On Backbone

A spineless person is said to be lacking in resolution; weak and purposeless.  The white advocate community is by and large, spineless.  What I mean by that is that it can be shown, through innumerable examples, that any small amount of opposition, pressure, or stress, is enough to shatter the community organizing and efforts of individuals work undertaken over a period of years.  This can be seen in the recent example of AmRen 2011, of which I have yet to write my experience of it, to examples of comrades who get thrown under the railroad for any investigations into their activities.

Our enemies know this.  They salivate at this macho group of sissies ready at a moments notice to turn their backs on each other and at the same time, proclaim their own ethical and moral superiority to all that will listen.

A nation divided is a nation at war with itself.  As a community, we are a community at war with itself.  Personal grudges and the axes to grind among white advocates is perhaps the single most paralyzing activity that exists within our cause today.

I will contend that no effort of any outside organization has more deleterious effects on our ethnic groups survival then ourselves.

Having a backbone means you do not accept claims at face value.  You do not accept what the media says, at face value.  You most certainly do not accept anything law enforcement says at face value.  And you most certainly do not accept the claims made by the enemies of our folk at face value.

In the spur of the moment to many people forget that.

To many people forget that undermining the advocates of our folk does not undermine the individual advocates themselves, it merely undermines our folk.  If the general population is not supposed to not trust our advocates, those brave men and women who put themselves, their safety, and sometimes their families, at great personal risk, who are they to trust?  The spineless lickspittles?  The gossipers?  Or those in the movement here to gain a profit from our ideals?

Our community is small and fragile.  Our enemies know this.  I have stated elsewhere to never betray the trust of your comrades.  Loose lips don’t sink ships anymore but they do sink our opportunities to rise to the historic occasion we have before us.

Be the man or woman with backbone.  Be the unwavering faith in the men and women who have taken up the mantle of our people.  Let no one, no rumor, no action, and no disappointment undermine the sincerity and faith you have in the people that are doing everything they can for our peoples future, whether you fully support a particular action or not.  Whether you fully understand a particular action, or not.

The people united will never be defeated.

And that starts with you, strong in resolution, firm in commitment, and driven with the purpose to never betray our peoples trust and follow through no matter what the odds and no matter what the opposition tells us is a predetermined outcome.


  1. Great article, Andrew. I hope OD doesn’t go away, I check it regularly and I know a lot of people who do.

    Here’s my favorite quote:

    I will contend that no effort of any outside organization has more deleterious effects on our ethnic groups survival then ourselves.

    I have to agree. Jews and blacks et cetera, are merely opportunistic infections on a weakened organism.

    What do you think is the origin of this weakening? I think it’s Low Investment Parenting by white slacker-parents. I’ve seen it all my life, and see it even more now. Multiple generations of kids who didn’t grow up in a 2 parent house all the way to 18 years old

    I know some single moms who ask me for advice on their kids, and I explain to them the whole “Asian mom” thing, where the mothers actually teach their kids themselves. American white mothers are too lazy to learn the stuff to teach their kids.

    When you teach your kids yourself, particularly math and science, it’s regular exercise of the intellect, and it’s “quality time” with the kid where there may not have been otherwise. On a daily basis you find yourself coaching your kid to be a more precise thinker, to take their time and work through a problem carefully. 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

    The reason Whites have poor character nowadays, as you point out Andrew, is that we’ve grown up without discipline and didn’t get a chance to develop character. It was the whole Boomer/slacker thing, that’s all. There will be a generation (much smaller probably) of Whites who WILL have character. The fossil fuel blowout allowed for a few generations of slacker-dumb, but this too shall pass.

    White racial solidarity will naturally be recovered, as a matter of hygiene. Imagine if we were ruled by a theocracy that said God hated dental hygiene, and no one was allowed to brush or floss or go to the dentist. When this theocracy ran its course and lost power, we’d go back to practicing dental hygiene with a passion, and we would for millenia be (rightly) suspicious of anyone who questioned dental hygiene.

    So I hope the BANA people have successful families with marriages that last at least until the youngest kid turns 18, and focus on high investment parenting. Just look at the Asians and Jews and say to yourself, “We must compete with them.”

    And that’s really the solution to the “hate” thing they try to smear us with. Turn the “hate” (hate being nothing but anger expressed) into a passion for competition, both individual and collective competition. Read about the whole “tiger mother” controversy. This is really the issue that matters. And I’m grateful to Amy Chua for bringing this issue to the forefront, but I think we can do a better job than crazy Amy. We can actually raise the kids to enjoy learning, and always hunger for more. The Asian kids at the American colleges are burned out and hate learning. I knew a Korean girl that played the cello quite well, but she hated it. We can do better than that. No “hate,” just competition.

  2. I have to agree. Jews and blacks et cetera, are merely opportunistic infections on a weakened organism.

    Why the Ashkenazi revolt of the 60s triumphed:

    Hedonism dissolves social cohesion and makes sacrifice for the common good seem irrational. Bureaucratic rule weakens the public spirit that arises from political participation, and so destroys the disinterested support it needs to be effective. Nor can proposals for trimming bureaucracy and improving efficiency, such as increasing the role of markets, save the situation, since they do not affect the root of the problem, the egalitarian hedonism and ultimate state responsibility for individual well-being that undermine personal moral ties and individual responsibility.

    Egalitarian hedonism is too abstract to impose concrete limits on either private self-seeking or state power. Unprincipled conduct in public and private life is the consequence. Attempts to dress hedonism in the language of human rights only aggravate its tendency toward abstraction and confer an unwarranted moral dignity on impulse and appetite. Through its very universality the modern conception of rights becomes empty, finding it difficult even to distinguish the rights of man from those of animals. Society thus becomes unable to establish the boundaries needed for its own defense. Plato tells us that a polity that rejects the good, the honorable, and even the commercially sound in favor of the pleasant will slide into anarchy and despotism, unable to maintain the standards required to secure the physical comfort and safety that are its bedrock demand. The appalling tyrannies that have disfigured modern times, as well as current statistics on crime and other social disorders, support his view.


  3. Kievsky,

    My parents both (God rest their souls) talked about the “out of nowhere” nature of the “Sixties” and the American Communist revolution. They hadn’t a clue where it came from and that significantly restricted their ability to respond appropriately. My parents were non-collegiate twenty-somethings when it all went to hell. It was an isolated demographic – not part of the Marxist indoctrination and with family responsibilities the Boomers did not have.

    Sadly, slightly younger and slightly older Americans that didn’t have a personal involvement in the riots etc. could remain blissfully ignorant of the changed morality. Until the 1990s at least, when their children or grandchildren were at university, facing “political correctness” full on.

    By now, everyone that matters knows the score. Whether explicitly racial (my parents’ generation for example, who had no use for “jigs” or “Jews”) or only reactive racialist, the rules of the game are understood.

    (Many cornfed peasants are still clueless and likely will be until they meet their maker. The denizens of the Upper Midwest can vote “liberal”, congratulate themselves on their holiness — and never spend one minute dealing with the consequences because the closest thing they have to a “colored person” is Tony the pizza guy in Osseo.)

    Therefore, many Americans of many subcultures realize they are under existential threat. The Western Rifleman essay I link above is but one sample. Peruse the various anti-bankster blogs, the immigration blogs, the “shit hits the fan” blogs, even the local newspaper blogs. Then confirm those feelings with your neighbors. I did today at an anti-immigration meeting outside a secondary urban area of my state. Hundreds of people there. Many in their best dungarees and flannel — others in pretty nice wool suits.

    Of course Kievsky, you certainly understand this. So too do the staff of OD. This is meant as encouragement and direction to those, especially young people, who are only now opening their eyes to the awful truth of impending dispossession.

    Organize yourselves now. Personally, I think the rod and gun clubs/shooting associations/Patriot groups make the most sense for me. It fits my ancestry and I too am armed to the teeth. It gives me some hope that we’ll be left alone by TPTB and can handle the roaming hordes when it finally comes to it.

    But whatever your thing, the WN ghetto is not the place to be when TSHTF.

  4. It depends upon what you mean by character.

    I think the main reason people don’t go to Klan rallies or Neo-Nazi rallies is because they either dislike those people, don’t agree with their message, or don’t perceive them as viable.

    I would go to any CofCC rally (like the Confederate Flag Rally in Columbia) because I know their events are typically well done. I know that the CofCC makes an effort to work with outside groups and reach out to the public in terms of their own experience.

    What is the point of a public protest if not to reach out to the public and create a favorable impression of our views?

    Here in the South, I know that I can work with a base of 70 percent of White people in Alabama and Georgia on a subject like immigration, whether of the illegal or legal variety.

    To the extent I take on other issues, I know that I am narrowing that audience. If I attached the cause of “securing the border” to 0.5 percent issues like “naming the Jew” and “exterminating the Jews” and “state arranged marriages” and “NS dictatorship” and “man-animal chimeras,” I might find half a dozen people in this area who would agree with that message.

    Political activity of that nature here would be a complete waste of time.

    Alternatively, if I simply said that I was pro-White, pro-American, pro-Christian and against immigration and racial double standards and outsourcing and anti-White groups like the NAACP and SPLC, I can …. operate openly without disruption, without the albatross of negative stereotypes, without being disrupted by exhibitionists, and organize the majority of White people in this area while gaining legitimacy as a political operator.

    The real question is why do something that you know is going to fail when you could be doing something that works.

  5. @ above “….My parents..talked about the “out of nowhere” nature of the “Sixties” and the American Communist revolution. They hadn’t a clue where it came from and that significantly restricted their ability to respond appropriately. My parents were non-collegiate…not part of the Marxist indoctrination and with family responsibilities the Boomers did not have….

    … could remain blissfully ignorant of the changed morality… (Many cornfed peasants are still clueless and likely will be until they meet their maker. The denizens of the Upper Midwest can vote “liberal”, congratulate themselves on their holiness….”

    One thing that strikes me in wn is the incredibly condescending tone toward other whites (internalized from Marxists even as they bitch about marxists.)

    Look at it: Guess you’re including your own parents in the stupid cornfed peasant crowd? Just too dumb to be outside the action? You say they “had family responsibilities the boomers did not have…”

    But they WERE boomers, no? Having kids or going to college has nothing to do with being a boomer.

    Another thing: many boomers were starting grade-school during the war (WWII). They had bomb drills all the time (when there wasn’t a chance they’d be bombed. Also— food ration cards (yes, in the u.s.); Also “victory gardens” so they’d grow their own food, since the food in u.s. was rationed. Their earliest memories are of terror of attack and food rations.

    NObody ever talks about that. It did not come “out of the blue,” and the left was very entrenched in the 30s, especially with populations from Stalin’s expulsions. One of the reasons they could gain so much traction was the starvation done by the “capitalists” after the civil war and during industrialization. Like the coal mine company stores. Total debt control of populations. Anybody with a brain wanted to organize—to eat. So, in many places the real left made sense at that time.

    In places s/a the South, the people were more essentially libertarian, what democrat used to mean, and simply couldn’t stomach voting for the north government (neo cons are how they see them). Many just quit voting, or kept voting democrat anyway) so there is more to the story. The GI Bill was a thought-reform program that kept on giving, next to the “go back to shcool single mom tax slave” and now latched onto the dream act, and so on.

    So there are other things, too—- not just “cornfed peasants” (I supposed I’d be one of those, whatever that means to you.)

  6. Do any of you all know the shit that my family has been through in the last 5-6 years? Lost jobs, death threats, false arrests, custody battles, media smear campaigns, harassment by neighbors and our HOA, harassment and smears by fellow ” racialists” , more death threats, family members throwing us under the bus, physical assaults, livestock killed, more jobs lost and a few more death threats, throw in some faux profiles on myspace, facebook and livejournal that are quoted as sources by media and you only have touched the tip of the iceberg.

    But I am just getting warmed up. The more shit they throw my way the better I like it and the more thick skinned I get. I think everyone just needs to fucking Cowboy Up.

  7. Hunter, I don’t know if you noticed this, but it appears that blogs and forums overall are dying. This applies to the problematic forums too.

    It’s not so much that people don’t read them, as it is that the big time commenters have all moved to social media. I believe the rise of facebook is the death of vbulletin and blog commentators. But blogs have a use of targeting a wider audience. I can track my traffic and see it go up, I can see my page rank jump up too, and yet get less comments.

    You at one time had a lot of comments, but the loss of comments isn’t specific to your own website, but a general trend. I wouldn’t be too upset about it, if lack of activity is a part of what is annoying you. People still see you. It’s just that the “bar regulars” are leaving these websites behind.

  8. The Internet is too intellectual for this latest generation of young punks, they just spend all their time “texting” inane gibberish to their friends. The computer and keyboard are going away being replaced by overly complex cell phones that aren’t suited for writing much more that one or two sentences.

  9. Anna,

    Have you watched television this past week?

    Do you not understand the Scandinavian/German majority of the Midwest is delusional? (Or utterly useless, it really doesn’t matter which.)

    No one cared a fig about those people when it was wide-open frozen tundra. It didn’t matter that they were gullible and ignorant. In fact, those might have been the qualities that made them attractive to the business interests that imported them.

    That was then.

    This is now.

    What happens in Madison Wisconsin matters to the rest of us.

    We’re joined at the hips in an insane, Mutually Assured Destruction pact called the United States.

    I’ll be damned if I let a bunch of peasants implode America through their own ineptitude. And I don’t care what color their hair or eyes.

    Oh and no there is no corn feeding my my family tree, unless it is by way of a delicious, dry-aged ribeye steak that someone out there produced at my beck and call.

  10. One way to effectively block out the fringe is to portray yourself as hbd (stands for human biodiversity) instead of pro-white.

    That puts you in a different category and for a good reason. You can still argue against immigration and crime.

  11. Yes, April.

    Everyone who has been around the White Nationalist movement for any extended period of time is familiar with your story.

    I’m quite sure you can brush off the attacks from liberals and the open opposition. I would bet though that the sick attacks from people who are ostensibly on your own side affect you in a different way.

  12. Iceman,

    I’m not upset at all about the loss of commentators.

    It is a matter of being engaged in two worlds and finding more success in the other world and more people who are willing to act on our problems in a responsible way. This raises the question of whether it would be more or less profitable to allocate the majority of my time there.

    I think it is more profitable by several orders of magnitude.

    The White majority in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida self identify as “conservatives.” There are millions of “conservatives” in this region. The majority of those people think like we do on some of the most important issues.

    In contrast, WNs must be reaching an audience of a hundreds or the low thousands in my region. When you compare the size of the potential audience, it is really like comparing apples with oranges.

    There are several other differences.

    As I have repeatedly pointed out, White Nationalists are disproportionately drawn from the ranks of people who are disagreeable, negative, pessimistic, and have problems fitting in with society. They are disproportionately alienated from society which affects their ability to effective communicate with people who are not.

    Conservatives are White people who are selected for agreeableness. They don’t attract alienated intellectuals, misfits, sociopaths, and exhibitionists like we do. Those people tend to fall out of the conservative world very quickly.

    I have about a year’s worth of experience in the conservative world now. My impression is that conservatives (and I know this from lots of irst hand experience) are 100x more likely than WNs to act on immigration and other issues.

    This is the paradox of White Nationalism: the people who ideologically committed to White racial survival are strangely the very people who are least likely to act on those ideas.

    It boils down to rhetoric being far more important than action in the WN community. A WN is someone who will spend years reflecting upon how the nature of the modern world makes it impossible to do anything about our problems.

    Conservatives, who are far more likely to be ordinary people, don’t think about such matters and respond much more readily to calls to action because they see reality through the “glass is half full” prism.

  13. @ Hunter

    Noticed that Dick Head Lugar, and John Jewboy Kerry are introducing a bill called the Visa Startup Act that sells American citizenship for $250,000 to “investors”.

    What a couple of old whores.

  14. Hunter, I don’t know if you noticed this, but it appears that blogs and forums overall are dying. This applies to the problematic forums too.

    It’s not so much that people don’t read them, as it is that the big time commenters have all moved to social media. I believe the rise of facebook is the death of vbulletin and blog commentators.

    Then one day you’ll try and log on to your Facebook account and discover that every WN comment you ever made has been deleted and your (and every other WN’s) account is suspended because the ADL made a phone call to Zuckerberg and told him they’d gathered enough information from the honey trap and it’s time to pull the plug.

    You better hope that when that day comes there are still some WN owned sites left for the movement to move to and regroup.

  15. Notice how Andrew’s writing becomes yet another avenue for people to step up to the pulpit and proselytize for their POV? Everyone has the answers and can tell you what you shouldn’t do, but showing results that have been accomplished from their “correct way” solutions are virtually nonexistent. 99.9% of White Nationalism(at least the American variety) consists of talking on the Internet, preaching about how your way is the right way, and jockeying for position in the game of, “I’m more hardcore than you – I’ve sacrificed more than you – You’re not really White enough – You can’t be WN or pro-White if your life consists of XXXXXXX.”

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s the fact that pro-White groups/people/communities rarely use questions marks; and when they do, it’s used more for rhetorical value than it is for actual inquisition and a key component of building a viable framework. Hell, even when it is used for simple inquisition to acquire more knowledge and move forward, it’s more than likely a set up for an Inquisition. It’s almost as though people want to find something wrong more than they want to find something right; or they they go out of their way to disregard a thousand acres of common ground to nitpick about the one acre that puts them at odds. I wonder why that is? <– serious question, not rhetorical

  16. “I’m quite sure you can brush off the attacks from liberals and the open opposition. I would bet though that the sick attacks from people who are ostensibly on your own side affect you in a different way.” Hunter Wallace

    Hell yeah, and let me tell you that the attacks on a woman in White Nationalism go way beyond the pale, according to some of our “fellow racialists” I am , a manipulative gold digger, obese, Svengali for my childrens band, stage mother, slut, rotund, cheap whore, ignorant, and even a stooge for the ADL. But the rule still applies, Cowboy Up.

    I still think that if I can stand up to all this, you men should be able to do it hands down and quit your whining.

  17. April,

    Matt Parrott has a similar point of view.

    He thinks we should stand firm for explicit White Nationalism. Put up with the vicious attacks, the exhibitionists, the conspiracy theorists, the do nothing rhetorical radicals, the weirdos who preach defeat as an ideology and go out of their way to marginalize our cause.

    I used to think that the WN movement could be reformed and that responsible people could take it in a more practical, constructive direction. Maybe something along the lines of the Europeans have already done.

    I still think that is possible, but is also highly unlikely.

    I also realized that I was clinging to a label which was an unnecessary obstacle to advancing my views. I was spending most of my time writing as a WN about immigration.

    Unfortunately, WNs aren’t really interested in immigration, and the people who do care about immigration are opposed to WN because of all the dealbreakers and albatrosses that are hitched to the WN wagon. In clinging to a label, I am intentionally narrowing my audience and reducing my ability to spread our ideas.

    You said above that you have a thick skin. I bet you have lost count of all the sick attacks over the years.

    Reflect upon the implications of that: it takes a very peculiar type of personality to put up with that nonsense indefinitely in return for social ostracism and employment discrimination.

    Those things alone are sufficient to deter most White people from bothering with White Nationalism. What do you suppose happens when those who do take an interest join the movement and find out to their disgust – in light of all the risks that they are taking – that there is another price tag which consists of being a target of fools and mentally disturbed people acting out various anti-social disorders on the internet?

    The implication is that the potential audience of WN is narrowed yet again by yet another unnecessary obstacle to communication.

    It is an impossible task to create a White ethnostate in North America with (1) the people that WN is reaching now (the disagreeable curmudgeons, exhibitionists, and alienated intellectuals) and (2) without the people that are turned off by these unnecessary obstacles.

    Simply put, WN cannot win without the people that it is now warding off, which are largely women and the men who are attracted to those women.

    Until this imbalance is corrected in some way, I don’t think WN has a future. It cannot compete with conservatism on the basis of “the truth” alone. Anarchy will prevail and one year will fade into the next.

    I’ve seen too many years go by without change to remain complacent.

  18. I’ve seen too many years go by without change to remain complacent.

    Nobody’s complacent. The status quo is obviously defective. But you’re creating a false dichotomy and a false timetable. You insist that the absurd caricature of explicit nationalism has failed and point to this supposedly promising implicit nationalism as the only possible direction forward. There’s a persuasive case that mainstream conservatives have been doing that “implicit nationalism” thing for decades as well, with little if any success.

    He thinks we should stand firm for explicit White Nationalism. Put up with the vicious attacks, the exhibitionists, the conspiracy theorists, the do nothing rhetorical radicals, the weirdos who preach defeat as an ideology and go out of their way to marginalize our cause.

    I agree that all those are problems, but the solution isn’t cannibalism or self-flagellation. The best and easiest way for a movement to practice hygiene is for it to actually move. To quote a Jew, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Cranks and hobbyists aren’t going to invest their time and their reputation in real world projects, deal with the social issues that come with leaving mom’s basement, and tolerate the sorts of compromises and collaborations real world politicking requires.

    Unfortunately, WNs aren’t really interested in immigration, and the people who do care about immigration are opposed to WN because of all the dealbreakers and albatrosses that are hitched to the WN wagon. In clinging to a label, I am intentionally narrowing my audience and reducing my ability to spread our ideas.

    It’s not about clinging to a label. It’s about inviting other people to stand for what we actually stand for. If only cranks and creepers explicitly support a White republic then the general public will naturally presume the White republic to be for cranks and creepers. To truly radicalize people in the way we need to do to succeed, we have to inspire them with a clear and complete vision, a “Zionism for crackers” to rally around.

    Piecemeal subterfuge to push things in our direction on single issues adds value, and I think people ought to do that. But they needn’t go out of their way to stigmatize explicit nationalism while doing so. They can just do their own thing and leave us be. Unless “mainstreamer” arguments are couched in attacks on explicit nationalism, I’m all for them.

    Reflect upon the implications of that: it takes a very peculiar type of personality to put up with that nonsense indefinitely in return for social ostracism and employment discrimination.

    Let’s make a deal. I won’t call people who don’t speak up cowards if you don’t call people who do speak up “peculiar”. There’s nothing peculiar about standing for what’s right. Conversely, there are plenty of reasons other than cowardice to remain silent.

    Simply put, WN cannot win without the people that it is now warding off, which are largely women and the men who are attracted to those women.

    In my experience, women aren’t run off by radical rhetoric as much as by the whiff of uselessness and the hobby mentality pervading our cause. We needn’t soften our rhetoric to attract women, only make it more goal-oriented. Obviously, you have toxic personalities who will drive out women and people without thick skin, but that problem is by no means exclusive to the vanguard and is easy enough to isolate and deal with in person on a case-by-case basis.

    I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: We’ll spend the first part of this struggle trying to get women to catch up with us, and the second part of this struggle trying to keep up with them. Once they’ve recognized as a group what the problem is and once we’ve presented ourselves as a credible solution to that problem, they’ll drive us away from our laptops and out on the streets with their broomsticks.

  19. When I wrote this article I started it with this:

    “A spineless person is said to be lacking in resolution; weak and purposeless. The white advocate community is by and large, spineless. What I mean by that is that it can be shown, through innumerable examples, that any small amount of opposition, pressure, or stress, is enough to shatter the community organizing and efforts of individuals work undertaken over a period of years.”

    Hunter/Matt: enough. You have better things to be doing then perpetuating this mini flame war. The gentlemanly thing to do would be to conduct this dialogue in private.

  20. April Gaede says:
    February 20, 2011 at 7:43 pm

    Hell yeah, and let me tell you that the attacks on a woman in White Nationalism go way beyond the pale, according to some of our “fellow racialists” I am , a manipulative gold digger, obese, Svengali for my childrens band, stage mother, slut, rotund, cheap whore, ignorant, and even a stooge for the ADL. But the rule still applies, Cowboy Up.

    I still think that if I can stand up to all this, you men should be able to do it hands down and quit your whining.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    April Gaeda has remained steadfast and surprisingly upbeat and very charming for our people in the face of terrible smears from Antis, the MSM and also from White folks supposedly on our side.

    But so many of our awakened White Americans can only do open White Nationalism for a shorter period of time before they burn out from the negativity and persecution. Or else White Americans only do WN activism at times where they are relatively free to speak their minds – during college years, or after they retire from their work if they are financial secure – White American folks in their late 30s and 40s have to do a lot of sucking up to the system for their careers and families. And anyone doing open WN – associated with Nazis, Holocaust Deniers, folks openly calling for the violent revolutionary destruction of the government of the United States – well, this just isn’t really good for the middle aged White America guy’s family and career.

    My advice is to do effective activism given your age, location, class and feel free to move in and out of mainstream to more hard core activism at various times of your life.

    I had success in both open WN (I was the co-creator of the MISSING – A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN flyer/poster, the most popular American WN propaganda flyer in American history). I was on local television a fair amount, was published in Chicago, Tennessee, Wisconsin newspapers, did a lot of talk radio – had a small but loyal following, even had some female admirers who saw me on TV and pursued me to have sexual affairs and sometimes I said yes – it worked out fine.

    But after a couple of years of this open WN and related activism, I felt I wasn’t being effective and I wasn’t enjoying life. So I made some changes, got a real job, had success in business and family and just wasn’t open WN. I still supported our issues and educated those Whites I came in to contact with who showed some promise, interest – but I wasn’t a hard core WN missionary.

    Then after about ten years, I did some mainstream political activism and helped to win some key Congressional races and helped beat back many, MANY illegal alien amnesties. I’ve successfully promoted many White marriages and seen some great White children as the result.

    This is what I suggest Hunter and William do now – just move away from open 24/7 American WN. We wish them well. We don’t want them to break down and denounce their former pro White beliefs or try to take money from the SPLC go on show tours denoucing White RACISM on college campuses or anything like that – we just want them to get away from full time WN movement, do well in mainstream life – and then after 10-15 years, maybe come back to more open WN once they have made good amounts of $ and have some connections, resources that can help our movement.

    It does not help our WN movement to be:

    Single male
    No Job
    Few or no friends, contacts outside of the back stabbing full time America WN movement.

    And April, be honest – how many of our our full time 24/7 WN young men will get to meet fun, sexy White gals like you or your daughters? If you join some Judeo X’tian church and mouth the things the local church members tell you to say, then there is a decent chance you can get a healthy, White G.F./Wife. Lots of luck finding a G.F./Wife in the American WN movement!

    April – Hunter and William aren’t leaving our cause, they’re just going to do other things, be around other White people and if the subject of April Gaede and Prussian Blue comes up, I think both with defend you and your talented daughters.

    April, have you considered going a little mainstream? Maybe run for mayor of your new Montana town, make a few adjustments, the same David Duke made when he went mainstream in the early 90s and was elected to the LA Hous of Reps, challenged very well for Governor, US Senate. You could do the same, just make some adjustments, say that you were a little too hard core in the past. Westerners who like Sarah Palin will love you.

    Take care April –

    Keep the faith for our folk.

    14 Words

  21. William,

    Go back and read those articles carefully: Do I ever say the White Republic should be abandoned? Do I say WN’s are alienated kooks and wierdos? Do I say we need to settle for a segregated Multicultural-style Brazil? NO! Nowhere did I do this!

    I believe I’ve resolved the disconnect, here. I define White Nationalism as the pursuit of a White nation, and White nationalists as people intent on pursuing that nation. You define White Nationalism as a cult-like movement and White Nationalists as adherents of that cult. I define multiculturalism as integrating multiple cultures. You define multiculturalism as cultural literacy – being knowledgeable about and respectful of other cultures.

    If you take the time to re-read those articles with the definitions I walked in with, you may be able to understand why I took your article as a repudiation of ethnic nationalism and an embrace of integration. You may also be able to realize why I responded as pointedly as I did (though never disrespectfully).

    I was trying to help the cause and was attacked for it. And who drew first blood? You did Matt. Right off the back your response has the picture of the crying face. This is obviously to imply that I’m some kind of cry-baby for talking about the contradictions in being raised Multicult and then becoming a WN even though I’m fully aware of the conflict of interest.

    Your article was bursting with insults at the cause, and I didn’t even insert the crying face. Admittedly, I could have objected to it and deferred to the editor’s discretion. But you can’t blast us repeatedly on a personal level as fools, rejects, and failures, then play the victim when you receive a response that limits its criticism to your ideas (or my confused perception of your ideas, as the case may be).

    Let’s turn this question on you Matt. I know that you have a dear family member that has medical issues. People like Pierce (and Johnson) didn’t envision their ethnostate to be for all whites, but those superior whites, I believe Pierce said something like 95% of all whites were genetically worthless. So this dear family member of yours with their medical issues wouldn’t fit the physically superior, Aryan (or is it Hyperborian?) master whites that would be allowed in their ethnostate. Are you willing to abandon this family member who wouldn’t be allowed in? What would it be Matt: living without this unsuperior family member who you love in the ethnostate or living with them outside the ethnostate? Are you willing to make a decision right here and now about tearing your family apart for the ethnostate at a time when it isn’t even feasible? Before you point fingers at me and lecture me about such contradictions and decisions look at your own life you goddamn hypocrite. Having someone say that to you doesn’t feel good does it?

    I would not want any part in an ethnostate that followed the more fevered ideas of some people on the Racial Right. I have nightmares about man-animal chimeras, too. I would choose to languish in a multicult slum before consenting to such a cruel and un-Christian regime. I owe you and offer a sincere apology for making it personal. I felt it was a clever way to get to the root of the issue, but it was out of bounds.

    I still like and respect you Matt, and hope we can work together in the future since we have the same goal in mind; but needless fights like this drives public wedges between those racially aware thereby weakening our cause. If you disagreed with me or didn’t understand what I was saying you should have contacted me privately (which you know how to do).

    I envisioned a lively back-n-forth, not a fight, which is why I led with supportive personal remarks about you. Publicly debating doesn’t weaken the cause; It strengthens it. Hopefully you can see now from the definitional disconnect why it seemed as clear as a bell to me that you were denouncing “White Nationalism” and promoting “becoming truly multicultural”, that I wasn’t being malicious.

    That’s all I have to say about the matter, publicly. You know where to find me if you have anything more to say.

  22. I don’t know Matt personally but I have a very good opinion of him. He seems mature, thoughtful and decent. He has nothing to apologize for in this discussion. In my opinion, William is the one whose crossed the line. He’s come off like a kid throwing a tantrum because people wouldn’t kiss his mixed family’s arse.

    It all boils down to one simple question: does one support miscegenation or not? I don’t and that’s true whether its a relative doing it or not. Apparently William does support it when it comes to his family because he’s failed to address it properly.

    If your foot gets gangrene you cut it off whether you want to or not. Otherwise it just spreads. When a relative crosses the line you disown them whether you want to or not. Otherwise it just spreads. It’s better to lose a relative than have your whole family follow their example.

    I realize each family is different. So his making an issue of it may simply result in his being disowned instead. And that wouldn’t help anything. But he could at least reduce his own personal contact with those responsible. Instead, he has defended their behavior and attacked those who won’t agree with it. He shouldn’t blame others for his aunt’s choices or his failure to man up.

  23. “People like Pierce (and Johnson) didn’t envision their ethnostate to be for all whites, but those superior whites, I believe Pierce said something like 95% of all whites were genetically worthless. So this dear family member of yours with their medical issues wouldn’t fit the physically superior, Aryan (or is it Hyperborian?) master whites that would be allowed in their ethnostate. ”

    William Pierce made no such assertion. That is not at all what he said. He simply stated that 95 percent of people did not have any, or at least, many independent thoughts concerning politics and simply “went with the flow.’ Pierce said no such thing as “95% of all whites were genetically defective” and therefore need ruthlessly culled from the gene pool. He made no such statements to the effect of excluding 95% of whites from any future ethnostate. He made no such statements to the effect of abandoning a white family member because of susceptibility to certain diseases. This claim comes straight from talk about the Third Reich, and that, too, is incorrect. This claim is an extrapolation of the Third Reich claims onto William Pierce.

    Why do so many today, and I am not restricting this point to politics or ideologies, insist on talking about and stridently asserting opinions on subjects and people that they simply have little or no knowledge of? This comes from one or both of two conditions: (1), reading or listening to second hand “reviews” and “descriptions” written by or talked about by people who either don’t know what they are talking about and/or people who are lying in order to lend support to their own point of view, and (2), like part of the above, simply lying in order to slander or else create a straw man argument to help a personal cause or point of view.

  24. William Pierce made no such assertion.

    Yeah, I can’t recall him saying or writing anything like that either. He did indeed say that the vast majority of people were “lemmings” who simply adapted their words and behavior to the realities of power. A lot of his radio speeches were pretty bloodthirsty, but as I recall they were directed against the government.

  25. Pierce did write something about race traitors, enemies of the Aryan race and dropping people down an abandoned coal mine. And Pierce, of course, had a very broad definition of “enemy of the Aryan race,” including, among others, anyone who believed in Christianity.

  26. “And Pierce, of course, had a very broad definition of “enemy of the Aryan race,” including, among others, anyone who believed in Christianity.”


    I thought he often stated that Christianity and the Bible had not changed, only the Church, i.e, preachers and such who interpreted Christianity and the Bible. He often discussed how Christians never used to be like they are today and would not have put up with the changes many mainstream churches and preachers condone and advocate.

    So no, once again, Pierce did not make any such blanket statement.

    Since we are at it making assertions about things that we don’t know much about, I might try it:

    Now, brain surgery consists of a surgeon educated mostly in astronomy classes, and to begin the surgery he will first give you a shot of selenium to make you as alert as possible. So no one should ever go t oany doctor when they are sick.

    If you want a Martin guitar what you should do is to go out and collect some burnt saplings and take them to the local woodworker. This is how they get the wood to make the body of Martin guitars so any woodworker can easily make you one. That is the secret.

    To make a high speed internet connection faster you can add a capacitor to your line. This causes a build up of energy and thus will make your connection faster.

    Ho Chi Ming liked his tea with a touch of parsley flakes added. He liked reading old issues of Amazing Stories magazines. He really liked thinking about a better design of toaster oven.

  27. To be blunt, reading Rome’s descriptions of his interaction with his “family” I was thinking WTF? I am pretty damn sure that even if I were not “race conscious” and had never heard of WN and had that going on with family, visits and interactions would be few and far between. And unless I am blind, deaf and stupid, I am certain that 90+ percent of white people are the same way and would have little interaction with this kind of “family” and would usually avoid such get-together’s. I mean come on! LOL! Eating chitlins with a nigger family and all the shit he describes??? Not in this life! Look, I’ve been half way friendly and polite with one or two blacks and all, but no way would I or am I ever going to partake of any of that kind of gettin’ down with blacks. LOL!

    Never mind WN or politics, ideology or what have you, that boy is not right. Period. Someone might as well say it.

  28. First:

    “Go back and read those articles carefully: Do I ever say the White Republic should be abandoned? Do I say WN’s are alienated kooks and wierdos? Do I say we need to settle for a segregated Multicultural-style Brazil? NO! Nowhere did I do this!”

    But then:

    “Because it’s not gonna happen anytime soon. Why burden myself needlessly over something that’s not gonna confront me in the near future if at all (ie: the White Republic isn’t achieved in my lifetime)?”

    “Instead you issued a public statement completely misinterpretning what I wrote which opened me up for attacks by the scum of what you admitted is “the swamp” of this movement.”

    To which Parrot responds:

    ” I owe you and offer a sincere apology for making it personal.”

    “Publicly debating doesn’t weaken the cause; It strengthens it.”

    “That’s all I have to say about the matter, publicly. You know where to find me if you have anything more to say.”

    Mawkish professions of wounded narcissistic vanity. Apologies for having caused same. Expressions of total contempt for those who support the cause of White preservation. An abundance of Orwellian doublespeak.

    Utterly and truly pathetic. Absolutely execrable.

    Wallace, Rome, do yourselves and the cause a favor, give up blogging permanently.

    Parrot, I will not deign to comment on any blog you exercise censorship over again.

  29. For those who wonder after the failure of White Nationalism, wonder no longer. Its “leading lights” are little better than mental and moral pygmies.

    Even the high-flown elder statesmen of the Regnery outfit can offer nothing much more than the recycled mystic of fascism as that plumbs the depths of their imagination. They are at best second rate intellects who can’t really think.

    Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” It is precisely these that are in short supply.

  30. Parrot[t], I will not deign to comment on any blog you exercise censorship over again.

    Excuse me for being a mental pygmy, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    For those who wonder after the failure of White Nationalism, wonder no longer. Its “leading lights” are little better than mental and moral pygmies.

    Do you suggest that we pygmies stand down until you can be bothered to stand up?

  31. [t]: “Excuse me for being a mental pygmy, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    You exercise no control over comment “moderation” at TOO as you did at Amren?

    “Do you suggest that we pygmies stand down until you can be bothered to stand up?”

    You could try upping your game. Avoiding in future what has gone on in this thread would be a good place to start.

  32. MacDonald never even attempts to get at the stuff of a genuine conscious of race. With him, it is only ever the negative consciousness of Self induced by the Other per “social identity processes.” Pfft. There is much work to be done.

    I’ll do what I can when I feel I am adequately prepared at Majority Rights.

  33. You exercise no control over comment “moderation” at TOO as you did at Amren?

    You shouldn’t give so much weight to Jupiter’s conspiracy theories. I did follow AmRen’s editorial guidelines while volunteering for them, just as I do at TOO. I haven’t actually deleted a comment there in weeks and am not sure who (if anybody) is right now. I should probably track that better, now that you mention it. I would be willing to bet a dollar that I have never deleted a single one of your comments, presuming you didn’t post anti-Jewish comments at AmRen circa 2007.

  34. “conscious[ness]”

    That one’s for you, Jup. Keep fighting the good fight.

    This will be my final comment at this blog.


  35. For those who wonder after the failure of White Nationalism, wonder no longer. Its “leading lights” are little better than mental and moral pygmies.

    Luminaries within White Nationalism are about as rare as unicorns, and as reassuring of their commitment to consistent professionalism as is the idea of a competent Sub-Saharan space program.

  36. Nobody’s complacent. The status quo is obviously defective. But you’re creating a false dichotomy and a false timetable.

    I’ve seen this same videotape play for ten years now. One year fades into the next. Nothing ever changes. If anything is true, things get worse than they already are, as we saw with Amren in 2010 and 2011. In hindsight, the amazing thing about WN is how little things ever change.

    Ten years ago, the WN movement was almost identical to what it is today. Maybe it was a little more organized because Pierce and the National Alliance were still around at the time and the NSM wasn’t so prominent. But it was still basically the same people venting their frustrations on the internet, “naming the Jew,” and having the same arguments that they do today about history, religion, philosophy, etc.

    Seeing as how we have a maximum of two or three decades to reverse our decline, I am not happy about seeing a wasted decade go by in the rearview mirror, especially with so little to show for it in my local area.

    You insist that the absurd caricature of explicit nationalism has failed and point to this supposedly promising implicit nationalism as the only possible direction forward.

    Well, you got me there.

    I don’t believe for a second that explicit White Nationalism can win as it exists today. Explicit White Nationalists can’t even mobilize the millions of White Americans who are already explicitly White. What’s more, I don’t think explicit White Nationalists really want to either.

    There’s a persuasive case that mainstream conservatives have been doing that “implicit nationalism” thing for decades as well, with little if any success.


    Still, I would bet money that mainstream conservatives (implicit White types in the South and West) are more likely to change their tune than explicit WN are. I think it is easier to reform conservatives and get them to act in useful ways and than explicit WNs.

    I agree that all those are problems, but the solution isn’t cannibalism or self-flagellation. The best and easiest way for a movement to practice hygiene is for it to actually move. To quote a Jew, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Cranks and hobbyists aren’t going to invest their time and their reputation in real world projects, deal with the social issues that come with leaving mom’s basement, and tolerate the sorts of compromises and collaborations real world politicking requires.

    I’ve figured out the solution to this problem.

    I meant everything I said about “mainstreaming” White racial consciousness and “divorcing” the vanguard. The way you do that is to abandon labels like “White Advocacy” and “White Nationalist” altogether and promote the substance of White Advocacy under the “conservative” label through single issue campaigns.

    Through a simple rhetorical change, I can leap over the barriers of partisanship and negative stereotypes, and organize openly in the real world without the distraction of exhibitionists trying to disrupt my efforts.

    It’s not about clinging to a label. It’s about inviting other people to stand for what we actually stand for. If only cranks and creepers explicitly support a White republic then the general public will naturally presume the White republic to be for cranks and creepers. To truly radicalize people in the way we need to do to succeed, we have to inspire them with a clear and complete vision, a “Zionism for crackers” to rally around.

    Sure it is.

    I really stand for fighting illegal immigration and cutting legal immigration. I really do believe in securing the border.

    A majority of White people in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida agree with me on that issue.

    Now, I can write about immigration for a WN audience, the majority of whom find mainstream politics and immigration policy boring and a waste of their time, or I can write for a conservative audience (conservatives being the White majority in my state) and inspire people to actually do something about the problem.

    It is a no brainer.

    I can communicate with millions of people who are receptive to my message or a few thousand people who would much rather discuss Nazi Germany on the internet.

    Piecemeal subterfuge to push things in our direction on single issues adds value, and I think people ought to do that. But they needn’t go out of their way to stigmatize explicit nationalism while doing so. They can just do their own thing and leave us be. Unless “mainstreamer” arguments are couched in attacks on explicit nationalism, I’m all for them.

    I’m going to invoke the “false flag” word that I heard so often in WN circles.

    Maybe explicit WN is a “false flag” because it offers a form of rhetorical radicalism in cyberspace with one hand while offering a program of pacifism and resignation in the real world with the other hand.

    That’s my honest opinion.

    I think I spent about a decade of my time on what is really little more than escape valve for frustrated, alienated people. It is escape valve because it takes anger and translates that anger into words which marginalize people and cripple their ability to affect their situation.

    Let’s make a deal. I won’t call people who don’t speak up cowards if you don’t call people who do speak up “peculiar”. There’s nothing peculiar about standing for what’s right. Conversely, there are plenty of reasons other than cowardice to remain silent.

    We’re not talking about “speaking up” for “what’s right” here, Matt. If WNs did that and nothing else, there wouldn’t be a problem here.

    It is right to speak up about, say, the racial double standards we live under, radical multiculturalism, immigration, White guilt, the sewage pulsating through our culture, foreign policy, affirmative action, racial con artists and the transfer of our wealth, yada, yada, yada.

    I’m specifically talking about the disagreeable types who hitch all those things to insane causes and who go out of their way to make WN look repulsive and ineffective to ordinary people.

    April described her experience with these types above.

    My point is that no one but the most hardcore ideologues (o.oo5 percent of White America) will put up with that kind of nonsense for any extended period of times. No one who wants to win either is going to say, yeah, those guys are on my side and are a part of the team, and we got to make some place for them.

    In my experience, women aren’t run off by radical rhetoric as much as by the whiff of uselessness and the hobby mentality pervading our cause. We needn’t soften our rhetoric to attract women, only make it more goal-oriented.

    You’ve got to be joking.

    The male to female ratio is skewed like 9 to 1 in the WN movement. In contrast, there are more women involved with the Tea Party than men. You would never know that women are just as opposed as men to illegal immigration from reading WN websites.

    Why are women and so many other identifiable sectors of the White population missing in the WN movement? Why are other groups (like the disagreeable curmudgeons and alienated intellectuals and exhibitionists) so drastically overrepresented?

    It has everything to do with message and tone. I know this for a fact because I am involved in the conservative world where these groups are, if anything, overrepresented.

    Obviously, you have toxic personalities who will drive out women and people without thick skin, but that problem is by no means exclusive to the vanguard and is easy enough to isolate and deal with in person on a case-by-case basis.

    These toxic personalities are like kryptonite to women. They also succeed in attracting ever more of their number (anti-social people who are kicked out of every other community) while warding off the majority of the population who would dislike them in any type of society, racialist or otherwise.

    I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: We’ll spend the first part of this struggle trying to get women to catch up with us, and the second part of this struggle trying to keep up with them. Once they’ve recognized as a group what the problem is and once we’ve presented ourselves as a credible solution to that problem, they’ll drive us away from our laptops and out on the streets with their broomsticks.

    The credible solution the WN movement is presenting now is as follows:

    The total collapse of Western civilization and the American economy is a good thing and will speed our rise to power, upon which we time, we will abolish Christianity and republican government in the United States.

    People who are pissed off about issues like immigration and affirmative action (the usual issues which attract people to WN) see that “solution” and within a split second click the little “x” on the top right hand of their screen and never return.

  37. The white advocate community is leaderless and directionless. The blogosphere is full of whining, bereft of any practical steps to create anything new. None of the theorists and self-styled little generals can be bothered to create any real world plans because they are too busy imagining ridiculous plans for world domination. They are devoid of even the simplest of suggestions for the average awakened Joe.

  38. The white advocate community is leaderless and directionless.

    Probably not for too much longer; and much to the dismay of people like Hunter Wallace, it’s not going to be ‘Conservative,’ ‘Christian,’ or even ‘Americana’ in nature. He’s beating a dead horse.

  39. “Backbone” is an excellent way to put it, and yes, “self worth” belongs in any essay about drug abuse. IME, people with both/either don’t fall prey.

    Your life’s like a cup. Fill it with something good (meaning, purpose), and there’ll be little room left over for drugs.

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