Why Vanguardists Never Win

Welcome to the Island of Greg Johnson

The Vanguard

I noticed this afternoon that Greg Johnson is going to force me to break my New Year’s Resolution.

A few weeks ago, I wrote a popular article called Why Vanguardists Can’t Win. It was a source of much discussion across the internet. I had intended that article to be a parting shot.

In 2011, I planned to move forward with my Hard Right project. I have grown tired of wasting so much of my time and energy arguing with all the broken alienated characters (many of whom are estranged from their own family members) that comprise the so-called vanguard. There comes a point where responding to kooks begins to lose its entertainment value.

I’m still planning to move in this new direction.

I want to build a new pro-White tribe: one that is realistic, relentlessly practical, optimistic, positive, flexible, sympathetic to ordinary people, not alienated, open to reform, sets tractable goals, engages the system, reaches out, triangulates, bites modestly, focuses on effective metapolitics, believes that better is better, and seeks to mainstream our ideas, increase and exploit racial polarization, build bridges, move the goal posts, attack the margins, connect with a mass constituency and work with conservatives to find common ground on issues like immigration and multiculturalism.

I was content to let this silent critique of the White Nationalist movement speak for itself. The contrast between what we are doing and they are doing would eventually send its own message. As we score points with our hard work and these Nietzschean supermen continue to subsist off the charity of strangers, the appropriate comparisons will be drawn.

But perhaps I should make explicit what is always implied in my writing?

I am emphatically rejecting a peculiar species of White Nationalism that is: elitist, rigid, kooky, impractical, unrealistic, ineffective, hopelessly alienated, condescending toward ordinary people, hostile to religion, patriotism, and traditional values, pessimistic, negative, addicted to wild utopian fantasies, escapism, and sterile navel gazing, refuses to participate in the political process, bent on erecting unnecessary barriers to communication, pushes away the masses as a matter of principle, makes the perfect the enemy of the good, substitutes a fake rhetorical radicalism for real substantial victories, sets unrealistic goals, believes in burning bridges and blazing a trail to the fringe, settles for nothing less than instant transformative revolutionary change, believes that worse is better, empowering our enemies is a good thing, and yearns for the destruction of our civilization and ruining the lives of millions of White people while insulting and alienating people we can work with on immigration and other important issues.

I am referring of course to the vanguard.

The term “vanguard” comes from “advance guard.” It stems from the root French word “avant-garde.”

The “avant-garde” was a well known nineteenth and twentieth century social movement and counterculture of hyper alienated French and Jewish intellectuals and artists.

Vanguardism has always been about shocking the bourgeoisie, tearing down traditional mores, nihilism and destruction, expressing one’s own radical sense of alienation from mainstream society. It is not a political project in any true sense of the word.

The idea that vanguardists are going to create a White ethnostate is laughable. It only takes a moment’s reflection to discern how flat out uninterested the vanguardists are in the nuts and bolts of political power in North America.

Have they ever written about the subject? When the climatic battle over the DREAM Act amnesty was going on, could they be found anywhere on the battlefield?

Holding My Tongue

I’ve been holding my tongue for several weeks now. I have tried to focus on more productive lines of analysis. It has not been for lack of opportunities. Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents have provided ample fodder for commentary.

Let’s review:

(1) In the ironically named post “Taking Action,” Michael Polignano (or Johnson writing under his name) proudly announces the creation of “The Vanguard” membership group, which you can join with a one time cash donation of $120.

There is a limit of 200 members, so don’t delay. That rounds out to $24,000 dollars. In exchange for joining this “Vanguard,” you get “special rewards down the road that are only available” to sustaining members and a hardcover edition of North American New Right.

The only action being taken here is Greg Johnson paying himself a salary to do absolutely nothing about our problems. This type of shameless fundraising (you are “heroic” to support me) is why I chose to abandon the idea of financing this website through movement donations altogether.

(2) In his latest comment, Greg Johnson says he is focused on “community building.” Now one might ask the obvious question here: why do you have to build a community from scratch?

The answer is that Greg Johnson sees himself as a Jim Jones-style guru figure trying to build a People’s Temple in San Francisco out of alienated vanguardists.

The need to “build community” would never occur to anyone around here because their lives, savings, hopes, dreams, and genes are invested in real communities that have existed for generations. Some abstraction can never compete with their hometown.

Ordinary people like their neighbors. They have a strong sense of place. They have an active social life in their communities. Many are leaders in their communities.

In contrast, vanguardists like Greg Johnson and Harold Covington turn their backs on their real families, real communities, and real homes and are eager to gin up a cult substitute among likeminded alienated intellectuals.

After more than twenty years of talking about “community building,” no such “community” of alienated vanguardists exists anywhere in America. That is the inevitable logical consequence of being an impractical fantasist.

(3) Lately, Johnson has been recycling material from D.H. Lawrence, no doubt to express his own sense of alienation and feeling of superiority over ordinary White people, who are always ridiculed as “lemmings” by the vanguard.

It has gotten to the point where vanguardists can’t even spam an article without doing something counterproductive to the White Nationalist cause.

(4) Counter-Currents has lately ventured into the realm of foreign policy to align White Nationalists with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran and Kim Jong Il’s North Korea. The objective here seems to scare away as many people as possible who might be sympathetic to our ideas.

(5) Out in San Francisco, Greg Johnson recently attended an event with Christian Lander of Stuff White People Like and got a personal autographed copy of his book. He then proceeded to compute and proudly announce his SWPL quotient: 122/150 and 41/92.

In the comments of his article at The Occidental Observer, he chortled that SWPLs would survive “the collapse” of the system and live off the Americans in the countryside like the Soviets did with the Ukrainians in the 1930s.

(6) Johnson has been hammering away at the “racially conscious left” theme lately. We are told it was here in San Francisco that “Michael O’Meara was born in 1946 and began his intellectual odyssey from Marxist and revolutionary syndicalist to White Nationalist and prophet of the White Republic.”

So what?

A real jackass might point out that San Francisco is represented by Nancy Pelosi in Congress and that every elected member of the House of Representatives from the Bay Area has a “D” or an “F-” from NumbersUSA and voted for the DREAM Act.

(7) My personal favorite though was F. Roger Devlin’s review of Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism. Apparently, Faye envisions a “Eurosiberian Federation” emerging from “the collapse” of the system.

In this fantasy world, the collapse of Western civilization leads to a new promethean elite aristocracy and post-egalitarian caste based society (the rest of us are to become serfs to the lords of the universe here) which will value “quality” over “quantity” and use its authoritarian powers to create “man-animal chimeras” and “decerebrated human clones.”

See, the last thing we need to do is “shut up” and “blend in” and adapt our message to “what plays in Peoria.” We might get a Mark Kirk in the Senate out of that. It is “too early” to elect “system politicians” of the type that will vote against destructive legislation like against the DREAM Act.

Instead, the rare “wide awake” White Nationalists must hold their ground on “man-animal chimeras” – it is like Greg Johnson and Guillaume Faye watched the film adaptation of H.G. Wells’ horrific dystopian science fiction novel The Island of Dr. Moreau, slapped themselves on the hip, and thought out loud, what a great idea, that ought to be in our party platform!

I clicked on the Guillaume Faye tag at Counter-Currents and it led a whole series of fantasist articles about the topic. Eurosiberia now becomes a whole Arctic Septentrion – the “spiritual center” of the White race – centered on France after global warming melts the polar ice caps.

“Septentrion will be the end of the American Dream, the return of the prodigal son to the European parental bosom.”

In this vision of the future, which predictably requires vanguardists to do nothing, America joins the Eurosibieran Arctic Septentrion minus a few Southern states which are ceded to non-Whites.

(8) It was already becoming clear in July that the “ideas” that Greg Johnson was promoting at Counter-Currents were weird and harmful to our cause. Remember the Hyperboreans from the North Pole who colonized Atlantis and the Lemurians who bred with negroes to create the Jews?

Let it be noted, I pointed this out at the time, at some expense to myself. If this was the “metapolitical struggle” to save the White race in North America, I thought we ought to just go ahead and throw in the towel right then and there.

I was widely criticized for being “anti-intellectual” around the blogosphere. The material that has been posted since that time has shown in spades just how prescient and on target my criticism was about the direction of that particular website.

In that article, Johnson described his eugenicist fantasies of creating “a god-like race” through genetic engineering “to give meaning” to “this meaningless universe.” He was seriously talking up an aristocracy of kooks manipulating our genome to transform White people into macrocephalic aliens from Star Trek and elves from Lord of the Rings.

He thought we needed “ideas” like that to “vitalize” a “decadent” White Nationalist movement. We needed to be more “progressive” and leftwing like a Star Trek convention.

(8) Greg Johnson’s alienation has reached a comical level these last two months: posting material from the Unabomber, taking repeated shots at Christianity, comparing himself to Jesus, imagining himself as a secret agent like James Bond 007, diving head first into the “New Age” movement, defending Satanism, attacking Republicans for their victories in the midterm elections, which later proved instrumental in defeating the DREAM Act in December.

From a kook aristocracy using eugenics to create “a god-like race” of macrocephalic aliens to “man-animal chimeras” in the Eurosiberian Arctic Septentrion in six months, I can only scratch my head and wonder where Greg Johnson is headed with this “image of a perfected society” next year.

What next?

Did Hitler escape to Mars on a flying saucer? I can’t wait to find out.

Join or Die

This post is a response to Greg Johnson’s article “Conservatives STILL Can’t Win.” It is nothing more than a rehash of all the usual vanguardist stereotypes which have been “common knowledge” in the White Nationalist movement for decades.

Conservatives are always playing defense (except on, say, Arizona-style immigration laws and affirmative action).

They are graceful losers and compromisers (except on, say, holding the line on the DREAM Act).

They are incapable of learning from their defeats (except on, say, reversing their former pro-amnesty position).

They are not even trying to fight back (except on, say, using a record number of filibusters in the Senate to defeat amnesty three times this year).

They don’t have a vision (except, say, the hundreds of thousands of people who participated in the Tea Party rallies).

They are backward looking and don’t share all of our goals (at least they hold the Founder’s America in high esteem).

These are some pretty serious charges.

Seeing how Greg Johnson has invited such an unfavorable comparison between conservatives and the vanguard, I will stop what I am doing for the moment and oblige him this one last time.

I will do it for no other reason than to relish the opportunity to expose the ignorance and stupidity of Johnson and his likeminded brethren.


In Alaska, Joe Miller (a NumbersUSA “true reformer” candidate) knocked off Lisa Murkowski (who later voted for the DREAM Act) in the Republican Senate primary with the assistance of the Tea Party.

Sarah Palin, a widely loathed figure among in vanguardist circles, threw her reputation and money behind Joe Miller’s insurgent campaign. She also lent assistance to other friends of the restrictionist cause like Tom Tancredo in Colorado and Sharron Angle in Nevada.

Miller ultimately lost the election. The important lesson to be learned here is that grassroots conservatives put up a huge fight against Murkowski and this had the effect of cowing other Republican Senators like Graham and Hatch into voting against the DREAM Act.

In the House, Don Young, Alaska’s lone congressman, voted against the DREAM Act.


In Hawaii, conservatives withheld their support from Charles Djou, a pro-amnesty Asian Republican who voted for the DREAM Act, and expedited his defeat in the midterm elections.


In Washington, Republicans Doc Hastings (Washington 4) and Dave Reichert (Washington 8 ) voted against the DREAM Act in the House. Dino Rossi narrowly lost his Senate race against Patty Murray who voted for the DREAM Act.

As it happens, conservatives succeeded in banning affirmative action in Washington through the initiative process in 1998. The Washington Supreme Court has upheld the ban which became a model for successful initiatives in other states.

Harold Covington and The Northwest Front (who are hiding out in a bunker in the Pacific Northwest) were nowhere to be found in grassroots resistance to the DREAM Act in Washington state.


Greg Walden, Oregon’s lone Republican congressman (Oregon 2), voted against the DREAM Act.


In California, we had a perfect showing in the House among the Republican caucus, 15 of whom voted against the DREAM Act and none in favor of it. Some of the leading restrictionists in America like Duncan Hunter (California 46), Brian Bilbray (California 50), and Dana Rohrabacher (California 52) are from Southern California.

In the 1990s, conservatives passed Prop 187 and Gov. Pete Wilson defended it in federal court. Tom McClintock, a supporter of Arizona’s SB 1070, could have become Governor of California in the Davis recall election

At the moment, the Tea Party is trying to go through the initiative process in California to get an Arizona-style immigration law on the 2012 ballot. Conservatives succeeded in banning affirmative action in California in 1996.

There is plenty of support for our ideas among conservatives in the Golden State. I have seen nothing but implacable hostility from the “progressives” in the Bay Area.

In the midterm elections, Carly Fiorina attempted to take down Barbara Boxer, but lost her race. The Fiorina campaign was another example of conservatives putting up a fight against the odds.

The only “resistance” worthy of the name in California comes from conservative quarters.


I have already written a post about Idaho. The conservatives who live there like Mike Jorgenson have repeatedly tried to push a crackdown on immigration through the Idaho state legislature. They will be taking another crack at Arizona-style immigration reform next year.

In the midterm elections, Idahoans threw out Walter Minnick who voted for the DREAM Act. A few years ago, they threw out Senator Larry Craig who was the major champion of the AgJobs amnesty bill.

Senators Risch and Crapo voted against the DREAM Act. Rep. Mike Simpson also voted against the DREAM Act in the House.


In Nevada, the Tea Party made a major push to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the midterm elections. Sharron Angle, who lost the election, was a NumbersUSA true reformer candidate.

Senator Ensign voted against the DREAM Act which Harry Reid brought to the floor of the Senate three times this year. Rep. Dean Heller also voted against the DREAM Act in the House.

Conservatives in the Nevada state legislature will be attempting to advance E-Verify and an Arizona-style immigration law in 2011.


In Utah, the Tea Party succeeded in defeating Senator Robert Bennett, a DREAM Act supporter, and replacing him with the restrictionist Mike Lee. They also succeeded in intimidating Senator Hatch, a former DREAM Act sponsor, into voting against his own bill.

Utahns ousted the pro-amnesty RINO Chris Cannon from the House. They replaced him with the restrictionist Jason Chaffetz who voted against the DREAM Act. Rep. Ron Bishop also voted against the DREAM Act in the House.

Back in October, I wrote a post about how Rep. Stephen Sandstrom is leading the fight for the Arizona-style immigration law in Utah. I expect to return to Utah in January.


Arizona is without parallel among the states in the success that conservative restrictionists are enjoying there. They banned ethnic studies and affirmative action this year. They criminalized the presence of illegal aliens with SB 1070. They cracked down on employers of illegals in 2007 and are set to move forward on birthright citizenship in 2011.

Jan Brewer is defending SB 1070 all the way to the Supreme Court. Conservatives succeeded in forcing John McCain and Jon Kyl to vote against the DREAM Act. They picked up two House seats from Democrats in the midterm elections.

All three Republicans from Arizona (Flake, Franks, Shadegg) voted against the DREAM Act in the House. Arizona will soon be creating a new House seat for another conservative restrictionist like J.D. Hayworth or Randy Graf to occupy.

New Mexico

In New Mexico, a majority of the population supports Arizona’s SB 1070, and the new Republican governor there supports restrictionist immigration reform like denying driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

Conservatives succeeded in knocking off Harry Teague (New Mexico 2) in the midterms who voted for the DREAM Act.


Coloradans threw out John Salazar and Betsy Markey who voted for the DREAM Act. Tom Tancredo has done more than almost anyone in America to raise awareness about the problems of multiculturalism and illegal immigration.

Tancredo and Ken Buck lost their races in Colorado. It is a shame because Senator Bennet later voted for the DREAM Act and there was a huge contrast between Tancredo and Hickenlooper.

We had a perfect showing from Reps. Doug Lamborn and Mike Coffman in the House on the DREAM Act. Republicans in the Colorado state legislature are moving forward with their own version of Arizona-style immigration reform.

Colorado passed its own crackdown on illegal immigration a few years ago.


We had a perfect showing in White Zion on the DREAM Act from Senators Barrasso and Enzi and Rep. Lummis in the House.


Thanks to the conservative demographics of Montana, Democratic Senators Jon Tester and Max Baucus provided pivotal swing votes in the defeat of the DREAM Act. Rep. Rehberg in the House also voted no on the DREAM Act.

North Dakota

In the midterm elections, conservatives in North Dakota threw out Rep. Earl Pomeroy and Senator Byron Dorgan who voted for the DREAM Act.

South Dakota

Senator John Thune voted against the DREAM Act. In the midterm elections, conservatives in South Dakota threw out Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin who voted for DREAM in the House.

I also know that Republican state legislators in South Dakota are working on their own version of the Arizona-style immigration law.


Nebraska stood like a stonewall on the DREAM Act. Both Senators and all three Republican Congressmen in the House voted against the DREAM Act.

The city of Fremont recently passed its own anti-illegal alien ordinance which the ACLU is tying up in court. Nebraska is moving forward with Arizona-style immigration reform in 2011.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the conservatives in Nebraska who lit a fire underneath Senator Ben Nelson, a Democrat, who could have swung the wrong way on the DREAM Act vote.


In Kansas, arch-restrictionist Kris Kobach was elected Secretary of State, who is the force behind a number of great restrictionist lawsuits in Nebraska and California.

Kansans sent restrictionist Jerry Moran to the Senate this year to replace RINO Sam Brownback in Washington. All three Republicans from Kansas in the House voted against the DREAM Act. Both Republican Senators voted against it too.


Oklahoma is one of the most radical states on immigration and has passed a number of restrictionist laws in recent years. Both Republican Senators and every congressman from Oklahoma voted against the DREAM Act.

Oklahoma is moving forward on an “Arizona-plus” law in 2011, the most radical in the country, which will allow the police to start seizing the property of illegal aliens.


Every Republican in the House from Texas who voted on the DREAM Act chose to vote against it. Senators Cornyn and Hutchinson voted against the DREAM Act.

In November, I wrote an article about a Texas state legislator who camped out at the state capitol in Austin for 36 hours to file an Arizona-style immigration law at the first minute to do so.

Heroes like Debbie Riddle are ridiculed by the vanguard. Now that Republicans have a supermajority in the Texas state legislature, restrictionists will be pushing for their entire wish list on immigration in the upcoming session.


We had a perfect showing in Minnesota on the DREAM Act in the House from Michelle Bachmann, Erik Paulsen, and John Kline. Republican state legislators in Minnesota are working on their own Arizona-style immigration law. Now that Republicans control the Minnesota state legislature, we have a good shot at getting restrictionist immigration reform passed in that state.


We had another perfect showing in Iowa on the DREAM Act among Republican Senators and Congressmen. Steve King of Iowa 5 will use his power as the incoming chairman of the House Immigration Subcommittee to kill all pro-amnesty bills for the next two years.

As I said last month, Iowa is moving forward with its own version of the Arizona-style immigration law.


We had yet another perfect showing in Mizzou in the House and Senate on the DREAM Act. Missouri sent Roy Blunt, a NumberUSA true reformer candidate, to the Senate to replace Kit Bond.

I can’t help but notice that Blaine Luetkemeyer in Missouri 9, the “worthless conservative” who represents Alex Linder in Kirksville, voted against the DREAM Act.

Conservatives are always more reliable on immigration than the vanguard.


In the midterm elections, conservatives sent restrictionist John Boozman to the Senate to replace Democrat Blanche Lincoln who voted for the DREAM Act amnesty. They forced Senator Mark Pryor to vote against the DREAM Act out of self preservation.

Boozman voted against the DREAM Act in the House and the Blue Dog Democrat Mike Ross also voted against it because of the sheer number of conservatives in his district.

Republican state legislators in Arkansas have their own version of SB 1070 in the works. I will be writing a post about Arkansas early next month.


In Louisiana, Senator David Vitter voted against the DREAM Act and helped lead the opposition against it. Every Republican in the House except Joseph Cao, who lost his seat in the general election, also voted against the DREAM Act.

I know there are a number of restrictionist bills circulating in the Louisiana state legislature. I will be taking a closer look at Louisiana in a few days.


In Wisconsin, conservatives succeeded in knocking off Russ Feingold and electing a Republican governor and state legislature that will likely pass an Arizona-style immigration law in 2011. Every Republican in the House from Wisconsin voted against the DREAM Act.


Illinois sent Mark Kirk to the Senate who provided a crucial vote against the DREAM Act. Jack Ryan worked the phones and made his own resources available for other White Nationalists to contact their Senators.

Every Republican in the House from Illinois and two Democrats from conservative leaning districts voted against the DREAM Act. Not a bad showing for the home of Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama.


Matt Parrott and Hoosier Nation protested the offices of Senator Dick Lugar. Let me tell you, those are some real worthless conservatives in action right there. Someone has to do the job vanguardists won’t do.

Conservatives forced Senator Evan Bayh into early retirement this year. In the House, Reps. Pence and Burton voted against the DREAM Act, as did three Democrats who represent conservative leaning districts in Indiana.

Indiana is working on its own version of the Arizona-style immigration law.


We had a flawless performance in Ohio on the DREAM Act. Every Republican in the House and Senate voted against it. Five Democrats from conservative leaning districts in Ohio voted against the DREAM Act. It won’t be long before I take a closer look at the Buckeye state.


A few years ago, conservatives succeeded in banning affirmative action in Michigan. Every Republican in the House from Michigan voted against the DREAM Act except Vernon Ehlers who was forced into retirement early this year.

I’m told Michigan is working on its own version of the Arizona-style immigration law. Now that Michigan has a Republican governor and state legislature, we have a good chance of getting something passed there.

The Attorney General of Michigan is leading the fight to defend Arizona in federal court.

West Virginia

Conservatives forced Senator Joe Manchin to sit out the DREAM Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell votes. Rep. Capito voted against the DREAM Act in the House.


We had another flawless performance on the DREAM Act in Kentucky. Senator Mitch McConnell and 4 House Republicans voted against the DREAM Act amnesty.

Kentucky is working on its own Arizona-style immigration law.


Tennessee is another state that already has restrictionist immigration laws. We had a solid performance there on the DREAM Act with all Republican Senators and Congressmen in the House voting against it.

Tennessee is working on its own Arizona-style immigration law.


I wrote a post about Mississippi yesterday. We had a solid performance there on the DREAM Act in the House and Senate. Mississippi already has E-Verify and will take a shot at the Arizona-style immigration law next year. It is widely expected to pass.


In Alabama, we destroyed the Democratic Party in the midterm elections. Senator Jeff Sessions has led the fight against every amnesty bill in the Senate for the past ten years. Senators Sessions and Shelby voted against the bill.

Every Republican in the House from Alabama voted against the DREAM Act and the Democrat Bobby Bright did as well. Alabama is moving forward with all sorts of restrictionist immigration bills in 2011.


In Georgia, Nathan Deal defeated King Roy Barnes to become the Southeast’s version of Jan Brewer in Arizona. The Democratic Party was crushed in Georgia in the midterm elections. It was defeated so decisively there that even black state lawmakers are jumping ship.

Both Senators and every Republican in the House from Georgia voted against the DREAM Act. Georgia is moving forward on every bill that restrictionists have on the table next year.


In Florida, conservatives ousted Gov. Charlie Crist and the Tea Party led a successful revolt against the GOP establishment in the Sunshine state.

Senator LeMieux and all House Republicans except for the Cubans in Miami voted against the DREAM Act. Florida elected the restrictionist Rick Scott as governor.

In 2011, Florida will pass its own version of SB 1070. I know the bill has already been filed. Florida is one of the first states I will be analyzing next year.

South Carolina

The conservatives in South Carolina ousted Bob Inglis from the House and twisted the arm of Lindsey Graham to the point where he voted against the DREAM Act. All the Republicans in the House and Senate except Inglis (who lost in the primary) voted against the DREAM Act.

South Carolina passed its own crackdown on illegal immigration in 2008. The Palmetto state is almost certain to pass another crackdown in 2011.

North Carolina

Conservatives in North Carolina led by ALIPAC forced Democrat Senator Kay Hagan to vote against the DREAM Act. Richard Burr also voted against it in the Senate. Every Republican and three Democrats in the House voted against the DREAM Act.


Turning to the Red Dominion, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli unilaterally gave Virginia state troopers the authority to enforce their own version of SB 1070. He also sued the Obama administration over Obamacare and won his lawsuit in federal court.

All the Republicans in the House from Virginia voted against the DREAM Act. Virginia already has its own version of the Arizona-style immigration law ready to go in 2011.


In Delaware, conservatives led by the Tea Party managed to rid themselves of Mike Castle, who voted for the DREAM Act in December. They tried to elect Christine O’Donnell to the Senate who would have likely voted against it.


Rep. Bartlett in Western Maryland, the only Republican in Maryland’s congressional delegation, voted against the DREAM Act. Conservatives also succeeded this year in knocking off Frank Kratovil in the midterm elections.


Pennsylvania had an outstanding showing this year. They threw Arlen Specter out of the Senate and sent Lou Barletta, the hero of Hazelton, to Congress. Every Republican and numerous Democrats in the House from Pennsylvania who represent conservative leaning districts voted against the DREAM Act.

New Jersey

The five Republicans from New Jersey in the House voted against the DREAM Act.

New York

The three Republicans from New York in the House voted against the DREAM Act. Rep. Peter King of Long Island is a well known restrictionist who will be the next chairman of the Homeland Security committee which has immigration oversight powers.


In Vermont, Rep. Peter Welch’s Republican challenger was a NumbersUSA true reformer candidate.

New Hampshire

Conservatives elected Kelly Ayotte to the Senate to replace Judd Gregg who sat out the cloture vote (an effective no vote) on the DREAM Act. They also elected numerous restrictionists in the New Hampshire state legislature.


To their credit, the Maine twins in the U.S. Senate, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, came through for restrictionists and almost singlehandedly saved America from the DREAM Act amnesty.

Even in New England, there are conservatives who can make a real difference on immigration.


In Massachusetts, Sen. Scott Brown, who took Ted Kennedy’s old Senate seat in January in a special election, provided a decisive vote in the Senate which was the kiss of death to the DREAM Act.

The Republican and the Independent who unsuccessfully challenged Gov. Deval Patrick supported Arizona-style immigration reform in Massachusetts. Republican state legislators in the Massachusetts House and Senate have long been pushing restrictionist bills and have said they will continue to do so.

Rhode Island

There are conservative state legislators in Rhode Island, the most liberal state in America, who are right now working on their own version of the Arizona-style immigration law. The outgoing Republican Governor of Rhode Island signed an executive order that brought E-Verify to that state which Gov. Elect Chafee has promised to rescind.


Let it be said that conservatives in Connecticut at least tried to stop the Jew Richard Blumenthal from getting elected to the Senate. That is more than can be said for the vanguard.

Final Thoughts

In every state of the Union, and especially in the Red States, I managed to find something helpful, positive, and constructive that conservatives were doing in the real world for White people, whether it be knocking off a pro-amnesty Republican or Democrat, playing successful defense on the DREAM Act, taking out Jews in the Senate, or going on offense on issues like birthright citizenship, Arizona-style immigration laws, ethnic studies programs, and affirmative action programs.

Yggdrasil is absolutely right that White Nationalists can lean on state and local officials and be kingmakers in close races. We have the money and the votes to do that. Some of the races in the midterm elections went undecided for weeks because of the razor thin margin of victory. The 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore was decided by hanging chads in Florida.

His advice, which Greg Johnson ridicules, is both sound and practical. It is an idea that you run with and expand upon.

Can you identify a single thing that the poofter Greg Johnson has ever done for White people or one single accomplishment that can be credited to the so-called vanguard? I mean aside from sucking up the donations and making all of us in the pro-White movement look like kooks and idiots in public.

Conservatives have won some battles. They have lost some other ones. It can also be said in their favor that they have tried to rid themselves of obvious problems like John McCain, Robert Bennett, Chris Cannon, and Arlen Specter. There will only be count ’em FOUR returning Republicans in the House and Senate who voted for the DREAM Act in 2010.

In contrast, vanguardists never win.

They never learn anything from their flawless track record of defeat, irrelevance, and public rejection. They don’t even put up a fight. They just raise the white flag and surrender the castle to the enemy.

Harold Covington calls for the surrender of Europe and 47 American states. Greg Johnson yearns for the collapse of Western civilization itself.

In the alternative reality of the vanguard, we are supposed to be the worthless cowards (we who are the resistance in the real world) and they (who hide behind pseudonyms and do nothing but fantasize on the internet) are the cutting edge of the White resistance in North America!

How do you figure that? What measuring stick are these people using? I would certainly like to know.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Spot on, Hunter. Very good shit.

    Perhaps you should seriously consider making your writings more mainstream. I’m serious. Perhaps our small band of comrades should try and get you face time on Takimag, or Pat Buchanan’s site, or Southern Avenger.

    Need to start expanding your audience.

  2. 40 years ago Dr. William Pierce gave an argument for why conservatives can’t win. Over the next 40 years, however, Pierce never gave an argument for HOW the vanguardists CAN win or proposed a PRACTICAL strategy for victory. I believe the reason he did not do this is because there is no such argument to be made, and the fact that a man of the great Dr. William Pierce’s caliber could never come up with one proves it.

    I admire and respect Greg Johnson despite some of the unusual content he publishes that most White people will dismiss as bizarre. Nonetheless, in light of Greg’s goals and objectives, there is a certain logic to his content; Greg WANTS to shake things up culturally. Hence, his content makes sense given his underlying assumptions. Moreover, his audience is not mainstream Whites but a narrow subset of future cultural elites.

    I am also glad Greg is on our side. He is an ex academic philosopher, a gifted writer, a high quality intellect, and clearly very advanced in his learning.

    The telling line for me where Greg exposed what I personally regard as the fundamental flaw in his approach was the line in “White Nationalism and the Political Mainstream” where he wrote that the people who sit at this point and do little but read Evola are 95% right. That was a clear endorsement of doing what amount to nothing practical in the real world, other the community and network building, two things the radical WN community has never been capable of doing for 40 years — and will never be able to do because they will never attract the numbers to build an effective network as long as elements of their message are perceived as strange by most people (at best).

    I think you should stick to your resolution and leave the vanguard behind.

    Someone said the other day you have run the the table on them. This is true. To use a football analogy, it’s about 72 to 3 by now in your favor. And Yggdrasil’s endorsement of a similar approach to your own is yet more evidence in your favor.

  3. WOW…….I feel like having a cigarette after that *tingle-inducing* post (and I quit smoking years ago, lol)

    Nice work Hunter-BRAVO!

  4. Hunter,

    I think the vanguardists and the mainstreamers are two sides of one coin, like two aspects of our group psychology.

    I think you could do just as well by making your critique without attacking the personalities of Greg Johnson and Michael Polignano. Your call to be practical is certainly justified, but I don’t think the “dreamers” of the Movement are actually hurting the Cause. They aren’t taking people away from you.

    Practical politicians and dreamers can co-exist. We dreamers can come up with useful things for you guys.

    It is good for dreamers to be prodded to be more practical. You can do this without ad hominem. I am glad to read your exhortations towards practical politics, and I support you in this. But I think the sky won’t fall if you take a “live and let live” attitude towards Countercurrents.

    We are all adults and can decide whether or not to pay 120 a year. That’s the same as the old NA minimum dues, which was 10 a month.

    And to my dreamer friends, Greg and Michael, I can tell you, the more practical you get, the better your life gets. We dreamers have a lot to offer when we get out in the world, because we have purer (mostly) motives than the people out there, most of whom are only thinking about the next meal, sex, sleep, or money.

    The life of the mind does not always fit together neatly with the life of the World, so you make adjustments here and adjustments there to make it work. The world certainly needs dreamers — the continued “mandatory automobile system” is proof positive of this. Few Americans dream that the private auto is a horrible transportation system that costs Americans an average of 8,000.00 a year, post-tax income. A lot of people barely make twice that, and they have to pay 1/2 their income for transportation! That’s insane.

    But only dreamers question the automobile. Most Americans are still suckered into having a personal, materialistic affection for their personal car, or want a nicer car. I got to say, I hate cars, and have since my 20’s. I spent 4 years not owning a car and it was a tremendously free time. Finally I had to get one again and “grow up,”: and that sucked big time. Work work work, pay pay pay.

    It’s unsustainable I tell you.

  5. Kievsky, damn you! You always say what I’m thinking better than I can, and before I can. Thanks.

    Hunter needs to develop a sense of humility in the face of reality having more dimensions than whatever his current obsession might be. After all, it keeps changing!

    We can follow Hunter’s “changes”, and perhaps find something of value; but when Hunter gets so obsessed by his current vision that he becomes downright NASTY toward people who have different opinions, but are on the same side …. it gets really tiresome.

    Give it a rest Hunter. We already know you think you’re “right” and that anyone who doesn’t agree is “wrong”. Yes we know that’s what and how you think.

    Tell us something we don’t already know … for a change.

  6. One more thing …

    I have a monthly subscription to Counter-Currents which goes far beyond their “silver” or “gold” membership, or whatever they call it. My subscription predated that program and had nothing to do with Hunter’s silly parody of people who want to support other people who write and produce valuable intellectual material.

    My contribution doesn’t support either Greg Johnson or Michael Polignano, but is for purposes of a small stipend for another writer. Many writers do excellent work, and deserve more than a mere “thanks” for their efforts. Some of us step forward in our own way.

    Hunter, when will you get down from the pinnacle of your personal shit-pile and stop belittling the efforts of others? Or do you just wallow in the attention you get from your nastiness?

  7. I think perhaps the Vanguard actually does hurt the movement by giving aid and comfort to people with maladjusted world views. We’re all weird. Everyone. We can embrace that Truth, accept it, and move on. We shouldn’t let each other fetishize our weirdnesses. It’s not healthy. And it disarms us and saps our energy. That’s not a good thing no matter what we are trying to be.

    Great article. These articles are very helpful. I think you should write at least one a week. Progress on the ground can be slow at times. But we’re moving at light speed compared to some. And it never hurts to be reminded of that.

  8. I don’t want to start a flame war, and if one starts I won’t be participating. But let’s be fair. Hunter has allowed more nasty personal attacks against his character than any Web site owner anywhere else on the Internet. No one else would put up with the shit he has put up with the last six months from his harshest critics. Other than Mr. Dithers who sticks to the ideas at issue and makes his points in a civil way, most of Hunter’s harshest critics can’t seem to refrain from making personal attacks, often very nasty personal attacks. Hunter dishes it out but he also, unlike his opposition, is able to take it without whining about it. Perhaps everyone should just retreat to their corners and leave these matters behind with an attitude of friendly disagreement going forward.

  9. Hunter,

    Conservatives are certainly trending in the right direction, and I too rejoice in the overwhelming rejection that the DREAM act recieved. But illegals are going to continue to flout our borders until we shut off the money faucets. I’m not sure conservatives have connected those dots. In short, I think Greg Johnson is right about one thing – conservatives have no long-term goal or vision that I can see. Or, they may view the rejection of the DREAM act as ‘mission accomplished’. And, If that’s the case, they couldn’t be more wrong. We need to keep them going by insisting on vital reforms which will cause the flood of illegals to stay home voluntarily.

    This needs to be done in at least two ways: We need a federal law that shuts off all public money to illegals in any form whatsoever. No access to health-care, public schools, welfare, food stamps, public housing, nothing. This is where the rubber meets the road, and should be non-negotiable.

    Next, we need to over-haul corporate law. I mean really, how absurd to think that a legal invention called a ‘corporation’, which benefits so much from the political and national order that allows it to function, is not required to have ANY loyalty to that nation at all, beyond making a buck. There should be no such thing as a ‘multi-national corporation’. They should be required to pick a flag, any flag, and take their stand to either sink or swim, in the nation of their birth. Actually, I would even go further then that. I would restrict the operations of corporations to the State in which they are incorporated. If our law is going to grant ‘person-hood’ to an arrogant, sprawling, business entity, let them have all the finite limitations that go with being a person. Let them have ONE address and ONE STATE or location in which to do business. Let them learn loyalty to a particular people, especially when it comes to hiring.

    Along with cutting off public charity, which is an oxymoron, we need to get the Feds, meaning the IRS, out of private charities, especially churches. Any organization that exists to do good, through charity or education, should be tax-immune; not tax-exempt through the federal manipulation of 501 c3’s. We should demand complete separation of church and state, charity and state, and especially education and state. The first amendment means EXACTLY THIS. Congress shall MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING RELIGION. Neither should bureacrats be allowed to violate the constitution by making laws. Acts of charity and education are fundamentally religious, since they spring directly from the commonly held beliefs of a community of believers, and since it’s impossible to educate without inculcating a world-view based on religious presuppositions. The State has no business regulating or manipulating whatever is done in the name of religion. Period. It can only insist that religious organizations submit to its laws insofar as doing so doesn’t violate the religious conscience. Indeed, religion must be free to function as the conscience of the State within a society, though rightly without political or military power to enforce its will upon the State or the people. This reform, all by itself, would eventually mark the end of State tyranny and a re-birth of freedom, voluntarism, and true charity within our communities.

    As a christian, I freely admit that christian churches have been compromised by marxist, multi-cultural thinking, and in some cases are actively working for white genocide. I am working within my church and denomination to reform this, which will only mean MORE FIDELITY, not less to the Holy Scriptures, and the historic christian faith. I encourage other christians to do all they can to roll back christian zionism, radical egalitarianism and race mixing within their congregations and denominations. For starters, check out endtimesmadness.com along with spiritwaterblood.com and gird yourself for battle.

    The task of reforming the church and rolling back non-white immigration and eventually establishing white ethno-states, may seem unrelated, but they aren’t. I believe the first is vital to the second. Like it or not, most whites are christians; but they are ignorant christians. They don’t know the scriptures, or the history of their religion; especially with regard to jews. But, revitalizing the church through the recovery of our history and doctrine, will go a long, long way towards establishing a grass-roots, self-conscious racial realism among our people.

  10. Lew, I too am not interested in “flame wars”, but when you wrote “Hunter dishes it out but he also, unlike his opposition, is able to take it without whining about it” I find it hard to believe that you can’t see that this whole post was nothing but a fine “whine” dressed up as intellectual discourse. But maybe we see out of different eyes, neh?

    OD readership, it may be possible to get “past” this recurring issue by looking at things this way …. These are just my opinions, and you’ll have to decide if they are helpful.

    All Peoples are made up of both Blood(material) and Myth(spirit). We Whites are no exception, and we all know that our Blood/Myth “makeup” is a bit different than that of other Peoples. No matter how this Blood/Myth thing is perceived by individuals, there’s no way to say we are “only Blood” or “only Myth” … they both are present in our being, and if either aspect is missing, we cease to exist. At this time both aspects are in trouble.

    We Whites are ALSO “specialists” in that we rely on brilliant outliers produced by our Blood/Myth folk to “take care of ” specific aspects of our being. Most of us are not equipped to handle all aspects of these jobs, so we rely on those most capable among us, those with a “fire in the belly” who can’t help themselves in wanting to look out for our survival. Most Whites don’t even THINK about their group survival. That seems to be a part of “what we are”, for better or worse, and we are very unlike other “Folks” in that department. While other Peoples seem blessed with a strong sense of natural racial identity, we just don’t NATURALLY exhibit that type of ethnocentric/collectivist way of thinking about ourselves. This may be apparent to readers here because you, by your very presence ARE “specialists”. Most of our people aren’t … and that’s why they are not easy to “wake up”.

    In my opinion, Myth/Spirit DRIVES the “material” aspects of our People’s being. If that is the case, then someone has to be taking good care of that Myth/Spirit side of things even while someone else is dealing with the Material/Political side of things. Of course, they’re all interconnected … but both must be dealt with, and usually are dealt with by different types of people who have a propensity to look after a particular aspect of the thing.

    In short, Counter-Currents is focussing on the Myth/Spirit aspect of our being, and OD of late is focussing on the Material/Political aspect of our being. I probably shouldn’t limit “political” to the material aspect because most here know it’s also bound up with the mythic.

    It’s been said that a definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. A lot of what has “got us here” is the failed Mythos of “America” as represented by the tea-partier paradigm of “getting back to the Constitution” and similar. That would be the “If we only wear tri-corner hats, resuscitate the Founding Fathers and worship the semitic god all will be well in paradise” type of Myth. This “back to the future” scenario has one big problem: those are/were the myths, the “enlightenment” myths, which have led to our current situation. We need to go FURTHER back to get in touch with something that will take us FORWARD, and in the process we need to “cleanse” those old myths of all the alien memes which have been put there to trap us, once again, if we don’t get rid of them.

    If all the “successes” Hunter lists state-by-state continue on the path he suggests, and I agree with, we will have dealt with some of the political/material aspects of the problem. But if the Mythos has not changed in people’s minds they will not be able to maintain this new situation. They will still be burdened by the STIGMA of “racism” and have “white-guilt”. As most of you know, these stigmatizing memes are produced mainly in nominally “non-political” institutions like the academy and the media, and will not be easily dislodged by winning elections. If they are to be dislodged, discredited and TAKEN DOWN there must be another force in play. That would be a type of Gramscian Long March which may not even have to have physical institutional presence to do what needs to be done. Much of it can be affected with discourse in the new media. This is already happening, but the “results” are never as crisp and visible as a set of election returns.

    Obviously, this type of “work” isn’t going to happen down at your neighborhood diner. I like my neighborhood diner, and the “real Americans” who show up there. I also like the organically evolved culture they represent. After all, they’re “me”. But that doesn’t mean I’m unable to see aspects of that culture which are doing the same thing over and again, and leading us into the same box canyon again and again. Someone has to be looking at these Myths that drive us, and needs to be suggesting “proximate possibles” which can be floated out as memes to adjust the myth-stream in a way that gets us off the treadmill.

    I don’t want to put words in the mouth of Counter-currents, but that seems to be the essence of their project.

    The fact that SOMEONE out “there” takes on the job of “dealing with” the Myth/Spirit aspects of our People in no way precludes other groups taking on the Material aspects. At the end of the day, both are necessary, and one can’t succeed without the other.

    To recap: BOTH the Mythic/Spiritual AND the Blood/Material aspects must be handled effectively; these two dimensions are usually handled by DIFFERENT groups based on their “specialization”; and if either “specialization” thinks it’s sufficient to do the job …. that’s a mistake.

    (Note: there was no need to use either the term “mainstreamer” or “vanguardist” in this comment. Why? Both are disordered thought categories which do more to confuse than clarify. Creating the label “vanguardist”, applying it to a mental box, and then filling that box with all kinds of boogeymen, evil gods, etc. is a distraction and division, and not much else. It’s the equivalent of calling a White person a “Nazi” if that person wants to preserve his people. Not good stuff.)

  11. Hunter,

    Another essay/overview worthy of a standing ovation. Your commitment to our cause is nothing short of admirable.

  12. What’s wrong with wanting to limit the mythos element to things like a people simply living in a country with a border? Sure, whites don’t currently have a natural ethnic protective impulse. But they also seem to have a natural impulse for building dungeon and dragons castles in the sky. Right now, BOTH habits of mind are harming Western Civilization. Your position seems to be that only myths that are miles from reality can drive our people. I think this is an error. I think simple myths with real-world implications are actually far more attractive to our people than you might think. Especially when acting on these myths produces almost immediate real-world feedback. That is far more gratifying than filling the mind with gobbledygook, isn’t it? I mean I doubt the norsemen were filling their minds with junk. Here’s what they were thinking:
    1. Make my family safe.
    I mean how do we REALLY need our people to operate RIGHT NOW? From elaborate constructed myths or real-world problem solving? That’s what I thought. We don’t need myths to address patent idiocy in front of our faces. In fact, if anything we are too prone to being blinded by myth and ignoring the reality. We need to act first, make the myth later. Right there is the start of a myth of a people that took control of their destiny. How powerful is that?

    “I am emphatically rejecting a peculiar species of White Nationalism that is: elitist, rigid, kooky, impractical, unrealistic, ineffective, hopelessly alienated, condescending toward ordinary people, hostile to religion, patriotism, and traditional values, pessimistic, negative, addicted to wild utopian fantasies, escapism, and sterile navel gazing, refuses to participate in the political process, bent on erecting unnecessary barriers to communication, pushes away the masses as a matter of principle, makes the perfect the enemy of the good, substitutes a fake rhetorical radicalism for real substantial victories, sets unrealistic goals, believes in burning bridges and blazing a trail to the fringe, settles for nothing less than instant transformative revolutionary change, believes that worse is better, empowering our enemies is a good thing, and yearns for the destruction of our civilization and ruining the lives of millions of White people while insulting and alienating people we can work with on immigration and other important issues.”

  14. Hey Spooky,

    You wrote, “Your position seems to be that only myths that are miles from reality can drive our people.”

    I think you’re putting words in my mouth. Note that I mentioned “proximate possibles” somewhere in my long post.

    Regarding “miles from reality” … ALL myths are “miles from reality” by their very nature, even the currently popular myths. Myths are more like a vision of a reality that we want to fulfill, a sense of direction.

    As I understand the CC project, their purpose isn’t to directly access “the masses” with their content, but to inspire an elite group of artists, intellectuals to draw together some of the CC content and “interpret” it to a broader audience. The idea is to present a wide variety of serious thinking by OUR PEOPLE as an inspiration for that “mediating level” to work with and reinterpret into stuff that doesn’t seem so “miles from reality”. If you agree that myth drives material, as I do, I’m sure you can see that there is a need for this kind of project. For me, CC articles have opened up a whole world of thinkers who had “disappeared” from popular culture. We must know our past and our great thinkers in order to know who we are, and how that fits into “reality”.

  15. Gregor, I don’t see how you can sustain the position that attacking and abandoning the core American myths will lead to a better outcome for North American Whites than reclaiming those myths and restoring their original meaning via a pro-American metapolitics. Today’s American myths are only a problem because they have been distorted by Jews. We know the original American myths are not a fundamental problem because White people are facing the abyss all over the world in places where the original American myths have never prevailed. Marx was born, lived and died in Europe. His ideas spread like wildfire in Europe. The Jews seized Russia in 1917 and had acquired enough influence in Germany by the 1920s to make the JQ a major issue for the National Socialists. If the original American mythos is inherently so problematic, how were the Jews’ pernicious ideas able to spread so rapidly outside of an American context? If the American myths are so problematic compared to other Europeans myths, shouldn’t Whites be flourishing in places where those myths have never prevailed? This is clearly not the case. This suggests to me that a metapolitics that has as its goal overturning the American myths is a blind alley.

  16. Dan,

    So there’s blood being spilled somewhere and you still have time to post? I would think you’d be too busy reloading.

    If you’re not paying attention to what is going on before your very eyes and participating in the battle (as it is currently taking place ON THE GROUND), you’re not being a very effective soldier.

  17. Spooky;
    You and I don’t really disagree on this Spooky, but I think we may be applying different meanings to the word “myth”.

    You wrote, “We don’t need myths to address patent idiocy in front of our faces”. I will submit to you that you can only RECOGNIZE that “patent idiocy” because you are comparing it to a “mythos” of normalcy already existing in your mind. If I recall correctly, “Mythos” was the term used for the “narrative” or “story line” in Greek Drama. You already have a White “mythos” in your head or you 1) wouldn’t be at this site, and 2) wouldn’t recognize “patent idiocy”. Cheers!

    Now our task is to “tweak” all those who are asleep inside an alien-generating mythos that is killing us …. tweak ’em until they too see the situation as “patent idiocy”.

    Cheers! We’re on the same side.

  18. To dan neil:

    Listen to the Beatles song “Revolution” – they sing words of truth noting that types shouting “Revolution” aren’t going to make it with anyone if they can’t relate to anyone – they are alone, alienated, they’re not leaders, not leading anyone.

    And what’s with the ALL CAPS?

    This comes off as SHOUTING, RANTING AND RAVING

    You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    You tell me that it’s evolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    But when you talk about destruction
    Don’t you know that you can count me out
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
    all right, all right

    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We’d all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know
    We’re doing what we can
    But when you want money
    for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
    all right, all right

    ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…

    You say you’ll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change your head
    You tell me it’s the institution
    Well, you know
    You better free you mind instead
    But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
    You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
    all right, all right
    all right, all right, all right
    all right, all right, all right

  19. I think this latest volle,y in the Johnson-Wallace skirmish, is justified.

    Both are operating their own sites. Any-one can drop in, and read. All’s fair in love and war.

    Hunter’s not simply posting another “Greg Johnson Neiner Neiner Neiner” rant. He is delineating why some of the more fantastical online …ahhh….dreams….of Johnson can be detrimental to White Advocacy.

    I live and breath White Nationalism. Every waking moment. Thos who know me personally know this is true.

    My energies are devoted to awakening the Slumbering. I am a Vanguard of the Mainstream. My involvement in the Tea Parties and GOP revolves around advancing White Awareness.

    NOTHING else.

    I am always looking for credible resources, to send little UnAwakened, but rubbing their eyes open Fellow Whities to.

    I know that I can send just about any-one to this site.

    Counter-currents, or VNN – not so much. (Although I have sent Special Cases to VNN. For the sheer fun of it!)

    Now – I would adore living in a world peopled with a Master Race of Tolkien’s divine Elves. I really would. I’d know I was in Heaven, fer sher.

    I’m attending political seasonal parties, over the next few weeks, including some GOP inaugurations.

    Ya think I am gonna opine about, “Wow! Wouldn’t is be really swell if we could expend our limited resources on creating pointed-eared Master Beings, and their Brainless Slaves (Wait! I think we have this now..)” – or will I spend my time broaching the subject of the financial and social DISASTER, that is the Illegal Invasion, by low-IQ Latin American violent Mestizos, during the dinners?

    (Hint – already done the latter. Affirmative Action is starting to be an excellent topic on which to spread Us Vs Them White Awareness)

    Hunter’s post actually serves as a tonic, in case any of my recruits stumbles across the weirder stuff, out there…I use this blog.

    That’s what matters to me. Practical, and useful.

  20. LEW,
    I’m not certain the American mythos is anything worth restoring. It’s not worth deliberately alienating either, certainly. But the fact that Western Civilization is being destroyed everywhere is no real defense of the profoundly sterile, Mammon-driven and error-ridden founding principles. The way forward definitely isn’t the way back. But the way forward definitely doesn’t involve disavowing those convinced of the rightness of our past. The way forward is something totally different. We use our founding principles as justification, certainly. But I’m not certain our goal is to seek to restore them. Not that you were saying that. Or were you? Does the future look like the past? That doesn’t inspire me.

  21. Lew, you wrote, “We know the original American myths are not a fundamental problem because White people are facing the abyss all over the world in places where the original American myths have never prevailed.” and “This suggests to me that a metapolitics that has as its goal overturning the American myths is a blind alley.”

    Like with Spooky above, I think we may not be using words the same way. I will take responsibility for any misunderstanding because I make NO claim to be a good writer. 🙂

    I would suggest that the “original American myths” are a special case of a “scarcely examined Enlightenment project” which has also influenced all other White societies. I think some of the thinking over at CC is an attempt to look at that and see where it went wrong.

    Metapolitics isn’t, in my mind, about overturning American Myths. Some want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, but I don’t see that at CC. Keep in mind the idea of the “proximate possible”. Hunter has used this term I think, and it applies to on-the-ground politics as well as changing the mytho-sphere. Culture is ALWAYS “evolving” … so it already has a direction and inertia. The idea is to get on that energy flow and ride it where WE want to go, and kick off the free-riders who’ve hijacked it. This will require adjustments in the narrative so that Whites never have to feel “racist” or “privileged” or “guilty” for wanting to control their own spaces. A change in the nature of what’s “morally right” will have to be in place before the public will ever consent to making changes to the law. In my opinion, Whites have been demoralized for so long that this isn’t possible w/o some “myth” work first.

  22. Spooky wrote, “I’m not certain the American mythos is anything worth restoring. It’s not worth deliberately alienating either, certainly……. The way forward is something totally different. ”

    Now we’re resonating on the same wavelength!

    And Denise, when you went to those Holiday parties, was there a bark & needle Yule tree there (by whatever name)? If so, you were in the presence of Myth incarnate. Powerful stuff.

  23. I don’t have a problem with a healthy white nationalist subculture percolating away in the background mulling over ideas and dreaming impossible dreams. There are plenty of examples of how such subcultures produce ideas that eventually go mainstream. The white vanguardist subculture hasn’t produced any big ideas that have gone mainstream yet, but they might someday. And I think you could argue that here and there a few traces of white vanguardist/white nationalist language have seeped into the mainstream. Obviously they could do better.

    On the other hand, there are many places where the vanguardists lose me, and the decisive point is when they refuse to get off their asses and do the most basic mainstream anti-illegal immigration activism, and even belittle such efforts. If you’re someone with hours worth of posts on pro-white websites but who can’t be bothered to sign up for NumbersUSA and do simple faxing and phone calling… your priorities are screwed up, to say the least.

  24. Gregor,

    Fair enough. Yes, by using “myth” I mean using the principles of the yet-to-written constitution of the Eurosiberian Arctic Septentrion to justify not taking part in the current political process.

    Certainly I believe we’re all on the same side. The issue is how we most effectively move forward. Those of us who feel the world doesn’t reflect our dreams and desires are already alienated. It’s EXTREMELY easy to fetishize this alienation and set ourselves apart. I think Hunter is correct in trying to end this nonsense. If we are to succeed the PRESUMPTION in the mythos must fall towards engagement with the world, however uncomfortable that may sometimes be. The “normalization” of our now seemingly radical political desires will only happen when we see ourselves as normal, and just another element of the body politic, and engage with others as such. I’m not opposed to giving people what they need to do the right thing, but there is such a thing as too much. I love art, and I consider myself an artist at heart. But artists do not inspire action, they for the most part inspire contemplation. The building up of artists as revolutionaries is Marxist garbage. Western artists come after culture and reflect it and shine beautiful light on it. Only in Marxist thought are artists revolutionaries because the Marxist goal is to tear down traditional culture. In short, we are not now a people that should have any time for real art. Which is why we don’t really have any. Real artists are pearls that are produced like gifts from real culture. If you like real art, create real culture by normalizing Truth and being a normal happy and helpful person.

    Sorry for the long winded response. The art wing of this movement is joke. They’d be more effective cleaning toilets. Seriously.

  25. “But artists do not inspire action …”

    Orwell’s essay “All Art is Propaganda” may change your mind on that. All propaganda is aimed at some sort of action, hence ….

    Those posters showing black soldiers dating White women are “art”, and we all know they don’t inspire any action, right?

    Those movies with the black “hero” telling the White folks “how it’s done” and saving their bacon are “art”, and we all know that young Whites viewing them will not be affected by them, right?

    Still think “art” doesn’t or can’t inspire “action”? 🙂

  26. I appreciate a site that has the balls to put forward an open and honest discussion of Jewish influence on the West. That was greatly helpful in helping me figure out what is really going on and any leadership in this country needs to be privately Jew wise or they will be ineffective. However, people need to realize that most of the people aren’t ready to hear this, the regime basically has made talking about Jews taboo. Anti-semitism will never go populist in the near future. There is also the danger of falling into a sort of groupthink by those who spend too much time at these websites. A groupthink where they become unable to effectively relate to their neighbors who eventually they come to view as their “enemies.” Not to metion that WN sites ARE really filled with kooks, Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. I do see people who could be effective fall victim to this kooky thinking and end up talking about bizarre stuff like conspiracy theory, junk science, or generally wasting their times going on in the tone of leftists about “Palestinian Human Rights” instead of doing something to stop the DREAM Act. The Anti-Zionist hobby horse is a real way to completely lose the ability to have any effect on ordinary whites.

  27. Did the Leftist and Jew vanguard ultimately win?

    The US military countenances homosexuality in its ranks now.

    A material victory and an unimaginable change from, say, 1913.

    The compass direction of the world is always set by the vanguard.


    What is needed is contiguity and harmony between all of the echelons.

    A Great Chain of Being if you will.

    The “Hard Right” as well as the GOP and the “vanguard” all have their roles to play.

    As long as we are all on a Consistent Message, everything will be all right.

  28. “The art wing of this movement is joke.”

    At this point, yes. But ya gotta start somewhere.

    Alex Kurtagic has just joined AltRight and plans to focus on the “art” stuff. He has focused on “fashion” in the past. I think Hunter or Rome has done that here. Good stuff to think about. Walking, talking Aryan “art”.

  29. I’m not enthusiastic about that guy Kurtagic coming on board at alt right if it’s a signal of Richard Spencer’s plans and direction for the future. Kurtagic’s Black Metal emphasis is classic example of pushing the counterproductive. I don’t want my kids exposed to that alleged “music” any more than I want them exposed to Lady Gaga, not when our civilization has produced Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner.

  30. Conservatives are certainly trending in the right direction, and I too rejoice in the overwhelming rejection that the DREAM act recieved. But illegals are going to continue to flout our borders until we shut off the money faucets. I’m not sure conservatives have connected those dots. In short, I think Greg Johnson is right about one thing – conservatives have no long-term goal or vision that I can see. Or, they may view the rejection of the DREAM act as ‘mission accomplished’

    Maybe, but why do you take everyone at face value? Do you really think that what you see is what you get, or perhaps white conservatives do want to push it further and are not letting on to their whole agenda. With the nearly unanimous vote against the DREAM Act I have to believe that behind the scenes that the Republican Party has finally figured out that this is a demographic battle for the future of the country and the death of White America is the death of the Republican Party. The grassroots especially understands this, why else are all these state legislatures aping to copy Arizona? Life is more complicated than telling everyone the whole truth of your agenda. Nobody does that, do WN’s really think their savior is going to campaign on the platform of Stormfront…and win? That is like going up to a girl in a bar and saying “You know, I was going to make some small talk but I figure the truth is better so I’d really like to have sex with you.” The left judges people by what they do, not what they say, that’s why they are so up in arms about the conservative revival that claims to be non-racial but whose policies stab a great blow at hispanics, black leeches, queers, the Jewish secular agenda, etc.

  31. LEW says:
    December 29, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    I’m not enthusiastic about that guy Kurtagic coming on board at alt right if it’s a signal of Richard Spencer’s plans and direction for the future. Kurtagic’s Black Metal emphasis is classic example of pushing the counterproductive. I don’t want my kids exposed to that alleged “music” any more than I want them exposed to Lady Gaga, not when our civilization has produced Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner.

    I agree, I don’t know how that crap became the main article in a past edition of American Renaissance? I tried to read it, but after a few paragraphs I gave up, it was just of ZERO interest to anyone but a small core of fans of such god awful music. How did Jared Taylor give the go ahead on that one?

  32. I think it’s more likely than not that the Republican Party has no more nationalist impulse than the Democrats, and merely threw out a bone. Nevertheless, that’s the game on the ground and play it we must.

  33. Gregor,

    Umm … I had no intention of writing about Greg Johnson yesterday. I was perfectly content to let him rot over there indefinitely. As I said in the post above, he provoked this response with his attack on OD and TOQ, which came out of the blue.

  34. Z.O.G.’s secret:

    The hard truth about the vanguard is that a Jewish conspiracy is hardly responsible for their plight. They go out of their way to deliberately isolate themselves and court public rejection. That’s their real problem.

  35. dan neil,

    Feel free at anytime to videotape Harold Covington starting a revolution in the Pacific Northwest. I would love to see it.

    We both know it will never happen because Covington is just a fantasist who talks about revolution. He always stresses he would never do anything “illegal” that would put his own ass on the line.

  36. Gregor,

    I have already pointed out that there is “effective metapolitics” (like mainstreaming the “anti-White” concept) and “metapolitical” activity that is counterproductive. It is worth noting here that no one has so far in the comments has made a case for the “man-animal chimeras” or the “decerebrated human clones.”

  37. Gregor,


    Darned tootin’ there was! I know. Mythos is essential. Every I mean EVERY society coalesces around a set of beliefs. Mythos, and imagery, are critical. Ideas inspire action.

    Gotta offer good ideas though.

    Re: exposing THE SPAWN OF SATAN THE JEW DEVILS (Greetings Jack Ryan! ; } ) – that’s our jop. Bernie Madoff has helped. But it’s our job to make Naming Die Jude become mainstream, and fashionable.

  38. HW, I obviously think your approach is the correct one. It’s unfortunate that you gave the likes of Greg J. a lot ammunition by talking about your private life that is only of interest to you.

  39. Denise,

    If you look at Adolf Hitler, who the vanguardists claim as their inspiration and role model, you will find that he wove himself into the mythos of German history and nationalism. In doing so, he worked within the experience of his audience and successfully connected with their dreams and grievances.

    I can only imagine what Adolf Hitler would have to say about the vanguard.

    These people are alienated subculturalists and avant-garde expressive individualists withdrawing from society who are antagonistic to nationalists who identify with the American mythos. They have more in common with Abbie Hoffman and the hippies of the 1960s than anything Hitler did in Germany.

    If Hitler was reincarnated as an American, he would portray himself as a new George Washington come to restore the America of the Founding Fathers.

  40. FB,

    I took at look at Johnson’s post. He is making up stories. We didn’t live in Virginia? There are videos on YouTube of us doing all kinds of stuff there.

    Funny. I’m going out tonight with my girlfriend after the gym. I go to the gym six days a week. Johnson knows this because he used to call us when we were there back in March and April. William Rome has already called him out on that point.

    “Jon’s Alcohol Enabler” above can confirm how often we used to go to the gym in Virginia.

  41. Hunter;

    Yes, “… making a case for the “man-animal chimeras” or the “decerebrated human clones” left me cold when I read “ArcheoFuturism”. As I recall this was quoted in a review of Faye’s book, and not necessarily “advocated” by either the writer of the review or CC itself. Faye had some good ideas in that book, but he seemed to lose it once he let his imagination wander into “the future”. Sometimes the wheat and the chaff need sorting out.

    Are you still involved with TOQ? I thought Ygg had “taken over” the place. Ygg, in spite of some critical comments from Johnson in the article you are responding to, still left him a decent reply with an encouraging tone.

    Perhaps your take on Johnson’s “critical of TOQ” comments miss his point: It seems he is worried that TOQ will lose its former tone and fearlessness of criticizing the Judeosphere and turn into a bland “mainstream” conservative site. Being critical a potential change in focus is not quite the same as being critical of the existence of the site per se. If TOQ lost that “edge”, it would truly be a disappointment to many.

  42. For a highly insightful writer, Yggdrasil has always been uncomfortably soft on the JQ. Ygg defended Howard Stern in the 1990s and made many other philo-Semitic statements. Those old essays might still be on his Web site.

  43. Ygg is a smart fellow.

    I’m sure he has probably noticed that Alex Linder and VNN have impotently “named the Jew” at least a million times on a daily basis over a period of a decade (far more than that if you count Stormfront and other WN sites) to absolutely no effect. William Pierce condemned the Jew until he drew his last breath.

    He has probably concluded that rhetorical radicalism is a failure. We should try something else.

    The obvious place to start would be taking advantage of the deficit and terrible economy to push for cutting the foreign aid budget. You could probably get some support for that.

  44. The irony of all ironies is that the most effective attack on the Jews in recent memory was Glenn Beck’s series on The Puppetmaster that introduced millions of White people to the idea that Jews are the evil string pullers of the progressive movement hiding behind the scenes.

    Beck even brought up their post-war misbehavior in Poland and Czechoslovakia. It was the closest thing to The Eternal Jew ever seen on American television.

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