Georgia Takes Action

Deportation "Surge" set to escalate in Georgia prisons


Last month, I wrote a post analyzing the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections in Georgia, and the implications it would have for the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens now infesting The Peach State.

I pointed out that Nathan Deal’s triumph over King Roy Barnes and the incoming Republican supermajority in the Georgia state legislature meant that the restrictionist wish list on immigration would be on the table in January.

The situation on the ground in Georgia is escalating as the clock ticks down to 2011:

Georgia Republicans are prepping for an all-out push on the issue when the Legislature convenes next month. They have pre-filed two bills — to prevent illegals from attending Georgia’s public colleges and to block their employment by state and county governments — and formed a special committee charged with drafting comprehensive laws to stem illegal immigration.

“Washington’s failure to get ahead on this issue has forced states like Georgia to take action,” said Gov.-elect Nathan Deal’s spokesman, Brian Robinson. “It is a priority.”

Groups who advocate for immigrants, meanwhile, are bracing for a fight. They say they know what’s coming. . . .

That’s what I am talking about.

We’re not about to sit on our ass in Georgia and Alabama while foreign criminals invade our country and start making noises about taking over around here. There isn’t going to be any running away like a coward to the Northwest.

We are going to fight back. Legally at first.

This is a winning issue. The White majority in Georgia and Alabama is on our side. Let’s see Barack Hussein Obama send Eric Holder down here to pick a fight with us over the “civil rights” of illegal aliens.

That’s exactly what I want to see happen. They tried that in Arizona which didn’t even involve us and it stirred up a hornet’s nest. There isn’t much love for Washington around here as things stand. I want Barack Obama and Eric Holder to transform the immigration issue into a tyrannical federal overreach and states rights issue thereby creating a path to my desired result.

I want all the Hispanics in Atlanta led by Luis Gutierrez to replicate Los Angeles 2006 when they buried the city in Mexican flags. Bring on the “civil rights tactics” that we have been hearing so much about.

The ideal situation would be to have Obama send in the National Guard to “free” illegals incarcerated in Georgia prisons and to  “integrate” rioting illegal aliens into Alabama and Georgia state universities. Luis Gutierrez is delusional enough to believe he could actually get away with that.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,

    Here is a link to an article which discusses pro Latino immigration in to Georgia:

    In addition to the usual suspects on the Lib/Min/Left – it’s clear that White owned Georgia agribusinesses want lots and lots of cheap NW immigrant farm labor. These traitorous rich White elites must be identified and held up to public ridicule and forced to change their positions – same as we made political RINOs like Lindsey Graham, McCain, Orin Hatch change their positions on immigration.

    Here’s a quote from this article about powerful White folks supporting the immigration invasion to Georgia:

    “The Georgia Farm Bureau recently adopted a policy that says the organization opposes “any immigration law that discriminates against the farm worker and puts the farmers of Georgia at a disadvantage to farmers in other states.”

  2. Hunter,

    Thanks for all these great links to positive, success stories in George and the rest of the South – the video link here of “illegal aliens are self deporting from Georgia” was excellent. And I noted ex Vdare writer DA King was given a solid, positive appearence. Is local TV news in Georgia and the rest of the South always so fair to our side? Are there any new Southern TV media owner like Ted Turner stepping up?

  3. The rest of the South better wake up. If these measures pass, the illegals are not going to go home, they are to going move to neighboring states.

  4. I’m trying to focus on what we can do. A secondary goal is to inspire others to get more practical and less alienated.

    Clearly, there is a lot that we can do on immigration. I have provided ample evidence to show this.

    Given the hostility in the comments, you would think I have been asking people to shed blood or give me money or something.

  5. If these measures pass, the illegals are not going to go home, they are to going move to neighboring states

    They won’t move to Southern states, they’ll move to SWPL states which is what we want.

    But your right, they sure as hell ain’t leaving.

  6. Clearly, there is a lot that we can do on immigration. I have provided ample evidence to show this. @Hunter

    Remember as well guys and gals, that the “Dream Act” is still not yet just a proverbial ‘dream’ — and it could be resurrected anytime before the next Congress meets — especially if the DemoRats use it as some kind of bargaining chip against the RepubliCons in their desire for tax cuts for the rich and the corporations.

    Steve Sailer even thinks this is an ominous possibility that we should all be on guard against:

    Second, that Harry Reid postponed a vote today shows he’s not just going-through-the-motions to prove his good intentions to Hispanic activists. Instead, he’s trying to keep it alive in case it can become part of the tax cut extension compromise:

    Delay offers the hope that something will break in his favor, that the ongoing big negotiations on taxes and spending will offer a moment of leverage to pry a recalcitrant Republican (or, more likely, Democrat) or two over to the DREAM side. At the very least, it offers the prospect that, once the big tax-cut-extension deal is done, Republican senators will consider themselves released from their “Wall of No” pledge not to give any other legislation priority.

    Please stay on top of all your local Senators and Congresscritters to make sure they do not sneak us an amnesty as some kind of 11th hour Christmas ‘present’.

  7. I didnt agree with your “Running like a coward to the North West”,
    In California my friend Dick Mountjoy authored Prop 187 to stop the same thing and it passed in an overwhelming majority..
    BUT GUESS WHAT JEW JUDGE DID??..Yep it’s unconstitutional and now 20 years later we live in a hell hole in Cali and it is the birthplace of the term coined “White Flight”….
    I agree we must fight and takea stand we cant win in cali so we retreat yes .. sadly. When we create militias they take us to jail..

  8. Eventually, long run, I wouldn’t be opposed to a genuine guest worker solution to Agribusiness’ stated need for immigrant labor.

    But Agribusiness (and their fellow travelers) is going to have to be brought to heel first. As in, taken by the hair and forced to their knees. They’re going to have to write off the idea of privatizing profits and socializing costs. And the idea of citizenship.

  9. Eventually, long run, I wouldn’t be opposed to a genuine guest worker solution to Agribusiness’ stated need for immigrant labor

    Why not?

    If the business can’t find American workers it should just mechanize like they do in Japan. If they can’t do that then they shouldn’t be in business.

    I’ve been reading you for a long time, Svigor, I’m surprised your such a softy.

  10. Svigor and Otis: I’d like to see a couple years of agricultural labor made a precondition of admission to any college. Let no one who thinks they’re too good to do physical labor be allowed to hold a position of responsibility. Any society that scorns workingmen or fighting men, and therefore indulges laziness and cowardice, is doomed.

  11. @ dan neil: none of the members of my (Calif.) militia unit are being “put in jail”. We don’t go gunning for cops, we don’t respond to provocations. We train, we arm, we wait for the treason-regime to move directly against us. When it does, there will be blood. Meantime, quit whining. Join.

  12. And these switches are being done with no real explicit white racial renaissance. If that were to happen then I doubt a dozen non-jewish democratic politicians would exist.

  13. HW: Are these party-switching newcomers to the GOP anything but RINOs? Why welcome leftists to the right-wing camp? We may as well pass out green cards to every wetback and celebrate the growth of our nation.

  14. Svigor and Otis: I’d like to see a couple years of agricultural labor made a precondition of admission to any college. Let no one who thinks they’re too good to do physical labor be allowed to hold a position of responsibility. Any society that scorns workingmen or fighting men, and therefore indulges laziness and cowardice, is doomed.

    College is the Cargo Cult of white people. Back in it’s prime, only about 20% of whites went to college, they then graduated and got good jobs. Instead of realizing that maybe the economy was configured at the right balance of the percentage of those with the proper intelligence to the percentage of such suitable jobs existing in the economy, whites viewed college as a cargo cult. Send everyone to college and EVERYONE will have one of these cushy, high paying jobs. A society of all Chiefs, and no Indians. Well, everyone started wasting their savings sending all their kids to college weather it was suited for them, or suitable job was waiting for them afterwards. As a result, an unnecessary education bureaucracy grew, sucking up vast sums for liberals and delivering little more than restaurant waiters with “Art” degrees. Worse, a whole generation became spoiled, living like a baby on mommy and daddy’s dime well into their early 20s. One of the effects is the flood of brown peasants to do the real labor that was no longer being done. These young able bodied kids are perfectly suited to starting out in the economy doing such jobs.

  15. Discard,

    Most of the White Democrats in Georgia who are switching are conservatives in the mold of Richard Shelby. This is just the latest example of polarization working its magic.

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