ordinary White people about a subject in which they have an encyclopedic level of knowledge.

I try to put all these identities to good use now.

As an Auburn alumni, I am on the side of other Auburn fans. I can throw around a football and say things like: Cam Newton is a great football player, undoubtedly one of the best of all time, but he is like all these other blacks who play the game. They are good at throwing around a football, but not so great at the ACT or staying out of trouble with the law.

With the Alabama fans, I will say things like: Scam Newton is a great quarterback, he can run the ball, but he isn’t a student athlete like Greg McElroy. Bo Jackson was another great Auburn player with a lot of heart, but he couldn’t read until he got to college.

With Georgia fans, I will say that Aaron Murray is a great quarterback who shows a lot of promise. Georgia would have had a better season if A.J. Green (the Bulldogs’ star wide receiver) hadn’t been suspended for four games for selling a jersey. The Auburn players also embarrassed their school in the Georgia game by acting like a bunch of hoodlums.

With Florida fans, it is easy to appeal to the memory of Tim Tebow and draw unfavorable comparisons with Cam Newton, who left the Gators to shine in the national spotlight at a rival team. Tebow is well known for his character and the role of faith in his life. This is not an area where Cam Newton has earned much respect or acclaim in either state.

How can I talk to White Alabamians about René Guénon?

Shut Up, Blend In

To my surprise, I have found that “shutting up” and “blending in” has only made me far more effective as a White Advocate. I can put on an Auburn Athletics t-shirt, hit the gym, and come across as a normal, well adjusted White Southerner with commonsense racial observations about professional sports.

I can make a few points about race and football and have a room full of people nodding with me in agreement.

Alternatively, if I were to parade around Toomer’s Corner in a Neo-Nazi uniform passing out fliers about the evils of Cam Netwon (as an outspoken alienated outcast) and the impending collapse of the United States, I would undoubtedly find myself facing a much more hostile reception. I would be written off and ridiculed as a kook.

I would fail to communicate. I would fail to sway anyone to a more racially aware point of view. Having nothing in common in my audience, I would be on the outside staring in through the glass instead of on the inside making progress with my peers.

Your alma mater is too valuable of an asset to let it go to waste. As an Auburn Tiger, Tennessee Volunteer, Oregon Duck, or Michigan Wolverine, you already have one foot in the door with your target audience.

If you exploit the team principle and partisanship effectively, you will enjoy more success in reaching out to and communicating with your friends and neighbors. In the long run, winning over more Whites to a racial point of view is all that matters, not who wins a football game. If football helps us communicate White America, we should take full advantage of our opportunities in this area.

War Eagle!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Simmons says:
    December 7, 2010 at 1:21 am
    Little historical perspective, the PKs were a wishy washy bunch of Christians, but they were on a huge roll, able to fill stadiums. Well anyway the lib media played the race card on them for the lack of blacks in the audience, and from there their downfall was measured in weeks. The PK leadership went into footwashing mode with blacks and its followers ran as fast as possible, because of that fact I knew all was not hopeless with white men.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Simmons, thanks very much for explaining this about the P.K. – I see that they didn’t start out as straight out, anti White, brainwashing trips to the old college stadium. It just ended up that way and then, as you said, healthy White men caught on quickly and walked away as they should.

    I work with all kinds of Whites – Christian, Catholic Christian, LDS Christian, Orthodox Serb Christians, secular Whites, NS Whites, Mainstream Whites all kinds. I am honest when I say I really like White Christians with big, healthy White families, with traditional White wives, mothers, love to be in mostly all White church performing Christmas music.
    I just can not stand White men getting up and crying in public and confessing how weak they are and then the PC lib/min stuff comes in and they get pushed in to confessing how horrible and RACIST America was/is, or else they talk abou their spiritual trop to the US Holocaust Museum. When that happens, I go on the offensive – get in people’s faces and suggest they be sent to Somalia, Haiti, Zimbabwe or certain neighborhoods in my city – Chicago. This world has too many people, there is no need to tolerate White “Christian” men crying in public and confessing to supposed sins of “racism”.

  2. Will,

    I love sports (especially football) as much as anyone and I am a racialist. Now that I think about it, I don’t think sports is the real problem here.

    Sports were big in America at the height of Jim Crow. Southerners loved football long before the game was integrated. This was highly controversial at the time. The same is true of baseball and boxing which were popular in the North.

    Before integration, Southerners and other Americans loved guns and outdoor sports like hunting and fishing. Nothing much has changed in that respect.

    The real change has been in the racially conscious community. Half a century ago, racialists controlled every Southern state. Racialism was mainstream and normal. Once again, sports were as popular back then as they are today.

    The real difference is that White Nationalists like William Pierce come across as alienated outcasts who have nothing in common with their peers or no sympathy for them.

  3. Yahoos go shopping at the mall, work for a living, and raise their families … while the elite retreat to a bunker in West Virginia, abandon their own families, and start a thriving new cult?

  4. The Michael Vick case was an excellent example of typical negro behavior off the field. You can also talk to people about Michael Vick who know something about the case. Most are likely to agree with your racial observation.

  5. Celestial Time is wrong as usual.

    Most of the people who I know who watch college football are not idiots. They are completely aware of racial differences. I can talk openly with them about my racial views for hours on end. They will send me race related text messages as a joke.

    The real problem is that (1) they don’t think they can do anything about it and (2) they don’t even know anyone is trying to do anything about it. If I had to draw any comparisons, it would be to the blacks who had come to passively accept the Jim Crow system.

    As long as they have been alive, that’s the way things have always been. What seems outrageous to White Nationalist ideologues (who spend so much of their time on online forums interacting with other alienated people) is normal and customary to ordinary people.

    It has become normal even to people who are racially conscious.

  6. Found these entertaining quotes about ball game fans by Dr. Pierce that someone collected from his American Dissident Voices broadcasts:

    Thank you.

  7. Hunter Wallace Said: The real difference is that White Nationalists like William Pierce come across as alienated outcasts who have nothing in common with their peers or no sympathy for them.

    I found your persistence in trivializing Dr Pierce, his views, and his legacy rather remarkable.

    Dr Pierce never catered to 95% of the population, whom he dubbed as lemmings, and there was a compelling reason for that.

    I hate long quotes, but if the following quote from the ADV Broadcast of Sep 29, 2001 “Regaining Control” does not compel you to see Dr Pierce in a different light, I seriously doubt anything else will:

    Let me give you one of those little capsule oversimplifications I’m fond of. Although it is an oversimplification and is, therefore, not an exact model of the real world, I find it very helpful in making sense out of what’s happening in the real world.

    There are four basic types of people — White people — in the world: First there are the Sally Soccer-Moms and the Joe Six-Packs. They constitute about 95 percent of the White population. Some are rich, and some are poor; some are factory workers, and some are lawyers; some are barely literate couch potatoes on welfare, and some are academics with pretensions to intellectualism. What characterizes all of them is an inability to think independently or to hold any opinion not held by the herd. I often call them lemmings.

    Second, there are the exploiters. They are rational people, who see the world as it is and attempt to use the world — including the rest of the population — for their own advantage. They recognize the lemmings for what they are and manipulate them in order to use them, nearly always through deception. Prior to the 20th century most of the exploiters have been White people themselves: the leaders of the Church, the leading members of the aristocracy, and the very wealthy — the plutocrats — for example. Exploiters have not necessarily been malevolent, nor have they always been powerful. Aristocrats and plutocrats often have advanced the interests of the herd while advancing their own interests. What distinguishes exploiters is neither malevolence nor power, but rather the ability to think independently and the placing of their personal advantages ahead of everything else.

    During roughly the past century an extremely dangerous transformation in the racial nature of the exploiters has taken place. From nearly all White, they have become substantially Jewish. The White exploiters, instead of fighting off the exploitation of the White herd by Jews, have made alliances with the Jews. They have made agreements with the Jews for sharing the spoils. All of the top Jewish media bosses are exploiters: Sumner Redstone, Michael Eisner, Gerald Levin, and the rest. And so are White men like Rupert Murdoch and Bill Gates.

    Third, there are the Judases: White people who might be considered a sub-type of the exploiters, but whose behavior is more in the nature of knowingly cooperating with the exploiters or knowingly letting themselves be used by the exploiters rather than engaging in exploitation themselves. For the most part Judases are people who understand the situation, more or less, and would be happy to be exploiters but are not quite bright enough, tough enough, or energetic enough, so they settle for collaboration. Many lower- and middle-echelon Gentile media people fall into the Judas category, while other Gentile media people — especially those in the lowest echelon — are merely lemmings. The same can be said of politicians and bureaucrats. Bill Clinton and George Bush are outstanding examples of Judases. Though apparently in the top political echelon, neither has the qualities to be a successful exploiter without Jewish backing. Clinton lacked the self-discipline, and Bush lacks the intelligence. The ranks of the bureaucracy, of the military leadership, and of the educational establishment are filled with Judases and lemmings, with Judases predominating in the upper ranks.

    Fourth, there are the independent-minded people who understand much of what is happening in the world — that is, they are not lemmings — and are not inclined to be either exploiters or Judases. We’ll call them “observers.” They make up somewhere between two and five percent of the White population. Observers are mainly interested in looking out for themselves, but they’re more concerned with the welfare of their fellows than the exploiters are. They understand that as the herd fares, so fare they. If the race goes down, everyone goes down with it. So they do feel some sense of responsibility for what is happening in the world: just not enough, in most cases.

    I’ve always considered the observers the key element in our population: certainly, the key element in getting the Jews off our backs and regaining control of our destiny. Three of the four categories of people in my oversimplified model understand the issues involved in what the Bush government is doing now — or at least they are capable of understanding — but the exploiters and the Judases don’t care about the things we care about. Only the observers — two to five percent of the population — are capable of understanding and caring. If something happens to cause them to focus their minds on the simple fact that seven thousand Americans were killed on September 11 as a direct consequence of the Jewish control of the U.S. government — seven thousand Americans were killed because our government has for decades been used to further the interests of Israel at the expense of the interests of the American people — if they will focus on that simple fact and also on the fact that many more Americans are likely to die in the future if the Jewish control of our government continues, perhaps some of them will put their minds to the problem of breaking that control.

    And so all of my own efforts have been directed toward helping the observers to focus. I don’t waste time now on the lemmings, because I can’t compete effectively with Hollywood and CNN for their attention — although part of what I’m doing is building the media that will give us the capability for competing in the future. I don’t waste time on the exploiters among my own people, because they won’t break their alliances with the Jews until they have been convinced that doing so will be to their advantage, and the time when they can be convinced of that is still a long way off. And I don’t waste time on the Judases, because such people aren’t worth any time at all. The time will come for dealing with them as they deserve, but that time isn’t here quite yet.

    But with the observers there is hope for doing things now, hope for persuading some of them — perhaps many of them — that it is immoral and irresponsible merely to sit and observe and do nothing while the Jews and the Judases continue to use America, to use our people, for their own purposes and in doing so to bring disaster after disaster down on us and to insure a future of misery and shame for our children and our grandchildren.

  8. Btw, why all comments that link to the following site are rejected:


    A hint: You need to do a little reverse engineering to get the link right.

  9. Dr Pierce never catered to 95% of the population, whom he dubbed as lemmings, and there was a compelling reason for that.

    I suppose that is another way of saying he was a failure.

    There is a much more constructive approach to college football than insulting your audience. You can take advantage of their encyclopedic knowledge of the subject to make race realism look like common sense.

    You can also take advantage of sports team partisanship to get past the major obstacle of being identified with your audience and not sounding like a hateful kook. When people sense you are on their side, they will listen to you.

    Unfortunately, William Pierce never seems to have realized something that obvious.

  10. The “lemmings” are merely people who have grown accustomed to integration which has been the status quo for the last forty years. Human behavior is habitual.

    The status quo seems normal because that is the only model of racial interaction that most of the “lemmings” have ever known. The typical “lemming” has never even heard of White Nationalism and has no idea there are people who are otherwise sane and normal trying to change the racial status quo.

    If the “lemmings” could vote on the matter, you would quickly find that there are millions of White people who are still explicitly racially conscious. We saw this a few years ago in Alabama when voters decided to keep segregationist language in the state constitution.

    The average “lemming” goes about his or her life because they are resigned to the status quo and see no possibility of changing it. That failure largely rests on the shoulders of the White Nationalist movement.

    In the Jim Crow era, the vast majority of black people went about their everyday lives for the same reason. The agitators were always a small minority.

  11. If you want to activate the so-called “lemmings,” all you have to do is show them that it is possible to change the status quo; that it is doable. They will jump on board.

    When blacks sensed that Jim Crow was vulnerable, the “lemmings” amongst them jumped at the opportunity to air their grievances.

  12. Hunter Wallace,

    Will you stop playing dumb, please. To cater to lemmings one needs to own FOX NEWS channel. Every lemming knows who Glenn Beck is, but how many of them know about ‘successful’ Hunter Wallace?

    Dr Pierce does not say that we should not talk to lemmings at all – he simply states the obvious:

    I don’t waste time now on the lemmings, because I can’t compete effectively with Hollywood and CNN for their attention – although part of what I’m doing is building the media that will give us the capability for competing in the future.

  13. Ivan,

    And how effective is it to simply preach to the choir? Pierce and others like him preached to the choir for 4 decades and failed miserably; in fact you can make the point that the likes of Pierce made things worse for us because he lived up to the media image of white advocates being kooky, violent, social outcasts who only wanted the power to violently kill not only non-whites but all whites who weren’t social outcasts like them. “The Turner Diaries” is one of the worse things that every happened to our movement.

    So now young people like me and Hunter not only have to deal with the much worse conditions of America that Pierce didn’t have to deal and are worse because he was so ineffective at rallying our people. We also have to combat and break from the establishment created image of white advocates that lived up to. We made things terrible us today.

    Fuck Pierce.

  14. In the absence of powerful mass media outlets in the hands of WN, lemmings will start paying attention to reason when and only when they lose the comfort of living. While the 2-5% of the population – ‘the observers’ – are paying attention already.

  15. Ivan: To cater to lemmings one needs to own FOX NEWS channel

    You need to own mass media to cater to mass audience. But anyone can cater to one or two individual lemmings, or a room full of lemmings. Accordingly, I do not see any reason why racially conscious sports fans should not use their knowledge to get the lemming sports fans in their circle to start thinking racially.

  16. William Rome said: So now young people like me and Hunter not only have to deal with the much worse conditions of America that Pierce didn’t have to deal and are worse because he was so ineffective at rallying our people.

    I’m sorry, William Rome, I didn’t know that young people like you and Hunter are big players on the scene today reversing the trends that were made worse by losers like Dr Pierce.

    I highly recommend you to read your own comments before you post them – you come across as a fool.

  17. LEW please do, by all means. Dr Pierce is simply saying that one should do whatever is the most efficient thing available to him at the moment. Can you imagine Dr Pierce going around to his neighbours and talking to them one-to-one?

  18. Ivan,

    (1) William Pierce did not create the media to compete for their attention in the future. He built an organization around a cult of personality that swiftly collapsed after his death.

    (2) Every White Advocate knows plenty of people who William Pierce would have labeled “lemmings.” These are people who are content to quietly live their own lives.

    There is no reason why White Advocates cannot better communicate with these people when they already have personal relationships with them. Your brother should listen to you because he is your brother.

    (3) William Pierce couldn’t communicate with his own family. That is an excellent example of how getting too isolated, alienated, and ideological is counterproductive both to the cause and your own personal life.

  19. I’m sorry, William Rome, I didn’t know that young people like you and Hunter are big players on the scene today reversing the trends that were made worse by losers like Dr Pierce.

    I highly recommend you to read your own comments before you post them – you come across as a fool.

    Yes, it’s the likes of William Rome and Hunter Wallace that are paving the way for true White racial preservation. Didn’t you get the memo? Pffft! Dude, the entire Internet is talking about it. The “emerging White Nationalist media organization” is simply ablaze with newly found interest in Rome’s eclectic circle-jerking and Wallace’s ninja-like finesse of infusing college football and race realism. Think of it as like going to a rap concert to talk about black-on-White crime…..Next on the menu is Saving Western Philosophy coupled with Hunter’s new essay, ‘The White Guy’s Guide to Picking up Black Chicks.’

    *** Please note that the premise of Hunter’s new essay could change dramatically depending on wind direction and availability of prescribed medication.

  20. (3) William Pierce couldn’t communicate with his own family. That is an excellent example of how getting too isolated, alienated, and ideological is counterproductive both to the cause and your own personal life.

    Just so we have a better idea of your knowledge of family life, how long were you married? How many kids did/do you have?

    Let’s just be honest and cut to the chase, shall we? The “failure,” Pierce, was able to gain a pretty good sized following. Even if you consider him to be alienated from all those “normal” people out there, he still commanded respect and a following from X amount of people. How many people could Hunter Wallace and William Rome combine forces and put into venue for a one day event on racial preservation? Could you fill a football stadium? A movie theater? A high school lunch table?

  21. Hunter Wallace,

    Have you ever heard of the word ‘sophistry’? Do you know understand the meaning of it? Do you know that sophistry is the refuge for scoundrels and dishonorable men?

    Your last ‘argument’ has as much value as the following sophistry: Hitler had no wife and no children, how anyone could even consider him as a decent man who cared for his race; If he did, he would marry a nice Aryan woman and produce as many healthy Aryan babies as he could.

    Yes, that is exactly what I am saying: William Pierce couldn’t compete with Hollywood and CNN for the attention of his own wife and children. Neither can you. If you think that you are in control of the world outlook that exists in the heads of you wife and your kids, provided you have any, who are subjected to unremitting bombardment of brainwashing every minute of their lives, you are sadly mistaken.

  22. “Yes, it’s the likes of William Rome and Hunter Wallace that are paving the way for true White racial preservation. Didn’t you get the memo? Pffft! Dude, the entire Internet is talking about it.”


    “Hunter” is so condescending I doubt that he even talks to “the little people” about race realism.

    Talking to lemmings is a waste of time. Why does he want us to waste our time? Hmmmm

    Most White lemmings who are/will become race conscious will never want to talk about it. They will just act on it. There will be no more groups or meetings formed where the Jews can infiltrate and control it. Most people have figured out the wolf in sheep’s clothing tricks. Maybe this is why Hunter is so frustrated.

  23. Celestial Time,

    If you must know, I am working on that.

    I’ve been dating the same girl for months now and things are going very well on that front. That was one of the major reasons I moved back to Alabama. We go out with friends on the weekend and enjoy an ordinary social life here.

    We’re going to Amren in Charlotte in February. Why don’t you show up there with your wife and children?

    As for William Pierce, he succeeded in building a large following among alienated people scattered across America, the majority of whom were already White Nationalists.

    I have criticized that model.

    Instead, I have chosen to work within the mainstream through a whole slew of groups in Alabama that I have gotten involved with lately, and quickly found out that I could have a lot more success with this approach.

    It is so easy to write articles for your local newspaper or walk into your local church, gym, Tea Party, Republican Party, alumni association, gun rights group, Southern heritage group, volunteer group, service group, wildlife preservation organization, etc.

    All you have to do is meet people, network, build friendships, gain trust of the leaders. It is not hard to become a “pillar of the community” and establish yourself as credible figure.

    That’s how you gain access to the people who live in your local area.

    Hell, I can host a football party at my house, grill out, and get more people to show up and socialize in my backyard than I ever could by dropping NA fliers at the local Wal-Mart.

  24. Celestial Time,

    If Adolf Hitler himself was going to speak at the Superdome, people like yourself (Trainspotter is another) would be too chicken shit and afraid to actually show up.

  25. Hunter Wallace: Hell, I can host a football party at my house, grill out, and get more people to show up and socialize in my backyard than I ever could by dropping NA fliers at the local Wal-Mart.

    I have no doubt that you can, HW. By dropping NA fliers at the local Wal-Mart you could probably get 0 people. So simply by barbecuing with your girlfriend you get infinitely more people than 0. Indeed, in order to get 1, we would have to multiply 0 by 0/1 which = infinity. How is that for sophistry?

  26. should read: Indeed, in order to get 1, we would have to multiply 0 by 1/0 which = infinity. How is that for sophistry?

  27. If you must know, I am working on that.

    I’ve been dating the same girl for months now and things are going very well on that front. That was one of the major reasons I moved back to Alabama. We go out with friends on the weekend and enjoy an ordinary social life here.

    I thought you already had a kid and were supposedly married or going to be married at one point. Am I thinking about a different person, or did one of your alter egos throw that out a while back?

    Regardless, if you do presently have a girlfriend, I hope it works out for you. Everyone needs that kind of connection.

    As for William Pierce, he succeeded in building a large following among alienated people scattered across America, the majority of whom were already White Nationalists.

    Yes, he succeeded…whether you caste them as alienated people or not is irrelevant. A mass of people acting solely out of racial preservation. Not college football or any other sideshow event. If you were not a failure compared to him, then you should be able to amass a proportionate amount of followers considering your target audience is the other 95% of the population that isn’t “alienated” and was not targeted by Pierce.

    You can’t really convince anyone to follow you on the premise of Race. That’s your life, your failure, and that sting you feel is reality biting you in the ass.

    It is so easy to write articles for your local newspaper or walk into your local church, gym, Tea Party, Republican Party, alumni association, gun rights group, Southern heritage group, volunteer group, service group, wildlife preservation organization, etc.

    Yeah, I know.

    Hell, I can host a football party at my house, grill out, and get more people to show up and socialize in my backyard than I ever could by dropping NA fliers at the local Wal-Mart.

    You do that. Then get them to post here in under Hunter Wallace’s success stories.

    I don’t mind Celestial Time.

    He spends all his time hanging out on my website because no one reads his own.

    Which website? I have two dozen or so. Honestly, I’ve already stated that I don’t read your blog for GOPish overtones; I read for the chance that there are others out there that call you out on it.

    If Adolf Hitler himself was going to speak at the Superdome, people like yourself (Trainspotter is another) would be too chicken shit and afraid to actually show up.

    Why would I be chicken shit? I’m not a huge fan of Hitler, btw.

  28. I thought you already had a kid and were supposedly married or going to be married at one point. Am I thinking about a different person, or did one of your alter egos throw that out a while back?

    Years ago, I was very concerned about protecting my identity because trolls were attempting to harass me in real life. I created a back story to throw them off my trail. This was after I started receiving harassing phone calls. I had to change my phone number.

    At one point, some idiot got my old address and sent a box of black pornography videos to my house. Something called “Black Expressions.” I had to send it back through the mail. It was a hassle to do so.

    This has since become less of a concern.

    Regardless, if you do presently have a girlfriend, I hope it works out for you. Everyone needs that kind of connection.

    It’s going great.

    This girl has a six year old daughter. I had to help her put up a Christmas tree over the weekend. I have always shrank from the idea of raising somebody else’s kid. The father involved is a deadbeat who has nothing to do with his child’s life.

    I do plan on having kids of my own at some point. Ideology will also definitely take a back seat to them. I’m not going to end up like HAC or William Piece in that regard.

    You do that. Then get them to post here in under Hunter Wallace’s success stories.

    Several of them lurk here all the time.

    Which website? I have two dozen or so. Honestly, I’ve already stated that I don’t read your blog for GOPish overtones; I read for the chance that there are others out there that call you out on it

    I only know of two.

    What are the URLs?

    Why would I be chicken shit? I’m not a huge fan of Hitler, btw.

    I don’t think you would show up to hear Adolf Hitler or William Pierce or David Duke speak in Nashville.

    Yes, he succeeded…whether you caste them as alienated people or not is irrelevant.

    Oh that matters.

    It is not in the least irrelevant that Pierce’s followers were alienated and unable to communicate with their peers. That is true of any political organization whatsoever.

    If you were not a failure compared to him, then you should be able to amass a proportionate amount of followers considering your target audience is the other 95% of the population that isn’t “alienated” and was not targeted by Pierce.

    It is easier than you think.

    My attention is focused on the local area. This blog is something more like a hobby now. It is not the primary focus of my efforts like it was in Virginia.

    I learned in Virginia that most of the loudmouths on the internet don’t believe their own bullshit. They are just venting their frustration from the privacy of their own homes. I obviously have in mind someone here who lives in Richmond.

    You can’t really convince anyone to follow you on the premise of Race. That’s your life, your failure, and that sting you feel is reality biting you in the ass.

    That’s not the case at all.

    I myself was raised to be racially conscious. I’m from an area where White racial conscious is still to this day mainstream. My friends and family back home are all racially conscious. Anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of Whites in Alabama are explicitly racially conscious.

  29. Ivan,

    If you make White Nationalism seem fun, normal, and entertaining, your response rate will dramatically increase. I don’t organize political events.

    Instead, I will just hold a BBQ (like I did with the Iron Bowl) where racial commentary is a part of the conversation, along with the sports, beer, and entertainment. The people invited discern they can speak openly with others about their racial views.

    We’re going to grill some steaks, watch a game, drink some beer, throw around a football, have someone play a guitar, maybe ride some four wheelers and talk about politics.

    Women are going to be there.

    There will be flags (Confederate Flag) and colors at this event: red and white (Alabama Crimson Tide) and orange and blue (Auburn Tigers).

    I have never really thought of it as an “implicit rally,” but I suppose you could call it that: a cultural event where pro-White political views are just a normal and accepted part of the discourse. Mainstreaming White identity.

    My “Iron Bowl” rally was more successful than the “Stand in the South” in Knoxville. Not one leftist kook showed up there. I met all sorts of local people who I didn’t know before.

  30. “I have never really thought of it as an “implicit rally,” but I suppose you could call it that: a cultural event where pro-White political views are just a normal and accepted part of the discourse.

    And what are these White Folks really there for? It is to watch negro athletes right?? Cam Newton?

    This shindig sounds almost as disgusting as that Glenn Beck rally where he praised Martin Luther King!!!

  31. “Hunter” telegraphs: We’re going to Amren in Charlotte in February. Why don’t you show up there…?

    “As for William Pierce, he succeeded in building a large following among alienated people scattered across America, the majority of whom were already White Nationalists.”

    “Hunter,” when you say ‘we’re going to Amren in Charlotte,’ does that mean that William “Fuck Pierce!” Rome will be there, too?

    You know, “Hunter,” Charlotte is in North Carolina, my old stomping grounds. When I joined Dr. Pierce’s Alliance back in ’92 there were just 3 dues-paying members in good standing in North Carolina, but when I left NA ten years later there were nearly 100, all networking and pretty much reading from the same page, with little deadhead; and that doesn’t count all those members in South Carolina, the state where many say Charlotte is their capitol. I was the National Alliance Membership Coordinator for two years, then, after I left the “bunker,” I was Dr. Pierce’s Regional Coordinator for the Carolinas for another eight or so years after that. I had met and evaluated nearly all of our North Carolina members. We knew what we had. We had five Local Units across NC, including one in Charlotte.

    I remember one picnic/cookout we had in a Charlotte city park facility where we had such an impressive showing of wild-eyed, “alienated misanthropes, losers and failures” come to that gathering that the nignog park dwellers scattered like roaches in short order. Maybe it was our loud music, or maybe the Confederate flag somebody from Chester Doles’ North Georgia Local Unit raised? (Chester has 11 children, BTW, and he communicates all right with them all. Odd, huh?) It was more likely just the way we comported ourselves like ladies and gentlemen that caused the Blacks to clear out. In our little “personality cult” we always tried to act in a manner that would make our Chairman proud of us and of our good works.

    You and brave William “Fuck Pierce” Rome would not have been running your foul hobbyist mouths in that real world Charlotte venue the way you do here.

    I’ll pass the word and your picture down the grapevine that y’all will be in Charlotte in February. A lot of those alienated “losers, kooks and failures” Pierce attracted are still scattered close to where you’re going to be. There’s a good chance some of them will want to talk to you and William “Fuck Pierce” Rome about why you characterize them and Dr. Pierce the way you do for this hobby of yours. Where will y’all be staying? Will you be using your real names or the fake ones you use here?

    You know, Charlotte is cold in February and the roads can be iffy. You might want to just stay in Alabama and watch your niggers play ball.

  32. “Hunter” boasts: “…Celestial Time spends all his time hanging out on my website because no one reads his own.”

    CT responds: “Which website? I have two dozen or so. Honestly, I’ve already stated that I don’t read your blog for GOPish overtones; I read for the chance that there are others out there that call you out on it.”

    I’m with you there, CT. I saw you are in Nashville. I’m in Johnson County, TN, myself. I enjoy reading your postings here, Particularly when you call out the raging runt, “Hunter” on his narcissistic, admitted hobbyism.

    You have two dozen Web sites? How do we find them? You can contact me through http://noncounterproductive.blogspot.com/

    I just Googled images, ‘narcissistic rage’ and that picture of chubby “Hunter,” hiding behind the skinny tree, in that yellow T-shirt, popped up.

    “Narcissists suffer from narcissism (see Recognize a Narcissist). Narcissism relates to an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself, especially in one’s physical appearance or mental endowments.”

    Narcissistic rage
    “Narcissistic rage, as the name suggests, occurs when a narcissist goes into a rage. This happens when the narcissist suffers a psychological wounding of his essential self. Such a blow to his core identity will typically lower his self-esteem and produce feelings of humiliation, shame and rage.”

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    “Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association, is the handbook used most often in diagnosing mental disorders in the United States and internationally…

    Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-IV-TR)
    “A narcissistic personality disorder as defined by the DSM is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:” (see those five indicators, here:
    http://www.winning-teams.com/definitions.html#narcissisticrage )

    This is the indicator for NPD that reminded me most of “Hunter,” with all his bad-mouthing of “WN” betters:

    Character assassination
    “Character assassination is an intentional attempt, usually by a narcissist and/or an enabler, to influence the portrayal or reputation of someone in such a way as to cause others to develop an extremely negative, unethical or unappealing perception of him or her. It typically involves deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts, the spreading of rumours and deliberate misinformation to present an untrue picture of the targeted person, and unwarranted and excessive criticism.”

  33. Will,

    (1) You had ample opportunity to meet us at the CofCC conference in Nashville back in June. The same was true of Biological Racist. We even called that guy on the way back to Charlottesville specifically to get him to meet us in Knoxville.

    (2) I’m fairly certain I am going to Amren in Charlotte in February with some friends from Alabama and Georgia.

    (3) I also have some friends in North Carolina who will likely be there. Some are involved with the Oath Keepers.

    (4) If I go to Amren in February, I will even tell you what hotel I am staying at.

  34. “Hunter,” I was attending CoCC conferences a good ten years before you say you decided to become interested in “WN.” Amren conferences, too — and Populist Party conferences ten years before that. You’re trying to go where I’ve already been — except that you are going backwards, toward the herd. That’s what you get when you get off the path of strict, uncompromising racial preservation.

    I’m curious. You say you pump iron at your gym every day and that you’re all buff now. How tall are you? I have a theory, based on this from Wiki:

    “Napoleon complex is an informal term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people, especially men, who are short in stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the term include Napoleon syndrome and Short Man syndrome.”

  35. Will,

    I just got back from the gym. I usually get to the gym about 7 PM CST and leave about 8 PM. I also run or swim an hour a day depending on the weather and to keep my knees in good shape.

    I go to the gym six days a week. I’ve stuck to that schedule for almost a year now. I started on January 22.

    It was around July though (after I had developed the habit) when I really began to pick up the intensity. I haven’t missed a single session since July 9th which as of today is five straight months.

    I’m built like a tank now. Quit proud of myself.

  36. It’s going great.

    This girl has a six year old daughter.

    I do hope you be careful with single mothers, it is VERY common for them to deliberately get pregnant when a new guy who looks promising comes along. Amongst women lying about being on birth control is the rule, not the exception. Just make sure your on top of everything thats going on and no decisions are made that you didn’t anticipate beforehand. Getting dragged into leftist-feminist run “Family” Court by a vengeful ex-girlfriend shaking you down for child support can push any man over the edge. A truly nightmare scenario I’ve seen happen over and over again.

  37. Will Williams to HW: “How tall are you?”

    My guess, he’s taller than Napoleon and shorter than Tsar Peter the Great.
    But, Napoleonic complexes aside, what’s height got to do with it?

  38. Trolls – oh yeah, we’ve got trolls… got not so worthy WOG Muslim trolls with Russian names, bitter old ex soldiers, carrying on from llong disolved national organizations that never seemed to organize many back in the day. Yeah, yeah, we’ve got trolls.

  39. Will,

    (1) I wasn’t hiding behind any tree. That’s a lie. It was just the angle of their camera.

    (2) I sat on a bench and talked to them for about twenty minutes.

    (3) I confronted them (twice) when most White Nationalists were too chickenshit to do so.

    (4) While I was overweight in June, that is not the case in December. Even in June, I was rapidly losing weight.

  40. Nightowl says:
    December 12, 2010 at 6:07 pm
    My oh my, anyone following the story of the Viking-Giants game being moved due to damage to the Metrodome from the blizzard? Good judgment has not prevailed at the NFL. They moved it to Detroit which is currently being hit by the very same blizzard that whacked Minnesota. I’m a few hundred miles to the southwest and the wind and snow are furiously whipping at my window as I type, I see the same wintery mix on the radar extending across the whole region. Why the heck didn’t they take up the Saints offer to host it New Orleans tomorrow night? The ultimate clincher is the NFL, without a brain in their head, had just invited the whole city of Detroit to a free game on Monday night. I can just imagine the cell phone network is ringing off the hook in the Detroit hood right now, you know how blacks get whenever anything is FREE. Remember the last time a bunch of underclass blacks were let into an NFL domed stadium? The negroes did more damage to the Superdome than Katrina. While I don’t imagine anything of that magnitude happening at Ford Field tomorrow night, it will be an unruly crowd to say the least.

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