Giffords Shooting


Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in Arizona. She is in critical condition. Some nutjob opened fire at a Safeway in Tuscon where Giffords was meeting with her constituents.

We’re all thinking the same thing. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Update: The media is trying to link the shooter to Jared Taylor now. He has posted a response at Amren.

Update: Mark Potok blames the “Radical Right” for the Giffords shooting.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “God fucking damn, if…”

    Not very likely.

    Immigration and border security

    Arizona’s 8th Congressional District is one of 10 in the country bordering Mexico. Giffords has stated that the Arizona SB1070 legislation is a “clear calling that the federal government needs to do a better job”.[18] and saying that she hopes the legislation acts as a wake up call to the federal government despite the fact that it “does nothing to secure our border”. [19]

    On August 31, 2010 Congresswoman Giffords praised the arrival of National Guard troops on the border: “Arizonans have waited a long time for the deployment of the National Guard in our state. Their arrival represents a renewed national commitment to protecting our border communities from drug cartels and smugglers.”[20]

    Giffords worked to secure passage of the August 2010 bill to to fund more Border Patrol agents and surveillance technology for Arizona’s border with Mexico. The legislation passed the House of Representatives only to be sent back by the U.S. Senate with reduced funding. Ultimately a $600 million bill was passed and signed in to law. The bill was over $100 million less than Giffords fought for, but she said that “This funding signals a stronger federal commitment to protect those Americans who live and work near the border.”[21]

    She is also apparently a strong supporter of gun rights. In fact, except for being “Pro Choice,” she appears to be more in our camp.

  2. The question is whether it was motivated by her support for Obamacare (which got her office windows busted last year) or her support for border security. My thought is, since they haven’t announced the ethnicity of the perp, he’s probably not white. If he was a white right-winger it would be the first news to break. Get ready for a big, fat white wash (so to speak).

  3. Shooter described as “Afghan war veteran.”

    Whites Forward?


    (I know this site doesn’t like the “LOL” thing, but that was funny.)

  4. I’ve heard other reports that described the gunman as “Hispanic-looking”. I say let’s wait until we at least get a name before we jump to conclusions.

  5. Obama’s Oklahoma City. Funny how this stuff always conveniently happens after the right wins some ground. I’m convicted guys like Alex Linder are on the Fed’s payroll.

  6. Anybody who drank the Kool-Aid and signed up to “fight for our freedom” and got sent to Afghanistan has justification, when it comes down to it. This ties in nicely with the recent “mailings”. The CIA must be going the “less is more” route these days.

  7. Knowing our luck it probably is! Hah!

    I was watching this gunman’s youtube videos and I can’t make anything out as far as his political beliefs, just a lot of nonsense about ‘new currency’ and ‘being a dreamer’ and so forth.

  8. Has that myspace page already been scrubbed? That YouTube stuff is twisted. He looks like he got his mind good and scrambled along the way. Major psyops victim. Poor bastard. Somebody got in there with an egg beater.

  9. After viewing his YouTube videos, it appears he’s just a raving lunatic, possibly on some serious hard drugs. A Charles Manson type – a complete delusional and psychotic.

  10. Crap. The culturally left media will have a field day with this, and no doubt try to use it to demonize any conservative activism.

  11. If the goldbugs take the political flak, comparatively speaking that would be much better for Red State / Tea Party / White America. Laughner is like a White Omar Thornton, except not racist.

  12. Did you take that screenshot, Hunter?

    …if the shooter is a Vanguard type it is going to be hard times for the right for quite a while…

  13. He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in ’07, asked her a question & he told me she was “stupid & unintelligent”

    As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy

    he had a lot of friends until he got alcohol poisoning in ’06, & dropped out of school. Mainly loner very philosophical.

    more left. I haven’t seen him since ’07 though. He became very reclusive.

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