Mississippi: Interracial Marriage Still Unpopular

Mississippi Republicans oppose interracial marriage


A new PPP poll out of Mississippi is riling up liberals across the internet.

The poll found that 46 percent of registered Republicans in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. 40 percent said that it should be legal. Another 14 percent were unsure.

Mississippi Republicans describe themselves as “very conservative” (40 percent), “somewhat conservative” (36 percent), “moderate” (17 percent), “somewhat liberal” (4 percent), and “very liberal” (4 percent).

I would take these numbers with a grain of salt.

The actual number of Mississippi Republicans who believe interracial marriage should be illegal is probably much higher. Many of the people who said it should be legal were only giving the politically correct answer to a pollster.

Racial Conservatism

I will take this as good news.

I’ve said for years now that millions of White Southerners are still explicitly racially conscious. They understand racial differences, oppose miscegenation, already consider themselves pro-White, oppose illegal immigration, etc.

Ideologically speaking, these people are properly understood as “racial conservatives.” I was born and raised in this cultural milieu. It is still widespread in Dixie almost fifty years after the demise of Jim Crow.

It was racial conservatives who voted for George Wallace. In the early 1990s, they voted for David Duke in Louisiana. They voted for Jim Giles in his Mississippi congressional campaigns.

In 2004, they voted down the attempt to strip segregationist language out of the Alabama state constitution. They supported the Confederate flag in Georgia and South Carolina.

There are far more racial conservatives in America than White Nationalists. Most of these people have never heard of White Nationalism or associate the movement with Neo-Nazi groups like the National Alliance.

Future Direction

If we hope to get anywhere in the South, then we have to start by connecting with racial conservatives. We can’t even get to first base without first winning over the people who already agree with us on race. My future efforts here will always be conducted with that in mind.

I’m not sure how much direct impact I can have as a blogger, but I can at least try to clarify racial issues for whoever in my area is willing to listen, without selling them on bullshit or fantasies that will never happen.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The barriers to mobilizing the racially conscious White South are the same barriers that exist everywhere. While the people are racially conscious, the local power brokers in the business community, government and media who run things are not. They collude to make sure no one with the wrong views gets anywhere near power.

  2. And when someone with the wrong views does occasionally win power in the South, the power structure does everything they can to destroy the person, even if it means bringing in the Feds. There is a very interesting fight over Section 8 housing going case here right now (southeast Louisiana). I wish I had time to say more about it, but what it boils down to is this. A non-Louisiana, non local property developer is trying to build a huge Section 8 complex in the middle of St. Bernard parish. St. Bernard parish is overwhelmingly White, and of course the local residents oppose the project.

    The local parish President, however, is fighting hard for people for a change instead of capitulating. This has been going on for years. For a while the local media and the Black agitators tried to intimidate the people of St. Bernard with the usual shit (you’re racist, etc.). But when that didn’t work, they promptly called in the heavy guns: a liberal federal judge, HUD, and the Holder Justice department. So basically the full weight of the Federal government is now being used to force a poor White community to take 600 section 8 housing units.

  3. best news I’ve heard all year, Hunter! Our people are still alive, in the way that it matters.

  4. “I will take this as good news.”

    Except that they will vote for all the Republicans that want amnesty and more immigration. Somebody has to mow their lawns for christ sake!

  5. “The actual number of Mississippi Republicans who believe interracial marriage should be illegal is probably much higher. Many of the people who said it should be legal were only giving the politically correct answer to a pollster.”

    Almost certainy true but by the same token if the 46% who agree had a TV journalist stick a live camera and microphone in their face a lot would deny it. I’m not criticizing them for that it just illustrates how a vaccination program would help.

    “I’m not sure how much direct impact I can have as a blogger”


  6. “There is a very interesting fight over Section 8 housing …and of course the local residents oppose the project.”

    Using this as an example, i think Vaccination arguments and slogans need to revolve around double standards because for some reason that bugs White people. One example of that on any issue like this is the media / political / academic establishment pushing diversity tend to live in safe all-white neighborhoods. If there’s any well known all-white liberal (or Jewish) media /academic / politician enclaves in Louisiana then that leads to slogans like:

    “If diversity is so great build section 8 in [blank]”
    “[blank] first, St Bernards second.”
    “Diversify [blank]”

    If a journalist is trying to bully one of the locals their set response should be something like “where do you live?” and then follow up with “you build section 8 in your neighborhood first and then i’ll listen.”

  7. One example of that on any issue like this is the media / political / academic establishment pushing diversity tend to live in safe all-white neighborhoods. If there’s any well known all-white liberal (or Jewish) media /academic / politician enclaves in Louisiana then that leads to slogans like:

    “If diversity is so great build section 8 in [blank]”
    “[blank] first, St Bernards second.”
    “Diversify [blank]”

    If I recall correctly, this was one of the major themes of the resistance to forced busing
    during the South Boston school crisis of the 70s. Ghetto blacks were being bused into the white working class enclave of South Boston while more affluent areas weren’t being subjected to this. I haven’t read the book, but apparently E. Michael Jones goes into a lot of detail on this episode:

  8. Wandrin,

    I like your “vaccination” concept and the idea of having stock responses ready to go during these disputes; and if the comments on our local Web site are any indication, there is a lot of evidence that White people especially loathe and resent the double-standards that accompany “diversity.” Every news story fills up with comments criticizing this judge for ruling in favor of the section 8 developers while living in an antebellum mansion in an extremely affluent neighborhood.

    This section 8 dispute has many facets with potential lessons for White Advocates.

    This dispute actually started in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina when outside developers started buying up property with the intention of building section 8 housing and renting it out to Blacks and illegal Mexicans. The Mexicans were swarming into this area post-Katrina to steal contract work from predominately White contractors, and thousands of Blacks had been flooded out and were looking for new homes.

    In response, the local government passed a series of “blood relative” ordinances. These ordinances restricted all St. Bernard parish property owners from renting their property to anyone but a “blood relative.” In turn, the ordinances had the effect of making it impossible for the out-of-state developers to do what they intended (buy up property and rent to Mexicans and Blacks). The law also prevented any local White residents from renting to the Blacks and the Mexicans, and a lot of Whites were actually looking to do this at the time in order to move and get out of the path of hurricanes.

    By passing these “blood relative” restrictions, the local government quite literally prevented their community from being irreversibly and permanently transformed from White to non-White.

    But of course this action also aroused the wrath and scrutiny of the local media, the SWPLs, the Black agitators, the Department of Housing and Urban development and the Jew lawyers. They were eventually forced to rescind their “blood relative” ordinances, but the ordinances were in effect long enough to have the desired effect.

    Only one out-of-state developer managed to buy enough land for its section 8 project, and this is the developer the community is fighting.

    I think there are a few takeaways here that might show how the usual pattern of White retreat can be broken.

    1) The White folks fighting the section 8 project spend a huge amount of wasted time and energy fending off constant attacks that allege racism.

    Every person against this project who appears on TV, or who is quoted in the paper, always begins by saying something like “I personally am not a racist, but…

    Having the “vaccination” counter-attacks ready would help with this.

    2) White folks are more likely to resist when the threat will touch their community and their lives on a daily basis.

    The same White Southerners who might cave (sadly) on the confederate flag appear to be more inclined to fight if a loss means a boatload of Somalis or their domestic equivalents moving next door.

    3) White folks are even more likely to resist when the threat will touch their lives and their local leaders are willing to fight for them.

    I suspect a lot of racially conscious White Southerners seldom get involved in these disputes because they think what’s the point; we will just be sold out by our leaders anyway — which of course is almost always the truth.

    It creates a mindset of futility.

    But in this case, as hard as it might be to believe, the local government is actually fighting for its White constituents instead of against them.

    I doubt this would occur many places outside the South.

    4) White people gain huge benefits from having sympathizers in positions with actual, real governmental POWER.

    It is amazing what can happen when White people have friends wielding real governmental power.

    – The local government passed the “blood ordinance” laws to keep out Blacks and Mexicans.

    – They passed a byzantine mass of zoning laws and regulations designed to stymie the section 8 developer by creating delays and thereby increasing their project costs (more time=more money).

    – They have pretty much ignored the Black agitators, the influential SWPLs and the media instead of cowering and capitulating.

    – They were sued for housing discrimination in federal court, lost in federal court, and then ordered to allow the section 8 project to proceed. They responded by ignoring the court’s ruling which forced the developer to seek a contempt order and incur additional legal fees, delays and expense.

    – They have outright ignored multiple contempt orders from a federal judge.

    – Because of all this, they are now in the sights of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and Eric Holder’s Justice department.

    The people that hate Whites are truly relentless. They are going to all this effort to force a poor White community that no one has ever heard of to take section 8 housing that will destroy the lives of many Whites but create profits for an out of state developer.

    But my perception is that it strengthens peoples’ resolve and makes them less likely to retreat when they leaders who are willing to fight and able to fight.

    So there is a well just waiting to be tapped in the South.

    The problem in the South is not finding racially conscious people willing to fight but finding ways to get those people into power positions where they are able to fight.

  9. Funny how the white man wants to stop interratial marriages, but are they willing to give back the Land that they Stole to the Native American, are they willing to not marry anyone other than white woman that includes hispanic women, asian women, indian women and so on and so forth. Or is this just another Crazy way to go back to the 19th century when woman stayed at home and where abused by their so called loving husbands? This is not just a southern problem it’s a country problem. If you watch movies and TV blacks aren’t around. I myself come from a Supposed Liberal city, but once we graduated I found out that all the whites I went to school with where nothing but RACISTS! They lie to your face, speak Wigger and then turn and run when it’s time to get serious or have a relation ship. This country was built on RACISM and will die from it! The higher order of thinking doesn’t exist when you are human!

  10. Tammy is “all over the map” in her post. She is mad because we have not “gave back the land ” to Native Americans. She is mad that we are racists. She is mad that some whites act like niggers. She is mad that some white men marry non whites.

    Will someone please marry Tammy? Or at least go out with her for a few months.

  11. Without white nationalists leading them, racial conservatives will continue to be duped into voting for people like Bush and McCain.

  12. @icr
    “If I recall correctly, this was one of the major themes of the resistance to forced busing”

    Makes sense. If the psychology is fixed then the same things will keep recurring.


    Interesting story. Old-fashioned, grass roots political stuff.

    “In response, the local government passed a series of “blood relative” ordinances.”

    Where i grew up had something like that which was removed when immigration started and brought back again once all the original people had been pushed out.


    “1) The White folks fighting the section 8 project spend a huge amount of wasted time and energy fending off constant attacks that allege racism…“I personally am not a racist, but…””

    Same everywhere. Drives me crazy. It’s half-surrendering before they start because what they’re actually saying is “i accept that if i *was* racist i wouldn’t have any rights.” Getting people to say anything is better than saying that but “build it in blanktown” would be good.


    “2) White folks are more likely to resist when the threat will touch their community and their lives on a daily basis.”

    And by extension, fear as a motivator.


    “3) White folks are even more likely to resist when the threat will touch their lives and their local leaders are willing to fight for them.”

    Yes. Possible lesson there for stealth electoral politics. Getting elected locally on a locally neutral ticket purely on a just in case basis.


    “But in this case, as hard as it might be to believe, the local government is actually fighting for its White constituents instead of against them.”

    I think the dark future ahead is becoming clearer every day so maybe things like that will start to become more common. You can see from these kind of stories they really are determined to make sure we have nowhere left.


    “4) White people gain huge benefits from having sympathizers in positions with actual, real governmental POWER.”

    Yes. It does make you wonder if local independent candidates with no baggage could be a good tactic. The aim wouldn’t be to infiltrate exactly, just to be in position if it was needed.


    “The people that hate Whites are truly relentless.”

    Total abasement, living as minority dregs if living at all.


    “but finding ways to get those people into power positions where they are able to fight.”


  13. God bless Mississippi, though I think the city dwellers there are becoming more open to interracial dating than previous generations. The NYtimes had an article feature such a couple.

  14. Perhaps.

    David Duke was able to communicate with racial conservatives. He was able to scare the establishment. In hindsight, building a bridge to that constituency in Louisiana was more important than winning an election.

    I doubt White Nationalists will have much success in talking to racial conservatives. There are only a handful of White Nationalists who I know that I would consider presentable to this audience.

    James Edwards, Jared Taylor, and Sam Dickson come to mind. If they had the means to do so, they could talk to these people and change minds. The Council also speaks their language.

  15. Geez, Tammy, think for yourself. You’re shouting the typical Marxist response to traditional Western life.

    If we fought the indians for the land, how did we steal it? Did the indians steal it from each other? Because they were fighting each other over this space long before the white man showed up (I bet they didn’t teach you that in public school). Please give me names of these thieves you allude to so wrecklessly.

    Another pieces of the usual Marxist propaganda…. women will be oppressed. I am in a traditional marriage, taking care of family and home, and I have never been happier. My husband doesn’t abuse me nor dictate my days. We make joint decisions. And, he’s happy, too! And all this after working and bringing home my own paycheck after 20+ years in jobs where I couldn’t wait for 5:00 pm to roll around. Abuse is not the result of a one income family. The same is true that discipline is not abuse. Abuse is abuse and it does occur when both spouses work.

    Look at life through your own eyes. And don’t make statements on things you know nothing about.

  16. Hunter, those are three examples of great racial orators! You notice how they stick to their guns? James Edwards never wavers on CNN despite being outnumbered by aggressive opposition bobbleheads.

  17. Hypocrisy is the liberals Achilles heel, and always has been. Put your hook into that and never let up.
    Why no Section 8 housing in (Name your liberal suburb)?
    If you like affirmative action, why don’t you give up YOUR job?
    Why are YOUR kids in a private school?
    Remember, your argument is not intended to convince our enemies, but to persuade onlookers. Don’t be rude or insulting, which will only cost you credibility, just ask fair questions and insist on answers.

  18. “Hypocrisy is the liberals Achilles heel, and always has been. Put your hook into that and never let up.”

    Amen to that (and the examples).

    “Remember, your argument is not intended to convince our enemies, but to persuade onlookers.”

    And that.

    “Don’t be rude or insulting, which will only cost you credibility, just ask fair questions and insist on answers.”

    And that.

  19. Section 8 is a terrible program, as it subsidizes the move of the welfare class into formerly-solid working-class neighborhoods. In fairness, this is not exclusively a racial phenomenon. There are many white people who work for a living, pay for a humble abode, and keep it neat and clean with a nice little yard, who have had their property values ruined and tranquility disturbed after Section 8 subsidized the move of white trash into the neighborhood, along with the trash of other ethnicities. The argument against Section 8, however, is more appealing when it is couched in terms of protecting the property values of the citizens who have bought into the neighborhood, something along the lines of, “It doesn’t have anything to do with race, we just want to keep this an owner-occupied neighborhood.”

    It’s easy to explain why Section 8 doesn’t take root in middle-class and above areas: the properties are too expensive to buy for rental purposes. But what I don’t understand is why Section 8 developers don’t concentrate their efforts in slum areas: those properties are presumably cheaper to acquire than working-class owner-occupied housing. Can anyone explain?

  20. Anon Yankee: I think that property owners know that Section 8s will destroy their buildings, but when they are losing money because they can’t get enough tenants, they are willing to take the low road. Aside from that, I don’t know that landlords can legally refuse to accept federal vouchers. Good as greenbacks, you know.

    As for those who intend from the start to rent to trash, they may as well buy working class property, to justify higher initial rents. Section 8 pays up to $1400 a month in some areas, if I’m not mistaken. The trash isn’t paying, so they don’t what the rent is, and you can keep the rent high as the building crumbles, pocketing the money that ought go to maintenance.

  21. When I was in school, I rented a little studio apartment in a 10-unit building from an elderly widow. The rent was low, the building a bit faded, but not in disrepair.

    When I asked about cable TV, the landlady said, “Oh, no, we don’t allow it. Harry [her late husband] said it was ‘bad for the buildings.'” I wondered what could possibly be harmful to the buildings in having a little coaxial cable snaked to each unit.

    Upon reflection, I know that her late husband’s worries had nothing to do with the prospect of electricians’ running cable through the walls. This was about the highest-class place I’ve ever lived; the neighbors included a lawyer, two lady doctors, a teacher, and two female cellists working on their master’s degrees. I had serendipitously discovered the key to riff-raff control.

    Unfortunately, I understand that federal law now forbids landlords from denying access to cable or satellite TV. Still, a landlord would be a lot likelier to get away with this, than with some other forms of “discrimination.”

  22. “It’s easy to explain why Section 8 doesn’t take root in middle-class and above areas: the properties are too expensive to buy for rental purposes.”

    Not so. Those expensive properties can be split into multiple occupation as the poor are used to having much less space than the wealthy. You can have five times as many people in the same space especially if you build extra units on the gardens and open spaces.

    An easier explanation is that group A wants “diversity” by which they mean the eradication of white people. Group B for whatever reason goes along with group A as long as they get to be eradicated last. Group C gets forced out or diversified.

    “It doesn’t have anything to do with race, we just want to keep this an owner-occupied neighborhood.”

    Any kind of “i’m not a racist but…” type argument reinforces the multicult and pretty much concedes defeat from the start. Always attack.

    “Build it in [blanktown] first!” Much better.

    Generally speaking people with money and power use it to get the good things in life so if diversity is so great why don’t they want it for themselves?

  23. What kind of a progressive are you, willie joe? You would limit marriage to male/female pairs? You’re way behind the curve.

  24. “Here’s who gets a say in who marries who, the man and woman getting married. No one else.”

    Bigamy? Minimum age? Mental retardation? Immigration status?

    Objections based on what is good for society as a whole.

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