Imagine Your Surprise

Imagine2050: Evil White men killed the DREAM Act in the U.S. Senate!


I’ve been eagerly awaiting the reaction of Imagine2050 to the “ass whoopin” inflicted by NumbersUSA on the DREAM Act in the Senate for the third time in four months. I got my answer this morning.

Amazingly, Imagine2050 is asserting the existence of a positive correlation between race and ethnicity and voting patterns in the U.S. Senate. I was under the impression that race doesn’t exist and certainly can’t tell you anything about individuals. I also thought we were living in a “post-racial” society.

Listen to this:

But it is not surprising. One only has to look at the faces of the senators who denied the dreams of these students to understand why.

What gives?

Maybe we should take this idea from Imagine2050 and use it to judge the pro-amnesty opposition. By my count, every Jew and non-White in the Senate voted for the DREAM Act, as I also predicted by looking at their faces.

This tells me we need an immigration policy that totally excludes Jews and non-Whites and is geared toward people of European ancestry. We also need to deport every single illegal alien in America, build an enormous border fence, and do away with birthright citizenship.

I also noticed that all the self described “progressives” in the Senate voted for the DREAM Act too. That was also instructive in telling us who must be shot down at the ballot box.

Granted, these “half measures” won’t be sufficient to solve our racial problems in the long term. We have to get the ball rolling somewhere though. If we can’t secure the border and deport the illegals, we have no chance of winning the tougher existential fight over citizenship.

Imagine2050’s reaction to the defeat of the DREAM Act also exposed the truth about our opposition: “anti-racist” is just a more politically correct way of saying “anti-White.”

Our avowed enemies like Kent Wong, Tim Wise, and Imagine2050 are sizing up White conservatives on the basis of our skin color. They see themselves as engaged in a racial struggle, which they call “social justice,” against White America over limited material resources. It is ultimately about “who receives opportunities in this country, and who doesn’t.”

Indeed, the “DREAMers” are quite frank about their anti-White agenda:

“This is war!” claims Phoenix student Aldemar Cruz. “Republicans may have stopped the DREAM Act, but they won’t prevent La Reconquista from happening. “White people, watch out!”

Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States, says, “Latinos need to fight back. We need to march. We need to scream. If necessary, we need to riot. We need to do everything Blacks did to get their civil rights!”

Two can play that game. I’m also willing to bet that nothing can stop Whites when they are properly motivated, organized, and determined to get their way under a capable leadership.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s right — let that side RATCHET THINGS UP! That’s certainly good for us.

    They forgot about the bad old days where they lulled us and joked us to sleep with stuff like Archie Bunker and Good Times. The real face of the anti-white movement is one of pure hate and violence and the will to conquer us and our territories.

    The Russians suffered under the Mongol yoke for 200 years. The anti-white multicult is like the Mongolian invasions and occupations. Hopefully it won’t take us 200 years to drive them out.

  2. They erected the demarcation line when they created the division between ‘people of color’ and everyone else. Everyone else being, of course, whites. OK, I got that. I’m clear on that. And more and more whites are getting clear on that too.
    So much for the dream of ‘we’re all one’.

  3. This quote opens up a new avenue for debate:

    “Olivia Perez, an undocumented student who claims she was forced to fill out false paperwork in order to stay in the United States”

    Of course it is nonsense that Perez was “forced” to commit perjury of one sort or another, but it is useful to note because it becomes her crime, not that of her parents, that is an issue. Somehow proponents of the DREAM Act missed all these various perjuries an misrepresentations in the public discourse.

    This is an element in federal law that is not well known, but almost every application or petition requires a declaration under penalty of perjury to the effect that the applicant or petitioner has not claimed US citizenship with very high penalties for lying in making the claim of US citizenship and/or for lying about not having made the claim.

    Thus, a counter-argument could be advanced that a Perez Lie is a crime by the oh-so-innocent children of criminals. I’ll bet such documentation crimes are relatively common all through the criminal children’s illegal stay in the USA.

  4. Instead of promoting some pan European open immigration policy, let’s put an end to immigration period. The country is full, there are no jobs, do we really need anyone to come here. Promoting a general moratorium is a better strategy because it explicitly avoids race though its appeal is very implicit to keep the brown hordes out. Besides, I don’t see anything wonderful about mass immigration from Europe. Americans never really liked it that much, the Ellis Island garbage is propaganda from the likes of Steven Spielberg. Would Alabamans really love 1 million ex-Soviet Bloc paupers showing up in their state and influencing their elections? Look what “immigration” did to Chicago 100 years ago, it brought corruption and gangs that trouble the state to this day.

  5. Nightowl

    What about White South African immigrants fleeing racial persecution?

    After all, once you deport 50 million brown illegals there should be space in the country for seven million (at most) White racialists 🙂

  6. Interesting that Kiev brought up the Mongols, because I believe when their magic charms wore off the expulsion was as bloody as anything the world has seen. I believe in that situation the whites looked for anything asiatic looking and killed it, and basically expelled all non-whites to beyond the Urals or down past the Caucus mountains.

  7. MossadDid911 says:
    December 21, 2010 at 6:16 am
    Nightowl says:

    “let’s put an end to immigration period. The country is full … do we really need anyone to come here.”

    Completely agree, America already has plenty of people, we don’t need any more foreigners. At this point, those with loyalties to other countries – whether Israel or Muslim states, Hindus or Chinese nations – bring nothing but problems for us.

    Jack Ryan replies:
    I completely disagree – it is this selfish “my sub group of Whites is the only group I like and I don’t really like most of them” mentality that has taken down our race world wide these last 100 years.

    Look at the Jews – they take the Jewish side everywhere in the world, look to set up Jewish colonies, Jewish power centers in every country and they have never done Jew vs Jew wars, where Whites have done and continue to support endless White vs White civil wars over economics, language, all sorts of worthless stuff.
    Take Rhodesia Zimbabwe, remember when Mugabe’s anti White thugs were invaded White farms and raping 13 year old girls and blaming Whites for all the problems with the Zimbabwe economy, poverty etc? Imagine if it was Jews that were being persecuted, does anyone thing that Jews throughout the world would take notice, force drastic action? What did Whites in the USA, Canada, UK do during the Zimbabwe crisis?

    Sit on their hands or else they were too involved in wars in Iraq.

    Face it – Whites just don’t have anywhere near the same group loyalty as Jews, and you can see it here on this thread.
    Those (non Jewish) Whites in South Africa are our kinsmen – all who are pure, true of heart should be most welcome in any remaining safe White community in the world

  8. Jack,
    I agree with you about the South Africans and Rhodesians. If we’re going to give refugee status to ANYONE, it should be them. They are outnumbered by the black hordes, AND their downfall was the direct result of pressure by the U.S. gov’t. We screwed ’em over and we owe them help.
    But Europeans in Europe? Why should we let them in? They’ve got a large and increasing Muslim problem, true. But they STILL are the majority — AND, U.S. didn’t force them to let in the Muslims. That was their own doing.
    But more importantly, we dare not give the Europeans an escape valve — because we NEED them to stay in Europe and fight to keep Europe. And they’ll only fight if they’ve got nowhere to go, just like all us White people.

  9. barb says:
    December 21, 2010 at 5:01 pm
    I agree with you about the South Africans and Rhodesians. If we’re going to give refugee status to ANYONE, it should be them. They are outnumbered by the black hordes, AND their downfall was the direct result of pressure by the U.S. gov’t. We screwed ‘em over and we owe them help.
    But Europeans in Europe? Why should we let them in?

    Jack Ryan replies:
    Because Barb – they are our kinsmen – they are our folk, our nation.
    Provided of course they are Whites in Europe – we’re not talking about Algerian Arabs in some French ghetto.
    And some healthy, strong 6ft 4 Swedish hockey player will make a great husband for some White gal from Michigan.
    North America is not in any way overpopulated with healthy White people. We’ve got huge rural states like Minnesota and North Dakota where most of the state is completely empty. This talk that “America is too crowded” – that’s just something our side says to justify why we would be against mass Mestizo, Somalian immigration our side is saying defensively:
    “We’re not RACIST or anything, we just have too many people in our country, it’s bad for the environment” stuff like that.
    Here at O.D. we should be honest.
    Yes, we are RACIST – we want to keep out the hordes of Somalians, Mestizos, NWs, but our healthy White kinfolk from all over the world are most welcome.
    The Boers should go trekking to North Dakota as well as Russia/Ex Soviet Georgia.

  10. Here at O.D. we should be honest.
    Yes, we are RACIST – we want to keep out the hordes of Somalians, Mestizos, NWs, but our healthy White kinfolk from all over the world are most welcome.
    The Boers should go trekking to North Dakota as well as Russia/Ex Soviet Georgia.

    First you’re gung ho about “OD going Mainstream,” but now honesty is what you’re shooting for?

  11. Nightowl

    What about White South African immigrants fleeing racial persecution?

    After all, once you deport 50 million brown illegals there should be space in the country for seven million (at most) White racialists

    I’d go with Pat Buchanan’s suggestion of say 100,000 or so. Even countries like Japan don’t have some all or nothing policy, they let people with legitimate economic reasons have work Visas and overseas Japanese return. There will always be Hockey Players, British Actors, various specialists with legitimate reasons to be here, along with humanitarian cases such as the Boers (although I’d rather see the blacks driven out of the Southernmost zones of Africa.) But I don’t see the reason for mass immigration of unskilled Europeans. Pan-Europeanism seems like a form of Utopian idealism. So my Great Grandparents came here to get a cheap job, does that me I have to be perpetually for immigration? In that case if I had an ancestor who got away with shoplifting I’d be supposed to be for the elimination of all laws against theft. That’s an argument that can be used against immigration in all circles. The Jewish media has somehow put a form of guilt into Americans that because some distant ancestor came here from Europe, they have to be for open borders for all perpetuity. Such “all or nothing” idealism appeals to whites, Jews and non-whites have no problem with being hypocrites when things no longer favor their interests.

  12. “And some healthy, strong 6ft 4 Swedish hockey player will make a great husband for some White gal from Michigan.”

    Jack, I’m not sure I stated my point well enough. I’m not against Euros coming to America because it’s bad for America but because it’s bad for Europe.
    I don’t want Europe lost to White people because they leave, fleeing Muslims, and the Muslims breed to fill the vacuum. We lost Great American Cities like Detroit because of this White tendency to leave instead of fight, if it’s an option.
    That “escape valve” is baaaaad, because it anesthetizes White people long enough to give the non-Whites more decades to let the differential birthrate work.
    If Europeans can’t leave, they’ll throw the bums out and do it soon. Which is what we MUST have, lest Whites will go extinct all over the world.

  13. barb says:
    December 22, 2010 at 12:49 am
    “And some healthy, strong 6ft 4 Swedish hockey player will make a great husband for some White gal from Michigan.”

    Jack, I’m not sure I stated my point well enough. I’m not against Euros coming to America because it’s bad for America but because it’s bad for Europe.
    I don’t want Europe lost to White people because they leave, fleeing Muslims, and the Muslims breed ….
    If Europeans can’t leave, they’ll throw the bums out and do it soon. Which is what we MUST have, lest Whites will go extinct all over the world.

    Jack Ryan replies

    Whites will not go “extinct” all over the world if Whites can only learn to be nice to other Whites, especially White women being “nice” to other, some White men from somewhere, anywhere in the world.
    Some White guy who’s a bit more exotic, from somewhere over seas, these types always do better with White gals. Look how great White Yanks did with the English lasses when they were stationed there during World War II.
    Plus international White romances will cut down on Reagan type Conservatives wanting to start wars against THE RUSSIANS when enough White American guys are married to White Russians like Maria Sharapova.
    People here and in American WN need to stop stressing that our race is going to go extinct tomorrow or something and just get back to basic stuff, boy meets girl White gals in Alaska send smoke signals to Russian boys just across the water in Russia or else, some White gal in Michigan becomes a fan of the Swedish junior hockey team. Once we are racially conscious Whites, settling all stupid White vs White conflicts, chucking corrupt religious cults, chucking feminism, neo conservatism, defeatism, vanguardism, all kinds of great opportunities will open up for us – new boom towns in Missouri, another golden age for the US South – yeah maybe a NorthWest Republic in the Pacific Northwest.

  14. “Whites will not go “extinct” all over the world if Whites can only learn to be nice to other Whites, especially White women being “nice” to other, some White men from somewhere, anywhere in the world.”

    Have you read Old Atlantic Lighthouse’s stuff? Mass immigration means extinction, not only because of miscegenation, but the loss of territory means the indigenous ones stop reproducing due to stress from loss of territory.

    “Some White guy who’s a bit more exotic, from somewhere over seas, these types always do better with White gals. Look how great White Yanks did with the English lasses when they were stationed there during World War II.”
    If importing Europeans into America will actually raise the White birthrate on a worldwide basis to such a significant extent that it overrides the harm to Europe from loss of its natives and actually makes a significant contribution to counterracting the worldwide dropoff in White birthrates, then ok. But why would it? Do you have any evidence that it would? What would be the mechanism? Because our own homegrown smart White boys are being browbeaten enough in anti-white-male multiculti America. Ought we really import MORE competition for them, even if it’s our own cousins? (Excepting the SAs and Rhodesians. We have to save them. We owe it to THEM more to allow them to immigrate than even hunky Swedes.)
    “Plus international White romances will cut down on Reagan type Conservatives wanting to start wars against THE RUSSIANS when enough White American guys are married to White Russians like Maria Sharapova.:”
    Have we had any significant immigration of White Russians? I thought the influx from Russia after the collapse of USSR in the ’90s were, by and large, Jews. That’s what it seemed to me from what I saw, anyway.
    Seems to me Putin is pretty pro-White, what with paying White Russian couples to take Friday off and go home and make babies, and then giving them cash to support said babies. Should we be draining off Russian women, who, when they get to America, are given zero societal support or encouragement to be making babies?

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