![David Wojnarowicz's "Fire in My Belly"](https://i1.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/crucifix-2_1776282c-300x187.jpg?resize=300%2C187)
District of Corruption
Pat Buchanan has drawn my attention to the latest scandal brewing in the culture war between Red America and Blue America. This comes at a sensitive time when White Americans are gearing up to celebrate the Christmas season.
Here’s the gist of the story: the National Portrait Gallery, one of the Smithsonian art museums in Washington, is hosting an exhibition (the most expensive in history) called “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in America,” which is described as “homoerotic” and “a show about gay love.”
As part of the exhibit, “Hide/Seek” contained a short video called “A Fire in My Belly” by someone named David Wojnarowicz, a homosexual artist who died from AIDS in 1992, which was dedicated to his gay lover and partner Peter Hujar, another artist who died from AIDS in 1987.
The controversial video shows ants crawling on a crucifix for eleven seconds. It then cuts to the mouth of a man being sewn shut, a gruesome picture of Jesus, a cockroach, and Wojnarowicz taking his pants off, playing with his genitals and and masturbating on camera.
The description tells of Wojnarowicz’s “poetic, yet furious, condemnation of the way greed, religion, and selfishness conspire to label certain people as outside the scope of our caring.” It says nothing about the fact that he wouldn’t have contracted HIV in a monogamous heterosexual relationship:
“A portrait of the video’s creator David Wojnarowicz, buried up to his face, is also in the exhibit. The catalog description says of the image: “Here, on the brink of a premature death, Wojnarowicz is at once disappearing peacefully into the American landscape and being violently suffocated by it.”
In his book, Wojnarowicz fantasized about shooting blowdarts dripped in HIV positive blood into the necks of Christians and conservative politicians who are said to have “murderous intentions.” America, you see, was “violently suffocating” him:
“… and I’m waking up more and more from daydreams of tipping Amazonian blowdarts in ‘infected blood’ and spitting them at the exposed necklines of certain politicians or government healthcare officials or those thinly disguised walking swastikas that wear religious garments over their murderous intentions.”
Bill Donahue and the Catholic League didn’t like “Fire in My Belly” and protested this outrageous example of taxpayer funded homosexual revenge porn. Eric Cantor warned the Smithsonian to “be prepared for serious questions come budget time.” John Boehner has called for the Smithsonian to shutdown the exhibition or “be prepared to face tough scrutiny.”
The Gallery folded and removed the Wojnarowicz video while standing its ground on the larger exhibit.
The Pink Narcissus
“The Pink Narcissus” remains on display. The National Portrait Gallery’s description for the video says, “The film is a surreal portrait of the youth’s emergence into gay life, his coming out symbolized by the metaphor of a caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly.”
A boy as a butterfly: your tax dollars at work.
Blue America Reacts
The removal of the offensive video was hardly the end of the matter.
The Washington Post has weighed in to decry “self-appointed censors” and “political pressure.” The removal of “Fire in My Belly” is “highly disappointing.” In their words, it is “a platform for cultural debate” and shouldn’t be “the target of a misguided political vendetta.”
Blake Gopik mounted a hysterical defense of the video from the pages of The Washington Post style section. “Hide/Seek” is “crucial” and “courageous” and “a first of its kind.” He gave the whole exhibit “a rave review.”
According to Gopnik, “Fire in My Belly” is not the problem at the National Portrait Gallery. The real problem is the Norman Rockwell exhibit just down the hall. That is what should get the boot. He can’t stand the nostalgic view of America that Rockwell presents.
“Rockwell’s vision of “Freedom of Speech,” . . . doesn’t invoke a communist printing his pamphlets or an atheist on a soapbox. It gives us a town hall meeting of almost interchangeable New Englanders, no doubt agreeing to disagree about something as divisive as the rates for those new parking meters. For this, the Founders risked powder and ball?”
As a “man of ideas,” Gopnik goes on to call for Washington’s art institutions to “have the guts to mount the video” in “a rare redemptive moment.” Artists have the right to express themselves. Those who don’t like it can vote with their feet.
“A great museum is a laboratory where ideas get tested, not a mausoleum full of dead thoughts and bromides.”
If Gopnik can’t handle Norman Rockwell, I somehow doubt he would support a Triumph of the Will exhibit, or a remake of The Birth of a Nation. A laboratory of ideas for thee, not for me.
Andrew Sullivan thinks Jesus “exemplifies” the suffering of homosexuals dying from AIDS. He died on the cross for homosexuals. Christians don’t understand their religion and are engaged in “an assault on our humanity.”
Predictably, The New York Times has also chimed in as the definitive and authoritative voice of Blue America. In their eyes, the removal of the homoerotic video is “an act of political cowardice.” This exhibit is nothing more than a set of “culturally challenging images.” Some of the most important roles of art and of museums are to “challenge, disturb and enlighten” the masses.
Translation: the role of public museums is to “challenge, disturb and enlighten” White Christians and shock and scandalize Middle America. Offensive books, videos, and images which “challenge, disturb and enlighten” our elites (i.e., Passion of the Christ) and their “protected classes” must be kept out of the public sphere.
Protests and Hearings
To their credit, Republicans in Congress are showing signs of growing a spine and are threatening investigations to put a stop to this nonsense. The deficit hawks are swooping in to take advantage of the growing backlash and recession to target the Smithsonian with budget cuts.
Meanwhile, homosexual protesters are charging the National Portrait Gallery and using civil rights era tactics to “reintegrate” the video into the exhibit.
No one in Middle America is going to respond well to the “Piss Christ,” “Fire in My Belly,” or “Charles Devouring Himself” as a free speech cause. On the contrary, it will be seen as a provocative, antagonistic gesture that exemplifies the hypocrisy and contempt of our patronizing, progressive elite toward White America and its Christian values.
The same thought police and nanny staters who are always demanding that we show “sensitivity” and “understanding” and “mutual respect” to other cultures are absolutely determined to gut and tear down the foundations of our own civilization without ceding so much as an inch of ground.
Glorifying mentally disturbed homosexual perverts like David Wojnarowicz is just one means to this end.
Of course all this is being done by the Lords of the Earth in the name of our own “progress” and “enlightenment.” The Frank Richs and Christian Landers of the world are far superior to all of us “hayseeds” and “rednecks” and “bigots” and “racists” who live out here in Real America. They never miss an opportunity to flaunt their imagined sense of superiority over the rest of us.
Vanguardists: The Other Side of the Coin
After dredging through this news cycle, I can’t help but observe that there are some people in the White Nationalist movement who sound almost identical to homosexual freaks like David Wojnarowicz or liberal scolds like Blake Gopik. The “lemmings” video above was uploaded less than nine hours ago on YouTube.
David Wojnarowicz’s ants on the crucifix paen to his dead AIDS infested boyfriend brings to mind a Big Von essay from a few years ago. I found a copy of it on a website called “National Futurism.” Hoffmeister talks of pulling his pants down so that ants can enter his anus and a recurring dreaming of being a woman:
“I pull down my pants, so that the ants can enter my anus. The tickling sensation of the ants entering my anus makes me giggle. I am sure I read somewhere that having ants settle down inside your body will make you less of an individualist prick. I want to belong and the ants entering my anus will help me achieve this goal. Finally I shall become a member of the group that I am a part of. My ethnic interests demand that I subjugate myself to the process of having ants enter my anus. The ants form a collective. One of them grows really large, and Clint Eastwood as the pilot of a fighter jet has to destroy it.
When I was a man, I dreamed of being a woman. Now I dream of being a man. Sometimes I dream of being neither. And then I dream of being either. Is a man a woman, and is a woman a man? Are both sexes like a plug and an outlet? Is the connection severed when the plug is pulled out? The cowboy moaned in a dusty bedroom above a bar in Butte, Montana.”
There is a thriving discourse out there among alienated vanguardists who also use terms like “lemmings,” “patriotards,” “booboisie,” “Jesus freaks,” “X-tians,” “flaggots” and so forth to ridicule and attack “the wrong sort of white people.” They are of the same mindset of their SWPL brethren.
They also look down their noses at their fellow citizens. Some vanguardists see themselves as a vastly superior elite and entertain wild fantasies of a collapse of civilization after which they expect rise to power and become “a new aristocracy.” Everyone else is a stupid conformist who watches spectator sports.
The Myth of the Lemming
In reality, the “lemming” has always been a myth. Ordinary people are nowhere near as gullible or slow as vanguardists claim they are. They are entirely capable of seeing through the liberal media bias and pointing out the contradictions in the prevailing narrative.
![Gallup on Lemmings](https://i0.wp.com/sas-origin.onstreammedia.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/hnpx9zpqeu-wgfmg1rqpna.gif?resize=564%2C279)
The legitimacy of the mainstream media has collapsed to the progressive ceiling. The backlash to “A Fire in My Belly” is just the latest example. No one but Blue America takes MSNBC or the NY Times Op Ed page seriously anymore.
I could point to other examples like Newsweek being sold for a dollar, the declining circulation of newspapers, the rise of the Tea Party, or politicians like Sarah Palin ignoring “the drive-by media” and directly connecting with their audience through Twitter and Facebook. It is has never been easier for the so-called “lemmings” to connect with each other and tune out the ramblings of the political class.
The gap between White Advocates and White America is not as large as the professional outcasts imagine it to be. Instead of twisting the nose of our White audience, which is better left to SWPL progressives who despise the natives, it makes a lot more sense to shed light on all the common ground we share with them.
Re: Johnson on SWPL
I know you are reading this.
My own view is that SWPLs should be forced to live on “the other side” of that “big ass White wall.”
These “artists” are quite cowardly in their choice of images, as they would never dare use images of Mohammed in the same manner.
That’s a great point.
Mohammad and ants.
Alienation is useful concept for understanding mainstream versus vanguard dynamics in this movement. Alienation basically means estrangement and separation from a normal, former healthy attachment. Outside of philosophical parlance, the most common use of the word alienation that I can think of is in the form of statements such “so and so is alienated from his family.”
Alienation can be good or bad depending on the reasons for it and the strength of it. All racially conscious WN have to be alienated to some extent, or we would not be WN. If you are any form of a WN, vanguard or mainstream, you have to hate many aspects of the situation we are in and want something different, or you would not be a WN. WN alienation only becomes a problem only when it hardens into contempt for other Whites and misanthropy, or a grandiose attitude and sense or superiority toward other Whites that is laughable given that most vanguadists are not any more accomplished than anyone else.
I am beginning to realize the key distinction between the vanguardists and the mainstreamers lies in their attitude toward other Whites.
Mainstreamers, in my understanding of this term and my personal experience, see most Whites not as enemies or people who deserve contempt, but as misled. They see them as people who are basically decent folks who can brought to the truth by using engagement, rhetoric and arguments they can related to.
The bad of kind of vanguardists on the other hand only see people worthy of sneers and contempt. In this sense, you are exactly right; they are just like the worst of SWPL class of Whites and the anti-racist liberals. They see boobs, dead kike on a stick worshippers, and so on, not follow members of the tribe that we can potentially persuade over to our cause.
The word you are searching for is “disillusioned.”
Mainstreamers are “disillusioned” with the status quo, aware of the various problems we are facing, but prefer to focus on constructive ways to change our circumstances. An obvious example of this would be working within the political process to change our immigration laws.
Vanguardists are “alienated” from the status quo, aware of the same problems, but take a destructive turn and become the “avenging angel” and set out to punish the people they once aspired to save because they have already given up. A recent example of this would be Frank Weltner saying that White people deserve to die.
Mainstreamers incline toward optimism. Vanguardists incline toward pessimism. There are significant differences between the two groups. I said the other day that I could expand upon this subject for hours.
Another example of typical vanguardist behavior would be the glorification of everything foreign (especially Europe) and the demonization of everything American. It is one of many ways of expressing the fundamental sense of alienation.
Dressing up in a costume would be another. Every vanguardist group also must have its own flag. It is very important that a new flag (and usually a new religion) be adopted to symbolize the new tribe of alienated people and mark the boundary between themselves (Creativity, Christian Identity, Cosmotheism, etc.) and the Gentiles.
The vanguardists are also so obsessed with the Jews that they start to take on their worst characteristics. They isolate themselves in their own little vBulletin shtetls in cyberspace. They almost sound like ghetto blacks lashing out at people who are trespassing in their hood. They speak a language so unfamiliar to ordinary people that you can barely understand what they are saying if you haven’t been following them for years.
As Andy Warhol once said, “Art is what you can get away with.” Well apparently there seems to be no boundaries anymore in what is now passed off as “art” these days. Most of this crap is tasteless and sickening, stuff fifty years ago would not have even made the art gallerys. Nauseating!
These losers are talentless hacks. They’re not really artistic in any sense of the word; all they care about is “looking” artistic. They put together crap without any talent or efforts in order to gain the fame, accolades, and hopefully fortune that goes with being a “shocking artist”. They act of creating (IE: creativity) is the furthest thing from their mind.
But I could best express this with a passage from my upcoming epic, The Legend of the Great Trek, where the exiled prince Andries questions Geoffrey the minstrel about this very topic…
Flames cracked and glowed
Revealing a beauty showed
On the faces of these exiles
From home’s comforting wiles.
Yet this night, this happy night
Of emotions high
And tear ducts dry
Revealed the heart
That never departs
When with those
The Lord chose
To make our kith and kin.
“Geoffrey you’ve been
So kind and dedicated
But I haven’t penetrated
Why you care
When so many don’t share
Your willingness to fight
For all we hold right?
Indeed many of your trade
Denounced all we made
And in their wicked refrain
Welcomed our people slain,”
Andries asked the minstrel
In a tone that did tell
His anger at every charlatan
Who attacked all his race had been.
Geoffrey laughed and raised his chalice
And drank free of malice
At the question asked
And answered without a mask,
“My Lord I understand
Your anger towards my band
Of rhymesters and singers
Who acted as bringers
Of doom to our Empire
But I hate them with the same fire.
Those fools who spit and snarled
At our heritage like it was a gnarled
Tree ugly and dying
While at the same time buying
Cheap praise from louses
Infesting our home like diseased mouses.
Those without anything to say
Whose fame lasted only a day
And as their just reward
Where the first gored
By the same horde
They welcomed at the start
And destroyed them with their art.”
He took another drink before restarting
With wine soaked lips parting,
“But my art and heart are one
With a heritage I’ll never shun,
A heritage I’ll forever sing
And a heritage that’ll forever bring
Inspiration to all I create
And all I’ll ever celebrate.
For what good will being an artist do
Without a civilization for my art to live through?”
Andries raised his cup to the words spoken
By a last creative spirit awoken
By all it loved dear
And not excuses to growl and jeer.
Essay on Man by Alexander Pope (epistle 2)
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As to be hated but needs to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
we need a christian mafia. Dear God, i’m tired of turning the other cheek.
I know, I’m going way out on a limb here but I’m guessing homosexual “artist” Wojnarowicz was a jew. His legacy a crucified Christ crawling with ants. I hope he’s happy in hell.
Great post.
We’re all drawn to sites like this for different reasons. I’m drawn here because I like reading authors that skewer all the cultural lies that damage people on a daily basis. One of those cultural lies is that it’s profitable for one’s soul to be consumed with watching sports. Flooding the country with spectator sports is part of the Protocols. I wonder what kind of state and culture Alabamians might have created if they hadn’t spent trillions of hours over the last 60 years fixated on sports. No doubt the country wouldn’t have this problem at the Museum, or even defining what a museum was supposed to be, if we had spent our time building a real culture and not a sports culture.
Do what you have to do, but I don’t see how it’s profitable for you to take the sides of the sports freaks against the culture builders. Especially in a post about what happens to a culture when everyone is fixated on sports. I enjoy and admire your optimistic take on all the positive changes happening before our eyes and understand the rationale behind your attitude. I just wonder how long it will last. There is a radicalization taking place in the culture, thank God, but it’s not happening with Beohner or the football crowd.
First Tim Wise, then this: Hunter has found his forte with this brand of cheap populist demagoguery. He’s got it all down. I’ll even make a numbered list:
(1) The atheist who hypocritically speaks for Christian America against secularists. (He’s even plumping for Calvinism–the kind of people who burned psychotics as witches or possessed by the Devil.)
(2) The elitist who claims to have read thousands of books and bristles when one challenges his “expertise” who then reads a book on how to be a redneck and starts talkin’ about the the virtues of grilled meat, beer, football, and 4 wheel drive pickups on dirt roads.
(3) The twinky bloated computer addict with the pallor and muscle tone and testosterone of a gelded veal calf who postures as a macho country man whose skills at huntin’ and fishin’ (which are really confined to raiding his mom’s refrigerator for hotpockets at 4 a.m.) will allow him to survive “the collapse” better than those effete urban “SWPLs” whose deaths and degradation he enjoys contemplating.
Nietzsche teaches us that all human beings, even the most botched, have will to power. One aspect of that is the desire to think well of themselves. And if you are really botched, that requires that you create a new system of values that cast you as superior. Nietzsche understood how resentment drives the ideology of the left. But Hunter Wallace clearly shows that it drives the ideology of the populist right too.
Yes, the lemmings see through the “liberal” media bias and then tune into its corrective . . . Fox News.
White Nationalists know that we don’t have a liberal media, we have a Jewish media, and the Jewish media bias is broadcast 24/7 at Fox too.
Hunter Wallace used to know that too.
Nietzsche teaches us that all human beings, even the most botched, have will to power.
What does that mean?
Hunter Wallace used to know that too.
I like the “new” OD better but yeah, Hunter has had like a personality transplant or something. He is probably the first person I’ve ever seen who has become less radical with time. Usually it’s the other way around.
I really don’t understand this busting on people who watch spectator sports. It’s a leisure activity for many, not a way of life, at least not for most. A football game takes about 3 hours a week. That’s about the same as dinner and a movie, maybe some golf, or reading a few chapters of a book. It’s about the same as a hockey game, play or long movie. We live in an anti-White society which means by definition every spectator activity will be watched almost exclusively by “lemmings,” if the definition of a lemming is “people not racially aware, anti-White, pro-non-White, or apathetic.
I agree with LEW. I enjoy watching golf and college football. I don’t have television, but I watch golf on TV when I go back home. I admire the intelligence and athletic versatility of golfers. Televised football bores me, though. Live college football, however, is a blast, the closest thing to the Nuremberg rallies available in the US.
Right down to the sexy uniforms, right Johnson?
I’m not a long-time Occidental Dissent reader, but can someone spill the beans on how exactly this whole Greg Johnson vs. Hunter Wallace flame war started in the first place?
I like the “new” OD better but yeah, Hunter has had like a personality transplant or something. He is probably the first person I’ve ever seen who has become less radical with time. Usually it’s the other way around.
Maybe he has a job and he doesn’t want to lose it.
“but can someone spill the beans on how exactly this whole Greg Johnson vs. Hunter Wallace flame war started in the first place?”
Lovers’ spat.
“Live college football, however, is a blast, the closest thing to the Nuremberg rallies available in the US.”
I guess Johnson figures if NS makes a comeback the ‘high-end’ queers such as himself will be spared so long as they practice their vices with discretion.
It started earlier this year after Johnson went around spreading rumors that I was an SPLC spy and a psycho. This was during the period when he was mad and lashing out at others for losing his job. Come to think of it, that period never ended.
Your view is too negative. Many of people who watch college football are aware of racial differences. This is especially true in the South. The problem is not that they watch football. It is that they have no idea there is even anyone trying to change the racial status quo.
The Gallup poll above was about the credibility of newspapers and television news, not CNN and MSNBC vs. FOX News. It is simply not true that Americans are dumb, brainwashed lemmings who believe everything they see on television.
Hunter Wallace: In reality, the ‘lemming’ has always been a myth. Ordinary people are nowhere near as gullible or slow as vanguardists claim they are. They are entirely capable of seeing through the liberal media bias and pointing out the contradictions in the prevailing narrative.
This just shows that HW has absolutely no comprehension of the concept of the ‘lemming’ as defined by Dr Pierce. ‘Lemming’ is not the equivalent of ‘ordinary people’. When Dr Pierce speaks you have to pay close attention. ‘Lemming’ as defined by Dr Pierce is a person characterized by his or her “inability to think independently or to hold any opinion not held by the herd”. That’s all what it means. It does not mean stupid, it does not mean redneck, it does not mean working class. Listen what Dr Pierce says about ‘lemmings’: “Some are rich, and some are poor; some are factory workers, and some are lawyers; some are barely literate couch potatoes on welfare, and some are academics with pretensions to intellectualism.”
The percentage of people capable of independent thought is probably the same in all layers of social strata. You can find them among working class people just like you can find them among scholars. The same is true for ‘lemmings’. You can find them in every walk of life.
If the majority of people do not trust newspapers that does not mean that these people are “able to think independently or to hold any opinion not held by the herd”. If you want to find out the percentage of ‘lemmings’ among white people, ask them this question: What’s the importance of race? Are you a racist?
Than maybe you’ll start understanding what Dr Pierce is talking about.
Re: Johnson
(1) Atheists are disproportionately leftists and homosexuals. There are some atheists who cannot wrap their mind around religion for scientific reasons like evolution. There are others who are “lifestyle atheists” who reject religion because they are engaged in a type of adolescent rebellion against authority.
What’s that old saying? When you cease to believe in God you will believe in anything? That’s very true of most atheists I know. Having abandoned Christianity, they will grasp upon something even worse like Secular Humanism.
In Greg Johnson’s case, it is a science fiction fantasy of creating “a god-like race” through eugenics to “give meaning” to “this godless universe.” The village atheists are also much worse than the Christians in attacking and trying to undermine the foundations of our society.
(2) There is no necessary contradiction between reading books and enjoying all the amenities of the Deep South like college football, grilling out, hunting, drinking beer, riding back roads, etc. I have always enjoyed all of this.
(3) Johnson keeps repeating the myth that I am overweight. That was true back in June, but it was rapidly coming to an end even back then. William Rome knows this for a fact. Robert Campbell has called me several times lately while I was at the gym.
I work out in the gym six days a week for at least an hour with heavy weights. I also run or swim an hour a day. I spend far more time weightlifting and running/swimming each day than posting on the internet. In fact, I am going to the gym after leaving this comment.
If Johnson or anyone else thinks I am overweight, they are more than welcome to come to Amren in February and see for themselves.
Here is a good example that can clarify the concept of ‘lemming’ for many people. Take a small group of people each member of which was a world chess champion at one time or another. Each member of this group is undoubtedly an extremely intelligent person but each of them is also a ‘lemming’ except one – Bobby Fischer.
Hunter – good article, but it’s Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, not Phil Donahue. No small difference there.
Sort of funny how the Victorians are mocked in today’s culture b/c of their perceived sexual repression. But ironically the massive effort to mainstream homosexuality is a truer form of repression. We are trying to push down our quite natural and instinctive distaste at the type of deviant behavior and disturbed people described above.
LOL @ the Hoffmeister anal fantasy. I came across that crowd early in my “racial awakening” and realized they were retard freaks in about 10 minutes. Stormfront is superior to that autist garbage.
HW: “Some vanguardists see themselves as a vastly superior elite and entertain wild fantasies of a collapse of civilization after which they expect rise to power and become “a new aristocracy.” Everyone else is a stupid conformist who watches spectator sports.”
If some “vanguardists” see themselves this way so what? The world is a big place. It has room for many different types of white people with different levels of consciousness. Not everyone is going take the “mainstreamer” route. There exists in Western tradition a strong thread of vanguardism. Wasn’t Socrates a vanguardist? Hunter you are going to have to adjust to the fact that not everyone is intent on paying lip service to mainstreamer values. Some of us will even insult mainstreamers. Such is the froth of human consciousness.
Awe come on, it’s a beautiful thing…
They don’t put comic scenes like this in movies anymore.
Funny how support for art wasn’t stripped from the budget from 2001 to 2006!
I’m throwing down the gauntlet: will you support another Jew war, this time against Iran? If and when it becomes all the rage due to a likely false-flag event?
To be more accurate, I forwarded around some links to a website, The Odessa Syndicate, where Hunter talks about being a psycho and working for the SPLC.
The same kind of vermin that are defending this anti-Christian porn are sniveling about a Noah’s Ark theme park in Kentucky. Never imagine that the Judeo-Left has any principles except hatred of humanity.
“Protests and Hearings
To their credit, Republicans in Congress are showing signs of growing a spine and are threatening investigations to put a stop to this nonsense. “
Would have been nice if Republicans and the ‘mainstreamers’ of Hunter Wallaces fevered imagination would have also grown a spine in stopping the DREAM act.
House passes DREAM Act
Dr. Pierce was right in his essay about ‘Why Conservatives Can’t Win’!!
“WN alienation only becomes a problem only when it hardens into contempt for other Whites and misanthropy, or a grandiose attitude and sense or superiority toward other Whites that is laughable given that most vanguadists are not any more accomplished than anyone else.”
I think it’s partly a result of people getting bitter at tactics that didn’t work. They try for years and get no response so they get bitter. Seems to me a lot of it is just not understanding human nature well enough. Generally speaking:
1) People will ignore you if your position is too far away from theirs. This isn’t a fixed thing. It depends on where they are. If for the sake of argument the positions were:
liberal / neutral / worried / civic nationalist / ethno-nationalist
then someone at the “liberal” postion will ignore anyone who appears further away than “neutral” (whether for real or acting),
someone at the “neutral” position will ignore anyone who appears further away than “worried” (whether for real or acting)
That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be explicit ethno-nationalists just that there needs to be people working at the other levels also.
2) It’s hard to move people more than one stage at a time. It might only take a short while to shift them but then they’ll baulk for a while until it sinks in (and that might take a year or more). If i shift a liberal to neutral or a neutral to worried i leave them alone and move on to someone else. It’s better (imo) to work on as many different people as possible and not focus on 2-3.
3) Related to (2). There’s a herd effect that acts like gravity. Trying to pull one person out of the herd is not a very efficient use of time imo as the pressure to fall back in will always be there. However if you try and move each member of the herd one step each then it becomes self-reinforcing.
With a bit of practise following those three rules you should be able to see enough visible progress every week to keep your morale up.
To be more accurate, Greg Johnson had his panties in a wad over losing his job (something that was 100 percent entirely his own fault), and lashed out at me for going to Texas in May and agreeing to help keep things running at TOQ after his mental meltdown the month before.
Everyone familiar with the situation knows that is what happened. I had a falling out with Johnson because he demanded that everyone associated with TOQ take sides and make his enemies their enemies.
The breaking point came when Johnson was fired in April and refused to move on with his life. He literally stole property that did not belong to him and refused to hand it over until he was paid a ransom. He also tried to destroy his organization.
I quit making excuses for him at that point.
It is not surprising that Ted would show up in the comments to attack the people who voted against the DREAM Act.
The only reason the DREAM Act was brought to the floor was because of the Democratic majority in the House. The only reason it passed is because the vast majority of the Democratic caucus voted for it. The only reason they are pushing for it now is because the Democrats lose their majority in January.
This is an important development though. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Note: The DREAM Act is the inevitable result of voting for so-called “Blue Dog” Democrats in conservative leaning districts. Even though the Blue Dogs voted against the bill, it was their presence in the House that put Speaker Nancy Pelosi in power, which enabled this scenario to unfold.
Joe Rebel
“Well apparently there seems to be no boundaries anymore in what is now passed off as “art” these days.”
There’s only no boundaries if it’s attacking white people and / or traditional morality (and even then only if it’s based on Christianity but not otherwise).
There are very strict boundaries otherwise. Every time a story like this comes up it can be used to point out the double standard by swapping the ethnicity / religion around.
If Republicans actually really cared about stopping the Zionist Occupied Governments programs of quasi-amnesty for illegal immigrants and the plethora of other Far-left leaning bills coming forward then they would have stayed home and boycotted the lame duck session.
Republicans could have stated ‘we won, there is no need for this, it shall all wait until next year’. Oh but no. The neo-cons and lemmings (whom Hunter Wallace has sadly mistaken for allies) are indeed there to STAB WHITES IN THE BACK and that is why the Republicans are there, to collect their thirty pieces of silver!
They don’t have 60 in the Senate, so we will probably avoid the Dream Act this time, but it will be interesting to see which Dems and Repubs vote for it.
You are a moron. Let me repeat that. I hope it will sink in. You are a fantasist and a moron. Probably a toothless costume Nazi to boot.
There were 8 Republicans (Cao, Castle, Djou, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Diaz-Balart, Ehlers, Inglis, and Ros-Lehtinen) who voted for the DREAM Act.
Off the top of my head, I know that at least four of them were defeated in the general election or primaries. Cao and Djou were the two lone Democratic pickups in the House. Castle was defeated by Christine O’Donnell in the Delaware Senate primary. Everyone else who was reelected voted against it.
The DREAM Act was brought to the floor by Democrats. It was passed by Democrats. It was pushed through the lame duck because the Democrats lose their majority next year. Any push for the DREAM Act would have been killed for the next two years.
The real people who have stabbed Whites in the back here are the Democrats and the worthless vanguardists like yourself who argue that “worse is better” and yearn to make life worse for White people by getting destructive legislation like this passed through Congress.
Were there any vanguardists in the House voting against this bill? Of course not. They are so fucking stupid they can’t get elected dog catcher or coroner.
Instead of attacking the people who voted for the bill, you come here to attack the people who voted against it. That more than anything else shows whose side you are really on.
It is not ours.
There is no substantial difference between vanguardists and the Far Left. Both groups hate White America. Both groups want to make life miserable for the rest of us. They are the same force motivated by the same sense of alienation with the same political platform and the same enemies.
Lew – how bad do you think this NIGHTMARE disster will be? Arrgghhh….I just heard about it….
“House passes DREAM Act”
And just to illustrate how insane this all is
The ruling class fiddling while Rome burns.
This vote was a clarifier.
(1) The Democratic majority in the House is responsible for this.
(2) The Democratic majority was only made possible by Whites in moderate to conservative leaning districts getting suckered into voting for Blue Dogs who put Nancy Pelosi in power.
(3) I can think of a number of Republican restrictionists like Virgil Goode who were wiped out in 2006 and 2008. If they were still in office, this would not have happened.
(4) The Republicans who voted for the DREAM Act were mostly ones who had been defeated. Several of them are on the way out the door.
(5) A lot of the Democrats who voted for this were also defeated in the midterms.
(6) The overwhelming majority of the Republican caucus in the House voted against the bill.
(7) There won’t be any more bad legislation coming in 2010 to 2012 because of Republican control of the House. They knew this was their last shot.
(8) There were no vanguardists in Congress voting against the bill.
(9) The solution to this problem is exactly what I have prescribed: purge the worthless Republicans like Mike Castle in primaries and let the RINOs like Cao and Djou go down in the general election.
(10) The Democratic Party is the anti-White party and must be destroyed.
Denise, I don’t know. Wish I did. Hopefully this nightmare dies in the Senate thanks to the filibuster and James Madison building a bi-cameral legislature into the Constitution and requiring that bills pass both chambers. There is nothing yet on redstate.com about this. Redstate is the best kosher con site for getting the inside scope on how specific Republicans plan to vote.
I don’t trust the Senate
Some of the Blue Dogs who were defeated for re-election also voted for this, Allen Boyd for example.
I don’t how the ruling class is keeping all the balls in the air at this point.
The pull quotes from Wandrin’s article.
The reason they’re so desperate to get this stuff through is they know the economic side of things is coming down and they don’t have unlimited time.
I know, I’m going way out on a limb here but I’m guessing homosexual “artist” Wojnarowicz was a jew. His legacy a crucified Christ crawling with ants. I hope he’s happy in hell.
I don’t think so, I’m half Polish and in my experience those Slavic names that are loaded with consonants are Polish Catholics, Eastern European Jews have a different way of spelling their names. I’ll go out on a limb and say gentile queers are the most blatantly anti-Christian of all. Jews hate Christianity deep down but try to be somewhat surreptitious when attacking it as if they have some fear people will figure out what it’s all about. Many gentile queers blame the church for all their woes and won’t hesitate to spew out the most shill profanity directed at Christians. Funny thing is I went to Catholic grade school and never remember even once the topic of homosexuality being mentioned, yet from the likes of the gay activists you’d think all Christians do at church is sit around and “spew hatred” towards gays.