![Barack Obama and Sonia Sotomayor](https://i1.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/800px-Barack_Obama_and_Sonia_Sotomayor-300x190.jpg?resize=300%2C190)
Sonia Sotomayor, the “Wise Latina” of the Supreme Court, recently made some headlines in the mainstream press.
She gave a speech to the University of Chicago Law School in Illinois. There was a question and answer session with law students.
Sotomayor made some candid remarks about her thoughts on the topic of “racial justice.” She has kept a low profile since her confirmation hearings.
In particular, Sotomayor took issue with the old hat “civil rights” cause of “colorblindness.” She told the forum that our society is “too complex” to stop discriminating on the basis of race. That formula is “too simple” for her.
A week before, Sotomayor told students at Kansas State University that we still have “structural problems in the society that have to be addressed before we reach full equality. We can’t live in a society where the poorest children are the poorest educated.”
In other words, Hispanic judicial activists like Sonia Sotomayor (who represent the “people of color”) must be allowed to discriminate against Whites in the name of “racial justice” to overcome “white privilege” and “structural racism” in the United States.
Sotomayor believes they have a license to do this until racial disparities in poverty and education are eliminated – which is to say, the discrimination against Whites will go on indefinitely, so long as people like her are on the Supreme Court.
If you want to know where this idea of “structural racism” originated, check out the Racism Review website. It is one of the most reliable anti-White hate sites on the internet. They blog about “systemic racism” and “structural racism” all the time there.
Racial discrimination against non-Whites is never “too simple” or “too complex” for the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. It is never “too simple” or “too complex” for the New York Times either which wrote a glowing review of her speech.
If you feel that “racial justice” requires you to discriminate against Whites on the basis of race, you should send your resume to Barack Obama and Eric Holder. The Democratic Party ought to be able to find you some type of employment in the vast federal bureaucracy they have created with White taxpayer dollars.
Constructive Response
How do we respond to this?
We live in a society where Whites are discriminated against on the basis of race. Progressives on the Supreme Court and at the New York Times dump on White America from their perches at the pinnacles of law and journalism.
The response in the White Nationalist movement to Sonia Sotomayor will invariably come in two forms: “mainstreamer” and “vanguardist.”
This reflects the timeless division in American politics between “hotheads” and “cool heads.” The cooler heads must prevail.
I will articulate our position. I’m sure the hotheads will show up in the comments to share their point of view.
(1) The Democratic Party – The first observation to make is that the Democratic Party is the enemy of White America. Barack Obama, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan all share the same mindset on this issue.
If we elect a Democratic president, we are going to get Supreme Court nominees in the mold of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan who will rule in favor of the defense and expansion of affirmative action. We are also going to get ever more racial activists infesting the lower federal courts.
If we elect Democratic senators, a Democratic president has a greater chance at pushing through a more anti-White nominee. We got Sotomayor and Kagan because of the Democratic strength in the Senate.
There is nothing redeemable about the Democratic Party. No self respecting White man should ever vote for a Democrat.
If Whites in the Midwest would stop voting for the Democratic Party, as Whites in the South have largely done, that would be sufficient to deny them control of the White House and Senate.
The biggest targets for White Nationalists must be the “Blue Dog Democrats” like Jon Tester in Montana, Claire McCaskill in Missouri, and Jim Webb in Virginia who represent conservative leaning states.
The easiest way to stop another Sonia Sotomayor is to kick the Testers, McCaskills, Nelsons, and Webbs out of the Senate. They shouldn’t be there anyway.
(2) Progressives – The anti-White coalition travels under an ideological label. They call themselves “progressives.”
Progressives are our enemies. We must name the enemy.
We aren’t fighting the Jews alone. We are fighting a Jewish led coalition of Jews, SWPLs, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians. Jews alone don’t have the electoral strength to control the government. They can only reach the government on the basis on their alliances with these other groups.
There is nothing redeemable about the “progressive movement” either. These people are the core of the opposition. They are the enemy camp.
(3) Lemmings – Ordinary people are not lemmings.
White people dislike affirmative action. They have banned affirmative action in Blue States like California, Washington, and Michigan. In the midterm elections, they banned affirmative action in Arizona.
The solution here is obvious: we need to position ourselves as the foremost enemies of affirmative action and as the champions of a popular cause. We can use this issue to build legitimacy and connect with a mass constituency.
We should use Sonia Sotomayor’s remarks to polarize Whites against the Democratic Party and the progressive movement. They should also be used to delegitimize the mainstream media.
(4) Conservatives – Conservatives are a source of frequent abuse in the White Nationalist movement.
The vast majority of conservatives are opposed to affirmative action. The problem is not the conservative grassroots. It is the conservative leadership.
Like the Tea Party, we should present ourselves as conservatives with teeth, and invite a favorable comparison between us and the spineless, waffling moderates. Instead of attacking conservatives, which only turns them against us, we should attack their gelded leaders and replace them as the leaders of a mass constituency with a racial grievance.
(5) Republicans – While Democrats are our enemies, Republicans are not always our friends. We have eight years of George W. Bush in the rearview mirror.
I have repeatedly pointed out on this website that there are two wings of the Republican Party: the business wing, which is our enemy, and the populist conservative wing, which tends to side with us.
We should support the populist conservative wing and their efforts to knock off the pro-business Republicans like Sen. Robert Bennett in the primaries.
In 2008, the Republican Party nominated the hideous John McCain, who co-sponsored the McCain-Kennedy amnesty. The proper course of action was to vote third party or not to vote for McCain while supporting populist conservatives down ballot.
We can always block the worst Supreme Court nominees of a Democratic president in the Senate.
In 2008, I voted against John McCain, but I voted for Sen. Jeff Sessions in Alabama. He voted against Sotomayor’s confirmation and led the opposition to the DREAM Act in the Senate.
(6) The System – We should work within the system to oppose affirmative action.
At the federal level, we should vote against Democrats and pro-business Republican moderates, while supporting Republicans who are opposed to affirmative action.
At the state level, we should follow the same plan, but we should make a strong push to ban affirmative action in other states. We have already banned affirmative action in California, Washington, Michigan, Nebraska, and Arizona.
White conservatives dislike affirmative action. White Nationalists need legitimacy and a mass constituency.
That’s why White Nationalists should reinvent themselves as Hard Right conservatives to push for anti-affirmative action initiatives in the other 46 states.
This type of real world organizing, networking, and leadership can always be put to better use down the road. Once a people are set in motion, as we saw in Arizona or with the Civil Rights Movement, they will push on into more controversial territory.
(7) The States – I’m sure there will be people who respond to this post with comments to the effect that the federal government is lost to White Nationalists.
That might be the case.
Changing demographics might eventually put the federal government and federal courts out of reach, but that is still decades away. That doesn’t mean our state and local governments are unreachable. The best initiatives on immigration are happening at the state level.
I have noted several times now that White Americans do not respond well to the illegitimate use of violence. The key point here being the legitimacy of the violent act.
Recall the War Between the States. How did the secessionists create the Confederacy? It wasn’t through hiding out in bunkers in Appalachia and praying for the inevitable collapse of the system.
They captured control of state governments, positioned themselves as the champions of Southern Rights, split the Democratic Party along sectional lines, waited for an “overt act” (i.e., the election of Abraham Lincoln), and coordinated the secession of three states (South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi) to force other states to reconsider their loyalties.
Vanguardists fantasize about destroying the two-party system.
William Lowndes Yancey pulled it off at the 1860 Democratic National Convention. He worked within the system to destroy the system. He knew from decades of experience that was the only way it could ever be done.
Southerners would have never bolted the Union over slavery. Within the South, slavery was a divisive issue between slaveholders and non-slaveholders. There was a strong patriotic attachment to the Union among the non-slaveholding, yeoman farmer class.
The issue had to be framed as a choice between Black Republicanism and Southern Rights or between Alabama and the United States or between state’s rights and consolidated government.
So what is the point of this analogy?
In our own times, several governors have flat out refused to enforce Obamacare, and 26 states have filed lawsuits in federal court to block the individual mandate. This is a step in the right direction.
Final Thought
There will never be a successful vanguardist revolution in this country launched in the name of an abstraction like the White Republic.
Ordinary people are attached to real communities. The only people who are addicted to substituting an abstract utopia for real communities are intellectuals. This is a common intellectual pathology found among all stripes of ideologues.
White people will only revolt and use violence to defend a Beavercleaverville, Idaho or a Charleston, South Carolina. They will only dissolve the Union when they are convinced that legitimacy and morality are on their side.
If you asked the typical Confederate soldier why he was fighting the Union Army against incredible material odds, he would have told you it was to keep the Yankees out of his hometown. Likewise, the typical Union soldier was fighting to hold to his nation together.
White people fight for their homes and families. They will fight against oppression and for glory and fortune.
We should work through the system to take back our country from the likes of Barack Obama and Sonia Sotomayor. Should we fail in that endeavor, we will be in a position to consider other solutions.
There will never be a successful vanguardist revolution in this country launched in the name of an abstraction like the White Republic.
True enough. People never fight for abstractions. For people who claim to be traditionalists steeped in the history of the West the vanguardists seem have forgotten the basic tenets of Edmund Burke’s thought on this point.
@ Hunter
Yep. Sotomayor has become a key player in the Roman Catholic & Jew Alliance that is out to destroy what still exists of White Protestant America.
Some say name the Jew, I say name the Roman Catholic too.
What we need are angry Whites, lots and lots of angry Whites. We are getting there.
Most proposals in answer to the question raised assume that a critical mass of members of the diverse white American peoples is already in place but, in fact, we have an important campaign in front of us and that is to encourage white Americans to speak in their white voice, not in the voice of conservatism, Republicanism, libertarianism, regionalism, economism, Constitutionalism, or any of the other partisan ideologies that fail to recognize the fact that it is as white people that we are under attack.
The entire Republican Party acts as though the problem is one of a proper ideological approach, but we are under attack by discrimination and by defamation, and most white Americans don’t understand it is okay to answer back with a white voice. We don’t need to triangulate and hide behind notions of etiquette, civility, a lowered voice, compromise, and so on. Those pleasantries are a thing of the past.
So how do we teach other white Americans how to speak out of their white voice? We provide examples and models to them that they can see for themselves. We don’t tell them what to do or say, we simply get statements spoken and published in the public here and there beginning with the words, “As a white American, I feel……….” or “As a white person, I want to let you know that………”
Until we have a larger number of persons willing to speak out of their white voice, we will be falling behind. We need not fear for a political program…..it will emerge from the critical mass which I think will be about 5% of us. When 5% of us can use our white voice, then you will see the iceberg wobble in the waters. Our 5% just don’t know how to do it, but we can model that in our communities all across America.
The latest from Counter-Currents:
A cabal of “ecologically responsible,” alienated neo-fascist homosexuals in San Francisco should use the power of the state to micromanage the private reproductive decisions of White families, in order to encourage Al Gore to have as many children as possible.
You can’t make this shit up.
Just yesterday, I thought nothing could top the “man-animal chimeras” of the Eurosiberian Arctic Septentrion, the Hyperborean supermen of Atlantis, and the Nazi UFOs and secret bases of Zundelsaucers in Antarctica.
It is true enough that lower IQ people are out reproducing intelligent people at exponential rates. Should lifelong welfare recipients be encouraged not to reproduce and should intelligent productive citizens be encouraged to reproduce? In a sane society, of course. In our present society, it is not politically correct to even recognize certain truths.
In a sane society, private couples will usually make eugenic decisions, if they are properly informed of the facts by medical professionals. Case in point, genetic testing and counseling for cystic fibrosis and down syndrome.
The eugenics movement is an excellent example of “mainstreaming” in action. I have mentioned this several times now in the comments.
After the Second World War, the eugenics movement fell into disarray after it was associated with the widespread moral disapproval of the Third Reich. Eugenics has since been quietly revived under a dozen different labels.
Eugenicists ditched the overarching philosophy of racial betterment and broke their agenda up into pieces. They have smuggled the different parts of their agenda back into the mainstream.
The only people who cling to old school eugenics are vanguardists who are trying to shock the bourgeoisie. The real eugenicists abandoned those methods decades ago.
Do a Google search for “Liberal Eugenics” and “Lee Silver + Princeton University” and “genetic enhancement.”
Sometimes plain spoken truth is shocking to people who have lived life saturated by liberal media campaigns.
Republicans are really 4 fold, not 2, imo—- business and populist as you say, but also war/empire and interest class like the bank, (separate from corporate). Some people really still think it’s a cohesive, non-fragmented country and we are “defending it.” Never underestimate the power of individuals to live in an idea in their minds completely unconnected to reality.
We’re not dealing with shocking truth tellers.
There is a pattern here: Nazi UFOs, Zundelsaucer secret bases in Antarctica, destroying Christianity, attacking conservatives, anti-Americanism, Hyperboreans from Atlantis, state arranged marriages, exterminating the Jews, man-animal chimeras, cyborgs, Nietzchean supermen, decerebrated human clones … all coupled to an action plan of doing nothing and asking for donations.
This is nothing more than a typical “avant-garde” operation, “shocking the bourgeoisie,” which has always been about expressing the alienation of an individual from society, not spreading a political message. It is plainly not designed to win over White America to White Nationalism.
This type of behavior is the lineal descendant of Marcel Duchamp’s The Fountain and Serrano’s Piss Christ and more recently the Hide/Seek exhibit at the Smithsonian.
“….@ Hunter
Yep. Sotomayor has become a key player in the Roman Catholic & Jew Alliance that is out to destroy what still exists of White Protestant America.
Some say name the Jew, I say name the Roman Catholic too….”
Thanks Elmundo— Sontomayor (lit place of the lawyer) has a pretty jewish looking brother who got a similarly free ride out of the (self-described) ghetto to really good med schools, so who knows?— maybe they’re both crypto. Otherwise, catholics and jews seem agreed the evil wasp threat is gone, very evident at moments when they gloat, like on t.v. when the last wasp vanished from their psychotic “court” (even though over half the country’s christians are still prods and probably feel “under-represented”—wasn’t that an important word before? And while they may be gone but the evil slaver movies and blonde-blue germans –didn’t hitler have brown hair?— are kept around. As well as all the hillbilly, green-toothed, appalachian villain (and of course, those are all prods and everyone knows it).
Now jews and catholics seem going at each other more, like on Fox, which is all about that byplay, but if you point this out, you’re a “divisive white” of course, who like the old confederates just doesn’t care about the “union.” When catholics are attacked, it’s usually jews, and when jews are attacked, often catholics.
@ we need to teach people to speak in a “white voice”— try the wasp voice just for fun. The only ethnic signifier that is —by dictionary definition— a derogatory acronym. After years of movies and propaganda, nobody has any feeling for any of them ever. Quite something.
Wallace: “There is a pattern here: Nazi UFOs, Zundelsaucer secret bases in Antarctica, destroying Christianity, attacking conservatives, anti-Americanism, Hyperboreans from Atlantis, state arranged marriages, exterminating the Jews, man-animal chimeras, cyborgs, Nietzchean supermen, decerebrated human clones …”
Criticizing Christianity, conservatives, and America are all valid endeavors. The rest is neither here nor there and doesn’t hurt the anger project one way or the other. If they are White and angry they are good. It is not the case that you personally have to own everything that is out there. No one expects you to. You are hyper-aware of image, as though you are personally endangered by every little flight of fancy committed in the name of White freedom from outside control. If someone googles “man-animal chimeras” does Hunter Wallace’s name come up?
Criticizing Christianity, conservatives, and America are all valid endeavors. The rest is neither here nor there and doesn’t hurt the anger project one way or the other.
Every single one of those things puts unnecessary distance between White Nationalists and White America. There are also several huge deal breakers for the White majority in that list.
If they are White and angry they are good. It is not the case that you personally have to own everything that is out there.
These “angry White people” who are pissed off about immigration, affirmative action, and multiculturalism browse our websites and learn that White Nationalists want the state to arrange marriages, destroy their religion, and kill all the Jews.
After browsing that kind of damaging material, which accomplishes nothing but affirming negative stereotypes, they leave with a negative impression, click back over to the Tea Party websites, and never bother with White Nationalists again.
You are hyper-aware of image, as though you are personally endangered by every little flight of fancy committed in the name of White freedom from outside control.
What do you suppose keeps the White majority disinclined to join the White Nationalist movement? It certainly isn’t opposition to immigration, foreign aid, free trade, racial double standards, multiculturalism, political correctness and so forth.
If someone googles “man-animal chimeras” does Hunter Wallace’s name come up
A lot of articles come up from websites that are opposed to such things. No one wants to be associated with creating “man-animal chimeras.”
As I always say: Please, Protestants, take back your country! Yet I know you couldn’t take dominion over a bag of chips, factionalized as you are. You’re really worse than Jews, because at least Jews know what they are about. You’re nothing more than a toy dradle, and with any luck your nonsensical beliefs and the god of Chaos they create will soon be spun off into the history of Christendom. Shame on you.
And there is my obligatory Catholic response.
This is nothing more than a typical “avant-garde” operation, “shocking the bourgeoisie,” which has always been about expressing the alienation of an individual from society, not spreading a political message. It is plainly not designed to win over White America to White Nationalism.
This type of behavior is the lineal descendant of Marcel Duchamp’s The Fountain and Serrano’s Piss Christ and more recently the Hide/Seek exhibit at the Smithsonian.
I bet your buddy from Counter Currents probably has a Maplethorpe hanging on his living room wall.
SSC: Criticizing Christianity, conservatives, and America are all valid endeavors.
The criticism at issue here goes well beyond legitimate criticism of those institutions into the fever swamp of misanthropy and outright hatred of White people who are Christians, conservatives or pro-American. In principle, those so-called critics are no different than Tim Wise. HW is right about that.
Hail the New Dawn!
Lew: “The criticism at issue here goes well beyond legitimate criticism of those institutions into the fever swamp of misanthropy and outright hatred of White people who are Christians, conservatives or pro-American. In principle, those so-called critics are no different than Tim Wise. HW is right about that.”
So you have a problem with VNN. Okay, fine, but HW spends most of his time attacking Johnson and Faye, and occasionally O’Meara, none of who fall into the fever-swamp category of Linderite impishness that you describe above. Lets be clear, HW is always at daggers drawn with some personality. Today it is Johnson, Faye, and O’Meara, yesterday it was take your pick of about 50 different people, and tomorrow it will be a different crowd altogether. HW discovers his voice in polemics. If he didn’t have a real enemy he would find it necessary to create one. Otherwise his pen might dry up.
If you want a White civilization, THEN POPULATE IT WITH WHITE CHILDREN.
The Mexicans are quite right to proclaim, “You are old and dying. We are young and strong.”
Now get out of the basement and find a date. It’s Saturday night.
You said that part of the reason why White people will never get behind the Vanguardist is because there is still a strong patriotic attachment to the country when you and I know damned well that the corporate, multinational, multicultural entity masquerading as the U.S. Federal Government is our enemy. I agree with you on that. Which is why I prefer a new approach. And that is using the weapons and the language of the enemy against them.
I believe the best way for White Nationalists to get out of this mess is through class warfare, not race warfare. Instead of Naming the Jew, we need to Name The Agenda and that is the desire of a hostile elite to create a perfect helot race of varying castes. To accomplish this, they use the racial animus of their Jewish, Asian, and Negro Harvard collaborators against Whites to impersonate the Forces of Diversity to impose the Face of Racial Tolerance on Racial Genocide. They don’t want a unified racial group of any color opposing them.
I know at times, Greg Johnson of Cross-Currents is persona non grata around here, but his interview with Christian Lander, author of Stuff White People Like and a book of the same name was an eye opener when he quoted him as saying that “it is okay to make fun of White people, because for the RIGHT kind of White people, no unhappy endings are possible. We all know who he considers the “right kind of White people” are. Three guesses who they are not. These smug bastards think that a small, minority of rich Whites can rule the world without any fear of being toppled and they believe they have just the plan in place to accomplish that.
The reason why they are hostile to lower-class Whites and discriminate against them is in order to get them to mix with other races by breaking their racial pride. Negros, Asians, and even Mestizos, as they are, have been problematic, choosing to field and run their own candidates for public office rather than vote for Disingenuous White Liberals. They need to mix in the Whites to cool their passions, so that they can install the kind of caste system enjoyed in India and Latin America, with the pure bloods at the top and the lower mixed-race castes hoping to breed up. That is why with the relentless media campaign for miscegenation and the government campaign discriminating against White, the only way having White descendants will be possible for you and me is through sheer stubbornness, tenacity and force of will.
That is why WNists need to infiltrate the Tea Party and educate everyone there about the Brave New World our hostile elite has planned for all non-wealthy classes of people, regardless of race. We need to work hard to by-pass the party apparatchiks and the treasury funded by special interests groups and primary the enemy wherever we can find him. The whole time while waving the Red, White and Blue and singing God Bless America at the top of our lungs.
Another thing we need to do is educate sleeping Whites that the system is designed in such a way that they will be paying for children. It is their choice whether they will pay for their own White children OR they can outsource the breeding of children to aliens who will only mug them in their old age. We have to name the big lie that all they can afford is one child. We need to point out the tax benefits of having at least three or more children and how many minorities are doing it, so there is no excuse. We should be doing our best to generate a secret quiverful movement among Whites NOW.
At the same time, we need to use some LIBERAL ideas against THEM. Let’s start with putting down “The White Man’s Burden” and drop-kicking it to the curb. I constantly go on record to tell anybody of any color that I do not believe in IQ tests, because they make smart people (who test low) feel stupid and incompetent idiots (who test high) feel they are geniuses. Moreover, they were invented by two Jews, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. Interestingly enough Jews (who are Asiatic) test the highest, followed by Asians, followed by Whites and then Negros. I believe that the races are differently abled. Tests are geared toward those who create them.
Their theory that race is nothing more than “a social construct” can be used against DWLs under the right circumstances. Because if it is true and people of color are not doing as well as Whites, it has nothing to do with inherent lack of ability and everything to do with laziness, lack of effort, and excuse making. Relentless egalitarian attitudes should be brandished in such a way as to discourage unawakened Whites from engaging in competitive racial altruism and encourage them to take care of their own race. In fact, we should strive to shame Whites who neglect poor White Appalachian and Eastern European children in favor of alien children when their adults would be clearly up to the job if not for White interference.
“The whole time while waving the Red, White and Blue and singing God Bless America at the top of our lungs. ”
No thanks. I’ll keep it Aryan, which is to say honest, but otherwise a great post.
The GOP is still ignoring AA, as far as I can tell. It seems to be much more taboo of an issue than immigration, I suppose because it is directly about race.
and with any luck your nonsensical beliefs and the god of Chaos they create will soon be spun off into the history of Christendom.
Real Protestants believe in sola scriptura , i.e. if it’s in Scripture, it’s valid, if not, then not. Catholics believe in a plethora of things that are not in the Bible, but it’s ok because the Vatican said so. All this because Christ expressed faith in Peter and that made Peter and all his elected successors deputy God?
I firmly support your right to believe this, but it would probably behoove you to truly study the divergence of the Roman Catholic church and Scripture from the fourth century on.
Personally I am a Protestant Deist who have a lot of issues with Christian meekness and see a lot of good in the Asatru of my ancestors, but I do believe that if one is a sincere Christian claiming the superiority of one’s denomination, one should study hard and know why doctrine and rites are the way they are.
HW: What is wrong with pro-natalist policies for intelligent people, and anti-natalist policies for the dull? Your quote from Counter Currents mentioned incentives, not force. Cutting welfare disproportionately affects the stupid, who are disproportionately Darks. Big tax breaks for having children disproportionately benefits the intelligent, who are disproportionately White. I know that the Orientals are intelligent, but tax breaks only influence people who actually pay taxes, so Orientals will not be encouraged to breed as much as middle class Whites. You don’t have to force people into marriage to get them to make White babies.
Ending housing subsidies, thereby reducing the Dark influx into White neighborhoods, along with prohibiting the busing of non-Whites to White schools will also benefit Whites who want children. No longer would they have to pay six or eight or ten thousand dollars per year per kid to send them to private school. These ideas are perfectly reasonable, and doable on the state level.
Point One
American culture has devolved into a moral cesspool since 1953.
That was the year Hugh Hefner began publishing Playboy magazine in Chicago.
The oral contraceptive pill was approved for use in the United States in 1960.
Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973.
While pornography had been traded over the Internet since the 1980s, it was the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991 as well as the opening of the Internet to the general public around the same time that led to an explosion in online pornography.
Post coitus abortion pills [Morning After Pills] became available without prescription to women over 18 in 2006 in the USA.Women 16 and under require a prescription.
In the 1950s, college dorms were off-limits to members of the opposite sex. Then came the 1970s, when male and female students started crossing paths in coed dormitories. Now, a growing number of colleges are going even encouraging coed rooms.
The people in the United States that I have know since the 1950s, including myself, have overwhelmingly been self-indulgent, immoral trash.
Point Two
“We are all Indians now”
The man who should be president. The most impressive discussion of America I have ever heard.
Maybe Sotomayor doesn’t understand the basic psychology of Whites. She got where she is because it was presented to us in terms of “fairness.” White people are maniacal about being fair. We are fair to a fault.
Well, Justice (LOL) Sotomayor is making it much easier to reframe the pro-White position as the “fair” side, and her side as the unjust side. It’s going to be a long process, like turning around a cruise ship, but when most Whites consider the multicult to be fundamentally unfair (and this is in process now), the culture of White resistance will develop.
I don’t think being a numerical minority is really a problem either. Voting is a joke already. There are many ways our problems may resolve themselves in our favor.
So keep up the good work, Sonia and friends! We couldn’t have a White awakening without you!
A lot of articles come up from websites that are opposed to such things. No one wants to be associated with creating “man-animal chimeras.”
“No one” seems exaggerated. How about Dr. Moreau? He wasn’t exactly bashful, was he? Hunter’s assertion implies that if Dr. Moreau existed today he wouldn’t have a blog. Do we know this to be true?
Hitching White Nationalism to the cause of putting the state in charge of arranging marriages and making reproductive decisions is about one of the worst ideas to come down the pike in quite some time. We live in a country that can’t swallow something as mild as Obamacare.
The real eugenicists don’t make such arguments anymore. They understand the art of public relations.
I don’t have the slightest objection to positive eugenics. You also make good points about tax policy and welfare. The sensible strategy is to take on those subjects on their own merits without courting an unnecessary and entirely predictable backlash from the public.
Look at it this way: if we attacked the welfare system and altered it significantly, it would still have the same eugenic effect, regardless of what reasons were invoked to change the welfare system.
Eugenicists realized this as far back as the 1950s. That’s why “eugenics” disappeared from public discourse half a century ago.
It is now back under a dozen different labels like “reprogenetics” and “genetic enhancement” and “gene therapy” and “genetic counseling.”
Eugenics was quietly “mainstreamed” by breaking the comprehensive vision of race betterment into its constituent parts and selling it to the public in terms of their own individual self interest.
The civil rights language is ours now, use it. The more we use it the more the “people of color” will retreat into their vanguardism, maybe they can research the cache for Linderisms.
Many of the commenters here on this thread seem to be deluded and confused: the USA is not a ‘WASP’ or ‘Christian’ nation. Remember that the USA fought two wars to break away from WASP England/UK: and that the Founding Fathers were Deists and Freemasons, products of the Enlightenment Era — aside from a few religious radicals in New England and some backwoods folks in The South, Christianity has never really mattered that much in the USA except that it promoted literacy amongst some (and it still doesn’t aside from the standard lip service paid to it by opportunistic politicians here and there). WASPdom matters less and less as WASPs continue to dwindle as a percentage of the population and they are replaced by 2nd/3rd world immigrants and Protestant Christianity fades largely in to irrelevance in America as it is eclipsed by syncretic Mediterranean + Latin American Catholicism, urban Judaism, small New World Christian sects (Mormons, etc), various forms of New Ageism, and most especially the secular-humanism of the deracinated White liberal coastal classes.
The thrust of the entire 1,000-year history of The West as we now know it (knew it?) was founded upon what Spengler termed ‘Vikingism’ (definitely not bourgeois WASP Protestantism) which is exactly what the USA was founded upon as well: exploration, frontierism, land appropriation, territorial gain, haphazard colonization, war, various forms of enslavement, opportunism, plunder, trade, industry, extraction of resources, making or taking of money, etc. Even those Spaniards who first landed in the Americas were Vikings in a way too, and many of them did in fact have Viking blood from the Nords who had settled in Iberia during the original Viking Age of Expansion centuries earlier: as did of course some of the English who came here, and the Germans, and Scandinavians, and other Europeans. Some even say that very early Vikings or Scandinavians made their way to the Americas far before Columbus – around 1000-1100 AD/CE – and became marooned very long ago: hence the Mesoamerican legends of a ‘White God’ Quetzalcoatl as part of a group of White-skinned, bearded, blond/red headed, light eyed people who arrived on ships reminiscent of Viking ships and brought various forms of civilization such as agricultural techniques, religious ideas, etc.
In a way the USA – and The West as a whole – is petering out because our Occidental-Viking spirit is dimming: we have no new territories to explore, no new frontiers to settle and civilize, no new barbarians to make war with and conquer, no new markets to trade with, few new industries to create or build, etc. The Viking-spirit which Western civilization of the last 1,000 years was founded upon is slowly smoldering out because we came, we saw, and we conquered: and thus there is nowhere left to go, nothing left to see, and nothing left to conquer. The current flare-up of Christian sentiment to be found here and there in this declining West is nothing more than the ‘Second Religiousness’ also noted by Spengler which occurrs during the last phases of a civilization, though at base the core or original thrust of the current Western civilization is Vikingism which exhibited the traits listed above: and the Vikings definitely weren’t good civilized bourgeois White Christians if you get my drift.
We are the undisputed masters of the New World, and because we have no serious enemies here (or abroad) we have now resorted to warring amongst ourselves in true Viking style: if only to quell the boredom. Yet there are the remaining Mesoamerican Indo-natives there in the background, silently multiplying and slowly gaining ground against the quarreling, babbling Whites: as such this civilization – Western civilization since about 1000 AD/CE – slowly lays itself down to sleep, likely to be slowly overrun by Indo-natives again here in The Americas: consider it ‘Montezuma’s revenge’ if you will. As D.H. Lawrence once wrote (himself likely descended at least partly from the Vikings who settled in north-central England where he was from) perhaps North America really is “the great death continent” for Whites who came here: though our genes will of course live on here, the civilizational thrust upon which all this has been built – Western Vikingism – is now passing away and we must now seek to salvage and preserve what we can here and prepare for various future scenarios.
Only in the states of the former Confederacy do vestiges of traditional WASPdom and Protestant Christianity still hang on to some extent (because The South was historically more closely aligned with the UK than other regions of the USA), but again those are fading fast under the stresses of modernity just as the UK is rapidly buckling under the immigration invasion and associated cultural changes of modern times. Teutonic/Germanic Protestants in the Midwest and Plains states (includes Germans, Scandinavians, etc) are also under threat of demographic displacement or absorption in to the multiracial mass in due time as the move in to urban areas, move to the coasts, mingle with new immigrants in their areas, and so on. The only real hope from White Protestant survival in the USA is for the remaining White Protestant areas of the USA to secede from the urban-coastal-secular-multiracial areas along with the encroaching Mesoamericans from the southwest: however, this seems remote since all of America’s power, money, industry, population, and so on is extremely concentrated where the mass of population is, i.e. in the coastal states and the growing Mesoamerican regions.
Most of the White rabble came here from Europe for the adventure, the adventures of the frontier, the cheap and abundant land, the gold/silver/jewels/etc, to escape the stifling social or class conditions of their previous homeland, and so on. For the most part, they didn’t care about WASPdom or Christianity because most of them were not WASPs and only nominal Christians, or else they wanted to leave all that behind in Europe: the religion, the class consciousness, the petty ethnic animosities: all of it was to be left behind to start anew in America — most just wanted to make some money, own some property, and be left alone a la “good fences make good neighbors.” Again, the USA was created as a counter-nation to classicist/elitist/bloodline-obsessed WASP England, and the vast majority of America’s most prominent citizens since its founding have had little if any connection to organized Christianity because, again, most were Deists, Freemasons, skeptics, rationalists, secularists, and so on.
Trying to recreate or paint the history of the USA as some kind of ‘WASP Christian 1950s bourgeoisie paradise’ is a ridiculous exercise in futility and outright false. America was never like that: it has always been a raw, brutal, Darwinian, greedy, selfish, cold, calculating, violent, red-of-tooth-and-claw reptilian-brained nation, not a well-behaved, nice, smiling, polite, ‘WASP Christian’ Edenic paradise.
Hope y’all enjoyed my little screed above as BOIB — I’m still around, mostly just reading though still writing from time to time too.
Hunter: you done went and turned all G.O.P. What’s the deal man? Must be the good ol’ boy in ya.
Happy Superbowl Day everyone. Here in America this day is more important than Christmas dontcha know?
We should encourage the better elements in the Republican Party (i.e., the populist conservatives) to replace those which are hostile to our interests (i.e., the pro-business social moderates).
Palin just had her event cancelled, maybe she and Taylor could brain trust a solution to leftists’ violations of their civil rights.
“….Whites that the system is designed in such a way that they will be paying for children. It is their choice whether they will pay for their own White children OR they can outsource the breeding of children to aliens who will only mug them in their old age. We have to name the big lie that all they can afford is one child. We need to point out the tax benefits of having at least three or more children and how many minorities are doing it, so there is no excuse…”
That’s the most important thing here.
The debt system does require this influx of “new blood,” (at least according to the ideas of the ptb). From the 60s, many responsible whites have grappled with this and despaired. To concentrate on using the system in this way while keeping one’s head screwed on straight (not becoming internally like a “dependent” while being one externally, which is what the system is, what it replicates)— that’s what should be offered…a way to survive and thrive in it.
Well, a lot of the signers of the constitution were congregationalists; maybe even most, would have to go count. Whatever, the paid for immigrants since 1850 aren’t exactly self-starters, and it is true they’ve brought many new, non-prot religions. In wn, the anti-wasp-hatred is so easy to prick and rouse in the “wn” movement, is probably the biggest turnoff, imo, way worse than a couple guys with swastikas or confederate flags or hillbilly looking folks in hats with Gadsdens, and more the reason, in reality, so many “go back to the tea party.” They still are over half the Christians in the country, as much as people obviously hate that, wanting instead whatever bizarre corrupt ny/dc/chicago led “country” this became. Coupled with the anti-germanism (since there’s a lot of overlap there) which is so much a part of your overall countries and cultures, and the “de-colonialization” programs, (that pretty much applied only to them), as well as extended de-nazification products used in u.s. (like films after WWII), the “wn” movement can all just look like more of the same. So people pass on it.
Addressing Babble on in Babylon—- is not worth the time. Been there, done that too many times before. It is true, though, especially at civil war, when the big money brought in so many foreigners to make up the majority in the union army, since no one else here was interested in fighting their war, and then largely used the irish to do it, by exacerbating the situation of a run-of-the-mill famine just as marx’s work was rolling off the press, ready to ‘engage the masses’— they all got the country wanted, indeed. Within a few years, came the fed, the ww’s, etc. Kai Murros said those who actually care about the people will win. Stuff s/a this always indicates you do not have that care, not really. You degrade to win, fine, but what’s in it for anyone else? So, they go to the tea party, or wherever, or leave the country for elsewhere, or whatever, or just live out somewhere, without engaging in your country at all.
anna — I did not mean my above post as a petty swipe at WASPs or Christianity. I am partially of WASP extraction (amongst other European ethnicities), part of my family has lived in The South for over two centuries, fought for the Confederacy, I feel a kinship with other WASPs and people from the British Isles because of blood-ties, and so on. I am also a student of Christianity since it has been such an integral part of Western civilization: I’m part German too, some Lutherans in the family, other strong Protestants like Southern Baptists, etc. So even though I haven’t been much engaged in either WASPdom or Christianity during my life thus far (I’m in my 20s), as an American Southerner with partial WASP Protestant ancestry I mostly get the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant thing. And to be frank, after the all-out anti-Western assault of the last century (or two) not a whole lot seems to be left of that specific tradition as I noted in my previous post, just people going through the motions mostly: either it needs a very strong revival or else a whole new system of WASP/White racial-ethnic-religious-social binding is needed (albeit not one not related to naively universalistic secular-humanism which is slowly leading to Western suicide, base moneymaking, the raw pursuit of power/war/etc, petty politics, and so many of the other false trappings of modernity).
The West may currently seem to be in relative decline, but even in what seems to be this currently degraded state still no nation, or race, or anyone else on Earth can seriously challenge Western – and especially American – hegemony. And all of us have it good, very good, compared to past generations: we are outright spoiled compared to many, and that is a major problem in some respects since we’ve become lazy and overly content with our current lot. There is a whole lot of decline in empires, civilizations, races – especially ones so incredibly advanced as the one we are all living in – so I side with Hunter in that (barring some freak natural disasters) waiting for some ‘collapse’ scenario is a losing strategy while millions of immigrants continue to pour in to Western nations yearly and we see stagnation continuing to settle in around us. Too many people things currently feel like things are just ‘off,’ like something is wrong and getting worse, becoming unhinged, people are unnerved, it’s not just the economy but a general feeling of malaise — and I I want to help America and The West get out of this pit and start to fix things, rebuild, improve the nation and its people. Mostly just get things on a more sustainable path civilizationally – environmentally, politically, economically, racially, socially, and so on – because a certain sense of fear or foreboding is in the air and many Whites and people worldwide are facing a dim future unless good, idealistic, and honest people step up in the coming years to get the right things done. For instance, just as a one example, though we don’t want to interfere, we can’t keep allowing non-White races residing in tropical areas in and around rainforests (Brazil, Africa, Indonesia, etc) to continue to clearcut those areas due their internal population pressures, irresponsible farming, uncontrolled resource extraction, since we are are unsure how that will affect the world’s overall climate, atmosphere, and so on in the coming centuries that may then lead to catastrophic climactic changes in our parts of the world. So in cases such as these, and others related to out-of-control 3rd world population explosions and other issues, we are eventually going to be forced to intervene whether we like it or not.
Also, some of the writing in my post earlier today might’ve been a bit over the top, largely the result of far too much morning coffee. So all apologies to any WASPs or Christians I might’ve offended since I did not seek to offend but rather bluntly state what I perceive and have learned during my historical studies of the past few years.
“Interestingly enough Jews (who are Asiatic) test the highest, followed by Asians, followed by Whites and then Negros. I believe that the races are differently abled. Tests are geared toward those who create them.”
Jews are Asiatic only in the sense that they are (more) Mediterranean then most Northern Europeans.
When people say Jews are Asiatic, they don’t mean the Chinese/Japanese Yellow race. They mean from the area around the Mediterranean sea (with limited northern european admixture).
HW: Eugenics w/out the eugenicists? OK.
HW: “The real eugenicists don’t make such arguments anymore. They understand the art of public relations.”
Now, eugenics is mostly implemented through abortion, and it is most eagerly defended by the left. At the same time, we have a policy of reverse eugenics through race-replacement. But the anti-white forces understand public relations. They don’t say “race-replacement”, they say words like diversity, vibrancy, and cultural enrichment. Right-wing people like to be frank and tell the truth in people’s faces, while left-wing activists understand public relations better.
Maybe we should be less explicit on what we want (racial separation) and more explicit on what our enemies want (racial defilement).