Rush Limbaugh Mocks Hu Jintao


Progressives are crying “racism” because Rush Limbaugh mocked Chinese president Hugh Jintao on his radio show.

Al Sharpton is on The Ed Show now crying about “racism on the air.” He is talking up his effort to get the FCC to censor Limbaugh’s “hate speech.”

Normally, I wouldn’t draw attention to this, but I thought it was an excellent example of how the charge of “racism” has lost much of its sting in recent years. It reinforces my belief that the prevailing taboos are weakening.

No one but progressives listen to their own little echo chamber in the mainstream media.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Chinese ethnic power bloc in this country is nothing compared to the NAACP. When he starts mocking MLK I’ll be impressed.

  2. When Rush Limbaugh makes racial jokes, however innocuous, it makes it easier for millions of White conservatives to do the same. Even better when Al Sharpton throws out the charge of “racism” and no one cares.

  3. Dunno why he mocks the Chinese. Whatever their faults, their government works alot better than ours. Their economy is also thriving at the moment.

    In China, Whites are seen as superiors and benefactors here, as Chinese are self-hating; merely by being White you are afforded great respect there.

  4. *”Whites are seen as superiors and benefactors here” should read “Whites are seen as superiors and benefactors there”. Damn typos.

    Hunter Wallace, you really need to add an edit function so people can fix typos.

  5. @Nightwolf: the Chinese regime is a murderous Red police state enforcing hypercapitalism with a Gulag bigger and bloodier than Stalin’s. If you think that’s good government, you are at the wrong site. Try the neo-cons. As for Limbaugh, yes, he’s been at his best the last couple of days. Outraging the Left, the Blacks, the Chicoms, and their corporate stooges. Nice.

  6. I laughed when I saw this. The law of diminishing returns has crept-up on the charge of racism.

    Off topic: That fat bastard, HAC, publishes email addresses. I searched one of mine at a data mining website and it linked to comment I made on his blog. What a fucking nightmare.

  7. Why is Hannity giving Herman Cain national coverage? God help us if the Republicans push a ‘token’ on us in 2012.

  8. Perhaps Herman Cain will be Sarah Palin’s running mate? I have a pretty good idea they’re trying to shove her on us whether we want her or not. I saw where she was on her facebook page slobbering over Martin Luther King.

  9. It doesn’t matter whether Rush Limbaugh’s “ching chong” routine was funny (personally, I thought it was), the point is that there are American dialects that are mocked all the time in this country, and other languages that are mocked constantly. British, Irish, Scottish accents are mocked. French, German, Italian, Swedish, Russian are mocked. Arabic is mocked. African languages are mocked. Hindi is mocked, etc. etc. etc. Hell, Sasha Baron Cohen has made an entire career out of mocking different dialects and languages.

    The only difference is that there’s this PC trend by some Asian-Americans (and their various PC allies) to make “ching chonging” out of bounds and to cast anyone who does it as an evil racist. That’s where Sharpton and the rest of them are coming from and the blatant double standard they’re using should be called out as such. If “ching chong” is tantamount to hate speech, then so should be every other mocking and parodying of languages and dialects.

    So I’m defending Rush on this one. Posting about it is right for the reason that Hunter mentioned, and also because it is yet another example of the excesses of the Multicult. Every case of where they overreach, let slip their mask and reveal their anti-white bias should be documented.

  10. by being White you are afforded great respect there.

    This is somewhat true. If you ever want to know what it feels like to be a rock star, be white in China–but especially in areas where the locals haven’t had too much contact with foreigners:it is really a buzz. But I am not at all sure it is respect exactly that underlies it. I think it is something more akin to envy. One big eye-opening experience I had in China was going into a pharmacy and seeing literally entire isles filled with ‘whitening’ products of every description. I couldn’t believe it.

  11. “One big eye-opening experience I had in China was going into a pharmacy and seeing literally entire isles filled with ‘whitening’ products of every description.”

    Whiteness is the gold-standard of beauty … evidence of this can be seen in the skin whitening products you mentioned to the black woman’s attempt to mimic Caucasian hair.

  12. Modern Asiatics are technology and culture thieves. The Chinese economy – and other Asian economies – are built or being built upon technologies and practices invented in The West. The mass-Westernization of Japan since WWII – while it initially went very well – has made many modern Japanese people miserable as evidenced by very low birth rates, stultifying business routines, insane overcrowding, extremely odd sociocultural trends, etc. China is of course a larger threat because of their huge population size: though the majority of Chinese still live in the interior of that country in what most would consider rather backwards agrarian conditions, the coastal urban areas are being built up rapidly. We forget that these cultures and peoples are not part of The West and were never really meant to follow a Western path: in many respects all of this was imposed on them in order to open up larger markets for goods. However, we must also remember that China is dependent on exports to the USA and Europe; without their massive export economy to The West the Chinese economy would sink rapidly as all their factories went idle, leaving all those people with nothing to do. Also, when people say that the USA or other Western nations owes all this money to China it simply isn’t true when you consider that all of their modern technology, factories, autos, power plants, modern cities, and so on are de facto Western imports, our payment(s) to them for assembling all the Asian-made trinkets and (Western invented) electronics we buy in communistic big-box stores.

    I’d like to see Hunter and other authors here write more about the dangers of the creeping Asianization of the world. The biggest threat to the White world is not the Blacks, or Arabs/Muslims, or even the Jews (though a certain percentage of Jews are often Asiatic to an extent, i.e. Khazar-descended Jews), but rather the still-growing billions of Asiatics who are now swarming all over the Western world and appropriating our technology, ideas, land, raw materials, and so on: they are even picking off many of the best and brightest Whites, giving them high paying jobs in Asia, having them marry Asiatics, and so on. Internally the semi-Asiatic masses of Latin America are already all over the USA, and that’s of course a problem too.

    Westerners can either get their act together or in the future we will be forced to submit to severely totalitarian Asiatic ‘robot’ overlords.

  13. Modern Asiatics are technology and culture thieves. The Chinese economy – and other Asian economies – are built or being built upon technologies and practices invented in The West. The mass-Westernization of Japan since WWII – while it initially went very well – has made many modern Japanese people miserable as evidenced by very low birth rates, stultifying business routines, insane overcrowding, extremely odd sociocultural trends, etc. China is of course a larger threat because of their huge population size: though the majority of Chinese still live in the interior of that country in what most would consider rather backwards agrarian conditions, the coastal urban areas are being built up rapidly. We forget that these cultures and peoples are not part of The West and were never really meant to follow a Western path: in many respects all of this was imposed on them in order to open up larger markets for goods. However, we must also remember that China is dependent on exports to the USA and Europe; without their massive export economy to The West the Chinese economy would sink rapidly as all their factories went idle, leaving all those people with nothing to do. Also, when people say that the USA or other Western nations owes all this money to China it simply isn’t true when you consider that all of their modern technology, factories, autos, power plants, modern cities, and so on are de facto Western imports, our payment(s) to them for assembling all the Asian-made trinkets and (Western invented) electronics we buy in communistic big-box stores.

    I’d like to see Hunter and other authors here write more about the dangers of the creeping Asianization of the world. The biggest threat to the White world is not the Blacks, or Arabs/Muslims, or even the Jews (though a certain percentage of Jews are often Asiatic to an extent, i.e. Khazar-descended Jews), but rather the still-growing billions of Asiatics who are now swarming all over the Western world and appropriating our technology, ideas, land, raw materials, and so on: they are even picking off many of the best and brightest Whites, giving them high paying jobs in Asia, having them marry Asiatics, and so on. Internally the semi-Asiatic masses of Latin America are already all over the USA, and that’s of course a problem too.

    Westerners can either get their act together or in the future we will be forced to submit to severely totalitarian Asiatic ‘robot’ overlords.

  14. (FYI, I’m changing my name to Political Optimist)

    The more the left overreacts to what they perceive to be “racism,” the more this works to our advantage.

    The conservative movement, in spite of the Giffords fiasco, still has momentum. The left continues to shoot itself in the foot (ie. Tim Wise’s tantrum over at Daily Kos), and more and more states are growing more hardline.

    We just need to keep pushing, keep fighting, and hopefully not have any loons jeopardize our cause by doing something crazy.

    The left has lost almost all legitimacy/respect in the eyes of the white masses. They’re lashing out and tossing out hysterical accusations of bigotry because they know that they’ve lost the white masses, and the only way they can keep their rainbow coalition together is to constantly invoke the wicked white male boogeyman.

  15. “I don’t get it. Limbaugh didn’t ‘mock’ anything.”

    Sure he did. His impression of Hu Jintao speaking Chinese was clearly intended as a derisive caricature of the Chinese. That is from whence the humor was intended to flow.

  16. Who is running on the vanguard ticket in 2012?

    You tell me. Your obviously the expert on them judging by your long winded rants against them. I don’t even know whom you’re referring to unless it’s mainstream White Nationalists vs the Ken Mehlman wing of the GOP. I’m a paleoconservative with White Nationalist tendencies and I’m also a Christian. James Edwards and Chuck Baldwin, people you claim to admire, have wrote some scathing articles on her so-called conservatism. I loved that “sista power” news clip of her with Geraldine Ferraro (isn’t she a lesbian?) bashing White males and calling them neanderthals. Us Bucchaninites and Paulers have the power to shape the next Presidential election. We aren’t going to settle for the lesser of two evils anymore.

  17. Colbert had an episode about the Rush ching chonging, and Colbert played a long clip of it. His audience, which was suppposed to be tssk tsking about racism, was instead laughing their heads off at Rush’s antics.

    Talk about backfired propaganda! Watch the Colbert segment you’ll see what I mean.

  18. How brave of Rush. Picking on the only non-white group that is not officially catered to by the media. Yet Rush loves kissing kike and Israeli ass. I’ll be impressed when he does an imitation of some Jew York kike oy veying about his financial scams.

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