Alabama just went through the craziest, most memorable election cycle of my lifetime.
Unfortunately, I missed the best part of the fireworks during primary season. I could only watch from a distance as my native state made national headlines with a series of hilarious, over the top campaign ads.
The populist impulse has always beat strongly in Alabama. When I briefly returned home in May, I immediately noticed that it was raging like never before. Something about Barack Obama had tripped a circuit in the collective psyche of White Alabama: TARP, the stimulus package, Obamacare, the lawsuit against Arizona, gutting NASA, the Gulf Oil Spill, high unemployment, an arrogant negro elitist in the White House whom the mainstream media coddled and treated like royalty.
Alabamians never cottoned to Barack Hussein Obama. They took an instant, immediate dislike to The One. In fact, Alabama has the distinction of being the state where a higher percentage of Whites than anywhere else in America voted against him. At the height of his popularity, 90 percent of Whites in Alabama voted for John McCain.
If Vermont is the capital of Blue America, Alabama is the capital of Red America. Given the history of the state, it was entirely predictable that the White backlash to the Obama administration would manifest in its most spectacular form here.
Three political losers succeeded in capturing the mood of the Alabama electorate.
Tim James – This Is Alabama
In the Alabama Republican gubernatorial primary, Tim James made the first round of headlines with the release of a political ad called “Language.” In the ad, James says, “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here, learn it.”
That blunt statement drew howls of “nativism” from progressives across America. It sparked national controversy at the time.
There was no pressing need in Alabama to stop the state driver’s license exam from being given in Farsi, Arabic, and Vietnamese. This was an almost explicit appeal to White identity, dislike of Barack Obama, and unease over multiculturalism and immigration.
Yet that was nothing compared to what was coming down the pike.
Dale Peterson – Thugs and Criminals
In the words of Gawker, Dale Peterson’s “We are Better Than That” made Tim James look like “a gay Commie terrorist.” It was the most American campaign ad ever made:
Dale Peterson became the most well known candidate for Ag Commissioner in American history. The ad went viral across the net and got over 2 million views. It was endlessly discussed in the mainstream media and on liberal websites.
The “thugs and criminals” that are being referred to are blacks and Hispanics in the local parlance. This is understood but not explicitly stated.
Rick Barber – Gather Your Armies
Next up, Rick Barber, a Republican primary candidate in Alabama 2 (my own congressional district), cut a Tea Party inspired ad called “Gather Your Armies.” If impeachment is unsuccessful in removing Barack Obama, Barber thought a revolution should be in the cards:
Barber noted that the Founders rebelled against the British Empire over causes which must seem trivial in our own times:
In another campaign ad called “Slavery,” Barber was joined by Dale Peterson and argued Obamacare is the equivalent of chattel slavery.
Shifting Into Offense Formation
Alabama’s fire eaters all lost their election bids.
As is often the case in this state, Alabama voters responded well to the fiery rhetoric of populist outsiders, but in the end chose cooler headed conservatives, the safer bet, to win the general election. In this way, the political mainstream was successfully shifted to the right on immigration and a number of other issues.
The mild mannered Dr. Robert Bentley won the Republican gubernatorial primary. In the general election, Bentley crushed Democrat Ron Sparks, 58 to 41.
Republicans won the other statewide races for Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. Richard Shelby was reelected to the U.S. Senate.
The Republicans swept 6 out of 7 House races in Alabama. Martha Roby defeated Bobby Bright to pick up a House seat in Alabama 2 from the Democrats. Republicans held Alabama 5 after Parker Griffith switched parties but lost the primary to Mo Brooks. The only House seat the Republicans failed to capture was Alabama 7 which is a safe gerrymandered district for blacks that stretches from Birmingham to Demopolis.
Unlike Kentucky, the Red Revolution in Alabama was a political earthquake that literally destroyed the Alabama Democratic Party.
Heading into the 2010 midterms, Democrats controlled the Alabama House, 60 to 43. In the next legislative session, Republicans will control the chamber, 66 to 39. Before the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats controlled the Alabama Senate, 20 to 15. In the next legislative session, Republicans will control the Senate, 22 to 12.
The final numbers still haven’t shaken out.
As in Georgia, Alabama has been transformed into a one party state. White Democrats continue to jump ship because they see no future for themselves in a state party dominated by non-Whites and a national party dominated by progressives like Barack Obama.
Republicans won control of the Alabama state legislature for the first time since Reconstruction. They have never controlled every statewide office and the state legislature.
Racial polarization has returned with a vengeance in Alabama and Georgia.
Alabama and Immigration
Immigration is a hot button issue in Alabama.
Here in the Birmingham area, Irondale passed a local ordinance modeled on Arizona’s SB 1070 earlier this summer:
Alabama is one of the states embroiled in the legal fight to defend Arizona in the federal courts.
Immigration was discussed in the gubernatorial debates between Robert Bentley and Ron Sparks. The mainstream on immigration has now been pushed so far to the right in Alabama that even the Democrat Sparks said he would sign an Arizona-style immigration law:
The Arizona-style immigration law was a part of the Republican “Handshake with Alabama.” Next year, the Republican dominated state legislature will pass the whole wish list of restrictionist items like E-Verify and ending sanctuary cities.
The Alabama Democratic Party has been so weakened that Republicans now have a supermajority in state legislature and can pass anything they want including changes to the state constitution.
Alabama, Immigration, and NumbersUSA
According to NumbersUSA, Alabama shakes out as follows on immigration:
Among the Republicans, Senator Jeff Sessions (A), Senator Richard Shelby (A), Rep. Mo Brooks (A+), Rep. Mike Rogers (A), Rep. Spencer Bachus (A). Rep. Robert Aderholt (A), Rep. Jo Bonner (B).
Among the Democrats, Bobby Bright (B) and Artur Davis (B-). The Republican Martha Roby will replace Bright in the next Congress. Davis will be replaced by another black Democrat, Terry Sewell. Roby will likely be an improvement while Sewell could go either way.
Gov. Robert Bentley will sign the Arizona-style immigration law that the Alabama Republican Party has promised to push through the state legislature. His views on immigration are made crystal clear in the three videos linked to above.
Senator Jeff Sessions is the leader of restrictionist forces in the Senate. Last week, Sessions led the Republican caucus in the Senate in blocking the DREAM Act. He also defeated it back in September and has been a stalwart enemy of “comprehensive immigration reform” throughout his career.
Final Thoughts
We have succeeded in getting our own house in order in Alabama. There is not much else we can do here.
Alabama sends two U.S. Senators to Washington that have been solid votes against amnesty. Senator Jeff Sessions has led every fight against “comprehensive immigration reform” for years now. The Alabama delegation in the House is likewise solid on immigration.
We now have a restrictionist governor and a restrictionist majority in the Alabama state legislature. I don’t foresee any major obstacles to overcome in getting what we want at the state level.
The power of the Alabama Democratic Party has been broken. Racial polarization is growing. We are capturing ground here and moving the goal posts on immigration and other key issues.
Alabama has provided a model that other states should try to imitate.
But haven’t you got the memo?? The South is lost, you need to move to Seattle and abandon it to the blacks.
Seriously, I hate the retreatist idea of “the ethnostate” and prefer Sam Francis’ vision of restoring the whole United States to the system we had a couple generations ago where whites made all the decisions. Are we supposed to let the transformation of LA from the safe, white city of The Brady Bunch to a Mexican Barrio stand? If the Israelis can run out the long established muslim slime from Palestine, we can get rid much more recent interlopers as well.
Dale Peterson is a great guy.
In particular, I like his Alinsky-style community organizing tactics mentioned in the second video, It’s Time To Roll. 🙂
Time to hit the Left with a strong Right.
Are we supposed to let the transformation of LA from the safe, white city of The Brady Bunch to a Mexican Barrio stand?
I’m not convinced the SouthWest can be saved. I’d like to see us dump Hawaii, Southern and Coastal California, New Mexico and parts of southern Texas.
Nightowl, “Seriously, I hate the retreatist idea of “the ethnostate” and prefer Sam Francis’ vision of restoring the whole United States to the system we had a couple generations ago where whites made all the decisions.”
If someone wanted to be rude they could easily mock this point of view as the delirium of a fantasist equal if not surpassing the fantasies of a breakaway White Republic in the Pacific Northwest. Liberals have imported millions of non Whites for one reason and one reason only, to win votes. They have these votes largely in place now, so exactly how would the country ever go back to “whites making all the decisions”? We have passed Sam Francis style redress long ago. We are now in a holding action against the rising tide of color, but we will eventually be swamped at the ballot box as well as the street, unless we start pandering to the non White masses, which is exactly what the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party intends to do. Eventually the stark darwinian choice will sink in, either we control our own lands demographically or those lands will be controlled by others.
I’m pleased with the current direction.
I care more about Alabama and Georgia (my home turf) than the rest of the country. We are turning the tide here. The Democratic Party has been crushed in both states. Bentley and Deal will also be a huge improvement upon their predecessors.
At the state level, there is nothing stopping us from getting what we want on immigration next year. Alabama and Georgia will both pass laws that will start driving out the Hispanic population. Arizona is already doing this.
Both states also send restrictionist delegations to the House and Senate in Washington. Jeff Sessions is the best Senator in America on immigration.
I’m only interested in working with people who are serious about reversing our decline. I don’t listen to people anymore who do nothing but talk, sit on their ass behind their computer screens, and preach defeatism without offering any practical solution to our problems.
“I don’t listen to people anymore who do nothing but talk, sit on their ass behind their computer screens, and preach defeatism without offering any practical solution to our problems.”
Anyone who challenges Mr. Wallace is a defeatist! Really man, as a polemicist you need different points of view.
What is this Dale Peterson Agricultural Commissioners policy on agricultural workers? I lived for 6 years in California and learned the brutal facts that it isn’t just Jews, Liberals and Latino renconquista types that work to bring in/keep in hundreds of thousands of illiterate Hispanic Indians and Mestizos – it’s also huge White owned agribusinesses and White big business in general that wants endless numbers of cheap labor, NW slaves.
I read some small wire story about some George agriculture chamber of commerce (something like that) voting against Arizona style laws going after illegals.
So many times in politics I’ve seen some well liked, respected White pol who supposed to be one of “our boys” against, big government, socialism, against Washington, Hollywood, Wall Street and it turns out he’s also for letting state businesses hire and fire whoever they want free of government regulations etc and this means choosing non White labor over White labor at a living wage or just giving the local Blacks some wage they’ll work for.
It’s the same with White Religious Right pols like the Huckster – his loyal White supporters are just positive he’s on their side in everything and yet he goes to make speeches to the National Council of LaRaza saying he wants White Southerners like him to be a minority in the future.
Can you do some digging and let your readers know if this Dale Peterson is serving Alabama agribusinesses who want hundreds of thousands of NW immigrant wage slaves?
Hunter, you spend more time in front of the computer than any of us, as far as I can tell.
There are people on this website who advocate losing as a strategy. It is entirely fair to call them defeatists. The flip side of this strategy is empowering our enemies. They are also in favor of that.
Why don’t you watch the video?
Hunter Wallace says:
December 12, 2010 at 10:01 pm
Why don’t you watch the video?
Jack Ryan replies:
I watched it the second time and I did notice he said one word about “illegals busting in”.
OK, he looks and sounds good. I just recommend that you and more of our folks do more research on the immigration issue/agriculture worker issue and see how this guy did as an agricultural business man – who worked in his fields – just his wife and teen age sons driving big tractors?
It might be that this guy has some plan for legalized seasonal workers that aren’t illegals – lots of big business Conservatives push a spin that the only problem America has with immigration, is “illegal immigration” and all the legal immigration of HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS WHO DO THE JOBS AMERICAN WON’T DO are vital to the Country’s economy.
Again, I agree he looks and sounds good, but lots of our folks thought McCain and the Huckster looked and sounded good and were on our side on everything including immigration.
I was going to rewrite this post to make it better. Guess not.
I’m only interested in working with people who are serious about reversing our decline. I don’t listen to people anymore who do nothing but talk, sit on their ass behind their computer screens, and preach defeatism without offering any practical solution to our problems.
As opposed to someone like yourself sitting on your ass behind your computer screen and preaching partisan politics? People gripe about immigration but I guarantee that there are more hispanics in the South who are legal than not. Voting in someone who pays lip service to immigration reform won’t get rid of them. It’s going to take a whole different kind of government to deal with this problem.
Frankly, I’m not all that optimistic about the younger generation of 20 somethings who are absolutely crucial in winning over for us to have any chance. There are exceptions but for the most part they’re a bunch of overweight, feminized, self-indulgent, empty headed wanderers who listen to hip hop music and think it’s cool to have minority friends. A shocking number of them are unmarried compared to 20 years ago. They’re in for a rude awakening later on in life but by then it’ll be too late to capitalize on it.
If the Israelis can run out the long established muslim slime from Palestine, we can get rid much more recent interlopers as well.
What is it like in the alternative universe where you live?
Did the Israelis put a man on Mars after they ran the Palestinians out of Palestine?
(1) I don’t sit behind my computer screen. There are plenty of videos on the OD YouTube channel of us attending real world events like the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington.
(2) I spent two months (September and October) working in mainstream politics in Alabama. We have a solid restrictionist majority now at both the state and federal level.
(3) Arizona is already succeeding in “getting rid of them.” Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have fled Arizona since 2007. Some have returned to Mexico. More are preparing to return to Mexico now that SB 1070 has been passed and other states are copying it.
(4) Alabama and Georgia will pass their own version of SB 1070 and succeed in driving the illegals out here. Senator Jeff Sessions has succeeded in blocking the DREAM Act twice already within the past four months.
(5) Living in a fantasy world does absolutely nothing whatsoever about the immigration problem.
(6) Thanks for sharing your opinion of White people with us. I find that attitude to be quite typical of vanguardists. It is one of the major reasons why they are unsuccessful in communicating their message.
(7) I don’t see you or those who share your views DOING ANYTHING about these problems. Instead, you come on my website to drop your little turds in our punch bowl, and then go about your daily lives where you do nothing in that realm either.
In general I understand Hunter’s point.
If White racialists can’t even take over the Republican Party, or at least come to have some influence over it, then it sure seems unlikely racialists would be able to pull off the far more difficult task of taking over the Country and/or a large part of it.
It’s like what happened with the Civil War. Those guys in the South didn’t take over States from the Feds until after they took over the Democratic Party.
Now whether what Hunter advocates constitutes a realistic and/or optimal path to taking over the Republican Party may be questionable, but the general idea of racialists taking that intermediary step makes a lot of sense.
You can’t push off of nothing, you can’t gird yourself against the air.
I have already pointed out that anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of Whites in Alabama are racially conscious. They understand racial differences. They are instinctively pro-White. Most of them dislike Washington and would vote in a New York minute to deport every illegal alien in the country … if they only had the chance to do so.
It is not inconceivable that a David Duke like candidate could run in Alabama on an explicitly White platform and enjoy a lot of success. Especially in the state legislature. Just a few years ago, Alabama voted TO KEEP segregationist language in the state constitution.
Now, in light of the above, what sense does it make in Alabama to hide out in a bunker or lard ourselves down with various albatrosses that only serve to make our job harder?
The choice is between half measures and pushing the envelope or no measures, empowering our enemies, and digging ourselves a deeper hole.
If you were our avowed enemies like the SPLC, which side of this debate would you be pulling for? I can guarantee you that everyone at the SPLC in Montgomery or at Imagine2050 in Chicago voted a straight Democratic ticket.
The reaction of Tim Wise to the ass whipping we put on his “progressive” friends ought to tell you something. Come to think of it, Wise might be here right now under an anonymous pseudonym promoting the “worse is better” theory.
You aren’t describing anything that any civic minded White American hasn’t done, including myself. Going to political rallies, donating money to parties, putting signs in yards, volunteering at the polls, etc. All these things have done is reinforce the status quo which is what your in favor of doing over taking more drastic measures.
Like I said before, there are more legal latinos in the country than there are illegals and passing more AZ style laws isn’t going to get rid of that particular subset, something you apparently don’t want to discuss. I wasn’t sharing my opinion of White people just alot of your generation Hunter.
White Alabamans aren’t perfect. They didn’t vote in Dale Peterson. Almost perfect but not fully perfect. Until whites start voting for the white “militant” kind, we will continue to be dismissed as losers, and we are losers. What the hell are we afraid of? Always playing it “safe.” Right. Safe but destroyed. Send a real message for once.
You don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!
(1) I’m satisfied with Senator Jeff Sessions and Governor Robert Bentley.
(2) Mitch McConnell’s NumbersUSA scorecard in Kentucky reflects the extent to which he has reversed his position on immigration (due to grassroots pressure) since 2007.
(3) Your “more drastic measures” are … drumroll … running your mouth on the internet, sitting behind your computer, living a fantasy world, not doing a fucking thing about the immigration problem or any other issue of concern to us.
(4) We’re attacking birthright citizenship to prevent the children of illegal aliens from becoming legal U.S. citizens. That’s something on the table now that was considered “radical” just a few years ago.
(5) We’re not going to get around to dealing with legal Hispanics until win the easier fights over illegal immigration and birthright citizenship.
(6) No one in Kentucky is holding their breath waiting for you and Greg Johnson at Counter-Currents to succeed in transforming the most fundamental values of White Americans.
I was up to my eyeballs in my state in the Ron Paul situation. My take: mainstream conservatives will never win. How many car dealers and other members of the local lodge are really all that interested in upsetting the apple cart? Shit, it’s THEIR apple cart. However, the average right-leaning American who is too busy working to spend hours a week thinking about politics is more than willing to follow a leader off of a cliff if need be if their imaginations are ignited. But they won’t spend their entire lives engaged in politics. They have more important things to do. Conservatives can’t win without the vanguard (people with vision and the conviction to act solely from principle and ignite imaginations) and the vanguard can’t win without the mainstream conservative numbers.
Posting on the internet is the “college” where people learn all the stuff they never learned in school and socratically (through give and take) construct a worldview more in line with reality. For some it takes years, for some months, but there is no better way that joe citizen can evolve a language for himself that better reflects what he sees. THEN he can go to town councils or confront friends or family. 99% of American education is not going to prepare the average citizen to stand up and wax eloquently about western civilization and why and how it needs to be protected. Posting on the internet will.
Every posting, every person trying to hammer down exactly what the hell is wrong with us, is a step in the right direction. Whether we are trying or not, we are building a culture. We are people learning to speak a new language and solve problems in ways that are purposefully forbidden by the Government Educational and Media Complex. More importantly, we are learning to make our lives matter by aligning our minds more accurately with what we believe is right. All this matters. All this IS ultimately reflected in reality, and is profoundly important. Whether it comes through by merely a look of disdain at a stranger espousing an alarming mainstream view or actually knocking on doors for a candidate, it comes through.
Hunter, you provide a great domain name and a great forum for discussing these issues, and you do not use a heavy censoring hand. Let it fly man. We read and enjoy your work. Sure we poke at it sometimes. But anyone curious enough to go down this road obviously thinks the ultimate goalpost is action. And posting is, for many, the first action. At some point we will speak to someone and the words we practice here and elsewhere will be the correct combination of words to wake someone up. And then when the next leader comes along, we might recognize him and if he is a vanguardist, he will push on through and we will follow him. We were ready to go with Ron Paul. All of us knew there was no better time, and perhaps our last chance. Grandmothers, children, professionals, military, Catholics, protestants, Jews. Too bad he wasn’t a vanguardist. Whether he meant to or not, he diffused a time bomb. It’s a tragedy. I hope you don’t become so consumed with the mainstream that you end up being a part of diffusing another, should it ever happen again.
Hunter’s strategy has the advantage, as he points out, of being eminently doable. He is part of team that just might win the war it is fighting, and certainly will win many battles in that war. It is realistic to envision white Americans deciding to vote more in a single bloc to assert their group interests, and the result being the end of illegal immigration and affirmative action. In fact, increased diversity and its discontents are the ONLY things that make whites see themselves as having common interests. Lily-white areas (were the vast majority of whites live) are either anti-racist “blue” zones, or bastions of color-blind libertarianism.
Its also reasonable to see the repudiation or at least toning down of the ideologies of multiculturalism and white guilt. As the years go by, whites are likely to feel less guilty about the crimes they and their ancestors are accused of.
What is not practical is anything farther: Jared Taylor’s goal of removing restrictions on racial discrimination in privatly owned public facilities, or explicitely ending non-white legal immigration. Much less dividing up the country into pure ethnostates. Any of these more ambitious goals run smack dab against the individualism that is integral part of the moral fabric of white America, and I would argue the moral fabric of white people in general. It just seems unfair for the law to circumscribe the rights of individuals in response to the statistical norms of the racial group they belong to. Its one thing to be against affirmative action, quite another thing to say that blacks who can get into some school without affirmative action should not be able to attend because they’re black. Absent a credible, rational and moral explanation of why its necessary for law-abiding or intelligent individuals belonging to a minority group to have their rights limited as a result of the greater statistical propensity of their group to do bad things, the only people who are going to be willing to go “farther,” towards white nationalism, are angry people who have had very bad personal experiences with large numbers of minorities. A very small part of the white America.
I am amazed at the Anti North West comments.. For starters I think men Like Bob Matthews, Pastor Butler and ideas put forth in the Turner diaries are all focused on the North West. While I know these were all failed attempts they were the persuit of much better men than I. I believe if your in the south you fight for the south…
We here on the west coast are in our own battle to find a safe haven with our hands tied by liberal judges and leadership. We have to look somewhere we have no way to fight it here we have been shut down and stopmed at every attempt.. We here look the North West a safe haven to take time and consider our battle plan of our own reconquista from the fort call the PNW.
You just stay put but we need a plan..
“Are we supposed to let the transformation of LA from the safe, white city of The Brady Bunch to a Mexican Barrio stand?”
I’m not convinced the SouthWest can be saved. I’d like to see us dump Hawaii, Southern and Coastal California, New Mexico and parts of southern Texas.
I’m an idea/planning type so I don’t have a problem with ethnostates, or taking back the whole enchilada, or something in between, as you suggest.
I’d just like to point out that from now on, when people suggest that this or that is a “fait accompli” or a “done deal” or whatever, that maybe they should get in touch with the Israelis and their settlers, who don’t seem to have gotten the memo.
God I love Israel! 🙂 She’s the living answer to so many questions, no?
Its also reasonable to see the repudiation or at least toning down of the ideologies of multiculturalism and white guilt. As the years go by, whites are likely to feel less guilty about the crimes they and their ancestors are accused of.
I dunno about this “guilty whites” thing. “White guilt” seems to be something whites think or at least say about other whites, their race in general, than about themselves. Ever met ANYONE who talked about his OWN white guilt in a way that was distinguishable from preening?
Whites need to be taught it’s not okay to defame their race, their races ancestors, not to stop feeling “guilty” for something they don’t feel “guilty” for in the first place. They need to be taught to “speak for themselves,” as it were, and stop laying blame on everyone else and everyone else’s ancestors.
They need to be taught to stop defaming the white race, not feeling guilty, which they don’t.
Crypto Aryan: When I was a boy most Americans were in favor of discriminating against groups based on perceived group characteristics. Now, we have much harder evidence of group differences. I see no reason, other than the effects of Jewish propaganda, that we can’t or shouldn’t re-establish a regime of unflinching White supremacy. I know a few nice Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, and Jews, but they’ve fooled us once with this individuals business. The aggregate of all these millions of individuals is a mudflow that will sweep us away, so the individuals need to go back to their wonderful homelands. That is a credible, rational, and moral explanation. It’s not nice, but it really is us or them.
Otis the Sweaty: Control the water in the Southwest and Southern California and you control everything. Can Mexicans keep it flowing? Whites easily have the upper hand everywhere in this country, if we learn to use our power.
“At the height of his popularity, 90 percent of Whites in Alabama voted for John McCain.”
That’s nothing to cheer about.
What are you going to do about the long term issue of the black/Hispanic/Asian population in the deep South growing faster than the white population? States like AL and GA don’t have as much “strategic depth” demographically as New England or the PNW do.
GA especially has huge numbers of Hispanics who are not illegal and will continue to receive many legal non-white immigrants unless overall levels of immigration are drastically reduced, which is a long way off at best. GA is something like 40% nonwhite now.
I’d just like to point out that from now on, when people suggest that this or that is a “fait accompli” or a “done deal” or whatever, that maybe they should get in touch with the Israelis and their settlers, who don’t seem to have gotten the memo.
Why should anyone get in touch with them? The Israeli settlers are nutjobs who are utterly impervious to logic.
Moreover, they’re going to get a lot of people killed for the sake of a project which is certain to fail.
I suppose the worse that could happen is that Alabama could become a Blue State like Oregon, Washington, Vermont, or New Jersey. That is decades away and we have plenty of time to stop it.
I’m less worried about the blacks here than the actions of Whites who live in other parts of the country. If it had been up to us, there never would have been a 14th Amendment, an Immigration Act of 1965, or a Civil Rights Act of 1964.
“I’m less worried about the blacks here than the actions of Whites who live in other parts of the country.”
If it were up to the blacks, the laws you would be getting would be far worse than anything other white people would do.
Hunter, have you ever even been outside of the South?