Giffords Shooting


Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in Arizona. She is in critical condition. Some nutjob opened fire at a Safeway in Tuscon where Giffords was meeting with her constituents.

We’re all thinking the same thing. Let’s not jump to conclusions.

Update: The media is trying to link the shooter to Jared Taylor now. He has posted a response at Amren.

Update: Mark Potok blames the “Radical Right” for the Giffords shooting.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hail – the moment the “Mein Kampf” thing was cited – I knew it was gonna be “Oy Vey All the Way Night and Day”.

    Jack Ryan – now the Hebes are trying to set this up as a Knaaazzee Attacks! thing. And take down the AmRen 2011 conference, in he process. Still think we need to be “fair”, and “honest and balanced in our assessment” of Satan’s Favorite Li’l Tribe?

  2. Denise thanks but take a break, turn off the computer, tv and radio and all other sources of social media delivery.

    Basically in America the break has happened few minds will change and there will be no flood of people regretting their votes and rushing to vote for a Kos approved candidate. The hatemongerng lefties sourced the anti-whites information and came up with AmRen within hours and since there is no there there with AmRen there will be no sizzle. But I bet the people who wanted the conference cancelled will get their wish.

    I compare this to the Polish generals lambasting Solidarity for taking too long on their coffee breaks and therefor harming the “revolution”, the anti-whites campaign of demonization and discrimination is now OUR evidence gathering operation, especially since it is usually recorded on data banks.

  3. Simmons – I intend to take a break this afternoon – as I have grocery shopping, laundry, visiting, and putting away of Christmas ornaments to do.

    Fox is already back-pedaling – cause J Taylor is speaking out. Good. Good for him.

  4. This is getting out of control. This is getting worse by the minute. This is not good, for anybody.

  5. “This is insane.”

    It is entirely rational, if evil, dirty politics from people who want our genocide.

    It can be countered by saying

    1) if she was pro the Arizona immigration law: that the killer was triggered by the media demonization of people who supported the law

    2) if she was anti the Arizona immigration law: that pro-obama people have been going on tv to say obama needed an oklahoma

    Or simply throw out both to muddy everything up.

  6. DHS accuses American Renaissance but NOT VNN or Stormfront. The latter “Name the Jew” all the time, but AR bends over backwards not to.

    That would suggest to me that TPTB are more concerned about the latter than the former. And to a certain degree, this makes sense. Most Americans, no matter how racially aware they may be, consider themselves “Judeo-Christian,” even if they are not rabid Christian Zionists and would bolt like scared bunnies from any site that smacked of Judeophobia.

    Amren carries itself off like a more right wing version, more racialist version of Right Nation. They are explicit about their views where Whites versus Non-Whites are concerned. However, they make sure they handle the JQ implicitly. That is handled more like an intra-conservative debate between the Podhoretz-type NeoCons and the Ron Paul-type Paleocons regarding the Fed and getting involved in the Mideast.

    For any Mainstream WNists who blithely assume that working within the system to incrementally move the goalposts back in a more rightward direction is a risk-free way of achieving our goals, DHS targeting AR over the more radical VNN should be illuminating. The adversary wrote the playbook on working within the system to effect change and surely anticipated something like this, thus AR is having problems.

    The only hope of wresting back control of this thing is for Tea Party conservatives to do some detective work and focus on why Gabrielle Giffords was targeted. Look at her. Until the shooting, no one would know Gabrielle Giffords-Kelly was Jewish. I have seen both her stills and they have aired her videos on television. She does not look like, or sound like or openly act like an east coast liberal New York Jew. She looks like a fresh-faced, Midwest Gentile matron you’d find at your church. As a “blue dog” Democrat “moderate,” she was careful to straddle the issues to offer the least offense to anyone. So why did she arouse this whacko leftist’s ire?

    It is important to note that Giffords has a very cozy relationship with a lot of Arizona Republicans who even uncharacteristically endorsed her for re-election rather than actively fielding and running a candidate against her. The RINO Rule 101 in Getting Elected has always been to run a campaign to the right, but govern center-left. Well, it looks to me like Giffords won her seat in a conservative state like Arizona by employing this gambit, confusing and angering her leftist shooter.

    More attention needs to be called to his angry “she is dead to me” diatribe he posted after she “defied” Pelosi to get re-elected. Pelosi wasn’t fooled; she went out of her way to recruit “blue dog” Democrats to lure conservatives away from RINO Republicans, knowing that these Freshman Democrats could/would not buck her on anything important. But she did fool Jared Loughner.

    Now this crap with Loughner reminds me of how violent and vindictive the Left is prepared to get against ANY woman they think is straying off their plantation. There was Playboy’s leftist writer, Guy Cimbalo’s rape fantasy concerning ten Conservative women he would like to rape:

    “Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship-a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate f***. We may despise everything these women represent, but goddammit they’re hot. Let the healing begin.”

    There is, of course, the lewd, leftist loud-mouthed lesbian “comedienne,” Sandra Bernard who called Sarah Palin a “goy whore” and threatened to have her gang-raped by her “black brothers” if she dared set foot in Manhattan.

    From this POV, raping a treacherous whore like Gabrielle Giffords was not an option for a homosexual like Jared Loughner, so he had to purchase a handgun as a surrogate penis, fill it with bullets as surrogate semen so that he could forcibly penetrate Giffords’ body in the Loony Leftist fashion.

    I am convinced that Giffords, as a Jewish female “Blue Dog Conservative” Democrat was the victim of the most lunatic manifestation of the misogynist, Anti-Zionist left wing of the Democrat Party.

  7. Imagine my surprise …

    After a long night out on the town, I wake up this morning to discover The Cat Lady is back crying in my comments.

    Well, that’s hardly anything new.

  8. Isn’t it funny how Johnson always manages to invert the truth?

    (1) His website doesn’t get nearly as many comments as ours.

    (2) He comes over here to troll my website, while I am not even home, not the other way around.

    (3) He is the laughingstock who was fired from his job and has been shunned by the TOQ community.

    (4) He calls me a psycho, but tells people on his website with a straight face that he is “God.”

    (5) He believes William Pierce and George Lincoln Rockwell accomplished things for the White race.

  9. Jews haven’t had a good atrocity for a while, so they are trying to claim this one, like a whore showing up at a funeral to claim a dead man’s estate.

    NightWolf: This could be very beneficial for AmRen. Jared Taylor is well informed and far more articulate than the MSM mouthpieces, and more than willing to talk to the press. Of course, if he starts making points they’ll drop him, but they are putting his organization’s name out there. Anybody can then google it and find a whole new reality.

  10. The newspaper spreading rumors that the shooter is linked to American Renaissance Magazine – a supposedly exteme anti Semitic hate site is an Australian on line newspaper. The paper quotes and un-named source at the Department of Homeland Security.

    Here’s the quote submitted for fair comment:

    Arizona shooting suspect may be linked to anti-Semitic group

    “THE suspect being held over Saturday’s shooting of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords may have links to anti-Semitic race hate group American Renaissance.

    An internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo quoted by FOX News Channel revealed the gunman – named by the media as Jared Loughner, 22 – is “possibly linked” to American Renaissance.

    The group subscribes to an ideology that is “anti-government, anti-immigration, anti -ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti-Semitic,” according to the DHS memo.

    Giffords “is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She was also opposite this group’s ideology when it came to immigration debate,” the note said.

  11. “Giffords “is the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. She was also opposite this group’s ideology when it came to immigration debate,” the note said.”
    Holy cats. Anyone with 2 brain cells would disregard such a “memo from DHS” as obviously fabricated baloney.
    First Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US gov’t”?!!!
    The chick was a Congressional Representative. So, DHS doesn’t know that Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (Jewish U.S. SENATORS) exist?
    Right. Obviously a clown is working for this

  12. HW: Amren will get a lot of free publicity out of this.

    Jared will probably have to cancel the conference again.

  13. I’ll share a story where I was “linked” to a supposed hate crime by some mainstream media and my response.

    I edited a newsletter for the WI chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of White People (an effort to run an above ground, respectible pro White advocacy group patterned after the NAACP).

    Some free lance writer published a story in the Chicago Tribune where teenagers in some Iowa town opposed diversity programs to bring in lots of Blacks, they purchased some of our national literature and bought some sweat shirts, the journalists got the teens to dress in the sweat shirts, make quotes against diversity and there was apparently one scuffle with one Black guy – no one was seriously hurt but the whole tone of the news article was:

    Hate Comes to Iowa Town.

    I tracked down the Chicago Tribune editor of the story, explained who I was and also explained that the teens weren’t members of our association, they just read some of our literature and I talked with the actual writer of the story and explained in a calm way that the story was misleading.

    The Tribune actually let me write a letter to the editor that was published on a Sunday:

    Here’s my letter:

    “U.s. Ethnic Conflict

    By John …. Dir., Wisconsin/N. Illinois Area, National Association for the Advancement of White People.

    — The article “Hate flares as Iowa city courts blacks“ gave the impression that the NAAWP was involved in harassing blacks in Dubuque. This is completely incorrect. While we sympathize with working Americans victimized by misguided social engineering, the white teenagers involved in the incident have no association with our organization.

    To say that a teenage troublemaker who got hold of some NAAWP literature is a “supporter of the NAAWP“ is akin to saying that someone who reads the Tribune and commits a crime is a “criminal Tribune supporter.“

    The NAAWP is a civil rights organization committed to working for:

    1) equal rights for all Americans-including white Americans. We oppose
    “affirmative action,“ minority set-asides that discriminate against our people because of race;
    2) an end to forced busing for racial integration;
    3) total welfare reform that rewards hard work and discourages crime and illegitimacy;
    4) crack down on increasing violent crime;
    5) an end to all illegal immigration;
    6) the preservation of European culture in America.

    Our organization has taken strong steps to maintain a clean, legal record of activism for our much abused people. We feel that accurate reporting can do much to prevent tragic ethnic conflicts like the Dubuque incidents.”

    Jack Ryan resumes commentary

    I thought the Chicago Tribune treated me fairly on this, the New York Times also ran the same story and I called up an editor and the Jewess basically told me to “F…. off”.


    My advice is to stay calm, stick to the facts and yes, make the phone calls and write the letters. Don’t make threats.

  14. I doubt it.

    The difference between Jared Taylor and Harold Covington is that when the spotlight falls on Amren people will go over there and see there is no merit to the charge that Taylor is promoting terrorism.

    This is actually pretty good news because there are multiple threads on Free Republic now publicizing Amren. I haven’t seen a negative comment there about Taylor yet.

    Most people realize that it is just a smear campaign.

  15. Fox News reports on Killer’s ties to AmRen [starts from 1:15]
    Fox News has obtained a memo that details possible links between the shooter and an anti-government, anti-Semitic group. James Rosen joins me now. He is following this story for us.

    [Rosen reads from DHS mem:] “A group called American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group through videos posted on his Myspace and Youtube accounts. The group’s ideology is anti-government, anti-immigration, and anti-ZOG, and anti-Semitic.”

    [Rosen:] I just got off the phone with Jared Taylor, the Yale-educated founder of AmRen. The group is unabashedly preoccupied with race and the ‘alleged’ genetic differences between the races.”

  16. Hunter,

    Do you post at Free Republic (no need to give your pen name there). I got banned at least 3 times about 5 years ago and not for anything radical, just opposing George W Bush’s amnesty and suggesting that the Iraq War #2 was the solution to all of America’s problems.

    I take it things have opened up a bit at Free Republic, perhaps things will get censored again over this.

  17. The ADL is primarily responsible for furnishing DHS with the latter’s training and information regarding homegrown “militants”.

  18. I wonder if Jared Taylor is nursing a set of hurt feelings, after all the years he has spent trying to kiss up to the jews – and, true to history, that never makes any difference to the Tribe. They view any white man or woman who dares to oppose their agenda, which includes white dispossession and subjugated minority status in every formerly White majority nation on Earth – and eventually, white genocide via miscegenation and via minority violence – which they deliberately encourage, via movies like ‘Machete’ – if you dare to oppose that, they will descend upon you like a flock of vultures and rip the white flesh from your bones. No, a new game plan needs to be adopted to fight this enemy.

  19. At Alternative Right commenters are discussing the Giffords shooting, “vanguardists” and Occidental Dissent.

    JKR2011 says:

    “you guys at oc dis seem a little crestfallen that it wasn’t a “vanguardist.” i understand that some wallace guy has severe separation anxiety or post-partum depression with the WN fringe, but for some reason cannot stop obsessively posting about completely irrelevant clowns that no one on the alt right cares about. we didn’t dodge any bullet. if/when some WN commits violence, alt right won’t need to apologize for it. if you think there will be zero political violence in the coming decades, you’re dreaming. it seems like every other post over at oc dis is about you guys trying to work out your own identity issues vis-a-vis WN, and its embarrasing. you’re the only people on the alt right who continually feel the need to spill ink and give publicity to nobodies and losers i won’t even mention. i like your writing, and a lot of good writing comes out of oc dis, but if you can’t get over your past associations and participate in the mature right with a clean conscience, people will have their trepidations about associating with oc dis.”

    Martin says:

    “I know what you mean. I’ve dropped by Occidental Dissent a time or two (not to be confused with Occidental Observer/Quarterly, which are very rich and substantial sites), and many of the posts at OD seem to indicate some sort of internecine warfare with Counter-Currents. This I find baffling, and doesn’t invite repeated visits. The alternative right is small enough that it hardly needs interpersonal conflicts, especially given that Counter-Currents has some very interesting cultural essays (although I don’t visit it regularly either — who has time to read everything?).”

    JKR2011 replies:

    “yeah, i guess my above comment would be directed at the oc dis guy. for some reason i had the impression it was a cooperative blog between wallace, parrot, probably because the first time i read parrot was at oc dis, and the first time i read oc dis was parrot’s articles, and wasn’t familiar with parrot’s own blog. possibly there’s some similar writing styles going on too. aren’t i the fool. but anyway, parrot’s above comment struck me as wallacesque, and so the association was solidified, prompting my misdirected response above. if i knew that oc dis was just the one guy, i’d have been much less inclined to bother with a criticism.

    i think the immaturity on the fringes of the right is a personality thing… it gets more severe the further one emanates out the political spectrum, in both directions. that’s why i wish there’d be a more firm break between the mature alt right and the fringier elements that pop up around the margins and seem like the perennial thorn in the side of a serious true right. for someone with the caliber of kmac, for instance, to become associated with certain dregs on the interwebs, would be a tragedy. anyway, apologies to mr parrot. i’ll have to read more of your writings.”


  20. This should settle the question of whether Jared Taylor is Jewish controlled opposition.

    If he was, why would Jews throw an asset under the bus in this manner?

  21. Luke says:
    January 9, 2011 at 6:50 pm
    I wonder if Jared Taylor is nursing a set of hurt feelings, after all the years he has spent trying to kiss up to the jews – and, true to history, that never makes any difference to the Tribe. They view any white man or woman who dares to oppose their agenda, which includes white dispossession and subjugated minority status in every formerly White majority nation on Earth – and eventually, white genocide via miscegenation and via minority violence – which they deliberately encourage, via movies like ‘Machete’ – if you dare to oppose that, they will descend upon you like a flock of vultures and rip the white flesh from your bones. No, a new game plan needs to be adopted to fight this enemy.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Jared Taylor has never sucked up to the ADL or the SPLC, he just refuses to play the Hollywood role of the bad guy, evil RACIST NAZI Jew hater who hates all JEWS for NO REASON other than he and all RACIST are supposedly psychos.

    We’ll see how Jared Taylor and American Renaissance handle this vicious smear, he is going to have to fight back, but others have survived to fight another day.

    I support American Renaissance’s clean, UpTown strategy. Blind, vicious Jew hatred/fear is not effective in the USA.

  22. Jared Taylor is already defending himself – and doing it very well, I may add. There is not one reference to ZOG in the entire record of AmRen. If they try to hack the archives – it won’t work. Any hacking attempt can be instantly unmasked.

    ZOG just named “ZOG”.


    Too bad for ZOG. They just should have sent any Schmoos over to VNN, and “tied” Loughner to VNN.

    That would have been really entertaining.

    But AmRen?

    *They* are getting sloppier by the minute. Tomy Montana, facedown, in a big pile of snow.

    The TP’ers I know are cheesed to the max at being slandered by ZOG Media.

    I now have the perfect opening to explain “ZOG” to the TP’ers. Thanks, ZOG!

    Sloppier by the minute.

    And ZOG just handed Taylor a Free Pass to hold the Conference.

  23. Jack Ryan sez:

    “I support American Renaissance’s clean, UpTown strategy. Blind, vicious Jew hatred/fear is not effective in the USA.”

    Not for much longer. That’s changing fast….

  24. Lew, they’d do it to give AMREN street credibility. I look down suspiciously on any White Nationalist group with philo-semitic views and probably most others do as well. To me there’s just something odd about so-called pro-White advocates showing up at an AMREN conference with thier nonwhite wives. Just call me funny that way. Not to mention that AMREN is Asiaphilic and gay friendly. Of course, there’s always the possibility that the real White Nationalists are trying to implicate the Jew’s own handiwork by casting blame on AMREN.

  25. Daley,

    While I agree with you that suspicion is warranted and strongly disagree myself with Amren’s stance on the JQ and Asians, I don’t think those things alone are sufficient evidence Taylor is controlled opposition. No one has ever put forth any real evidence that he is. It has all been speculation based on his stance on the JQ, or lack thereof.

  26. Going after Amren is a bit like them going after those conservative Christian groups. I don’t know if it’s a sign of panic or a sign of over confidence.

    Either way i’m pleased as Mr Taylor and Prof MacD are the sort of people that can fight back well.

    “I take it things have opened up a bit at Free Republic, perhaps things will get censored again over this.”

    There are lots of forums dealing with sport, video games, fishing or whatever where politics only occasionally comes up. If you pick a few forums in areas you’re genuinely interested in you can hang out and join in the general conversation and then when politics does flare up you shoot down the kommisars. You don’t need to promote anything. If you just shoot down the kommisars and attack the double standards of the multicult after a few months people’s repressed ethno-centricity starts to come out.

  27. Jared Taylor is looking pretty good under scrutiny. Amren will come out of this a lot stronger.

    Taylor now gets to say: look, the same people are going after Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, it is all a leftwing smear campaign, a blatant and disgusting attempt to score political points out of a tragic shooting.

    I have never heard of Jared Lee Loughner before. I don’t run an anti-Semitic website. I have never advocated violence. Just how inept is the DHS?

    First they came for Sarah Palin. Now they come for Amren. Funny how it used to be the other way around.

  28. Instead of being perceived as a “nasty racist,” Jared Taylor has a great opportunity to present himself as the victim of a leftwing witch hunt. It is the best opportunity Amren has probably ever had to draw attention to their work.

  29. DHS looks totally clueless. Could they really be that freakin’ dumb? Are they that stupid? Holy cow! We can’t even get our internal spying apparatus right! It’s tragicomic.

  30. In all likelihood, they will realize the Amren story is backfiring. It plays into the narrative that DHS is out to get conservatives.

    If this alienated kook really did visit Amren, he was almost certainly visiting the other more extreme websites, which the FBI undoubtedly knows about now after going through his computer. So how long do you think it will be before “Vanguard News Network” pops up in the news?

    The media will have a field day quoting Randolph Dilloway and Alex Linder.

  31. The media will soon realize they need a more convincing target to play the role of crazy, racist, anti-government, rightwing extremist. Of course we all know the loudmouths and attention seekers who are happy to play that role.

  32. It’s entirely possible that our government is wholly unaware of the scope of the cultural shift that has taken place. They get their cultural intel from the Jews, who have been screaming for so long they get parroted out of obeisance, but nothing more. Why am I laughing on the inside? We may just have them by the short and curlies, and neither they nor us know it.

  33. Spooky – yes they are that dumb. Really – they are. The Hebes tell themselves that are schmart – but they are simply vicious, utterly ammoral, and …this is the important part – 110% ethnically cohesive.

    They are jumping their own sharkskin right now, though. We are watching them Tip[ over the Tipping point. This is the precise moment, when suspended in time for end eternal microsecond, that which has Gone Up Goes Down. It’s happening right now. Before our eyes. Their cosmic arrogance, and what I believe is their genetic inability to comprehend that their own beliefs and behavior is what alwaysalwaysalways engenders their doom. They can’t see it – and they won’t be able to stop themselves from doing more.

    Mighty – type “Jared Taylor” and “DHS” into your search engine. Enjoy the results. Taylor’s already spoken to Fox, and very politely, very elegantly trashed DHS.


    We should always use the tools that the Enemy provides. Always. No mercy. No quarter. Our White decency and generosity has been used against us for seemingly ever.

    This must stop. Once and for all.

    White sans merci.

  34. Well, if it were then Taylor would recant and capitulate to the gods of diversity. That would be ingenious, but I just don’t see it. Just because we don’t agree with a guy on every point doesn’t mean he is controlled. Maybe the idea is to pick the “clean” guy to take down so that the legitimacy of anything like what he advocates is disallowed. If they picked a fringe element, white advocacy could still be justified as long as it is “respectable” (like Taylor). This way they can get their arm way into the center of the movement before they swipe the table.

  35. Harold Covington made the point the regime’s first choice will be blood from “big game” like Palin, Beck or Limbaugh, but if they can’t get blood from them they may be content with bagging some lesser game like poor Jared Taylor, KMD or even HAC. We know DHS, SPLC and ADL all work together, it’s not an implausible theory.

  36. Denise, we shall see. They may be dumb and blind but they aren’t powerless. Shutting down the free speech we’re now enjoying would not be hard, and let’s not kid ourselves, Congress wouldn’t hesitate to go along. And we would never be able to build this kind of momentum again. We know it. They know it. Even if they are fumbling about now, they will figure it out, and they will throw the switch. And they’ll use this as an excuse. And we know that thousands upon thousands of calls to Congress doesn’t do a thing. We shall see. The chips are certainly down.

  37. What good would it do if Jared Taylor started harping on zionism 24/7 like David Duke seems to have degenerated to? As if anyone who hangs out at Amren is oblivious to Jewish issues and need Taylor to inform them?

  38. Hard to believe Palin, Beck or Limbaugh are even “game” at all.

    True or untrue: the only rationale he actually gave for the act was that she voted against Pelosi. Is that not true?

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