To: Mark Steyn

National Review

The key to understanding Anders Breivik is that he measured himself as a man against the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights.

What would a Templar Knight do in this situation? I’m quite sure that Breivik wrestled with the question and followed it to the logical conclusion.

Do you know who Breivik didn’t measure himself against? The gelded little eunuchs in BRA’s media like Roger Cohen, these disgusting little cultural termites, who really are eunuchs and traitors and worms who are only fit to be thrown off the digital equivalent of the Tarpeian Rock.

Killing them is a complete waste of time. No one believes their bullshit anymore. Ridiculing them, labeling them for what they really are, and mocking them relentlessly will suffice as a solution to destroy their legitimacy – if conservatives would only do that, then men like Anders Breivik wouldn’t be forced to resort to more desperate measures.

Let’s take a page out of Breivik’s book and measure ourselves against the great men of the past. Why not start with the greatest man in Western history, Caesar Augustus:

His first act: Augustus cleaned out the Augean stables.

Is Caesar Augustus a moral monster?  Well yes, if you subscribe to BRA’s progressive morality, and BRA’s historical narrative that Barney Frank represents “progress” and Jesse Jackson is our “moral evangel,” then Caesar Augustus was a dictator and a moral monster for purging the establishment of his time, as are virtually all the great men of Western history.

Watch that video. I’m telling you it is great. See especially how Augustus denounced his rival Mark Anthony as an Egyptian who was no longer a Roman. Such moral clarity. That is the epitome of conservative leadership in action.

Under BRA and Eurabia, which are ruled by eunuchs like Roger Cohen and Gordon Brown, greatness is impossible. We are suffocating under leaders like Barack Hussein Obama – a mere community organizer – who don’t even rise to the level of mediocrity.

What about George Washington? I can think of all kinds of objections. George Washington was a traitor. He was a slaveowner. He slaughtered Indians. He discriminated against women. The Continental Army practiced the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

Here is my favorite. This one is most applicable to you.

What about Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms? A morally upright man following his conscience – the greatest reformer in Western history, founder of Protestantism – or a “violent extremist” and a fanatic creating a climate of hate? The SPLC would have certainly condemned Luther and found even more faults with his writings than the Inquisition.

We are growing weary of pretending that Chinua Achebe belongs in Great Books class with Dante or that Barack Hussein Obama is a real president like George Washington. The burden of going along with BRA’s all consuming fantasy ideology and sticking to its predestined script has become unbearable.

Anders Breivik was absolutely right that Cultural Marxism is destroying Western civilization. NO MORE FIDDLING WHILE ROME AMERICA BURNS.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter writes: “Greg’s opposition to Christianity is rooted in its ‘homophobia.'”

    That’s untrue, and Hunter just made it up on the spot as a way of introducing dirty insinuations. Brazen indifference to truth bundled with smears. He just can’t control himself.

  2. Greg,

    You are making a historical argument: Christians took their philosophy and theology to its logical conclusion, which is why anti-racism triumphed in the United States, which is why we must “attack” Christianity.

    This is just another one of your foolish ideas that reveals your gross ignorance of the subject. Did the Calvinist Jim Crow South pioneer anti-racism? Apartheid South Africa?


    Jesus said nothing about “racism.” The church fathers said nothing about “racism.” No one believed that “racism” was a sin – much less the worst sin you can commit – until communists started making that argument in the twentieth century. The very term “racism” didn’t even appear in America until the 1930s.

    Why didn’t God inscribe “thou shall not be a racist” in the Ten Commandments?

    “Racism” is a sin in much the same way that “nativism” and “xenophobia” and “homophobia” and “sexism” and now something as ridiculous as “heterocentricity” are called sins today.

    None of this is derived from the Christian tradition. Because if that were the case, this matter would have been settled over a 1,000 years ago, not 50 years ago.

    On the contrary, the roots of this sickness can be can be traced to Marxism, a secular anti-Christian fantasy ideology, and the way in which Marxism was mainstreamed in the aftermath of the Second World War.

    The occasion of that was the Second World War and the revulsion against Adolf Hitler’s atrocities in Europe. That is why we can put a date on the taboo against “racism” – 1945.

  3. One can work with lukewarm or confused Christians, or people who are racists first and Christians second.

    Don’t you think we should know which Christians are racists first, and which ones are our real enemies, the latter who will get the privilege of a starring role in a very realistic re-enactment of the Passion? LOL. If anything, joining a church is good recon intelligence.

  4. Judaism is an ethnocentric religion. Racism is just a form of ethnocentrism. Christianity is a universalistic religion. Paul, who is part of the Bible and therefore part of Christianity, makes it clear that the differences of blood and nation make no difference once one enters into the universal brotherhood of the Church. Christianity is therefore anti-ethnocentric, anti-xenophobic, and anti-“racist” — even if “racism” was not a word at the time.

    This means that all men can share heaven. Now, if a black Christian is good enough to share heaven with, on what grounds is he not good enough to share your neighborhood, water fountain, or city bus? On what grounds can you deny that he can enter holy matrimony, one of the sacraments of the church, with your sister or daughter?

  5. “and the way in which Marxism was mainstreamed in the aftermath of the Second World War.”

    That is correct and here is statistical proof to back it up:

    Racism Usage

    Funny how fighting “racism”, also coincides with a proliferation of racially targeted jokes, about white people with blonde hair.

    Bimbo vs Dumb Blonde Usage

    Cultural Marxists are thoroughly unpleasant people. We must have zero tolerance for them.

  6. That viddy clip about Augusrus Caesar – it’s nice to see him being appreciated, at last. He’s usually depicted as a total affete scumbag – cause every-one is in raptures of Antony and Cleopatra. They were NOT that fabulous, after all. Augustes went on to become one of THE greatest heros of all time. Alas – he was married to the nefarious Livia. Uh oh.

  7. One of the things that makes Christianity different from Judaism is the rejection of Jewish enthnocentrism. Jesus claims that one fulfills the law by loving God and loving one’s neighbor as oneself. Well, that last part is basically a rejection of everything ethnocentric in Judaism, and much of the Jewish law is designed precisely to create barriers between Jews and their neighbors.

  8. Greg said:

    ‘Say that you are a devout Christian, and your daughter wants to marry a devout Black Nigerian Christian. You now have a conflict between blood-based values and Christian universal values.”

    You mean like ethnic Irish Catholic enclaves in Boston allowing their daughters to marry blacks? Wouldn’t happen. Didn’t happen. Order was maintained through serious ass kickings. Fine with me.

    Genetic biodiversity didn’t used to be at odds with the Church, and it shouldn’t be. It creates strife and zero rewards.

  9. They weren’t being bad Christians when for 1800 years it was accepted that people were different.

  10. Greg,

    Who cares about the pure Christian doctrine? Treat churches as institutions of men, which can be “corrupted” one way or the other. There’s a lot of white people going to those churches. We are stupid to cede these human all too human institutions.

    Did crypto-Jews who became cardinals do that? Did Father Otto Katz of the Good Soldier Svejk actually believe that stuff? No! Of course not. Christian institutions are very powerful, and we should be joinfiltrating them and challenging the direction of their doctrines and practices from within (if you can stomach it).

    Look, to succeed we have to do things that are distasteful to us, and not ideologically pure. Duh — look at hwo the Jews did it! We can’t sit on our ivory towers, impoverished and childless but “pure.” We need to get down and dirty and fight and make money and have lots of White children.

    Here’s a “Christian wingnut” who homeschooled 5 white kids, all who became doctors, veterinarians, scientists and businessmen. This guy is my idea of how we must fight — Art Robinson is a textbook “mindweapon.” See his interview with Rachel Maddow on yotuube.

  11. Greg,

    Who cares about the pure Christian doctrine? Treat churches as institutions of men, which can be “corrupted” one way or the other. There’s a lot of white people going to those churches. We are stupid to cede these human all too human institutions.

    Did crypto-Jews who became cardinals do that? Did Father Otto Katz of the Good Soldier Svejk actually believe that stuff? No! Of course not. Christian institutions are very powerful, and we should be joinfiltrating them and challenging the direction of their doctrines and practices from within (if you can stomach it).

    Look, to succeed we have to do things that are distasteful to us, and not ideologically pure. Duh — look at hwo the Jews did it! We can’t sit on our ivory towers, impoverished and childless but “pure.” We need to get down and dirty and fight and make money and have lots of White children.

    Here’s a “Christian wingnut” who homeschooled 5 white kids, all who became doctors, veterinarians, scientists and businessmen.

    This guy is my idea of how we must fight — Art Robinson is a textbook “mindweapon.” See his interview with Rachel Maddow on yotuube.

  12. In New England, the American colonists saw themselves as the new Israelites in the wilderness, which explains their treatment of the Indians, who found themselves cast as savages in the role of the Caananites; the very term “racial purity” has Puritan roots.

    Christianity explains the conquest of the North American continent by Anglo-Protestants. As it happens, Christianity also empowered the Spanish to conquer Latin America and build Mexico on the ruins of the Aztec Empire.

    Greg’s ignorance of history is shocking.

    The Christian West ruled Europe, repulsed the Saracens, Turks, and Mongols, conquered and settled the Americas, built vast empires in Africa and Asia. It is the post-Christian West that is dying. God wanted his people to multiply – which they still do in Mormon Utah, as in Colonial America.

    The West is dying most spectacularly in cesspools like San Francisco and Britain which have strayed the furthest from Christianity. Insofar as there are elements in America that are resistant to this sickness, they are largely Christian, and that is because the religion of leftists is Cultural Marxism, which will always be at war with Christianity.

    In the Bible, you can find everything from ethnic cleansing to slavery to patricide, which was practiced in the West in some form or another right down until modern times.

    Again, if Greg’s theory had any merit to it, history would have played out in exactly the opposite way; the Christian West would have been the spiritual black hole, the post-Christian West – under the tutelage of secular philosophers like Greg Johnson – would be a thriving racialist utopia.

    Where did these terms like racism, ethnocentrism, sexism, nativism and so forth come from? The sickness came from the universities, which are populated by secular leftists where people like Greg are employed, who are the clergy of the Universal Church of Political Correctness.

    Again, we must ask ourselves the obvious question: if Colonial Americans saw a contradiction between racialism and their faith, why did they build the most racist society in history? The answer, of course, is that ever since Augustine real Christians have believed that you can’t build a heaven on earth.

    It is secular leftists like Greg who believe you can build a heaven on earth. It was Karl Marx, a Jewish atheist, who sowed the whirlwind of anti-racism. “Racism,” you see, was something that got in the way of his class war, his utopia.

    Once again, Greg’s theory is clearly false, as any historical test will show. “Racism” is strongly associated with Christianity. The “anti-racist” movement was pioneered by secular leftists, the communist vanguard, not St. Paul, which is why “anti-racism” didn’t triumph until after WW2.

  13. Kievsky, good luck to you. There is nothing we need more than a Racial Reformation of the Church, and only practicing Christians can provide it.

    The Churches have always been willing to compromise with the Zeitgeist because ultimately their kingdom is not of this world. Once a racialist Zeitgeist re-emerges, we will hear less and less about Christian anti-racism.

    But if we get that genie back in the bottle, we will always have to be eternally vigilant, lest it escape again. Because Christian universalism is, in fact, opposed to racialism and thus will always pose a danger.

  14. Gosh…

    I just received this communication–:

    I hope counterterrorism police locate you and execute you upon raiding your apartment. You are a waist of oxygen and food. You are evil and misguided. You shall discover whether eternal damnation is real. You shall suffer forever as you are suffering now unless you let go of the hate within you.

    –at the same time that my stats page says that some people are reading my blog thru cache pages. Is my blog available in the States? Just curious…

  15. Gotta love the anti-hate squads.

    Yes, I get your blog here in the States.

    Great link earlier, by the way. Much to digest there.

  16. One of the things that makes Christianity different from Cultural Marxism is that Christian America conquered the North American continent, penned the Indians in Oklahoma, and built the most racialist society in world history, the United States of America.

    Back when Yale, Princeton, and Harvard were Christian, they were racialist. Now that Yale, Princeton, and Harvard are Cultural Marxist, which is to say after WW2, they are anti-racist.

    Jesus Christ never said a word about “racism.” Neither did St. Augustine or St. Thomas Aquinas or Martin Luther or John Calvin.

    In Carl Schmitt’s books, which Greg loves so much, Schmitt himself says that the reason Christians waged the Crusades is because non-Christians were outside the scope of Christian international law. The Americas, for example, were a free space that could be readily conquered.

    It was the Pope who divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. The Indians and Muslims were not considered “your neighbor.” I suppose that made him an “imperialist” and a “racist,” LOL.

    It was under the banner of Christian Spain that Cortez destroyed the Aztec Empire.

  17. Hunter, I have already answered all of this. The Christians you cite were merely bad Christians, who based their actions on motives other than the teachings of Jesus and Paul. But you know that. You are merely grandstanding to mouth-breathing morons and arguing in bad faith.

  18. Greg,

    Is it not true that the universities, which are populated by secular leftist professors, who see themselves as evangels of Cultural Marxism, were they not the first institutions that were captured and began to wage war against the West?

  19. But see, Greg’s just another Luther, is he not? Do we let him go so he and his acolytes can slaughter the “universalist” Christians and defecate on their altars in the name of racial sovereignty or do we burn him at the stake? Indeed, we must let him go, further fracturing the West.

  20. One more question: If Hitler is the reason why racism and xenophobia were under attack post 1945, does that mean that they were not under attack pre-1945?

  21. No.

    Cultural Marxism is a spiritual disease. It is a secular fantasy ideology – the religion of most White liberals. Anyone who says that only Jews are “Cultural Marxists” is a liar.

    If you read the New York Times, you will find that Roger Cohen is a Cultural Marxist, but so is Nicholas Kristof. There are Cultural Marxists who are Jews and Gentiles. As Breivik said, they are equally traitors to the West.

  22. If Hitler is the reason why racism and xenophobia were under attack post 1945, does that mean that they were not under attack pre-1945?

    Wasn’t “racism” (the word) coined from the French in 1936 or so? I’d have to look it up.

    In my view, liberalism itself opposes any kind of genetic hierarchy. 1789 is what ensured the West would become anti-racist.

    For this reason, I say we fight liberalism into the ground before we worry about anything else.

  23. As a former Christian and as a former counter-jihadist (I belonged exactly to the same school of thought that ABB mentions, the “Vienna School”) I agree with Greg’s views on Christianity in this thread. I am even tempted to collect them for another blog entry.

    Nietzsche’s umwertuung aller werte can only be accomplished by repudiating both Christianity and neo-Christianity (secular liberalism).

  24. Chechar,

    Do you think that the Vienna School is a Jewish intellectual movement as Kevin MacDonald defines it, namely an ideology couched in universalistic terms that preserves and advances Jewish ethnic interests and through its universalism coopts non-Jews into advancing Jewish ethnic interests?

  25. Kievsky – thank you for this:

    “Kievsky says:
    July 27, 2011 at 8:04 pm
    One can work with lukewarm or confused Christians, or people who are racists first and Christians second.

    Don’t you think we should know which Christians are racists first, and which ones are our real enemies, the latter who will get the privilege of a starring role in a very realistic re-enactment of the Passion? LOL. If anything, joining a church is good recon intelligence.”

    My week has been very difficult – and this gave me my first real chuckle. I guess I have grown mean enough to PRAY I live to see the petards hoisted high…

  26. Chechar,

    Do you think that the Vienna School is a Jewish intellectual movement as Kevin MacDonald defines it, namely an ideology couched in universalistic terms that preserves and advances Jewish ethnic interests and through its universalism coopts non-Jews into advancing Jewish ethnic interests?

    All depends of what we understand by “Vienna School.”

    I looked at all the Wikipedia pages on that name and my educated guess (correct me if I am wrong) is that ABB refers to none of them but to the intellectuals at Gates of Vienna (Fjordman and Baron Bodyssey among others).

    Fjordie claims to be of pure Norwegian origin. The “Baron” is a pure white American who lives in Virginia. Is GoV a Jewish intellectual movement? To answer it I would say that:

    1) It must be ascertained if Fjordie and Conservative Swede are telling the truth that they are of pure Scandinavian ancestry, and

    2) I don’t know if half-Jew Takuan Seiyo is mentioned or if he has influenced ABB’s writings.

    If Swede and Fjordie are not lying, GoV still could be a sort of “Jewish” intellectual movement if one takes Albert Lindemann’s definition of Judaized gentiles, as explained with several examples in his Esau’s Tears.

    One thing is certain: all of these “Vienna” guys are willfully blind about the JQ (cf our long exchange last month).

  27. I have to agree with Greg on this one. His logic is airtight and he even quotes scripture. Christianity can be a very powerful and postive influence on homogenous cultures, but in a multi-cultural/racial environment it destroys ethnocentrism. I am a Christian, but I am not sure it was Christianity that drove the West. Certainly it didn’t hinder it. Edward Gibbon gives Christianity as one of the chief causes for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

  28. “Edward Gibbon gives Christianity as one of the chief causes for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.”

    Not defending Christianity, but that Edward Gibbon is talking nonsense.

    What do all civilizations that went down and stayed down for good, have in common? Brown people living in the ruins.

    They brought in non-whites as slaves or cheap labor and mixed in with them. Rome ran out of Romans, just as America is running out of Americans.

    South Africa used to have a space and atomic energy program, until they were outnumbered and conquered by the blacks, they used as cheap labor. South Africa will never have anything like that again, unless a new white separatist state is created. South Africa is America’s future, unless whites wake up and harden up.

  29. And this goes further back than Christianity or Jews. There were no Jews when whites ruled India and they still browned out.

  30. So, Jews work to destroy Christianity because it’s the root of multiculturalism and multiracialism and race-blindness.

    Got it. Thanks for the brilliant analysis guys.

  31. Ethnopatriots should read what the Kinists have to say before they bloviate on Christianity. There’s a reason multiculturalists and anti-Christian ethnopatriots both pretend the Old Testament doesn’t exist.

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