About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ Hunter

    That’s what the Roman Catholics think—the boy just said it. 😉

    But, here is a more important question, why did Ryan cut my comment on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” which is the announced intention of the Jew & Roman Catholic alliance in Congress. The Dream Act takes a back seat to Jew & Roman Catholic attempt to mainstream homosexuality.

    The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is co-sponsored in the Senate by Roman Catholic Susan Collins of Maine, and Jewboy Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.

    I can’t think of an Irish Roman Catholic politician who isn’t a homosexual—not just Bob Casey Jr. either.

  2. Ummm – Mighty, is it? BEK will not “expose” anything. It’s sole purpose is to divert ttention. BEK is always snivelling about “not being racist”.

  3. When Kent Wong said he wants to replace White people in their own land, he is 100% guilty of promoting White Genocide:

    No one is flooding Japan with Non-Japanese and encouraging everyone to “mix”.

    No one is flooding Africa with Non-Africans and encouraging everyone to “mix”.

    Only citizens of White/European Countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all the countries in Europe are having uncontrolled immigration forced on them.

    This “assimilation” or blending is nothing more than an attempt to wipe out the White race. It’s genocide.

    They aren’t anti-racists, they’re anti-White.

  4. This is the same clown who posts under “Tom Watson” over on K. MacDonalds board and blathers endlessly about “Roman Catholics.” It’s so Asperger like focused, I actually believe he is the real deal and not an SPLC troll. Obviously he’s never been around any real Catholics and confused the few corrupt, sell out politicians with representing the general attitude in the Catholic community. Under such logic, one could blame all protestants for McCain and Lindsey Grahm’s amnesty push. Catholics aren’t robots who march lock, step, and barrell to the tune of the queer church Heirarchy. Nor do most really give a damn about “theological theory,” church is just a traditional source of inner strength and a social community. My mom used to be a nun for a while, yet she could give a damn what some loony priest says about offensive crap like amnesty for Mexicans. Most white old world Catholics in Chicagoland view their white protestant neighbors as fellow Americans and the hispanic invaders as “the other.”

  5. I’m willing to go the extra mile and fudge the truth just a bit as I made Constituent calls to my Senators in:


    I can honestly say that I have actually BEEN in all these states.


    Please let’s stay active on many forums and see that our side at least matches the alien/treason side.

  6. I actually believe he is the real deal…

    I don’t know if he’s an SPLC troll, but he is a troll.
    Notice, his Catholics aren’t just anti-White conspirators, they’re
    also malevolent homos–however many offspring they’ve produced.
    He should not be allowed to hijack this thread

  7. I find it interesting that Roman Catholic Barbara Murkowski has joined Roman Catholic Collins, and is supporting the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, and that Roman Catholic Tim Murphy is introducing it in the the House.

    This isn’t speculation. These are how your Roman Catholic politicians are voting.

    Don’t complain about the truth—try telling it to your priests, bishops and cardinals. Bitch them out about their actions and the actions of their politicians. The actions that the Roman Catholic church supports & endorses like the Dream Act!

  8. That Free Republic thread gave contact info for Senor Wong at this page.


    with the diversity of names on the contact page, looks as though they’ve already replaced the old white guys.

    Is the song MacArthur Park based on something that happened in this Park? The worst song ever, IMO.

    Someone left the cake out in the rain
    I don’t think that I can take it,
    cause it took so long to bake it,
    and I’ll never have that recipe again…Oooh Noooo!
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su3JdzUUuH4 <seriously, don't click that link.
    make it stop!!!!!


  9. Denise says:
    December 15, 2010 at 12:21 am
    Jack – I’ve been in buncha states too. I’m calling early and often

    Jack Ryan replies:
    Thanks Denise – you’re really inspiring! Let’s compare notes after the final count.

  10. @Nightowl
    This is the same clown who posts under “Tom Watson” over on K. MacDonalds board and blathers endlessly about “Roman Catholics.” It’s so Asperger like focused, I actually believe he is the real deal and not an SPLC troll.

    He’s the real deal, if by real deal, you mean a hobby-horse pounding, Catholic obsessed, little ball of malicious negative energy who won’t shut up about “Roman Catholics” alright.

    He’s also the same guy who posted under “Old Dutch” in the Vanguard News Network forum and also here on OD under “Tom Watson” and now Earl whatever.

    I wish he’d shut up, get banned, or die or something.

  11. Yeah, I’m in on the anti-Catholic bandwagon. Let’s face it, lot’s of Catholics are working for ZOG and are destroying this country. I also think that we should consider how all those southern baptists are everywhere in law enforcement and are dragging the nation down. They’re probably in cahoots with all those Lutheran pigs and their Methodist masters. And don’t get me started on the Episcopalians and their anti-White campaigns! Those bastards are almost as bad as the Mormons and the Presbyterians. Sheesh, it’s a vast conspiracy, I’m telling ya…

  12. The speaker was a guy named Wong? I’m surprised to hear an Oriental spout this stuff. I thought they were more discreet. OTOH, they can be profoundly arrogant.
    In any case, the Mexicans and Chinese dislike each other, not least because in any White-free future, the Orientals will expect to rule the Brown majority, and the Browns know it.
    Let me add that while I despise reconquista razas, the idea of Chinese coming here and boasting of a takeover makes me wish for a cancer epidemic among them. It’s necessary to point out to Whites who still buy that “model minority” crap that the Asiatics are colonists who look on us as our forebears once looked on Indians.

  13. “The speaker was a guy named Wong? I’m surprised to hear an Oriental spout this stuff.”

    It’s getting closer to the end game. The two sides will end up being broadly white people vs the anti-white coalition. Orientals will have to choose which side and given the way the numbers are going i’d expect most of them to think they’ll be safer on the anti-white team – a bit like the Korean shopkeeper in “Do The Right Thing.”

  14. You Roman Catholics have too thin of a skin for politics—get another hobby.

    Watch who votes “against” the Dream Act in Congress—it will be mostly Protestants.

    Watch who votes “against” the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in Congress—it will be the Protestants.

    Watch who votes “for” the Dream Act— it will be the Roman Catholics & Jews.(and those mairried to Jews or Catholics)

    Watch who votes “for” the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” it will be the Roman Catholics & Jews.(and those married to Jews or Catholics)

    That’s the facts, some of you Roman Catholics need to grow up and face reality. Btw, Pat Buchanan has never held an elected office of any sort. 🙂

  15. Wandrin: Just a speculation here, but maybe some young Oriental men wouldn’t be so anti-White if there weren’t so many White guys with Yellow Fever. At least the Darks don’t take their women.
    In any case, I don’t think that many Orientals realize that their Dark allies are concentrated in the big cities, like themselves. They live a sea of mud and think it’s the whole ocean. The Asiatics may not realize that in any end game, they’ve already got their heads in nooses.

  16. “Earlmundo Armand Pitts III says:
    December 15, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    You Roman Catholics have too thin of a skin for politics—get another hobby.”

    I’m not Roman Catholic., and I don’t think this has anything to do with “politics.” But rather, it’s about someone endlessly hobby horsing the “Roman Catholics” under multiple user names.

    I thought there were new rules against hobby horse issues, like bringing up a topic like Roman Catholism, over and over and over, whether it fits into the topic or not.

    I also thought there were new rules against slandering other members, such as calling them “Roman Catholic,” even when it’s been pointed out, over and over and over, that it’s not true in most cases.

  17. Watching Roman Catholic US Senator Dick Durbin riding his Dream Act hobby horse on C-Span 2.

    “Aye, Priest.” 🙂

  18. Discard
    “but maybe some young Oriental men wouldn’t be so anti-White if there weren’t so many White guys with Yellow Fever.”

    Yes, quite possible. I think it will grow broader than that though. If white people can’t stop themselves being discriminated against and can’t enforce their children being taught a positive version of their own history then obviously the real power lies elsewhere. If so then it makes sense for Asians to bet on the strong horse by joining in the attack on white people. Not yet but i think it will increasingly happen over the next few years.

  19. There is an effective de-facto racial separation happening. On one side, the ‘people of color’ on the other , the ‘people of no color’. Looks like a new kind of apartheid system. Well, all I can say is that it’s great to be white, er, I mean of no color…. 🙂

  20. @ EuroMike

    White people are the REAL people of color. What other race can produce skin-tones ranging from pale to golden bronze; produce locks of hair with shades of blonde, red, brown, black and everything in-between – and produce the many hues we see on our peoples’ eyes?

  21. Discard says:
    “The speaker was a guy named Wong? I’m surprised to hear an Oriental spout this stuff. I thought they were more discreet. OTOH, they can be profoundly arrogant.”

    If the Chinese govt doesn’t like something that is occurring in my country, no matter how insignificant (like a handful of left wing idiots, protesting something no one cares about), they immediately make bizarre and threatening announcements, similar to what the North Korean Govt does, when they feel threatened.

    Honestly, you’d have to read these things for yourself, to understand how ridiculous the Chinese can be.

  22. “That’s what the Roman Catholics think—the boy just said it.”

    Am I the only one who would prefer not to read anymore of this troll’s comments?

  23. I don’t see Asians siding against Whites. This country will turn into Somalia fast once we pass the point of no return and there are no longer enough Whites around to maintain the infrastructure. Asians are smart enough to realize this. They need a minimum number of Whites around to keep their own quality of life from suffering.

  24. The American born generation of Asians is all on board with the PC Agenda. Orientals are even more lemming like in nature than whites, they do exactly as told. The ones who respect whites are elderly, clueless first generation immigrants who associate America with John Wayne movies. They are generally too busy watching DVD’s from their home country, running small soy sauce and canned lychee storefronts in dilapidated Sputnik area shopping malls to have much of an insight to what is really going on in America. America is a land they don’t understand other than it means money.

  25. Mr. Wong’s contact info:

    Name Wong, Kent
    Title Dir
    Email kentwong@ucla.edu
    Department Downtown Labor Center
    Address 675 S Park View St, Los Angeles CA 90057
    Mail Code 147807
    Admin Code 2105
    Phone 213-480-4155×204
    Fax 213-480-4160
    URL http://www.labor.ucla.edu

    Kent Wong
    UCLA Downtown Labor Center
    BOX 951478, 675 S Park View St, Los Angeles CA 90057
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1478

  26. LEW says:
    I don’t see Asians siding against Whites. This country will turn into Somalia fast once we pass the point of no return and there are no longer enough Whites around to maintain the infrastructure. Asians are smart enough to realize this. They need a minimum number of Whites around to keep their own quality of life from suffering.


    Don’t be so sure that they will still, (as a group – not necessarily as individuals – depends on the level of acculturation/loyalty to US instead of Tribe) nonetheless try to displace as many White Euros as possible from middle and higher class professional jobs and careers — something that has been occuring at quite a pronounced clip over the last 15-20 years or so.

    As an example, check out this arrogant comment left over at Mangan’s Blog by some Chinese commentor (who claims to post over at Stormfront, no less) just a week ago –

    Mangan’s: Human Accomplishment: The West versus the Rest

    Kevin MacDonald predicted that given the current trend unfolding in the US, America was well on its way to being ruled by technocratic Asian elite and a business, law, political, etc Jewish elite. The Asian population is predicted to rise from its current 4.5% to somewhere around 9% by the year 2050. I don’t know how much of that increase will be due to East Asians and upper caste Indians, but you can bet part of it will be.

    WNs should realize that it’s a bad idea to antagonize the people(Jews and East Asians and upper caste Indians) who disproportionately run the most productive sectors of the nation. It fosters ill-will and is simply counterproductive.


    *If anyone here knows the Chinese word for Chutzpah, please let us know.

  27. Discard says:
    It’s necessary to point out to Whites who still buy that “model minority” crap that the Asiatics are colonists who look on us as our forebears once looked on Indians.
    Wandrin says:
    “The speaker was a guy named Wong? I’m surprised to hear an Oriental spout this stuff.”

    Orientals will have to choose which side and given the way the numbers are going i’d expect most of them to think they’ll be safer on the anti-white team –

    EuroMike says:
    There is an effective de-facto racial separation happening. On one side, the ‘people of color’ on the other , the ‘people of no color’. Looks like a new kind of apartheid system.

    Discard & Wandrin – Asiatics have been both de facto colonists, residentially, and on the anti-White ‘team’ for at least the last twenty or so years, particularly when their immigration levels (both legal and illegal) began to appreciably rise.

    The “model minority” myth was essentially early-to-mid-20th century nostalgia — when they were barely 1% of the total US population — before the post-1965 floodgates were opened.

    Euro Mike – Yes it does, as we shall see here from this early 1990’s article from American Renaissance on the complete demographic and cultural displacement of American towns that follows when any ‘East Asian’ groups arrives in significant numbers:

    When Asians arrive in large numbers, their effect is more ambiguous. Some North Asian groups commit fewer crimes than whites, make more money, and do better in school. Others, like the Hmong and the Cambodians, have fantastically high rates of poverty and welfare dependency. However, it does not matter whether Japanese or Chinese build societies that are, in some respects, objectively superior to those of Europeans. It matters only that they are different.

    When large numbers of North Asian immigrants moved into Monterey Park, the long-term white residents did not leave because the newcomers rioted, opened crack houses, covered walls with graffiti, or were rapists and robbers. They moved out because Monterey Park, in countless ways, ceased to be the town in which they had grown up or the town to which they had moved.

    The merchandise in the stores and the faces behind the counters changed. So many signs appeared in strange languages that the fire department insisted that at least street numbers be legible to English-speakers. Even city council meetings began to include exchanges in languages other than English.

    The new-comers reworked zoning laws to permit businesses in what had been residential neighborhoods. Asians bought the little bungalows whites had lived in, bulldozed them, cut down all the trees, and built huge new houses nearly out to the property line.

    All these changes and many others — some of them vastly more troubling than issues that are routinely put to the voters to decide — took place without the permission or consent of the whites who had lived there for years.

    One unhappy resident paid for a billboard that said…

    “Would the last American to leave Monterey Park please take down the flag.”


  28. The question is this: will these various groups go for each others’ throats at some point? And if so, will it be redound to the benefit of Whites and will it happen in time to benefit Whites? It might depend on whether these groups respond to the Jewish strategy. I’ve seen it suggested that only the Chinese are strong enough culturally and financially to resist and submerge Jews.

    When I say I don’t think the Asians will side against Whites, part of evidence for that is the Asian subcultures and communities usually do a good job keeping non-Asians out. Generally, and everyone please correct me if my perception is wrong, Asians don’t let Blacks and Mexicans get away with robbing, mayhem and criminality in their neighborhoods.

    In my area, there is strong Vietnamese community carved out in the the middle of one of the worst Black sections of town, yet the Blacks stay out. You never here about Vietnamese victims, whereas the Blacks and Mexicans routinely and both prey on Whites and each other. Eventually Latino numbers will reach a point where the Asians won’t be able to keep out the Latinos. I’m not suggesting Asians are an ally.

  29. Lew – why not use Asians as an ally? Politics and strange bedfellows, et al? We must remember they they wil try to screw us over too – but it won’t take any effort at all to get Asians to vociferously be hatin’ on Nigras and Orcs.

    Asians still appreciate good manners. So many White Nationalists are concerned about propriety, etc. Asians will actually appreciate this trait, and perhaps Whites will re-learn, from Asians, that the absolute slaughter of your enemies is quite proper, justified, and good. No apologies are necessary.

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