It is time to crack open the champagne.
The Mississippi House has approved the Arizona-style immigration law. This is the same bill that passed the Mississippi Senate earlier this month. The final vote was 77 to 40.
There are a few important changes from the Senate version: the House bill is tougher on businesses that employ illegal aliens and strips out the language which allows citizens to sue public officials for lack of enforcement. This only shifts the burden from local first responders to employers.
The essence of the law remains the same.
The bill is now headed to the reconciliation process and then to Gov. Haley Barbour for his signature. Boss Hogg is on record saying that he will sign it into law. Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, who is running for Governor of Mississippi, has been an outspoken support of Arizona-style immigration reform.
Movement elsewhere:
Ariz. bill takes on birthright citizenship
Arizona lawmakers, once again diving into the national debate over illegal immigration, proposed a bill Thursday that would challenge automatic U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.
The proposal by Rep. John Kavanagh (R) is the second time this year lawmakers in a state have targeted the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment. A similar proposal was filed last week in Indiana.
Sens. Paul, Vitter introduce citizenship resolution
Two Republican senators are introducing a resolution that would end the constitutional right to citizenship that comes with being born on U.S. soil.
Rand Paul (Ky.) and David Vitter (La.) are introducing a resolution this week that would amend the Constitution so that a person born in the United States could only become an American citizen if one or more of his or her parents is a legal citizen, legal immigrant or member of the armed forces, according to a joint press release Thursday. . . .
I realize they only made a provision for armed forces so the critics couldn’t use that to bash the bill. But I still don’t like it. Hopefully they’ll pass a bill that only citizens can join the military. Btw, I wonder how that would work out if a NON citizen joined the US military and became a high ranking officer?
@fred: non-citizens can only enlist. Citizenship is a requirement for receiving an officer’s commission.
Don’t forget us mossbacks! Even the Other Washington is beginning to wake up: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2014048925_licenses.html?prmid=obinsource
Arizona-Style Immigration Bills Emerge in New State Legislative Sessions
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/29/arizona-style-immigration-bills-emerge-new-state-legislatures/#ixzz1CSKPY3Il
Though the Arizona legislation was the spark for the latest set of bills, the movement reflects a growing willingness by state legislatures to take on the immigration issue by themselves over the past several years in the absence of federal action.
According to NCSL, 300 immigration-related bills were introduced in 2005. In 2010, that number was 1,400 — of them, 346 were adopted in the form of laws and resolutions.