![Russell Pearce](https://i0.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/alg_sen_russell-pearce-300x214.jpg?resize=300%2C214)
We have killed the DREAM Act for at least two years. The enemy pushed the DREAM Act amnesty through the House and secured 55 votes for it in the Senate. It was their high water mark.
They came out of the lame duck a few yards short of a touchdown. We can breathe easier now because the midterm elections dramatically reduced their numbers at the state and federal level.
Working Within The System
The vanguard claims that elections don’t matter. They are wrong. It is difficult to exaggerate how wrong they are on this point:
(1) The number of pro-amnesty Democrats and Republicans in the Senate was significantly cut. Correspondingly, the number of restrictionists has risen. In particular, John Boozman will replace Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas in the Senate, a hardliner taking the seat of a DREAM Act supporter.
Even though they have the majority, the Democrats don’t have the numbers anymore to even consider moving a bill like the DREAM Act through the Senate. Robert Bennett and Arlen Specter won’t be there to work with them.
If the Democrats were to turn Scott Brown and the Maine twins, they still won’t have the numbers to block a filibuster when the reinforcements hit the field. And besides, even if an amnesty were to pass the Senate, it would die in the House.
(2) At the federal level, the most dramatic victory was in the House, where Nancy Pelosi and her “progressive” friends were overthrown. The Treason Caucus which voted for the DREAM Act as their last slap in the face to White America will be gone. They will be replaced by the most restrictionist House of Representatives since 1924.
Mike Castle, Bob Inglis, Charles Djou, Joseph Cao, Vernon Ehlers, and Lincoln Diaz-Balart, 6 of the 8 Republicans who voted for the DREAM Act, will be gone. The Lamar Smith and Steve King tag team will be in charge of the committees where immigration policy is addressed.
Amnesty is dead in the water for two years. Now that Republicans control the House, we can fund the border fence, hold Joe McCarthy-style hearings on the Obama administration’s pandering to illegal aliens, push for E-Verify, the end of birthright citizenship, and other important pieces of legislation.
(3) The defeat of the DREAM Act and the empowerment of restrictionists in the House will push the mentally unstable Luis Gutierrez off the cliff. Illegal aliens are stupid enough to believe they can take to the streets and force Congress to reward them with amnesty through the use of Civil Rights Movement tactics.
That will backfire on them, raise awareness of the immigration problem in Red America, increase racial polarization, and make our job easier heading into 2012.
(4) The defeat of the DREAM Act and the triumph of restrictionists in the midterm elections means that Hispanics got absolutely nothing for delivering the White House to Barack Obama. They got nothing out a Democratic president, 256 Democrats in the House, and a near Democratic supermajority in the Senate.
Barack Obama won’t be able to move an amnesty through Congress over the next two years. He now has to deal with restrictionists like Steve King in Congress who will use their committees to grill his enforcement policies. He will be forced to step up enforcement while delivering nothing to his own supporters.
This will deflate Hispanic turnout in 2012.
It will be easier to elect a Republican president (if we get lucky) who will appoint restrictionist judges to the Supreme Court and the other federal courts. This will provide indispensable air cover to all the laws that we can pass at the state and local level.
(5) Needless to say, the most important victory in the midterms was the crushing defeat inflicted upon Democrats at the state level, which in states like Alabama and Georgia (9 Democrats have defected since the election) has all but destroyed the Democratic Party.
Republican governors and Republican controlled state legislatures now have a free hand to move forward with Arizona-style immigration bills in at least a dozen other states. If states like Alabama and Georgia can pass their own version of SB 1070, they can start driving out the illegal alien population like Arizona has done.
(6) The sweeping Republican victories at the state level means that Republicans can now redraw congressional and state legislative districts (because of the 2010 census) which will further increase their numbers and punish pro-amnesty Democrats.
This could potentially put the House out of reach for pro-amnesty Democrats for a decade.
(7) Tea Party primary challenges scared Republicans like Lindsey Graham and John McCain into voting against the DREAM Act. Even when the challenges failed, as in Arizona or Alaska, it was sufficient to deliver a message.
Dick Lugar is already wearing a huge target on his back. I suspect his recent contemptuous behavior is proof that he has already made the decision to retire.
(8) The victory over the DREAM Act and in the state legislatures has built confidence. When Whites start to believe they can win, they will press on, open their wallets, and push harder for change than they would otherwise. This builds momentum which can turn defeats inflicted upon the enemy into a rout.
The Rout
Next year, restrictionists will open up with an offensive drive on immigration across three fronts:
(1) In the House of Representatives, Steve King and other Republicans will push for an end to birthright citizenship for anchor babies. Every year 340,000 anchor babies are born to illegal aliens. Stripping them of U.S. citizenship is an imperative.
(2) In Arizona, Russell Pearce will open the next front and push for the end of birthright citizenship on the state level. At least a dozen other states are likely to push identical bills through Republican controlled state legislatures.
(3) I have already shown that multiple states will be making a push for their own version of SB 1070. The fight will kick off in January across the South with Georgia leading the pack.
The ideal scenario: the Obama Justice Department is overwhelmed with lawsuits against the states which are defeated by the Supreme Court. Under siege, illegal aliens join Luis Gutierrez in his ridiculous “civil rights” uprising, which spectacularly backfires, and is broadcast into every conservative home through talk radio and television.
We ride the ensuing wave of racial polarization into a triumph over Barack Obama and further legislative victories at the state level. The opposition crumbles under the weight of its own defeats and demoralization.
Illegals begin to return to Mexico.
Final Thoughts
There is no shortage of work to be done.
There are practical things we can start doing right now to improve our situation. The path to victory is working within the system, organizing the so-called “lemmings,” moving the goal posts, winning at the margins, steadily building confidence, making life ever more inhospitable for our enemies, advancing to the next front, and building momentum.
Consider the alternatives:
(1) Crying on an internet wailing wall.
(2) Praying for the collapse of civilization.
(3) Impotently attacking our enemies with mere words.
(4) Going psycho like James von Brunn.
(5) Immersing yourself in an elaborate fantasy world.
(6) Escaping into navel gazing.
(7) Hiding out in a bunker.
This can work.
I’m willing to hear arguments to the contrary. I am open to persuasion on the point. Explain to me how any of the above alternatives are more effective (i.e., the best bang for the buck) than working within the system to advance our views on immigration.
I agree with what you say about engaging in electoral politics but there is no reason not to also move to all-white areas, have and raise white children, and to eschew excessive consumption of consumer goods and meaningless status symbols. And as always, selective acts of leaderless resistance against non-whites is always effective.
All predictions that Obama was “just like slick Willy” is like the French fighting the last war. Obama and the democrats are giving the middle finger to America trying to shove all kinds of garbage through in this lame duck and looking for backdoor ways to get through their agenda such as executive orders, EPA regulation forcing the economy killing “Cap and Trade” nonsense, and now trying to use the FCC to censor the internet. (expect them to go after talk radio as well) The full stench of this Obamination and his democrat minions in congress needs to be piped in to the minds of ordinary Americans 24/7 in a way that sounds reasonable.
Ok I’ll stick up for the vanguardists. The libs in the media are going to call those conservatives “racists” and they will cave, hence the elections were for naught.
HW I think you are forgetting the blacks, now I know it is easy enough to write them off as useful throwaway idiots, but the DREAM Act was gonna put them down a notch. I’m not sure they stay completely in the cult compound if the hispanics take to the streets.
They did that all last year to no effect.
Hey I’m trying to help them out OK? So far you have run the table on them, and I’m here to help them. OK so that didn’t work, but I got a jew conspiracy that is guaranteed to score them points. Then when that fails I’m going to post the 1,000.000th crime and IQ study to deflect the argument back into some nerd’s hobby horse area of expertise.
They are pushing through the Hebes Control the Internet “laws”, and the Hebes Control the Food Production “laws”.
What will it take to get these tyrannical diktats overturned?
Declare them anti-white.
I’m sitting on The Laughingstock of Kirksville. It is too scathing to publish.
The vanguard claims that elections don’t matter. They are wrong. It is difficult to exaggerate how wrong they are on this point:
Just this month another white good bred Border Agent was killed by bandidos whos ” Country of Origin was not disclosed”.
I say they will continue to come regardless, the illegals from China, Mexico, South America, Korea, Phillippines,Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Iran……………………etc etc.
The laws will do little if not enforced and I see feds going in “Stand Down”, and wont administer there duties.
There strength and power is in numbers to outpoulate is to dispossess and that is what Vangaurds claim and it is the truth.
Republicants wont give in to the Chamber of Commerce and there required lemmings of labor the illegals.
While I am excited about the defeat the time will come soon and tell us if what immaterial or not.
The media is so predictable. Two Christian missionaries were attacked, one killed in Israel yesterday. On the news report they made sure to tell us that one missionary who survived said that the attackers “spoke arabic”. LOL. That tells me one thing: Some bloodthirsty “settlers” didn’t get the message to tone down the drinking Christian blood thing until the control grid is completely in place.
We only get to know the ethnicity of the perp if they are white or arabic.
By the way, TPTB couldn’t more obviously telegraph that a false flag is coming. Holder the Magnificent’s comments coupled with the FCC/Internet situation is as clear a message as they get. Holder is a total whack job. That guy couldn’t find his butt with both hands but he’s got it all figured out. Talk about a house n*&$!r.
That said, yes. We need to learn to elucidate our views in the mainstream. We need to get in that habit. We need to work within the system. No doubt about it. Baby steps. It will better help us to evolve our program anyway. Which certainly needs evolution.
Alex Linder is a great artist and writer. His vanguardism is his artists temperament. His writings will last, and someday get more attention than they did in his life.
I don’t mind disagreeing on ideas, but it doesn’t become you to pick on old A.L. The writing alone justifies some respect for him.
FOX is harping on the mythical Hispanic vote and how the new census data bolsters it and how the Republicans need to figure out a way to amnesty the retched refuse hailing from Mexico if they don’t want to be politically marginalized.
I’m sick of hearing about the Hispanic vote – it doesn’t means jack. If Hispanics couldn’t push amnesty through with a Democratic house and senate, what the f**k makes them believe they can pass now!?
Doesn’t the presence of Hispanics in Arizona, Utah, Florida, and Texas mean those states will gain more Republican House seats (carved by Republican state legislatures and governors) and more electoral votes all which will go to the Republican nominee for president?
You have to love how they relentlessly spin the mythical Hispanic vote. Sharron Angle got more of the Hispanic vote than Jan Brewer or John McCain, but she lost because of her performance on the White vote. 70 percent of Hispanics voted against McCain and he was reelected.
The so-called Hispanic vote is concentrated in large part in Illinois, New York, and California which are already Blue States.
The truth is that the new census means that Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey lose electoral votes to Red States.
That means Barack Obama has a tougher map to reelection in 2012, not an easier one.
I’m sick of hearing about the Hispanic vote
So am I, but the media is never going to shut up about it.
1/3 of Hispanics are basically either white or are uncle pedros and they are against immigration. The other 2/3 are La Raza types and there is no way for the Republicans to compete for their votes anyway.
Doesn’t the presence of Hispanics in Arizona, Utah, Florida, and Texas mean those states will gain more Republican House seats (carved by Republican state legislatures and governors) and more electoral votes all which will go to the Republican nominee for president?
On Kos they are counting on Hispanics just overwhelming the white voters in Red States to turn those states blue like they have in CA. What the Kos retards miss is that CA is blue not because of the hispanics, but because it also has a huge amount of white liberals, blacks and asians. Even if we don’t stop immigration states like TX, UT and AZ are not going to go blue for a long, long time.
More awareness and uncomfortable discussion of the post-1965 chain immigration disaster can be poured into the flow of the coming momentum. The backbiter Kennedy et. al. legacy needs to be ditched.
Further ahead still is restoration of the immigration guidelines from a century ago. Given the present negative birth rates in much of Northern Europe, this would likely contribute little overall population growth for America, alleviating strained natural resources like fresh water and naturally fertile soil and helping stifle the negligent urban sprawl habit.
Given the will and the effort, a better 21st Century is entirely possible. We don’t necessarily need to pass through an apocalyptic collapse to get there.
Desperation is what will happen with our Mestizo friends. They are not only uneducated/uneducatable, they are very short sighted and emotional. Expect a violent reaction to ensue when the truth about the recent election sinks into there thick skulls. For example getting rid of the ‘Anchor Baby’ clause. As well as the Arizona type laws being enacted across the land. Reality is not a thing our Hispanic friends take gracefuly when it dosen’t go there way. I have lived in both Texas, and California and observed/studied them up close for decades. My advise stock up on ammo, and hunker down.
People on here are acting like the election was some kind of revolution when in reality it’s just the same old type of politicians that were in office when Bush was President. Neither party is truly interested in enforcing our immigration laws. The increased illegal alien population gives states additional representatives to the House and it’s benefitting both sides so why should they bother?
All these hispanics have to do is wait. They may not be legal but their children born here are and they’re squirting them out like pez dispensers. Even if some sort of birthright citizenship legislation is somehow crafted they aren’t going to grandfather it back 20 years to settle the problem once and for all. The first step in finding a solution is to break out of this liberal/neocon paradigm that’s so prevalent on here.
It is important to remember the GOP has not actually done anything yet but make promises in the context of a political campaign. I want to see some action on immigration as soon as the swearing in ceremony is over, or within the first 3 months at a minimum.
IF they introduce legislation to deal with jus soli citizenship, all hell will break loose and we might see 1960s style riots in the Brown no go zones across this country.
If they don’t introduce such legislation, however, or if they don’t take other aggressive action against immigration, it will partially vindicate the vanguardists who have been arguing all along that elections have little or no real value for advancing White interests.
I say partially because even if the GOP sells out the grassroots at the Federal level or can’t get anything done because of a Left/RINO/Obama alliance, we still might see more Arizona laws at the state level as a result of the GOPs gains. The worst case scenario is that a year from now nothing has happened to advance White interests at the State or the Federal level despite all the positive trends from 2008 to 2010.
I can see them delivering on everything you want Lew and only because they know it will be blocked either in the Senate or by Obama and they’ll use it as a political springboard to get more Republicans elected in 2012, possibly getting a majority in the Senate or maybe winning the White House. When that happens you won’t hear anymore about it and the lamestream conservatives won’t press the issue anymore because they’ll think they’re in charge.
I think we still need to take the collapse scenario seriously. Besides reading OD I read a lot of financial sites. While TEOTWAWKI has been proposed for a generation it is much more of a possibility now than anytime in our lives. We came damn close in 2008, and esLPsentially nothing has been fixed. It is entirely possible that the dollar dies. With it will go the entire ZOG SYSTEM of welfare, community college, affirmative action and WalMart.
It behoves us all, while engaging in the political system to be .prepping for that realistic possibility. Not living in a bunker, but stockpiling food and other essentials so that we and our families and communities come out on top if the SHTF.
(1) There are Republicans who have been pushing at this issue for years now. Arizona passed the crackdown on employers of illegal aliens in 2007. They passed SB 1070 earlier this year.
Off the top of my head, I know that South Carolina, Oklahoma, Colorado, Tennessee and Georgia have passed anti-illegal immigration laws in recent years. Mississippi and Rhode Island have E-Verify.
There are more state laws dealing with immigration that have passed in the last five years. Then you have the ordinances passed in Hazelton and Fremont.
(2) I know that the anti-birthright citizenship bill has been introduced several times now in the House. Steve King has pushed it before. I know that Nathan Deal pushed for that while he was in Congress.
(3) We’re coming off a decade without an amnesty bill making its way to the White House. That is because the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform have been shot down at least half a dozen times now.
(4) In the Bush years, it was Tancredo and the House Immigration Caucus that held the line against amnesty.
In sum, there were always reliable Republicans on immigration, even during the Bush years, but they were overshadowed by the likes of Bush, McCain and Specter. Now they are just more prominent because there are more of them.
The first step in finding a solution is to write off the vanguardists and fantasists who have no solutions to any of our problems. They are flat out unwilling to do anything substantial in the real world to reverse our decline. That is the blunt truth of the matter.
Your time is better spent playing Nintendo than listening to those people.
The second step is to accept reality. There are people we can work with on issues like immigration and multiculturalism. We should try to increase their numbers, score some political victories, weed out the traitors, and use the resulting momentum to push the envelope in a more radical direction.
I can guarantee you our enemies are FAR MORE afraid of what I am proposing here.
Arlen Specter gave his swan song in the Senate this afternoon. It was a beautiful sight. I will link to the video whenever it becomes available on YouTube.
Dick Lugar and Jim Webb need to join Specter in forced retirement. That’s change we can believe in.
Whites would love a GOP that didn’t get us involved in Jew wars.
Whites would love a GOP that didn’t take our jobs and ship them overseas.
Whites would love a GOP that didn’t take our hard-earned money and give it to shiftless Africans.
Whites want to dance with the GOP, but it takes two to tango.
Jackkson: the truth is we have to do both.
The Founders “worked within the system” to get Parliament to be reasonable, while close allies prepared for the violent taking of power.
That’s how it works: both, not one or the other.
Let me explain to you something about politics.
The reason that the Republicans push for those destructive policies is because they are catering to powerful, well organized constituencies flush with cash who work within the system to get what they want. They exert pressure on wavering Senators and congressmen.
Now, if you want to counter that, you are not going to do it by sitting out elections, posting anonymous comments on the internet, or rejecting the system.
Realistically, the only way to counter it is to build an opposition force which can exert greater pressure. Immigration is a clear example where grassroots conservatives have started to build the institutions necessary to counter the business lobby.
That model can and should be copied to address these other issues.
Ok, we get it! You don’t like “Vanguardists”! How many times are you going to tell us?
I assume Hunter will stay on his consistent message, until the Vanguardists (they really should be called elitists) understand they are not doing anything, to help White interests.
The fact is Vanguardists see themselves as too pure to get their hands dirty in conventional politics. The only problem with that is White survival is too important, to let them get away with that behavior.
They either need to get involved in a manner that is practical and do what it takes to win, or admit they do not care about White people in general and so are not pro White.
Hedge. For every dollar/energy unit you spend on hardright, pro-white politicians, spend a dollar/energy unit on stockpiling food, water, weapons, ammunition. Build local networks that can do “normal” politics….and violent politics. In the short-run (and we do live from day-to-day) HW is talking sense. But all human organizations eventually collapse, and the Jew-harrowed U.S. of A. has about had it. This isn’t about “apocalyptic expectations”; it’s the stuff of history.
“The reality is, we’re no longer on the House side in charge of the agenda,” said Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (D- Texas), who attended the meeting. “We would never have had a vote on the Dream Act if the Republicans were in charge. So we need to understand that.”
In the last few weeks, Smith stated that immigration enforcement would be one of his priorities and that he intended to “enact policies that will better secure our borders and discourage illegal immigration, human smuggling and drug trafficking.”
Amid concern about such efforts, Obama told the five Latino lawmakers who met with him in the Oval Office that he would veto certain punitive legislation if need be.
HW, But the GOP elites are also treacherous and craven lot. They have a history of trafficking on grassroots votes and then turning their backs once they obtain power. The trends are otherwise encouraging, but until we see some action it’s prudent not go go further than cautious optimism.
I would like Hunter to respond to what Kievsky had to say.
Personally, I like Alex Linder. I don’t agree with everything he says, and I doubt much people do. But he is an artist, like Kievsky said. An eccentric one. Which explains his quirks. He’s also a hell of a speaker and writer. If it weren’t for is health issues, I’m sure he would be far more influential in the movement.
I’m not against mainstreaming our message. Quite the contrary, in fact. But I feel like you’re trying to drive a wedge between people, a false divide, polarizing and in turn weakening them.
Vanguardists should be a devil at home and an angel in the streets. Most far leftists use this same approach. They put on the progressive mask in public. But when alone, or amongst their ideological peers, they take it off to reveal the hardcore judeo-bolshevik.
But when all is said and done, I do enjoy reading your ideas, Hunter. Although, please stop the mudslinging. Just because Linder does it doesn’t mean you have to.
This site is gets funnier by the day. Every post by Hunter has barbed references to his disordered category of “Vanguardists”. And I’m not surprised that people take him at face value and don’t question the contents of his disordered category. It’s filled with all kinds of boogeymen which seem to haunt Hunter in his dreams, and is not a real representation of people who add value to the struggle in a different manner and mode.
It’s a tempest in a teapot, and I’m sure the folks at the SPLC and ADL get a huge chuckle out of the ebb and flow of this dynamic conflict scenario playing out INSIDE a so-called “White Nationalist” blog that thinks it’s a “movement”, and thinks the victories resulting from the efforts of many people, including so-called “Vanguardists” was due to the planning and prescience of the “movement leader” tagged with the anonymous name of “Hunter Wallace”.
You folks will fall for anything! And it’s amusing to watch.
I actually apopogize for my outbursts. I am not a revoultionary. I am not an asshole. I’m simply voicing an opinion and honestly I don’t want to offend anyone. I’m just interested in opening the spectrum of debate a bit. I’m scared for our freedoms and I don’t know where we’re going, regardless of what race or religion is in the White House. We’ve lost our presumption of innocence. God knows I’m not innocent but I’m not as guilty as I feel I’m thought to be by the Government. I’m just interested in opening the debate a bit and look at where we are a bit more closely. Most of us feel something is wrong. I don’t necessarily believe it’s a race issue but they’re shoving the race issue down our throats so bad it’s offensive. It pisses me off. Why am I guilty of hating anyone? I love everyone. That’s why I’m speaking truth as I see it. It’s getting scary out here, all this free speech. They’re going to do something bad. I feel it. We all do. God bless us all, everyone, in the coming year. May the Lord be with us. Help us, Lord. Please. I don’t need to be scanned at the airport and neither do my beautiful neighbors. What the hell? They are going to shut this down so fast it will make your head spin. It’s freaky. Hunter, thanks for being a voice of reason. We’re just regular folks. Probably more blessed than others, sure. Perhaps unfairly in some way. Maybe in many ways. God bless the freedoms we still have here, black, white, jew, whatever. Different visions of freedom, sure. But still, A vision of freedom. We’re being asked to not make this work. I know we’re better than that. I we are. We’re adult enough to simply move the discussion a bit without getting crazy about it. We need to freaking chill out man. Things are getting nasty. I personally can’t believe the crap that’s coming out of my mouth. But WTF? What’s up with the nonstop war and the rest? Do we have a valid grievance without being revolutionary about it? Sure. Why not. We can move on. Let’s not get crazy about it. Enough with the scanners and the paranoia. By God I want to be a good citizen. I really do. And I WILL BE a good citizen, for all this country has given me. Thanks for putting up with me y’all. Hunter is wrong. When people comment, they are changed. They voice more intelligent, rational opinion. We become adults. We try not to become assholes. We make mistakes. We try. Merry Christmas, I’m moving on. It’s chilly out here.
Linder isn’t worth spending any further time on. He has failed at everything he has ever tried. In ten years, he hasn’t accomplished a single thing for White people in Missouri.
Not one single thing.
It is a pointless waste of time to dedicate an entire thread to such a failure. I’m also going to quit arguing with these other obscure White Nationalist personalities that no one cares about.
I think our time is much better spent trying to shine light on the practical things we can do like assisting in the defeat of the DREAM Act or throwing Dick Lugar out of office.
MacMillan, Gregor, You hit the nail on the head. It’s pretty sad to watch this childish bullshit and leaves me doubting the sincerity of anyone here. The fact we have suffering people and are facing genocide takes a backseat to some tit-for-tat pissing contest and some imagined battle for ideological supremacy.
Hunter, Whites are specialists. We have historians, writers, artists,scientists and so on. In this movement we have the vanguard(whatever that means), mainstreamers(whatever that means) and dozens of assorted White specialists. They are not contradictory, they are complimentary and all of them are needed for their own unique contributions, at least they should be. Why should one specialist attack another? The false dichotomy painted here is not just wrong it is self defeating and there is no reason for it. In my opinion: Hunter just do your thing and let others do theirs, and remember – it takes a group effort and different approaches to hit all the specialists within our race. We are fighting for survival, never lose sight of that.
Hunter, it’s not everyones job to do the same things. Let Linder do what he does and you do what you do. they are not in conflict with each other.
Who is more important:
the man who tills the soil?
the man who fertilizes the soil?
the man who plants the seeds?
the man who waters the crop?
the man who reaps the yield?
The answer is none, they all played a part in the process. Some did more, others did less, but it was their combined effort.
Do you see what I’m getting at? I hope you do.
“But the GOP elites are also treacherous and craven lot.”
True but that’s partly because white voters vote and then if they win they leave it to the politicians and get back to their lives while the other side carries on their continuous pressure. We need continuous pressure on our side too. That way the traitors will eventually be squeezed out and the craven will swim with the new tide.
“We don’t necessarily need to pass through an apocalyptic collapse to get there.”
No, but we may need enough people to see the *possibility* of that glimmering on the far horizon before they act to prevent it.
The reason that the Republicans push for those destructive policies is because they are catering to powerful, well organized constituencies flush with cash who work within the system to get what they want. They exert pressure on wavering Senators and congressmen.
Now you’re waving away the relevance of “meta” stuff like the zeitgeist and cultural hegemony.
Hunter, check this out. Apparently, Ron Johnson, the Republican Senator-elect for WI is a bit of a fan of Charles Murray of the “Bell Curve” fame.
As I said above, the problem is specifically the power that is exerted by organized special interest groups that can deploy money, votes, and propaganda to influence the political process. I would say that falls squarely within the “material” realm.
I do not consider myself being part of the same movement as Alex Linder anymore. Please tell me what he has done about immigration in Missouri.
Can you point to a single thing he has done about the problem? What about the Jewish Question? Can you point to a single accomplishment he has made in that area? Just one.
I look at Alex Linder … and I see someone who is useless.
The “worthless conservative” Pat Buchanan ran for president three times and wrote bestselling books that woke up millions to the threat to White America posed by immigration and changing demographics.
Buchanan tried to do something about the problem. If Buchanan had become president, the border would have been secured, good judges would have been appointed, illegals would have been deported, wars would have been avoided, and Israel would have been defunded.
Tancredo did something about the problem while he was in Congress. He would have got the chance to do more if he had become Governor of Colorado.
The vanguardists can do their own thing. That’s fine. Do you see me posting on their websites?
I know for a fact that I can’t work with them. I know they are of no assistance whatsoever in solving any of our problems. I also know many of them go out of their way to make our problems worse.
OTOH, I know from experience that I can work with millions of ordinary White people – normal, ordinary, sane – on immigration and other issues I care about. I’ve done this, successfully, in Alabama.
I also know that the so-called “lemmings” are not useless. They are the ones who vote, who donate, who influence their peers, who show up at protests, who lobby their government … the people who can be mobilized into an opposition force to the status quo.
Half a million “lemmings” have protested in Washington over the past two years!
I know from direct first hand experience that it is far easier to persuade the “lemmings” to do something about immigration and other issues than the “vanguardists” who troll my comment threads.
I don’t have to waste my time in an uphill struggle arguing with them about topics like “worse is better” and “the system is broken” and “we’re doomed” and “conservatives are worthless” and “revolution is the only solution” and so forth.
Nightwolf: Good for Ron Johnson and Wisconsin. Now, when will he come out and flatly say that the races are not, in fact, equal? The job is his for the next six years, including the pension. A half dozen years of a Senator making that simple, obvious, claim, whenever any kind of social or educational legislation comes up, could make the difference. Whenever he’s denounced, all he need do is refer to the research that backs his view. Whites are ready to hear the truth, and if he would only do the simple task of stating it without flinching, we’ll be blasting the face of Dishonest Abe off of Mount Rushmore and carving Johnson in his place.
Taken to its logical conclusion, “working within the system” can only yield the social/political organization of White Americans to compete in the racial spoils system of multiracial America, not an ethnostate, as “the system” cannot by definition and in fact countenance an ethnostate for White Americans. Although it is arguable that working within the system can succeed in expanding the discursive space in which it is actually thinkable, and therefore doable for a critical mass, to fight “the system” and thereby achieve an ethnostate for White Americans.
Please tell me that is where you are going with all this, Hunter. Otherwise criticism of your current tack is justified.
Captainchaos: By the rules of “democracy”, our fate is sealed. The darks are outbreeding us, and the traitors will hold the door open as long as possible to bring in more of them. Politics is something we do to slow the reinforcement of our enemies, and to set the stage for the struggle to come. Nothing more.
Discard: I want to hear it from Wallace.
We weren’t worthy of the ethnostate we had, so losing it will force us to evolve into a tribe.
The White tribe will prove to be a nightmare for the Jews, however, as we will attack their niche-spaces that they believed were inviolable, such as their franchise-monopolies on banking, law, and commerce. They thought they were securing their future even better, but they will find that they “over-corrected” when they turn YT into a tribe of mindweapons with blood in our eyes.
In Alabama, I know we have 7 House seats and 7 electoral votes in presidential elections. The presence of blacks in Alabama means that we have a higher population.
The winner of the presidential election in Alabama takes all the electoral votes which means the gerrymandered black Democrat congressional seat is effectively a vote for a Republican candidate.