Giffords Shooting


Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in Arizona. She is in critical condition. Some nutjob opened fire at a Safeway in Tuscon where Giffords was meeting with her constituents.

We’re all thinking the same thing. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Update: The media is trying to link the shooter to Jared Taylor now. He has posted a response at Amren.

Update: Mark Potok blames the “Radical Right” for the Giffords shooting.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “deep insider,”

    Actually, the vitriol on display over at VNN Forum (see the Daily Quote section) is a clear indication of the damage to our public image that being associated with the vanguard inflicts upon the White Nationalist cause.

    We all instinctively knew it was an alienated, politically motivated, mentally unstable kook who was responsible for this mass shooting. Shooting a nine year old child.

    How brave. That’s how we win over White people to our cause!

    It just so happens that we got lucky this time and this fool who did this is an alienated kook of the leftwing variety. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one here who thought about “Whites Forward” after hearing about this on the news.

    If a vanguardist had been responsible for this, it would have been used against us to shutdown all the momentum we have built on immigration. In fact, even this idiot has succeeded in shutting down Congress for a week.

  2. “It’s fun to watch the tubby Tea Party advocates step away from this one”

    That’s why they need hardcore people inside to show them how it’s down.

    Find the weak spot. Kick to Kill.

  3. “If a vanguardist had been responsible for this, it would have been used against us to shutdown all the momentum we have built on immigration. In fact, even this idiot has succeeded in shutting down Congress for a week.”

    Turn on MSNBC, check Twitter, the New York Times. The shooter was a faggot, leftist kook; this much is obvious and yet they will still hang this around our necks. Next time we talk border issues or the 2nd Amendment, they will trot the memory of this event out and beat us over the end with it. In that sense, the so-called vanguard has been right all along: it is a rigged game.

  4. They are losers who do absolutely nothing but try to make our job more difficult. We are fools to associate ourselves with them. Undoubtedly, the ADL and SPLC are browsing their websites to collect ammunition to use against us in their fundraising appeals.

    There hasn’t been any rush to abandon the push for restrictionist immigration laws. Of course the Left is going to twist the facts but we have the resources at our disposal to turn the story into a case about media bias.

    Associating with the vanguard is like building a house on top of a volcano that could explode at any moment and ruin everything we have accomplished.

  5. Hunter Wallace wrote:
    I’m sure I wasn’t the only one here who thought about “Whites Forward” after hearing about this on the news.

    What is “Whites Forward”?

  6. Hunter then don’t associate yourself with them. If these vanguardists are a bunch of marginalized kooks living in a fantasy land then just ignore them if they’re irrelevant. What’s your problem?

  7. “this much is obvious and yet they will still hang this around our necks”

    If every time they hit you with a line, you hit them back with one that *HURTS* them *more* – then they’ll give up and back off.

    Anyway. I have a hundred places to be 🙂

  8. I am trying to find out if Dupnik is Hebe. Can’t find a Wiki profile of him. Wiki always Names the Jew.

  9. Ordinary Americans will never associate the mentally-defective kooks referred to here as the “vanguard.” No one is saying otherwise. But a broader point is being missed.

    We will be tarred by the leftist brush and they will shamelessly use this event to silence our dissent. The storyline is already unfolding before our eyes. The left in this country seeks to silence the message of liberty and will use any opportunity to do so. This tragedy is a prime example of their blood lust. Before we even knew what happened, the mass media were already speculating that this was a “tea party assassination.” The task of moving the goal post just got a lot harder over an event that had nothing to do with our ideals or ideology.

  10. Wolf Blitzer was on CNN, just asking some brunette Babe about l’il Jared – “Did oyu find anything anti-Semitic in his [Loughner’s] rants..?” (Cause it’s all about them). He mentioned Mien Kampf of course. He practically ejculated when he said those gelt words…

    To Brunette’s credit – she flatly said she found nothing “anti-Semitic” – really flatly squelchedd him she did – and said “He read the Communist Manifesto, too”.

    Brava Brunette Babe!

  11. It could be that Loughner shot Giffords because he didn’t like her. As in the old Johnny Cash song, “I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.” That song was a big hit.

  12. @ Hail;
    “Whites Forward” was an alienated psychotic who posted a number of long winded posts blaming previous generations of Whites (older people) for the state the country is in today. Among his comments was one which (paraphrased) stated that young Whites “will kill their grandmothers in rage over despoiling their children’s future” (or some such nonsense). A real asshole.

  13. Healthcare repeal vote will be postponed due to shooting. And now may we all enter a new era of unity. Excuse me while I PUKE.

  14. This guy posted some strange thing about numbers of events in the year BCE that seemed almost schizophrenic. This really has nothing to do with the republicans yet the scumbags in the media are trying to get the 60% of the public who doesn’t have much of a clue to take that as the lesson out of this.

  15. Oldtimer, thanks for that info. One poster I’m glad I missed.

    BTW, imagine you’re an Tim-Wise-acolyte out to troll and discredit white-racialism. What do you do? Would it look too different from what that guy posted about? (Mass killing fantasies, angry ranting, etc.)?

  16. @ Hail
    I am sure they have their minions doing their bidding on the net just as you say. A couple of them stop in here from time to time I believe.

  17. Hunter, I think the militant position on this would be that this kind of thing would happen daily, with some days witnessing multiple attacks. This is just some lonely pathetic kid acting alone.

  18. There’s no gainsaying it: this crazy, stupid sack of shit murdered the innocent in ARIZONA, and the Left-globalistas will exploit to the max. Bloomberg, Soros, and the rest of the gun-grabbers will have a field day. So we’ll just have to climb a steeper mountain. And we will do it. As for potential-Prez Palin and her “putting crosshairs” on Congressional Districts, I think she’d better keep her day job.

  19. After a long day of hard work editing articles and a book; organizing lectures, conferences, and meetings; planning for the American Renaissance Conference; writing thank you notes to donors, etc., I checked out OD, where “real world” is just two more words on the internet, to find that Witless Wallace has been glued to the TV all day because of some shooting in Arizona, obviously hoping he can blame the shooting on one of us evil vanguardists. Here is his latest wisdom about vanguardists:

    They are losers who do absolutely nothing but try to make our job more difficult. We are fools to associate ourselves with them. Undoubtedly, the ADL and SPLC are browsing their websites to collect ammunition to use against us in their fundraising appeals.

    Of course just last year, Wallace was one of us losers (or “fucking losers” as he likes to put it). Since then, he has lost readers, writers, friends, and comrades, and he has become a laughingstock because of his manic podcasts and his spectacular wimp-outs on Jim Giles’s show and on camera with Jeffrey Imm. So, by my count, Wallace is quite a bit less than a fucking loser now.

    How, then, has he hosted his ass high enough to shit down on people like George Lincoln Rockwell and William Pierce, who for all their failings still managed to accomplish more for the white race than a couple of fat eunuchs snapping pictures of Jeffrey Imm with a cell phone and tittering about their cleverness?

    Simple: Wallace has now declared himself a Republican/Tea Party fan. They are winners, so he is a winner too. Just like all the other couch potatoes who become winners by watching their chosen team win on TV.

    We vanguardists are accused of making Wallace’s “job” harder? What job would that be? Blogging to an ever dwindling audience? That’s nothing but political pantomime.

    Wallace writes that the ADL and the SPLC are mining the websites of us evil losers to use against White Nationalism. Funny, but that’s exactly what Wallace has been doing for months now: trolling my site and constructing malicious spins, distortions, and witless parodies. Food for thought, no?

    With “friends” like Witless Wallace, who needs the SPLC? No wonder he fantasized about working there during his psychotic break (the only one he will admit to). Perhaps the next time the thought crosses his mind, he can present OD as a writing sample.

    He’s a natural smear-monger. Full of venom and unrestrained by honor or honesty.

  20. I think it time someone made an obvious point:

    I am old enough now to have lived through several of these type incidents. I have been from coast to coast and spent much time with normal, white Americans. And I can say with a very high degree of confidence that not one, single, solitary person has ever gave the slightest indication that an occurrence like this even remotely caused them to even consider changing their political or ideological views. Indeed, I do not think such a thought even crossed their minds.

    In short, too many people on the Internet and Conservative, White Nationalist media do exactly what Bob Whitaker points out and “finishes the Liberals sentences for them.” Who gives a damn that the extreme Liberals in the media will once again yap about how “hate” caused this and try to silence us?

    Ignore them, just like all other normal, everyday white Americans do. This time three weeks from now the people will not know what you are talking about if you mention the congresswoman’s name or the shooter’s. If any momentum is lost it will be due to people in our movement ordaining it once again, and not because “the public” has turned against us.

  21. It just occurred to me: Hunter Wallace is a loser who tries to make my job more difficult, calling me a loser who tries to make his “job” more difficult. But why should I be surprised to find crazy people projecting their failings on others. That’s just what they do.

  22. “There’s no gainsaying it: this crazy, stupid sack of shit murdered the innocent in ARIZONA, and the Left-globalistas will exploit to the max. Bloomberg, Soros, and the rest of the gun-grabbers will have a field day. So we’ll just have to climb a steeper mountain.”

    If Gifford was pro the Arizona law then there’s 1000s of places we could be doing the same back to them harder and meaner.

    My current score is around 20.

  23. “Who gives a damn that the extreme Liberals in the media will once again yap about how “hate” caused this and try to silence us?”

    Every 1% the MSM is trusted is 1% more pressure supporting the dominat culture.

    Every 1% damage to how much the MSM is trusted is worth it’s weight in gold.

  24. To their credit, Stormfront cracks down on people running their mouths. I guess nothing on VNN would really surprise me since the site’s owner openly advocates genocide.

  25. The Party line on this, I think, will be that politics has gotten too strident, that there is too much hatred afoot, and that people need to exercise some self-restraint. That is, you right-wingers need to shut up or we’ll come up with some cure for your hate speech. The traitors want us to stop calling them traitors.

  26. Someone is spreading all kinds of false information about these shootings. FOX News is reporting that Gifford was a conservative Democrat and a supporter of gun rights, not a liberal as some of you claim.

  27. The MSM are trying how to “spin” this. Their first big mistake has been to try to blame the Tea Partiers, and the “conservative” media. They had Gabby’s idiotic Yiddishe Papa running his mouth (they aren’t as smart as they tell themselves) *blaming* the Tea Partiers. Dupnik (still looking up his connection to the Cohen gene – not much luck – he’s prolly not a Yid, as they cannot help bragging these days) did a wonderful job following the Party Line. This is all gonna be used for a reason to grant “amnesty” so we won’t be a Nation of Haters, and another gun grab attempt. My hubby heard some sort of report that the GOP push for a repeal of the ONegro Death Care bill is “completely off the table now”.


    His reaction ws “Why? This [shooting] is as light as a feather…” He meant that it has no weight, or meaning. It’s not connected to healthcare at all.

    That just cheesed him off.

    All of this will cheese off the the OTHER Tea Partiers we know. And they are gonna be REALLY cheesed about the retraction of Healthcare. Really realy really really stupid move, on whatever GOP flack said that…

    Believe me. If this is some sort of a False Flag desinged to create a panic – they are getting sloppier by the minute.

  28. Anyone else catch that? They just mentioned on the Communist News Network that a commemorative event is being held for her at her synagogue…

  29. Yes, the usual suspects are trying to “spin” this terrible crime in to blaming Conservative groups and causes they hate – putting out the line that:

    “Right wing, Conservatives created a climate of hatred and intolerance that resulted in this terrible hate crime”

    The best response in these instances is to take the fair, principled position that the criminal is personally responsible for his terrible crime. Murderers are responsible for their murders, rapists responsible for their rapes, rioters responsible for their rioting.

    We’ve had lots of practice discrediting Liberals with their sociology excuses for violent crime – I suggest people mock the MSM talking heads ask if they think…

    Global warming is to blame for this shooting

    And when the subject turns to gun control as it will, just suggest that reasonable, sane, responsible gun owners support restrictions on mentally ill people possessing guns and killing people, then launch right in to attack mode on idiot liberals who believe no one is mentally ill/crazy – they insist Conservative society is sick and needs to “change” and people like the suspect are victims of society and should never be punished.

    This whole line of arguments have been done about 6 million times since the Kennedy assassination in 1963.

    The best approach is the:

    “Oh shut up”

  30. Loughner affiliated with “Ant-Semitic” AmRen?


    I know ya’ll love Taylor – but please. See – sloppier by the minute. Opportunistic, yes. Taylor’s been drumming up interest in the the 2011 Conference. So why not invent a connection? But if any-one is Mr. Philo Semite – it’s Taylor.

  31. LEW’s article:
    anti-Semitic race hate group American Renaissance.

    This is insane. AmRen is the most pro-Jewish of any white-racialist body in the USA. And “race hate group”? AmRen, the most moderate and polite group going? Geez.

  32. To those of you tht know Jred – please tell him to grow a pair and STOP caving and start NAMING the Jew. He should yell loud and long about this attempt to smear him. And he should finally learn that grovelling before the Jew inspires nothing but their complete contempt – and you get tossed into the Jaws of Moloch, too.

  33. Thats how moderates on the question get treated. The ptb don’t want to be pointing anyone to a website where they might actually learn something, so all of amren’s restraint has given the ptb a useful whipping boy.

  34. Denise wrote:
    To those of you tht know Jred

    Denise is, of course, referring to Jared Taylor, not yesterday’s killer. (Also named Jared)!

  35. Meet The Press, 10:36 AM
    Anchor: “Was anti-Semitism a factor? One of his favorite books was Mein Kampf, Giffords is Jewish… any connection here?”
    Correspondant: “[No one knows]”

    No mention of AmRen.

  36. Sorry about the typos, as per usual. I am of course referring to Jared Taylor, publisher of American Renaissance.

  37. Any-one – tell Jared Taylor to get on the phone with his Big Jew Pals, and start demandng they call this crap off.

    Taylor’s got to stop his craven behavior.

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