It has been a big news day for White Nationalism.
OD readers have sent me two emails about some recent headlines concerning the White Nationalist movement.
(1) Erasing Hate: Vanguardist Sideshow on MSNBC
On Sunday, June 26, at 9 PM EST, DWL television show host Lawrence O’Donnell will be hosting a new MSNBC documentary called “Erasing Hate.”
“Erasing Hate” will chronicle the life of a vanguardist skinhead named Byron Widner. In 2006, we are told Widner became a husband and a father, and found it “nearly impossible to support his family” because he was covered head to toe in menacing racist tattoos.
Fortunately, with financial assistance from the SPLC and DWL contributors, Widner was able to begin an excruciating 20 month laser removal process of the racist tattoos at Vanderbilt, allowing the “Erasing Hate” producers to spend nearly two years making a movie about his story.
It is said to be “a penance of sorts for the hurt caused to so many others.” They even have a Sacred Black Woman giving poor Widner a tour of the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery.
The SPLC is calling it “a story of redemption” – redemption from “the disease of hate,” not covering yourself in tattoos because you are an unemployable non-conformist moron, which is a much wider problem in Black Run America.
Bryon Widner was the founder of the “Hoosier State Skinheads” and was involved in the creation of something called the “Vinlanders Social Club.”
Hailing from the Real South, I had never heard of this Yankee before. Tatting yourself up as a way to express and act out White Power fantasies is still culturally frowned upon here.
Back in March, Alabama had its first ever tattoo festival in Montgomery, and a fellow named The Enigma came to town to perform with his sideshow act.
By a strange twist of fate, I happened to attend that event, not to “tat up” with runes and swastikas as MSNBC might insinuate, but because some local country bands were playing there.
Perhaps Byron Widner could have similarly found a job as a circus performer? They could give him a few beers, stick some steel meathooks in his back, and “suspend him” in a cage before an audience.
He could call himself “The Luftwaffe.”
Anyway, I will probably tune into watch this. It is worth a few laughs. From watching the video, I can see Widner will be portrayed as another “Bigot With A Heart of Gold” like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino.
The SPLC and MSNBC want to portray racially conscious White Americans as violent, hateful, ignorant Neo-Nazis and are showcasing this poor skinhead on television for the sole purpose of reaffirming those DWL stereotypes.
In reality, the hate racket in Montgomery knows that few of us actually belong to that sideshow, especially in Alabama and Georgia (and now, South Carolina) where the White majority is building “The New Jim Crow.”
In the 1960s, there was a similar gulf between Southern segregationists who ruled Birmingham and Montgomery, and marginal groups like American Nazi Party and the National States’ Rights Party.
We are the ideological descendants of Bull Connor and Lester Maddox and Pitchfork Ben Tillman, not George Lincoln Rockwell and William Pierce.
Note: I will write part two of this article after the gym.
Here we have the Jewish SPLC and the jewish msnbc finding some sort of weird person to make a point of what exactly? I suppose the SPLC/msnbc is trying to equate European Americans having an ethnic identity with this weirdo. The real question is why doesn’t this man Mr. Widner have a healthy ethnic identity? Why does Mr. Widner think that putting tatoos on his face or being part of a skinhead group an appropiate expression of his ethnic identity?
If Mr. Widner had any awareness of his own ethnicity, he would not have covered his face in tatoos or joined a “skinhead” group. Mr. Widner ideas of how he should show his ethnic identity are straight out of Jewish fantasies and stereotypes. Mr. Widner adopted the jewish idea of what ethnically aware Celtic and Germanic people should look like. Widner is a creation of the Jewish mind.
Notice that MSNBC will work with a Jewish organization to promote hatred against Germanic Americans. I’m sure their next program will be about helping a Mexican American gang member remove his tatoos as to “erase the hate”. Or a helping a Jewish American militant zionist have sympathy for Palestinians.
Why doesn’t some European-American group file a civil rights complaint against MSNBC/SPLC? This is Jewish race hatred and biogtry on display.
I agree. Being from Alabama myself and now residing in North Florida, I have never seen anyone with a racist tattoo. That is unless you call the Confederate flag racist. No one from the real south would be stupid enough to mark themselves with racist tats and run around waiting to get the butts kicked.
I wonder when the SPLC will have their doors kicked in by hordes of blacks falling in line with Jeremiah Wright’s preaching??
Just for the record, in case any readers here are as dumb as the author presumes them to be, these sorts of behaviors are also frowned upon in the “Yankee” state of Indiana.
I enjoyed my recent trip to the CofCC conference, where Deep Southern heritage was celebrated without childish and destructive swipes at other White Americans and their own folkways.
From the wayback machine (1991), a Japanese journalists admits Blacks and Hispanics cannot maintain a high-tech civilization in “Melting-Pot Meltdown In The U.S.”; all of what he wrote about is now coming to pass:
“Americans are proud of their melting-pot heritage. But as blacks, Hispanics and Asians gradually come to outnumber whites, that ideal will fade. Like the Soviet Union today, the United States will have to deal with contentious ethnic groups demanding greater autonomy and even political independence. That could prove to be industrial America`s undoing.
Today, non-white groups are challenging the traditional order. Within the next 100 years, and probably much sooner, most Americans will be people of color. For the first time since the United States came into being, Caucasians will be a minority. Illiteracy may become widespread, and many Americans will not speak standard English.
Do blacks and Hispanics, for instance, have the skills and knowledge to run an advanced industrial economy? If the answer is yes, America will maintain its vitality through the next century and beyond. But I`m skeptical. Consider black Africa, for example. Struggling against outside pressures to forge independent nation-states from different tribal cultures, the region is plagued by poverty, political instability and other serious problems. Former Spanish and Portuguese colonies in Latin America have also failed to create viable high-tech societies. Iberian and African cultural traits seem to impede industrialization.
The history of industrialization holds important lessons for the United States. As African-Americans and Hispanics gradually replace whites in the labor force, management positions and public administration, they will become responsible for corporate America. Do they have the right stuff?
Blacks and Hispanics will not be able to run a complex industrial society like the United States unless they dramatically raise their sights and standards in the next 40 years.”
– http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1991-04-16/news/9102030765_1_ethnic-industrial-blacks-and-hispanics/2
You just can’t stop throwing stones, can you?
‘The SPLC and MSNBC want to portray racially conscious White Americans as violent, hateful, ignorant Neo-Nazis and are showcasing this poor skinhead on television for the sole purpose of reaffirming those DWL stereotypes.’
It is pretty obvious that the mainstream media fear having on regular appearing White folks with pro-White racial consciousness like Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald or even Jamie Kelso!
Many Whites, if they actually heard the above individuals would probably agree with much of what they had to say. Luckily the internet is here to help us try and get the word out on positive forms of White Advocacy
What a dumbass!
Phil is right that the hilarious thing about these anti-social freaks is that they are products of our enemies’ fanatasies. The only image they have of being a proud white person is from Hollywood.
I epitomize the Yankee and proudly call myself one (my ancestry goes back to the original Dutch settlers in New York state) and I wouldn’t be offended by it. Of course this idiot would be shunned here up north as he should be. But Hunter has a point about the “Real South”: far too many Yankees (because of Hollywood) equate racism with the South and so idiots like this think because they are”racists” this kind of thing would be accepted south of the Mason Dixon Line, I say this as a Yankee who grew up without a racial identity.
Umm … that’s really weird.
I said this guy was a “vanguardist skinhead” and an “unemployable non-conformist moron” who covered himself in tattoos. The point being that he is just a run of the mill expressive individualist and there is nothing really special about him. Hence, the link to the podcast.
As for calling him a Yankee, which is true, I never meant to imply that all Yankees are Neo-Nazi skinheads. Where have I ever said that on this website? Anywhere? If I have ever said that, please show me.
It just so happens that racialists getting tattoos is more common in Blue States than Red States. That is undoubtedly because there is a stronger taboo against White racial consciousness in the North than the South.
In the South, especially the Deep South, White racial consciousness is more of a part of mainstream culture. Thus, no one needs to feel the need to ink themselves with tattoos to show off their rebellion against society, as most White people who live here are already racial to some degree.
In other states, racially conscious Whites feel more marginalized, and act out their alienation from society and their feeling of being marginalized through getting tattoos.
But, leave it to Matt to jump into this conversation, and to claim offense where no offense was ever intended. Also, leave it to Matt to side with this embarrassing freakshow, and not the people who think we should avoid projecting that image.
For example, when people on certain websites talk about destroying Christianity, Nazi flying saucers, hating America, using eugenics to alter our germline, and raping women, you never see Matt chime in to say … hey guys, wait a minute, this makes White Nationalists look unpresentable.
Perhaps the most funniest thing of all is seeing Matt Parrott take offense at the parochialism of others.
I mean … hasn’t Matt set up an entire political organization in his state, written an entire book about his state, writes a state based blog, and does an entire radio show about his state?
Finally, I only brought up White Nationalism because “Erasing Hate” is certain to talk about the White Nationalist movement in general in relation to Byron Widner.
I also intended to write a companion story (read the article) about the Kalispell PLE getting attacked in the media.
Matt Parrott and Hunter both do excellent work. Keep doing that good work.
Simple as that guys. It’s really simple as that. Put up a flag and persuasive writing that people searching for answers on the net that the MSM doesn’t provide can answer.
There is no need to fight over petty differences anymore.
In Parrott’s home state, the citizens of Indianapolis are fed up with violence Black behavior.
As Hunter writes, Alabama has made a “line in the sand” over immigration.
Please guys, no asinine internet fights. You waste energy and the only resource that matters – time – engaging in them.
The only stones being thrown here are at this particular fool who is trying to score a job on the anti-racist lecture circuit. That was clear in the original post.
The idea that Indiana was somehow being attacked here is absurd.
This clown is not even from Indiana. I didn’t say that in the post because it wasn’t necessary. It was discussed in the link to the SPLC story.
I’ve also written plenty of stories about immigration reform in Indiana. I wrote a post earlier this year about forcing Sen. Dick Lugar into retirement.
The Indiana legislature passed the E-Verify bill, but Mitch Daniels killed the Arizona-style immigration law.
That’s like I saying I am attacking Chicago by drawing attention to black criminals who cause chaos there. I have written an identical post about Atlanta.
I mentioned White Nationalism largely because the Kalispell PLE is being attacked in the media. I had included Kalispell in the tag, but I didn’t have the chance to finish the article. I said I would finish the article when I got back.
I had intended to have some fun with the idea that Richard Spencer is Dr. Evil and that Chuck Baldwin is a racist Manchurian Candidate.
Your statement implied that tattoo’d felons aren’t frowned upon in the North. It was part of an overarching effort to impose a dichotomy where Yankee WNs are immoral creepers and Southern racialists are not. While I’m not personally “offended”, I did feel compelled to note that Hoosiers also frown upon such behavior.
I try my best to keep my critiques of people who are on our side behind the scenes, as it’s tactically imprudent to air out dirty laundry in public. In this case, you’re airing some of Indiana’s dirty laundry with the skinhead gangs going on up here and embellishing it with implications that folks up here are cool with thuggish behavior.
Yes, and I manage to do all that celebrating of my regional identity without feeling the need to denigrate other White regional identities. That’s. My. Whole. Point.
Ahh WN: better cat fights than on WB shows.
Umm … no, it wasn’t.
I said that I didn’t know the guy because … drumroll … because I really had never heard of him. Also, it is true that skinhead groups and Neo-Nazi groups are more common in some parts of the country than others, but so are the League of the South and the CofCC.
You would think this is a pretty uncontroversial observation?
It is also true that people who feel more alienated and more marginalized are more likely to get tattoos and that tends to go hand in glove with parts of the country where racial identity is less accepted and more taboo.
Again, nothing whatsoever controversial here. Just an observation.
This idiot is not even from Indiana. Maybe I didn’t say that … because it was never my intention to “attack” Indiana, and the thought simply never occurred to me, and it was discussed in the link.
No, that was simply a false perception on your part.
Again, you would think it would be uncontroversial to attack such an obvious loser who is creating bad publicity for your state, not mine, but somehow, for some reason, you felt compelled to attack me for attacking this idiot, not the skinhead idiot who is going to be on MSNBC with Lawrence O’Donnell.
If you try to keep your “critiques of people” behind the scenes, why didn’t you just send me an email? I would have explained that I was only attacking one particular fool.
Better yet, how did you even get that it was my intention to attack Indiana, when this guy is not even from Indiana???
Umm … maybe no one was “denigrating” your regional identity in the first place? William Rome, who saw this post, who is from New York, who really is a Yankee, didn’t see it that way because that was clearly not the thrust of my post, as I was just criticizing one particular opportunist trying to score a job.
If you had attacked Morris Dees or Alabama skinheads who are going on national television, I wouldn’t have interpreted that as “an attack” on my regional identity. Instead, I would have saw it as an attack on Morris Dees and Alabama skinheads.
Wasn’t this post an attack on the SPLC? Is that an attack on Alabama? Who would ever see it that way?
Maybe I am being jumpy, as I saw your sock puppet hijinx over at TOO then saw this post “about Indiana” and connected dots that perhaps needn’t be connected.
I would ask you, though, to consider an inversion and ask yourself if you wouldn’t see it as a slight…
“Hailing from the North, I had never heard of this neoconfederate before. Putting on a bed sheet and lighting a cross as a way to express and act out White Power fantasies is still culturally frowned upon here.”
Did that feel a bit like a snarky attack on Southerners?
Indeed. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and perhaps my imagination got away from me.
Greetings to William Rome and Paul Kersey.
To explain the origins of this post …
(1) I was sent a link about the Kalispell story. See above.
(2) I was sent another link about the MSNBC documentary.
“thought you might be interested
<@.net>Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 6:47 PM
To: prozium1984@gmail.com
They are really stirring up their base, hard and often and to the far far left.
Possible readiness for next year if the Prez election is taken to the street.
John PrestonThu, Jun 23, 2011 at 2:55 PM
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Taking a look.”
Thus, I decided to write a two part article, the first half about the MSNBC documentary, and the other half about “violent extremists” like Richard Spencer and Chuck Baldwin in Montana, and I mentioned “White Nationalism” because it was the common thread in both stories.
Before I could finish the article, I had to go to the gym. I clearly said in the article that I had planned to finish the article. There were tags about Kalispell and Montana in the article.
When I got back, I had planned to write a funny second half of the article about Richard Spencer as Dr. Evil, and use it to link to Alternative Right, in order to send some traffic over there.
But, I came home and saw you going off in the comments, and for reasons that never even occurred to me when writing this article.
Umm nope.
The Klan, CofCC, League of the South, and Sons of Confederate Veterans are more common here than elsewhere. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to be offended by pointing that out.
I wrote a post just the other day about the Klan and CCA in Montgomery during integration.
It would be kind of stupid to argue that, say, the Klan is not more common in Mississippi than it is elsewhere, or that the National Alliance is not stronger in Ohio than elsewhere. Because what is, is.
Widner? Is that a Jewish name?
As you point out, the antichrist ideologues will use, by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY (hmmm) propaganda, to ridicule and demean the ‘Other’- in this case, what they are not- White, European, [Christian] and/or racially-conscious people (however demented). But you are correct in your perception of this article.
As a Christian, (and a cleric) one of the first posts on my humble little blog, written critical of tattoos (not the kind with Scottish piping and drumming, but the body- marking kind!) got me my first comments. Even now, almost four years later, it still makes sense to me, and I stand by it now as I did then. As White Christian People, as Americans, as EUROPEAN-derived Whites, we are NOT to mark our bodies ‘as the pagans do.’
My first experience with tattooing as a child, came with the Disney movie, “Swiss Family Robinson” with the Maori scene. The image of a PAGAN with facial markings derived from tattooing, scared me half to death, and disgusted me, too. Thank God for that early introduction to culturally aberrant blasphemy, and thank God for Mr. Disney. His moral tone in movies made while he was still alive, enabled me to more easily grasp a Christian, EUROPEAN worldview, before I even knew what one was. Thanks for the article.
Now if the Jewish-run $PLC, and the other ‘Tal-muddy-fied’ groups that pose as news agencies would only ‘erase the hate’ from their ideological overseers, we might have a free journalism once more….. just sayin’.
No one watches MSNBC anyway.
I am a Yankee. I love my fellow Southrons – and don’t mind when they kid a bit. As far as the subject of this post – I know local Skinhead.s They are terrific fellows. Some do have tats – but not all over their faces, like this poor sod. Even with the tats – THEY SUPPORT their families. They disdain jerks like this widner guy. Thye make fun of posuers like this.
“Hailing from the Real South, I had never heard of this Yankee before. Tatting yourself up as a way to express and act out White Power fantasies is still culturally frowned upon here.”
I’m not really a Yank, given the fact I was born and raised in the NorthWest, however, much of my family now lives in Arkansas and most of the young white males there are big rap fans. So I’m not entirely sure what the high moral attitude of Southerners toward Northerners is all about.
Hunter, if you had not meant to associate being a “Yankee” with being a freak, you would not have used the word “Yankee”. I am not criticizing you for this; there are things worthier of my allegiance than the section of kwa in which I was born. But you did make a statement and you did have a certain intention implied by use of that word. Live up to it. That said, I don’t see it as controversial. Some interregional joshing never hurt anyone. If we can’t call each other hillbillies and yanks, we’re signing up with the self-appointed speech police who declare we can’t call others negroes and wetbacks, and may never breathe the word “Jew”.
It just so happens that racialists getting tattoos is more common in Blue States than Red States. That is undoubtedly because there is a stronger taboo against White racial consciousness in the North than the South.
Undoubtedly. Yet you are blurring reality here: it is far more common in California alone than any other state. Being a New York myself, having lived there for much of my life both upstate in various counties and in a few boroughs of the City, I can give you my street-level perception that skinhead tattoos, at least of that extent, are extraordinarily uncommon. Guys with runes on their face won’t last long in Brooklyn, even where darkies still fear to tread. And the people upstate are New Yorkers only in name and law; socially they’re an extension of the Midwestern demographic. In the cities like Buffalo and Syracuse, they are UNIFORMLY whiggers and college tards. So it is at least unfair and untrue to claim that skinhead tattoos, or skinheadism in general, is more common in “Blue States”. California undoubtedly has more skinheads in its prisons alone than anyplace else in this country. It is mere carelessness to not make this distinction between the social culture of California (which is Indiana’s cultural “pivot” — not the East Coast) and that of New York, for example.
So I’m not entirely sure what the high moral attitude of Southerners toward Northerners is all about.
It is idealism. Not an evil thing, but not true to reality on the ground. Whiggery is everywhere. The South is no hold-out of gentility.
In my experience, Yankees really are more likely to be skinheads and Neo-Nazis. That scene is more common there than it is here. At the same time, you could say that Southerners are more likely to Klansmen or Neo-Confederates.
Who disputes this?
In the South, White racial consciousness isn’t typically expressed with tattoos and piercings. It is more of a part of the general culture. Most White people are racialist to some degree.
Sure, there are plenty of whiggers here, and there are plenty of people with tattoos, but that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about expressing your racial identity with tattoos.
In other states, White racial consciousness is more taboo. Because it is more taboo, it is more of a repressed sub-culture, and these people act out their rebellion against society by becoming non-conformists with tattoos.
If you look at Canada and Britain, you see the same thing. Even within the South, the states where skinheads with tattoos are more commonly found are Texas, Florida, and Virginia, and that is because there are so many transplants in these states.
The majority of people who live in Florida were not born there.
As for the differences within the North, I am sure they exist, especially between the Northeast, Midwest, and West.
Whatever you think of this guy – I have no doubt he’s done some stupid things and I don’t care to defend him – it’s pretty damn disgusting what the SPLC and MSNBC are doing to him.
Fine, he wants to “repent” and go straight, but that’s not enough is it? These entertainment commissars come up with a scheme and offer him a deal – they’ll take care of his tattoos and make him employable again if he’ll just agree to make a “little movie” with them.
Yeah, a little movie where they show graphic portrayals of him in physical and mental pain, bleeding and in agony. But seeing him in pain is good, you see, because he’s getting his just desserts. He deserves it. Then we get a fun voyeuristic kick out of hearing about exactly how much he deserves it and how “evil” he was. Cue the cheap thrills about a “true story” of the “world of violent racist skinheads.” And to wash it all down we get the judgmental self-satisfaction of seeing the violent racist skinhead taken down, broken and confessing everything.
Meanwhile, the SPLC gets to appear as do-gooders helping to reform members of hate groups, one “bonehead” (their dehumanizing term for skinheads) at a time, as one big long commercial for their fundrasing efforts, as one long advertisement to justify the huge pile of cash they’re sitting on.
This is jewish pornography. Period. Taking a fucked up wayward white kid and then humiliating and exploiting him for entertainment and for their political agenda. Disgusting.
Widner, according to the internet, is originally from New Mexico—you can’t get much more southern than that unless you move to Mexico. LOL.
I’ll betch a doughnut that he is from a Roman Catholic background. Most of these costume nazi types are from Roman Catholic backgrounds from what I’ve seen.
I was saddened to see yet another ‘brother’ go by the wayside; and this in no way is intended to besmirch him.
The remnants of the once powerful and directed ‘skinhead movement’ (such as Hammerskins, NF) have become tragic figures indeed. A powerful and intelligent mix amongst true ‘fighters’, it was only a matter of time – 25 years is a good run – and bereft of significant leadership in the ‘conservative’ arena, were bound to fade from the comings and goings of the struggle of WN’sm.
WN’sts see beyond the paradigm of ‘north and south’, and I, personally, have many old and new friends in both the South and parts of the north-east; I do not see this young man as a ‘yankee’, but as kith and kin – if he has secumbed to the tremendous power arrayed against him, unable to find work, or facing racial discrimination he is unable to ‘fit in’, my heart goes out to all those men and women who, whether one likes the ‘tattooed’ type or not, are still part of our family.
These types of ‘developments’ are relatively rare, and when they do come up, the Left will, no doubt, make what they can of it. This means nothing.
As to Kallispel, let’s see how many, from whatever quarter, take this so-called HRC to task, and singling out some poor soul – who just could not take it anymore – think they stand above the rest.
I see unity wherever I look, and regionalism is a natural part of it – I just hope that everyone here will remember that, at some point, we will swing individually, or as a group – it is only in how we prepare to deal with this – and we have better things to do than jump on some left-wing hooplaa over a fallen comrade.
Hammerskins were powerful at one time? Really?
Concerning the tattooed subject of this article, he is an idiot. Period. All the other dumbasses who literally cover themselves with “racial” tattoos are idiots. Period. (And so are ALL people, racial or not, who cover themselves with tattoos.)
The reason Byron Widner cannot find employment is because he is an idiot. The reason he is unable to fit in is because he is an idiot. This “young man” is an idiot, Faustus. He did not succumb to anything, he didn’t have to. He was born an idiot. He is neither kith nor kin to me, and to those he is kin to, I certainly hope they have sense enough to not mention it publicly.
Moreover, I see no reason, no reason whatsoever, why it is thought somehow necessary by many that every type of white skinned person must be considered some kind of asset we need to keep lugging along. It is in fact long overdue for a trimming of the fat and a jettisoning of the kind of deadwood that the Byron Widner’s represent. And to anticipate your, or anyone’s, invariable come back to this line of reasoning, I have no trouble gauging “who is…and who is not…” or “how or by what ‘test’ do we decide…” I further submit that anyone who does have trouble or knows not what kind of “test” is to be used is an idiot and most likely severely lacking in character and taste.
To the extent anyone wants to consider all and sundry for “reaching out to” to build a vote bloc for now, very well. But I for one have decided that henceforth it will be QUALITY white people that are paramount and where all sympathies and support shall go. I AM better than the Byron Widners, the green teeth, the stupid, the never-do wells. I suggest all others who have it in them and judge themselves of a higher caliber start thinking along the same lines.
I will also point out to anyone who may be taken aback by my above post asserting how Widner is no comrade of mine , not only is Byron Widner a total loser, he has now proved himself a TRAITOR willing to sell out for his own personal gain.
These types are not comrades, they are the very dregs of our people.
Even within the South, the states where skinheads with tattoos are more commonly found are Texas, Florida, and Virginia, and that is because there are so many transplants in these states.
In Florida and Texas, at least. I won’t deny this may be the case in Virginia, but I lived most of my life there, regrettably, and the transplants seem limited to DC Metro and the Hampton Roads military complex — in neither of which are white racist tattoos a common sight, in my experience. I saw them at “rallies” among actual Virginians in the interior counties. I’ve lived in Florida for almost four years now and such tattooing seems to occur mostly in the northern counties, which consider themselves “real South”; the Central corridor and South are dominated by blacks and latinos, of course. South-West FL (Naples) and much of the Sun Coast and East Coast are dominated by European expats and retirees.
It is well-known fact that skinheads are predominantly a subculture of the West Coast, at any rate. I don’t know the details but I’ve read or heard that the Hammerskins or whoever, driven out of Portland they like to say, migrated to California — precisely the social pivot of this subculture. This Widner punk was from New Mexico, also of the California cultural pivot. Again, I am merely making the case that this is not a “Yankee” phenomenon, but largely a West Coast one, wherever else it is appears. Consider the Order’s range of operation — Washington and California precisely. “Compounds” in Utah and Arizona. And such rubbish.
I believe it has died out in FL for the most part. I remember a lot was coming out of certain counties a decade ago — often pseudo-Confederate ideology — but you don’t see as much anymore.
Minor point, but called for redress.
“This is jewish pornography. Period. Taking a fucked up wayward white kid and then humiliating and exploiting him for entertainment and for their political agenda. Disgusting.”
Exactly. Torture porn.
The reality of it is ethnic gangs are a kind of militia – black gangs, hispanic gangs etc.
Skinheads were the white equivalent in neighborhoods that were being invaded and ethnically cleansed.
The vermin at the SPLC have no interest in non-white gang culture even though they are the exact equivalent of skinheads. You could record some Bloods or MS 13 and they’d be just as racial in their attitudes and conversations if not more so. The SPLC itself, vermin that they are, are the Jewish equivalent except Jewish ethnic militia are mostly lawyers.
Obviously the skinhead thing was not good PR but only in the context of the media never reporting what they were reacting against. If the media had told the truth about the ethnic crime in white neighborhoods that were being invaded the skinheads would have seemed quite heroic given the odds they were fighting – at least in the places i knew about.
(That’s not to say a lot of them weren’t meatheads as well but heroic meatheads.)
Granted, you are more of an authority on this issue than me. I seem to recall you fighting with Richard Barrett a long time ago?
Well said.
Wow, the comments in this section are sad as there is hate amongst people who claim to stand for the same thing arguing over where white nationalists w/tatoos reside and don’t. Who cares? Go ahead and hate on me another white man, but by your arguing you are further proving the point that each man (and woman) is an individual w/their own opinions and feelings regardless of race or belief as you already have displayed w/much enthusiasm. It really has opened my eyes that hate comes in all forms and packages whether it’s blatant w/tatoos or a business suit. The hate doesn’t bother me. A man who hates only does so because he has his own feelings of inferiority masked by a outward appearance of stregnth to cover up what is really inside. Love will always win.
I wonder how it’s possible that piece of shit like him thought that he’s superior to anyone. I mean, he’s trash-no matter the color. Ho, and I don’t believe he’s changed, he just grew up and understand that if he wan’t to make a living than he should withdraw from what I assume he was: drug addicted, alcoholic and covertly homosexual. That’s all.