Europe’s John Brown


I will just reproduce this from the New York Times.

As I said yesterday, John Brown has been reincarnated as a Norwegian. This is Harper’s Ferry, 1859 all over again – initial shock, righteous indignation, universal condemnation, omen of war, martyr, saint.

These “counter-jihadists” are repudiating Breivik in exactly the same way that the abolitionists squirmed (of course, to save their own necks, as panic set in) when Brown burst onto the scene of history and took their anti-slavery principles to its logical conclusion. John Brown was also convinced that he had a historical destiny.

The Harper’s Ferry raid was a complete military debacle, but the overreaction to it was an icebreaker that forced the contentious issue of slavery to a crisis, contributed to Lincoln’s election, Southern secession, and the War Between the States.

According to the court, the suspect said:

“The operation was not to kill as many people as possible, but to give a strong signal that cannot be misunderstood: that as long as the Labor Party keeps driving its ideological line, and keeps deconstructing Norwegian culture and mass-importing Muslims, then they must assume responsibility for this treason. Any person with a conscience cannot allow his country to be colonized by Muslims.”

Compare to John Brown:

“Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I say, let it be done.”

–John Brown, statement at his sentencing on Nov. 2, 1859

They are all condemning him now. Just like Abraham Lincoln said John Brown was a lunatic … four years before the Emancipation Proclamation. Geert is already sounding Lincolnesque.

In the long term, when the jihad Breivik prophesized really does break out and discredits the EUnuchs, when the shit really hits the fan because the controversy isn’t going away, and will only intensify from this point forward, they will all be lavishly praising him like Emerson and Thoreau.

A hundred years from now, Anders Breivik will be remembered in Europe in the same way that John Brown is today in America, as the omen that came before the storm, which will make his victims little more than a historical footnote.

During the American Civil War, John Brown’s Body became The Battle Hymn of the Republic, the most important marching song in the Union Army.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I can’t see European geldings breaking out in revolt. English chavs perhaps, but the numbers aren’t there. Too many antifa. Too many uni kids with darkie classmates. Erasmus Program queers. Girls in rectangular glasses. They wear their jeans so bloody tight their balls have reascended from lack of circulation.

  2. Revolt? They don’t need to. If enough people like Anders start hitting white anti-whites where it hurts, they will back down, because they are irresponsible cowards, used to using non-whites to do all their dirty work.

    What is interesting is the way Anders has organized his network. They are not affiliated with anyone I know of and no one knows who these people are. They are the White version of Al-Qaeda, where anyone can create their own cell and call themselves such.

    How do the white anti-white elites fight back against something like that? DO they have the fortitude to face genocide for themselves, in order to achieve their goal of white genocide?

    I doubt it.

  3. “In the long term, when the jihad Breivik prophesized really does break out and discredits the EUnuchs, when the shit really hits the fan because the controversy isn’t going away, and will only intensify from this point forward, they will all be lavishly praising him like Emerson and Thoreau.”

    Maybe the White Leftist on the street will after they see the errors of their ways when they can NO longer escape the darkies because their is NO where else to run too! However, I do NOT ever see the elite doing this. The elite are hell bent on forcing this agenda down everyone’s throats come hell or high water and nothing is going to stand in their way, period.

    Europe is known every now and again for “uprisings” that overthrow their current leaders (kings and monarchies of the day) for the filthy corruption that they force down their throats. Such as our Founding Forefathers were British subjects after all, did the same thing. However, with that in mind White Americans have NOT had this ever happen within recent memory of having to throw off a “tyrannical government” that no longer (and has not since LINCOLN the traitor) represents the descendents of the founding forefathers.

    Excuse my lack of knowledge but I am not sure about Norway’s historical background in regards to ever having to throw off the chains of a corrupt government gone mad?

    I do no that Norway has always been up until recently a homogenous country and that is what makes Norway, well Norway. You replace the people of that nation with a non-white population such as Muslims and it will cease to be Norway. But that is the end game! Kill all White people off or at least make our numbers so small that we can NOT fight back in any meaningful way to achieve their wet-dream of total domination over the entire earth as if they are actually God’s themselves.

    The White Race is what stands in their way of their wet dream.

    Dummies ought to read the Bible and it will tell them WHO wins and it’s not them.

  4. The elite remain eerily silent as massive raping of Norwegian woman are raped with impunity by savage inbreed backwards Muslims.

    Throughout history a massive raping occurs when the invaders (Muslims in this case) invade a host nation and the woman are considered WAR BOOTY. Norway has been conquered already. The Norwegian people are just unaware of it that’s all.

    I could only hope the Norwegian leftists and their children that support this insanity are the ones raped by the Muslims. And at some point it will happen!

    Hypothetically speaking, If and when the Muslims do fully take over in Norway do you think the Muslims are going to support or be tolerant of another culture and ethnicity outside of Muslims? And when the Muslims are finally at the helm of government do the Leftists think for one damn second that they will NOT be slaughtered?

    History shows that once the “new ruling elite” in this case Muslims are in charge the stupid Leftists that helped them are the fist lined up and shot! This is what occurred after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Lefists were refered to as “useful idoits” and rightfully so. The old sayin’ goes: Those who don’t know history are doomed to repaet it. Well the useful idiots (White Leftists) are repeating it. Liberliasm truly is a menatl disorder and these people need to be locked up for life in an insane asylumn to protect the rest of the population from their lethal ideas!

  5. If you want to see dimwitted commentary read the posts and comments at Freekistan. They don’t attract much attention though, which is a good sign since I believe most people over there are not too distraught over this. Those doing the posting read like women clutching to the straws of “niceness” as women are wont to do in any discussion.

    But that is why I have said, stick to the script the lefties are evil for trying to institute a genocide thru the ism of multi-culturalism. We let up on the left that allows the left to dictate to “our” women what is and isn’t “nice.”

  6. uh,

    The jihad will break out on them, not the other way around. Here in the U.S., the “flash mobs” will go after White people when the government goes bankrupt.

  7. The “Eurabian Civil War” won’t be anything like the American Civil War. It will consist of the EUnuchs falling from power without putting up much of a fight. All it will take is summoning the courage to stand up to them.

    That can be done without violence. Which is why this is so tragic. Shit like this always happens though.

    The EUnuchs aren’t exactly the biggest investors in military spending. They spend all their money on their bankrupt welfare states.

  8. The British would rather lose their country than break etiquette and speak forthright about the traitors who are destroying their country. Never in all of history has a nation committed suicide out of politeness.

  9. HW: Funny thing is the British were always known as to “have a stiff upper lip”, for being quiet tuff and for not showing the enemy any damn mercy in protection of their country. They were NOT known for being polite or PC but rather harsh when it came to the protection of the “Queen and the Monarchy.”

    God save the Queen is their motto. It should be God save the British from themselves.

  10. “The “Eurabian Civil War” won’t be anything like the American Civil War. It will consist of the EUnuchs falling from power without putting up much of a fight. All it will take is summoning the courage to stand up to them.”

    Hunter, I disagree with you on this particular thought because:

    1 – The EU has given up on defense and on maintaining a strong, traditional military. BUT the so called “EuroGendFor”, a military style riot police with the best gear and material has been built up for years now with massive assets. Their advantage is that they can be used outside their home countries – that is one of their underlying strategies. Send Poles to quell unrest in Germany, etc.

    2 – The peoples of Europe are disarmed. They are not even allowed to own knives with a blade length of more than 4″.

    There will be a slaughter of white dissidents by “minorities” AND the EuroGendFor as soon as the economic crisis starts in earnest.

  11. Hunter: Awesome post, best I’ve read anywhere regarding the Norway events. I also like how you drew a line directly to John Brown. A line could also be drawn to Nelson Mandela. Additionally, we still have the issue of over 800 Norwegain women raped by immigrants the Labor Party has not addressed. This is the way whites have to fight–by attacking the double standards and never, never letting up. Don’t bog down in arguments, just bring up the facts and let them simmer. That drives the Marxists batty, and it’s quiet fun.

  12. Raimondo writes for Chronicles and on September 8, 2011 at the worldwide headquarters for the magazine Srdja Trifkovic will be delivering a talk “Islam more powerful than ever”, I wonder then will his anti-war supporters boycot Justin because he associates with known “Islamophobes?”

  13. I think you are much too optomistic on the Europeans fighting back. The power structure has no qualms on using police state tactics. It will not be long before there are public arrests and trials, then street violence like the recent shootings directed against Tommy Robinson, then the Black Marias in the night, show trials, etc. The European elite will have no problem using fascist or Stalinist tactics.

    I prefer Dixie…

  14. The EUnuchs aren’t exactly the biggest investors in military spending. They spend all their money on their bankrupt welfare states.

    The level of military spending — “not exactly the biggest,” but not exactly insignificant either — has little do with the ability to clamp down domestically, should clamping down ever be considered a necessity.

    Europeans on the whole are far from “bankrupt.” Are you out of your mind?

  15. Snow Walker says:
    July 26, 2011 at 1:16 am

    “The “Eurabian Civil War” won’t be anything like the American Civil War. It will consist of the EUnuchs falling from power without putting up much of a fight. All it will take is summoning the courage to stand up to them.”

    Hunter, I disagree with you on this particular thought because:

    1 – The EU has given up on defense and on maintaining a strong, traditional military. BUT the so called “EuroGendFor”, a military style riot police with the best gear and material has been built up for years now with massive assets. Their advantage is that they can be used outside their home countries – that is one of their underlying strategies. Send Poles to quell unrest in Germany, etc.

    2 – The peoples of Europe are disarmed. They are not even allowed to own knives with a blade length of more than 4?.

    There will be a slaughter of white dissidents by “minorities” AND the EuroGendFor as soon as the economic crisis starts in earnest.


    What about the Russians? If they feel irremediably threatened by the rise of Eurabia, and Uncle Sam decides to take a snooze it’ll all be over in a weekend. France and Great Britain, the nuclear armed countries, will be left alone, but they will conform in their way to the new order. America is in the eight decade of propping up the boutique continent and its lotus-eater babies, while we suffer. If we give up the task, Europe as we know it may not last long.

  16. Thank you for taking such a brave stand.

    We need to separate method from goal.

    I agree with Anders Behring Brievik on his goals.

    I would not choose his methods, but cannot disprove them, so I remain neutral.

    For this stance, I’ve apparently lost some friends and undoubtedly, readers; however, I really detest cowardice — especially when we’re talking about words on the page.

    Heck, in one column, I called Brievik brave because he’s out there shooting, and I’m here typing. As you can imagine, I don’t feel great about that, although something tells me I’m a better writer than shooter.

    When we pull the temporary drama over the dead aside — American media will forget this almost as quickly as Norwegian media — Breivik took an important stand: he said that multiculturalism is destructive.

    That alone should make us nod with approval.

    We should not let our enemies browbeat us into cowardice on this issue. We do not have to approve of his actions, but we also do not have to repudiate him. We can approve of his ideas and express ambivalence about his actions.

    He may be right, after all, like Kaczynski alleges he was. It may require violent acts to bring attention to these ideas, since all but a few of our fellow citizens are too drugged on personal megalomania to pay any attention to ideas.

    I hope not — but hopes are not reality. We should celebrate Breivik’s manifesto and sweep the rest under the rug, not because it’s shameful but because ultimately, it’s irrelevant.

  17. Now that I have read this subsequent article, I understand why you mentioned John Brown of “anti-3/5ths of a person” fame.

    I believe Breivik to be an MK-Ultra, as John deNugent wrote over at his blog. Such an ‘easy’ means of dispatching White Europeans, AND setting off a bomb in Oslo, could not be done by ONE MAN ALONE. I’ve written of this over at my blog, for what it’s worth.

    However, the REACTION of European, British, and American Whites over these killings, in the wake of the Oslo Rape Stats, the British ‘race battles’ and the ‘State Fair beat a white’ mobs, clearly are causing many, many, MANY Whites to say, ‘It could happen…. to me!’

    And when that ‘Damascus moment’ arrives, as a fellow Orthodox cleric has written to me, ‘I will not stop to use a gun to defend my own, even if it means my defrocking.’

    With the example of St. Nicholas striking Arius in A.D. 325, and the entire populace of Constantinople fighting the Turk in 1453, I don’t think it need come to that. Did not the O.T. Church have a trowel in one hand, and a sword in the other, when they rebuilt the Temple in their own ‘green and pleasant land,’ as chronicled in the books of Ezra and Nehemaiah? They did. Remember the Gates of Vienna, the Expulsion of 1492 in Spain, Roncevalles, the Expulsion of the Jews in EVERY COUNTRY THEY EVER RESIDED IN, in Europe… Washington and Franklin’s prophecies?

    Clearly, just as “Rome was for the Romans” (Britten’s Opera, Rape of Lucretia), Europe is for Christendom’s inhabitants, and America is for [White] Americans.

    As it has ALWAYS been.

    Let us go and do likewise, for the Restoration of Christendom.

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