Longview Mental Health Unit, Ward 5, Room 6, 25 Day After Being Committed
Peering back into the White Nationalist movement, I noticed through a Google Alert that Harold Covington has continued to describe his schizophrenic delusions of President Hunter Wallace and Lieutenant Robert Campbell in the fifth installment of his Northwest novels.
I’m about to step out for lunch with Cass Sunstein and don’t have the time to read this excerpt. I have posted the link though for my fellow Cognitive Dissonance Agents in the Black Ops Division of the Department of Homeland Security can busy themselves with the task of undermining Harold’s non-existent Neo-Nazi organization.
Hunter as someone who admires your site can and is a professional and intellectual, can you just stop with the pressing of HC. I happen to like his work and I happen to not be a nut job. I think you spend way too much time on him and anyone who knows him hailing from the PNW would say your wrong he is a good man well intenioned old fashioned a bit artsy like many fiction writers Ive met over the years.
But really this is something the zionist do to derail someone, the man is doing something, where are your novels?……
Dan Neil says: “I happen to like [Covington’s] work and I happen to not be a nut job.”
Really? Wow. That’s really unusual. From what I have seen, a significant portion of Covington’s defenders are alcoholics, while others have some kind of psychiatric history.
On what basis do you say that Covington is “a good man”? Are you not aware that Covington has maliciously attacked the reputations of many other White Nationalists with no regard for the truth?
What does the fact that Covington has written novels have to do with the assessment of his character or the validity of his message? Does writing novels make Covington “a good man”? I bet Satan, if he existed, could write a hell of a novel.
dan neil says:
“Hunter as someone who admires your site can and is a professional and intellectual, can you just stop with the pressing of HC. I happen to like his work and I happen to not be a nut job.”
I understand your position and I am in a bit of a rough spot as I was the one promoting some of the better HAC podcasts, his excellent novels.
HAC does fall down in to petty, personal smears, gossip, grade school “he said, she said stuff” – this is the worst thing about the American post World War II WN “Movement” – it drives away good people and makes “the movement” a terrible place to work, “hang out” – just be.
Let’s see if we can’t find away to make the bad guy president of in the next NorthWest Novel named something like “Lindsey Wallace” – and the character would resemble the terrible lisping RINO Lindsey Graham.
We want to encourage all White Americans to get in to mainstream society and not fall down in to some extremely small cult.
I agree with Dan Neil. I been listening to HC’s podcasts these last four months. I have a fairly keen ear for those who might be of the “foil-hat” variety. HC’s arguments are cogent and interesting. Also, he acknowledges his part in making mistakes and seems humbled by them. I haven’t heard him attack anyone, but simply emphasize the absence of real character within the WN movement. I enjoy his work as I do Hunter’s at Occidental Dissent. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. He thinks we’ll be better off in one place, Hunter might prefer the south. It’s worth having a discussion.
Dan is right though, this “patholigization” of another, (characterizing one as ill), is textbook Judeo-warfare.
After all, many of us in this movement got here by being willing to seek the truth for it’s own sake, letting ideas stand or fall based on their own merit. Bottom line, Harold is intelligent, lucid, has a good idea and he’s doing the work (just as Hunter is). Let’s please stop the fighting.
This is speculative, but I think HAC had one of my TOO comments in mind when he mentioned being heckled by an idiot on his last radio show. He said something to the effect of “an idiot heckler commented on TOO that no serious person will work with you Harold.” He then went on to say he had no desire to work with movement’s so called serious people. No big deal, but if he was talking about my comment it was a complete misrepresentation because I didn’t heckle him on TOO; on the contrary, I actually defended the literary value of his 4 published novels — and more than once. But I also expressed doubt that anyone will ever work with HAC IRL because of persistent character allegations. I guess he didn’t like that part.
Drew Sylvan says:
April 11, 2011 at 9:06 pm
I agree with Dan Neil. I been listening to HC’s podcasts these last four months. I have a fairly keen ear for those who might be of the “foil-hat” variety. HC’s arguments are cogent and interesting. Also, he acknowledges his part in making mistakes and seems humbled by them. I haven’t heard him attack anyone, but simply emphasize the absence of real character within the WN movement. ..
After all, many of us in this movement got here by being willing to seek the truth for it’s own sake, letting ideas stand or fall based on their own merit. Bottom line, Harold is intelligent, lucid, has a good idea and he’s doing the work (just as Hunter is). Let’s please stop the fighting.
JR replies:
Yes, I agree. But HAC does engage in personal flame wars on the Net and in his old newsletter. HAC rags on lots of people, on me. So I suggest people just understand the situation and proceed with caution – support HAC’s great novels, his very good podcasts. HAC is also open to a bit of flattery, like the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. So those who are good at honest flattery, who can make a solid financial contribution should suggest that he change the name of the traitorous Neo Con, queer President of the United States to some other name besides
Hunter Wallace.
Remember folks, we want to be breaking out and reaching large White audiences and not fall town in to a tiny cult/club where everyone knows he other, hates each other, gossips about each other.
It was Harold’s own brother who said that he suffers from paranoid personality disorder. The diagnosis was made by an army psychologist decades ago who has no stake in these quarrels.
The Covington family sees Harold as the tragic victim of a severe mental illness. If Ben Covington is a Jew, I suppose that means Harold is one too, so that argument doesn’t wash.
Drew Sylvan says: “I haven’t heard him attack anyone.”
Yes you have. See below.
Hunter Wallace says:
April 11, 2011 at 10:46 pm
It was Harold’s own brother who said that he suffers from paranoid personality disorder. The diagnosis was made by an army psychologist decades ago …
JR replies.
I don’ think that is fair as the reality of our time and place dictates that any White person who dares to speak up for our race/culture or worse writes and speaks that World War II wasn’t some noble, holy war on the side of good vs evil, with good winning over the NAZIS – that person must be…
It’s also the reality that if anyone does a full time White Nationalist activist life, he is going to have family problems, financial problems, problems with the law, problems with country club Conservatives, mainstream religious leaders, including supposedly “Conservative” Christian religious leaders.
Covington isn’t crazy, he just falls down in to ragging on others in and around the movement when something doesn’t go his way. It is also going to make most people in a foul frame of mind, state of mind every now and then when you/we read way too many atrocity stories about Whites being raped and murdered and no one really doing anything about it.
WN propaganda is bad if it inspires doom and gloom instead of spirited resistance, winning over losing.
I thought Radio Free NorthWest was going well and to a certain extent is going well, HAC received some very solid new support from Occidental Dissent than Hunter just received too much negativity from the whole WN movement, not just HAC and shut down O.D. – dismissed full time American WN as a waste of time, not going anywhere, and so HAC jumped on the band wagon to rag on Hunter for quitting, doing all kinds of supposedly traitorous stuff.
So, to answer anyone’s question on this subject.
Yes, HAC and other 70s, 80s, 90s American WN Movement leaders, writers rag on each other and most everyone who at one time or another comes in to their lives.
That’s life.
I suggest everyone here get a life outside any 24/7 WN movement and try to influence these White people in ways that promote the 14 words. If you can make HAC’s novels or his weekly podcasts work for these new White folks, sure – promote HAC and the NorthWest Republic. Just don’t waste a lot of time trying to make HAC your trusted friend or break down in despair if HAC says some, lots of mean things about you, someone you like.
That’s life.
“Yes, HAC and other 70s, 80s, 90s American WN Movement leaders, writers rag on each other and most everyone who at one time or another comes in to their lives.”
This is the same apologetic baloney that we get from Jack Ryan EVERY TIME Covington’s name comes up.
To Jack Ryan, promulgating accusations of homosexual rape and murder for 30 years is just “ragging.” And he would have us believe that EVERYBODY does that kind of things.
This is just too silly.
Harold was diagnosed as a nutcase by the U.S. military before he evolved into a full time Neo-Nazi or wrote any of the Northwest novels.
In any case, his own behavior strongly suggests that diagnosis, even if his own family hadn’t confirmed it: a persecution complex, delusions of grandeur, elaborate conspiracy theories, extreme paranoia, vivid sexual fantasies, an inability to distinguish reality from fantasy, hiding out in a bunker, dressing up in costumes, poor work history, family and marital problems, etc.
These are all classic symptoms of someone who is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
This latest novel shows evidence of this in spades: taking random people off the internet, weaving them into the fabric of a paranoid conspiracy theory, and combining their characters into a me-centered persecution complex and hallucinations about their sex life.
In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you’re being singled out for harm. (Cass Sunstein and an army of secret agents are out to get you) For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make (The government is listening to Radio Free Northwest.) or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur (casting yourself in the role of a prophet of a make-believe nation would qualify) — the belief that you can fly (launch a guerilla war against the federal government and win), that you’re famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. (like Cass Sunstein) You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. (Will Williams was behind the Oklahoma City bombing.) Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense (HAC advocates terrorism) against those who want to harm you.”)
It is probably not insignificant that this whole feud with Harold Covington began when Robert Campbell deleted several of the sockpuppets he was using to promote himself.
I don’t believe that Covington is unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. From time to time it becomes clear that he is able to make that distinction quite skilfully, for example in 1996 when he decided to make an anti-racist argument against Will Williams’ character because it suited his interests at the moment.
If Covington were delusional it would be reflected in failure to adapt to circumstances. Instead what we see is that he does adapt, just in a very amoral way.
Hunter Wallace says: “It is probably not insignificant that this whole feud with Harold Covington began when Robert Campbell deleted several of the sockpuppets he was using to promote himself.”
Would you do the public service of detailing what happened on that occasion, giving all the names that Covington was using? This has some importance for the smears that Covington has been propagating for years, since one of them as I understand was “Brad Davis,” who also appears in Covington’s “A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement” as an alleged source of inside dirt on the NA.
Here is a brief description of the part of the Brief History that Covington sourced to his sockpuppet Brad Davis:
Why I Broke With William Pierce by L. Bradford Davis (2001). There was never an L. Bradford Davis in the National Alliance. The author displays very little accurate internal knowledge of the organization, claiming e.g. that it had only 200 members: already in 1993 membership exceeded 500 and rose to about 1800 at the time of Dr. Pierce’s death; it was certainly far beyond “200” circa 2000 when Sam Van Rensburg was membership coordinator. The organization’s funding mostly came from National Vanguard Books, a very successful business, not from “fifty wealthy benefactors.” The several references to a “mysterious Pierce associate” in North Carolina are about the National Alliance’s North Carolina regional coordinator, Will Williams, whom Covington was defaming incessantly and to whom he now owes a substantial libel judgment. This was clearly written by Covington. What cinches it is that an earlier version of this piece, dated December 2002, mentions Covington by name: “I was ordered by then NA cyber-czar Vincent Breeding to devote all of my activities towards attacking Harold Covington, a well-known critic of Dr. Pierce on the Internet, to the exclusion of all racial matters.”
I would like to be able to refer people to absolute documentation that Brad Davis is Covington.
Why do you keep giving attention Covington? Covington is a psychopath who should simply be ignored, except to warn people about him.
infighting helps nobody regardless of how it began.
The incident happened about a year ago.
I was on the road traveling in North Carolina at the time. While I was gone, Jack Ryan had posted a link to a Radio Free Northwest podcast, and Harold Covington showed up here to respond to his critics (Will Williams, I think) in the comments.
Apparently, Covington was using several sockpuppets to defend himself and to make it look like he had lots of followers. The sockpuppets were all coming from the same IP address in Washington state.
Robert Campbell was an OD administrator, caught HAC using the sockpuppets, and deleted several of them. At that point, Covington created some kind of Yahoo group where he accused Campbell of being a government agent and Occidental Dissent of being a false flag operation set up by the government to discredit him.
Like I said above, I was on the road at the time and thought the whole matter was silly and hoped that it would blow over in time. I didn’t think it was a big deal that Harold Covington was using sock puppets. I also just thought he was being paranoid to assume that we were government agents out to get him.
Remember the context here: I didn’t have a problem with Harold Covington at the time, regularly listened to his show, and was allowing Jack Ryan to promote Covington on Occidental Dissent, which is why Will Williams and others were over here fighting with him.
Far from trying to discredit Covington, OD was promoting him and exposing his work to a wider audience, even if some of us had some objections to his theory. That was the status quo for months after that whole incident.
We continued to link to his podcast. Robert Campbell complained about that for months. That eventually changed when Covington continued to attack us and accuse us of being government agents for no other reason than the fact Campbell caught him using sockpuppets on OD.
As silly as this may sound, Harold getting caught using sockpuppets on this website (by someone else, no less) is what led to him writing a whole book about me being a sexual pervert and President of the United States and arch enemy of the “Northwest Front.”
I’m sorry to say that I don’t remember the names of the sock puppets he was using. Robert Campbell would know. He was the one who deleted them.
A bigger threat, the House GOP, is working even harder than usual at crippling itself:
As bad as they are, one can’t really look forward to a Dem victory in 2012.
Hunter Wallace says:
April 12, 2011 at 11:10 am
The incident happened about a year ago.
I was on the road traveling in North Carolina at the time. While I was gone, Jack Ryan had posted a link to a Radio Free Northwest podcast, and Harold Covington showed up here to respond to his critics (Will Williams, I think) in the comments….
JR responds.
Yes, that’s what happened. This was also during a time of extreme negativity on the O.D. comments section where many people where flaming each other, especially Hunter over trivial, personal stuff like how much Hunter weighed 3 years ago and of course we had the rehash of personal movement feuds going back 20 years. The American WN “Movement” since World War II has always fallen down in to these personal feuds and the government, Jewish and liberal anti White powers that be have always enjoyed supporting these feuds, suspicion, jealousies, gossip etc. Anyone remember all the smears and gossip going out against Randy Weaver after he survived the Ruby Ridge massacre and receive a judgement from the government for murdering his little boy, his dog and his wife holding a newborn baby?
The solution to this never ending problem is to not make the American WN “Movement” your whole personal life; don’t go in with the idea of making a dependable living in WN, having lots of dependable friends who will stand by you in rough times or in any times, you will not find a good wife in the American WN “movement”, nor a GF, nor will you likely change the course of American history and “SAVE” our White race/civilization.
You/we need to go out in to mainstream White America and….
get a life and work for change there.
And if you do have some success, even modest success in nationalist/populist
politics like David Duke did winning a state representatives races and winning 40% plus in US Senate races, governor’s race – expect extreme jealousies and vicious rumors, smears from so many American WN who’ve “been doing this for 40 years” (with no success). O.D. was a successful blog, well written, and an exciting place to be for awhile – the word got out that O.D. was where the action was, where the party was and so lots of American WN crashed the party and brought in all their negativity, personal feuds, character “issues” etc.
So back to Covington – I have no problem presenting HAC as a great writer and a very good radio podcast commentator. I support the North West migration, secession movement. Others will have to do the organization, fund raising, political campaigns etc as HAC just isn’t any good at these things and doesn’t have the time or money.
I will work to see if I can get HAC (a talented artist with lots of personality “issues” the same was said about the composer Richard Wagner) to give the future bad US President in the 5th NorthWest novel a new name, something other than “Hunter Wallace”. I’ll try my best, but it might very well result in the new name being…
“Jack Ryan”
Another good reason to use pen names in all your activism.
I met Harold a couple of times. He seemed o.k. and even remained polite but after I told him I was being stalked he gave the distinct impresssion he suspected
I was a nut job. 🙂
Well that’s a nice tale HW, but it lacks the key element of listing the names of the sockpuppets.
Jack Ryan says: “I will work to see if I can get HAC (a talented artist with lots of personality “issues” the same was said about the composer Richard Wagner) …”
You and Chechar seem to be using the same talking points. Covington ain’t no Richard Wagner. You battered wives of Harold Covington are grasping at straws to defend him.
Let’s face it, there are and always will be people more interested in turning their guns on you than keeping their guns on the enemy. LET’S NOT BE THAT PERSON! NO MATTER WHAT THE COSTS! SACRIFICE IS THE WAY!!
Whenever I see one of these vague, general exhortations to stop infighting, I sincerely have to wonder to whom it is directed.
What’s the intent? Stop talking bad about Covington? Meanwhile Covington is the king of sowing dissent. In describing Covington’s smear campaign against Ben Klassen and the Church of the Creator, Dr. William Pierce wrote: “Covington’s technique was to mix half-truths with outrageous lies which he simply invented.” [National Alliance Bulletin, November-December 1992]
Covington admits that he does character assassination. He just claims that his past targets (somehow) deserved it. You’d think that if they really deserved it then it wouldn’t have been necessary to make up outrageous lies about them.
I am saying I have heard it a enough times as an intellectual lol, to get your position on HAC. My point is every few weeks we need to revisit the same old tired dogma of he said she said?
I am not a young man nor am I very old, I do however posess a keen awareness when I hear a mans voice and reason, when I read his litereature and how he builds arguments. I like HAC and I like OD. I will continue to enjoy reading it.
Dan Neil says: “I am saying I have heard it a enough times as an intellectual lol, to get your position on HAC.”
Surely you have, which means that there is something wrong with you either cognitively or morally.
Oddly enough, I never see the people who bitch and complain on my blog about mentioning HAC whining on his website about attacking people in his novels and podcasts. Why is that?
Because nobody expects HAC to be bigger than that. But just because it’s who he is doesn’t mean it has to be who we are.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
Spooky: “Because nobody expects HAC to be bigger than that.”
Are we not “bigger than that” if we simply refrain from telling outrageous lies?
Perhaps you do not realize what a low standard you are commending.
Point taken.
then let the focus of criticism of infighting fall on covington. take the higher road.
HW :”why is that?”
because you are more popular than HAC, and have a better internet presence.
I’ve noticed that’s the way it works in the White Nationalist movement.
(1) Harold Covington writes an entire book about me that contains vicious smears and lies.
(2) I briefly mention this on my website.
(3) White Nationalists come over here and say things like …
– How dare you raise the subject.
– Why are you criticizing poor Harold?
– Take the “higher road.”
– Why are you obsessed with Harold Covington?
– He writes such good books.
The very same people who come over here to my blog and say things like that – some of whom post on HAC’s website – never, ever go over to HAC’s website to criticize him for writing entire books filled with lies about people.
That is just one of the many reasons why I am not a White Nationalist.
what is his website? i’l do it if… you take the high road. every liberal on the planet thinks you should be put to death, but some fat asshole WN hurls criticism your way and you’re advocating division amongst the ranks. you probably perceive yourself as a fairly average joe, but people like yourself, and a a hand full of other is all we have in white advocacy. let him be. if nobody is yelling at him, it’s because nobody’s listening.
You won’t see much criticism of Covington on his own blogs partly because he habitually alters other people’s comments. As a matter of fact, it appears Covington writes most of the comments himself, using sockpuppets on his own blog.
The Vanguard!!!
The greatest contribution of this blog, in my opinion, is its description of “Vanguardism”, and why it should be abandoned completely. How many young people of our folk will read this website and then direct their energy toward engaging their community in an effective way, rather than putting on some sort of uniform and causing permanent damage to their future? I hope more than a few.
Covington’s enemies say he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Didn’t you yourself admit to being diagnosed schizophrenic?
Sure, you claim the doctors changed their minds. But if we cut you some slack on this, why shouldn’t we cut Harold some slack too?
Someone asked: Where are Hunter’s novels? A better question would be: Where is Hunter’s non-fiction?
Preston, HW has written hundreds of original articles on various topics. To my knowledge he is not a fiction writer.
(1) Yes, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia myself in 2008. Then another psychologist claimed that I had bipolar disorder. Then another said that I had neither schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and that I was fine.
(2) When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I had been pumped full of anti-psychotic medication and couldn’t tell my ass from my elbow (BIG DIFFERENCE), and said all kinds of absurd things on the internet that made no sense, but that was because I had been misdiagnosed and was on drugs at the time.
(3) The whole incident was caused by sleep deprivation and the impression that my parents briefly got that I had gone crazy when I tried to explain to them Peak Oil theory back in 2008.
I had been staying up for days following the news. Now that it is 2011 and gas is back to $3.80 a gallon again, much as I predicted it would be, they completely understand what I was trying to tell them three years ago.
They took me to the hospital and I was given a shot. When I woke up, I was delirious because I had been put on all sorts of drugs. I had to attend these classes for several months with people who really are bipolar and who really do suffer from schizophrenia.
(4) I’m neither bipolar or schizophrenic. Those types of mental illnesses are hereditary and no one in my immediate or extended family has ever suffered from either of them. The “symptoms” of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia disappeared as soon as the drugs wore off.
That makes sense: when you go out and get drunk on a Friday night, the next morning you have a hangover, but you are not drunk anymore. Such was my experience with the mental health industry.
Fortunately, it ended up working out well for me when I sued that Indian psychologist for malpractice and won a nice settlement later that year.
(5) Because of all the shit I went through, I ended up getting a fairly good understanding of what bipolar disorder and schizophrenia actually are, as I spent months interacting with people who suffer from those diseases.
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness. People who are schizophrenic are unable to function in society and often end up homeless. It is not an episode that happens just one time out of the blue and never happens again.
It consumes you. By definition, a paranoid schizophrenic is someone who creates an alternative reality and puts themselves at the center of it. Reality revolves around them. They are unable to distinguish reality from their own delusions. They often have layer upon layer to their fantasy world.
I’ve met several people who really do suffer from schizophrenia (one such man believed he was communicating with Jesus in his hallucinations). The disease is easy to recognize. Those people always get worse when they are unmedicated.
To answer your question, I don’t feel compelled to create an elaborate fantasy world to compensate for reality as it exists. Thus, I have never had any interest in creating, say, an imaginary nation that revolves around my character, or a government agency and a vast conspiracy led by Cass Sunstein operating against me, because that strikes as too absurd to be credible.
I’ve never seen myself as a messianic figure with a pivotal role to play in the history of European civilization – except maybe when I am sloppy ass drunk or under the influence of pills. Normal people don’t experience reality in that way unless they are on drugs. That is why drugs are so popular.
Harold Covington acts out his fantasies because he is not on drugs. That is just the way he is. When he says crazy things like Will Williams was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, he is not stumbling around a room or falling down a staircase or mumbling incoherent gibberish.
He is deadpan serious.
Covington really believes that Cass Sunstein is out to get him and people like Hadding , Robert Campbell, and myself – random people on the internet – are part of a vast government conspiracy against him.
“People who are schizophrenic are unable to function in society and often end up homeless. It is not an episode that happens just one time out of the blue and never happens again.”
Not all schizophrenics are unable to function.
“By definition, a paranoid schizophrenic is someone who creates an alternative reality and puts themselves at the center of it. Reality revolves around them. They are unable to distinguish reality from their own delusions.”
Spoiled children are also at the center of their own world.
Covington can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. This is clear.
“Thus, I have never had any interest in creating, say, an imaginary nation that revolves around my character….”
This has actually worked pretty well for Covington. There seem to be plenty of escapists that like the fantasy that he is selling.
“When he says crazy things like Will Williams was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, he is not stumbling around a room or falling down a staircase or mumbling incoherent gibberish. He is deadpan serious.”
Covington made up a phony mainstream-media piece to that effect and spread it around after he lost the libel suit to Will Williams. Covington knew that what he was propagating was false. He was cautious enough not to mention Will Williams by name.
“Covington really believes that Cass Sunstein is out to get him and people like Hadding , Robert Campbell, and myself – random people on the internet – are part of a vast government conspiracy against him.”
I totally disagree. If you look at the occasions when somebody challenged him on some claim of his, he does not insist that it is true. Instead he responds with a new personal attack, or at best justifies his unsubstantiated smear by saying, “I don’t know that it isn’t true.” The accusation could conceivably be true, and it suits his purposes to say that it is, so he is going to say it. This is the logic of a petulant child.
Hunter, has it crossed your mind that Covington is just poking fun at you? If that is true, doesn’t your whole “conspiracy theory” theory smack of the kind of grandiosity that you mention is one of the symptoms of mental illness? Or is your defense that you are merely being insincere in order to paint Harold Covington in the worst possible colors?
Just askin’.
By the way, I like your new neo-confederate persona.
“Hunter, has it crossed your mind that Covington is just poking fun at you?”
Having read a large quantity of Covington’s character-assassination material, I do get the impression that he had fun making up some of it, because a lot of it really is ridiculous, like David Duke getting liposuction on his buttocks. It makes it all the more sad that there are people who take such stuff seriously. Covington surely feels vastly superior to everybody that believes what he says.
Here is Covington saying through one of his sockpuppets on Stormfront what he feels about his own incessant troublemaking: “I didn’t deny Covington had Sock Puppets. I think his antics across the internet are hilarious, to be honest. ” http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t732385-3/#post8432267
The thought occurred to me.
I dismissed it after listening to his podcasts though. He has explained his theory several times now. There is a qualitative difference between Greg Johnson and Harold Covington.
Unlike Johnson, Covington isn’t merely retaliating against someone who has offended him on the internet by throwing mud in my direction. He really believes that Cass Sunstein and “Cognitive Dissonance Agents” are trying to undermine his non-existent organization.
He believes that it is all a ZOG conspiracy and has said as much several times now. For example, Covington accused Campbell of being a government agent and this website of being a government false flag designed for the sole purpose of exposing his use of sockpuppets.
The government also “framed” Edgar Steele. The government was behind the Spokane Bomb. And so on.
That is a classic example of a paranoid schizophrenic interpreting reality through the framework of a conspiracy theory. I’m not saying that simply because I dislike Covington. I dislike dozens of people on the internet. I have dealt with plenty of trolls over the years.
I’m not being “insincere” here. I do not see Covington as being engaged in a conspiracy against me. He is merely an online antagonist.
I just agree with his own family: Harold is someone who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. I can see plenty of evidence of this in his behavior.
Does it really take some of you years and thousands of comments to come to an obvious conclusion? It was worth skimming through to find this though:
You and Chechar seem to be using the same talking points. Covington ain’t no Richard Wagner. You battered wives of Harold Covington are grasping at straws to defend him.
I like your sense of humor, Hadding, that’s a good one.
I’m not sure who’s worse, sociopaths or these effeminate sycophants that worship them like those crazy women that want to marry serial killers in prison.