Giffords Shooting


Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in Arizona. She is in critical condition. Some nutjob opened fire at a Safeway in Tuscon where Giffords was meeting with her constituents.

We’re all thinking the same thing. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Update: The media is trying to link the shooter to Jared Taylor now. He has posted a response at Amren.

Update: Mark Potok blames the “Radical Right” for the Giffords shooting.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He is just a kook. I don’t think they will be able to portray Conservatives or pro white people as the cause of this. The guy seems to draw his theories from all sides.

    This might even work to our advantage because it is becoming ever more clear that Government types and representatives are getting nervous about all the destruction they are bringing forth and that someone might at any time do to them just what this guy did. There is no way that these representatives are not by now thinking that maybe they had better ease off some on the Nancy Pelosi vision of the future.

  2. We luck out.

    It is gradually becoming clear he was a disgruntled leftist kook. If he was a “white supremacist,” it would be all over the news by now.

    Anyway, this is a close call. My initial suspicion that it was a vanguardist in the mold of James von Brunn because Giffords is Jewish.

  3. HW: Yeah, we’re lucky. Since he’s a left-wing homo, the Party line will be Keeping Guns Out Of The Hands Of Random Nutcakes instead of Right-wing Radio Did This. But we won’t get any benefit, all we did is dodge a bullet.

  4. LaughNER? Is he a Jew?

    And what sort of gun did he have? I suppose a 9mm with one of those devilish 15 round magazines.

  5. Well, I think the information stage is now over. Fox News now is going on and on with the predictable “we are all friends” concerning Democrat and Republican representatives, and about how “compromise” is the solution for all the country’s woes. In short, for awhile we are going to be treated to the media going on and on with the “we all need to work together and how awful it is that anyone would think bad about our upstanding politicians who are only trying to make the world a better place.

  6. @ Nightwolf

    Right, Giffords is a mamzer, and, as the Jews say, “interested in Israel.”

    The shooter by most reports, seems to be a disjointed, angry young vet who is being remembered as being quite liberal, left wing, and having an alcohol problem.

    Did he watch “Machete” one too many times?

  7. If he’s gay this tragedy and wikileaks (gay leaker) calls into question not only the wisdom of repealing DADT, but of having any gays serve in the military at all! The stereotype is true – anytime they have a lovers’ spat they’re liable to go on a binge killing or sacrifice national security!

  8. You know for someone who keeps trashing vanguardists as you call them, you sure do spend an awful lot of time trolling their websites. I even noticed your peddaling your political tripe on Western Voices Worldwide, and I might add it looks out of place there what with the kind of articles they run. Could it be these “vanguardists” have more influence and a bigger audience than the kosher conservatism you espouse?

  9. I wonder how much Homeland Security would pay me to shoot Al Sharpton at a Cinco de Mayo party with an AR15 while wearing a swastika medallion and a T-shirt saying What Would Jesus Do?

  10. I knew immediately that some kind of alienated weirdo was responsible.

    It could have easily been a vanguardist. Randolph Dilloway (aka SmokySS), the “Hasta Primus” of Creativity, is already over there cheering on the shooter with his fellow lunatics.

    I’m breathing a sigh of relief that it wasn’t a vanguardist. This would have been 100x worse than the James von Brunn shooting.

  11. I saw Smokey…siggghh….he’s gone round the bend, and I am truly sorry about this.

    Oh well.

    One of the VNN guys posted a pic of Loughner – lif that is him – I can smell the gefelte fish from here. Gifford’s a Mamzer. Hmmm…well – the Krupps and Rothschilds funded Hitler, so they have a l long history of throwing their own under the bus, in order to achive their goals.

  12. Hunter – I don’t think Vanguardists have the ability (or training?) to shoot as well as this one did. Very high kill rate, considering the circumstances. Also – I don’t think any Vanguardist would exert that sort of physical energy.

  13. @ Hunter

    C’mon. Harold Covington is a writer of escapist fiction, and Alex Linder has health, and work ethic problems.

  14. Lotta anti-christian attitudes in that quote section – authentic christianity not dominated by clerics who have been literally bought has always been a bulwark against enemies of christian peoples – and the europeans reached their zenith of cultural achievement in a christian milieu. In view of that I always doubt the bona fides of anyone whose blog post or article reads like this: well liberalism was a big problem as was some other intellectual movement, but Christianity was, is and always will remain the real stumbling block for europeans. Note the “punch” line is always saved until the author has won over your confidence with some non-controversial observations. And anyone advocating a NS solution, how did that work out for Germany?

  15. While it certainly looks like this “person” could be classified as a liberal, let us not stoop to their level and paint them all with a broad brush. This man was out of his mind, and while I disagree with almost everything the liberals do, I doubt very seriously that your garden variety democrat voter would EVER kill innocent people.

    A nine year old girl died today as a result of some lunatics delusional state of mind. We should be mindful that there are real people suffering a very real pain at that loss.

  16. A. Wallace: You’re right. It’s a terrible thing that this fellow killed some innocent people. I suppose I’m just extremely relieved. The leftists all had their knives out for us, posting all over the news sites about Tea Party assassins and the like. Honestly, the first thing I look for when any atrocity occurs is the perpetrator’s demographics. Will my people once again be assigned collective guilt for this or that crime?

  17. ” let us not stoop to their level and paint them all with a broad brush.”

    But we MUST. It’s our whole polite, gentlemanly, magnanimous habit of not stooping to their level that’s led us to our losing our country.

  18. Gifford isn’t considered a Jew under Jewish law.

    Doesn’t matter — It depends on how one sees oneself.

    High Priest of Multiracialism Tim Wise is only 1/4 Jew, but…

  19. This nut was truly a bizarre one, standing out in a crowded field.

    Although a Leftist, one of his favorite books he listed as Mein Kampf. Proof that Hunter and others are right that “vanguardism” attracts…”unstable people”.

  20. AW – I can’t muster any fake sorrow over the judge, though.

    Sincere about the kid. Not crying salt tears over the judge.

  21. Communism’s killed more than anything else.


    Maybe he was humming “Do it for Uncle Joe” when he shot the 9-year-old. It would not surprise me.

  22. “The bigotry in this country is getting out of hand,” – Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. “Arizona has become a capital of hatred & bigotry.”

    RT @antderosa: “this has not become the nice United States of America we all grew up in” – Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik

  23. Sheriff Dupnik: Damned right it’s not the nice USA that I grew up in. And just who’s been in charge of the change?

  24. “Apparently Gifford’s mother is a non-Jew, only her father is Jewish. Gifford isn’t considered a Jew under Jewish law.”
    It is not as cut-and-dried as that. Do you really think that just because she is “only” half Jewish she is not accorded favor and helped along by her fathers’ network to advance in life? She may not be a full-blooded Jewess, but there is still a certain amount of favoritism (and nepotism) accorded to those who even have only “one drop” of Jewish blood. Though I can’t remember the exact source, one of the more famous Zionist rabbis said that “even one drop of Jewish blood will make a man loyal to Judaism”, and these are often the most fervent shabbats goyim.

  25. What a scumbag, some old guy who must be a democrat is calling Arizona a hotbed of bigotry and essentially blaming the Tea Party for setting off this nut. So were all supposed to let Obama and the far left dispossess us and say nothing? Is there any evidence that any Tea Party rhetoric had anything to do with this? This guy was just looking to take out some high profile figure and get famous like the guy who killed John Lennon.

  26. “I don’t think they will be able to portray Conservatives or pro white people as the cause of this.”

    They will if people don’t hit back with something even meaner and nastier and more vicious than them e,g

    1) liberals going on TV telling unstable leftists that the sainted Obama needs an Oklahoma city
    2) that anyone who supports Arizona’s law is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    Every day the MSM take people who simply want the law upheld and demonize them as evil – this sort of thing is the inevitable consequence of the media’s war against anyone who opposes unlimited mass immigration.

    “While it certainly looks like this “person” could be classified as a liberal, let us not stoop to their level and paint them all with a broad brush.”

    Yes, let’s.

    Let’s stoop so far below their level we make their ****ing eyes bleed in shock.

  27. It’s fun to watch the tubby Tea Party advocates step away from this one, desperately posting evidence to prove the shooter was not associated with them. The Counter-Currents crowd looks particularly clever right about now. While you chubby Southern chumps continue to immerse yourselves in the party-political mire, on the other sites thinkers, philosphers, and warriors are being forged.

  28. Potok put on the full-court press to paint this pothead, leftist, kooky, fag as a supposed “right-winger.” These people have no shame.

  29. Dupnik is the same turd that said he would not enforce SB 1070 because it was “racist.” His grandstanding about AZ being a Mecca for bigotry in the wake of this tragedy is as classless as it is clueless.

    The haters of liberty will use this event to smear ordinary, freedom-loving Americans in every possible way.

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