Live Thread: Senate Vote on DREAM Act

District of Corruption

The Senate is convening right now. Live on C-SPAN. Here we go.

8:34 AM: Reid is on right now talking about the DREAM Act. Tune in now.

8:58 AM: The vote on the DREAM Act is scheduled for 10:00 AM CST.

9:32 AM: Menendez bloviating. Shut the fuck up already. Heard enough of this crap with Durbin.

9:37 AM: Jeff Sessions, my Senator, is ripping them apart.

The Vote: A punt on the DREAM Act until next week. Reid didn’t have the votes, but this piece of garbage is still alive.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We cannot afford to bring ni illegals and BTW it is Illegal for Illegals to be here, what about our Constitution and our Forefathers, come on America lets not be communist and ruin this country that so many havelost their lives fighting for!

  2. ” what about our Constitution and our Forefathers, come on America lets not be communist and ruin this country that so many havelost their lives fighting for!”
    It laughable how predictable the (pre-programmed) reactions of people of my generation (50+) and older are regarding any of the Marxist alterations of our country. Always with the “what about our Constitution and Forefathers”? blather. Well, what about them? Don’t you understand that the world (and country) you grew up in is gone? The people who run our country now HATE the Constitution and quote it only when it is to their advantage to do so. They hate the “Founding Fathers”, and particularly Katrina, if you are white they hate YOU! (and all of us white people).
    The plutocrats who run this country used the “greatest generation” (which should rightly be called the “greatest generation of dupes” ) and the subsequent boomer generation and now are throwing them on the scrap heap.
    This attempt at passage of the Dream Act was predictable (the idea is to make us a minority-soon) and I said before that B.O. will do everything in his power to legalize all the browns before he leaves office. He sees this as his mission in life. After the results of the last election you can be sure that this is job#1 on the Democrat list of things to do before the next presidential election.

  3. Thank God it didn’t pass. It’s still troubles me that any U.S. Senators voted for this POS of bill. It should have been rejected by them all.

  4. The Senate just voted 59-40 to table the DREAM Act illegal alien bailout cloture vote. It’s been “vitiated,” to use Senate parlance. They’ll take up the House-passed version next week.

    Which means another week of open-borders agitation, radical ethnic triablism, and new Democrat euphemisms for illegal aliens.

    It’s also another week for you to re-double phone calls, faxes and e-mails to Washington and demand that they put law-abiding American workers and students — and law-abiding immigrants and visa applicants — first.

  5. He couldn’t get it passed today. I doubt another week will make much of a difference.

    In any case, that vote scared me once I heard Ensign, Crapo, and Risch announced as “Aye.” I don’t have anything to worry about with my own Senators.

    It is time for OD readers who live in states like Indiana, Florida, and Nebraska to burn up the phone lines.

  6. Hunter and others.

    I can see most everyone is following lead in contacting Congress – numbersusa does a great job.

    If folks want to go the extra mile and be a super effective activist – I highly recommend that folks take the time to get the congressional staff directory contact names of your Senators, Congressman. To buy the whole Congressional staff directory with web access for a year is expensive ~ $500. I did it last time to help beat them full amnesty and I posted the Congressional Staff contacts on immigration control forums.

    When you have the staff directory you can ask for some junior level staff member BY NAME – this way your contact doesn’t just go in to the general contact tally sheet. You can talk to staff members who’s job it is to work with the more important constituents.

    When you ask for staff members BY Name – it shows you are a big step above the regular Joe Shmo who likes to call up Congress and rant – give the people in Washington a “piece of their mind”.

    Here’s the link to the Congressional staff directory – they used to have a program where you could sample/test the online service for free for a trial period – which I suggest somebody does now and we can again, get this vital information throughout the restrictionist community.

  7. DREAM act appears dead after Dems pull it from consideration

    (CNN) — Senate Democrats conceded Thursday they don’t have the votes to pass the DREAM Act, a bill that would have offered a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children.

    Democrats voted to pull the measure from consideration on Thursday. That likely kills any chance of passage this year for the hotly contested bill, Senate supporters say.

    Senate Republicans opposed the bill, standing by their pledge to block any legislation during the lame duck session until the chamber approves bills to extend the Bush tax cuts and fund the government.

  8. The House Democrats have voted to oppose the Obama/Republican tax cut compromise. The tax cut is the political priority of the politicians—not the Dream Act. The Dream Act amnesty has been pushed back/tabled, but, the House version of the Dream Act could be brought up in the Senate next week by Reid. Who along with Pelosi will try bargaining for passage of the Dream Act amnesty using the tax cut carrot.

    The Roman Catholic & Jew Alliance in the Senate, with their 40 or 41 votes, will be going all out to buy Protestant-non-Catholic support in the Senate for the Dream Act using the tax cut bargaining chip.

  9. Discussing who voted for what? WTF is that?

    Another excellent distraction. Hunter Wallace, you really are serious about going mainstream, aren’t you?

    In fact, you are already mainstream. It’s time to rename your blog to The Occidental Consent and apply for a job at Fox News.

  10. This is exactly the kind of crap they might try to sneak through on the 22 or 23 when no one is watching. What are Graham, McCain, Murkowski saying? Have they signaled their intentions? I’m buried in work this morning.

  11. Hunter Wallace, are you sure that you are a White man of European descent? Please don’t get indignant – I’m just asking. Your fertility at producing utter nonsense is nothing short of phenomenal and it reminds me of a certain Stanislav Mishin:

    Mr Mishin – whose mission is obfuscate the fact that jews are at the center of White peoples plight and render impotent all attempts to tackle the mother of all major problems in the world today – presents himself as a Russian while everything, I mean literally everything – the way he thinks, the way he constructs his sentences, the fallacy and the sophistry of his arguments, his unbridled and naked hatred for everything that has to do with Islam and Muslims, the sheer amount of time and effort he spends producing garbage – everything coming from the mouth of this guy is screaming: I am a stinking Jew.

    In fact, I forced him screaming and kicking but admit that he is indeed a Russian Jew.

  12. Hopefully there won’t be any votes scheduled for the 22nd or 23rd… wouldn’t want Hunter Wallace to have to divert his attention from the all important Negro athlete college football bowl games on those dates!!!!

    ‘We shall save the White Race by watching Blacks in spandex running at high speeds and catching cylindrical objects as Jews film them!’ Talk about an insane plan! Perhaps all the stuff Greg Johnson has stated is sadly the Truth.

  13. Ivan,

    I gave you the benefit of the doubt, treating you as a WOG – worthy oriental gentleman a self described “Muslim”.

    I wished you the best, given what you say you are and suggested you work with the David Duke web site in trying to promote some White-Muslim alliances against the worst Zionist, Neo Con programs of destruction.

    But, you’re still here, making wild, ridiculous personal attacks on Hunter – suggesting that Hunter isn’t White you flame Hunter, asking:

    ” are you sure that you are a White man of European descent”?

    This post clearly violates the comments guidelines. I ask that you voluntarily leave this blog – it’s not an Asian Muslim blog.

    And I suggest that you please leave our White Western country/countries and please return to your non White Muslim nations where the locals wipe their asses with the back of the hands but think bacon is unclean.

    Go back to Muslim mountain people where the main industry is cultivating opium/heroin, but who insist it is immoral to have a beer or see a woman’s face in public… (when you see how ugly these mountain Muslim women are, you can understand why folks want to see them covered up).

    Take a hike Ivan – we’ll do our best to resist the worst of the Zionist/Neo Con Jews program of destruction on our own – ourselves alone in our country.

    This is our country – it’s not your country. You have many, many of your own terrible NW Muslim countries:

    Have a nice day Ivan

  14. What are Graham, McCain, Murkowski saying?

    Graham and McCain are 100% sure no’s. McCain feels betrayed by the Latinos and is anxious to hit them back and Graham is scared about losing his seat in 4 years. Murkowski is a probable no but she is one the three Repubs who could possibly vote in favor (the others being Lugar and Bennett).

    Hunter Wallace, are you sure that you are a White man of European descent?

    You think there are a lot of Jews in rural Alabama?


    Most Algerians look white to me but I have French cousins who insist that they are easy to tell apart from Europeans.

  15. jack,

    Let me see if I understand you correctly. You got upset because I referred to jews as ‘stinking jews’. But they do stink. Have you ever flied in EL AL Israel Airlines. I never have, but I’ve heard multiple times from people who have that the stench was overpowering. I believe General Patton also went out on a limb to make a note of that jewish stench phenomenon in his diaries.

    Do I hear Hebrew hysterics here, jack?

    When you say “This is our country – it’s not your country” do you mean to say “This is Jewish country”? If so, I completely agree with you – the United States is hopelessly saturated with jewish values and jewish spirit. God help America, and God help American people.

  16. jack ryan: Go back to Muslim mountain people where the main industry is cultivating opium/heroin, but who insist it is immoral to have a beer or see a woman’s face in public… (when you see how ugly these mountain Muslim women are, you can understand why folks want to see them covered up)

    If you are curious what Muslim mountain people look like, jack, take a sneak peek at my tween kids:

    I can assure you, Sir, they are more Caucasian in every sense of that word than you ever could be, and certainly they bath more frequently than jews do.

  17. It seems there is a little panic going on there at OD 🙂 Take couple of shots of vodka, jack, it’ll help you release the pressure.

  18. jack ryan: Go back to Muslim mountain people where the main industry is cultivating opium/heroin, but who insist it is immoral to have a beer or see a woman’s face in public… (when you see how ugly these mountain Muslim women are, you can understand why folks want to see them covered up)

    If you are curious what Muslim mountain people look like, jack, take a sneak peek at my twin kids:

    I can assure you, Sir, they are more Caucasian in every sense of that word than you ever could be, and certainly they bath more frequently than jews do.

  19. Hmmmm…. “Ivan” is probably just a cognitive dissonance troll. Our government actually employs people to do this stuff on the net.

    Anyway, from the article “a punt on the Dream Act” there is this one quote which goes far in explaining why our government is so anxious to get this legislation passed:
    “and to the country which needs their service in the military…. ”
    That is a big part of it right there- more cannon fodder for our government’s effort to make the Middle East safe for Israel.

  20. Ivan,

    I am aware that you are a White Caucasic Muslim, sir. I think you would probably enjoy more so then this site. I read Counter-currents and this site. This site is more focused on the American political situation as opposed to the situation for Whites throughout the world. Counter-currents is more respectful of the (in my oppinion admirable) anti-democratic traditions of Whites outside of the US. Also, some on this site almost seem like they would side with a Jew over a fully White man of Muslim religious upbringing.

  21. Oldtimer: Hmmmm… ‘Ivan’ is probably just a cognitive dissonance troll. Our government actually employs people to do this stuff on the net.

    Hmmm… I’ve been doing this for free. Why didn’t you tell me god dammit… oh, sorry… I mean allah dammit, that I can get paid for this kind of labor? Where does one apply for this kind of work, Oldtimer? Can I ask ‘your’ government to compensate me for the work I’ve already done in the past? I think I did pretty good job. How much should I shoot for in your opinion – I don’t want to sell myself short.

  22. Ivan,

    We discuss real issues here of importance to White America like stopping the DREAM Act. I like to think of OD as being engaged and practical whereas other pro-White sites are lost in a fantasy world.

  23. Anyway, from the article “a punt on the Dream Act” there is this one quote which goes far in explaining why our government is so anxious to get this legislation passed:
    “and to the country which needs their service in the military…. ” That is a big part of it right there- more cannon fodder for our government’s effort to make the Middle East safe for Israel.

    What they’re really worried about is Civil War 2. That’s why they want to get as many non-whites into the military as quickly as possible – so they will have the numbers to stop a possible coup or secessionist movement. Remember, Obama’s youth corps?

    Jew Michael Savage talks about it here:

  24. Keep up the good work Mr. Wallace and keep us informed. Ivan, if you are still reading, you should also try Kievsky’s site, Mind Weapons in Ragnarok. Kievsky’s theory of mind weaponization is somewhat based on Muslim practices and your imput, as a White Muslim man, would probably be very valueable.

  25. Doing it for free Ivan? Why shame on you! A disinformation/dissonance troll working for free? I did not think it would be necessary to point this out to you, but “Homeland Security” was created for just this purpose (spying on Americans). So you could put in your job application there. Or, there is the FBI (but you need a degree in law to be an agent, or at least you did at one time, but perhaps that is no longer so since they routinely break the law themselves), or perhaps the NSA?
    In case you are sceptical of the idea that such programs exist, I offer the following:
    From a paper written in 2008 by Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule entitled “Conspiracy Theories” they wrote:
    “”the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of extremist groups”,[19] where they suggest, among other tactics, ”Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”[19]

    “Sunstein and Vermeule also analyze the practice of secret government payments to outside commentators, who are then held out as independent experts; they suggest that ”government can supply these independent experts with information and perhaps prod them into action from behind the scenes,” further warning that ”too close a connection will be self-defeating if it is exposed.”[19]” They go on to say; “Sunstein and Vermeule argue that the practice of enlisting non-government officials, ”might ensure that credible independent experts offer the rebuttal, rather than government officials themselves. There is a tradeoff between credibility and control, however. The price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control the independent experts.”
    Read about it here if you like;
    Now, you can argue that this is just the idea of two social theorists (one of which is definitely Jewish, and Jews are very influential in our govenment) , if you like, but there are many government programs run by the spy agencies (NSA, etc.) that were brought into being for the sole purpose of spying on internet users and organizations, ostensibly for the purpose of “National Security”, the secretive “Einstein” program initiated by Homeland Security being just one of several. A great many governmental sins have been covered with the blanket of “National Security”.
    There you go, Ivan! There is paying work for trolls outside of the fictional land of Middle Earth.

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