Live Thread: Senate Vote on DREAM Act

District of Corruption

The Senate is convening right now. Live on C-SPAN. Here we go.

8:34 AM: Reid is on right now talking about the DREAM Act. Tune in now.

8:58 AM: The vote on the DREAM Act is scheduled for 10:00 AM CST.

9:32 AM: Menendez bloviating. Shut the fuck up already. Heard enough of this crap with Durbin.

9:37 AM: Jeff Sessions, my Senator, is ripping them apart.

The Vote: A punt on the DREAM Act until next week. Reid didn’t have the votes, but this piece of garbage is still alive.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ivan: Sand People have been kidnapping Europeans for millennia, to improve their gene pool I suppose. So it is that many of them look White. I’ve seen photos of “Turks” who look to be straight from rural France or Wyoming. Still, if you’re a Moslem, you’re an enemy of Europeans and their descendants in America. Nothing personal, just stick to your own countries, and as soon the Jews are out of power in this country, we’ll leave yours. And I won’t blame you a bit if you want to join an Afghan militia and shoot at Americans there. It’s YOUR country. (Aim at the Dark soldiers, if you don’t mind. The White ones are kin to me.)

  2. HW: “Senate Republicans opposed the bill, standing by their pledge to block any legislation during the lame duck session until the chamber approves bills to extend the Bush tax cuts and fund the government.”

    So if Senate Democrats vote tax cuts for rich Americans Senate Republicans will vote amnesty for illegal aliens? To hell with that!

  3. Discard: I’ve seen photos of ‘Turks’ who look to be straight from rural France or Wyoming.

    There is a good chance that those ‘Turks’ who look to be straight from rural France or Wyoming are Circassians – more than half of world’s Circassian population, estimated at 5.5 million, live in Turkey:

    Discard: Nothing personal, just stick to your own countries, and as soon the Jews are out of power in this country, we’ll leave yours.

    Nothing personal, Discard, but I’m an American, whether you like it or not. And that’s exactly what I want – Jews out of power in this country and everywhere in the world, so that Christians and Muslims, Europeans and non-Europeans can live in peace on their own lands as good neighbours without mixing with each other.

    My whole point is that you can’t get the Jews out of power in this country without my help and the help of people like me. Can you understand that, dumb people.

  4. There are White Muslims. Not people who are mixed Middle Eastern and White European but honest to God White Muslims-descendants of Europeans who converted during the Ottoman Era. Albanians, Circassians, other Caucasic whites, Bulgarian Muslims (Tom Hanks is married to one), Serbian Muslims, and Bosniac Muslims. There are people outside the Caucausus in Russia, that are Eurasian in the Finnish and Estonian like sense but have a largely white genotype. I find this fascinating because some of these Whites fought in the Waffen-SS and foreign Wehrmacht units during the war.

  5. Amusing video, Ivan. (There is a lot of garbage on YouTube, Ivan. I could link you to some vids that claim that blacks invented everything from the typewriter to the modern farming combine) I guess by this you mean to imply that paid infiltrators do not exist? If Randy Weaver and his family were still alive, I’d suggest you check with him about the reality of the existence of such people. Former National Alliance members also could set you straight on that on that as well. Or you could visit the FBI’s (paid) informant in the Edgar Steele set-up and ask him if he is really what he seems to be. His name is Larry Fairfax and you will have to visit him in whatever Federal penitentiary it is that he is housed in. You see, sometimes our government turns on its paid informants, especially when they botch their jobs. Oh, but that’s right- you seem to be denying the existence of such paid informants, correct? But then by that very act of denial, you are falling right into the role of the disinformation specialist.

  6. Oldtimer slow down, relax man. Do you understand what you are saying? If I’m a cognitive dissonance troll on ‘your’ government’s payroll, how is it possible for me to suggest that paid infiltrators do not exist . Do I look that stupid?

    There is an old Circassian proverb: Think before you speak and look around before you sit

  7. Oldtimer: Or you could visit the FBI’s (paid) informant in the Edgar Steele set-up and ask him if he is really what he seems to be. His name is Larry Fairfax and you will have to visit him in whatever Federal penitentiary it is that he is housed in.

    I’ve contributed money to make Edgar Steele’s life in jail a little less miserable. What did you do to help him? Gave him a ‘valuable’ information about the existence of paid informants of which ‘naive’ Ed has no clue?

    Pathetic little wizard.

  8. ” If I’m a cognitive dissonance troll on ‘your’ government’s payroll, how is it possible for me to suggest that paid infiltrators do not exist . Do I look that stupid?”
    Contemplate that sentence of yours for a minute and consider the maxim of your “reputed” enemies: ” by deception shalt thou make war”. If you were a cognitive dissonance operative, how would it serve your purpose to admit it? Which of us is “a pathetic little wizard”? YOU came to this blog and immediately accuse the blog owner of being a Jew. You demand to know if he is “really white”. You compare the blog’s efforts to “mainstream” (which isn’t really possible, we are only trying not to alienate whites who might be receptive to our message) as being some sort of Jewish plot. You start out by spouting nonsense and then get angry and tell us “My whole point is that you can’t get the Jews out of power in this country without my help and the help of people like me. Can you understand that, dumb people”.
    Just what are you trying to accomplish here Ivan? This is a website for promoting white interests, Western Civilization-which is not consonant with Islam. This is a site experimenting with the idea of a WN ethnostate. While you might have a point that whites could use all the help they can get in trying to achieve that goal, insulting everyone here is not the way to go about it.
    And by the way, I have no way of knowing what you look like over the net, or whether you “look that stupid” or not.

  9. “So if Senate Democrats vote tax cuts for rich Americans Senate Republicans will vote amnesty for illegal aliens? To hell with that!”

    This is the sort of thing that ‘mainstreamers’ like Hunter Wallace support! ‘We must support the GOP no matter how many times they stab us in the back!’

    Vanguardists are merely those are intelligent enough to realize the game is rigged.

    1.) Republican Nixon enacted Affirmative Action.

    2.) Republican Reagan enacted the first Amnesty (Simpson-Masoli)

    3.) Republican George H.W. Bush endorsed Democrat John Treen instead of David Duke! ( )

    4.) Republicans distanced themselves from one of the only Pro-White candidates this year, James Russell in New York State.

  10. The trouble is that conservative histrionics on C-Span doesn’t mean the battle is won. This country is a hair’s breadth away from amnesty and whenever the Democrats regain control say hello to 30 million new mud people as your fellow citizens. Thank the conservatives for doing absolutely nothing from 1994 through 2006 while the problem spiraled out of control until we now breathlessly await the coming wetback insurrection led by the detestable Luis Gutierrez.

    If conservatives had any balls they’d begin forcibly deporting illegal mestizos and drafting legislation criminalizing sanctuary cities and imposing draconian punishment on those who give aid and comfort to the illegal aliens. Instead we’ll get E-verify and a host of quarter measures that will barely make a dent in the illegal cancer and buy us 2-4 years at most. Instead we get Jeff Sessions hyperventilating about how much the DREAM Act will cost and a few people shoot their load all over the television and act as if we’re saved.

  11. Ted,

    (1) The term “affirmative action” (which has become the catch phrase to describe remedial anti-White discrimination) comes from John F. Kennedy.

    Speaking of affirmative action, it has been banned in several states (including Michigan, California, and Washington), and most recently in Arizona in the 2010 midterm elections. A federal court also just today upheld California’s ban on affirmative action.

    I BETCHA didn’t know that.

    (2) The Republicans recaptured control of Congress of the first time since the Eisenhower administration in 1994. Congress was controlled by the Democrats when the 1984 IRCA amnesty was passed.

    (3) David Duke ran as a Republican in Louisiana and nearly won with George H.W. Bush campaigning against him. He did succeed in winning the White vote.

    That more than anything else demonstrated the weakness of the GOP establishment … almost two decades ago. There was no follow up in the White Nationalist movement because the internet came about and became a playground for fantasists like yourself.

    (4) James Russell ran in a safe Democratic district, but even he still got around 37 percent of the vote (with nothing resembling a well built campaign) after being exposed as a White Nationalist on MSNBC.

    (5) Vanguardists are nothing more than an oddball collection of fantasists, defeatists, and losers. Most of them want our enemies to succeed.

    (6) That’s why you are over here attacking the people who voted against the DREAM Act, not those who support it.

  12. These Latinos are going to be made citizens eventually. That is pretty much a fait accompli. Mexico will continue imploding, causing more Mexicans to pour across the border, until services here are simply overwhelmed. It doesn’t seem likely that the USA can swallow the entire Mexican and Central American underclass and stay afloat, considering the state our country is in. It would be hard to do so in the best of times. The dissolution of Pax Americana probably looks like a wetback.

  13. Oldtimer,

    Let me try one more time. The Western civilization and the World of Islam are two very different, very distinct worlds. They are competitors, but they are not mortal enemies – they can coexist more or less peacefully. This is not either-or proposition. The two worlds should respect each other and try to not mix with each other. They should exist in the parts of the world that belong to them.

    There is no doubt in my mind that there will be many misunderstandings between the two in the future, even wars – that’s unavoidable, that’s what history teaches us.

    However, the most important thing to understand right now is this: If the Western world fails to release itself from the deadly grip of the jews, the White people will be swallowed, digested and shit out by the third world immigration. Powerful forces that push this game altering immigration are international in nature and they cannot be defeated by White people alone. That is absolutely certain. The only chance for the White people to recover from the poison at this late hour would be if the Western world quickly collapsed before the Whites become minorities in their own countries.

    I guess, still there is a small chance of that happening, but do you have to sit around talking about evil Islam instead of joining forces with the worst enemies of the jews – the Muslims – in a fight with the common enemy – the jews.

    After we get the parasite off our backs, if you want to wage wars against Muslims, I’ll say to you: Amen, go for it. But not now, ‘John’, not now. Can you understand that?

  14. Mr. Dithers,

    (1) Why am I not surprised that you are back here this evening attacking the people who voted against the DREAM Act? We defeated it for the second time in four months. You would think that would be seen as … uh, you know … good news.

    (2) Fortunately, the vast majority of White people are not stupid enough to waste their time on vanguardists. Instead, they leaned (successfully!) on wavering Republican Senators (a dozen of whom voted for this bill in the past) and WON the day.

    (3) Now let’s imagine it was up to the vanguardists to stop the DREAM Act. That is an unfavorable comparison because the reason the DREAM Act was put up for a vote is because even its supporters like Guiterrez admitted that “comprehensive amnesty” was off the table.

    (4) If it was up to the vanguardists, the amnesty would have been passed decades ago.

    (5) The vanguardists WANT Democrats to control Congress and pass anti-White legislation like the DREAM Act. They are disappointed that White people weren’t fucked over today. That’s because most of them are so alienated they actually want to cause harm to White America now.

    (6) Those awful conservatives … let’s see … let me count … have blocked the DREAM Act every single time since it was introduced in 2001 … have blocked “comprehensive immigration reform” every single time it was on the floor of Congress … have passed multiple laws that crackdown on illegal immigration at the state level … succeeded in getting their way on the border fence … and elected an incoming Congress that will assault birthright citizenship in January.

    (7) Alternatively, the vanguardists have done nothing more than gripe and fantasize on the internet under anonymous pseudonyms about “the collapse” of civilization. They are actually discussing things like whether or not a stock exchange will exist in the Northwest Republic.

    (8) As a matter of fact, the last time restrictionist immigration reform passed Congress was in 1996, when Republicans controlled the House and Senate.

    (7) Multiple state laws have been passed against sanctuary cities. More are coming down the pike next year.

    (8) The same is true of employers of illegal aliens. Arizona passed a law in 2007 that did just that, which succeeded in driving hundreds of thousands of illegals out of the state. In fact, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about that case right now.

    (9) The difference between mainstreamers and vanguardists on immigration is that the former are winners and are succeeding in moving the goal posts and winning victories.

    Alternatively, the vanguardists bitch and moan on the internet. They do nothing but come to our websites to spread defeatism and the “worse is better” theory so that our open enemies can be empowered.

    (10) Is it not interesting that the sole target of vanguardists is attacking the people who voted against the DREAM Act and trying to demoralize and neuter the White resistance?

    (11) That’s something they have in common with … hmm … La Raza and the Jews, right?

    (12) Jeff Sessions should be saluted for holding back the DREAM Act this afternoon. Someone has do to the job the vanguardists are unwilling to do.

  15. Does anyone think it’s possible, in the event of societal breakdown, for the masses to impose Marie Antoinette style retribution on “leaders” like Pelosi, Reed, GWB and their ilk? The DREAM ACT seems to me treason of the highest order – I’d assume the masses would use that piece of legislation as evidence of that treason if a new order was born.

  16. I don’t think this thread/issue is complicated.
    I just think Hunter’s comments guidelines should just be honored.
    Ivan – the WOG – Worthy Oriental Gentleman Muslim is way out of line implying that Hunter isn’t White.

    Hunter is clearly White – good Southern white guy, educated at Auburn – a rival to my alma mater Vanderbilt in the SEC…. we won exactly 1 college football bowl game since 1945.

    I Just think this Asian Muslim Ivan is getting out of hand – why is he hanging out at a WN/mainstream White Conservative Southern Alabama blog?

    Aren’t there Asian Muslim blogs for him to hang out at?

  17. jack,

    I offer you and HW a gentleman’s deal. Let’s run a little online poll, if a significant majority of OD readers, say 2/3, think that Ivan doesn’t make sense at all here at OD, I’ll leave OD on my own volition, if not, you’ll stop whining and calling for my comments to be banned.

  18. Concerning the presence of nonwhites in the military, here are the official Army demographic statistics:

    You may find the percentage of Negro sows as interesting as I find it disgusting – having to live with it. There are about the same number of them rutting around as there are White females. And just think about what the 10:1 male:female ratio does to their attitudes. If we were allowed to take photos in the camp chow hall I’d post pictures that should induce vomiting in anyone that believes our nation best defended by strong, straight White men. I’ll admit the preponderance of Ugandan/Arab/Kenyan contractors skews things a bit, but even among those in uniform our people stand out easily against the background of blacks, Hispanics who don’t speak english, open homosexuals, and yarmulka-wearing Jewdogs.

  19. “What they’re really worried about is Civil War 2. That’s why they want to get as many non-whites into the military as quickly as possible”

    This whole process has been about turning white people into a minority – at least. Maybe that would be enough for them and there’d just be a long slow assimilation genocide afterwards. Personally i don’t think so but who knows. However the economic prosperity needed to keep people sedated is crumbling too soon so they’re trying to rush it.

    I think the same is happening in Europe. Europe was further behind in terms of time-to-minority status but it was getting close in the US and they were also worried the US economy might come unstuck too soon and the US situation showing the Euros their possible future too early while the invaders are just 20% or so and still beatable. Hence the EU politicians bringing in a tidal wave of invaders in the last ten years or so to catch up with the US.

    “Does anyone think it’s possible, in the event of societal breakdown, for the masses to impose Marie Antoinette style retribution on “leaders” like Pelosi, Reed, GWB and their ilk?”

    If they lose, yes, some of them. A lot will escape though.

  20. “[However the economic prosperity needed to keep people sedated] is crumbling too soon so they’re trying to rush it.”

    This is true – over the past four-months I’ve been hit pretty hard economically. In those same four-months, I went from a racial slumber, to a full-blown racial awaking from which I will never doze-off.

  21. @ Ivan:
    “The two worlds should respect each other and try to not mix with each other. They should exist in the parts of the world that belong to them. ”
    – I can’t argue with that, so far so good…
    “There is no doubt in my mind that there will be many misunderstandings between the two in the future”
    – No doubt.
    ” If the Western world fails to release itself from the deadly grip of the jews, the White people will be swallowed, digested and shit out by the third world immigration. Powerful forces that push this game altering immigration are international in nature and they cannot be defeated by White people alone.”
    – So it would seem. And historically, alliances against a common foe have been forged by national rivals.
    “The only chance for the White people to recover from the poison at this late hour would be if the Western world quickly collapsed before the Whites become minorities in their own countries.”
    -This statement makes sense if it applies to the US, but to the “Western world? Howso? I would like to point out to you that Europe is being overrun by minorities who are Muslim non-whites. All of the British Isles, all of the Western European countries, even Sweden are invaded by these Middle Easterners. Granted, they are Muslims and do hate Jews, but they are not whites nonetheless. So should these countries embrace these invaders despite their being non-white simply because they are Muslim and Muslims hate the Jews? How would that preserve the Western world for whites? You stated at the beginning of your argument that “the two worlds should….not mix”. Here we have a contradiction.
    Even if such an alliance were possible and in some contemplated scenario our common enemy were defeated, would these non-white Muslims voluntarily leave and go back to their Muslim countries? I think not.
    Having said that, if all your comments could be as civil as this one was, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to post here. But I do think your implication that Hunter is not white was uncalled for, and if you researched past posts you would see that for yourself. As for Jack’s calling for your comments to be banned, well if it was up to Jack I certainly would be banned from commenting as well as half the people who post here.
    “After we get the parasite off our backs, if you want to wage wars against Muslims, I’ll say to you: Amen, go for it. But not now, ‘John’, not now. Can you understand that?”
    – I do not want war with any nation for whites. As a matter of fact, I would like to see a white ethnostate (I do not believe that we can “retake America” from the non-white hordes that are here now) devoted to the interests and well being of white people. I would like to see that ethnostate be and remain essentially “isolationist”. It is a dream that I have….can YOU understand THAT “Ivan”?

  22. Ivan,

    You say you are an “American,” but you spell “neighbors” like this, neighbours. Is that a cockney Jew accent you have?

    Nice try. Back to troll school.

  23. Ivan: It does not matter what your paperwork says. If you are a Moslem you’re not an American. There are millions of Chinese and Mexicans and Africans who have had papers given to them by the current Regime, assuring us that they too are Americans. They are not, and neither are you. Counterfeit citizenship has no more value than counterfeit money.

    As far as I’m concerned, you are welcome to post here, as a foreign guest. I am perfectly willing to cooperate with non-Whites who have their own reasons for opposing Jewish rule, as long as they don’t use that cooperation as a foot in our door. Like you said, “…Christians and Moslems, Europeans and non-Europeans can live in peace on their own lands without mixing with each other”.

  24. Mighty: “Does anyone think it’s possible, in the event of societal breakdown, for the masses to impose Marie Antoinette style retribution on “leaders” like Pelosi, Reed, GWB and their ilk? The DREAM ACT seems to me treason of the highest order – I’d assume the masses would use that piece of legislation as evidence of that treason if a new order was born.”

    Don’t expect much in the way of rivers of blood from White mainstream reaction to politics. For one thing Whites here are simply not so excitable, and so far as their reacting to the treasonous intent of the Dream Act, they tend to accept the viral idea that the US is a prepositional nation. Expect rivers of blood coming from the mixed-race Africans living here, and maybe the Latinos. As a reaction to them, Whites might become confrontational. The revolution, should it occur, will be started by non Whites.

  25. Since when does telling the truth about conservative betrayals and their colossal failure to deal effectively with illegal and legal immigration constitute defeatism? What you can’t seem to get it through your skull is that things never should have reached the point where we are always a hair’s breadth from amnesty. It will take more, much more, than simply voting down amnesty to win back our country from the illegal brown scum that’s slithered in from south of the border.

    Today they don’t have the votes. At some point in the near future they will but only because time and again the conservatives failed to act decisively when they had the power to do so (see Republican control of Congress 1994-2001, 2004-2006). Mounting an offensive is a concept utterly foreign to the conservative mentality.

    The conservative establishment you so lionize are guilty of gross dereliction of duty the past several decades with regards to deporting illegals, securing the border and adopting a sane legal immigration policy (i.e., white Euros only). You simply can’t win this argument. If the system truly worked then we wouldn’t have to constantly badger our elected representatives to act in the best interest of the white majority and by extension the national interest.

    I’ll be waiting for your next round of half-truths and distortions.

  26. Hunter and other hard working immigration control activists:

    I managed to secure web access (limited time) to the Federal Congressional Staff Directory – this allows us to call state and Washington offices and ask for specific staff members BY NAME to lobby against the Dream Act.

    I have found that this works much better than just leaving a message with whoever answers the phone.

    For anyone who is interested in working very hard these next two days to beat this Dream Act/Nightmare Amnesty act – let me know which Senate Staff members you need.

    Here’s staff information for Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar:

    Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R IN)
    Address: 306 SHOB Washington, DC 20510-1401
    Phone: 202-224-4814
    Fax: 202-228-0360
    Web Site:
    Facebook page:
    Twitter page:
    YouTube channel:
    Full Name: Richard Green Lugar
    Nickname: Dick
    Senate Since: Jan. 3, 1977
    Next Election: 2012
    Born: April 4, 1932 in Indianapolis, IN
    Home: Indianapolis, IN
    Education: Denison University (OH), 1950-54, B.A., Phi Beta Kappa; Rhodes Scholar, Pembroke College, Oxford University, England, 1956, B.A., M.A.
    Military Service: Entered active duty, U.S. Navy in 1956; released in 1960 after service in office of Chief of Naval Operations
    Profession: Business executive, food machinery manufacturing; Treasurer, Lugar Stock Farms, Inc., Marion County, IN, 1960-present; V.P. and Treasurer, Thomas L. Green and Co., 1960-77; Visiting professor of political science, University of Indianapolis, 1976
    Other Government Service: Member, Indianapolis, IN Board of School Commissioners, 1964-67; Mayor of Indianapolis, IN, 1968-75; Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1969-75, vice chair, 1971-75
    Political Highlights: Candidate for Republican presidential nomination, 1995-96; Candidate for election to U.S. Senate (IN), 1974; Delivered keynote address at Republican Natl. Convention, 1972; Honorary Co-Chair, Presidential Inauguration, 2009
    Publications: Letters to the Next President, Simon and Schuster, 1988; Indianapolis: Crossroads of the American Dream, Towery, 1996
    Founder: Fund for Hoosier Excellence, 1983; Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series
    Awards: Achievement Award, YouthAIDS, 2005; Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award, Africare, 2004; Bryce Harlow Award, The Bryce Harlow Foundation, 2001; Children’s Champion Award, Global Action for Children, 2009; Commander Medal of the Ouissan Alaouite Order, Government of Morocco, 2005; Congressional Award, Operation Lifesaver, 1996; Distinguished Legislator Award, University of Michigan, 2000; Distinguished Service Award, Food Research and Action Center, 2003; Edmund S. Muskie Distinguished Public Service Award, Center for Natl. Policy, 2003; Fiorello LaGuardia Award, 1975; Healthy American Fitness Leader, 1985; Hilal-i-Pakistan, Government of Pakistan, 2008; Honorary Fellow, Pembroke College, Oxford, England; Leadership in Government Award, The Keystone Center, 2002; Lewis-Houghton Award for Conscience, Courage, and Compassion, Faith and Politics Institute, 2006
    Board of Trustees: U.S. Conference of Mayors, 1969-75; Denison University (OH); University of Indianapolis (IN)
    Board of Directors: American Running and Fitness Association; Natl. Endowment for Democracy; Youth for Understanding
    Memberships: Natl. League of Cities Advisory Council, 1972-75, president, 1971; Rotary
    Family: Married to Charlene Smeltzer; four children
    Religion: United Methodist
    Washington, DC Staff Martin W. Morris
    202-224-4814 Chief of Staff
    E-mail: Mark Helmke
    202-224-4814 Deputy Chief of Staff; Communications Director
    E-mail: Mark Hayes
    202-224-4814 Deputy Press Secy.
    E-mail: Paul Sinders
    202-224-4814 Exec. Asst.
    E-mail: Liz Bartlett
    202-224-4814 Scheduler
    E-mail: Christopher Geeslin
    202-224-4814 Legis. Director
    E-mail: Conor Burns
    202-224-4814 Asst. Legis. Director
    E-mail: Alex Currie
    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst. , Health Care, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Labor, Adoption, Abortion, Manufacturing, Government Employees
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    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst. , State Projects, Transportation, Interior, Native Americans, Postal Reform, Education, Science
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    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst. , Taxes, Banking, Housing, Finance, Small Business, Pensions, Energy
    E-mail: Andrew Mills
    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst.; Grants Coord. , Immigration
    E-mail: Joe O’Donnell
    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst. , Judiciary, Justice, Civil Rights, Military, Veterans, Homeland Security
    E-mail: Aaron Whitesel
    202-224-4814 Legis. Asst. , Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Nutrition, Climate Change
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    E-mail: Amy Freiburger
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    E-mail: Jon Rosenbaum
    202-224-4814 Staff Asst.
    State Offices and Staff
    Evansville, IN 47708-1951:
    Federal Building, 101 N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Suite 122
    Phone: 812-465-6313 Larry Ordner Southwest Regional Director Barbara L. Keerl Asst. Director
    Fort Wayne, IN 46804-3075:
    Covington Plaza, 6384A W. Jefferson Boulevard
    Phone: 260-422-1505
    Fax: 260-424-1342
    Cathy Gallmeyer Northeast Regional Director Wayne Stanley Asst. Northeast Regional Director Amy Fumarolo Asst. Director
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2964:
    Market Tower, Ten W. Market Street, Room 1180
    Phone: 317-226-5555 Lesley N. Reser State Director Lane Ralph Deputy State Director Karen Seacat Deputy Press Secy. Dona Kelley Asst. State Director; Scheduler Gail Lowry Exec. Asst. Kathy Blane Office Manager Susan Brouillette Director of Constituent Svcs. Dawn Herring Director of Internal Communications Emmy Huffman Military and Veterans Affairs Coordinator Bob Healey Legis. Asst. Mark Doud Special Asst. Bill Gibson Special Asst. Monica Kozlowski Special Asst. Jonathan Corwin Staff Asst.
    Valparaiso, IN 46383-5559:
    175 W. Lincolnway, Suite G-1
    Phone: 219-548-8035 Celina Weatherwax Northwest Regional Director

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