DREAM Act fails in Senate, deals blow to anti-White movement

He who laughs last laughs best

District of Corruption

The fight against the DREAM Act amnesty not only proved that the American political process is not as broken as White Nationalists once imagined, but that the forces of communism, treason, and race suicide can be pushed back – no matter how powerful.

For over nine years, RINOs and Democrats have conspired to push the DREAM Act through Congress, and with a mulatto in the White House and a solid Democratic majority in the House and Senate, fate briefly seemed destined to smile on advocates of amnesty for illegal aliens, who pinned their hopes on Dirty Harry’s ambition and Nancy Pelosi’s corrupt bargain with the Treason Caucus, to pass at least one small portion of their radical agenda.

Congratulations to all those who struck a blow against these enemies of America. This victory would not have been possible without the brave decision by so many of you to stand your ground and represent the commonsense views of your constituents.

How’s that for a change?

Even today, the anti-White movement is busy skewing the facts and spoonfeeding pro-amnesty propaganda to the mainstream media and the public. Imagine2050, an anti-White organization with ties to the Far Left and hate groups like the NAACP and La Raza, has repeatedly trashed White America on a daily basis for over two years now.

White Americans are smart enough to read the tea leaves and see through their smokescreen of hypocrisy and lies. They know that rewarding criminals and pandering to anti-White hate groups is hardly in their racial self interest.

We are winning this debate. These criminals will remain in the shadows where they rightly belong … until we elect a government willing to deport each and every single one of their sorry tan asses back to Mexico or whatever corrupt Third World hellhole they originally hailed from.

Numerous reports have shown that rewarding  illegal aliens with a “path to citizenship,” in-state college tuition, and access to other public services would have been a significant drag on the American economy. And yet the anti-White movement continually proffers false information to distort the truth.

Seriously, how can anyone look at a bankrupt state like Mexifornia – the Greece of the Pacific – and claim it is a model worth imitating? How does America benefit from assuming the burden of supporting Mexico’s underclass?

The DREAM Act’s fate now lies in the hands of the U.S. Senate, which is expected to vote again on the bill next week. Harry Reid pulled the bill from the floor yesterday morning because he lacked the votes to secure a filibuster proof majority.

Regardless of how the House vote was decided, the Senate has spoken, and we have defeated this Crime Against America yet again. And this is a victory, which we must savor.

We have always known that the majority of Americans reject amnesty for illegal aliens, as the polls have consistently shown this, and the electorate most recently proved it by tossing out pro-amnesty RINOs and 63 Democrats in the 2010 election cycle, replacing them with restrictionists like Lou Barletta, in spite of hysterical cries of “racism” from anti-White groups such as Imagine2050.

These so-called “progressive” organizations have been put on notice that what they malign as “hate” is now mainstream and their anti-White plot against America will no longer be tolerated or quietly submitted to.

Editor’s Note: This is a spoof of the original Imagine2050 article.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Seriously, how can anyone look at a bankrupt state like Mexifornia – the Greece of the Pacific – and claim it is a model worth imitating?

    Did you see the article last week about how as part of the tax deal with Obama the GOP insisted that the “build America” bonds not be extended past the end of the year? The result will be forcing CA and several other blue states to go bankrupt and have to come to the Feds for a bailout in 2011 which the GOP intends to block.

    Surprisingly good strategic thinking by the Republicans.

  2. I just saw a shocking documentary on PBS that only confirmed how helping the Third World poor is a bottomless pit. It was called Daughter From Danang about a half American girl who was evacuated from Vietnam during the fall in 1975 and adopted by a woman in Tennessee. It followed her quest to find her birth mother 25 years later in Danang. The movie was produced by San Francisco liberals who expected to make a happy movie about reunion and bash America in the process but unbeknownst to the filmmakers the whole thing went shockingly wrong. The girl had been raised by a single white woman in Tennessee (possibly a lesbian) who was a very strict, cold parent who raised her to pass as white. The filmmakers of course couldn’t resist throwing in images of “the klan” and bashing the south though everyone interviewed said nobody ever gave her any problems and she was accepted as a cheerleader and married a local boy. However, she knew absolutely nothing about the world outside her small town upbringing and was totally unprepared for what she found in Vietnam.

    From the minute she arrived in Danang, the whole clan immediately began hitting her up for money. When she gave them some they had the gall to demand more. The Vietnamese woman from California who was supposed to be her guide just dumped her off for a week in her birth families hovel and took off to visit her own relations. (something adoption professionals who specialize in reunions say was a total no-no, the first contacts are supposed to be very brief) The tone of her interviews during the visit suggest things are starting to go wrong. They were pawing all over her constantly, violating her personal space, even sleeping in the same bed and she found it very unnerving. In the climax with the camera crew around the whole clan (of virtual strangers to her) ambushed her and demanded she permanently support them with a monthly salary and bring them over to live with her. She just freaked out crying and left in tears later saying she wish she had never gone over there. It was clear the clans interest in her was primarily money and she had no clue that all this stuff about “Understanding Asian Culture” meant more than simply a bunch of exotic foods and candle lit holiday festivals: it meant letting a whole bunch of able bodied adults leech off you.

    To top it off, during the war while the birth mom was cavorting with Americans her Vietnamese husband was off FIGHTING FOR THE VIETCONG!!! The movie showed him 25 years later marching in his NVA uniform commemorating the fall of Saigon. Yet he wants our money? He made his choice, let uncle Ho write his monthly checks. Oh that’s right, he fought for the clowns who made an absolute disaster out of the countries economy.

    I took a look on the internet and sure enough, SWPL liberals were “disgusted by her actions.” They made HER out to be the villain for not immediately making a drastic financial commitment to virtual strangers when she herself was living in navy barracks off her enlisted husbands small salary raising two kids of her own. SWPL types are total suckers and no match for Third World leeches, they would end up getting sucked out of everything they had. I wonder if the situation were reversed how they would react to the movie. What if she was born in Tennessee and adopted by SWPL types in California and then went back to find her birth mother only to have a whole class of able bodied white southerners pressure her for money during the whole visit. The SWPL types would make comments like “What a bunch of redneck bums…the nerve of those hillbillies to ruin an emotional moment with thoughts of money.” But when it is non-whites acting badly they make all kinds of excuses. Surprisingly enough, the only commenters who stuck up for Heidi were other overseas Vietnamese who knew the greedy nature of their own people. A lot of them thought the family was way out of line to come on so strong, so quick about money and mentioned with such lower class people its never enough. They expect hundreds, even thousands of dollars, (not the $20 the SWPL types thought they were asking for.) It is clear that white liberals are utterly unprepared to make any political decision and thank heavens red state Americans still have some influence because they’d give away the farm. Hopefully soon we can get rid of all these Mexican and other Third World leeches ruining America.

  3. Thanks nightowl. I worked with about a dozen Vietnamese men for over a decade beginning in the early 80s. They were all sending money home.
    I heard so many proud stories of cousins, siblings going to school, graduations, becoming doctors, lawyers, starting businesses, buying land, buying the first village refrigerator, the first telephone.

    What the leftists never admit is how this creates a new economically divided class system. A relatively wealthy and powerful few that divides the village into haves and have nots. Ironically, a privileged class in a supposedly communist country that’s based on access to US “capitalist” dollars.

    About the dream act, it would be great if we could relax but we can’t.

    Don’t let up. Use this time to keep calling, emailing, writing, faxing your senators. Use the lists provided at numbersusa and alipac.

    The vote was postponed till next week to give the pro immigration lobbyists time to pressure, threaten, blackmail and buy senate votes.

    Kill the Dream. It’s on life support but it’s not dead yet.

  4. That’s to be expected.

    Democrats controlled Congress. We go on offense next year when Steve King and Lamar Smith rule the House.

    I love football analogies. This is a successful goal line stand. In football, you have to play offense and defense, and the other team occasionally scores.

    Given the numbers we had in the House and Senate, the Republicans, you must admit, were incredibly successful at blocking this.

  5. Undocumented Immigrants Prepare to Leave Arizona


    PHOENIX – Faced with the unlikelihood that the federal government will pass an immigration-reform law any time soon, coupled with the toughening of Arizona’s state laws against illegal immigration, many undocumented aliens here are getting ready to go back to their own countries.

    “The situation is getting more and more difficult, not only because it’s very hard to find work, but because you can no longer live in peace – you’re always afraid of being arrested by the cops,” Juan Martinez Ramos, an undocumented immigrant from the western Mexican state of Michoacan, told Efe.

    The Martinez family is selling all the furniture in their two-room apartment in Phoenix in hopes of raising a little more cash.

    “The American dream is over for us,” the father of three children, all born in the U.S., said.

    The family hopes to leave the state by Dec. 21, in time to get back to Mexico for the Christmas celebrations.

    Martinez, 42, who worked in construction for more than seven years, has been out of a job for a year, and during that time has survived doing “odd jobs” in private homes, such as repairing walls and roofs and installing windows.

    “It’s not just the lack of work – now with the SB1070 law they want to make those of us without papers feel like criminals,” Martinez, who came to the United States 10 years ago crossing the Arizona desert on foot, said.

    SB1070, which took effect in July, is the first in the United States to criminalize the presence of undocumented immigrants. . . .

  6. Judge dismisses part of challenge to Arizona law


    PHOENIX — A federal judge has dismissed parts of the U.S. Department of Justice’s challenge to Arizona’s new immigration law.

    U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton’s ruling on Friday struck down the federal government’s challenge to the portion of the law that prohibits the transport of illegal immigrants.

    But Bolton’s ruling didn’t have any effect on the portions of the law that she previously prevented from taking effect, including a requirement that immigrants get or carry immigration registration papers.

    In that ruling in July, Bolton let other portions take effect, including a ban on obstructing traffic while seeking or offering day-labor services on public streets.

    Bolton on Friday denied Gov. Jan Brewer’s request to dismiss challenges to the law’s most controversial sections.

  7. Steve King? Is that right? Once saw him on CSPAN praising Israel to high heaven…

    Lets look a little closer:

    Commitment to unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond. (Mar 2010)


    WOW. Hunter Wallace, you really want Whites to continue having this Jewish-Israel Albatross around our necks? How much longer do you think we should have to live with these parasites? Haven’t you read the ‘Culture of Critique?’

    It is time to wake up and embrace the Truth that Linder has been stating!!!

  8. It is time to wake up and embrace the Truth that Linder has been stating!!!

    It’s all about where your priorities lie. If your primary goal is to get rid of the Hispanics, it makes sense to work within the Republican party even if we disagree with them on foreign policy.

    If your primary goal is to get rid of US support for Israel, then it makes sense to join the Democratic party and work to advancing that goal even if you disagree with them on domestic policy.

    There are only 2 parties and if you want to be relevent you need to pick one. The most important thing is that whatever your goals are, you work through the system instead of just abandoning it and retreating into fantasy.

  9. Otis the Sweaty says:
    December 11, 2010 at 2:06 pm
    It is time to wake up and embrace the Truth that Linder has been stating!!!

    It’s all about where your priorities lie. If your primary goal is to get rid of the Hispanics, it makes sense to work within the Republican party even if we disagree with them on foreign policy.

    If your primary goal is to get rid of US support for Israel, then it makes sense to join the Democratic party and work to advancing that goal even if you disagree with them on domestic policy.

    There are only 2 parties and if you want to be relevant you need to pick one. The most important thing is that whatever your goals are, you work through the system instead of just abandoning it and retreating into fantasy.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Yes, but consider doing what I do – jump in and out of both parties, Left/Right whenever it works for us. This is what the Jews do, they make Liberal/Left Marxism work for them, including supporting Wall Street Jew $ billionaire finance scammers – somehow that’s all OK with Liberal/Left if these $ billionaires fund the Democrat party, SPLC, end the Sierra Club’s activism against mass immigration. Then the Jews jump in on the Right and make mainstream “Conservative” politics become Neo Conservative – pro Israel wars, open borders immigration right to work laws that drive White union wages down to non White third world levels – then these Jew Conservatives manage to corrupt the White religious Right Christian churches to become Christian Zionist – pro Israel churches – and that’s somehow “Conservative”, just not our Conservative.

    So I do the same, jump in and out of Left/Right, make both pro White. Sure when you are in an all White, Red State rural area – support pro life, gun rights, low taxes etc.
    But, when you are in an urban area Blue state with hundreds of thousands of underclass Blacks – the last thing you want to do is be pro life, let the Blacks get lots of guns, let the worst Blacks, and other Non Whites do whatever they want in some type of Libertarian nonsense – when your area is 80% Black, you want elitist (Whites) taking away lots and lots of personal freedoms.
    And it is just a strange fact of life that the only real opposition to Jew Zionist/Neo Con wars for Israel in the USA is on the Left. So just change clothes, put on a different “liberal” hat and go bash the Zionists/AIPAC for being RACIST and putting in place “Apartheid” in Palestine (as if there as anything wrong with Apartheid), rail against super rich Wall Street billionaires, just make sure you identify these Wall Street billionaires as Jews.
    This was what Hitler did in National Socialism – he made NS work for all Germans – Liberal/Left to hard core Right – just agree with whatever White person is in the room, take his side and oppose the anti White Jew program of destruction in whatever way is right for who you are with.

  10. This was what Hitler did in National Socialism

    Exactly. You need to be flexible and tailor your argument to your audience.

    Nobody here bashes the vanguardists, I guess that’s what we’re calling them now, for working with the left against Israel so how come we’re not allowed to work with the right against blacks and hispanics?

    Even Hitler was willing to work with the Soviets and the Zionists when it furthered German interests. And he was willing to make political alliances with gay weirdo communist sympathizers like Ernest Rohm without which he could never have taken power in the first place.

    An alliance is not a marriage. We can always abandon guys like King when they are no longer useful to us.

  11. I would bash them.

    I have no doubt that vanguardists would flood America with tens of millions of Asians and Hispanics if they could harm Israel by doing so. They are nihilists who hate White people. The vanguardists already talk about abandoning the Whites in the Southwest and Southeast and forming alliances with Mexico and North Korea.

    Israel could easily survive on its own without foreign aid. It has a fleet of nuclear submarines. It would certainly be nice to end the annual subsidy they get every year, but in the larger scheme of things, it is nowhere near worth the price of losing our own country to do so.

    Vanguardists aren’t pro-White. They are anti-Jew.

    They have more sympathy for Palestinians and Iranians than White Americans. That comes across clearly in their comments.

  12. They have more sympathy for Palestinians and Iranians than White Americans. That comes across clearly in their comments.

    I agree, but what’s wrong with them thinking like that? They are entitled to have their own priorities.

    The only thing I can’t stand is when they refuse to take any action themselves. Instead of attacking us for working with pro Israel Republicans they should instead try to build bridges with anti Israel Left wingers and muslims.

  13. HW: “I have no doubt that vanguardists would flood America with tens of millions of Asians and Hispanics if they could harm Israel by doing so. They are nihilists who hate White people. The vanguardists already talk about abandoning the Whites in the Southwest and Southeast and forming alliances with Mexico and North Korea.”

    What a truly paranoid post.

  14. “I have no doubt that vanguardists would flood America with tens of millions of Asians and Hispanics if they could harm Israel by doing so. They are nihilists who hate White people. The vanguardists already talk about abandoning the Whites in the Southwest and Southeast and forming alliances with Mexico and North Korea.” HW
    That’s absurd. This whole split into Vanguard vs Mainstream is counter-productive. You are making way too much out of this. I tend to the Vanguard, yet I am registered Republican and vote for the interests of my race.

  15. Otis the Sweaty says: “I agree, but what’s wrong with them thinking like that? They are entitled to have their own priorities.”

    What’s wrong with a White Nationalist having less sympathy for White Americans than the Iranians, Palestinians and in at least a few cases the North Koreans?

    Your question answers itself.

    Like the Jews and every other anti-White faction on this planet, they can set their priorities as they please. But when a person has more sympathy and compassion for non-Whites on the other side of the globe over his own kinsmen in the United States, that person has no business calling himself a White Nationalist. A person who has no sympathy for the 100,000,000 Whites in the United States should not pretend they are pro-White.

  16. These ADL trolls must secretly relish their job, they get to come here with a license to say what they really think about the schwartzes and in the process encourage whites to drop out into some foolish cult that obsesses with destroying ManBearPig in a tiny country on the other side of the planet above all else. This whole Anti-Zionist faction is just dead weight on the right. They come across to Americans as kooks at best and out and out traitors when they care more about Iran and the Palestinians than issues facing Americans. Who the heck cares so much about Israel and the Palestinians?? Where are these legions of “Christian Zionists” they imagine most Red State Americans to be. (Always with a puritanical moral zeal that these Red State Americans deserve to be punished by suffering liberal mayhem for this alleged sin of “Christian Zionism”) Hasn’t anyone figured out that the reason these politicians, Murdoch and televangelists praise Israel is simply to get ahead by kissing ass to the most conservative faction of the group with the most influence? How did the jews get all that influence?? By living in a fantasy world?? Who cares what happens to the Palestinians?? Is Israel the source of the ACLU, the Environmental Wacko movement, Civil Rights agitators, leftist educational rackets?? Yes they do leech off us, but solve all those other problems and that policy will be solved in the process.

  17. Where are these legions of “Christian Zionists” they imagine most Red State Americans to be

    I would say most of Red State America dislikes arabs and muslims. Considering that muslims are the only group of people fighting Zionism, you can’t really blame the vanguardists for resenting Red State America for not supporting their (the vanguardists’) heros.

    They come across to Americans as kooks at best and out and out traitors when they care more about Iran and the Palestinians than issues facing Americans

    After World War II there was a split between the ex Nazis who manage to escape death/capture. Some thought that they should go to the West and continue to fight against communism but many decided to go the arab world to fight against Zionism even though they could have lived a more comfortable life in the West.

    To me, the only true white nationalism puts destroying Israel as it’s first priority. If destroying Israel is not on the top of the agenda, then how is “white nationalism” any different than the beliefs of men like Churchill and FDR who also wanted to keep the West white?

    I think the feuding with the vanguardists is pointless. We should just agree to differ.

  18. The vanguardists hate White America with all the passion of progressives. They are the other side of the alienated coin. Both are engaged in their own “culture of critique.” That’s why they so readily fly into the arms of their brethren on the Left.

    Why should destroying Israel be at the top of our agenda?

    It is a foreign country armed with nuclear submarines. You can’t destroy Israel. The most you could do is take them off welfare and shutdown their influence over the government.

    That’s not nearly as important as stopping immigration. I wish the Jews who live in America would move there.

  19. Qualified support for the Zionists is the proper stance for nationalists. This is the proper stance for tactical reasons. Although we should not financially support the Zionists with foreign aid or support their wars against Islam in Muslim lands, there is no reason not to support Zionism in principle. The one upside of Isreal having such a high profile on the world stage is that it makes it easy to argue that if Jews get an ethnostate then everyone else should get one too.

  20. Why should destroying Israel be at the top of our agenda?

    It shouldn’t. But we shouldn’t be surprised when people who do put it on the top of their agenda get upset when we work with or support Republicans who are pro Israel.

    How would you feel if a bunch of white nationalists were saying we should vote for Cynthia McKinney even though she is anti white because she is anti Israel?

    That is how vanguardists feel about us being willing to support Republicans

  21. How would you feel if a bunch of white nationalists were saying we should vote for Cynthia McKinney even though she is anti white because she is anti Israel?

    That is how vanguardists feel about us being willing to support Republicans

    That kind of vanguardist sentiment is exactly the same as the mindset of the Victorian housewives who were more concerned about evangelizing amongst African cannibals than helping the working poor in their midst.

  22. Solutrean,

    Every single day the vanguardists can be found on the internet preaching “worse is better” and cheering on the destruction of America and “the collapse” of civilization.

    Just the other day Frank Weltner of Jew Watch said White people deserve to die because they are lemmings.

    It looks to me like you are ignoring inconvenient facts.

  23. Hunter,
    It is just all semantics with you. “Vanguardists” is your own personal boogeyman. Everything you don’t like about the WN movement falls into that category. First you define the term so broadly that it includes many decent people, some of the best of us, and then you gratuitously toss in examples of the many lunatics out there, and pretend that proves your original thesis, which was nothing but a gratuitous polemic to begin with.

  24. You keep pretending that “vanguardists” are just my own “personal boogeyman.”

    As I said, there is a vanguardist in the other thread, right now, who is so deluded that he advocates ripping elderly people limb from limb, while largely agreeing with my characterization of his views.

    Every single day on this website the vanguardists come here and the back and forth goes on for hours in the comment threads. There is a 3,000 post active thread at VNN Forum right now about the mainstreaming tendencies of Stormfront.

    But as you insist, none of this is real, even though this debate was raging as far back as the 1970s and 1980s and continued through the 1990s and 2000s.

    No, it is really, truly, honestly impossible distinguish a vanguardist from someone who isn’t one. Whatever.

  25. Hunter,

    Seen from the perspective of paleo-conservativism you yourself are a vanguardist. “Vanguardist” and “mainstreamer” are semantics because as terms their meaning is dependent on context. Anybody to the right of X is considered vanguardist. VNN is vanguardist compared to Stormfront, and Stormfront is vanguardist compared to Free Republic. You ought to appreciate that advocating a Whites Only republic is a vanguardist position. My objection centers around the guilt by association ploy of lumping vanguardists in with lunatics. There is nothing stopping Freepers from playing the same trick on you, or Fox News from doing it to Freepers, or CNN to Fox, etc etc. Kooks are kooks, but they don’t represent everyone to the right of position X.

  26. You keep pretending that “vanguardists” are just my own “personal boogeyman.”

    The exclusion of an individual from being “Mainstream,” therefore making one an automatic “Vanguardist,” IS your own personal boogeyman.

    You watch FOX News…You adore and have promoted Glenn Beck…You’ve lied and BSed your way through pro-White circles for years. You endorse a sect of PC politics that has gone out of it’s way to push White people into a guilt-ridden state of submission……….If your game of simple Right/Left, Vanguardist/Mainstream is equally applied to what you’ve decided to cloak yourself in, then what you are is not as simple as just being Mainstream. Mainstream in your context is simply acceptance by a majority. Mainstream in the eyes of people that are actually pro-White(and have been for much longer than you) makes you as much of an anti-racist as Glenn Beck; makes you every bit the lying manipulator as those making the news at FOX; makes you exactly the same caliber as those CONservatives who have been marginalizing and screwing over White people for decades. You don’t get to pick and choose what kind of “Mainstreamer” you are any more than someone gets to choose what kind of “Vanguardist” they are. These are YOUR RULES you’ve set up, and I think you should be held to the same standards.

    Hell, Hunter, I know black people and Mexicans that want to get rid of illegals and enforce the border. That doesn’t make them pro-White, and centering your arguments around that position doesn’t make you one either. Sooo, stop promoting yourself as Mainstream, and start promoting yourself as pro-Israel and rabidly anti-White.

  27. @Lew;

    “The one upside of Isreal having such a high profile on the world stage is that it makes it easy to argue that if Jews get an ethnostate then everyone else should get one too.”
    -That might sound logical to you and others, but you are ignoring the mindset of Zionists aren’t you? They consider all things Jewish to be above and beyond criticism. They believe themselves to be the “Master Race” that they accused AH of trying to breed. In their minds they are beyond reproach. And what is good for them is NOT good for us, in their worldview. We are gentiles, therefore we are cattle to these people. You can argue that point of view that “since they have an ethnostate, we should have one too” all you want. It will fall on deaf ears with them since they are, in their opinion better than us. Much, much better. You must evidently not know anything of their Talmud- to them we are not even “human”, and in that set of books that statement is made many times. I have to disagree with you; support of any kind, (qualified or not) for Zionists is not the proper stance for white nationalists.

  28. The fact that Israel has five diesel-electric submarines with cruise missiles (presumably with nuclear warheads) makes it imperative to destroy them before they get even stronger. Those weapons are not aimed at Bagdad, they are aimed at Europe. I don’t doubt that they’ve got nukes stored in all their consulates in the U.S. as well, since we’re out of missile range. The Jewish carrot for our politicians is money, the stick is atomic destruction. If Israel goes under they’ll kill as many Whites as possible. Look what they’ve done to our country, which has showered them with wealth and honor. Clearly, hatred of Goyim is their ruling passion.

  29. @Oldtimer: Sure, as a long time student of the Jews, I understand those things completely. The audience for this argument (if Jews get an ethnostate everyone else should too) would be everyone but the Jews. It makes it easy to expose their double standards and hypocrisy — to non Jewish audiences. Think about it. If you tell someone “Europe should be the homeland for Europeans and only for Europeans just like Israel is the homeland for Jews,” how can anyone who supports Israel object to that without looking like a fool at best or evil at worst? It exposes their dishonesty and doublethink, the Jews’ dishonesty, and shows there is nothing wrong in principle with ethnostates. Likewise, if we nationalists condemn Israel because it’s a Jewish ethnostate, we are condemning ethnostates in principle thereby undercutting our own postion by suggesting their is something wrong with ethnostates. It doesn’t make sense. Especially since Israel is not going anywhere anyway, attacking Israel is not good tactics.

  30. @CT: HW has given his definition of vanguardist over and over again and backed it up with numerous examples that illustrate his definition. In response, most of his critics have asserted without argument that he is arguing against a straw man while also throwing in meaningless personal attacks. Unlike his critics, HW has at least tried to sustain his position with more than unsupported assertions and personal attacks worthy of the schoolyard.

    As far as I know, HW has not attacked Sam Francis, KMD, CC of C, the A3P, David Duke or any strain of WN that doesn’t fit his definition of an anti-American, alienated and White-hating vanguardist, nor has he embraced anti-intellectual populism in an unqualified way. He has not promoted Beck’s whole agenda just pointed out how Beck has been successful in 1) mobilizing Whites into action and 2) increasing polarization by baiting the anti-Whites into hysterical overreactions.

    So it is a complete distortion to say HW is promoting the GOP as the only alternative to “vanguardism.” He is not and has not. On the contrary, he has made the case for trying to further radicalize the conservatives by “moving the goalposts” right to use his language. He has argued for working with the conservatives to move them right not WN left and that vanguardist are standing in the way of progress by promoting a radical anti-American agenda.

  31. The climax of this debate was reached yesterday evening when a vanguardist named “Whites Forward” logged on and dropped a comment about ripping elderly people limb from limb and my parent’s generation wearing targets on their backs.

    I literally leaned back in my computer chair. My eyes opened wide. I wiped my face and stared at the computer screen for a few minutes.

    There is no hope for these damaged people. They are too far gone to be of any use in reversing our decline. I really think that was the final nail in the coffin in convincing me that I have better ways to spend my time.

    Who wants to interact with people like that on a daily basis? I know I don’t.

  32. Very interesting article on redstate.com this morning. It claims the US might invade Mexico to stop drug dealers from destabilizing the country and stop incursions into Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. Mexico would then be made the 51st state. The speculation is based in part on wikileaks info. This would be a development not anticipated in WN projections about the future of the US.

  33. LEW,

    If the USA could not annex Mexico militarily if it wanted to. Imagine trying to maintain order in Mexico under such circumstances. Conversely, Mexico, or any country for that matter, could never annex the USA either. I wish the US government would give it a try though, as that would definitely be its Waterloo.

  34. HW has given his definition of vanguardist over and over again and backed it up with numerous examples that illustrate his definition.

    He has drawn a distinction between two camps, Vanguard and Mainstream. There is never another one mentioned. Those not toeing the line with Tea Party/FOX News/GOP-infused rhetoric are naturally going to be at the opposite end of the “Mainstream” spectrum. Vanguard in the world of “Hunter Wallace” is anyone and everyone that dares to tell him to shove his ever-changing views-of-the-month up the ole tailpipe.

    This would be a development not anticipated in WN projections about the future of the US.

    Any instance where the White % could be plummeted and made less of a factor in the political process IS perfectly within the realm of predictions made. Hell, half of Mexico is probably already here or has cycled through here over the years. It doesn’t take much of a leap to speculate about the rest being here.

  35. HW, What was amazing about that guy is he didn’t even dispute what you said. On the contray, he declared that you are right, and then said Whites should be ripped up. Maybe that guy was a troll. If not, what a crank. I don’t think he is typical, but man you never see people like that show up around groups like Amren or CC of C. The more moderate groups just don’t attract those types in my experience.

  36. Population Bomb: Earth is Bleeding Human Capital

    “I’ve got colleagues running around Florida trying to find people to take their knowledge before they die,” says Peter Waggitt, a uranium production consultant to the IAEA. “Most of the senior experts in uranium mining are pushing 50 and some of the best are over 70.” _SwissInfo

    It is not too surprising when third world countries such as South Africa dismally fail to meet their electric power demands. Even though South Africa is the wealthiest and most advanced nation in SubSaharan Africa, it must still struggle with an average population IQ of only 72. More and more high IQ market dominant minorities in business, technology, and the professions are being driven from South Africa by sky-rocketing crime rates and other forms of rapid descent into third worldism.

    It may come as a surprise to find that some of the same problems of human capital shortages are beginning to crop up in the advanced world.The average university technician is aged over 40 and almost a third are over 50 years old, according to their trade union,…

    A report for the Higher Education Funding Council for England by consultancy Evidence Ltd found a 22 per cent drop in the number of technicians in engineering between the 1996 and 2001 research assessment exercises, almost a 23 per cent decline in biological sciences technicians and 16 and 17 per cent decreases in technicians for physical sciences and pre-clinical technicians.

    Such problems are appearing in technology sectors all over the developed world. Europeans, S. Koreans, Japanese, Russians, and residents of the Anglosphere are failing to have children to replace themselves. Of the few children they have, not enough are going into technical professions that will be badly needed in the near future. One of the technology sectors which needs to grow the fastest, is the nuclear power sector. And that — along with the power and energy industry in general — is where some of the worst losses of human capital are occurring.French utility EDF says around 50 percent of employees in its nuclear branch will retire by 2015 and that its workers are on average 43-44 years old.

    In the United States, the peak age of workers in the nuclear sector is 48-52 while Britain estimates that up to two-thirds of its top-tier nuclear managers will retire by 2025….

    Sometimes referred to as a “silver tsunami”, the departure of the first generation of nuclear workers is a big concern for the IAEA, which promotes civilian nuclear technology alongside its role as atomic watchdog. Many countries and private firms have new units planned or under construction, the agency said in a September report for a conference of its 151 member states. “(They) are facing shortages of experienced personnel and loss of knowledge as they look to replace retiring staff for their existing fleet while at the same time staffing new projects.”

    Finnish nuclear regulator Stuk says the lack of skilled workers is at least partly to blame for the delays at Olkiluoto. So many experienced nuclear manufacturers have left the business that project managers have been forced to look for subcontractors who then need nuclear training, the regulator said in a presentation in August. Building the next generation of power plants will be demanding, “because much of the earlier experience and resources have been lost from the nuclear industry.” _SwissInfo

    As European populations fall from Europe to North America to Oceania, few members of many replacement populations possess the native talent to be trained in highly technical occupations which are crucial for an advancing future. Mexican immigrants to the US have an average IQ no higher than 90, shifting the occupational bell curve significantly to the left — with many technical and scientific professions out of reach for most of the newcomers. Immigrants to Europe from North Africa and the Middle East have average IQs of around 85, a full standard deviation below native European populations. Fewer than 5% of these will be qualified for highly technical areas of study. The manpower shortages will only get worse.

    Leaders and policy makers in the US, the EU, and elsewhere need to learn that low-IQ immigrants will quickly become a drag on their economies, and provide very few in the way of qualified high tech professionals. Affirmative action can attempt to force these unqualified immigrants into the technical professions, but a lowering of standards will be the result. There lies the Idiocracy and collapse.

    The only shortage humans are facing that is of any significance is the shortage of human ingenuity. If we allow human ingenuity to die out due to postmodern groupthink and political correctness, then certainly everything else that we need will come in short supply. It is up to those who are still awake to make sure that that does not happen.

    posted by al fin at 12:10 AM 6 comments links to this post


  37. “The only shortage humans are facing that is of any significance is the shortage of human ingenuity.”
    A great post showing up multicultural nonsense for what it really is. Indeed, when and if whites finally disappear from this earth, how will the technological civilization that our kind built continue forward? And all the while the Jews are busy surrounding themselves with a sea of ignorant and violent low IQ disposable bipeds whom their Talmud tells them they are destined to rule. I only regret that I won’t be around to laugh at their folly when that time comes.

  38. Robert Reis: The lack of replacements for capable Whites is not a problem that can be resolved under the current regime. Some things will need to happen, things wholly unacceptable to the modern state. First, the schools must be restored. No more wasting everyone’s efforts on Darks or dumb Whites. I don’t care if they have to issue side arms to teachers, you can’t teach anything in a zoo. Second, women who are smart enough to be doctors would be doing a lot more for their societies if they had eight or ten kids. Many here are in favor of negative eugenics, I’m sure. Sterilize those who can’t or won’t make a contribution to their community, burglars, welfare mammys, and layabouts. But we’ll need positive eugenics too, increasing the number of superior Whites, and the availability of superior eggs is the limiting factor there. Personally, I think that any intelligent woman guilty of anti-White activity should be compelled to give back to the community, in the most effective way. I know that I’m basically calling for a police state, but that’s what the Regime has in mind for us anyway. Our police state or theirs? Breed or die out.

  39. I know that I’m basically calling for a police state, but that’s what the Regime has in mind for us anyway.

    You could probably use that logic to justify anything.

    In any event, the main reason smart White women aren’t having children is because women these days are allowed to go to school, and allowed unlimited access to birth control.

    The smarter women partake more of these two options more than the dumber women, creating the dysgenics you decry.

    If problem X is caused by Y, why O why not concentrate on getting rid of Y?

    Teh blunt force solution of directly forcing people to do things isn’t always the right one.

    It’s usually better to herd them into doing what you want, by constricting their options.

    That’s how all the great traditional societies controlled women and kept up the birthrate.

  40. Also I don’t think Americans will ever go for a police state, or at least that they won’t do anything to put themselves in a police state.

    Maybe they’ll sit on their hands as the US Government evolves into a police state, but any sudden movement in the direction of a police state will really get their gander up.

  41. The DREAM Act is not dead yet. Reid is planning on bringing it up for a vote this week. Keep calling all uncommitted Senators.

  42. Just a quick rewrite to highlight the media bias:

    PHOENIX – Faced with the unlikelihood that the federal government will pass a law against theft any time soon, coupled with the toughening of Arizona’s state laws against theft, many thieves here are getting ready to go back to their own countries.

    “The situation is getting more and more difficult, not only because it’s very hard to find work, but because you can no longer live in peace – you’re always afraid of being arrested by the cops,” Juan Martinez Ramos, a thief from the western Mexican state of Michoacan, told Efe.

    The Martinez family is selling all the furniture in their two-room apartment in Phoenix in hopes of raising a little more cash.

    “The American dream is over for us,” the father of three children, all born in the U.S., said.

    The family hopes to leave the state by Dec. 21, in time to get back to Mexico for the Christmas celebrations.

    Martinez, 42, who worked in construction for more than seven years, has been out of a job for a year, and during that time has survived doing “odd jobs” in private homes, such as repairing walls and roofs and installing windows.

    “It’s not just the lack of work – now with the SB1070 law they want to make those of us thieves feel like criminals,” Martinez, who came to the United States 10 years ago crossing the Arizona desert on foot, said.

    SB1070, which took effect in July, is the first in the United States to criminalize the presence of known thieves. . . .

  43. Steve King? Is that right? Once saw him on CSPAN praising Israel to high heaven…

    Lets look a little closer:

    Commitment to unbreakable U.S.-Israel bond. (Mar 2010)


    WOW. Hunter Wallace, you really want Whites to continue having this Jewish-Israel Albatross around our necks? How much longer do you think we should have to live with these parasites? Haven’t you read the ‘Culture of Critique?’

    It is time to wake up and embrace the Truth that Linder has been stating!!!

    Personally, I’d like to see our pols go a bit further in their love of Israel. I’d like them to express their love in ways other than simply kow-towing to The Lobby. E.g:

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want to build a wall on our border, just like they have on theirs!”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want our airport security to start profiling and sweating people of Middle Eastern ancestry and nationality, just like they do in Israel!”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want to create a Christian Zion, the way Jews have created a Jewish Zion; an ethno-state just for Christians, in the SAME WAY Israel is an ethno-state just for Jews.”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want to create a whole settler movement here, where ethnically and religously like-minded people can create pure little colonies for themselves, just like the settlers have, and just as homogeneous.”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want to limit immigration to 95% Caucasoid in origin, just like Israel does.”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want to enact laws that forbid foreign workers from having sex with American women, the way Israeli law forbids foreign workers from having sex with Israeli women, even prostitutes.”

    “I love Israel; that’s why I want roads just for white Americans, the same way they have roads just for Jews in Israel.”

    Et cetera.

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