Racism and Reddit: One Year Later

Mission Accomplished!


A year ago, I set out with the avowed purpose to spread the “hate truth” about African-Americans on Reddit.

I didn’t expect to win many converts to our cause. Rather, I explained my mission as being one of “discourse poisoning,” which I define as intentionally disrupting the prevailing narrative about American race relations (the digital equivalent of a sit in), and sowing the seeds of a reality based paradigm.

I figured these seeds of “hate truth” (the truth about race that liberals hate) would sprout in fertile minds on the right occasion – the status quo, which is based on lies and intimidation, cannot endure in the long run.

I’ve always said the Mainstream Media (MSM) is losing its credibility and ability to control what passes for “respectable” political discourse. When people are exposed every single to day to what African-Americans are really up to in this country, eventually they begin to grasp the pattern.

For months, I have pounded away at Reddit, sometimes alone, often with the assistance from a handful of likeminded people, posting one damaging link after another about the reality of race in Black Run America (BRA).

Now look at this: Onion News editor punched & kicked as mob of 30-40 in Philly break her leg – No, it’s real this time

Lately, The Drudge Report has been publicizing what SBPDL and OD talk about every day, namely that African-Americans are spiraling out of control in this country, and that this is all building up to a future national crisis, which we have tentatively labeled “The Day The EBT Card Stops Working.”

The vicious attack on The Onion news editor by a flash mob of “youths” black people in Philadelphia, which is entirely real, and not a satire, is a breakthrough moment.

I can’t help but laugh as the “hate truth” about African-Americans and violent crime goes viral on Reddit. Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for it: black people, this is entirely your doing, and your benefactors are losing containment.

Like the Fukushima nuclear reactor, Black Run America is about to have a meltdown. You can’t say that you haven’t had it coming for the longest time now.

You got away with burning down Los Angeles, destroying Detroit, bankrupting Birmingham, etc. We could have went to Mars, but we created Black Run America instead, a world where Rodney King was a hero, where OJ Simpson walked free, where William Jefferson was a congressman.

It was a world where the Reverend Jesse Jackson had “moral authority” and the “gravitas” to be treated as a serious presidential candidate. Future historians will conclude that you should have voted for Hillary when you had the chance.

If Hillary had been elected, not HNIC Barack Hussein Obama, she would have inherited the collapsing American economy. Instead, in a moment of pure racial ecstasy and triumph, you put Barack Hussein Obama and Eric “My People” Holder in power, just to spite the White man, and now Black Run America (BRA) gets to go belly up on their watch, which will be remembered as your watch.

Have you noticed that African-Americans always seem to preside over the Apocalypse?

In the movie 2012, Danny Glover was HNIC when the sun melted the earth’s core, and humankind was nearly exterminated. In Deep Impact, Morgan Freeman was HNIC when earth was hit by a comet. In Idiocracy, HNIC Dwayne Comacho presided over an America of full of mindless idiots.

Black people have presided over the destruction of Detroit and Memphis. They presided over the destruction of Haiti, Rhodesia, and South Africa – and, let’s not forget, the Tuskegee Wal-Mart.

Fittingly, HNIC Barack Hussein Obama gets to preside over an America that doesn’t ever recover from an economic KO punch, as the corpse is consumed by “flash mobs” of “youths” who inexplicably assault innocent people, many of whom are Obama 2012 voters.

I dare to say this might be the beginning of the end. And if it isn’t, it is at least time for us “race truthers” to redouble our efforts!

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, the big debt-default is supposed to come sometime this August, so perhaps the storm clouds really are building…

    I like the phrase “The Day the EBT Card Stops Working” as a rough projection as to when the negroid pathologies reach their climax in this country. Perhaps a good way to term the point in time when white people, on a collective level, finally take physical action to allay our existential crisis, could be “The Day 911 Stops Answering”.

  2. If a small percentage of the population are mostly responsible for the decline of our country, if you desire for them to serve as some sort of scapegoat… well, I don’t know what to say to that.

    This thinly veiled bigotry fools nobody except those who already believe in the concept of a master-race.

  3. That homophobe poster dk is back. Instead of calling us faggots like in his previous post, he calls Hunter a piece of feces. Why is dk so obsessed with the human butt area? Hey dk, take your bigotry elsewhere. This is a hate free site.

    You may be more comfortable, dk, at the website of that hate group SPLC.

  4. Skunk, why would White Western European people not be the best at White Western European civilization? Are they so inferior that anyone is just as good at them at any enterprise they undertake, yet they are considered inferior at all sorts of activities mastered by non-white people. You may need to rethink who you attribute the term bigot to and get a better grasp of the term bias.

  5. I’m a big fan of discourse poisoning but I do have one suggestion: don’t use the word “nigger”. It is in bad taste and turns people off.

    I don’t know what it’s like in the South but in the North we only say nigger around close friends and only then if we are telling a joke or are describing a particularly obnoxious black or group of blacks.

    I also have a fear that anti-black sentiment makes people more sympathetic with hispanics who are a 10 times bigger threat. Atleast the black population isn’t getting any bigger. In fact, if it weren’t for white liberals, blacks would be confined to their ghettos and wouldn’t bother anybody.

    I’m not sure what some guys on Reddit can do, though. What I have always dreamed of was having a congressman unapologetically call out BRA. That would help us more than a million articles ever could.

    This thinly veiled bigotry fools nobody except those who already believe in the concept of a master-race.

    Whites and North East asians are clearly superior to the other races of humanity. Blacks, hispanics, etc aren’t bad people, but they are less intelligent than whites/asians. That isn’t hate, that’s biology.

  6. Otis makes an excellent point. Basically, the Jews tried during the 1960s uproar to use the Blacks to destroy America. Failed, so now to the same end they are packing the country with America-hating, white-hating mestizos. We are fortunate that the negroes and the mestizos detest each other and will, “once the EBT card (etc.) no longer works”, turn on their urban Jewish masters as well. Hopefully, all we’ll have to do is go into the cities and clean up the mess.

  7. So skunk,

    So you’re saying that people who believe in the master race are fooled by Hunter? Fooled by facts that Hunter presents? So you are attacking Jews who believe they are the “Chosen People”? I agree. Jewish supremacy is a bad ideology. You are also attacking gypsies who believe other human beings are beneath them. Peter T. Leeson, an economist at George Mason University, writes that Gypsies believe that non-gypsies are “spiritually toxic” and “supernatural cesspools”. I glad you have called out Jews and Gypsies on their ethnic supremacist ideology.

  8. Peter T. Leeson, an economist at George Mason University, writes that Gypsies believe that non-gypsies are “spiritually toxic” and “supernatural cesspools

    That can’t be true. One thing I always admired about Gypsies is that they admit that they are bottomfeeding scum. I would be very surprised if they regarded themselves as superior. They seemed to me like they acknowledge their inferiority.

  9. Anything short of a massive and sustained white cultural self-awareness and self-awakening will not be enough for us to save ourselves.

    For over 40 damn years white culture has been beaten down, cowed, and had it drilled constantly into its head that it is bad, mean, evil, morally inferior, and not at all intellectually superior.

    As a result, you have white people who wouldn’t dream of rounding up all illegals and sending them back to the cesspool from which they came, putting an immediate end to all Aztec immigration, and getting rid of birthright citizenship – all for fear of being a “racist.” Better to be politically correct and dead than to be alive and someone who actually stands up for yourself.

    Pathetic pathology.

  10. That can’t be true. One thing I always admired about Gypsies is that they admit that they are bottomfeeding scum. I would be very surprised if they regarded themselves as superior. They seemed to me like they acknowledge their inferiority.

    Oh please, as if you’ve ever heard them “admit it.”

    They do tend to accept their place in the scheme of things. But it’s too much to expect of any group that it will actively feel inferior, by which I mean go about their day with their heads bowed and feeling that life sucks because they just don’t measure up. The only alternative is to develop a group sense and interpret reality in a way consistent with group adequacy. That’s why they’ve developed concepts like “spiritually unclean” etc. Of course, most of them don’t actually take it too seriously, but it’s always there to call upon whenever life throws up its challenges.

    DWLs are really liberal white supremacists. Many of them (most?) are aware of “the truth.” They don’t say what they do because they believe “racism” is false; they say it because they know it’s true. They think that if that truth gets out it’d just crush blacks. Blacks simply wouldn’t know how to handle it and could only possibly feel miserable about themselves. So DWLs figure they must lie. But as the example of the gypsies demonstrates — and I’m sure the same could be found the world over — groups inevitably develop coping mechanisms, which can be so powerful that they render the truth nothing more than a mildly interesting curiosity. The trick is to get DWLs to accept this, rather than to acknowledge “the truth.” (The latter still has its uses, if you can pull it off.)

    Of course, there are still masses of genuinely uninformed white liberals for whom “the truth” would prove quite enlightening. It just comes down to knowing your audience.

  11. But it’s too much to expect of any group that it will actively feel inferior, by which I mean go about their day with their heads bowed and feeling that life sucks because they just don’t measure up

    But they don’t measure up. Science has conclusively proven that they are inferior. The majority of them would be classified as retarded if they were white, they are that stupid.

    I can think of blacks and hispanics who have made positive contributions to the world but as far as I know, no gypsy has ever accomplished anything remotely positive.

    Oh please, as if you’ve ever heard them “admit it.”

    Actually I read an article that quoted a gypsy as being annoyed that they were being kicked out of France because all they did was petty theft and prostitution. He felt that that made them (gypsies) superior to black immigrants who raped and murdered.

    He may have had a point, but when your defense of your race is that you are not as socially damaging as African blacks then you are atleast implicitly acknowledging your inferiority to whites.

    I also reject that people would necessarily be depressed that their race is inferior. Sure, blacks are stupid, but there are literally millions of blacks that are smarter than almost all white people and there are millions of whites who are dumber than most blacks. Blacks are also better dancers than whites and asians. People should not personalize generalizations that are only meant to apply at a purely group level.

  12. Blacks simply wouldn’t know how to handle it and could only possibly feel miserable about themselves.

    I really don’t think blacks are capable of that level of introspection. Remember, their average IQ is only 85. It is hard for a white person to understand how stupid an 85 IQ is.

    Do children of 7 and 8 ever feel bad about themselves? Not really. Your typical adult black has about that level of cognitive development.

  13. Weird, huh?

    The lefty cowards used to say: Better red than dead.

    Now they say, “Better p.c. AND dead.”

  14. “If a small percentage of the population are mostly responsible for the decline of our country, if you desire for them to serve as some sort of scapegoat…”

    The lefties certainly struggle with elementary logic, don’t they?

    IF (as they are) a small percentage of the population is mostly responsible for the decline of our country, then holding that small population responsible is not “scapegoating.”

    The reason you don’t know what to say is because you don’t even understand your own babble.

  15. “I also reject that people would necessarily be depressed that their race is inferior. Sure, blacks are stupid, but there are literally millions of blacks that are smarter than almost all white people and there are millions of whites who are dumber than most blacks. Blacks are also better dancers than whites and asians. People should not personalize generalizations that are only meant to apply at a purely group level.”

    But, Otis, because most Blacks are stupid, most blacks can’t comprehend what you just said.

  16. Otis:

    “Do children of 7 and 8 ever feel bad about themselves? Not really. Your typical adult black has about that level of cognitive development.”

    Yes, Some intelligent, observant children do, as they are capable of introspection, and shame. Please don’t slander small children, by odious and unfair comparisons.

  17. People CAN be made into self-abasing cowards that are eternally begging the world’s forgiveness for simply existing. Look at White people today. So it’s entirely possible to put non-Whites in their rightful place and keep them there.

  18. Using words like “inferior” isn’t going to win over many people to your side. “Different” is a better word to use. Remember, your audience has been hearing that leftist ideology their entire lives. If you want to them to accept your ideas, then you have to present it to them in a polished manner.

  19. “But, Otis, because most Blacks are stupid, most blacks can’t comprehend what you just said.”

    Very true. In science I believe it’s called the downing effect:


    Certain groups will never acknowledge their own inferiority, but will insist that Whites accept them as equals. Segregation and ‘racism’ were OUR defense mechanisms against allowing inferior stock to infiltrate our communities. I don’t think the liberals can ever be forgiven for what they’ve done.

  20. The people at Reddit come from those American neighborhoods that are between working class and the lower half of the middle class; they’re on the edge.

    As a result, the Reddit people are all trying to prove how intelligent they are, how educated they are, how compassionate and nice they are — in part because they’re mostly sexless friendless nerds.

    For this reason, Reddit is the epicenter of internet political correctness and watching it tumble there is indeed a great sight.

    Next stop: metafilter?

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