Travelogue: Ruins of Selma

A tour of post-apocalyptic Selma


“What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and State of America. It is the effort of American Negroes to secure for themselves the full blessings of American life.

Their cause must be our cause too. Because it is not just Negroes, but really it is all of us, who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice.

And we shall overcome.”
– President Lyndon B. Johnson, Special Message To Congress, March 15, 1965

If you are around my age, chances are you have never heard of Selma before, which is a small Antebellum cotton town in West Alabama. The historical importance of this city to the creation of Black Run America (BRA) cannot be exaggerated.

Americans who are old enough to have lived through the 1960s remember Selma and can probably tell you why what happened there was so important.

In 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. led his famous Selma-to-Montgomery March across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Dallas County. It was the highwater mark of the “Civil Rights Movement.”

When John Lewis and Hosea Williams led a crowd of 600 African-Americans from the George Washington Carver housing projects and were dispersed on the Edmund Pettus Bridge by Alabama state troopers and Dallas County sheriff’s deputies, ABC broadcast the “shocking images” of “Bloody Sunday” across the world.

Thanks to DWLs, millions of Americans saw wicked Alabama segregationists on television beating helpless “non-violent” protesters, not a known hate group which explicitly endorsed violence and whose official battle cry was “black power” leading a menacing and unlawful march by a flash mob out of the Selma ghetto, which was the brainchild of a delusional child molester.

The slanted news coverage in Selma turned public opinion against Jim Crow. The Whites of Selma were demonized by DWLs as little more than irrational racist bigots who were standing in the way of America’s “progress.”

Two days later, LBJ introduced the Voting Rights Act to a joint session of Congress and famously said “We Shall Overcome” on national television. It was passed later that summer.

The Voting Rights Act, which emerged as a product of the Selma campaign, unleashed a social and political revolution in America:

(1) It massively augmented “the black vote” which allowed African-Americans to conquer major cities like Birmingham, Atlanta, and Richmond. Whites were forced out to the surrounding suburbs.

(2) It eliminated the segregationist strongholds in Congress and replaced them with majority-minority districts in the Black Belt which tilted the entire American political spectrum to the Left.

(3) It transformed Southern politics by forcing the White vote to solidify into a racial bloc under the leadership of the Republican business elite. In other words, it eliminated the White working class as an independent political force, which is why you don’t see elected officials like Bull Connor anymore.

(4) It introduced every form of corruption imaginable to the political process when African-Americans started using their newfound political power to loot the national treasury.

(5) Because of the ever present threat of the black vote, not to mention the threat posed by other forms of chaos that African-Americans are capable of unleashing (such as burning down Los Angeles and Detroit), Whites are forced to hide their true feelings and systematically censor what they say about blacks in the public sphere.

In so many words, White America finds itself in a bad marriage with African-Americans because of the stupid decisions made a generation ago in a more innocent age.

No one is allowed to call attention to the massive black hole which destroyed Selma or the black hole in Birmingham which bankrupted Jefferson County or the black hole in West Montgomery or the black hole in Atlanta which just devoured Brittney Watts.

(6) Finally, the Voting Rights Act handed cities like Tuskegee and Selma over to African-Americans on a silver platter, whose incompetence and mismanagement created the first waves of White refugees from these expanding “black holes,” which are metastasizing across the state like cancer and gnawing away at the foundation of our economy like termites.

Today, Selma is 23.5 percent White and 74.3 percent African-American. In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama carried Dallas County with 67.1 percent of the vote. African-Americans are 66.9 percent of Dallas County.

Selma has a black mayor. It has a black majority city council. There are three Whites on the city council. Whites are still 23.5 percent of the population. Thus, the racial character of Selma is not as far gone as Tuskegee, which is 95.9 percent African-American, but it is clearly headed in that direction.

What does Selma represent?

It represents the birthplace of Black Run America. Because of what happened on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, we had to give voting rights to African-Americans, which means we later had to surrender Atlanta and Detroit to African-Americans, and ultimately elect Barack Hussein Obama to “fulfill the dream” of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement.

What happened to Selma? The DWLs in the media lost all interest in the story after the Voting Rights Act was passed. Now that Barack Hussein Obama is BRA’s president, isn’t it about time to do a follow up story on the city that brought this all about?

Someone has to do the job the MSM won’t do. The SPLC and Montgomery Advertiser are not reporting on this breaking news story. “Those Who Can See” are in for a treat today. We’re crossing the Alabama Veldt to take a tour of post-apocalyptic Selma.

Crossing Over

The scenery on the way into Dallas County from Montgomery consists of an endless series of corn fields and cow pastures on either side of a US-80.

In 1965, MLK led the Selma-to-Montgomery March down this four lane highway. It is now a National Historic Trail. Along the highway, I saw three “campsites” which had been identified with historic markers where the marchers, many of whom were DWL koolaid drinking hippies in the mold of Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, had slept in the cornfields.

City Limits

By the time you reach the outskirts of Selma, you can already tell that something is visibly wrong: there are rundown trailer parks on either side of the road, the roads seem poorly maintained, the grass is getting higher.

The decay is already visible at the city limits. Just look at the Selma sign that now greats visitors. There was trash all along the highway in front of that sign.

The construction and decoration of the buildings on the outskirts of Selma announces to anyone familiar with the general pattern that you are about to enter a black hole. Similar buildings can be found in Macon County on the other side of the state.

The Chamber of Commerce has a nicer “Welcome to Historic Selma” sign as you get closer. Unfortunately, the attention of the visitor is soon distracted by the Minnie B. Anderson homes on the other side of the road.

It is a whole neighborhood of abandoned houses with gaping holes in their roofs, trees and vines growing up around the homes, windows with shattered glass, although a few of the units did seem to be occupied by African-Americans, and I did see a few black children playing among the ruins.

Next up, an abandoned grocery store being reclaimed by the wilderness, and a competitive KFC sign that boasts of “Selma’s Best Chicken!” There are fried chicken joints all over Selma including an upscale Zaxby’s which looks utterly out of place in the decaying city.

As I entered Selma, I shot a photo of a black fictional image on a billboard: 7 African-Americans and 1 White female graduating from Concordia College.

“Bloody Sunday”

The scene at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge which houses the “National Voting Rights Museum” is breathtaking. Just look at this national embarrassment.

I shot three photos of the building: see here, here, and here. This graffiti is called the “Civil Rights Memorial Mural.” See here, here, and here.

This is the memorial to the Selma-to-Montgomery march at the foot of Edmund Pettus Bridge. Across the street, you can see the “National Voting Rights Museum,” which has apparently fallen on hard times.

Edmund Pettus Bridge

The Edmund Pettus Bridge, which stretches across the Alabama River like the Colossus of Rhodes, is a monument to the White people who built Selma, and to what the city could have been had it not been destroyed by the Voting Rights Act.

I walked across the bridge (from the Montgomery side, making a point to come from the opposite direction) and shot some photos of the Alabama River below. In Downtown Selma, I shot some photos from an angle, which gives a more scenic view of the accomplishment.

This is what it must feel like to tour the ruins of the Roman Empire in Europe.

Downtown Selma

The Antebellum waterfront in Selma which used to contain lots of businesses was completely deserted on a Sunday afternoon. No one could be seen walking around. The Selma-Times Journal is still run out of there though.

The neutron bomb effect, which is on even more prominent display in Tuskegee, “The Pride of Swift Growing South,” is consistently a reliable indicator of a black hole.

I did see the “French Quarter Sports Bar” and “I Got Da Hook Up” which are African-American small businesses that have moved into the void of what used to be one of Alabama’s most beautiful cities.

Brown Chapel/George Washington Carver Housing Projects

As I turned off Water Avenue, I hit Martin Luther King St. and rode less than a mile or two up the road to the George Washington Carver housing projects, which is centered on Brown Chapel, now designated a “National Historic Landmark,” where Martin Luther King, Jr. ran the Selma campaign.

The “civil rights activists” who were famously repulsed by Alabama state troopers on Edmund Pettus Bridge had marched out of the Carver housing project which in 2011 looks virtually unchanged after fifty years of the Great Society welfare spending.

This whole publicity scheme in Selma was James Bevel’s idea, one of MLK’s top lieutenants, who was subsequently found guilty of molesting his own daughters in 2007. In the 1990s, Bevel was Lyndon LaRouche’s vice presidential candidate, so it should come as no surprise that the Selma-to-Montgomery March was his idea.

James Bevel’s wife, Diane Nash of Chicago, was a founder of SNCC and played a major role in the integration of Nashville and the “Freedom Rides” to Alabama. Later, SNCC renounced non-violence, went full “black power,” and expelled its White members, including the delusional DWL twin fruitcakes James Peck and James Zwerg, who were famously beaten on camera in Birmingham and Montgomery.

After Selma, Diane Nash went to North Vietnam to rub shoulders with Ho Chi Minh, Stokely Carmichael went to Cuba to denounce America with Fidel Castro, Bob Moses changed his name and moved to Tanzania, and John Lewis became a U.S. congressman who represents Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District in Atlanta.

John Lewis was Brittney Watts’ congressman.

Interestingly enough, none of these agitators actually stuck around in Selma after using the people who lived there as pawns to advance their radical agenda. Predictably, they moved on like locusts to the next city – this time in Mississippi, which was a spectacular failure – to stir up more trouble and draw more attention to themselves.

The Jewish Synagogue

There is a massive brick synagogue in Selma which used to serve the Dallas County Jewish community. It is now decaying like the YMCA across the street and the rest of the city. Jews and Whites been been abandoning Selma ever since African-Americans seized power.

It will come as a great disappointment to anti-Semites and Jewish leftists alike (this is a must see video) that Jews didn’t play much of a role in the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement in Selma.

Lehman Brothers got its start in Montgomery. Jewish merchants once dominated the Selma business district. Selma had Jewish mayors who supported Jim Crow.

Not only were Jews never excluded from the Selma Country Club, Jews had played a major role in founding it. Jews flocked to the Selma synagogue from neighboring cities like Demopolis and Camden which also once had a Jewish mercantile presence.

In the parts of the Deep South, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews had assimilated almost completely into the WASP power structure, and never took much of an interest in assaulting it, as they were the business establishment in some of these cities.

In Selma, the civil rights protesters led a boycott of the downtown business district, which in a replay of Tuskegee crippled many of the Jewish owned stores. White flight from Selma subsequently ruined their businesses.

Now there are all of 12 Jews left in Selma who are still complaining about Martin Luther King and Rabbi Abraham Heschel.

Commercial Strip

Like most other cities, Selma has a commercial strip populated with franchises that you would see in any other city: McDonald’s, Sonic, Hardee’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, etc.

There is a Wal-Mart Super Center. Unlike Tuskegee, Selma has a few chain hotels like the Hampton Inn and Day’s Inn, where a White person could spend the night if necessary.

And yet, you can clearly see the presence of the black hole in Selma’s business district. The city looks much older and grimier than nearby Prattville. The grass and roads have been neglected by the black city government.

There are abandoned shopping centers, abandoned stores, abandoned restaurants, and abandoned hotels mixed in with other businesses which are being consumed by tropical vegetation.

In a few decades, Selma will be the spitting image of Tuskegee if it continues to shed its White population because of its crumbling economic foundation.

Historic District

The Selma Historic District was my last stop on my whirlwind tour of the city that gave Black America the right to vote. I set out in search of Sturdivant Hall which is one of Alabama’s most well known Greek Revival antebellum mansions.

It is still sitting there like a jewel in all its Antebellum splendor.

There are a number of other Antebellum homes in the area, but what I saw in Selma was nothing resembling Eufaula, which is Selma’s twin city in the Eastern Black Belt, and which still has a White government.

Less than a mile from Sturdivant Hall, there are collapsed homes everywhere which are being reclaimed by weeds, teen pregnancy billboards which advertise syphilis tests, and a parting image which poignantly summarizes the neglect and economic devastation on display everywhere in Selma.

I will leave you with this …

Do not let this happen to your city.

I strongly encourage our Northern readers (by that I mean those who do not live in Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Newark, etc.), who because of their geographic distance from the American negro are more susceptible to false and exaggerated estimates of the leadership capabilities of African-Americans, to recall the words of President Abraham Lincoln.

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say, in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior. I am as much as any other man in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Will forever forbid … unless Whitey is either lied to by the media or succumbs to self hatred, as no sane person would actually want to live in a black hole.

Still to this day, that is good advice for Chicago and Selma.

Note: I am in the process of uploading the photos and inserting the links to the Selma travelogue. The final gallery will soon be tagged and labeled on our Flickr account.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No wonder people say that the South is ‘still backwards’… According to Hunter Wallace there are towns like Tuskegee and Selma that are 75% – 95% Black! No civilization can maintain itself under such a deluge of Blacks!

    ‘In other words, it eliminated the White working class as an independent political force, which is why you don’t see elected officials like Bull Connor anymore.’

    Well at least in this day and age we still have Sheriff Joe Arpaio giving fits to illegal immigrants and the loony libs that support them!

  2. Far better writing than what regularly appears in the Chicago Trib. Their affirmative action writers use such a hackneyed script that anymore just the title is all one has to read. And by reading the comments section at any of the articles they dare allow comments even the readers understand they are being lied to by overpaid incompetants.

    As of now “respectable conservatives” scream and shout about “libruls” as if they are a monolithic juggernaut of invetible force and domination, but when it all collapses we will come to find out that “liberalism” is basically the feminine impulse that has entered derangement, or basically the cat lady ruined America.

  3. Damn good job. I made many a sales trip down that stretch of road when I still lived in Macon, GA, and I never failed to get a chuckle out of seeing the fruits of the Civil Rights Movement in the place it all began.

    I would like to point out, completely off topic, that Demopolis is the home of some of the finest White people I have ever met. If you ever break down there with a truckload of expensive machine tools, don’t worry, you’re in good hands. You probably won’t have to walk a single step.

  4. …but when it all collapses we will come to find out that “liberalism” is basically the feminine impulse that has entered derangement, or basically the cat lady ruined America.

    It is good to see someone else put a face on this ideology. Liberalism is the feminine or perhaps Dionysian aspect. It ultimately just wants to feel good and have someone keep them secure, or pay to keep the party going. The world as it exists and must operate in order to function? Don’t want to know about it. Keep it away from our party.

  5. Loved this article. My family moved to Selma in 1966. It wasn’t a bad place to live. My dad, brother and I moved back to north Alabama in 1970, but my grandparents and uncles stayed in Selma and one uncle and nephews and cousins still live there. My uncle had a business there until 3 years ago. He finally closed shop and moved to the country. Too many people skipped out on paying. The place is riddled with corruption.

    Craig AFB closed in 1976. Before it closed, the base housing was built up and all brand new. You can see it on the east end of the base along highway 80. Within a few months of the base closing, the base housing was turned into government low income housing. This was in late 1976. When I left Alabama in May of 1980, the new housing looked like the ghetto.

    I used to like to go to Pizza Pronto, but I now here tell that Selmont and the area just south of the Edmund Petus Bridge is off limits to whites after dark.

    I have said this before, but if you really want to see the third world in the south, visit Uniontown Alabama. But, make sure you are packing heat.

  6. Fascinating article and interesting pics.

    Don’t take this wrong, but you have some serious focus/image quality problems. Better pictures would have made this a much stronger statement.

  7. I’m a Northerner who has been here in the South for over 20 years. I love the South and its people. I even married a Southerner who is a member of SCV.

    For many years down here I had a job that required extensive travel. I’ve
    never been to Selma and can’t comment on that particular city, but I’ve been in many Southern towns from Louisiana to Virginia. What struck me in so many of them is that in the downtown areas there are these lovely old homes that are falling into decay and ruin. You can see that these towns and small cities were once nice places for White people to live. It’s all gone now.

    By the way, I was born in Newark, NJ. Believe it or not, that used to be a decent city, although not as elegant as the old Southern towns, of course. All that changed with the riots in 1967. Within one year almost all the Whites had fled.

    Pretty soon we’ll have to take a stand because there won’t be any places left to flee to.

  8. Thanks for approving my comment, despite its being critical in some ways.

    It occurs to me that I could have been a bit more helpful. I’m guessing your issues have to do with a combination of the camera you’re using and possibly technique.

    On the camera side, can I ask what you shot this with? I’m guessing that you have one of those small sensor point-and-shoots. People obsess about megapixels, but above a certain very low number, they don’t matter much, except in terms of making bigger enlargements, and even that isn’t an issue for most people. I’ve made 24×36 prints from a 12 megapixel camera.

    The thing that matters is sensor size. With, say, a NIkon D3s, you can shoot pictures out the window of a moving car at night and have them come out tack sharp. But the tiny sensors in point-and-shoots have real noise problems, because the actual photosites are so tiny and there is so much electronics packed into such a small space. As a result, they tend to keep the ISO down in order to avoid noise problems. Hence, slower shutter speed and blurry photos. Particularly if you are moving at the same time.

    A digital SLR with a fast lens (or VR/IS) would be ideal. Even if a full-frame camera is out of your price range, one with an APS-C sized chip will give you more surface area and higher quality images. A low-end DSLR will do much better for you, because you can afford higher ISO, particularly if you don’t plan to make prints. At ISO 1600, the Nikon D7000 will look fine, with just a bit of noise reduction.

    If you can’t afford a DSLR, or you prefer something smaller, they are now making some point-and-shoots with bigger sensors. The Ricoh GXR is sort of an interesting concept, and it will mount two lens/sensor units with APS-C sensors in them. And the Fuji Finepix x100 has a big sensor as well. Although in both cases you have to go with a fixed lens, and have no zoom capability.

    If you really want zoom, consider a “micro four thirds” camera, like the Panasonic Lumix or Olympus PEN. That chip isn’t as big as the one in most DSLRs, but it is bigger than usual.

    On the technique side, if you possibly can, stop the car. Really! It will help to not be moving. Also look at the edges of your frame, to avoid things like rear view mirrors.

    Just a few thoughts. Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.

    The thing is, these travelogues are very worthwhile. But I find myself distracted by the image quality, and while I may be more sensitive to that than most, I think they’d be even more powerful with better image quality. You’re already a good writer, and you know that, for example, misspellings and grammatical errors are distracting, regardless of content. The same is true of the images you use to illustrate your points.

  9. My daughter was working in Birmingham for a summer and I went down to drive her back north. I had some time to kill and she told me to do the Eutaw, Uniontown, Selma drive and I was shocked. It is so different from the rest of the US. Where are the MacDonalds?
    I could not get over how run down the towns were. The highway went down the main street of these forgotten, trashed and hoarded-with-junk-in-the-store-windows towns.
    More people should take this drive.
    As an aside, isn’t the motto of Alabama,(on the highway rest stop as you leave the state) “We dare to defend our rights.” This speaks volumes about a state that is 70% white but unlike whites in the rest of the country, they do dare to defend their rights and voted 90% Republican. Is that racist? Probably the northeast papers would say it is but they would neglect to add that blacks, as a national demographic, voted 95% Democratic!

  10. I am from the little town of Fayette Alabama just north of Tuscaloosa. When I went to school there in the late 70s it was about 60/40 with whites in the majority. Drive through there now and it appears run down. I can’t blame most of that on the blacks. Most of the factories left, but I can blame the closing of the swimming pool on the blacks. It was easier to close the pool than confront the behavior of the blacks assaulting the white women. Here the southern whites out numbered the blacks but they did nothing.

    By the way, I transferred to Southside High School outside of Selma on highway 80 in 1980. MY GOD was I shocked. I was the only white boy in more than one class. You couldn’t tell people the things I saw and have them believe it.

  11. I am getting off on this blog since having discovered it thanks to Jew Among You’s blog list a short while ago.

    This is incredibly good stuff – my God Hunter are you a professor or what!?

    I was curious about your trip: did you actually fly into to Selma and rent a car to do this?

    If you did then this shows your admirable level of devotion to a very, Very noble cause.

    This shit should be required reading for every white person.



    Ps: could you consider blogrolling me?

    Pps: I’m afraid I have to agree with Zippy about hte poor quality of the photos, which I otherwise LOVED.

    Thank you again for this excellent and important work.

  12. I too loved what you had to say about Selma. I know I am coming in a little late on this, but my family lived in Selma late 50’s early 60’s. My father was stationed at Craig AFB. My brother and I went to Southside school, as matter of fact I saw a picture of myself in 1960’s photo book 3rd grade. My sister was born there (at the base.) we lived in Craig Hill trailer park and the Flamingo trailer Park, both on Highway 80. My father had gotten transfer orders just before the civil rights march took place, so we were not there on the day it occurred, but I can remember the unrest that was taking place even though I was a young pre teen. I remember how tense the situation was, and the uncertain of what was going to happen. Thinking back on it now I am sure my father felt like he got out of there by the skin of his teeth, because it was that scary. My sister is always asking me about Selma, because she doesn’t remember it too much. I was just taking that walk down memory lane with her when I decided to do some research, using todays technology. I was shocked at what I saw, shocked that the AFB was no longer there, and shocked to see the place looks like it is frozen in time. As if everyone just walked away and left everything behind. The pictures I saw taken in 2005 of the AFB, was so sad, because of the neglect. I have never been back there since we moved away, but for one drive through in the middle of the night 20 years ago from northern AL, back home to FL, and even with that drive I did not see how things are. I use to walk across the bridge into town to go to the movies, I went to the baptize church in town, my brother and I played outside well after dark. I have viewed everything I can by satellite, internet, and posts and everything is a shamble. It was not like that when we lived there. Actually the school was a school that I was proud to go to. It was expanding, and becoming more modern for it’s time. Selma was just like any other Norman Rockwell town. It was safe and clean, I never saw any fast foods come through although I am sure they did, I don’t even remember that there were any restaurants there other than an Ice Cream stand. I am so sadden to see what has happened to Selma. but Selma is not alone. There are many cities going through it today, with the lack of jobs, gas prices, and with the government interference, and handouts. Most small and rural towns could have taken a look at Selma to see their own fate coming. Hope to see more from you, it was quite the wake up call.

  13. This is quite an incredible article, Sir – so massive in the detail of it’s painstakingly constructed layers. It may just be that this massive process you have detailed is part of an intermediary process to not the beginning of ‘black-run America’, but, separate states for negroes, who, in time, may themselves become secessionists, when they feel there is more milk to be gotten from the sow that way.

    If white southerners keep up fleeing like this, what other eventuality could there be?

    It is unclear to me where all the white Alabamans are going? Hidden in far unpublicized suburbia?

    Will your state become negro? Mine has stayed steady at 23%, the exact same negro-white demographick it had in the ‘Reconstruction Era’.

  14. You say the Selma Jews didn’t play much role in the fall of Selma. In the video, it is clear that they were only interested in their businesses and did what they thought was best for the money. They all imply that they didn’t take part on either side of the struggle – which is typical of a people who see themselves as separate from the native people. Now, if they would have said that they stood with the other whites then you’re point would be valid. What do you call a group who welcomed the Northern revolutionary leaders into their community, even having them to dinner, and worried only about keeping their contact discreet?

  15. George Lincoln Rockwell noted in White Power and This Time The World Southerners at the time KNEW NEGROES but had NO CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF JEWRY. Southerners knew the vile cannibalistic nature of the Negro and at the same time the buffoonish nature, they understood his two parts. On the other hand, Jews represented the Dry Goods Store owner or Company Store man who seemed to be a nice enough sort and they regarded him as harmless.

    The exact opposite was true in the North before WW2 where you had Henry Ford and plenty of Northern Politicians who openly hated Jews but at the same time the Northern Republicans, to hold the balance against the ethnic white Catholic Democrats would placate the Negro with privileges in exchange for his votes. The Average Yankee typically saw Negroes as hilarious buffoons and caricatures who posed no real danger, after all in the North there weren’t many of them to group together. The Northern way of dealing with Negroes was to have as little to do with them as possible. In other words, Negroes live and stay in Niggertown and if they don’t the cops break their skulls.

    After the Second World War, the Jews successfully imposed Political Correctness in the North in slow degrees. The Jews had progressively bought up most of the Northern Economy as the result of the Depression and after WW2 they used this economic power and media control as a weapon. The materialistic society that grew in the North because of economic prosperity dulled the population to such an extent that men took no notice of their children or the world around them. All they cared about was that when they got home from the plant, their wife met them with supper and they had plentiful beer and smokes. They didnt notice their children being stolen from them.

    Dixie was the complete opposite. The grinding economic poverty that the boll weevil had caused before WW1 and the mechanization of coal mines meant that Southern whites did not join in the good times the Yankees had and this made it much more religiously and socially cohesive. Prosperity always ends up in the death of religion and family/culture because people become satisfied.

    The Freedom Riders, being predominately Jewish and Jewish-Led was not understood at first but was understood later. Even George Wallace wouldn’t publicly criticize the Jews.

    The Jews after the Holohoax and the Civil Rights Era successfully used Hollywood to bestow Sainthood upon themselves. As Southerners did not respond well to Political Correctness as the dull empty heads in the North did, they resorted to another attack, that was attacking the Southern psyche and image. This is why every bad white criminal in a movie has a Southern accent.

    Understand now?

  16. Billy Ray Jenkins – was that post addressed to me? If so, I think you have misread my post. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading yours – I haven’t read any Rockwell yet, think I will.

  17. No John C I just was making a statement on the subject. The problem with our people WHITE PEOPLE in general is short memories. The same war has been going on since the establishment of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. The Devil and his army of Jews, Pagans, etc on one side and Christs on the other.

    The Jews declared war on the entire White race around the time of Saint Paul because of our rush to Christianity. Every single war, every single problem since has been just another front in the long Jewish war. The thing was because England expelled them in 1290, English people had very little understanding of Jews. When Cromwell allowed them back in in 1655, mostly Sephardics from Spain via Holland, the Jews were given full and complete civil rights, something no European nation gave them. The Jews helped to start our American Revolution by making Parliament outlaw the ability of the American colonies to coin its own money.

    I believe if one looks hard, all the ism’s Puritanism, Calvinism, Rosicrusianism, Socialism, etc are all Jewish. In fact Adelbert Volck though he denied it later in life, once made a great cartoon attesting to this.

    • Understood. You’re a level above my understanding of the situation but I tend to agree with you – E Michael Hones makes a similar argument. I’ve often wondered about the Jewish influence in the Civil War – seems most will argue that the Jews were on the side of the South (which doesn’t sit well with me). I’d love to see you jump into a little debate I’m having on the merits of fascism over here –

      Boleslav seems to think white nationalism is outright evil. The site itself is interesting – a leftist who is anti-immigration and a race realist.
      – you may not even agree with me which is ok.

  18. Billy Ray Jenkins

    That was a brilliant, concise history of our peoples in the North and South. Well done!

    Are you involved in publishing? Spreading the ideas and tactics of Rockwell?

    I would like to republish the Essentials of George alincoln Rockwell as compiled by Jost a Turner of Nas Kindred.

  19. Jon C, the Jews of the Antebellum South were largely Sephardics who had assimilated into life in England and later her colonies. These Jews were wholly content on making money but as Jews they were hostile against us albeit in more subtle ways. The South’s main advantage was that its decentralized settlements and small towns made the Jews have to conform. The only exceptions of course being Baltimore and New Orleans. Georgia in fact briefly had a Jewish Governor, David Emanuel in 1801.

    After 1815, Jews from Central and Eastern Europe began arriving largely to the North but also to the South as well. The North largely segregated and excluded them from all public life, but the ones who went South had to integrate within the society the previous Jews had established. The Jews were powerful enough to elect Representatives and two US Senators, Judah P Benjamin and his cousin David Levy Yulee.

    The Jews in the North, segregated and subject to restrictive religious litmus test laws, grouped together in the teeming cities, pulled their resources and over time used their money to purchase Newspapers, Counting Houses and entered crime. Strength in numbers allowed them to eventually by the early 1900’s largely co-opt or overthrow White Christian Protestant domination in the North’s cities. Had Southern Jews had this numeric concentration or power instead of being so decentralized, its likely the situation would have mirrored the North. Thankfully it didnt.

  20. The question is, is a Jew ever truly loyal? We know that Jefferson Davis and Judah P Benjamin were very close, in fact it’s said Varina Davis hated Benjamin. It is also known that the Confederate Gold disappeared when Benjamin did and was never accounted for. I also believe that it was Benjamin who manipulated to have the Confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of God omitted from the Confederate Constitution and instead allowed to have a brief mention of Almighty God, something Stonewall Jackson and others condemned.

    As to the activities of Southern Jews later, in 1900, the Jews lobbied to have Jesus Christ removed from Virginia’s Bill of Rights. At Oklahoma Statehood, they demanded any mention of Jesus Christ be struck from the state’s first Constitution. In 1908-09 they protested the Governor of Arkansas mentioning Jesus in his Thanksgiving Address. In 1912 they sought an injunction in Jackson, Tennessee to prohibit the reading of the Bible in the town’s schools. Bnai Brith also threatened to sue Tenneseee to make it outlaw all forms of Christian expression. Of course these things all happened after the Yankee Conquest we must remember this but the point is clear. Although they did respect Jim Crow, as soon as it was removed by their Religious Brethren using the Courts to do so, they rushed in to use the Integrated Dixie to their ends. Who is it in every Southern State seeking to expunge Confederate Flags and monuments? Follow the money find the Jew.

    Above facts sourced from Henry Ford’s The International Jew

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