BRA’s Slave Auction: $86 Million Bid For President Obama in 2012

27 donors have raised more than $500,000 for Barack Obama 2012

Team Obama

The Obama administration has has made the mistake of disclosing a list of its Top 240 “handlers” who have raised more than $86 million dollars for his reelection campaign.

There are 27 names on this list who have raised more than $500,000 for Barack Hussein Obama’s reelection in 2012:

(1) Anna Wintour (New York City)
(2) Frank White Jr. (Washington, DC)
(3) Andrew Tobias (Miami, FL)
(4) Jane Stetson (Norwich, VT)
(5) Andy Spahn (Los Angeles, CA)
(6) Michael Smith (Los Angeles, CA)
(7) Robert Sherman (Boston, MA)
(8) Eugene Sepulveda (Austin, TX)
(9) Kirk Rudy (Austin, TX)
(10) Azita Raji (Belvedere, CA)
(11) Charles Myers (New York City)
(12) Noah Mahmet (Los Angeles, CA)
(13) Andres Lopez (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
(14) Orin Kramer (Englewood, California)
(15) Lena and John Kennedy (Pasadena, CA)
(16) Michael Kempner (Cresskill, NJ)
(17) Jeffrey Katzenberg (Universal City, CA)
(18) Steven Green (Miami Beach, FL)
(19) Mark and Nancy Gilbert (Boca Raton, FL)
(20) John Emerson (Beverly Hills, CA)
(21) Blair Effron (New York City)
(22) Jon Corzine (Hoboken, NJ)
(23) Jack and Eileen Connors (Boston, Mass)
(24) David and Rhonda Cohen (Philadelphia, PA)
(25) Marc Benioff (San Francisco, CA)
(26) Denise Bauer (Belvedere Tiburon, CA)
(27) Rob Barber (Cambridge, Mass)

I suggest we play a game: let’s start researching the top donors for we can get the information into Google search results.

Is Prof. Cornel West right? Is Barack Hussein Obama the black mascot of Wall Street? At this rate, Obama will enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the most expensive African slave in world history.

Team Obama is a bunch of rich DWLs and Jews who have bought themselves the blackface of moral authority – in the form of Barack Hussein Obama, African prince like Kunta Kinte – to stamp on their preferred public policies.

MLK was no different: in the 1960s, King and his SCLC preachers financed themselves through the New York, Los Angeles, and Washington synagogues.

Update: As the links above show, Prof. West is correct that Obama has strong ties to Wall Street through “bundlers” like Orin Kramer and Charles Myers, and it is true that Obama is at least partially “a black mascot of Wall Street” (or the investment banking community), but a more complex picture emerges when you follow the links above.

A preliminary analysis shows that “Team Obama” is drawn heavily (more like almost exclusively) from rich urban enclaves scattered across the country. There is the Wall Street money, the South Florida money, the Hollywood money, the People’s Republic of Austin money, etc.

Team Obama doesn’t exist in the Heartland. There isn’t a single major bundler on this list from states like Kansas, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona.

The most interesting donors on the Obama 2012 list are Mark and Nancy Gilbert of Boca Raton, FL who seem to have bought America’s foreign policy toward Israel.

Just listen to excerpts from this letter from Mark and Nancy Gilbert where they crow about Obama’s support for Israel:

– President Obama and his team are spending more time on this issue than almost any other issue facing our country today

– President Obama and our Congress have provided Israel with every cent (and then some) of foreign assistance requested by Israel

– President Obama has restored Israel’s QME (qualitative military edge) which had been neglected for the last 8 years

– President Obama is the FIRST American leader to say – in an Arab country (Egypt) that the Arab world must recognize Israel as a JEWISH state and in a support of Israel’s legitimacy to affirm the –quote- “unshakeable “ bond between the USA & Israel

– President Obama & team played a critical role in leading a UNANIMOUS vote to include Israel in the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development). The vote was 31-0 admitting Israel to this prestigious organization

– President Obama has dispatched leaders of the Joint Chiefs to Israel not once, but four times already in his less-than-2-years in office ( before that the Joint chiefs had not been in Israel for YEARS (not once during the ‘last’ administration)

– The Obama administration has integrated US missile technology into Israel’s expanding missile shield. NO OTHER AMERICAN PRESIDENT HAS DONE THIS.

– The Obama administration continues to fund development of ARROW-3, Israel’s advanced long-rage, high-altitude system for countering Iranian ballistic missiles

You can’t make this shit up!

The Gilberts have already made another $500,000 down payment on America’s special relationship with Israel for the next four years. I guess they weren’t deterred by Bibi’s reception in Washington.

John Bonnell Emerson, a Los Angeles investment banker, is another string puller on this list who needs to come under scrutiny from the “hate roots.” Obama seems to have appointed him to important positions involving trade policy.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. lol, my Lord, what a video that was!!!

    Excellent work here as usual Hunter–bravo. I am running the names!!

  2. A missile shield for Israel but not for us?

    Any US based shield would have to be against intercontinental ballistic missiles. The missile shields we have put up in Israel and Eastern Europe and Japan are to defend against Theater Ballistic Missiles, not ICBMs.

  3. That Gilbert letter is simply FABULOUS!!!

    Why did you remove the OO from your blogroll? Whilst Kikenvermin Among You remains?

  4. Mistake?

    Heck no, they’re showing off.

    This list was released to make BHO’s donors happy. Everyone knows they’re the secret white knights now.

    There was no mistake in releasing the donors list. Just a sleight-of-hand.

  5. Team Obama is a bunch of rich DWLs and Jews

    This is why I believe it is more accurate to use the term “Jewish-run America” than “Black-run America”. Obama is nothing more than a lackey for the Jews who control this country.

  6. BRA doesn’t mean that blacks literally control America. It means that America is run for the benefit.

    Something like this could only happen in BRA:

    Blacks are holy beings. This girl from Connecticut is going to walk across Africa for they can get clean water. In BRA, the highest moral principle of our civilization has become the promotion of black people, so if you want to flaunt your moral superiority or just express your kindheartedness, black people are likely to benefit.

  7. ‘Just listen to excerpts from this letter from Mark and Nancy Gilbert where they crow about Obama’s support for Israel:

    – President Obama and his team are spending more time on this issue than almost any other issue facing our country today’

    Great the country is falling apart at the seams with a 9.1% unemployment rate… but stop the presses! The super-schvartze has placed Israel number one!

    *sigh* Makes me wish all the theories that Obama is a secret Muslim who hates Israel were really true.

  8. Chromedome…

    “*sigh* Makes me wish all the theories that Obama is a secret Muslim who hates Israel were really true.”

    Fer sher.

  9. I bet at least a third of the names on that list belong to Jews. The proportion actually seems kinda low, compared to what I’d expect.

  10. BRA doesn’t mean that blacks literally control America. It means that America is run for the benefit.

    But is America really being run for their benefit? From what I understand the black unemployment rate is now as high as it was during the Depression. In addition, black men in jail outlive black men outside of jail. The only people who I see benefiting from the current political situation are the Jews.

  11. From names/locations alone, I believe about 13 are Jewish – fully 50 percent. There are two hispanic names, one Muslim, and the remainder (11 out of 27) may be White.

  12. Also it turns out that many of these newly revealed donors are non-other then elitist, snobby Hebrew-wood actors and actresses as well!

    Look at this list, and try to boycott or at least ‘shadily’ download the shows from the following loony liberals:

    ‘Among the more than 550,000 donors to the president’s 2012 reelection bid were big-name movie stars including actors George Clooney, Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone, Michael Keaton, Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his wife, actress Kate Capshaw, also gave to the 2012 campaign, according to the latest Federal Election Commission report. Jennifer Garner and Gwyneth Paltrow both contributed under their married names —Affleck and Martin, respectively.

    “30 Rock” actor Alec Baldwin, who has often toyed with a potential political run, also shelled out cash for Obama’s second-quarter fundraising haul. And several other TV actors — such as “Monk”’s Tony Shalhoub, “Glee”’s Jane Lynch, “24”’s president Dennis Haysbert and sci-fi stars Scott Bakula and Richard Dean Anderson — joined Baldwin in contributing to the president’s reelection bid.

    Read more:

  13. Newsflash folks – all those names are Jew. All of ’em. They are either outright blood Jews – oo owned an operated by same. As far as that list of actors, Chromedome – they owe their careers to Jewry, and know it, or they are homosexuals.

  14. As usual, Denise = hammer, nail = truth. As to HW remark about Netanyahu’s little tiff with Zero, that was for the Dems leftwing base. Smoke-blowing. It’s the 29 standing O’s that Congress gave that tell all: They Know Their Master. Insiders are now predicting Zionist attack on Iran c. September.

  15. Thanks, CF. That Gilbert letter blows the mask off, of the “Jews are mad at O’Negro! Oye Vey!” kosher theater.

    We can NOT afford an attack on Iran, in ANY way. That would be the absoute END.

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