Kris Kobach’s Legal Jihad

Kris Kobach makes national headlines


Newsweek has a big story on Kris Kobach. He has gotten some negative attention lately from the SPLC and Center for American Progress. Largely due to his efforts, the Left is playing defense on immigration across America this year.

The SPLC has accused Kobach of waging a “legal jihad” and “blazing a trail of tears.” He is working through the system to accomplish in the real world what the fantasists on the internet have talked about for decades.

This is White Nationalism 2.0 in action: smart, sophisticated, incremental, engaged with the system, radically realistic.

Frustrated by the federal stalemate on illegal immigration, cities and states have spent the last few years crafting their own curbs on unlawful residency. The most publicized of these was in Arizona, which ordered police with “reasonable suspicion” to check people’s immigration status (and went further last week, introducing a bill that aims to deny citizenship to children born in the state whose parents are there without permission). Lawmakers have worked aggressively as well in Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Idaho, among other states, punishing schools that educate undocumented immigrants, landlords who rent to them, and businesses that hire them.

What unites these measures, however, is more than a hardline approach to border control. It’s their ties to one man: Kris Kobach, a Kansas-raised former law professor who has emerged as the intellectual architect of the right’s fight against illegal immigration. The 44-year-old has authored, aided, or officially defended almost every controversial stance in the country, beginning with his work as chief immigration adviser in John Ashcroft’s Justice Department.

This year may be Kobach’s most influential yet. From a base in Kansas, where he is the newly seated secretary of state, Kobach will help Arizona defend his laws against all comers. Both the Justice Department and American Civil Liberties Union have sued the state, claiming that immigration is a federal matter. He’ll also counsel a dozen or so states that are considering copycat laws and a coordinated assault on birthright citizenship. And he’ll litigate at least four ongoing immigration-related cases, including lawsuits against California (for extending in-state college-tuition rates to the undocumented) and San Francisco (for failing to notify immigration authorities before a thrice-arrested alien allegedly murdered three people). It’s a “legal jihad,” according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which calls the path he’s blazing “a trail of tears.” . . .

The best use of our time and resources is to support winners like Kris Kobach, Rand Paul and NumbersUSA who are effective at making a real difference in the lives of White people.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Kobach’s legal eagling is a route worth pursuing…you never know. I’d aver, tho, that when these cases reach the SCOTUS…they’re going to screw us again. So keep on weaponizing, mental and physical, and wait for Der Tag. Cf. Egypt, right now: making the Bankster-ZOG very unhappy. It’s not only about race: it’s about preventing the Jews from instituting the universal Gulag.

  2. It’s vital to consider post-retaking “infrastructure”. There is a need for tens of thousands of functionaries and foot soldiers to run the country. From where will they come?: Kobach, his staff, his supporters, and their counterparts in every state doing this vital work. One of the chief reasons for failure of the Reagan administration’s effort to undo Leviathan was the paucity of “ready to go” staffers and appointees. The Old Man had no choice but to fall back on GOP hacks. As Morton Blackwell tells all his students, “PERSONNEL is policy”.

  3. Hmmmm

    While running for Congress, Kobach represented out-of-state students (on behalf of Federation for American Immigration Reform) in a lawsuit against the state of Kansas, challenging a state law which grants in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. The suit was dismissed for lack of legal standing for the plaintiffs.[6]

    In 2005, Kobach filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, challenging a similar law in California. In September 2008, the California Court of Appeal held that California’s law granting in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens was preempted by federal law. (Martinez v. Regents, 166 Cal. App. 4th 1121 (2008)).

    In 2010, Kobach filed a third lawsuit, this time in Nebraska.[7][8] The case is still pending.

    Kobach has also litigated several lawsuits defending cities and states that adopt laws to discourage illegal immigration. He served as lead lawyer defending the city of Valley Park, Missouri in a federal case concerning an ordinance that sanctioned employers who hire unauthorized aliens. The ordinance was upheld by Missouri federal judge E. Richard Webber on January 31, 2008 (Gray v. Valley Park, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7238).[4][5] The ACLU, representing the plaintiff, appealed the case to the Eighth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. Kobach prevailed in the appeal, and the Court allowed the Valley Park ordinance to stand (Gray v. Valley Park, 567 F.3d 976 (8th Cir. 2009)).

    Kobach filed an amicus brief on behalf of the city of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, whose anti-immigration ordinances had been struck down by a federal judge in Pennsylvania and again before the Third Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals.[9]

    He is currently involved with another lawsuit, involving a Farmers Branch, Texas ordinance that prevents landlords from renting to illegal immigrants.[4] That case is on appeal before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

  4. Kobach’s legal eagling is a route worth pursuing…you never know. I’d aver, tho, that when these cases reach the SCOTUS…they’re going to screw us again. So keep on weaponizing, mental and physical, and wait for Der Tag. Cf. Egypt, right now: making the Bankster-ZOG very unhappy. It’s not only about race: it’s about preventing the Jews from instituting the universal Gulag.

    I think that’s a good point. I’m happy with all of the progress we’ve made on the anti immigration front but it all becomes meaningless if SCOTUS rules against us and I think that they probably will.

    We need a contigency plan and the Egyptians are currently demonstrating what our contingency plan should look like.

  5. Anonymous has left a new comment on the post “Is Foxman worried?”:

    Further to earlier comment about the increasing paranoia of the state, I offer you this from our cousins in the US.

    Chicago artist Chris Drew got his point across better than he ever intended when he protested government oppression by getting himself arrested for selling silk-screened patches without a permit and filmed the event:

    An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.
    Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.
    The bemused activist said he did not know anything about the law when he was protesting about restrictions on where artists can sell their work.

    Drew expected to be charged with a misdemeanor and released. But it turns out Big Government can be more repressive than he had realized.
    Under the Eavesdropping Act, which applies in 12 states, all parties must consent to a recording being made.
    Maryland, Illinois and Massachusetts are the only states where it is illegal to record conversations with the police.

    What a coincidence: all three of are so totally dominated by Democrats as to be virtually one-party states.

    The maximum penalty is three years for a first offense…
    But anyone recording a judge, attorney general, state attorney or police officer can be sent to jail for up to 15 years.

    All animals are equal. But agents of The State are far more equal than those they rule.

  6. Kris Kobach, a single man, has managed through his own initiative to put the Left on defense on immigration everywhere from California to Maine. Both of those states are considering Arizona-style immigration laws. Of course it was Kobach who created the original “Arizona-style immigration law.”

    Can you name one person in the White Nationalist movement who is anywhere near as effective as Kris Kobach in his impact on the political spectrum?

  7. Some obvious points are made in this thread:

    We need to get rid of the liberal activists on the federal courts. This is especially true of the Supreme Court.

    Now think about it: if we practice the “worse is better” theory, that means that a Democrat president gets to make federal judicial appointments. Barack Obama has already appointed Kagan and Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

    The Senate also has to confirm presidential judicial picks. See the Robert Bork disaster. There is a direct positive correlation between the number of Democrats in the Senate and the strength of the Republican Supreme Court nominees.

  8. Now think about it: if we practice the “worse is better” theory, that means that a Democrat president gets to make federal judicial appointments. Barack Obama has already appointed Kagan and Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

    I think you are forgetting something very important: the GOP establishment wants the illegals here just as much as the Dems do. There is going to be huge pressure in Washington on the 5 “maybe” votes on the Court in favor of SB1070 to vote against. I seriously would not be surprised if the SC overturned SB1070 by a vote of 2-7.

    If that doesn’t happen, great. With the help of guys like Korbach we will be able to drive out the illegals in a matter of years.

    But if it does happen, and it probably will, then we do enter a “worse is better” situation.

    Remember, “worse is better” got us Obama, who has done more for our cause in 2 years than anybody on the right has since the 60’s.

  9. Otis,

    (1) Barack Obama has done relatively nothing for the White Nationalist cause. The predicament of White Nationalists hasn’t even marginally improved since 2007 when George W. Bush was president. If the Amren conferences are any indication, things have actually gotten worse.

    (2) Barack Obama has certainly galvanized the Tea Party. The millions of angry Whites created a new movement from scratch. Why didn’t they join the existing White Nationalist movement?

    Probably because it (a.) doesn’t appeal to them and (b.) shows no signs of becoming viable.

    (3) The GOP establishment wanted all sorts of things last year. They didn’t get their way because the power relationship within the Republican Party between the establishment and the base has shifted.

    The major cause of this was the split in the conservative vote. For generations, conservatives have split their vote between Republicans and Democrats. With all the conservatives now in the Republican Party, their increased numbers has magnified their power and influence.

    (4) We will see what the SCOTUS has to say about the 2007 Arizona immigration law.

    (5) Regardless of what the SCOTUS decides, the only way you can change the composition of the federal judiciary is through electing a president and controlling the Senate.

  10. Otis – Sotoero certainly HAS awakened the Mainsream slumbering Whites. Oh – they aren’t ready to write checkes to the Klan yet – but they are FINALLY beginning to *see*. I work with Average Joe and Jane Whitey. The old Dems I know thought That Nice Black Man was gonna give them everything for free! Especially gold-standard meds, and expensive operations, and equipment. Great! More money for the slot machines, and QVC!

    Now they cannot afford their Med Supplement premiums – and those “free” Medicare Advantage plans don’t…pay…fpr…everything. I am disgusted with stupid selfish people – no matter what the race. So I enjoy kicking the Oldies in the teeth, metaphorically speaking, when they whine about how they are sorry for voting for That Nice Black Man. I ask them “What the Hell did you expect?”, and elaborate a little. I go relatively lightly – since I don’t want to alienate ’em completely, and kick in their Old Codger Stubborn streaks. I want to move every=one, including old VOTERS, to “The White Wide”. A little bit of snarkiness goes a long way….

  11. Why have the Tea Partiers not joined VNN?

    Cause the Tea Partiers were founded by 2 Jew billionaires – and the “We are NOT Racist” agitprop was there fomr the get go.

    I profoundly believe in the Law of Unintended Consequences, though – the greatest force in the Universe. The more the Hebe Press calls the Tea Partiers ‘racist” – when they are not – the more the Tea Partiers *think* about “why” . And the Hebes cannot stop themselves. There’s an article on the Vdare blog aobut how some Jew named Gelb is equating the Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt, with Tea Partiers.

    Keep going Hebes.

    Glenn Beck is now working the Muzzie Brotherhood angle, to help sway Americn opinion against the deposition of the Jew Flunky Mubarak.

    Keep going Hebes…

  12. Heads up: South Dakota

    SD Legislature will debate immigration issues

    PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The South Dakota Legislature will join the national debate on illegal immigration this year.

    Three bills seeking to crack down on illegal immigrants have been filed in the Legislature, all patterned after measures already proposed or passed in other states.

    Rep. Manny Steele, R-Sioux Falls, the prime sponsor of two of the measures, said he wants to protect the public from crimes committed by some who are in the country illegally and make sure immigrants working in South Dakota are doing so legally.

  13. Barack Obama has done relatively nothing for the White Nationalist cause.

    You mean he has done nothing for the cause of explicit White Nationalism. He has done a whole hell of a lot for implicit white nationalism and that is the name of the game. Explicit white nationalism is a political dead end and will always be irrelevent in American politics.

    (3) The GOP establishment wanted all sorts of things last year. They didn’t get their way because the power relationship within the Republican Party between the establishment and the base has shifted.

    As true as that is, Washington remains a political bubble. In Washington there is currently a wall to wall concensus that the Hispanic invasion must continue. You can’t even begin to imagine the pressure the 4 Republican justices and Kennedy are going to be under. I do not expect them to withstand the pressure and do the right thing.

    (5) Regardless of what the SCOTUS decides, the only way you can change the composition of the federal judiciary is through electing a president and controlling the Senate.

    We may not have that kind of time. When/If the SC rules against AZ, the door will have essentially shut the door on traditional democratic change. A revolution of some sorts will become necessary.

    The thing is, a revolution is impossible under the present conditions because things aren’t yet bad enough. If the SC rules that enforcing immigration law is unconsitutional, then the system is irrevocably broken and we are left with no option besides accelerating the inevitable collapse.

  14. @ Hunter

    Jared Taylor needs to get himself a lawyer like Kobach.

    In my humble opinion, Taylor spends too much time listening to guys like “Sambo” from Atlanta, or his Jewish Ivy League cronies.

    Taylor needs a lawyer with a work ethic.

  15. Compare Kobach to Matt Hale there is a good start. Anyway America is run in part like a Eastern European Jewish ghetto, by defamation. We synthesize the current economic plight of whites with this culture of hateful defamation (“racist”) I think we would be onto something. Got that idea of Limabugh of all people with his opening salvo against Bernanke on behalf of the Egyptian peasantry, ironically. We fuse the economic angst with who rules by anti-White hatreds we gain a larger constituency.

  16. Simmons – exactly. We need to be snart bout the way we do things.

    The Egyptian uprisings – I’ve been telling my local UnAwakeed Whities (or any-one else for that matter) tht I agree with the Egyptians. Beck not-with-standing. I always try to use circumstances to differentiate Us and Them. Implicit Whiteness becomes very Explicit, with only a wee bit of Logical Discourse.

    I tell my UnAwakened ones that the West is the only culture that cares about individual freedom, and Rule of Law. That most humans have been, and are, ruled by various forms of tyrannies. It’s always So Far So Good, at this point in the conversation. That “that part of the world” has NEVER had Representative Government. That now the Egyptians want this – that they have been living under brutal, dire conditions for DECADES, over the scumbag Mubarak. (No one here knows anything about Mubarak, or Egypt. I don’t call Mubarak a “hated flunky for the Jews”. I call him a tyrant, and a dirtbag. I get no disputes). I continue.

    I tel them that the Egyptians are NOT Americans. What they consider Representative Government may wind uo a very different thing, than what we do. OK. Nods of agreement. I say that since they are VERY different than us – it we keep them out of here – they can stay there. And we’ll be fine. We don’t need THEM. They don’t need US. Good fences, etc.

    Average Americans are bloody sick of foriegners. Getting normal folk to agree with my statements above does not take much effort. If I get a slightly more “sophisticated” type – who starts blabbing about “what About Israel, or BFF in he Mid East” – I narrow my eyes, and ask them what EXACTLY does Israel DO for the USA, and what do they do to the actual Semites in the MidEast?

    I do not concede 1 single point on Israel. I know all the arguments etc. All of us ought to . I focus on how rotten Israel is – and I ask a lot of questions, without answering ANY Jew propaganda, re” our BFF in the Mid East. Most Americans relly know nothing aobut Israel – but hate to appear stupid. So I spread knowledge. and counter agitprop.

    Now Rush Limbaugh has a “caller” on air, basically raving aobut Defending Israel – and how Mubarak is is an SOB – but he’s our SOB.(I’m paraphrasing). The “Conservative” Talking Points all revolve around the Super Skeery Muslim Brotherhood.

  17. Limbaugh’s point being that economic stress is the larger context for the rioters in Egypt. That is what I want to tie to the culture of defamation and humiliation aimed at whites. Then the anti-Whites will always there overreacting. Tie the two together economic stress and culture of defamation and our demographic share will grow begging for information about all our hobby horses. Is Israel anti-White? Shouldn’t need a 10,000 word hobby horse essay to answer that these days.

  18. Then the anti-Whites will always there overreacting. Tie the two together economic stress and culture of defamation and our demographic share will grow begging for information about all our hobby horses.

    That’s the way I see it to. Politics is mainly useful as a tool to get the left to overreact and thereby create more polarization.

    Let’s see how much average whites like paying for Lupe and LaToya’s welfare when it is costing them 100 dollars to fill up their gas tank.

  19. And dare I say that Mr. Kobach has done alot more in that regard than Matt Hale. Poor Hale a bright light with a larger ego wanted to play the fuherer to a small crowd, now he has subsidized housing. Personally I think when it comes time to repeal all the injustices he should be clemencied.

  20. That link to that CAP hit piece on Kobach is quite rich with multicult hypocrisy.

    They accuse Kobach of Morris Dees-style activism-for-the-legal-fees chicanery, when if you look at Kobach’s opponents in these fights, I bet 9 times out of 10 you will find the ACLU in the opposite corner.

    Yeah, the New York-based ACLU, slashing and burning their way through the traditional American heartland, tearing down public crosses here, dismantling nativity scenes there, and well, if you try to pass some local laws in response to a genuine invasion of unwelcome foreigners, the ACLU is going to hold you up at gunpoint and rob you until you say “tío.”

    The ACLU is mainlined into the big bucks of the elite class – they don’t need to make money off these cases. But they use money in the most ugly way nonetheless. Bankrupting small towns for merely exercising their right of self-determination is politically repressive thuggery, plain as day.

  21. Jerry says:
    February 1, 2011 at 12:18 am

    They accuse Kobach of Morris Dees-style activism-for-the-legal-fees chicanery, when if you look at Kobach’s opponents in these fights, I bet 9 times out of 10 you will find the ACLU in the opposite corner.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    You made one typo here. It’s not the ACLU – it’s really the…


  22. It is quickly becoming clear that the ACLU is worse than the SPLC.

    The ACLU is filing lawsuits to block these state laws. The SPLC is really just bitching about them to raise money from the little old Jewish ladies.

  23. Jack Ryan: 100% correct. I once took the opportunity to attend a public debate between Ira Glasser, head of the ACLU, and a prominent local Orthodox Jew, on the question “Are liberal values Jewish values?” They began with discussing whether or not the ACLU was a Jewish organization, and while Glasser did not concede that it was, his heart was not in his argument. Understandably, dues-paying Goyim would not like to hear that they were writing checks to a secular synagogue, but the Jewish audience knew better. The ACLU is theirs, and they knew it. They’re not about to fund any organization controlled by Whites. The cattle support the Jews, not the other way around.

  24. Matt Hale was basically set up. That doesn’t change the fact that he said some stupid things and was keeping very sketchy company. Many of the people I saw at Stormfront advocating genocide were also Fox News watching types who did things such as advocated that white nationalists vote for McCain and Bush.

  25. Iceman: A “legal” can get Section 8 vouchers or some other subsidy and move a bunch of his compadres into a place that they could never afford honestly.

  26. It’s unity of action that will win the fight and many factors will impact this. We must all do whatever we can in a unified way. Someone may fly an airplane into an IRS building, someone may write an article and someone will become a lawyer, as long as we are united. Unity is the very life blood of what we are doing. In this vain I wish to propose a new flag representing this new unity. see the following.

    This is my second letter concerning the creation of a white unity flag. In my first letter I briefly spoke of the need for a flag that represents white racial unity. In this letter I would like to explain this idea a little bit further.

    When I first decided to join with the pro-white forces I found that there was very little to work with. Just a handful of people scattered over the country working with very limited resources. That was a long time ago and things have changed greatly, we are now quite literally a worldwide movement.

    We now have resources that we could only have dreamed about in the early days. There are groups working in many fields of endeavor to stop the genocide of the white race. We work in ways designed to educate our people. We work in the political arena and have even created new political parties for our people. We have a large presents on the Internet and our efforts grow every day.

    When we assemble for conferences we have speakers from all over the world. Pro-white leaders from all over Europe and America assemble and report on their successes in their own sphere of endeavor. This in turn encourages the other persons assembled to unify with them and bring about such successes in their own locations.

    In deed this is the very crux of my effort in encouraging the creation of a loyalty flag, unity and cooperation. When our people can see tangible signs that we are unified worldwide and that we are working globally for the defense of our race they will be greatly encouraged.

    The symbiotic relationship between unity and encouragement will be the lynch pin of our future success, or failure. However, a unity, unseen and unfelt, is impotent at best. Tangible and physical signs of our global effort must exist if we want the cooperation of the people.

    However, if there is no unity, if we are not working as a unified people then there is no need for such a flag. If there is no unity then we are doomed to failure. The different nations and organizations around the world have their symbols and flags because they actually exist. Their symbols and flags are a physical representation of their mental unity of purpose.

    Yes I know that there are already many flags for the different groups in our cause, but there is no one flag representing our unity of action and purpose. Now the leaders of our movement will need to ask themselves, do we have such a unity, are we working toward such a unity?

    Then where is its symbol, its physical representation?


  27. Earlmundo-

    Your comment about Jared Taylor forgets one thing. I have long commented on AmRen, and almost EVERY SINGLE TIME, ANY criticism (even when justified- which amounts to about 99.9% of the time) of JEWS, means my comments go ‘down the memory hole.’ I can comment vociferously about ANYTHING else… but if I even mention something that looks, smells, or has a hook nose like a Jew, BOOM! It is never posted.

    There is a poster, however, at AmRen called ‘Jewamongyou’ who ALWAYS has his talmudic voice heard, sometimes on a daily basis.

    Brimelow knows the score, but his VDare posts are also ‘Khazar-free,’ by and large, except for the occasional Buchanan article.

    But Jared? As an Englishman, his sangfroid reminds me of lukewarm spit, which God said, he spews out of His mouth, for sheer cowardice.

    Taylor is suffering BIG TIME from the ‘fear of the Jews’ syndrome, that once paralyzed the Apostles before the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Trouble with Taylor is, we are still in that time frame, the Holy Spirit still speaks, and there are clerics who are calling the Deicides, the ‘sons of Satan’ that they are. [John 8:44] (Like me, for example- LOL)

    Taylor is little more than a Judas slave, for not having the cojones to even acknowledge such, even when he is the victim. And that level of cowardice is somewhere around the seventh circle of Hell, frankly.

  28. Jared Taylor avoids discussion of the Jewish Question largely because of the inability of White Nationalists on the internet to discuss the matter in a responsible way.

    Just look at The Occidental Observer comment section. That is what Taylor doesn’t want to be associated with.

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