Chicago celebrated Father’s Day like any other day in Barack Hussein Obama’s hometown: with a lethal combination of black people, gunfire, and homicide.
(1) The Chicago Tribune is reporting that “a gun-wielding man was critically injured this evening by police after he began shooting at a Father’s Day celebration at a South Side park and then attempted to shoot the officers, officials said.” . . .
About 1,000 people were attending picnics at Grand Crossing Park, near East 77th Street and South Ingleside Avenue, when someone fired gunshots into the air, authorities said. . .
Raymond then saw the man with an Uzi-style gun, he said. He said he saw the police order the man, who was about 20 feet away from Raymond’s group, to drop the gun when he opened fire at the officers. The man refused and Raymond said he saw the man respond by firing at the officers.
“He fired first because he saw the police coming into the park,” said Raymond. “He didn’t care who he shot, there were children all over the place.”
Just out of curiosity, what kind of man would take an Uzi to a Father’s Day celebration in a public park, and then open fire on police officers?
(2) Three blocks away from the park where “the man” opened fire on police with an Uzi at a Father’s Day celebration, “a teenager” was shot by another mysterious “gun wielding man.”
“A 16-year-old boy was critically injured in a Sunday afternoon shooting several blocks from Chicago police critically wounded a gun-wielding man at a South Side park, authorities said.
Police said the unidentified teen was walking with at least two cousins at about 6:40 p.m. in the 7900 block of South Ellis Avenue, when he heard gunshots.
The boy was then struck in his arm and had his chest grazed by a bullet, police said.
(3) A Jordanian convenience store owner in Englewood wasn’t so lucky. He was murdered in Chicago on Father’s Day. In 2005, “a group of teens” murdered another Jordanian at Max’s Food Mart.
Munzer Karan was chatting on the phone with his friend and business associate, Asad Almhana, when suddenly Almhana screamed, “No, no, no.”
Then the phone went dead.
“I screamed and called back, but no one answered,” Karan said.
Almhana, 49, was shot in the back Saturday night inside Max’s Food Mart on the 1100 block of West Garfield Boulevard in Chicago‘s Englewood‘s neighborhood. He was the second store employee killed there in the last 10 years, officials said. His death was ruled a homicide, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.
You know, I can’t help but wonder if there is any connection between these three incidents on Father’s Day, the “youths” attacking passengers on trains in Chicago, and the “flash mobs” robbing attacking elderly people with baseball bats.
In The Color of Crime: Chicago, we learned that 94.5 percent of violent crime in Chicago is black, and 96.8 percent of homicide is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.
The MSM insists there is absolutely no connection between race and crime in Chicago. For all we know, the man who opened fire with the Uzi at the Father’s Day celebration and the pack of teens who murdered the Jordanian Food Mart owner could be a Quaker or a rowdy bunch of Episcopalians.
Good thing we have Rahmbo to solve this problem!
HEY Hunter Wallace! You’re talking about my city, neighborhoods a short bike ride away! I played in a sports league yesterday in a S.S. park less than 2 miles away from these incidents – no problems (did notice what looked like a Black gang BBQ on the way in/out – people getting in each other’s face and swearing). But, I was fine.
Not to complain – but what’s with all of the big fuss about one Chicago Black guy bringing an Uzi to a S.S. Father’s Day celebration? You Southern folks seem to like guns a lot, so what’s the big deal. OK, this one Black brother did not behave well with his Uzi – but our police were on hand to kill the guy – that’s their job, and yesterday they did a good job. Let’s see some upper class Brit, PC police officers deal with such situations or some Mr. perfect Swede deal with such situations.
Remember that terrible Neil Young song “Southern Man” where Neil was running down the South and Southern boys? How about Hunter Wallace stop running down my home town of Chicago? I’ll bet some of the worst behaving Black criminals on my S.S. of Chicago had ancestors from Alabama!
As an aside, has anyone noticed that Rahmbo looks like the IDF soldier in the new Predators movie who started in The Pianist?
Of course we have plenty of violence in Birmingham and Atlanta. Their relatives commit the majority of violent crime here too.
To HW – I accept your comments that B’ham and ‘Lanta had plenty of violence on F.D. as a quiet apology to my fair city of Chicago – we’re not the worst or the only place where some “colored” folk are behaving badly.
And the good news is that there is very little hand wringing, excuse making here in Chicago anymore for Black criminality, stupid stuff like bringing an Uzi machine gun to a F.D. picnic and randomly shooting at families and police officers. The Chicago police routinely kill Black criminals on the street and there is little protest, threats of riots etc. and that is good news – it wasn’t like that in the 60s, 70s.
The only down side is every time somebody flips out and uses any firearm it’s one more thing the liberals can use to try to sway Uncle Sem to come knocking on our doors for our guns. I like guns and am a firm believer we will in the not-to-distant-future have to rely on them for defense of our families and our lands.
You missed: “Off-duty cop dressed as a clown shoots, kills teen” — that was the old headline, they have since changed it.
That’s…possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of
Well, it’s all EZ to assess. If the perp is white, the Jewmedia will mention race. If there’s no mention of race, then you know the perp was a member of a Jew-controlled racial group entitlement.