Now Playing: Luther (2003)


Here’s one of my favorite movies. This is “Occidental Dissent” in action:

I can’t exaggerate how much of a formative influence this movie had on my political views. Today, we live under the Universal Church of Political Correctness, and you can choose to be either a heretic who follows your conscience, or someone who prostrates themselves before the moral authority of worthless eunuchs like Roger Cohen.

The embers of Protestantism are burning in Northern Europe still … outside the Universal Church of Political Correctness, there is salvation.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Luther had courage but his doctrine destroyed the West. Once you make the meanings of words a personal thing, those with the strongest ethnic identity remaining will win. That will of course be the Jews. Who are in fact winning. Luther wasn’t talking to the Jews, he was talking with the Jews against the West.

    I know this isn’t popular but I fucking hate Luther and I sincerely hope he is rotting in hell.

  2. Luther had plenty of things to say about the Jews.

    As I see it, the problem is that we have allowed ourselves to get in the habit of blindly yielding to authority, especially to the authority of the Inquisition that has been erected over us, which punishes us with excommunication for heresy against its doctrines, instead of following our reason and conscience.

    A real Protestant believes that God will judge you in Heaven, not pathetic little eunuchs in the mold of Roger Cohen.

  3. The SPLC is the modern day equivalent of the Inquisition. Morris Dees and Mark Potok work up there in a black pyramid just as fabulous as St. Peter’s in Rome surrounded by shrines and relics.

    A donation to the SPLC to “fight hate” is just like an indulgence. As Tetzel famously said, “when a coin in the coffer rings, a soul from purgatory rings.”

  4. “German money for the German church.”

    I love historical analogies. You know, the Reformation was just as much a tax revolt as a spiritual movement. The fiscal burden on Germany of propping up Roman Catholicism was becoming unbearable. Indulgences was the spark that light the match – centuries of resentment was ignited in one big spectacular bonfire.

    As Luther famously said, “German money in violation of nature flies over the Alps. The pastors given to us are shepherds in name only. They care for nothing but fleece and batten on the sins of the people.”

    It sounds a lot like the “social compact” that Chris Matthews was talking about on Hardball last night. The money of White Americans flies from Kansas and North Dakota to Washington and from there to the black holes via the route of Great Society programs or to Wall Street via Obama’s bailout.

    This whole rotten system allows worthless eunuchs like Roger Cohen to write for the New York Times and people like Morris Dees to live in a mansion and make over $300,000 a year.

    “This is your passport to the celestial temple of Heaven.”

    Squandering trillions of dollars on black people to fight poverty, living under obvious lies, censoring our thoughts and behavior, putting up with programs that don’t work and tolerating the destruction of schools and cities.

    Another critical factor in the Reformation was the invention of the printing press – new media technology – which allowed Luther’s ideas to “go viral” and break the media of that time. That created an explosive backlash against Rome.

  5. I really hope that this blog isn’t becoming one of those archtypical anti-Catholic spots that seem so common in the white racialist sphere… Many self-described “white nationalists” do not like Italians to begin with, or at least see them as somewhat less than white. So in my case, that’s already one strike against me. Second, I’m Catholic. While I believe that religious faith and how one reconciles it with his life is to be a very private thing, it still gets under my skin every time I hear Protestants bash the Catholic church. As if Protestants aren’t every bit as guilty of the money-grubbing, non-white-pandering, hypocritical, cheating, megalomaniac absolutism of which they always accuse Catholicism…

  6. Listen, let’s just put down our Bibles for a second. Let’s talk sense. We know certain things:

    1. Everyone gets their own meaning from words.
    2. Luther fetishized this fact.
    3. Rendering Truth secondary to feelings.
    4. Diluting ethnicity, meaning and motive to an almost individual level.
    5. Leaving the last remaining argument of anyone who cares about Western Civilization or those who built it to the argument least attractive to the vast majority of whites: skin color.
    6. Which leads to people watching the remnants of civilization disappear unable to act because because we have no common motive. Just 7 million cargo cults. And skin color. All that’s left that we can agree upon is skin color. And as we see it’s not even remotely enough. It is the thinnest of arguments, but it appears the last thing left too obvious to decide for yourself. But we cannot fetishize individual truth and at the same time expect people to adopt ours. If Luther is the man, than we have no right to stop anyone from being Luther, except force. Which is mighty Catholic, ain’t it?
    7. There are Truths greater than skin color that used to be accepted by Whites, and there always will be. These have been filled in by the religion of the multicult, seeded by Luther (many truths, not one Truth, the more truths the better).

    The idea, like in HAC’s books, that a bunch of whites are going to live together and worship different Gods and yet conclude the same things about the nature of Government and white people is really the biggest pile of horseshit out there. And it’s dry as a bone. Dry as the desert. The epitome of multicult homage. The beauty of the future lies in homogeneity of belief, respect of the spiritual quality and nature of words maintaining the stability of meaning, by maintaining stability of who God is. I rest on Whiteness because ultimately that is what Whites will create. Culture and society based on principle other than diversity being strength, from the definition of God on down.

  7. Chris,

    I’ve never been anti-Catholic or anti-Italian. I am anti-PC.

    It just so happens that the Universal Church of Political Correctness has adopted some of the forms of the Catholic Church while jettisoning its substance.

  8. Spooky,

    Luther was the founder of the German nation. You can hardly say that he “diluted” ethnicity. It was Luther who laid the foundation for ethnonationalism in Europe.

  9. Surely not Chris.
    I’m a Catholic also but that does not stop me from admiring Luther immensely.I doubt if he was a very likable man but,uncontestably, one of the towering figures of White civilization.

    The modern world,at least until recently,would be unthinkable without Luther.

  10. “The modern world,at least until recently,would be unthinkable without Luther.”

    Agreed. And what is the sine qua non of the modern world? Jewish tripe and lies. Aside from all the great toys, that is.

  11. “Another critical factor in the Reformation was the invention of the printing press – new media technology – which allowed Luther’s ideas to “go viral” and break the media of that time. That created an explosive backlash against Rome.”

    Luther’s works, accounted for no less than one third of all German-lanuage books sold between 1518 and 1525. Most people at the time were monoglut as Latin was a language for scholars, so his impact of German society and nationality cannot be underplayed.

    Speaking of technological developments, during this time revolutions in monetary currency and banking were made.
    Banking as we know it now started during this period. We’re seeing the same thing happen now with new forms of internet currency, it started with E-Gold but now BitCoin is closer to what will be a successful model. A true digital currency beyond government control.

    Without control over the monetary supply robbery becomes much more difficult, whether by government or by a black man (the most likely assailant). The weakest link in modern encryption is the person who knows the password, so people who are productive will do their best to keep themselves physically safe because the money will protect itself. Government programs, including entitlements and wars, will not be possible without their money. If only for this reason alone, the future needs a white nation state with all of the virtues of whiteness intact.

    And make no mistake, it will not be “Corporations” that reap most of the profit or have the control. This shift is already underway as larger corporations that too immobile are being bled out. What keeps most of them alive is ties to large governments. Lobbying not selling keeps the machine rolling. A smaller venture cannot afford the costs of politically correct diversity.

  12. “You can hardly say that he “diluted” ethnicity.”

    Sure, but the doctrine of every man defines God for himself leaves itself open to all kinds of mischief. Kind of like reading the Constitution without original intent — you can come up with whatever you want.

    I mean come on! Dual covenant theology? It has all become meaningless. Leaving us grasping at nothing but the last straw — skin color. Was it bound to end any different?

  13. I acknowledge that Luther himself had admirable qualities, but I can’t believe you actually like the Luther movie. I only saw part of it, but it was such transparent propaganda! Tetzel may have been a shyster, but even Wikipedia quotes, at length, a historian who explains that the theology of his couplet is dubious even from the Catholic perspective.

    Also, technology may be helping our cause, but don’t you think the printing press–which enabled the propagation of simplistic propaganda as well as rigorous theological treatises–is more like Facebook and Twitter, which merely intensify the fanaticism of DEMOCRACY!-wailing soundbite liberals?

    And you actually compare the Renaissance Church to the SPLC? There was corruption and spiritual laxity (unfortunately the reformers did not gain ascendancy until after Luther’s schism; the zealot Savonarola may be of particular interest, as Francis Parker Yockey praises him a few times in Imperium), but do you really equate orthodoxy with political correctness? That sounds just like the antinomian attitude of May 1968! I am wholly opposed to the liberal order propped up by fear of being politically incorrect, but if we do not have a vision of a better orthodoxy to replace it, we have nothing but a negative movement, since race is one of the bases of a healthy society, but not the end for which it exists.

  14. Chris,I’m half Sicilian,half Scot-Irish.What a combination,either looking for revenge or a war to fight in.

  15. You should probably drop this whole “Protestantism”-angle since it is the Protestant countries that tend to be the most politically-correct and pro-immigration. One of the few Christian leaders in Europe who has had the courage to criticize Muslims has been the current Pope who is, of course, a non-Protestant.

  16. There is little difference between the Protestant and Catholic countries. They’re all parroting the same gospel of political correctness, multiculturalism, and human rights. Even the Pope himself does it.

    One last thing: the point of this post was not to start a debate about Catholicism. The people who are trying to start a debate about that topic have completely missed the point.

    Insofar as I played this video, it was to show that the eunuchs who control the West today have adopted some very recognizable Catholic forms, even if the content of their doctrine is completely different.

    I have not said their doctrine is Catholicism. Quite the opposite. Just look at Spain and Italy. Two countries on their deathbed.

  17. Crusader88 says:

    “…but if we do not have a vision of a better orthodoxy to replace it, we have nothing but a negative movement, since race is one of the bases of a healthy society, but not the end for which it exists.”

    Amen, bro.

  18. HW,

    I think I shall make these two analogies — the significance of the Tarpeian Rock and the social origins of the Protestant revolution — cornerstones of my discourse when speaking with the backward. They’re always amazed by poignant examples from history, just indirect enough to not set off their heresy alarm. In this respect your blog is a goldmine of “soft” rhetorical angles.

  19. White people are more outbred – northern europeans more so than the south but both much more so than elsewhere. It’s biology not religion. Luther didn’t dilute ethno-centrism (in the clannish extended family sense). Out-breeding diluted ethno-centrism and that led to Luther.

    The dilution of low-level instinctive ethno-centricity from close blood-ties created the possibility for national scales of co-operation which required idealogies that were better suited to that scale i.e. nationalism. Protestantism provided the break from Catholicism and the associated divine right of kings which paved the way for nation-states and an ethno-centricity based on the *idea* of blood-ties.

    Out-breeding creates the ability to co-operate on a larger scale. Because the blood-ties are weaker at that scale the price of that higher level of co-operation is greater reliance on idealogy as the glue that holds society together. That reliance on idealogy is a weakness as it can be hijacked but it’s the price of that higher level of organisation.

    There’s no way back – not without everyone marrying their cousins for a dozen generations. For the time being Liberalism is part of whiteness.

  20. “the social origins of the Protestant revolution”

    The same as the civil rights movement. How’s that been workin’ out for you?

  21. “The same as the civil rights movement. How’s that been workin’ out for you?”

    Sure. My point is there’s nothing can be done about it. People becoming more ideal-centric over ethno-centric is a biological consequence of out-breeding and you have to work with the grain of people as they are. The way to get ideal-centric people to be ethno-centric is through *ideas* of ethnicity e.g. the southern cultural stuff.

  22. The same as the civil rights movement. How’s that been workin’ out for you?

    The point is shifting the perspective of those addressed from a black example to a European one. Nothing more. We’re aware of the consequences of Luther’s doctrines. Anyone who has read Nietzsche, or some better authority, will be. No need to preach at me or anyone here about it.

  23. The dilution of low-level instinctive ethno-centricity from close blood-ties created the possibility for national scales of co-operation which required idealogies that were better suited to that scale i.e. nationalism.

    This is where you shine, Wandrin. You’re so precise. But no one else seems to have noticed that you dispose of the viability of nationalism in one sentence.

    There’s no way back – not without everyone marrying their cousins for a dozen generations. For the time being Liberalism is part of whiteness.

    Excellent. If only I had some hot cousins to marry, I surely would.

    One matter I’ve been meaning to raise with you, if you see this. I think it was on MR that you linked to some PDF listing worldwide inbreeding coefficients. I saw that the latter are about as low in Latin America as North. I expected them to be much higher, with their huge families and the importance of one’s primos to that culture. Do you suppose it’s because they’re Catholic?

  24. uh

    “But no one else seems to have noticed that you dispose of the viability of nationalism in one sentence.”

    I’d say the exact opposite. I think Fukuyama is right except that it only applies to ethno-states.

    The most efficient form of human organisation is a maximally homogenous but at the same time maximally exogamous nation state i.e. where the citizens are all related to each other but are all *equally* related to each other. That scenario maximizes voluntary co-operation and maximizing voluntary co-operation will maximize surplus. The higher the average IQ the higher the increase in surplus per unit of co-operativeness.

    Jews are a good example except they take it too far because a diaspora population requires an unhealthy amount of group cohesion.

    “One matter I’ve been meaning to raise with you, if you see this. I think it was on MR that you linked to some PDF listing worldwide inbreeding coefficients. I saw that the latter are about as low in Latin America as North. I expected them to be much higher, with their huge families and the importance of one’s primos to that culture. Do you suppose it’s because they’re Catholic?”

    Catholicism is the most likely explanation for european out-breeding as the Catholic church banned first-cousin marriage. For some reason northern europeans were stricter about applying it hence the out-breeding effect happening there earlier hence Protestantism etc. (Modern Catholics aren’t like historical ones for the same reason imo but it was time delayed because there was some other factor in the north that made them more stricter about applying the rule.)

    As to the data. I’d have to look to see if there were any patterns. Bear in mind the changes in America since 1965 and the massive infusion of much more inbred people from the third world shifting the average downwards.

    Say the northern european average was 1, southern european 2 and elsewhere average was 10. A population that started 80% northern euro and 20% southern euro would have an average of 1.2. If it then changes so that it’s 40% northern, 10% southern and 50% elsewhere the average would be 5.6 even though there’s no change within the individual composite populations.

  25. uh
    “But no one else seems to have noticed that you dispose of the viability of nationalism in one sentence.”

    Feel like repeating just how much i believe the opposite is true.

    I think the current total carrying capacity of the planet is highly dependent on the points i just mentioned and the people who think they can destroy white America and that somehow there’ll inherit something good don’t yet realise how wrong they are.

    If they succeed in destroying white America the total carrying capacity of the planet will plummet dramatically over the course of a few decades and billions will starve. I don’t expect them to care about that even if they believed it but it’s an indication of how much differential surplus i think there is between a highly exogamous but homogenous population (blessed with a continent like North America as raw materials) and the surplus possible from the disaster of diversity even with exactly the same raw materials.

  26. “but it’s an indication of how much differential surplus i think there is between a highly exogamous but homogenous population (blessed with a continent like North America as raw materials)”

    Quoting myself and maybe over-stressing the point but America managed to create the surplus it did despite being only semi-homogenous. If demographics had stopped in 1924 and the American population then become more homogenous as a nation while retaining the level of exogamy then i think in this alternate 2010 there’d be a star trek style space station orbiting the earth and a permanent colony on the moon.

    These are just indications of how big i believe the differential in surplus would be.

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