The left projects its own violent tendencies upon the right through extensive use of media propaganda. “Right-wingers” are immediately blamed for any outburst of random violence perpetrated by isolated and disturbed individuals, yet the entire history of leftist aggression, angry rhetoric, and physical violence is swept into the dustbin of history. Leftist riots, leftist terrorists, leftist serial bombers, leftist calls for genocide—all of these sink down the memory hole, purposefully eclipsed by a barrage of stories about right-wing violence. Reality is quite different.
Worldwide, the left-wing forces of communism are responsible for more than 100 million civilian deaths in the Twentieth Century. Russia, Romania, Yugoslavia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and other communist-controlled nations became killing fields in the name of social progress—a favorite term of the left. America mistakenly believes that Marxism and leftism largely died with the fall of the Soviet Union, but the parasite merely changed hosts.
In the dawn of the new century, the American left and incognito left—neoconservatives who infiltrated the Republican Party to subvert it toward leftist ideas—pounded war drums that led to the second invasion of Iraq. The mainstream media conveniently places the blame for this war upon the right, covering up the fact that neoconservative ideology is merely leftism in strategic disguise. The neoconservative infiltrators of the Republican Party were the catalyst for the second invasion of Iraq and these leftists-in-disguise were aided and abetted by most mainstream leftists in government and media. The elite leftist press and Democratic Party politicians were firmly in favor of invading Iraq. Combined with their neoconservative compatriots at the spear’s point, there seemed to be a “consensus” regarding Iraq—but few understood that it was a leftist consensus. Nation-building, foreign intervention, and pre-emptive war are not genuine conservative values. They are the hallmarks of a leftist, a person who wishes to impose ideologies upon the rest of the population by force, all in the name of “progress.”
In the domestic arena, the American left has the bloodstain of White genocide on its hands. In 1965, America was approximately 89 percent White. When the left finally succeeded in passing the treacherous and treasonous 1965 Immigration Act, it upended the racial balance of immigration that had been in place for the entire preceding history of America. Suddenly immigration policy disfavored Europeans and welcomed non-White immigration in overwhelming numbers. Purposeful non-White racial favoritism in legal immigration set the stage for the left to continue its genocidal anti-White campaign by allowing massive illegal immigration. The left constantly clamored for more entitlements, less scrutiny, and laxer immigration enforcement to encourage a constant stream of non-White mestizo invaders from south of the American border. With the demographic disasters of overwhelmingly non-White legal and illegal immigration, White Americans’ share of the population shrunk to around 65 percent in just a few generations. In a few more years, White Americans will be a minority group, and the left will be able to claim early credit for the genocide of the founding stock. The left has loudly, proudly, and publicly proclaimed their burning desire for the end of the White race in America, or at least the White majority.
As far as violent and hateful language and calls for White genocide, there is a long list of belligerent quotations by leftists in the media, politics, and academia. The following is a small sample. Jewish intellectual and leftist activist Susan Sontag snarled, “The White race is the cancer of history.” Leonard Jeffries, chairman of African-American studies at the City College of New York, said he wanted to leave his children in a “world in which there aren’t any White people.” Jewish Harvard professor and editor of “Race Traitor” magazine Noel Ignatiev trumpeted, “The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists…Keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” Mario Obledo, founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), remarked on radio station KIEV, “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” Miles Davis, famous Black jazz man, quipped in a Jet magazine feature: “If somebody told me I had only one hour to live, I’d spend it choking a White man. I’d do it nice and slow.” Professor Jose Gutierrez of the University of Texas gleefully boasted, “We have an aging White America. They are dying. They are [expletive] in their pants with fear! I love it!” Malcolm X described a plane crash in 1962 as follows: “The death of over 120 White people is a very beautiful thing.” Eldridge Cleaver, former Black Panther leader, explained why he raped White women: “Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the White man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women.” Even President Barack Obama is not above the use of violent language: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun…Folks in Philly like a good brawl.”
Leftists have conducted an incessant and strident media, political, and educational campaign to spread the lie that White Americans are irredeemably racist. This slander and libel has motivated many Blacks to murder, rape, rob, and assault Whites, or at the very least has lessened apprehensions toward doing so. The amount of Black-on-White violent crime overshadows White-on-Black violent crime by such an egregious magnitude that it should enrage any reasonable person. Black men rape White women approximately twenty to thirty thousand times every single year in America. The annual count of White men raping Black women rarely breaks into the double digits. Instead of pointing out the horrendous amount of Black-on-White violent crime, the left purposefully covers it up by not reporting it in the mainstream media. The silence is deafening, especially for victims and their families. Even worse, the left plays up any examples of White-on-Black violence to warp the public’s perception of reality. Instead of taking steps to reduce or call attention to Black-on-White rape, robbery, assault, and murder, the left clamors for “Hate Crime” laws which only apply to White perpetrators. Former head of the US Commission on Civil Rights, Mary Frances Berry, explained that “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of White men and do not apply to them.” When Whites are beaten, raped, or killed in a racially-motivated fashion, the motive is always swept under the rug and described as a “random act of violence.” When Whites speak out against the disproportionate amount of non-White crime in America, leftists cry “racism!” and push for “Hate Speech” laws to silence dissent and sidestep the First Amendment by legislative means. Leftists have encouraged, incited, sanctioned, obfuscated, and defended unspeakably vicious acts of violent crime in America, and will continue to do so in the future—unless the perpetrator is White or conservative. In that case, the incident will become front-page news and transform into an endlessly-repeated “talking point.”
The mainstream right in America stands for traditional moral values, property rights, freedom of association, freedom of speech, and individual liberty—all non-violent ideals. Conversely, the left in America stands for coercive redistribution, forced integration, silence of political opposition, and laws restricting individual liberty—all of which require violence and the threat thereof to enforce. The lion’s share of political violence towards the citizenry emanates from leftist political ideals. The rolling avalanche of violent crime in America resonates from leftist propaganda, leftist social policy, and leftist agitation. The left has the blood of millions on its hands yet dares to point a red-stained finger at others.
Here in the Birmingham area, blacks are responsible for nearly all the violent crime – rapes, murders, robberies – that occur in the region.
They are able to get away with this only because they have powerful sympathizers in the mainstream media who have banned the topic from mainstream political discussion.
Behind the typical negro street criminal, you have the NAACP and an alphabet soup of other leftwing Jewish organizations, some of which now have over a century’s worth of experience in gaming the system.
The deficit in power and their ability to control the narrative of violence stems from a corresponding lack of organization, media, financing, and political realism among White Nationalists.
“Race” sells in any media. But the script as of now must conform to the PC ideals of bad whitey, incompetant idiot non-white being helped by white/jewish mesiah.
We have a new script with a new phrase that millions upon millions of whites the world wide have been waiting for, “anti-White.”
Or we could go back to News & Jews or IQ and Crime Studies, the former allows you to relive the glory years of the 1930s, the latter allows you a suit and tie Jr. Mommy Professor role.
This is the type of article that makes any white mans red blood boil. This is why we have vangaurdist and non conformist who break away and this may be better than the options of the lone wolf, maybe just enjoy the last vestiage of “Home home on the range” as opposed to embrace independent violence.
I noticed you didnt mention the mass rioting by leftist youth globally and here as in the Seattle riots throwing maltovs at seattle police, or the attacks on men like Nick Griffen in public… Can you imagine if this where skinheads ? The NATIONAL GUARD WOULD HAVE FIRED LAZ ROCKETS..
The thing to always remeber about the Left is that they do NOT care about justice, decency, honesty, facts. Rule of Law, or anything that makes life livable, or enjoyable. Or sane or beautiful.
All they care about is aquiring and exhibiting Power. By any mean necessary. We are dealing with creatures that are very sick, willfully self-deluded, and brim full, in every cell in their bodies, with their own (false) belief in their self-perceived righteousness. These are very dangerous creatures.
They are a lot smarter than us.
The Alinsky mainstreamers triumphed over the counterculture “burn down the system” vanguardists.
We should gun down the Alinsky mainstreamers.
SPOKANE, Wash. — Authorities in Washington state say the person who left a bomb along a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade route in downtown Spokane had mixed a chemical with shrapnel.
Spokane County Ozzie Knezovich told the Spokesman-Review that tests are being conducted to determine the chemical and whether it made the bomb potentially more deadly.
The bomb was found on a bench before the Jan. 17 parade started and was defused without incident. The FBI has said it was a sophisticated device that could have caused mass casualties.
Knezovich said Tuesday that the chemical could have been a compound used in rat poison. A common rat poison ingredient inhibits blood clotting.
Frank Harrill of the FBI’s Spokane office says he couldn’t comment on the chemical. The bomb has been sent for testing at the FBI laboratory in Virginia.
Violence has exactly the opposite effect:
The Kennedy assassination was used to justify the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Right Act of 1965.
The Left used the MLK assassination to deify MLK and elevate him above George Washington.
The Matthew Shepard murder was used to justify expanding federal “hate crimes” legislation.
The Oklahoma City bombing was used to revive the Clinton presidency and destroy the “anti-government” patriot and militia movements in the 1990s.
The Second World War was used to demonize racialism, nationalism, and eugenics.
The Giffords shooting is now being used to revive the assault weapons ban and other forms of gun control.
The SPLC has used violent acts to bankrupt the Aryan Nations and the Klan.
“‘The left denies its own violent actions and rhetoric and instead ascribes it to its chief political opposition—the right.”
I think the right/left divide is artificial. The real opposition is between far-left activists, and the rest of the population. Violence doesn’t come from the left, but from the far-left. The race replacement policy isn’t supported by the left, but by the far-left. Our enemy isn’t the left, but the so called far-left, which is dominated by Jewish activism. The far-left has little to do with most people who vote for “the left”. The far-left doesn’t defend the lower classes. They do not care about justice, decency, and so on.
“The left projects its own violent tendencies upon the right through extensive use of media propaganda.”
Only the far-left does that.
“Right-wingers” are immediately blamed for any outburst of random violence perpetrated by isolated and disturbed individuals”
This is done by the Jewish media, not by “the left”.
“the entire history of leftist aggression, angry rhetoric, and physical violence is swept into the dustbin of history. Leftist riots, leftist terrorists, leftist serial bombers, leftist calls for genocide—all of these sink down the memory hole”
I won’t say that the violence is mainly Jewish, but Jewish activists and the Jewish media are misdirecting the violence and idealism of young people into the far-left anti-white movement.
“Worldwide, the left-wing forces of communism are responsible for more than 100 million civilian deaths in the Twentieth Century”
Communism is largely a Jewish creation.
“neoconservatives who infiltrated the Republican Party to subvert it toward leftist ideas”
More exactly, neoconservatives infiltrated the Republican Party to subvert it toward Jewish anti-white ideals. Before the right was targeted, the left had already been subverted by Jewish race-replacers. But race-replacement is not originally a left-wing idea.
“The mainstream media conveniently places the blame for this war upon the right, covering up the fact that neoconservative ideology is merely leftism in strategic disguise.”
You conveniently place the blame upon “the left”, covering up the fact that fighting wars for Israel is mostly a Jewish idea.
“The neoconservative infiltrators of the Republican Party (…) were aided and abetted by most mainstream leftists in government and media. The elite leftist press and Democratic Party politicians were firmly in favor of invading Iraq.”
And also, sincere anti-war leftists were tricked into using the absurd slogan “no war for oil”, when it should have been “no war for Israel”. At the time, I felt that the arguments of the left (Bush is evil, and so on) didn’t make sense.
“there seemed to be a “consensus” regarding Iraq—but few understood that it was a leftist consensus.”
There is a problem with right wing policians: they tend to go along with the agenda of the far left (invasion of Iraq, immigration, gay rights…)
“The left has loudly, proudly, and publicly proclaimed their burning desire for the end of the White race in America, or at least the White majority.”
Only the far left does that.
“As far as violent and hateful language and calls for White genocide, there is a long list of belligerent quotations by leftists in the media, politics, and academia.”
Those leftists are mostly Jewish or co-opted and organized by Jews.
“Jewish intellectual and leftist activist Susan Sontag”
The far left is dominated by Jewish activists. In fact, the problem is less leftism than Jewish-ism.
“Leftists have conducted an incessant and strident media, political, and educational campaign to spread the lie that White Americans are irredeemably racist.”
I doubt the leftists would do that if they were not under Jewish influence.
“The mainstream right in America stands for (…) non-violent ideals. Conversely, the left in America stands for (…)”
I think that most left-wing voters simply go with the flow. They are more lemming-like than right-wing voters, but they are not violent. Violence only comes from the far-left, a small activist minority.
Denise: ” they do NOT care about justice, decency, honesty, facts. Rule of Law, or anything that makes life livable, or enjoyable. Or sane or beautiful. / All they care about is aquiring and exhibiting Power. “
I see the left as a coalition of different people. Most of the leftists are manipulated and simply go with the flow, even if they see themselves as rebels. I think the blogger John Ray gives a good description of them :
” Leftists (…) don’t have principles. How can they when “there is no such thing as right and wrong”? All they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as one changes one’s shirt ”
But the leaders of the far-left are not lemmings. They set the trend through the media, government and many organizations. And they are largely Jewish.
The left is nothing but a coalition of radicals. Who are the left’s constituents? Militant blacks, militant hispanics, militant moslems, militant feminists, militant homosexuals, militant marxists, militant unionists, militant environmentalists, militant animal rights and the list goes on and on. Any group with a gripe is welcome to join the leftist coalition. But here is the rub — every special interest in that group has its own agenda but the whole thing is being led and manipulated by power brokers who only seek to use all that militancy to increase their own power. Ultimately, the militants provide the engine and the fuel but its the manipulators at the top who are steering it.
@ Hunter
“The Kennedy assassination was used to justify the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Right Act of 1965. ”
That’s not how I remember it. Lyndon Johnson, Bobby & Teddy Kennedy working with King pushed pushed those laws through. I do remember the Irish Roman Catholic politicians being in hyper drive to suck both Jew & Negro ass back then, just like they are sucking Jew & Mexican ass today.
I decided to check out the website since you decided to add me a friend on twitter. No offense, but you didn’t cite any references in your entire post. Following suit many of your comment makers haven’t either. I’m not trying to troll (especially since I was invited here), but posts and blogs like these are what make me realize there’s not much hope in the states becoming “united” once more. How can we when blogs and websites and news organizations can get away with spouting ‘facts’ without much to back them up.
Also- @fred-
Militant? “The Right” needs to look in a mirror, christians are one huge group of assembly line soldiers. Its saddens me to watch republicans believe everything their ‘leaders’ are saying. They don’t give a care about you or anyone else that identifies as conservative, well unless you make enough money to matter. All they want is your vote- and your vote is only making it easier for them to widen to gap between you and them. So I guess I agree with what you’re saying, except you have it backwards.
I think it’s time you write about having a consistent message for conservatives that could have the potential to infiltrate the mainstream Republican/Tea Party machine.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Bob Whitaker’s ‘mantra’ —
“Africa for the Africans.”
“Asia for the Asians.”
“And White countries for everyone.” et cetera.
Establishing a mantra that rolls off the tongue and can be employed in any situation that involves the genocide of our people is a sorely needed weapon our side needs.
Everyone has them too. From the peace sign to ‘Yes We Can’, the left has amazingly engineered slogans that instill various ideals and political causes that people (take Berry’s campaign in ’08) that help maintain a consistent message and idea in people’s minds. It’s a way of not just building awareness for a cause but a culture in my opinion.
Though Bob’s mantra is alittle too long, could simple one-liners like “white genocide!” or “wake up white man.” have the potential to gain atleast some sort of traction in WN circles as well as conservative circles and commentators? Could you support a particular mantra? Do you have one?
Peace, Nig.
Oh, yeah!
You gotta starting getting your shit out to other publications. I know we got the hook-ups somewhere. Try Sailer and the American Conservative. Or if Buchanan is actually in the process of writing a book about ethno-centric politics I’m sure there might be some type of window to get your stuff published under his name or affiliates. TakiMag ain’t bad either.
OK – so we’ve all herd about the latest cancellation. right?
I know guy who worked casino security. Do you want to know what the floor watchers, in the back walls, behind the cameras are taught, on their very first day?
of training? When they sit down, in training class, on the very first day, with their paper cup of coffee in hand, before they even introduce themselves?
“Watch the Niggers
NEVER take your eyes off the Niggers”
The proper name for Niggers, in casino security training, is “Niggers”
There will NEVER EVER EVER be “diversity” in a casino
There will NEVER EVER EVER be a Jew lawsuit, pimping for Good Gigs for Niggers, in any casino on Earth.
ANY Nog, that tried ot protest the “lack of diversity” in key casino gigs – which is anything above janitor, or Lady that Hands you Toilet Paper, in the Ladies Room – would wind up in a land fill so fast you couldn’t even blink.
Jared Taylor was told to have his meet-up in West Virginia, South Carolina, or even in some bloody casino, run by Eye-ti’s.
But no.
He had to pick the West Side of the South.
Here we go again.
“They are a lot smarter than us.”
I really don’t think they are. I just think they are ruthless, deceptive, and malicious to a degree people with ‘normal’ psychology – who lack constant self righteous indignation and feelings of inferiority – cannot comprehend. When the hardcore leftists lie about their real motives and cover everything in propaganda dressing normal white folks don’t have the will, sanction, or ability to see through what is being done. I even believe that the average anti-white liberal does not fully understand the motives and actions of those they support and defend – they’re just in it for the moral superiority. Only the leftist position can deliver that to them because only leftists have moral legitimacy anymore. If White Nationalists can claim the perception of legitimacy they will start to leech support back to the side of justice and reason. My thought is that the ‘vanguardists’ who serve to diminish that legitimacy are the way they are because they are able to see and fully comprehend the above-mentioned deception and malice. Once you fully understand that you are surrounded by enemies that want to exterminate you and are acting to destroy your people, violence is the normal and healthy response. Since violence will only serve to further damage legitimacy in this environment, I don’t see much hope for justice prevailing. The only option, to me, is to establish a massive, tightly-controlled, real-world propaganda campaign designed to discredit the exterminators and claim legitimacy using that powerful tool that is available to us alone: truth.
Agreed on all counts.
Jon: “TakiMag ain’t bad either.”
Yeah. I liked it so much I had to go and get its comment section closed down.
Denise: “OK – so we’ve all he[a]rd about the latest cancellation. right?”
Are you really hot or is that just what you say on the Internet?
Hunter: “The Second World War was used to demonize racialism, nationalism, and eugenics.”
The ad hominem attacks against Hunter Wallace were used to ridicule “mainstreamers” and arguably indirectly as justification for eugenics.
I think we can all agree the new Takimag sucks.
“Beserker 88” is an apt description of these people.
Cooler heads must prevail. The use of violence without legitimacy will only polarize Whites against White Nationalists. We have every incentive to embrace non-violence as a tactic.
We need to concentrate on narrowing the gap between White Nationalists and White America and gaining legitimacy in our local communities. The way you do that is to act like a model citizen, not an alienated kook or a terrorist.
hally writes, Militant? “The Right” needs to look in a mirror, christians are one huge group of assembly line soldiers.</i.
The right is by no means "militant". There are a few fringe groups who are. But they are NOT embraced by mainstream conservatives. Radical are, however, embraced by the left. Regarding your dig at evangelicals, they are not so much militant as patriotic. That you don't agree with their views doesn't change that. I don't agree with their views either. It still doesn't change that.
Its saddens me to watch republicans believe everything their ‘leaders’ are saying.
I don’t think they do. In case you haven’t noticed, most republicans don’t like “neo cons”. In fact, the Tea Party movement was created as much to oppose “neo cons” as it was to oppose leftists.
They don’t give a care about you or anyone else that identifies as conservative, well unless you make enough money to matter. All they want is your vote- and your vote is only making it easier for them to widen to gap between you and them. So I guess I agree with what you’re saying, except you have it backwards.
I don’t have it backwards at all. It applies to the leaders of both parties. The difference is that the GOP at least gives lip service to correct principles. Whether they follow through on them is another matter.
PS- If you’re really concerned about documentation you might give my blog a peek. In addition to a couple of editorials per week, I deconstruct a different “social justice” argument on the 1st & 15th of every month. It’s boring but the arguments are well-reasoned and supported. Yes, that was a shameless plug for my blog.
Yeah. I screwed up the italics at the beginning of my last comment.
How long ago was that? I don’t think even The Mob could get way with that today-and they’ve been almost entirely out of the casino business.
ICR – The fellow I know did this aobut 10 years ago. Nothing’s changed though- not in that club. The Casino Security Club. The same Mob that have run the casinos is still running the casinos. Do you think n industry that is al about extracting money is going to allow Negroes to participate in any serious way?
If what Denise said was true then I think its very unfortunate she announced on this blog. No doubt some lefty is just foaming at the loins with that bit of info. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about it on 60 minutes within weeks.
Fred – why are my observations “unfortunate”?
I’d love to see some “Lefty” organizations try to get Good Gigs for Nigs in the casino industry. That would be serious entertainment – and put some really interesting people on the spot.
I think I can back up Denise to a degree. I once shared a house at a resort with some relatives and their friends, one of whom had worked in casino security for 20+ years. He never used any racial pejoratives, but all his best stories were about Blacks. I’d give you five to one odds that Denise is right.
Discard – you betcha!
I don’t doubt Denise was right either. To understand my disagreement you would need to read the article I linked. It should be self explanatory.
Fred – I wasn’t “blabbing”. Think about the hilarity that would ensue, if some Cibbil Right for Dem Nigras would try to sue their way into employement in the gaming industry.
I think we ought to contact various Blaque Rites groups – and encourage them to do so.