Anders Behring Breivik isn’t a lunatic. This isn’t an obvious schizophrenic in the mold of Jared Loughner.
This is someone who clearly understands the gravity of the situation and who was disturbed enough by what is being done to his country and his civilization to take matters into his own hands.
Just watching this video, I found myself thinking: we always knew that it was going to come to this, we always knew the Eurabian civil war was inevitable, we always knew the revolt was coming (legally or otherwise) against the EUnuchs who have led our race to the brink of destruction.
Breivik clearly states that he isn’t an “ethnocentrist” or a “racist” and that he is “pro-Israel”: by his own admission, he is more of a “counter-jihadist” Geert Wilders-style neocon, not one of our people.
As Whites are pushed into minority status in Europe and America by their own “leadership,” it is inevitable that people like Anders “The Incorruptible” Breivik here will start fighting back. This is what the French Revolution looked like when Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their heads.
Back then they used the guillotine. You couldn’t vote out the establishment. You can’t vote out the establishment in countries like Germany today.
In the United States, we always knew that BRA wouldn’t last forever, and that it would eventually collapse under the weight of its own fiscal instability. The only real question was how long would it take for that day to get here.
Well, if something like this happening in Norway is any indication of where we are headed in the future, juxtaposed as it is here with Obama’s press conference this afternoon on the debt ceiling (“let them eat steak on SNAP EBT cards”), then that day is a lot closer than we all think.
This little tempest in Norway is only the first dark cloud of the Category 5 historical hurricane approaching offshore. I hope Washington and Wall Street are paying close attention to this and taking notes.
James Howard Kunstler has been saying for years that something like this would eventually happen to the Wall Street hedge fund managers and media mavens in the Hamptons who destroyed the American economy.
Taking the long view, I can look over the historical horizon and see a much bigger catastrophe coming, the second coming of the French Revolution, when millions of ruined formerly middle class American and European dreamers taking out their frustrations on “the establishment” over “austerity measures” and forced “Islamization” in a similar way, not isolated individuals flying a plane into an IRS building or acting out the Doom video game on Norway’s center left elite, but mobilized communities.
I’m not endorsing what has been done here. Don’t twist my words. I am just observing that this is indicative, historically speaking, of the type of cataclysm that happens when a government and especially “a political class” loses its legitimacy and comes to be perceived as “the enemy of the people.”
And let’s be honest here: the Norwegian political class really is effectively an “enemy of the people,” and the EUnuchs really are even more uninspiring than Louis XVI and his court at Versailles, which is why someone like Breivik felt pushed to do this. It is engaged in what is effectively the genocide of the Norwegian people.
If you want to understand where Breivik was coming from, watch his video, and then watch the second video, which directly references the EUnuchs dispassionately commenting on the fact that 100 percent of the rape in Oslo is committed by Muslims, which was made possible by multiculturalism, political correctness, and mass immigration.
That’s why Anders Behring Breivik saw himself as Charles Martel and decided to retaliate against the Norwegian government and the Norwegian political class.
Can you blame him? In Norway, you can aspire to be a gelded effeminate EUnuch preaching political correctness, gay marriage, and multiculturalism in Brussels, or see yourself as Knights Templar 2083 – a far more attractive fantasy ideology – heroically fighting to save Western Christendom from the spectre of Eurabia.
23 percent of Americans believe Washington has the consent of the governed in the United States. How many Americans out there in flyover country perceive Paul Krugman and Ben Bernanke to be “enemies of the people.”
Someone really ought to do that survey.
What you are seeing in Norway is one man launching his own French Revolution on the establishment. The modern version of the sans culottes has arrived with Fjordman playing the role of Voltaire. Assuredly, this won’t be the last such incident, as the grievances which provoked this attack will only inspire more such rampages.
The violence struck the political class this time, instead of ordinary people in the streets of Norway, instead of forgotten victims like Brittney Watts in Atlanta, who are murdered or victimized all the time because of unpopular policies made in Brussels and Washington.
The media is comparing Breivik to Timothy McVeigh. This is really someone more in the mold of Maximilien Robespierre and a scene more out of the Reign of Terror at Versailles. Anders Behring Breivik determined that the establishment was guilty of “high treason” for “crimes against the people.”
There was never a vote on the Islamization of Europe. There was never a vote on the Hispanization of America. There was never a vote on forced multiculturalism. There was never a vote on political correctness. There was never a vote on debasing our currency or the Wall Street bailout.
There was certainly never a vote on mass immigration, mosques, and Muslim rapists – the EUnuchs in Brussels imposed these unpopular policies on the people, and called it “democracy,” because like the aristocrats who were overthrown in the French Revolution, these technocrats believed the people of Europe were too stupid to make their own decisions.
They forgot how democracy came to Europe.
When France went bankrupt as a result of its “financial crisis,” the Ancien Régime was swept out of power by the Third Estate. Maybe it wouldn’t have happened if Louis XVI and the Bourbon establishment of the 1790s could have kept raising “the debt ceiling” forever.
Very well said. We will see more and more of this. Not so long ago, a man flew his plane into an IRS building.
Hunter – this Breivik character wasn’t “fighting back”. He’s a thorough (ly despicable) RABID Zionist “Christian” – and he’s pro-gay, atc. Norway was about to recognize Palestine, and there are pics floating about of great big signs, bearing the legend “Boycott Israel” (in Norwegian) from the youth camp.
This STINKS of Israel Israel Israel. This guy (I think there’s more than one) is NO European hero. And lest you’ve all forgotton – shall we take a moment to recall which exclusive, and genuinely hate-filled ethnic group is mostly the driving force BEHIND Open Borders, as well as the Civil Wrongs “movement”? Does the name Barbara Spector ring any bells?
Very a propos…
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Hunter Wallace on the 2011 Norway attacks
Who knows? False flag operation? Cui bono? It’s not good for self-respecting Whites, but it’s very good for the multi-cult. Excluding the dead, of course. The MSM are comparing it to the OKC bombing, but they are saying more than they intend to. OKC put the squelch on the militia movement, as I believe it was intended to. Watch for some fresh gun control laws in Scandinavia.
I can see bombing the government as a rational act, but only a madman shoots down kids of his own race.
Many of his beliefs don’t make sense to me, but when you see the video you see a man who is trying to sound the alarm. Did he or did he not sound the alarm?
As we form our circular firing squads the Left is pooping its drawers, so there is no need to look for enemies to the Right (Denise I’m talking to you).
In disccusingh what might have motivated Anders Breivik, I thought it may interest you to know that he wrote a 1500 page Manifesto, which is being digitized at: http://eudeclarationofindependence.blogspot.com/
This STINKS of Israel Israel Israel.
Doesn’t exactly help Israel. The guy claims to be a fan of rabid pro-Zionist blogger ‘Fjordman’ and expouses views generally associated with the anti-Islamic / pro-Israel crowd.
If this were to be an Israeli false-flag sort of op, they would want to frame the anti-Zionist crowd.
Israel is all about manipulating public opinion. Israel is a massive PR op. The pro-Israel crowd even being tangentially associated with him is a blow to their position. They’re already in damage-recovery mode by trying to paint him as some kind of neo-Nazi, but it doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots and see where his views actually lie.
Luckily for those of us here in the States this story is in fact being quickly swept under the rug as the fiasco surrounding the debt limit ramps up and also as Amy Winehouses demise takes up more air-time and push this sad shooting incident down the memory hole.
What a wasted gesture if these were his motivations. Seriously I do not agree with you people but A. If you are worried about Marxists you are wrong, worry about banks. You worried about Islamic migration? We need the workers and they need converting to our way of life, their children will be assimilated. Worried about Islamic domination in general? Think of the Iranian nuclear programme. Get serious and understand the world before making futile gestures such as this chap has done, which only makes you as insane as the Islamic fundamentalists.
“Anders Behring Breivik isn’t a lunatic.”
Agreed. He’s taken logic a long way past the point where i would have stopped but it is logic.
“Hunter – this Breivik character wasn’t “fighting back”.”
Wait a few days.
The full manifesto is here: http://norskgoy.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/2083-aeuropeandeclarationofindependence.pdf
Anybody who is able to commit pure evil like this is clearly a psychopath from hell, no matter what his thoughts and opinions might be. You of all people, Hunter, let yourself get fooled by this. This is exactly the destructive “vanguard” lunatic you have always warned of. This devastating act dropped the H-Bomb of the European Right.
Anybody who is able to commit pure evil like this is clearly a psychopath from hell, no matter what his thoughts and opinions might be. You of all people, Hunter, let yourself get fooled by this. This is exactly the destructive “vanguard” lunatic you have always warned of. This devastating act dropped the H-Bomb on the European Right.
I’m not endorsing what has been done here … just framing it in the proper historical context. This is exactly what happened in France during the French Revolution.
And yeah, Breivik went “vanguard,” and it will have the exact opposite of the intended effect. Communities make revolutions, not individuals.
I tried to download the manifesto last night, but it wouldn’t load.
Oh no! The Iranian nuclear problem. LOL.
‘We need the workers and they need converting to our way of life, their children will be assimilated.’
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I do not want to see White children mongrelized with Arabic and Pakistani, and Indonesian filth!
‘Think of the Iranian nuclear programme.’
One should be more worried about Israel and their Samson Option. Israel has been in like 4-5 wars in the last 50 years… Iran just one with Iraq, and Iran did not start it.
‘Get serious and understand the world before making futile gestures such as this chap has done, which only makes you as insane as the Islamic fundamentalists.
Read the archives! Hunter Wallace has been railing against the Vanguardist-types for awhile now and in my opinion he is right!
You’re all missing the most important fact: Breivik is a serious juicer, been using steriods for years. He’s big into weights and I’m sure the roids helps that, while making him crazier over time.
The guy has a (semi-)coherent ideology but the real issue is that his rage has been fueled by drugs, above all steroids. This a major factor which the MSM will, of course, ignore, but which cannot be.
More news: It seems like most of the manifesto wasn’t his own writing anyway, but paste+copy stuff collected from the internet, several hundred page seem to have been “stolen” from Fjordman.
Good comment. His belief system does have some kinks to work out, but have you seen his stunning video?
I admit, I take a guilty pleasure in seeing that over 1/4 of the thumbs are up, and almost half of the comments are pro-Berwick remarks from European patriots!
New meme: Breivik is John Brown.
This video made by the killer is fascinating:
But why kill children? Even if they are at a leftist camp it is only because they are being manipulated by adults. It seems he was more interested in a Columbine type body count and went after an easy target where no one would be able to shoot back. The politics were just something to justify it in his mind as not being an act of nihilism.
You’re all missing the most important fact: Breivik is a serious juicer, been using steriods for years. He’s big into weights and I’m sure the roids helps that, while making him crazier over time.
That might also make him a possible homosexual, getting all “buff” is especially common amongst gays who are “the giver” position during homosexual acts. Arnold Schwartzenager was just about the only straight guy in body building.
Another dark influence in this whole mess could be a strange genre of heavy metal colloquially known as “Cookie Monster Rock” that has a following in Norway. The kind of horrible, murderous sounding music, if you can call it that, where some creep sings in a voice resembling Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster. Anyone who likes that kind of music must have serious issues, though this Brevik character looks a little bit old for that.
You kill children so you give the elites the same feeling the proles have suffered watching their own children die and watching their culture die. I think it’s also more difficult to make an MLK-type martyr if the children are killed. After all, even though they were at a certain camp, they had didn’t have fully mature beliefs and didn’t die for a cause. They to make their parents have a “come to reality” moment.
Not condoning, etc.etc…
Correction on the last sentence: They were killed to make their parents have a “come to reality” moment about the destructive nature of their own policies. So they see what it’s like to lose something important.
Stuff like this always happens in revolutions.
Why did he shoot the children? I have no idea, but we will certainly find out at the trial, which will make O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony look like hiccups by comparison.
There hasn’t been a trial like this since John Brown in 1859.
Many people are outraged because Anders targeted the children of the people who are responsible for the destruction of the native culture of Norway. I am not one of those people.
I once read that many species of dinosaurs were wiped out prior to the ice age by small ancestors of rodents that destroyed the dinosaurs’ eggs. No eggs, no new dinosaurs to replace the old dinosaurs. Very effective.
Mr. Breivik’s strategy was merely a more direct version of the message control tactic that the progressives have employed in our schools here in America for decades. Lacking the means of changing the message that those lefty children would carry to the next generation of Norwegian youth, he simply eliminated the messengers. Very effective.
The DHS and its counterparts throughout Europe and the rest of the White western world are jabbering around long tables at this very moment, trying to decide which of our freedoms will have to be forfeited to appease the frightened lefties.
They are making and sharing lists of materials that could be turned into bombs. In the coming weeks they will propose legislation to regulate the sale of those materials.
In the good old days when the enemy was a bunch of low IQ Middle Easterners and Africans, so those lists and regulations would have provided the traitorous political class with the safety that its members crave. Not now. They know that the new enemy is as justifiably angry as any of the old enemies, but the new enemy is SMART.
They could try to take away all of our guns, but even if they manage to pull that off, they would have to take away all of the mills and lathes or White people will build more.
Take away all of the acetylene and other highly explosive bottled gasses? In the unlikely event that that was even logistically possible, they would still be haunted by the question, “Who figured out how to bottle those gases?”
Take away glycerin, nitric acid and sulfuric acid to prevent us from making nitroglycerin and its many derivatives? Any pissed off, moderately intelligent White guy that can read can extract or synthesize all of those items.
Take away toluene so that we can’t make TNT? Sorry folks, see above.
Big Sister was right to say White middle-class males are the most likely group to be terrorists. She knows we’re mad, she knows we’re smart and she knows what’s coming.
When I first heard about this, I was under the impression that a Jared Loughner-style shooting had happened in Norway, and that some nutcase was targeting “children.”
He wasn’t targeting “children” though. This guy was trying to literally exterminate the political class of Norway.
I agree with Hunter, that we will start to see more violence down the line, as people realise that their votes don’t matter and that muslims effectively use terror/rioting to get what they want.
However, I think that Breivik would have been much more effective if he had shot up a leftist political conference. What kind of Knight Templar shoots kids? It’s bad PR, and at 14, one isn’t really a rational actor when it comes to politics.
And one more thing for Nightowl: Just because you prefer to be rump-humped by muscular men doesn’t mean that all muscular men share the sexual orientation of your partners.
Chasing around dozens of defenseless teenagers trapped on an island and murdering one after another after another is about the stupidest thing you can do to further one’s political objectives as possible.
Whatever this guy’s ideology – he has set it back considerably. He is hated. His actions will be used relentlessly by those who oppose his views. Anyone who remotely shares his views will be cast as a murderous, hate-filled psychopath. Millions of people who might agree with Breivik will likely shut up about their beliefs. Speaking out and organizing will slow down. Millions who were on the fence will now back away from those views, thinking twice about risking getting associated with them.
Whatever movement this guy’s a part of – his actions have been a disaster for it. It’s hard to imagine what more one person could do to discredit and damage a political movement.
RobRoySimmons – for shame. This guy was NO “Right Wing Christian” hero. He targeted that group because they were the Socialist up and comers. WITH great big Boycott Israel signs….
This benefits Jewry. Jews are hand in glove with Muslims, to destroy Christian Europe (and those rotten Whites! Every-one is a Nazi, underneath, ya know oye vey). How is the US Jewish media charactetizing this guy? A “right wing Christian extremist”. It’s all win win for Israel. White kids get killed by a White man. Christians – right wing ones – are to blame. Christians and Whites are bad to People of Color. (Muslims, in Europe). Muslims will now take revenge. Although apparently no Musselmen were killed. Now Christian and Muslim Goy can kill each other even more – and the EJoo infrastructure stay in plac,e and consolidate. (That’ll teach those G-d-dammned Goy to recognize Palestine!).
Discard is dead en pointe – only a MADMAN shoots kids of his own Race. No matter what their political delusions are. If those kids are/were multi-culti’s – it’s far far better to allow them to be hoisted on their own petards. Isn’t the Diverse Experience – up close and PERSONAL – one the MAJOR elements that brings errant Whites to Racial Reality/White Nationalism/Whatever Term you Choose? Nothing like actually living next to Non-Whites, day in and day out, vs. heavily monitored and controlled encounters, and then back to that lovely, gated, patrolled White Community. Whites are al Doubting Thomases; Whites need to experience things, first hand, to really *believe*.
This guy is NO hero. He’s not even a moron like John Brown. Oh – Hunter’s right about violence – violence settles EVERYTHING. But this monstrous act was NOT in defense of White Europe.
The European media doesn’t get excited when Norwegian women in Oslo are raped by Muslims and people in Sweden and Norway are quietly pushed out of their neighborhoods. That’s something that happens to ordinary people.
It doesn’t affect them. So it is not a big deal.
This time though the violence has touched the political class. Their children were the victims of violence here. So now the whole world has to talk about it.
@ “Why did he shoot the children? I have no idea”
What about the second comment within this entry? It explains something…
What do you mean by weaning teenagers to be the Norwegian political elite? That sounds like some kind of communist aristocracy.
@ “What do you mean by weaning teenagers to be the Norwegian political elite? That sounds like some kind of communist aristocracy.”
I mean nothing; just collecting comments that have intrigued me. Here there are a couple of them from one of the threads at The Occidental Observer:
Schlageter said…
Thomas Mallon said…
The starting revolution of Nativ Born Europeans against European Deconstruction will come from Norway ?
“So now the whole world has to talk about it.”
Yes, and what they will talk about is what kind of person would trap dozens of defenseless teenage kids on an island and then murder them, shooting them at point blank, one after another after another, shooting them in the water as they tried to swim away, desperate, begging for their lives, etc.
Breivik’s political views will be a distant second to the thorough recounting of the horror of what he’s done, the suffering of the families affected, how we must “overcome hate” and so on.
You can already see his mish mash of views reduced to near-meaninglessness – he’s a “right wing extremist,” he’s a “Christian fundamentalist,” he’s “sort of a neo-nazi sort of” – I’ve seen all of these near-empty terms used to describe him. No ordinary person is going to learn much of anything from this.
Those in power have just been handed a perfect talking point to deflect any argument that remotely smacks of “Breivikism.”
I mean, ffs if you have a problem with Muslim males raping girls in your neighborhood, go after those Muslim males. At the very least, a lot of people would quietly respect a move like that. Indeed, it might actually have a real-world deterrent effect on Muslims male rapists, and then people would get the political content of your move. (Just an example, not saying I condone the idea.)
But this? smh…
“But why kill children?”
Look at the second video. Whose children are being raped and murdered as a result of immigration / desegregation? Not the children of the people responsible for it. Other people’s children pay the price while the children of those responsible are safe.
It’s “an eye for eye” taken to a logical extreme i couldn’t even imagine until it happened.
It’s too extreme for me but it’s logical.
I’m sure the media and the establishment is throwing itself a big pity party right now. I haven’t even bothered to look. I am sure they are all wailing in collective unison: how could this happen?
The Bourbon aristocracy in France was similarly aggrieved when it was overthrown in the French Revolution. If Louis XVI had television and the internet, I am sure he would have denounced the “violent extremists” of his time too.
You make it sound like the West hasn’t done the exact same thing in Libya and Iraq and most recently in Pakistan when Seal Team 6 was sent in to take out Osama bin Laden.
The great outcry in the media is that Breivik was targeting “teenagers” when he was clearly trying to decapitate the Norwegian political class. He attacked the Norwegian political class because it was forcing multiculturalism and immigration and Islamization on Norway.
Perhaps you don’t think the murder of an entire nation justifies a revolution. If that doesn’t justify a revolution, I am not sure what does. My sympathies are entirely with the people who are being destroyed by this illegitimate government.
In this case, “Seal Team 6” took out the Norwegian political class instead of Iraq’s political class. This time it went after the people who are destroying Norway instead of the Vietcong or the Sandinistas or the Ba’athists.
The Norwegian political class is a far bigger threat to the West than Saddam Hussein or al-Qaeda. If Qadaffi’s inner circle had been taken out by “Seal Team 6,” no one would see it as a big deal, because Qadaffi is a bad guy, and we have already killed his family.
The bad guys here are the people who are destroying Norway.
I won’t shed a single tear for the dead brats of Norway’s traitorous class. The parents of these teenagers have more blood on their hands than Anders Behring Breivik. It’s time for them to feel the pain they’ve inflicted on the people they mercilessly rule over. If they hadn’t forced their evil policies there wouldn’t had been a backlash like this: you reap what you sow.
Also these teenagers weren’t attending something like Camp Anawanna on “Salute Your Shorts”, the were attending the training camp for the traitors of Norway. As “Rikki Tikki Tavi” taught: when you have a cobra problem you don’t just kill the cobras, you destroy their eggs as well before there are more of them.
Re: GW
GuessedWorker still seems to believe that “ontological nationalism” will save the day. I’ve stated emphatically a million times now (like in the previous three posts) that violence isn’t necessary to overthrow the regime here in America, but Breivik’s raw solution is undoubtedly far more effective than combating the problem with Heideggerian metaphysics.
When Seal Team 6 took out OBL in May, I remember seeing spontaneous celebrations at the White House and in Times Square.
“that violence isn’t necessary to overthrow the regime here in America”
And even if it was neccessary, political violence is generally counter-productive unless it has mass popular support behind it.
But that’s a separate issue to whether Brevik had logical, if too extreme, reasons for picking that target or not.
I think the John Brown analogy fits.
He attacked a bunch of Red Diaper Babies:
“The island of Utoya is owned by the Workers’ Youth League (Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking).
These were 16 to 22 year old sons & daughters of COMMUNISTS & SOCIALISTS at a Communist Socialist training camp on the island.”
A madman or someone who fought back?
Breivik: ‘My beloved Oslo has become a multicultural shithole’
Police sources tell TV2 Mr Breivik uploaded an English-language video to YouTube just hours before the bomb went off. In the over 12-minute video, which the broadcaster calls ‘mainly anti-Marxist and anti-Islamic propaganda’, (readers will have to register with YouTube to watch the video) he calls for a war against both, and compares himself with a knight. Mr Breivik used to be a member of the ‘Knights Templar’, today an order within the Masonic Movement, has been excluded from the Masonic Order.
Mr Breivik also published a 1,517-page manifest the same day as the attacks, where he alleges Oslo Muslims have assaulted, threatened, or tried to rob him ‘just’ eight times between 15 and 21 years old.
Claiming the first was when some Pakistanis tried to rob him at a concert, this was only averted because, “luckily, I knew one the members of the hard-core Pakistani A-gang, who said I was under his protection.”
Mr Breivik alleges tear gas made his attacker think twice during another attempted assualt.
“I always have it with me when I am out late,” he writes.
In the manifest, he also claims his friends have been seriously attacked, and on one occasion raped, mourning over the fact that “they have transformed my beloved Oslo into a multicultural shithole.”
“Our major cities will be destroyed as long as multiculturalism is allowed to be the prevailing ideology.”
Regarding Friday’s attacks, Mr Breivik writes he began planning them nine years ago. He was an active member of the Far-Right Progress Party’s youth movement (FpU) at the time.
The document also reveals he lead a double life and spent 80 days preparing the bomb. Using anabolic steroids in the weeks and months prior to the attacks, he increased his weight from 86 to 93 kilos over a six-week period.
“I have never been stronger than I am today,” he wrote.
Moreover, Mr Breivik took a mixture of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin as a stimulant to raise his stamina.
In the 1,500-page detailed account of his political leanings, attacks, type of equipment and choice of targets, he states, “We must convince our enemies that there is no hiding place. We shall come after every one of them, if not today then tomorrow, or in 10, 30 or 50 years. We will never forget what they have done and what they continue to do. It is our responsibility to stop it.”
The attacks have left 92 people dead so far, 85 on Utøya and 7 in Oslo. At today’s press conference, police confirm there are still dead bodies lying in the government headquarter ruins. 97 people have also been injured, 10 of them seriously.
“All my friends can attest to that I would never hurt a fly,” writes Mr Breivik, claiming he has only provoked a conflict once in his life.