Race Realism and College Football

How should White Advocates regard their alma mater?


I’m still trying to recover from a nasty hangover.

I must have drank a six pack of bottled water over the past three hours. Undoubtedly, thousands of Alabamians, especially those in East Alabama, are waking up this afternoon with the same regrets about all the partying we did last night.

Yesterday, I made the trek from Birmingham over to Atlanta to watch the Auburn Tigers play the South Carolina Gamecocks for the SEC championship. It will suffice to say that Auburn had a lot riding on this game: the SEC title, the Heisman Trophy, a shot at the BCS national championship in Arizona.

Never before has Auburn run the table in college football.

This is a year that AU alumni will never forget. If you have ever lived in this state, you know how seriously its people take their traditional pastime, especially the rivalry (reputed to be the biggest in the country) between its two major public universities.

In Iraq, you are born a Sunni or a Shi’ite. In Alabama, you are born an Auburn fan or an Alabama fan. That’s just the way things are down here.

Cam Newton Comes To Town

I don’t know of anyone in Alabama without an opinion on Auburn’s star quarterback, Cam Newton.

If your tribal colors are crimson and white, your views are probably negative. If your tribal colors are orange and blue, they are likely to be positive. This debate has been rehashed a million times over in Alabama and across the South.

Newton is remarkable for two things: his incredible athletic talent on the field and the endless scandals that have plagued him off the field. Both share a common denominator.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Cam Newton story, it goes something like this: a few years ago, Newton was a backup quarterback at Florida, but choose to leave the school after being overshadowed by Tim Tebow who returned to play for the Gators in his senior year.

Newton was arrested for purchasing a stolen laptop at Florida. It has also come out that he attempted to pass off another student’s paper as his own. Eventually, Newton left Florida under a cloud of suspicion and relocated to Blinn College in Brenham, Texas.

As a quarterback at Blinn, Newton led the Buccaneers to a junior college championship. He was heavily recruited by other SEC schools and eventually wound up at Auburn under Gene Chizik.  Newton has since led Auburn through an undefeated season that has shattered all sorts of records in college football.

Throughout the second half of Auburn’s season, a scandal has plagued Newton that has been the talk of the college football world. The NCAA ruled earlier this week that Newton’s father, Cecil Newton, had conspired with a Mississippi State booster in a pay-for-play scheme.

No money seems to have exchanged hands, but it put a question mark over Newton’s eligibility to play for several games. The embattled Auburn team shrugged off the accusations and continued to chalk up new victories.

The Iron Bowl

That was the status quo heading into the Iron Bowl: the annual rivalry game between Auburn and Alabama.

Everyone in Alabama knew heading into the game that this Iron Bowl was going to be something special. Alabama was playing at home in Tuscaloosa as the defending national champions.

Cam Newton was leading an undefeated Auburn team into enemy territory with a shot at the Heisman Trophy, SEC title, and the BCS national championship. In order for Auburn to advance, Newton would have to take it all away from Alabama before the most hostile crowd anywhere in the country.

When Newton hit the field in Tuscaloosa, Alabama fans dumped a shower of monopoly money on him. The DJ broke a signed agreement between the two schools and played songs like “Take the Money and Run” and “Son of a Preacher Man.”

Alabama had won over 20 straight games at home. The Crimson Tide dominated Auburn in the 1st half and rolled over the Tigers to take a 24-0 lead. Bama QB Greg McElroy was playing the game of his life.

Alabama fans were ecstatic. Text messages were flying across the state.

Then Auburn mounted the greatest comeback in school history to outscore Alabama 3 to 28 and win the Iron Bowl 28-27. Alabama fans had left the game at halftime to celebrate only to learn after the fact that Auburn had won.

It was not a pleasant night in Tuscaloosa.

The SEC Championship

After defeating Alabama, Auburn had one major obstacle left in its way on the road to the national title: Steve Spurrier and the South Carolina Gamecocks in the SEC Championship.

South Carolina was playing in the biggest game in school history. The Gamecocks were also coming to Atlanta to avenge their season crippling loss to Auburn earlier this year.

Everyone in Auburn expected a close game. The Tigers had only narrowly squeaked out a 4th quarter victory over the Gamecocks in September. Almost every game Auburn has played year has been a nail bitter.

It wasn’t even close.

Auburn destroyed South Carolina, 56-17. The highlight of the game was a 51 yard hail mary pass from Newton with seconds left before halftime. The ball was tipped but was caught by an Auburn receiver in the endzone for a touchdown.

From that point forward, Cam Newton and the Auburn offense ran away with the game. Having seen Auburn play so many times before, I had a hard time believing they could win so decisively, but this season has been full of surprises.

Collision Course

The Auburn Tigers are going to the national championship. They have been on a collision course with the Oregon Ducks for weeks now.

Now it is official: Auburn and Oregon are going to Glendale, Arizona on January 10 to play for the national title.

Oregon has its own share of scandals and character issues. Their star player, RB LaMichael James, was arrested earlier this year for domestic violence after he attempted to strangle his girlfriend. Like Cam Newton, LaMichael James’s obvious character defects hasn’t impeded his running ability on the field.

James leads the nation in rushing yards. Newton is the best quarterback in college football. The stats are pretty clear on this point.

The White Right and College Football

Should racially conscious Whites follow integrated college football or other spectator sports like baseball and basketball? There are some strong opinions about the issue.

The most familiar and tenaciously clung to view is that integrated sports are degenerate spectacles of negro hero worship that are marketed to dimwitted Joe Six Packs. For that reason alone, pro-Whites should reject following sports like college football and spend their time cultivating, say, an interest in esoteric fascism or historical revisionism.

An alternative view is that White Americans are going to follow their favorite teams anyway and that self imposed isolation from the mainstream is counterproductive and leads to a failure to communicate. White Americans watch popular Hollywood movies every year. Writing movie reviews is one of the few ways that White Nationalists have been successful in reaching out to a wider audience.

Is there really a difference between writing a review of a movie like Avatar and writing a review of the BCS national championship game? I don’t think so.

In Alabama and Oregon, far more people are talking about college football right now than popular Hollywood movies. It is also easier to approach non-racialists about the Tigers and the Ducks and steer the conversation in a racial direction than it is with movie reviews.

Race Realism and College Football

White Advocates have failed to appreciate that college football is an excellent way to introduce their peers to race realism. Unlike Hollywood movies where Morgan Freeman plays the president, god, or a top scientist, college football is real and its players suffer from real flaws.

Here in Alabama, I often like to throw a football around with my friends and discuss the latest games. As recently as a year ago, I didn’t realize all the opportunities I had been missing or how my own alienation was hampering my ability to spread my racialist views.

Now I have learned how to exploit the team principle to my advantage. Instead of dismissing college football as an arena for boobs and morons, which is futile, I use my knowledge of the subject to make racial points in a way that connects with the experience of my audience.

The Team Principle and Effective Communication

As an Alabamian, a Southerner, and an Auburn alumni, I belong to various communities which consist of millions of White people. As a college football fan, I can talk to millions of ordinary White people about a subject in which they have an encyclopedic level of knowledge.

I try to put all these identities to good use now.

As an Auburn alumni, I am on the side of other Auburn fans. I can throw around a football and say things like: Cam Newton is a great football player, undoubtedly one of the best of all time, but he is like all these other blacks who play the game. They are good at throwing around a football, but not so great at the ACT or staying out of trouble with the law.

With the Alabama fans, I will say things like: Scam Newton is a great quarterback, he can run the ball, but he isn’t a student athlete like Greg McElroy. Bo Jackson was another great Auburn player with a lot of heart, but he couldn’t read until he got to college.

With Georgia fans, I will say that Aaron Murray is a great quarterback who shows a lot of promise. Georgia would have had a better season if A.J. Green (the Bulldogs’ star wide receiver) hadn’t been suspended for four games for selling a jersey. The Auburn players also embarrassed their school in the Georgia game by acting like a bunch of hoodlums.

With Florida fans, it is easy to appeal to the memory of Tim Tebow and draw unfavorable comparisons with Cam Newton, who left the Gators to shine in the national spotlight at a rival team. Tebow is well known for his character and the role of faith in his life. This is not an area where Cam Newton has earned much respect or acclaim in either state.

How can I talk to White Alabamians about René Guénon?

Shut Up, Blend In

To my surprise, I have found that “shutting up” and “blending in” has only made me far more effective as a White Advocate. I can put on an Auburn Athletics t-shirt, hit the gym, and come across as a normal, well adjusted White Southerner with commonsense racial observations about professional sports.

I can make a few points about race and football and have a room full of people nodding with me in agreement.

Alternatively, if I were to parade around Toomer’s Corner in a Neo-Nazi uniform passing out fliers about the evils of Cam Netwon (as an outspoken alienated outcast) and the impending collapse of the United States, I would undoubtedly find myself facing a much more hostile reception. I would be written off and ridiculed as a kook.

I would fail to communicate. I would fail to sway anyone to a more racially aware point of view. Having nothing in common in my audience, I would be on the outside staring in through the glass instead of on the inside making progress with my peers.

Your alma mater is too valuable of an asset to let it go to waste. As an Auburn Tiger, Tennessee Volunteer, Oregon Duck, or Michigan Wolverine, you already have one foot in the door with your target audience.

If you exploit the team principle and partisanship effectively, you will enjoy more success in reaching out to and communicating with your friends and neighbors. In the long run, winning over more Whites to a racial point of view is all that matters, not who wins a football game. If football helps us communicate White America, we should take full advantage of our opportunities in this area.

War Eagle!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am not a sports fan, really, but I do use the same technique as Hunter. I work in a bluecollar environment (although my involvement in church and local politics have provided me with a whitecollar/middleclass social network) and I generally take the time to skim the sports headlines so that I can be a part of the conversation. That way I blend in reasonably well and can influence people a lot better.

    Fun fact: my workplace is about 50% White, 40% Hispanic and 10% black. I have influenced several White people by slowly turning “innocent” discussions in the right direction, but the only ones who have made anti-black comments on their own, are the Mexicans!

  2. When I talk to Auburn fans as an Auburn alum and college football fan, I can get their attention. I come across as someone who is on their side who shares their interests. We have something in common.

    When people identify with you and share your interests, they will light up and listen to what you have to say. When you make a point to emphasize you are not on their side, they will write you off, or dismiss you as a kook.

    This is one of the biggest problems with White Nationalists. They are so alienated that they lose touch with the culture of ordinary people. This quickly becomes an obstacle and results in a failure to communicate.

    The best political advice I can give anyone is “shut up” and “blend in.” Learn something about the habits and mores of your neighbors. You can use the things you have in common with them to raise controversial issues as a friend and an authority figure.

    In Alabama, this means sports, hunting, religion, politics, and music.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with your “engaging the mainstream” approach. For years it has been frustrating for me watching pro-whites isolate and alienate themselves with extreme rhetoric and actions.

    I don’t have the writing talent to have a blog myself, honestly, but if I did I would discuss all sorts of things besides politics. Of course, politics is important and you’ve written impressively detailed posts about it lately, but the point is to get as many viewers as possible. Focusing on some pop culture entertainment occasionally, for example, would attract an audience who might glaze over with the nauseating world of politics.

    There’s a blogger named Whiskey that I’m sure some readers have heard of. He’s unfortunately a total neocon when it comes to muslims and jews, but from what I read in the past he”s written some good things about the anti-white male and feminist programming on television.

    Roissy, as most people also know, writes about Game. Some people like Game, hate Game, think he’s a degenerate, whatever, but he and his writers may as well be white nationalists. They have the same views. The point is he’s reaching an audience that may have never sought out a pro-white blog and are now being exposed to these views. I think he has a large readership, talking about Game was the gateway.

    OneSTDV does follow some pop culture stuff, but I find his style too dry. Not surprising though since he is an HBD guy. They tend to be like that.

    Alt. Right is interesting. But they do tend to drown in intellectualism.

    So if I had a blog, along with politics I’d talk about pop culture shit too and from a pro-white perspective. People like to read about it. It’s entertaining. Like, as a random example, how hip-hop and it’s influence has ruined popular music in America…and award shows. Ever watch a music award show? It’s one rapper/diva after another. Garbage. Or crap that goes on in television. Recently I watched a mini-series called The Walking Dead about zombies on AMC. Wasn’t too bad initially, until they introduced some villain characters. Everyone one of the villains was stereotyped as an obnoxious, retarded racist white southern “hick” with absolutely no redeeming value. All the other characters on the show, a diverse cast with an Asian, Hispanic, Black, females, were wonderful, virtuous people. It was one of the most offensively and blatantly anti-white male garbage I’ve seen in awhile.

    Is any of this stuff of life and death importance? No. But it is part of the propaganda that is ruining America, and it does attract readers who may not be initially into reading about politics, and will then be exposed to your informative political posts. I think one of the most popular posts on OD was the one about the white woman who was raped by a black man, and then blamed white men for it. Remember that? lol.

    Of course, the important thing as that you are a great writer and have penetrating insight, so people would find your thoughts on these matters interesting. Like what you did in this post about sports and college football.

  4. “When people identify with you and share your interests, they will light up and listen to what you have to say. When you make a point to emphasize that you are not on their side, they will write you off, or dismiss you as a kook.” Hunter Wallace.
    Like Aristotle said, who you are (ethos), and who’s side are you on (pathos), take precedence over what you have to say (logos).
    This is why many people are anti-liberal, without being right wing. If they think that the guy on the tube telling them that homo marriage and Mexican immigration are good things is not on their side, they will not be convinced. Even if they can’t come up with compelling logical reasons to oppose those policies, they will refuse to accept them.
    This is why politicians pretend to be what they are not, claiming to prefer corn liquor to champagne (Martin Van Buren), dressing in overalls (Calvin Coolidge), or wearing jeans and flannel shirts, or having their picture taken on a Harley Davidson (John Kerry). Convince the people that you’re one of them, and they just might gladly go to war against a bunch of Sand People for you.

  5. It would be better if Whites boycotted these Negro filled games of bread and circuses. If you must be into sports play some arcade sports video-games instead, with entire rosters of White players.

    Sadly this whigger following just plays right into their playbook:

    “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions.

    By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party.

    In America we will aim for subtle victory.

    While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.


  6. Hunter,

    Though I am one of those “anti-spectator-sports-purists,” I think that if you enjoy college spectator sports and can talk intelligently about them, and then use this is a jumping-off point for our views, you are doing a valuable service to us.

    You are definitely right that there is a tendency among us to do things that will get us ostracized, and many of us are loners. The thing is, life in the high tech world is interesting enough for a high IQ individual that one can be a more or less “successful loner” whereas in past societies one had to be an intimate part of a group to survive, whether it was a group of farmers, or sailors, or soldiers. And so we have these high tech loners who become ideological purists. Ideological purist loners are a natural phenomenon in this day and age, and they do have both positive and negative lessons to teach us, but for our views to make progress in this late hour, we must SOCIALIZE with people around us, and, to paraphrase Ingrid Michaelson, “take (them) the way they (am).”

    Got to try any and all approaches.

  7. The same principle can be extended across almost any form of entertainment. In Alabama, it also helps if you can talk to people about hunting and fishing and other outdoor activities that are popular here.

    It is just easier to turn a conversation in a racial direction with college football than almost any other subject. Everyone knows who the players are. The team principle is involved.

    The major problem White Nationalists have is coming across as weird before they can string together two sentences. It is getting beyond the “us” versus “them” perception.

    When you blast Christianity, praise North Korea, advocate the destruction of America, and spend most of your time glorifying fascism, this instantly triggers the “them” box before you can really start making your argument.

    Anything that you can use to position yourself as being “on the side” of your audience is helpful. It makes people more receptive. They lower their shields.

    Sports teams are the best example of this. Blind partisanship is too useful to go to waste.

  8. Many good points here. But there are still dangers of falling in to the heard of goyim. If you are part a large crowd worshipping athletic Black Negroes who are “dating” white cheer leaders, don’t be surprised if you find yourself part of the crowd cheering the latest patriotic war against Iraq/Iran and having some Christian Zionist mega church preaching that the Jews are God’s chosen people and America must take in millions of Haitian, Somalian “refugees” to fulfill God’s mission for America as the last beacon of hope and freedom in the world.

    Hunter are you able to get new mainstream Auburn fans to check out castefootball usa web site? Maybe we need a sports/football oriented web site that isn’t quite as overt as castefootball usa.

  9. I think the key point of Hunter’s article is:

    Engage local whites in your area, show them that you are like them and that you do indeed like them and you’re on their side. Then, they will listen to you on other race related subjects when you show that you know what you are talking about.
    When David Duke was at his peak, he had a huge following because regular Whites in his local area knew he was on their side (past racial activism) but at this time David Duke looked very good, spoke very well and regular White folks projected themselves in to him – he didn’t come off as something weird, strange, alien.

  10. Sports teams are the best example of this. Blind partisanship is too useful to go to waste.

    Absolute BS! American sports teams and a good majority of their followers are idiots. It’s almost impossible to get any sizable number of pro-White advocates from a pool of dipshits that live vicariously through the TV. They’ll talk about being pro-White one minute, then turn around and lavishly praise the new recruiting class led by Tyrone and LaShawn. I guess a father pushing his son or daughter into a line to get an autograph and picture taken with a barely literate “superstar” is a great way to groom the next generation of miscegenators.

    I spent years in venues and on sports related websites dealing with sportaholics. Been there, done that.

    Hunter, if you’re so successful with connecting with these people, then why not have them post here on your website? Let everyone see the fruits of your labor.

  11. Maybe we need a sports/football oriented web site that isn’t quite as overt as castefootball usa.

    Several websites, spread over several niche markets. A single website isn’t going to cut it. Granularity is needed more than anything, not a visibly symbolic middle finger.

  12. I am a big sports fan, but I am also now much more cautious about financially supporting sports after becoming more familiar with the anti-sports arguments. I still watch on TV, however, and have no plans to stop. Using sports as a gateway into race realism without appearing like a crank is a great idea, and any sport can be followed on TV without paying money to feed the machine. Obviously there is no reason to write off all sports fans as bread and circus retards. Such attitudes are dumb, immature and unproductive. Most of these people are not retards. They are just unaware of the reasons for not supporting sports. If you give a White man a rational argument for not doing something, he might respond to it. No one is going to respond to condescension.

  13. ‘American sports teams and a good majority of their followers are idiots.’

    Agreed. But, if our people are going to survive, we’re going to need every white idiot we can get. I would submit to you, CT, with all due respect, that this particular elitist attitude is what the ‘idiot’ reacts against, not necessarily your message. People are not such idiots that they can’t detect condescension and contempt in what we say. But, if we can just cultivate in ourselves a sincere interest in and love for our poor deluded people, who are all around us, it will go a long way towards attracting them to our cause. Which is what we all want, right?

    Hunter, another great post I will be able to put to practical use, considering I have a large extended family filled with rabid Nebraska Cornhusker fans. Thanks.

  14. High culture is also very integrated. The last time I saw Madame Butterfly, Cio Cio San was played by a Chinese soprano. Yo Yo Ma is also one of the world’s top cellists and Itzhak Perlman one of the top violinists. Does this make the White Gentiles and nationalists who enjoy the cello and violin retards? Should they discourage their kids from taking an interest in music because Jews and other non-Whites participate at the highest levels? The answer is obvious to me.

  15. Agreed. But, if our people are going to survive, we’re going to need every white idiot we can get. I would submit to you, CT, with all due respect, that this particular elitist attitude is what the ‘idiot’ reacts against, not necessarily your message.

    You should spend a little less time reading Hunter’s current steaming pile of “mainstream,” and spend a little more time analyzing the history of “Hunter’s” own elitist tendencies, lies, and provocations. The last thing I am is “elitist.” I worked my ass off for everything that I have. I just don’t beat around the bush when something is glaring obvious and needs to be said. If Hunter wants to prove what kind of great resource these zombies are, it’s his blog, so he should start getting these wonderfully receptive people to come here and post. There are millions and millions out there, let’s see just a fraction of a fraction of a fraction actually dare to speak about race while cheering on “their team.”

    I don’t have a disconnect from people in the real world. I’m a hell of a lot more well adjusted than someone like Hunter. Condescension on a sparsely populated website does not equal a condescending attitude out in public. The few somewhat racially aware people I know who are die hard sports fans are extremely wishy washy when it comes to actually getting behind anything that might be considered “Racist.” On the other hand, the people that I know whose moods and views aren’t swayed by whether or not “their team” won this week are more receptive to race-based politics and speech. I speak about what I KNOW, MY EXPERIENCES. Capiche?

  16. High culture is also very integrated. The last time I saw Madame Butterfly, Cio Cio San was played by a Chinese soprano. Yo Yo Ma is also one of the world’s top cellists and Itzhak Perlman one of the top violinists. Does this make the White Gentiles and nationalists who enjoy the cello and violin retards? Should they discourage their kids from taking an interest in music because Jews and other non-Whites participate at the highest levels? The answer is obvious to me.

    How is it relevant or even rational take something seen as High Society and White/European and compare it to the current state of ghetto American sports?

    When a normal American sees a Jewish person behind a cello, do they see a Jewish person or just simply a White person? When they see a deadlocked black guy dribbling a ball or running a touchdown, do they see White or Black?

  17. I think that Celestial Time is right that many die hard sports fans who ought to know better turn wishy-washy when it comes to race. How do these people square their enthusiasm for pro or college football with the reality of Darkdom? They don’t, they just look the other way.
    One of the great advantages of sports as a weapon against Whites is that it is one of the few non-sociopathic endeavors where Blacks can actually compete, popular music and dance being the only others that come to mind. A society that held engineers and biologists or writers and painters in the highest esteem, rather than runners and jumpers and butt-shakers and howlers, could not sustain a culture of Negrophilia. It is the idolization of Negro-friendly activities that allows many people to blind themselves to the ineptitude of that race, which is reason enough to shun them. Even if there were no Blacks at all in this country, I’d think that getting wrapped up in spectator sports is a waste of time. Still, these games are awfully popular, so if anybody wants to use football or what have you as a means to enlighten White people on racial reality, let them have at it.

  18. CT, The comparison is relevant because one element of the anti-sports argument is that Whites should not support sports because they’re integrated and many of the top performers that everyone admires are not White. The problem is that there are high performing non-Whites involved in many spectator activities. So, if appreciating Kobe Bryant’s basketball play contributes to Negro worship, why doesn’t appreciating Yo Yo Ma contribute to Chinese worship, or to Jew worship in the case of Perlman? There is no difference in principle between the two. The orchestra chambers are filled with Asians and Jews. Any nationalist should be able to separate appreciation for the violin from the fact that Perlman is Jewish; likewise, any nationalist should also be able to separate appreciation for basketball from the fact that Kobe Bryant is Black. Reasonable people can disagree of course. I just don’t see much difference in principle there. When I run into a White person who likes Kobe Bryant, my default assumption is not this a retarded Negro worshipper. I wouldn’t conclude that without further evidence just as I would not automatically conclude someone who likes Perlman is a Jew worshipper not worth engaging with racial arguments.

  19. For those who just can’t find a way to bond with large numbers of White goyim/cattle who are addicted to watching endless hours of Black Negro dominated college football games, with endless light beer commercials on TV – here’s a pro White alternative:
    Promote NHL hockey, minor league hockey and college hockey.
    The TV networks don’t feature minor league hockey and college hockey, but these all White sports have very loyal overwhelmingly White fan bases. Hockey is popular in the South – Dallas, Phoenix, St. Louis, now Nashville and the minor league hockey team in my area North West of Chicago Rosemont Wolves – sell out. It’s a much less expensive night out, women like the fights.

    If you are in an area like football crazy SEC South – sure, go to football parties, be “one of the boys” but also do some promoting of other sports where the players are more like us and educate White American football fans what happened with soccer in the UK, Europe where England and France let their teams become mostly Black African and Arab and the teams did very poorly against countries like Spain, Germany, Holland which kept their national and professional teams much more White Spanish, White German etc.

    There is the huge danger that racially awakened Whites like Hunter want to retreat back to the heard and be around mostly carefree White folks(Goyim) who don’t worry or think about racial problems – they seem happy and carefree… but are often clueless and easily deceived and manipulated by the ZOG TV, corrupt Christian Zionist church leaders, Neo Cons etc.

    George W. Bush managed to make it through life by being “one of the boys” – was a male cheer leader and drunk frat guy at Yale, presented himself to Whites in Texas as “one of the good ol boys” – not some bookish, wonk intellectual. George Bush just never seemed to think about serious issues like what would happen after he gave full US citizenship to 1–20 million non White illegal aliens. And the average White Southern football fan is probably a good guy with decent racial views on immigration, crime, politics – he’s just not going to want to be bothered with serious issues as long as he has lots of football, beer, Dallas Cowboy style cheer leaders jumping up and down showing their boobs.

  20. When I run into a White person who likes Kobe Bryant, my default assumption is not this a retarded Negro worshipper.

    That’s funny, because when I run into a White person who likes someone like Kobe Bryant, my own personal observation has been that they more closely resemble this:


    Yep, the estrogen-filled cries of “Oh my god!! Oh my god!!” are White guys creaming their little panties over a black man who dribbles a basketball……….It all reminds me of a song/spoken word by Nicole Blackman/KMFDM:

    All we want is a headrush
    All we want is to get out of our skin for a while
    We have nothing to lose because we don’t have anything
    Anything we want anyway
    We used to hate people
    Now we just make fun of them
    It’s more effective that way
    We don’t live
    We just scratch on day to day
    With nothing but matchbooks and
    Sarcasm in our pockets
    And all we are waiting for
    Is for something worth waiting for
    Let’s admit America gets the celebrities we deserve
    Let’s stop saying “Don’t quote me
    Because if no one quotes you
    You probably haven’t said a thing worth saying

    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    We all just want to die a little bit

    We fear that pop culture
    Is the only kind of culture we’re ever gonna have
    We want to stop reading magazines
    Stop watching TV
    Stop caring about Hollywood
    But we’re addicted to the things we hate
    We don’t run Washington and no one really does
    Ask not what you can do for your country
    Ask what your country did to you

    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    The only reason you’re still alive is because someone
    Has decided to let you live
    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    We owe so much money we’re not broke, we’re broken
    We’re so poor we can’t even pay attention

    So what do you want?
    You want to be famous and rich and happy
    But you’re terrified you have nothing to offer this world
    Nothing to say and no way to say it
    But you can say it in three languages
    You are more than the sum of what you consume
    Desire is not an occupation
    You are alternately thrilled and desperate
    Sky high and fucked
    Let’s stop praying for someone
    To save us and start saving ourselves
    Let’s stop this and start over
    Let’s go out
    Let’s keep going

    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    This is your life
    This is your fucking life America
    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside

    Quit whining you haven’t done
    Anything wrong because frankly
    You haven’t done much of anything
    Sex, drugs, God, cash
    Sex, drugs, God, America
    Someone’s writing down your mistakes
    Someone’s documenting your downfall

  21. It’s funny because caste football is the only thing I find interesting about sports. It shows you where the real game is being played while the tards are running around on the field.

  22. “I must have drank a six pack of bottled water over the past three hours.”

    Hunter: I thought you were a Christian?

    You must have missed the following verse:

    “Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.”

    Careful, drink too much and you’ll get hydrocephalus: “water on the brain.”

  23. Celestial Time,

    (1) Over 50 percent of Whites in Alabama are already explicitly racially conscious.

    (2) There is no contradiction between race realism and college football. At least around here, it is the easiest way to introduce people to the subject. It is very easy to grasp that blacks might be good football players while not being scholars.

    (3) As it happens, one of the most popular pro-White bloggers on the internet is a fellow Auburn alumni and college football fan.

  24. Jack Ryan: “Hunter are you able to get new mainstream Auburn fans to check out castefootball usa web site?”

    Never heard of Caste Football until today. I am still reviewing it, but it strikes me as great site. I will be sending White sports fans there for sure.

  25. CT: “run into a White person who likes someone like Kobe Bryant, my own personal observation has been that they more closely resemble this:”

    Well obviously that person is not typical. Very few sports fans are going wait around on the street at 1:30 in the morning to see any player Black or otherwise. You can’t make generalizations about most sports fans because of someone like that.

  26. Hunter,
    I understand and support your moves to go “mainstream” to get away from drop out, loner, alienated White Nationalist cult that isn’t being successful.
    And sure, most Whites in the South follow college football.

    I have to ask you one thing though – are you old enough to remember some “conservative” Christian movement called:

    “The Promise Keepers”?

    This movement was started by some ex college football coach and he would pack football stadiums of men and get them to cry and repent of their sins to become better husbands and fathers and one of the biggest sins featured was the….

    The Sin of RACISM!

    White men would come by the tens of thousands and hold hands in football stadiums and cry and repent of America’s sins of RACISM and some featured White men would hug some celebrity Black guy, cry and ask his forgiveness for the horrible RACIAL history of America…

    So you can see why some of us are just a little bit leary of these mass football stadium gatherings worshiping Black Negroes, where the White thinking individual is submerged in to a mass crowd and the masses in most cases aren’t doing the Nuremberg rally for our side.


    So Hunter, please re-assure your readers that you aren’t looking to rebuild the “Promise Keepers” and renounce your own sins of RACISM.


  27. If the Promise Keepers are active around here, I have never heard of them. I don’t know of anyone who would go into a stadium and cry either about “racism” and “slavery.”

  28. When I run into a White person who likes Kobe Bryant, my default assumption is not this a retarded Negro worshiper.

    Well, I don’t really care about basketball much, but after that obscene spectacle where LaBron James made to announce he was cutting out on Cleveland to go party down on South Beach, I’m rooting for Kobe to beat that “dream team” this time around.

  29. The people who sound like Celestial Time usually look more like this:

    None of those people look like me or act like me. I’m about the size of an NFL strong safety, with the speed of a FS, and I also don’t have a habit of acting like an idiot out in public. Would you like to try again?

  30. Good points on both sides of the issue. I just cannot stand the obsession and hero-worship this country has with sports. No matter how murderous the Ray Lewis or animal abusive the Mike Vick, the masses with their selective reasoning lionize these vicious thugs (Note how Vick has strung together a few decent games, and the MSM is beating the drum to name him MVP). They have more allegiance to their team than family, in some cases.

    If you can make it work, hell, run with it. God knows we don’t have a lot of options. But being a father with a young daughter, there is no way I’m going to walk around adorned in a football jersey like some clown, with obligatory illiterate-nigger-superstar name embroidered on back, just to cozy up to unawakened jock-sniffers. I’ll pursue other mainstream avenues.

    Here’s a particularly revolting link to what the agenda truly is with integrated sports:

  31. Little historical perspective, the PKs were a wishy washy bunch of Christians, but they were on a huge roll, able to fill stadiums. Well anyway the lib media played the race card on them for the lack of blacks in the audience, and from there their downfall was measured in weeks. The PK leadership went into footwashing mode with blacks and its followers ran as fast as possible, because of that fact I knew all was not hopeless with white men.

  32. Jack Ryan

    Point of information for you about European football:

    The Dutch national side have had n*ggers in it since the eighties, they’re at least as bad as the English national side in that regard. In the recent World Cup final, about athird of their side was ethnic. The German, Spanish and Italian sides have been all white until recently.

    A n*gger has recently been selected for Spain and some Italian comrades told me it’s a matter of time there too. Germany of course have a few, Boateng whose brother played for Ghana represented Germany in the last world cup.

    In rugby, Scotland selected their first monkey in the recent Autumn internationals.


  33. Supporting these Black athletes also allows them to live on-campus.

    Personally I don’t want Blacks on campus and milling around the dormitories hitting on White co-eds.

  34. On a similar note, I couldn’t help but notice all the whites dominating the NFL’s most high powered offense tonight. Brady, Welker, Woodhead, that Polish tight end as well as the TE Hernandez, who likely has quite a bit of western european blood in him, and not to mention the overwhelmingly white, dominate o-line. Wonder what loudmouth Randy Moss on the now out of the playoffs Titans was thinking?

  35. CT,

    What I was referring to as your ‘elitism’ has nothing to do with whether or not you’ve earned your own way. It has to do with your sneering, red-neck loathing, I-am-so-superior tone. Moreover, condescension voiced here, towards fellow whites no less, IS condescension in public. People who are brand new to WN views do come here, (me, for example) and they would never get the idea from your writing that you give a rat’s ass about them, or their concerns, because you’re so busy telling them how stupid they are.

    The vast majority of white people are just like me. They identify with fly-over country, not the coasts. Most have never seen the inside of a college classroom. They like fast food. They’re not vegans and couldn’t care less about global warming. They own guns. They like SUV’s and pickups. They like Wallmart. They live in trailer parks and dream about having a small acreage someday. They’re much too busy trying to earn a living and raise their kids to think deeply about politics, or anything else for that matter. They are vaguely aware that the whole world, including their sneering white ‘leaders’, seem to hate their redneck guts; but they don’t know why, and in their good-hearted, well-meaning way, they’re convinced it’s all a big misunderstanding. They would agree with Rodney King: ‘Can’t we all just get along?’. Most of them would say they’re christians, even if they don’t regularly attend church. And, yeah, to escape a rather drab existence and the reality of a declining standard of living, they like to watch football, basketball and baseball on the jew-tube.

    Understand me, CT, these are my people. I know them warts and all, and I also know they need to wake up and start defending themselves. But I’m telling you, if we make a habit of talking down to them, we will never convince them. EVERYONE talks down to ‘poor white trash’, and they’re sick of it. Hunter may be everything you say he is, I don’t know, but at least he’s willing to meet white people where they are. Rome wasn’t built in a day. A white ethno-state won’t be built in a day, either. We have to start where we are, with the people we have. But if we are to regard the people we have as hopeless idiots, where does that leave us? Why even try, if that is the case?

    I appreciated the poem as well, thanks for sharing it.

  36. HW’s tactics are right for this time and place. The decisive problem is the Current (Jew) Regime. Not blacks, Not Latinos. Not Asians. Not even vapid, sports-loving whites. They’re just the bought-and-paid-for stooges of the regime. First win politically/militarily, then do the racial shake-out. That dope in Berlin awhile back lost precisely because he prioritized wrong.

  37. Why all this defeatism? Sports are at an all time low in cultural impact. It’s only going to get worse for sports.

    There are almost no black NFL players that are household names. The only household names in the NFL are Tom Brady, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning and maybe his brother.

    The NBA is almost bankrupt. They have to fix games. Making the NBA almost all black shows how sloppy blacks are at team sports. The have to bend the rules just to make it watchable.

    The NFL has also gotten really bad since they pushed the black athletes. Missed tackles, dropped balls and penalties up the ying yang. The sport is becoming a joke.

    Hockey has never been better. Which is why they don’t televise it and will not let any team become too dominant.

    So why worry? Because some Whites won’t stand up with you? They won’t stand up for anyone; not the Jew, the Negro or themselves. That’s progress! I remember when Whites actually defended these pukes!

    Change happens slowly, but it happens. Wishy washy is good, for now. It’s only a matter of time before the Jew goes down hard. They’ll be back to collecting rags in no time. Blacks are already scared of what’s coming next.

  38. FYI:
    “The founder of [the Promise Keepers], Bill McCartney, used to be a football coach at the University of Colorado, where I got my doctorate, and his daughter used to love the Black players on his team.”

    For those OD readers who weren’t around the so-called WN scene 13 years ago, that’s “Bunker Bill” Pierce, imparting to his independent-minded, albeit alienated, White ADV listeners what they needed to know about the pussified PK crowd.

    Dr. Pierce continues telling us about coach McCartney and his PKs:

    “[McCartney] seems to be proud of the fact that he now has two non-White grandchildren sired by different members of the team…He has an affirmative action hiring program for his organization which has resulted in his office staff being fully one-third non-White. He has vigorously recruited non-White directors for the governing board of the group. At Promise Keepers rallies held anywhere near the Mexican border, he literally buses in thousands of mestizos to add “racial diversity” to the audiences. He talks about the meaninglessness of borders. His meetings often feature Jewish, Black and other non-White preachers, and he uses posters and banners picturing Whites and non-Whites together.

    “And he always plays the White racial guilt card. At a meeting of 30,000 men, nearly all of them White, held in the New Orleans Superdome last summer, McCartney complained about the lack of non-Whites in the audience. “Where are the men of color?” he asked. And then he continued, “I want to tell you why they’re not here. There’s a spirit of White racial superiority that exists in this nation. It’s an insensitivity to the pain of men of color. We have not been washing their feet. We have not been feeling their pain.” Whenever the opportunity presents itself, McCartney will get down on his knees, pull off the shoes of any Black within reach, and give a personal demonstration of foot-washing.

    “Now, it’s really not important whether one marches toward the New World Order with a copy of the Bible in one’s hand, or a copy of Das Kapital. It doesn’t matter whether one’s admission pass is signed by Jesus or by Karl Marx. [See, Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin by Dietrich Ekert, the Leader’s mentor — translated from the German by Dr. Pierce 40+ years ago.]

    “I really hate to say bad things about anyone that the feminists don’t like, but the fact of the matter is that the Promise Keepers, on the basis of their racial doctrines alone, are a dangerous and destructive group…

    “Racial egalitarianism and the encouragement of racial mixing are not the only problems with the Promise Keepers. There’s something basically unhealthy about these people — I might almost say unmanly. When I watch a group of them doing their thing — holding hands and rocking back and forth with their eyes closed and praying aloud — I become distinctly uncomfortable. I mean, these are grown men. Why are they doing this? Is this religion? Or is it some sort of feel-good group therapy?

    “The whole thrust of the Promise Keepers’ doctrine bothers me, with its emphasis on guilt, confession, self-flagellation, submission, and the washing of Black feet. I realize that there are different currents in Christianity which have come to the fore at different periods in history, but there’s something distinctly un-White, something essentially Levantine rather than European, about the current in the Promise Keepers’ doctrine. I really don’t like this soft and weepy “forgive me, oh Lord, for I am a sinner” approach to the problems we are facing as a race when what’s needed is the vigorous use of a whip to drive the destructive and unhealthy elements out of our society.

    “Even if we had to deal only with the problem of trying to repair the damage which has been done to the American family and oppose the feminists who are largely responsible for that damage, and even if we had to deal with this problem in a Christian manner, we wouldn’t need the Mother Theresa approach of the Promise Keepers; we would need instead a much firmer approach. I believe the situation we are in calls for the attitude of the 13th-century papal legate who was asked by a military leader attacking a city in southern France — a city which was a stronghold of heretics — how his soldiers could tell who was a heretic and who was not. The papal legate answered simply: “Kill them all. God will sort them out.”

    “I don’t believe that we need to take a religious approach at all to fixing America. However, when dealing with radical feminists, I do believe that the proper approach is closer to that of the papal legate in 13th-century France than it is to that of Mother Theresa. They are an incurably sick bunch.

    “There’s something else that bothers me about the Promise Keepers. It’s the style as well the content of their doctrine. Let me go back to what I mentioned a minute ago about their penchant for holding hands and weeping and confessing their sins to strangers in big meetings. These things are not just incidental or peripheral. The men in Promise Keepers are told that this sort of behavior is not only acceptable, but it is necessary. It is a constant at their meetings. It is the central feature.

    “What this reminds me of more than anything else is so-called “sensitivity training,” a brainwashing technique that is very effective with a certain type of person with a weak sense of personal identity, a low level of self-esteem, and a strong need for group acceptance. It is a technique that can be used very effectively to change many people’s ideas and behavior. The Communists mastered the technique back in the 1920s and 1930s and used it on a huge scale. The public confessions they obtained with the method are notorious. Today the U.S. government and many businesses use the technique to force White people to change their attitudes on racial matters. Cults also use the technique to control the thinking of their members. It makes zombies of people: the right sort of people, that is, people who are susceptible to the technique.

    “I am alarmed by the fact that there are so many of our people who are susceptible. This is a time which demands strength from us. The problems we are facing require every bit of manliness we can muster. Among the attributes of a man are a sense of personal dignity, of self-worth, and of self-reliance. This is true of a White man whether he is a Christian or not. The sort of self-abasement we see at every meeting of Promise Keepers is contrary to our concept of manhood. It is much more in accord with the feminists’ idea of what a man should be like: weepy and submissive…”

    More, here: http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs9712b.html

  39. Jump forward to 2010. The miscegenationistic Promise Keepers of the late 1990s has been supplanted by Oath Keepers, who, the founder of Real Oath Keepers, a nutcase Xian “vanguardist” named Adam Austin, says is run by a Jew, Stewart Rhodes. My, My! What a revolting predicament.

    See, “Oathkeepers vs Real Oathkeepers- I’m confused” @

  40. What I was referring to as your ‘elitism’ has nothing to do with whether or not you’ve earned your own way. It has to do with your sneering, red-neck loathing, I-am-so-superior tone. Moreover, condescension voiced here, towards fellow whites no less, IS condescension in public.

    Let’s just make a list and see how much you actually don’t know, Mr. These Are My People:

    * I grew up surrounded by black people
    * I was closer to the poverty level than middle class
    * Didn’t grow up in a trailer, but had friends in a few trailer parks, even a girlfriend
    * I live in Nashville, TN, NOT “the coast”
    * Never been to college
    * Grew up either playing sports or watching it 90% of my free time
    * I’ve spent more of my working life underneath a house or sweating to death in an attic than I have sitting in front of a computer
    * I shop at Walmart….when I have to
    * I’m not a Vegan
    * I drive an SUV
    * I live on about 3 acres
    * I have a hunting license and fishing license
    * I own plenty of firearms
    * I fish and have fishing equipment I haven’t even used yet
    * I have a 3′ x 5′ Confederate Battle Flag in my home
    * I have Gadsden shirts, hats, flag
    * Was a member of the SCV
    * I own books that range from Quantum Mechanics to The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South

    There’s really nothing you’re going to tell me about “your people” that I don’t already have first-hand knowledge of. The difference might be that you haven’t lived through enough pain and suffering to know when “your people” are about to pass their event horizon. When you’ve watched enough neighborhoods and institutions that have White people ‘excuse me’ and ‘pardon me’ away their identities, you become a little less worried about those who get offended at the notion of racial preservation, and much more concerned with those who have the balls and determination to push aside the idiotic world of vicarious hero worship.

    If a guy can support American ghetto sports AND still reserve a higher amount of energy and resources for the preservation of his culture/nation/race, then fine. More power to him. But that’s not the reality of the current state of sports glorification. The majority of these people live for The Game of the Week, with little regard to The Creeping Death that they merrily support, both emotionally and financially. Whether they just don’t care or are too self-absorbed to even notice, I still call them IDIOTS. If that sounds “elitist,” well, that’s because it is. If everyone played dumb-dumb, White Americans would consist of nothing but a bunch of grown men and women wearing [black superstar] jerseys while their country slowly rots away. Go get a jersey, blend in, I’ll call you an idiot as well. I might be a Racist, but I’m a fair one, and a consistent one as well.

  41. Leon says:
    December 7, 2010 at 5:02 am
    On a similar note, I couldn’t help but notice all the whites dominating the NFL’s most high powered offense tonight. Brady, Welker, Woodhead, that Polish tight end as well as the TE Hernandez, who likely has quite a bit of western european blood in him, and not to mention the overwhelmingly white, dominate o-line. Wonder what loudmouth Randy Moss on the now out of the playoffs Titans was thinking?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Yes, I noticed the exact same thing – and have always liked the Whiter, less jive nature of the Patriots offense. It seems like the Patriots had/tolerated Randy Moss for longer just to deflect from the certain all out attacks of the PC anti White forces for being so White.
    The fact that they had that quick White receiver Welker and then they added a very short dynamo White running back must certainly raise eyes.
    When the Patriots are playing in cold weather at home, they are MY team and I think there is a good strategy we all can follow using Hunter Wallace’s “blend in” advice.

    Root, root for the local NFL team even if it is very Black, jut can’t be all Black. But, make the Patriots or some other Whiter team your 2nd team and stress to the White folks at the NFL party or on the bar stool next to you how much you like the Patriots because they play out doors, have quaterbacks and receivers that don’t doing stupid embarrassing things, finesse the racial issue just a bit, but yeah, root, root for the White side, if they don’t win it’s a shame and often in sports like the Soccer World Cup, the White sides do great.

  42. CT,

    I appreciate your measured and restrained response. I thought I knew you; but I admit now I didn’t have you pegged at all. I don’t have a jersey or a cornhusker hat, and I’m not going to buy either, but I prolly will continue to blend in and influence when and where I can. But we don’t have to see everything the same way, as long as we’re on the same side. I’m glad to know more about you. It sounds like you’ve been in the trenches a long time. I’m thankful for your perseverence on behalf of our folk. Peace?

  43. Where shall the madness end?

    1.) Hunter Wallace supports Nimrata Randhawa, er Nikki Haley! ( http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2010/08/26/the-outsiders-the-governor-races/ )

    2.) Hunter Wallace watches Black athletes in tight spandex running at high speed back and forth a large field (sounds gay!)

    Whats next?

    Should Whites be encouraged to become whiggers and listen to Eminem to relate to the lemmings? After all he just got alot of grammy nominations! right? jeez.

  44. Hunter Wallace says:
    December 6, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Caste Football is a great site. We link to them.

    I remember years ago reading a rather funny article there about “the black quarterback” with a picture of a sneering Jamarcus Russell. What were the Raiders and Tennessee thinking wasting their first round picks on black quarterbacks, that never works out. Thank heavens the NFL only has a few of them yet, I’d hate to see how boring it would be if offense became nothing more than “The Option” where some little black QB who can’t throw the ball zig-zags out to the perimeter and tosses the ball softball style to another black. To play QB at a high level in the NFL takes years of experience, not easy to get when you run the ball constantly and injuries sideline you after just a couple seasons. I’m sick to death of hearing all this euphoria about “the redemption” of Michael Vick. He ain’t fooled me, no black who is serious about reforming their criminal ways would go around with that beady little goatee. Facial hair is a signal of criminality amongst blacks, no honest Oreo Cookie wears a goatee. It’s only a matter of time till Vick gets into trouble again.

  45. Found these entertaining quotes about ball game fans by Dr. Pierce that someone collected from his American Dissident Voices broadcasts:

    “…Not Joe and Jill Sixpack, of course. Not the couch potatoes. They never notice anything. They’re too busy watching ball games…”

    “…And when they do overthrow a government, there won’t be any ball games for a while, so even the couch potatoes may pay attention long enough to help the serious people hang the politicians and the media bosses — and that’s something that really needs to be done in the United States soon…”

    “…The founder of the group, Bill McCartney, used to be a football coach at the University of Colorado, where I got my doctorate, and his daughter used to love the Black players on his team. He seems to be proud of the fact that he now has two non-White grandchildren sired by different members of the team…”

    “…To make any impression on their consciousness something needs to be repeated over and over again for months. It has to become a cliché in the mouths of their favorite sports stars and soap-opera actors before it has any meaning for them…”

    “…Probably the most surreal thing about all of this is that the general population continues about its business as if nothing were amiss. People continue driving to work every day; they continue shopping in the supermarkets; they continue watching ball games on television; they continue putting money in the bank so that they’ll be able to send their kids off to places like Harvard or Yale, which are at the very center of what’s wrong with the world today. One might think of them as sleepwalkers, so tied up in their personal dreams that they are oblivious to what is really happening in the world around them…”

    “…They don’t pay much attention to anything except the ball games, really…”

    “…Last month, at Southwest Texas State University, in San Marcos, Texas,
    three Black football players were arrested for raping two White female students in one of the dormitories. This sort of thing happens at our multicultural universities all too often these days, and the usual reaction of the media and the university administration is to hush it up…”

    “…Of course, in healthier times there would have been no rapes, because there would have been no Black football players on the campus…”

    “…They idolize Black street thugs, Black film stars, and Black sports figures…”

    “…That first reason, which probably applies more strongly to democracy in
    the United States than anywhere else in the White world, simply tells us
    that we should expect a democracy to work better when we have a
    responsible, intelligent, moral, and racially conscious electorate than
    when we have an electorate of overweight couch potatoes, basketball
    fans, trendy airheads, and hymn-singing bigots…”

    “…Our schools and our cities will become more jungle-like; our popular culture will become more alien, more debased, more Negroid and more Mexican and more Asian; the behavior of our politicians and our sports and entertainment stars will become more animalistic; our government will become even more corrupt…”

    “…It may seem really complicated when we look at all of the details:
    brainwashing in the schools, brainwashing by the government, brainwashing statements to us by all of the most ambitious politicians and all of the most glamorous entertainers and sports stars and all of the spokesmen for the mainstream churches, brainwashing by the big advertisers who want us to buy their products — and brainwashing by all of the controlled news and entertainment media…”

    “…The Republicans
    already were nervous about continuing with the impeachment process against Clinton after the lemmings had shown in the election results earlier this month that they were more interested in getting back to their ball games and funny papers than in having the law enforced…”

    “…The last thing in the world they want is for the White couch potatoes
    and sports fans to wake up and pay attention to what’s happening…”

    “…As long as they can go to the mall and charge whatever they want on their credit card, as long as they can watch whatever ball game they want on TV, they believe they’re free. More than that, if their TV tells them they’re free, they believe it…”

    “…They are too busy with their ball games and funny papers…”

    “…And of course, the polls will encourage them to do just that, not so much because the voters want to save the system from further embarrassment, but because they want to get back to their ball games…”

    “…In the last days of the Republic, the votes of those qualified to vote in the public assemblies were bought with bread and circuses, with food stamps and ball games…”

    “…The Congress, of course, is continuing to do its constitutional duty by proceeding first with the impeachment and now with the trial in the Senate, despite the clamoring of the mob to let Clinton off the hook and get back to doling out the food stamps and ball games…”

    “…They demand their ball games. They demand their food stamps and their welfare checks. But they don’t give a damn about justice. They really don’t. Remember, I’m not talking about everybody. But I am talking about the majority of the American voters…”

    “…But, you know, I’ve found it difficult to become very excited about the Olympics — or surprised about any hypocrisy or crookedness associated with the games — ever since basketball became one of the official Olympic sports…”

    “…And this business of making the Gentiles more “tolerant” — more puttylike — has been only one part of the Jews’ remodeling program on our palace. Virtually all of the dishes set before us now are dishes of their preparation: prepared in our kitchen with our resources, but according to their recipes, so as to suit themselves. They have gotten their filthy hands on everything that used to be ours and changed it until it is unfit for us. Our art, our music, our literature, our history, our morals, our cinema, our sports, our life-styles, our ideals, our schools, our family life, our child-raising practices, the relations between our sexes, our government: you name it; they’ve changed it…”

    “…Such a tolerant government they have given us; such a wonderful and sensitive President, who feels our pain; such marvelous sports heroes — Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson and Mike Tyson — to be idols for our kids; such brilliant men running our news and entertainment media —
    Disney’s Michael Eisner and Time Warner’s Gerald Levin and Universal’s Edgar Bronfman and MTV’s Sumner Redstone — all busy keeping us entertained and informed…”

    “…And for dessert there’s “Holocaust” remembrance cake with a nice icing of Black basketball players, Black football players, and Black talk-show hosts…”

    “…Do you want to tell them why you gag at the sight of Black basketball players on cereal boxes, and why you’re sure you’ll vomit if you’re forced to choke down even one more slice of “Holocaust” remembrance cake?…”

    “…And really, as long as the lemmings still can buy their horoscope magazines at the checkout stand and watch their ball games on television and keep their fiberglass speedboats in
    their driveways, they will believe they are free…”

    “…About half of the American public will support mindlessly anything their government does — so long as the ball games and the “entitlement” checks keep coming and Mr. Clinton keeps telling them he feels their pain…”

    “…They continue watching their ball games on TV and shopping in the malls, while the government they elected murders their kinsmen in Europe…”

    “…Perhaps they’ve been too busy watching their ball games to notice that…”

    “…Just keep the ball games on TV — and the “entitlement” checks in the mail — and they’ll cheer for the folks signing the checks and broadcasting the ball games…”

    “…They have succeeded in invalidating the moral contract which used to exist between America’s soldiers and her civilians, just as they invalidated the
    concept of popular democracy when they put together a majority coalition
    of welfare rabble, non-Whites, homosexuals, feminists, and ball-game fans under their control which could elect something like Bill Clinton to the White House twice in a row, even though everything about the man offended decent and responsible Americans…”

    “…You and Abe will be surprised when you find out how many of us haven’t been spending all our time watching ball games…”

    “…These are the 400-pound housewives with plastic hair curlers that you see in the supermarkets with their slack-jawed, beer-bellied husbands stocking up on enough beer every Friday evening to get them through a whole weekend of TV ball games. And these are the air-headed twits who buy the celebrity tabloids at the checkout stands…”

    “…They figured they could bomb Belgrade into rubble, and the yahoos wouldn’t notice, as long as it didn’t interfere with their ball games…”

    “…They just sit on their couches and watch the war on TV, then switch channels to the ball game…”

    “…It’s big news for weeks when Timothy McVeigh blows up one building in Oklahoma City, but when our government, using our armed forces and our tax money, blows up dozens of buildings and kills hundreds of people every day in Serbia, the news is just ho-hum stuff; it’s likely to be pre-empted by a basketball game…”

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